Glossary and Vocabulary for Ritual Procedures of the Great Yoga Secret Mind-Ground Dharma Teaching of the Diamond Pinnacle Sutra 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 250 zhě ca 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
2 212 děng et cetera; and so on 行等自他利行
3 212 děng to wait 行等自他利行
4 212 děng to be equal 行等自他利行
5 212 děng degree; level 行等自他利行
6 212 děng to compare 行等自他利行
7 212 děng same; equal; sama 行等自他利行
8 193 ya 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
9 147 jīng to go through; to experience 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
10 147 jīng a sutra; a scripture 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
11 147 jīng warp 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
12 147 jīng longitude 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
13 147 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
14 147 jīng a woman's period 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
15 147 jīng to bear; to endure 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
16 147 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
17 147 jīng classics 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
18 147 jīng to be frugal; to save 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
19 147 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
20 147 jīng a standard; a norm 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
21 147 jīng a section of a Confucian work 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
22 147 jīng to measure 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
23 147 jīng human pulse 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
24 147 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
25 147 jīng sutra; discourse 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
26 146 zhī to go 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
27 146 zhī to arrive; to go 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
28 146 zhī is 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
29 146 zhī to use 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
30 146 zhī Zhi 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
31 146 zhī winding 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
32 133 to use; to grasp 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
33 133 to rely on 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
34 133 to regard 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
35 133 to be able to 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
36 133 to order; to command 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
37 133 used after a verb 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
38 133 a reason; a cause 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
39 133 Israel 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
40 133 Yi 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
41 133 use; yogena 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
42 129 to go; to 於諸頌中復分為二
43 129 to rely on; to depend on 於諸頌中復分為二
44 129 Yu 於諸頌中復分為二
45 129 a crow 於諸頌中復分為二
46 126 yún cloud 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
47 126 yún Yunnan 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
48 126 yún Yun 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
49 126 yún to say 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
50 126 yún to have 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
51 126 yún cloud; megha 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
52 126 yún to say; iti 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
53 119 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
54 119 zhì care; prudence 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
55 119 zhì Zhi 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
56 119 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
57 119 zhì clever 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
58 119 zhì Wisdom 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
59 119 zhì jnana; knowing 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
60 115 wéi to act as; to serve 於中復為
61 115 wéi to change into; to become 於中復為
62 115 wéi to be; is 於中復為
63 115 wéi to do 於中復為
64 115 wèi to support; to help 於中復為
65 115 wéi to govern 於中復為
66 115 wèi to be; bhū 於中復為
67 115 to enter 神一時踊怒不令得入
68 115 Kangxi radical 11 神一時踊怒不令得入
69 115 radical 神一時踊怒不令得入
70 115 income 神一時踊怒不令得入
71 115 to conform with 神一時踊怒不令得入
72 115 to descend 神一時踊怒不令得入
73 115 the entering tone 神一時踊怒不令得入
74 115 to pay 神一時踊怒不令得入
75 115 to join 神一時踊怒不令得入
76 115 entering; praveśa 神一時踊怒不令得入
77 115 entered; attained; āpanna 神一時踊怒不令得入
78 110 zhōng middle 於諸頌中復分為二
79 110 zhōng medium; medium sized 於諸頌中復分為二
80 110 zhōng China 於諸頌中復分為二
81 110 zhòng to hit the mark 於諸頌中復分為二
82 110 zhōng midday 於諸頌中復分為二
83 110 zhōng inside 於諸頌中復分為二
84 110 zhōng during 於諸頌中復分為二
85 110 zhōng Zhong 於諸頌中復分為二
86 110 zhōng intermediary 於諸頌中復分為二
87 110 zhōng half 於諸頌中復分為二
88 110 zhòng to reach; to attain 於諸頌中復分為二
89 110 zhòng to suffer; to infect 於諸頌中復分為二
90 110 zhòng to obtain 於諸頌中復分為二
91 110 zhòng to pass an exam 於諸頌中復分為二
92 110 zhōng middle 於諸頌中復分為二
93 101 ér Kangxi radical 126 德略而不譯
94 101 ér as if; to seem like 德略而不譯
95 101 néng can; able 德略而不譯
96 101 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 德略而不譯
97 101 ér to arrive; up to 德略而不譯
98 99 method; way 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
99 99 France 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
100 99 the law; rules; regulations 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
101 99 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
102 99 a standard; a norm 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
103 99 an institution 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
104 99 to emulate 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
105 99 magic; a magic trick 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
106 99 punishment 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
107 99 Fa 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
108 99 a precedent 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
109 99 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
110 99 relating to a ceremony or rite 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
111 99 Dharma 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
112 99 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
113 99 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
114 99 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
115 99 quality; characteristic 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
116 98 yuē to speak; to say 一門中而為頌曰
117 98 yuē Kangxi radical 73 一門中而為頌曰
118 98 yuē to be called 一門中而為頌曰
119 98 yuē said; ukta 一門中而為頌曰
120 94 xiàng to observe; to assess 初偈頌總相歸讚
121 94 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 初偈頌總相歸讚
122 94 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 初偈頌總相歸讚
123 94 xiàng to aid; to help 初偈頌總相歸讚
124 94 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 初偈頌總相歸讚
125 94 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 初偈頌總相歸讚
126 94 xiāng alternately; in turn 初偈頌總相歸讚
127 94 xiāng Xiang 初偈頌總相歸讚
128 94 xiāng form substance 初偈頌總相歸讚
129 94 xiāng to express 初偈頌總相歸讚
130 94 xiàng to choose 初偈頌總相歸讚
131 94 xiāng Xiang 初偈頌總相歸讚
132 94 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 初偈頌總相歸讚
133 94 xiāng the seventh lunar month 初偈頌總相歸讚
134 94 xiāng to compare 初偈頌總相歸讚
135 94 xiàng to divine 初偈頌總相歸讚
136 94 xiàng to administer 初偈頌總相歸讚
137 94 xiàng helper for a blind person 初偈頌總相歸讚
138 94 xiāng rhythm [music] 初偈頌總相歸讚
139 94 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 初偈頌總相歸讚
140 94 xiāng coralwood 初偈頌總相歸讚
141 94 xiàng ministry 初偈頌總相歸讚
142 94 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 初偈頌總相歸讚
143 94 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 初偈頌總相歸讚
144 94 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 初偈頌總相歸讚
145 94 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 初偈頌總相歸讚
146 94 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 初偈頌總相歸讚
147 92 shì to release; to set free 釋述無量恐繁
148 92 shì to explain; to interpret 釋述無量恐繁
149 92 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋述無量恐繁
150 92 shì to give up; to abandon 釋述無量恐繁
151 92 shì to put down 釋述無量恐繁
152 92 shì to resolve 釋述無量恐繁
153 92 shì to melt 釋述無量恐繁
154 92 shì Śākyamuni 釋述無量恐繁
155 92 shì Buddhism 釋述無量恐繁
156 92 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋述無量恐繁
157 92 pleased; glad 釋述無量恐繁
158 92 shì explain 釋述無量恐繁
159 92 shì Śakra; Indra 釋述無量恐繁
160 91 to reach 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
161 91 to attain 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
162 91 to understand 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
163 91 able to be compared to; to catch up with 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
164 91 to be involved with; to associate with 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
165 91 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
166 91 and; ca; api 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
167 90 suǒ a few; various; some 所堪記持不忘
168 90 suǒ a place; a location 所堪記持不忘
169 90 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所堪記持不忘
170 90 suǒ an ordinal number 所堪記持不忘
171 90 suǒ meaning 所堪記持不忘
172 90 suǒ garrison 所堪記持不忘
173 90 suǒ place; pradeśa 所堪記持不忘
174 86 Qi 而其廣本亦不傳之
175 83 如來 rúlái Tathagata 先十句歸命五分如來
176 83 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 先十句歸命五分如來
177 83 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 先十句歸命五分如來
178 81 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
179 81 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
180 81 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
181 81 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
182 81 金剛 jīngāng diamond 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
183 81 金剛 jīngāng vajra 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
184 77 to be near by; to be close to 訖即滅
185 77 at that time 訖即滅
186 77 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 訖即滅
187 77 supposed; so-called 訖即滅
188 77 to arrive at; to ascend 訖即滅
189 76 wèi to call 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
190 76 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
191 76 wèi to speak to; to address 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
192 76 wèi to treat as; to regard as 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
193 76 wèi introducing a condition situation 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
194 76 wèi to speak to; to address 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
195 76 wèi to think 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
196 76 wèi for; is to be 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
197 76 wèi to make; to cause 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
198 76 wèi principle; reason 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
199 76 wèi Wei 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
200 71 一切 yīqiè temporary 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
201 71 一切 yīqiè the same 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
202 67 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 其印名金剛三昧
203 67 yìn India 其印名金剛三昧
204 67 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 其印名金剛三昧
205 67 yìn a seal; a stamp 其印名金剛三昧
206 67 yìn to tally 其印名金剛三昧
207 67 yìn a vestige; a trace 其印名金剛三昧
208 67 yìn Yin 其印名金剛三昧
209 67 yìn to leave a track or trace 其印名金剛三昧
210 67 yìn mudra 其印名金剛三昧
211 66 yòng to use; to apply 復以真言而用加持言音
212 66 yòng Kangxi radical 101 復以真言而用加持言音
213 66 yòng to eat 復以真言而用加持言音
214 66 yòng to spend 復以真言而用加持言音
215 66 yòng expense 復以真言而用加持言音
216 66 yòng a use; usage 復以真言而用加持言音
217 66 yòng to need; must 復以真言而用加持言音
218 66 yòng useful; practical 復以真言而用加持言音
219 66 yòng to use up; to use all of something 復以真言而用加持言音
220 66 yòng to work (an animal) 復以真言而用加持言音
221 66 yòng to appoint 復以真言而用加持言音
222 66 yòng to administer; to manager 復以真言而用加持言音
223 66 yòng to control 復以真言而用加持言音
224 66 yòng to access 復以真言而用加持言音
225 66 yòng Yong 復以真言而用加持言音
226 66 yòng yong; function; application 復以真言而用加持言音
227 66 yòng efficacy; kāritra 復以真言而用加持言音
228 66 xīn heart [organ] 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
229 66 xīn Kangxi radical 61 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
230 66 xīn mind; consciousness 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
231 66 xīn the center; the core; the middle 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
232 66 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
233 66 xīn heart 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
234 66 xīn emotion 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
235 66 xīn intention; consideration 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
236 66 xīn disposition; temperament 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
237 66 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
238 66 xīn heart; hṛdaya 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
239 66 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
240 65 infix potential marker 德略而不譯
241 62 Kangxi radical 49 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
242 62 to bring to an end; to stop 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
243 62 to complete 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
244 62 to demote; to dismiss 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
245 62 to recover from an illness 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
246 62 former; pūrvaka 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
247 61 xiǎng to think 想嚴身內外
248 61 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 想嚴身內外
249 61 xiǎng to want 想嚴身內外
250 61 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 想嚴身內外
251 61 xiǎng to plan 想嚴身內外
252 61 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 想嚴身內外
253 58 néng can; able 人能開此塔
254 58 néng ability; capacity 人能開此塔
255 58 néng a mythical bear-like beast 人能開此塔
256 58 néng energy 人能開此塔
257 58 néng function; use 人能開此塔
258 58 néng talent 人能開此塔
259 58 néng expert at 人能開此塔
260 58 néng to be in harmony 人能開此塔
261 58 néng to tend to; to care for 人能開此塔
262 58 néng to reach; to arrive at 人能開此塔
263 58 néng to be able; śak 人能開此塔
264 58 néng skilful; pravīṇa 人能開此塔
265 57 shàng top; a high position 義訣卷上
266 57 shang top; the position on or above something 義訣卷上
267 57 shàng to go up; to go forward 義訣卷上
268 57 shàng shang 義訣卷上
269 57 shàng previous; last 義訣卷上
270 57 shàng high; higher 義訣卷上
271 57 shàng advanced 義訣卷上
272 57 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 義訣卷上
273 57 shàng time 義訣卷上
274 57 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 義訣卷上
275 57 shàng far 義訣卷上
276 57 shàng big; as big as 義訣卷上
277 57 shàng abundant; plentiful 義訣卷上
278 57 shàng to report 義訣卷上
279 57 shàng to offer 義訣卷上
280 57 shàng to go on stage 義訣卷上
281 57 shàng to take office; to assume a post 義訣卷上
282 57 shàng to install; to erect 義訣卷上
283 57 shàng to suffer; to sustain 義訣卷上
284 57 shàng to burn 義訣卷上
285 57 shàng to remember 義訣卷上
286 57 shàng to add 義訣卷上
287 57 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 義訣卷上
288 57 shàng to meet 義訣卷上
289 57 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 義訣卷上
290 57 shang used after a verb indicating a result 義訣卷上
291 57 shàng a musical note 義訣卷上
292 57 shàng higher, superior; uttara 義訣卷上
293 56 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 總是融愚入智成等正覺住大菩提法
294 56 zhù to stop; to halt 總是融愚入智成等正覺住大菩提法
295 56 zhù to retain; to remain 總是融愚入智成等正覺住大菩提法
296 56 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 總是融愚入智成等正覺住大菩提法
297 56 zhù verb complement 總是融愚入智成等正覺住大菩提法
298 56 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 總是融愚入智成等正覺住大菩提法
299 55 sòng to praise; to laud; to acclaim 於諸頌中復分為二
300 55 sòng Song; Hymns 於諸頌中復分為二
301 55 sòng a hymn; an ode; a eulogy 於諸頌中復分為二
302 55 sòng a speech in praise of somebody 於諸頌中復分為二
303 55 sòng a divination 於諸頌中復分為二
304 55 sòng to recite 於諸頌中復分為二
305 55 sòng 1. ode; 2. praise 於諸頌中復分為二
306 55 sòng verse; gāthā 於諸頌中復分為二
307 55 普賢 pǔxián Samantabhadra 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
308 54 to go back; to return 於諸頌中復分為二
309 54 to resume; to restart 於諸頌中復分為二
310 54 to do in detail 於諸頌中復分為二
311 54 to restore 於諸頌中復分為二
312 54 to respond; to reply to 於諸頌中復分為二
313 54 Fu; Return 於諸頌中復分為二
314 54 to retaliate; to reciprocate 於諸頌中復分為二
315 54 to avoid forced labor or tax 於諸頌中復分為二
316 54 Fu 於諸頌中復分為二
317 54 doubled; to overlapping; folded 於諸頌中復分為二
318 54 a lined garment with doubled thickness 於諸頌中復分為二
319 54 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 次第令寫
320 54 lìng to issue a command 次第令寫
321 54 lìng rules of behavior; customs 次第令寫
322 54 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 次第令寫
323 54 lìng a season 次第令寫
324 54 lìng respected; good reputation 次第令寫
325 54 lìng good 次第令寫
326 54 lìng pretentious 次第令寫
327 54 lìng a transcending state of existence 次第令寫
328 54 lìng a commander 次第令寫
329 54 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 次第令寫
330 54 lìng lyrics 次第令寫
331 54 lìng Ling 次第令寫
332 54 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 次第令寫
333 54 cóng to follow 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
334 54 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
335 54 cóng to participate in something 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
336 54 cóng to use a certain method or principle 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
337 54 cóng something secondary 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
338 54 cóng remote relatives 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
339 54 cóng secondary 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
340 54 cóng to go on; to advance 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
341 54 cōng at ease; informal 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
342 54 zòng a follower; a supporter 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
343 54 zòng to release 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
344 54 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 我從西國發來度於南海其有大
345 54 míng bright; luminous; brilliant 所持祕密明至已
346 54 míng Ming 所持祕密明至已
347 54 míng Ming Dynasty 所持祕密明至已
348 54 míng obvious; explicit; clear 所持祕密明至已
349 54 míng intelligent; clever; perceptive 所持祕密明至已
350 54 míng to illuminate; to shine 所持祕密明至已
351 54 míng consecrated 所持祕密明至已
352 54 míng to understand; to comprehend 所持祕密明至已
353 54 míng to explain; to clarify 所持祕密明至已
354 54 míng Souther Ming; Later Ming 所持祕密明至已
355 54 míng the world; the human world; the world of the living 所持祕密明至已
356 54 míng eyesight; vision 所持祕密明至已
357 54 míng a god; a spirit 所持祕密明至已
358 54 míng fame; renown 所持祕密明至已
359 54 míng open; public 所持祕密明至已
360 54 míng clear 所持祕密明至已
361 54 míng to become proficient 所持祕密明至已
362 54 míng to be proficient 所持祕密明至已
363 54 míng virtuous 所持祕密明至已
364 54 míng open and honest 所持祕密明至已
365 54 míng clean; neat 所持祕密明至已
366 54 míng remarkable; outstanding; notable 所持祕密明至已
367 54 míng next; afterwards 所持祕密明至已
368 54 míng positive 所持祕密明至已
369 54 míng Clear 所持祕密明至已
370 54 míng wisdom; knowledge; vidyā 所持祕密明至已
371 54 zhì Kangxi radical 133 大海行至海中逢於大風
372 54 zhì to arrive 大海行至海中逢於大風
373 54 zhì approach; upagama 大海行至海中逢於大風
374 53 一切如來 yīqiè rúlái all Tathagatas 為速令成就一切如來轉法輪位故
375 53 zuò to do 爾時我發心念作除災
376 53 zuò to act as; to serve as 爾時我發心念作除災
377 53 zuò to start 爾時我發心念作除災
378 53 zuò a writing; a work 爾時我發心念作除災
379 53 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 爾時我發心念作除災
380 53 zuō to create; to make 爾時我發心念作除災
381 53 zuō a workshop 爾時我發心念作除災
382 53 zuō to write; to compose 爾時我發心念作除災
383 53 zuò to rise 爾時我發心念作除災
384 53 zuò to be aroused 爾時我發心念作除災
385 53 zuò activity; action; undertaking 爾時我發心念作除災
386 53 zuò to regard as 爾時我發心念作除災
387 53 zuò action; kāraṇa 爾時我發心念作除災
388 53 諸佛 zhū fó Buddhas; all Buddhas 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
389 52 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又聞讚聲讚
390 50 míng fame; renown; reputation 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
391 50 míng a name; personal name; designation 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
392 50 míng rank; position 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
393 50 míng an excuse 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
394 50 míng life 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
395 50 míng to name; to call 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
396 50 míng to express; to describe 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
397 50 míng to be called; to have the name 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
398 50 míng to own; to possess 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
399 50 míng famous; renowned 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
400 50 míng moral 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
401 50 míng name; naman 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
402 50 míng fame; renown; yasas 名華寶蓋滿中懸列
403 49 Buddha; Awakened One 遮那佛
404 49 relating to Buddhism 遮那佛
405 49 a statue or image of a Buddha 遮那佛
406 49 a Buddhist text 遮那佛
407 49 to touch; to stroke 遮那佛
408 49 Buddha 遮那佛
409 49 Buddha; Awakened One 遮那佛
410 49 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 者說授相付
411 49 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 者說授相付
412 49 shuì to persuade 者說授相付
413 49 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 者說授相付
414 49 shuō a doctrine; a theory 者說授相付
415 49 shuō to claim; to assert 者說授相付
416 49 shuō allocution 者說授相付
417 49 shuō to criticize; to scold 者說授相付
418 49 shuō to indicate; to refer to 者說授相付
419 49 shuō speach; vāda 者說授相付
420 49 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 者說授相付
421 49 shuō to instruct 者說授相付
422 48 Yi 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
423 47 祕密 mìmì a secret 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門
424 47 祕密 mìmì secret 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門
425 47 三昧 sānmèi samadhi 是名身三昧想應
426 47 三昧 sānmèi samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration 是名身三昧想應
427 47 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
428 47 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
429 47 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
430 47 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
431 47 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
432 47 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
433 47 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 此大德持誦成就願開此塔
434 46 desire 我所附船亦欲將沒
435 46 to desire; to wish 我所附船亦欲將沒
436 46 to desire; to intend 我所附船亦欲將沒
437 46 lust 我所附船亦欲將沒
438 46 desire; intention; wish; kāma 我所附船亦欲將沒
439 46 加持 jiāchí to bless 加持語門法
440 46 加持 jiāchí to empower; to confer strength on; to aid 加持語門法
441 46 mén door; gate; doorway; gateway 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
442 46 mén phylum; division 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
443 46 mén sect; school 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
444 46 mén Kangxi radical 169 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
445 46 mén a door-like object 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
446 46 mén an opening 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
447 46 mén an access point; a border entrance 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
448 46 mén a household; a clan 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
449 46 mén a kind; a category 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
450 46 mén to guard a gate 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
451 46 mén Men 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
452 46 mén a turning point 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
453 46 mén a method 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
454 46 mén a sense organ 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
455 46 mén door; gate; dvara 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
456 45 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
457 45 děi to want to; to need to 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
458 45 děi must; ought to 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
459 45 de 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
460 45 de infix potential marker 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
461 45 to result in 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
462 45 to be proper; to fit; to suit 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
463 45 to be satisfied 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
464 45 to be finished 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
465 45 děi satisfying 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
466 45 to contract 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
467 45 to hear 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
468 45 to have; there is 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
469 45 marks time passed 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
470 45 obtain; attain; prāpta 此略瑜伽西國得灌頂
471 45 one 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
472 45 Kangxi radical 1 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
473 45 pure; concentrated 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
474 45 first 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
475 45 the same 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
476 45 sole; single 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
477 45 a very small amount 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
478 45 Yi 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
479 45 other 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
480 45 to unify 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
481 45 accidentally; coincidentally 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
482 45 abruptly; suddenly 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
483 45 one; eka 即今毘盧遮那念誦法要一卷
484 43 meaning; sense 義訣卷上
485 43 justice; right action; righteousness 義訣卷上
486 43 artificial; man-made; fake 義訣卷上
487 43 chivalry; generosity 義訣卷上
488 43 just; righteous 義訣卷上
489 43 adopted 義訣卷上
490 43 a relationship 義訣卷上
491 43 volunteer 義訣卷上
492 43 something suitable 義訣卷上
493 43 a martyr 義訣卷上
494 43 a law 義訣卷上
495 43 Yi 義訣卷上
496 43 Righteousness 義訣卷上
497 43 aim; artha 義訣卷上
498 43 故云 gùyún that's why it is called... 故云應廣利益等
499 42 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
500 42 菩提 pútí bodhi 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1090

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 256 this; these 此瑜伽經大分為二
2 256 in this way 此瑜伽經大分為二
3 256 otherwise; but; however; so 此瑜伽經大分為二
4 256 at this time; now; here 此瑜伽經大分為二
5 256 this; here; etad 此瑜伽經大分為二
6 250 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
7 250 zhě that 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
8 250 zhě nominalizing function word 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
9 250 zhě used to mark a definition 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
10 250 zhě used to mark a pause 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
11 250 zhě topic marker; that; it 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
12 250 zhuó according to 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
13 250 zhě ca 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
14 212 děng et cetera; and so on 行等自他利行
15 212 děng to wait 行等自他利行
16 212 děng degree; kind 行等自他利行
17 212 děng plural 行等自他利行
18 212 děng to be equal 行等自他利行
19 212 děng degree; level 行等自他利行
20 212 děng to compare 行等自他利行
21 212 děng same; equal; sama 行等自他利行
22 193 also; too 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
23 193 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
24 193 either 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
25 193 even 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
26 193 used to soften the tone 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
27 193 used for emphasis 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
28 193 used to mark contrast 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
29 193 used to mark compromise 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
30 193 ya 地梵網經兩卷從此經中出淺略之行相也
31 176 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 深入至離惡趣故等
32 176 old; ancient; former; past 深入至離惡趣故等
33 176 reason; cause; purpose 深入至離惡趣故等
34 176 to die 深入至離惡趣故等
35 176 so; therefore; hence 深入至離惡趣故等
36 176 original 深入至離惡趣故等
37 176 accident; happening; instance 深入至離惡趣故等
38 176 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 深入至離惡趣故等
39 176 something in the past 深入至離惡趣故等
40 176 deceased; dead 深入至離惡趣故等
41 176 still; yet 深入至離惡趣故等
42 176 therefore; tasmāt 深入至離惡趣故等
43 147 jīng to go through; to experience 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
44 147 jīng a sutra; a scripture 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
45 147 jīng warp 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
46 147 jīng longitude 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
47 147 jīng often; regularly; frequently 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
48 147 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
49 147 jīng a woman's period 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
50 147 jīng to bear; to endure 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
51 147 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
52 147 jīng classics 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
53 147 jīng to be frugal; to save 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
54 147 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
55 147 jīng a standard; a norm 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
56 147 jīng a section of a Confucian work 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
57 147 jīng to measure 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
58 147 jīng human pulse 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
59 147 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
60 147 jīng sutra; discourse 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
61 146 zhī him; her; them; that 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
62 146 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
63 146 zhī to go 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
64 146 zhī this; that 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
65 146 zhī genetive marker 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
66 146 zhī it 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
67 146 zhī in; in regards to 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
68 146 zhī all 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
69 146 zhī and 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
70 146 zhī however 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
71 146 zhī if 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
72 146 zhī then 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
73 146 zhī to arrive; to go 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
74 146 zhī is 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
75 146 zhī to use 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
76 146 zhī Zhi 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
77 146 zhī winding 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
78 133 so as to; in order to 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
79 133 to use; to regard as 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
80 133 to use; to grasp 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
81 133 according to 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
82 133 because of 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
83 133 on a certain date 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
84 133 and; as well as 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
85 133 to rely on 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
86 133 to regard 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
87 133 to be able to 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
88 133 to order; to command 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
89 133 further; moreover 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
90 133 used after a verb 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
91 133 very 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
92 133 already 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
93 133 increasingly 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
94 133 a reason; a cause 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
95 133 Israel 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
96 133 Yi 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
97 133 use; yogena 方集瑜伽者大阿闍梨先以勝相讚禮置之經
98 129 in; at 於諸頌中復分為二
99 129 in; at 於諸頌中復分為二
100 129 in; at; to; from 於諸頌中復分為二
101 129 to go; to 於諸頌中復分為二
102 129 to rely on; to depend on 於諸頌中復分為二
103 129 to go to; to arrive at 於諸頌中復分為二
104 129 from 於諸頌中復分為二
105 129 give 於諸頌中復分為二
106 129 oppposing 於諸頌中復分為二
107 129 and 於諸頌中復分為二
108 129 compared to 於諸頌中復分為二
109 129 by 於諸頌中復分為二
110 129 and; as well as 於諸頌中復分為二
111 129 for 於諸頌中復分為二
112 129 Yu 於諸頌中復分為二
113 129 a crow 於諸頌中復分為二
114 129 whew; wow 於諸頌中復分為二
115 129 near to; antike 於諸頌中復分為二
116 127 such as; for example; for instance 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
117 127 if 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
118 127 in accordance with 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
119 127 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
120 127 this 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
121 127 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
122 127 to go to 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
123 127 to meet 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
124 127 to appear; to seem; to be like 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
125 127 at least as good as 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
126 127 and 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
127 127 or 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
128 127 but 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
129 127 then 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
130 127 naturally 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
131 127 expresses a question or doubt 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
132 127 you 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
133 127 the second lunar month 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
134 127 in; at 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
135 127 Ru 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
136 127 Thus 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
137 127 thus; tathā 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
138 127 like; iva 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
139 127 suchness; tathatā 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
140 126 yún cloud 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
141 126 yún Yunnan 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
142 126 yún Yun 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
143 126 yún to say 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
144 126 yún to have 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
145 126 yún a particle with no meaning 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
146 126 yún in this way 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
147 126 yún cloud; megha 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
148 126 yún to say; iti 闍梨云經夾廣長如床
149 119 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
150 119 zhì care; prudence 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
151 119 zhì Zhi 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
152 119 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
153 119 zhì clever 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
154 119 zhì Wisdom 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
155 119 zhì jnana; knowing 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
156 115 wèi for; to 於中復為
157 115 wèi because of 於中復為
158 115 wéi to act as; to serve 於中復為
159 115 wéi to change into; to become 於中復為
160 115 wéi to be; is 於中復為
161 115 wéi to do 於中復為
162 115 wèi for 於中復為
163 115 wèi because of; for; to 於中復為
164 115 wèi to 於中復為
165 115 wéi in a passive construction 於中復為
166 115 wéi forming a rehetorical question 於中復為
167 115 wéi forming an adverb 於中復為
168 115 wéi to add emphasis 於中復為
169 115 wèi to support; to help 於中復為
170 115 wéi to govern 於中復為
171 115 wèi to be; bhū 於中復為
172 115 to enter 神一時踊怒不令得入
173 115 Kangxi radical 11 神一時踊怒不令得入
174 115 radical 神一時踊怒不令得入
175 115 income 神一時踊怒不令得入
176 115 to conform with 神一時踊怒不令得入
177 115 to descend 神一時踊怒不令得入
178 115 the entering tone 神一時踊怒不令得入
179 115 to pay 神一時踊怒不令得入
180 115 to join 神一時踊怒不令得入
181 115 entering; praveśa 神一時踊怒不令得入
182 115 entered; attained; āpanna 神一時踊怒不令得入
183 110 zhōng middle 於諸頌中復分為二
184 110 zhōng medium; medium sized 於諸頌中復分為二
185 110 zhōng China 於諸頌中復分為二
186 110 zhòng to hit the mark 於諸頌中復分為二
187 110 zhōng in; amongst 於諸頌中復分為二
188 110 zhōng midday 於諸頌中復分為二
189 110 zhōng inside 於諸頌中復分為二
190 110 zhōng during 於諸頌中復分為二
191 110 zhōng Zhong 於諸頌中復分為二
192 110 zhōng intermediary 於諸頌中復分為二
193 110 zhōng half 於諸頌中復分為二
194 110 zhōng just right; suitably 於諸頌中復分為二
195 110 zhōng while 於諸頌中復分為二
196 110 zhòng to reach; to attain 於諸頌中復分為二
197 110 zhòng to suffer; to infect 於諸頌中復分為二
198 110 zhòng to obtain 於諸頌中復分為二
199 110 zhòng to pass an exam 於諸頌中復分為二
200 110 zhōng middle 於諸頌中復分為二
201 101 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 德略而不譯
202 101 ér Kangxi radical 126 德略而不譯
203 101 ér you 德略而不譯
204 101 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 德略而不譯
205 101 ér right away; then 德略而不譯
206 101 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 德略而不譯
207 101 ér if; in case; in the event that 德略而不譯
208 101 ér therefore; as a result; thus 德略而不譯
209 101 ér how can it be that? 德略而不譯
210 101 ér so as to 德略而不譯
211 101 ér only then 德略而不譯
212 101 ér as if; to seem like 德略而不譯
213 101 néng can; able 德略而不譯
214 101 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 德略而不譯
215 101 ér me 德略而不譯
216 101 ér to arrive; up to 德略而不譯
217 101 ér possessive 德略而不譯
218 101 ér and; ca 德略而不譯
219 99 method; way 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
220 99 France 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
221 99 the law; rules; regulations 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
222 99 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
223 99 a standard; a norm 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
224 99 an institution 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
225 99 to emulate 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
226 99 magic; a magic trick 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
227 99 punishment 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
228 99 Fa 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
229 99 a precedent 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
230 99 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
231 99 relating to a ceremony or rite 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
232 99 Dharma 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
233 99 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
234 99 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
235 99 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
236 99 quality; characteristic 時書寫所記持法有百千頌
237 98 yuē to speak; to say 一門中而為頌曰
238 98 yuē Kangxi radical 73 一門中而為頌曰
239 98 yuē to be called 一門中而為頌曰
240 98 yuē particle without meaning 一門中而為頌曰
241 98 yuē said; ukta 一門中而為頌曰
242 94 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 初偈頌總相歸讚
243 94 xiàng to observe; to assess 初偈頌總相歸讚
244 94 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 初偈頌總相歸讚
245 94 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 初偈頌總相歸讚
246 94 xiàng to aid; to help 初偈頌總相歸讚
247 94 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 初偈頌總相歸讚
248 94 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 初偈頌總相歸讚
249 94 xiāng alternately; in turn 初偈頌總相歸讚
250 94 xiāng Xiang 初偈頌總相歸讚
251 94 xiāng form substance 初偈頌總相歸讚
252 94 xiāng to express 初偈頌總相歸讚
253 94 xiàng to choose 初偈頌總相歸讚
254 94 xiāng Xiang 初偈頌總相歸讚
255 94 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 初偈頌總相歸讚
256 94 xiāng the seventh lunar month 初偈頌總相歸讚
257 94 xiāng to compare 初偈頌總相歸讚
258 94 xiàng to divine 初偈頌總相歸讚
259 94 xiàng to administer 初偈頌總相歸讚
260 94 xiàng helper for a blind person 初偈頌總相歸讚
261 94 xiāng rhythm [music] 初偈頌總相歸讚
262 94 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 初偈頌總相歸讚
263 94 xiāng coralwood 初偈頌總相歸讚
264 94 xiàng ministry 初偈頌總相歸讚
265 94 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 初偈頌總相歸讚
266 94 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 初偈頌總相歸讚
267 94 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 初偈頌總相歸讚
268 94 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 初偈頌總相歸讚
269 94 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 初偈頌總相歸讚
270 92 shì to release; to set free 釋述無量恐繁
271 92 shì to explain; to interpret 釋述無量恐繁
272 92 shì to remove; to dispell; to clear up 釋述無量恐繁
273 92 shì to give up; to abandon 釋述無量恐繁
274 92 shì to put down 釋述無量恐繁
275 92 shì to resolve 釋述無量恐繁
276 92 shì to melt 釋述無量恐繁
277 92 shì Śākyamuni 釋述無量恐繁
278 92 shì Buddhism 釋述無量恐繁
279 92 shì Śākya; Shakya 釋述無量恐繁
280 92 pleased; glad 釋述無量恐繁
281 92 shì explain 釋述無量恐繁
282 92 shì Śakra; Indra 釋述無量恐繁
283 91 yǒu is; are; to exist 此經有百干頌廣本
284 91 yǒu to have; to possess 此經有百干頌廣本
285 91 yǒu indicates an estimate 此經有百干頌廣本
286 91 yǒu indicates a large quantity 此經有百干頌廣本
287 91 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 此經有百干頌廣本
288 91 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 此經有百干頌廣本
289 91 yǒu used to compare two things 此經有百干頌廣本
290 91 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 此經有百干頌廣本
291 91 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 此經有百干頌廣本
292 91 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 此經有百干頌廣本
293 91 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 此經有百干頌廣本
294 91 yǒu abundant 此經有百干頌廣本
295 91 yǒu purposeful 此經有百干頌廣本
296 91 yǒu You 此經有百干頌廣本
297 91 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 此經有百干頌廣本
298 91 yǒu becoming; bhava 此經有百干頌廣本
299 91 shì is; are; am; to be 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
300 91 shì is exactly 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
301 91 shì is suitable; is in contrast 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
302 91 shì this; that; those 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
303 91 shì really; certainly 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
304 91 shì correct; yes; affirmative 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
305 91 shì true 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
306 91 shì is; has; exists 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
307 91 shì used between repetitions of a word 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
308 91 shì a matter; an affair 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
309 91 shì Shi 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
310 91 shì is; bhū 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
311 91 shì this; idam 竝是諸佛大菩薩等甚深祕密境界
312 91 to reach 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
313 91 and 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
314 91 coming to; when 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
315 91 to attain 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
316 91 to understand 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
317 91 able to be compared to; to catch up with 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
318 91 to be involved with; to associate with 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
319 91 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
320 91 and; ca; api 亦非聲聞緣覺及人天小智之所聞知
321 90 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所堪記持不忘
322 90 suǒ an office; an institute 所堪記持不忘
323 90 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所堪記持不忘
324 90 suǒ it 所堪記持不忘
325 90 suǒ if; supposing 所堪記持不忘
326 90 suǒ a few; various; some 所堪記持不忘
327 90 suǒ a place; a location 所堪記持不忘
328 90 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所堪記持不忘
329 90 suǒ that which 所堪記持不忘
330 90 suǒ an ordinal number 所堪記持不忘
331 90 suǒ meaning 所堪記持不忘
332 90 suǒ garrison 所堪記持不忘
333 90 suǒ place; pradeśa 所堪記持不忘
334 90 suǒ that which; yad 所堪記持不忘
335 86 his; hers; its; theirs 而其廣本亦不傳之
336 86 to add emphasis 而其廣本亦不傳之
337 86 used when asking a question in reply to a question 而其廣本亦不傳之
338 86 used when making a request or giving an order 而其廣本亦不傳之
339 86 he; her; it; them 而其廣本亦不傳之
340 86 probably; likely 而其廣本亦不傳之
341 86 will 而其廣本亦不傳之
342 86 may 而其廣本亦不傳之
343 86 if 而其廣本亦不傳之
344 86 or 而其廣本亦不傳之
345 86 Qi 而其廣本亦不傳之
346 86 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 而其廣本亦不傳之
347 83 如來 rúlái Tathagata 先十句歸命五分如來
348 83 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 先十句歸命五分如來
349 83 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 先十句歸命五分如來
350 81 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
351 81 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
352 81 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
353 81 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
354 81 金剛 jīngāng diamond 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
355 81 金剛 jīngāng vajra 此略本至此土者於開元之初金剛菩提三藏
356 77 promptly; right away; immediately 訖即滅
357 77 to be near by; to be close to 訖即滅
358 77 at that time 訖即滅
359 77 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 訖即滅
360 77 supposed; so-called 訖即滅
361 77 if; but 訖即滅
362 77 to arrive at; to ascend 訖即滅
363 77 then; following 訖即滅
364 77 so; just so; eva 訖即滅
365 76 wèi to call 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
366 76 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
367 76 wèi to speak to; to address 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
368 76 wèi to treat as; to regard as 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
369 76 wèi introducing a condition situation 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
370 76 wèi to speak to; to address 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
371 76 wèi to think 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
372 76 wèi for; is to be 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
373 76 wèi to make; to cause 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
374 76 wèi and 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
375 76 wèi principle; reason 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
376 76 wèi Wei 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
377 76 wèi which; what; yad 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
378 76 wèi to say; iti 釋曰謂修習瑜伽者常想自身常為普賢金剛
379 75 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
380 75 jiē same; equally 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
381 75 jiē all; sarva 一切經首皆隨彼門先安讚禮偈此方先
382 71 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
383 71 一切 yīqiè temporary 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
384 71 一切 yīqiè the same 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
385 71 一切 yīqiè generally 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
386 71 一切 yīqiè all, everything 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
387 71 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 經從金剛弟子至一切罪障皆
388 69 zhū all; many; various 於諸頌中復分為二
389 69 zhū Zhu 於諸頌中復分為二
390 69 zhū all; members of the class 於諸頌中復分為二
391 69 zhū interrogative particle 於諸頌中復分為二
392 69 zhū him; her; them; it 於諸頌中復分為二
393 69 zhū of; in 於諸頌中復分為二
394 69 zhū all; many; sarva 於諸頌中復分為二
395 67 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
396 67 ruò seemingly 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
397 67 ruò if 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
398 67 ruò you 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
399 67 ruò this; that 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
400 67 ruò and; or 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
401 67 ruò as for; pertaining to 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
402 67 pomegranite 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
403 67 ruò to choose 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
404 67 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
405 67 ruò thus 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
406 67 ruò pollia 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
407 67 ruò Ruo 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
408 67 ruò only then 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
409 67 ja 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
410 67 jñā 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
411 67 ruò if; yadi 若修行者下乃至修習瑜伽結加已來總門
412 67 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 其印名金剛三昧
413 67 yìn India 其印名金剛三昧
414 67 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 其印名金剛三昧
415 67 yìn a seal; a stamp 其印名金剛三昧
416 67 yìn to tally 其印名金剛三昧
417 67 yìn a vestige; a trace 其印名金剛三昧
418 67 yìn Yin 其印名金剛三昧
419 67 yìn to leave a track or trace 其印名金剛三昧
420 67 yìn mudra 其印名金剛三昧
421 66 yòng to use; to apply 復以真言而用加持言音
422 66 yòng Kangxi radical 101 復以真言而用加持言音
423 66 yòng to eat 復以真言而用加持言音
424 66 yòng to spend 復以真言而用加持言音
425 66 yòng expense 復以真言而用加持言音
426 66 yòng a use; usage 復以真言而用加持言音
427 66 yòng to need; must 復以真言而用加持言音
428 66 yòng useful; practical 復以真言而用加持言音
429 66 yòng to use up; to use all of something 復以真言而用加持言音
430 66 yòng by means of; with 復以真言而用加持言音
431 66 yòng to work (an animal) 復以真言而用加持言音
432 66 yòng to appoint 復以真言而用加持言音
433 66 yòng to administer; to manager 復以真言而用加持言音
434 66 yòng to control 復以真言而用加持言音
435 66 yòng to access 復以真言而用加持言音
436 66 yòng Yong 復以真言而用加持言音
437 66 yòng yong; function; application 復以真言而用加持言音
438 66 yòng efficacy; kāritra 復以真言而用加持言音
439 66 xīn heart [organ] 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
440 66 xīn Kangxi radical 61 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
441 66 xīn mind; consciousness 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
442 66 xīn the center; the core; the middle 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
443 66 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
444 66 xīn heart 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
445 66 xīn emotion 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
446 66 xīn intention; consideration 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
447 66 xīn disposition; temperament 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
448 66 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
449 66 xīn heart; hṛdaya 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
450 66 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 從金剛阿闍梨若見有人至信令發其心等
451 65 not; no 德略而不譯
452 65 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 德略而不譯
453 65 as a correlative 德略而不譯
454 65 no (answering a question) 德略而不譯
455 65 forms a negative adjective from a noun 德略而不譯
456 65 at the end of a sentence to form a question 德略而不譯
457 65 to form a yes or no question 德略而不譯
458 65 infix potential marker 德略而不譯
459 65 no; na 德略而不譯
460 62 already 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
461 62 Kangxi radical 49 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
462 62 from 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
463 62 to bring to an end; to stop 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
464 62 final aspectual particle 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
465 62 afterwards; thereafter 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
466 62 too; very; excessively 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
467 62 to complete 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
468 62 to demote; to dismiss 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
469 62 to recover from an illness 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
470 62 certainly 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
471 62 an interjection of surprise 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
472 62 this 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
473 62 former; pūrvaka 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
474 62 former; pūrvaka 次雄猛阿閦已下六句歸四方如來
475 61 xiǎng to think 想嚴身內外
476 61 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 想嚴身內外
477 61 xiǎng to want 想嚴身內外
478 61 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 想嚴身內外
479 61 xiǎng to plan 想嚴身內外
480 61 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 想嚴身內外
481 58 néng can; able 人能開此塔
482 58 néng ability; capacity 人能開此塔
483 58 néng a mythical bear-like beast 人能開此塔
484 58 néng energy 人能開此塔
485 58 néng function; use 人能開此塔
486 58 néng may; should; permitted to 人能開此塔
487 58 néng talent 人能開此塔
488 58 néng expert at 人能開此塔
489 58 néng to be in harmony 人能開此塔
490 58 néng to tend to; to care for 人能開此塔
491 58 néng to reach; to arrive at 人能開此塔
492 58 néng as long as; only 人能開此塔
493 58 néng even if 人能開此塔
494 58 néng but 人能開此塔
495 58 néng in this way 人能開此塔
496 58 néng to be able; śak 人能開此塔
497 58 néng skilful; pravīṇa 人能開此塔
498 57 shàng top; a high position 義訣卷上
499 57 shang top; the position on or above something 義訣卷上
500 57 shàng to go up; to go forward 義訣卷上


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
this; here; etad
zhě ca
děng same; equal; sama
therefore; tasmāt
jīng sutra; discourse
use; yogena
near to; antike
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
  1. yún
  2. yún
  1. cloud; megha
  2. to say; iti

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿閦 196 Aksobhya
阿閦佛 196 Akṣobhya; Aksobhya Buddha
阿閦鞞 196 Aksothya; Aksobhya
八分 98
  1. Bafen
  2. Han style clerical script
  3. successful completion of an activity
宝藏菩萨 寶藏菩薩 98 Treasure Store Bodhisattva
宝光 寶光 98 Ratnaprabha; Jewel Light
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
北门 北門 98 North Gate
遍一切处 遍一切處 98 Vairocana
般若经 般若經 98 Prajnaparamita Sutras
不动如来 不動如來 98 Aksobhya Buddha
除业 除業 99 Vikiranosnisa
大功德 100 Laksmi
大经 大經 100 The Mahāpirvāṇa sūtra; The Nirvāṇa sūtra
大藏经 大藏經 100 Chinese Buddhist Canon; Dazangjing
大宝庄严 大寶莊嚴 100 Mahāratnapratimaṇḍita
大毘卢 大毘盧 100 Mahavairocana
大日 100 Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
大日如来 大日如來 100 Vairocana Tathagata; Mahavairocana
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
东门 東門 100 East Gate
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
法海 102
  1. Dharma sea
  2. Fa Hai
  3. Fa Hai
法华 法華 70
  1. Dharma Flower
  2. The Lotus Sutra
法华经 法華經 102 Lotus Sutra; Lotus Sūtra
法经 法經 102 Fa Jing
法轮 法輪 102
  1. Dharma wheel
  2. Dharma wheel; dharmacakra
  3. Pomnyun
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵网经 梵網經 70
  1. Brahma Net Sutra (Brahmajala Sutra)
  2. the Brahma Net sūtra; Fanwang Jing
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
高野山 103 Mount Kōya
广明 廣明 103 Guangming
观世音 觀世音 71
  1. Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
观世音菩萨 觀世音菩薩 71 Avalokiteśvara; Avalokitesvara; Guanyin
观自在 觀自在 103
  1. Guanyin; Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara
  3. Avalokitesvara
汉文 漢文 104 written Chinese language
好成 104 Sambhava
华中 華中 104 Central China
华龙 華龍 104 Hualong
华严 華嚴 104 Avataṃsaka sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严经 華嚴經 72
  1. Avatamsaka Sutra
  2. Avatamsaka Sutra; Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
火星 72 Mars
金刚顶 金剛頂 106 Vajra Pinnacle
金刚顶经 金剛頂經 106 Vajra Crown Tantra; Vajraśekharasūtra
金刚顶经大瑜伽秘密心地法门义诀 金剛頂經大瑜伽祕密心地法門義訣 106 Ritual Procedures of the Great Yoga Secret Mind-Ground Dharma Teaching of the Diamond Pinnacle Sutra
金刚界 金剛界 106 kongōkai; vajradhatu; diamond realm
金刚萨埵 金剛薩埵 106 Vajrasattva
金刚王 金剛王 106 Hevajra
金刚智 金剛智 106
  1. Vajra Wisdom
  2. Vajrabodhi
金刚座 金剛座 106 vajrasana; diamond throne
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
孔雀座 107 Pavo
俱卢 俱盧 107 Kuru
轮围山 輪圍山 108 Cakravada-parvata; Iron Wall Mountain
卢舍那佛 盧舍那佛 108 Rocana Buddha
卢遮那 盧遮那 108 Vairocana
明王 109
  1. vidyaraja; lord of spells; wisdom king
  2. vidyaraja; great mantra
摩诃衍那 摩訶衍那 109 Mahāyāna; Mahayana; the Great Vehicle
摩罗 摩羅 109 Māra
南门 南門 110 South Gate
南天竺 110 Southern India
南海 110
  1. South China Sea
  2. Nanhai
  3. southern waters; Southern Ocean
  4. Nanhai [lake]
  5. Nanhai [district and county]
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
毘卢 毘盧 112 Vairocana
毘卢遮那 毘盧遮那 80 Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
毘卢遮那佛 毘盧遮那佛 112 Vairocana Buddha
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
菩提金刚 菩提金剛 112 Puti Jingang
菩提萨埵 菩提薩埵 112 bodhisattva
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
普贤菩萨 普賢菩薩 112 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
七月 113
  1. July; the Seventh Month
  2. seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三身 115 Trikaya
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
刹利 剎利 115 Kṣatriya; Kshatriya; Kashtriya; Ksatriyah
善观 善觀 115 Sudrsa; Sudassa
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
十方诸佛 十方諸佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
十行 115 the ten activities
十住 115
  1. ten abodes
  2. the ten Stages in bodhisattva wisdom
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四洲 115 Four Continents
天水 116 Tianshui
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
无退 無退 119 avaivartika; non-retrogression
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
西国 西國 120 Western Regions
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
西门 西門 120
  1. West Gate
  2. Ximen
香灯 香燈 120
  1. Shrine Attendant
  2. Shrine Attendant
相如 120 Xiangru
贤护 賢護 120 Bhadrapāla
小乘 120 Hinayana
虚空藏 虛空藏 120 Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
虚空藏菩萨 虛空藏菩薩 120 Akasagarbha Bodhisattva
须弥座 須彌座 88
  1. Sumeru Throne
  2. Sumeru throne
须弥卢 須彌盧 120 Sumeru
印加 121 Inca Civilization
一行禅师 一行禪師 121
  1. Thich Nhat Hanh; Thích Nhất Hạnh
  2. Chan Master Yixing
以叙 以敘 121 Israel-Syria
瑜伽经 瑜伽經 121
  1. Yoga Sutras
  2. Yoga Sutras
遮那 122 Vairocana
正应 正應 122 Shōō
智慧门 智慧門 122 Gate of Wisdom
執金刚 執金剛 122 Vajrapani
智印 122 Wisdom Mudra
执金刚菩萨 執金剛菩薩 122 Vajrapāṇi; Vajrapani Bodhisattva
智藏 122 Xitang Zhizang; Zhizang
中说 中說 122 Zhong Shuo
  1. Zhu
  2. India
  3. bamboo
  4. relating to Buddhism
  5. India
最高显广眼藏 最高顯廣眼藏 122 Manifesting the Supreme, Far-Reaching Treasure of his Eye


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 458.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿字 97 the letter a
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
爱念 愛念 195 to miss
安立 196
  1. to establish; to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for
  2. to begin to speak
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
八大 98 eight great
半结跏 半結跏 98 to sit with one leg crossed; ardhaparyanka
宝相 寶相 98
  1. Excellent Marks
  2. precious likeness; noble marks
  3. Ratnaketu
宝帐 寶帳 98 a canopy decoratd with gems
宝幢 寶幢 98
  1. a Buddhist ensign or banner
  2. Ratnaketu
报佛 報佛 98 saṃbhogakāya; sambhogakaya; enjoyment body; reward body
宝冠 寶冠 98 a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
宝机 寶机 98 jewelled footstool
宝印 寶印 98 precious seal
悲智 98
  1. Compassion and Wisdom
  2. compassion and wisdom
悲心 98
  1. Merciful Heart
  2. compassion; a sympathetic mind
本尊 98 istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam
遍满 遍滿 98 to fill; paripūrṇa
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
钵头摩 鉢頭摩 98 padma
不可坏 不可壞 98 cannot be diverted; asaṃhārya
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不异 不異 98 not different
不共 98
  1. not shared; distinctive; avenika
  2. meditation performed with water; distinctive; apkṛtsna
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
长行 長行 99 Sutra (discourses); a sutra
常乐 常樂 99 lasting joy
常光 99 unceasing radiance; halo
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
尘界 塵界 99 the realm of the infinitesimal
尘数 塵數 99 as numerous as dust particles
成等正觉 成等正覺 99 attain perfect enlightenment
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
成正觉 成正覺 99 to become a Buddha
成就法 99 sadhana; sādhana
成就一切智 99 attainment of omniscience
成满 成滿 99 to become complete
承事 99 to entrust with duty
持金刚 持金剛 99
  1. vajradhara
  2. Vajrapāṇi
赤华 赤華 99 mandārava flower; mandāra flower
持诵 持誦 99 to chant; to recite
付嘱 付囑 99 to entrust; to empower
除断 除斷 99 removing; abstaining; chedana
初发心 初發心 99 initial determination
初中后 初中後 99 the three divisions of a day
传法 傳法 99
  1. Dharma transmission
  2. to transmit the Dharma
处中 處中 99 to abide in the media that transcends existence and non-existence; madyama
此等 99 they; eṣā
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
大慈悲 100 great mercy and great compassion
大觉 大覺 100 supreme bodhi; enlightenment
大莲华 大蓮華 100 great white lotus
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大愿 大願 100 a great vow
大藏 100 Buddhist canon
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大方便 100 mahopāya; great skillful means; expedient means
大空 100 the great void
大自在 100 Īśvara; self-existent; sovereign
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
灯明 燈明 100 a lamp held before the Buddha
等持 100
  1. holding oneself in equanimity
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
等引 100 equipose; samāhita
等至 100 samāpatti; meditative attainment
谛观 諦觀 100
  1. to observe closely
  2. Chegwan
地轮 地輪 100 earth wheel
定慧 100
  1. Concentration and Wisdom
  2. meditative wisdom
多身 100 many existences
恶鬼神 惡鬼神 195 evil demons and spirits
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
二乘 195 the two vehicles
二相 195 the two attributes
二字 195
  1. two characters
  2. a monastic
恶业 惡業 195 unwholesome acts; evil intentions
法海 102
  1. Dharma sea
  2. Fa Hai
  3. Fa Hai
发菩提心 發菩提心 102 bodhicittotpāda; initiate the bodhi mind
法要 102
  1. the essentials of a teaching
  2. the essence of a dharma
  3. a Dharma service
法义 法義 102
  1. definition of the Dharma
  2. the teaching of a principle
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
法界身 102 dharmakaya
发露 發露 102 to reveal; to manifest
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
法名 102 Dharma name
放大光明 102 diffusion of great light
放光 102
  1. to emit light
  2. to produce light
方便善巧 102 skillful means; expedient means; skillful and expedient means
方便智 102 wisdom of skilful means; upāyajñāna
梵音 102
  1. Heavenly Sound
  2. the sound of Buddhist chanting
  3. Brahma's voice
  4. the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
法如 102 dharma nature
法印 102
  1. Dharma Seal
  2. dharmamudrā; a dharma seal; a mark of the dharma
  3. hōin
非有情 102 non-sentient object
非量 102 mistaken understanding
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
分位 102 time and position
佛德 102 Buddha virtue
佛功德 102 characteristics of Buddhas
佛力 102 the power of the Buddha; blessings of the Buddha
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛神力 102 the Buddha's spiritual power
佛乘 102 Buddha vehicle; buddhayāna
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛性 102 Buddha-nature; buddhadhatu
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛住 102
  1. the Buddha was staying at
  2. Buddha abode
佛地 102 Buddha stage; Buddha ground; buddha-bhūmi
佛戒 102 Buddha precepts
佛灭度 佛滅度 102 Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛身 102
  1. Buddha's Body
  2. buddhakaya; Buddha-body
佛心 102
  1. Buddha’s Mind
  2. mind of Buddha
佛智 102 Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
福业 福業 102 virtuous actions
甘露灌顶 甘露灌頂 103 Blessings by the Nectar
钩召 鉤召 103 summoning; akarsana
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
观门 觀門 103 the gate of contemplation
灌顶智 灌頂智 103 wisdom of universal equality
观法 觀法 103 techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
广大心 廣大心 103 magnanimous
光明相 103 halo; nimbus
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
光焰 103 aureola
观智 觀智 103 wisdom from contemplation
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
归命三宝 歸命三寶 103 taking refuge in the Triple Gem
好相 104 an auspicious sign
吽字 104 hum syllable; hum-kara
护身 護身 104 protection of the body
华香 華香 104 incense and flowers
还源 還源 104 ceasing; cessation; nivṛtti
迴心 104 to turn the mind towards
护摩 護摩 104 homa
护念 護念 104
  1. Safeguard the Mind
  2. for a Buddha, bodhisattva, or demigod to protect a Buddhist disciple
  3. focus the mind on; samanvāharati
火法 104 a burnt offering; homa
护者 護者 104 protector; demon; rākṣasa
即从座起 即從座起 106 He rose from his seat
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
加持香水 106 to bless by sprinkling scented water
迦楼罗鸟 迦樓羅鳥 106 garuda
迦罗 迦羅 106
  1. kala; a very short unit of time
  2. kala; a very small particle
见法 見法 106
  1. for a Dharma to manifest in the world
  2. to realize the impermanence and nonself of all dharmas
  3. to understand reality
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
教示 106 insruct; upadiś
伽陀 106 gatha; verse
结缚 結縛 106 a mental fetter or bond
结护 結護 106 protection of a boundary; protection of the body
结护法 結護法 106 ritual for protection of the body
结加 結加 106 to cross [legged]
结跏趺坐 結跏趺坐 106 sitting with crossed legs; to sit in the full lotus position
结加趺坐 結加趺坐 106 to sit cross-legged
羯磨 106 karma
解脱知见 解脫知見 106 knowledge and experience of liberation
积集 積集 106 saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
金刚身 金剛身 106 the diamond body
净智 淨智 106 Pure Wisdom
金刚部 金剛部 106 vajra group; vajra division; vajrakula
金刚杵 金剛杵 106 vajra; thunderbolt
金刚缚印 金剛縛印 106 outer binding first; waifu fist
金刚拳 金剛拳 106 vajra fist
金刚三昧 金剛三昧 106 vajrasamādhi
金刚印 金剛印 106 vajra mudra
金刚心 金剛心 106
  1. Diamond heart
  2. adamantine-like mind
  3. adamantine-like concentration; vajropamasamādhi
净持 淨持 106 a young boy
净法界 淨法界 106 pure dharmadhātu; dharmadhātuviśuddhi
经夹 經夾 106 fanjia
净戒 淨戒 106
  1. Pure Precepts
  2. perfect observance
  3. Jing Jie
净妙 淨妙 106 pure and subtle
偈颂 偈頌 106 a gatha; a chant
旧翻 舊翻 106 old translation
九法 106 nine dharmas; navadharma
偈言 106 a verse; a gatha
句义 句義 106 the meaning of a word; the meaning of a sentence
决定心 決定心 106 the deciding mind
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空见 空見 107
  1. View of Emptiness
  2. view of emptiness
空三摩地 107 the samādhi of emptiness
空有 107
  1. Emptiness and Existence
  2. non-existent and existent; emptiness and having self
空寂 107 śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
空性 107
  1. Empty Nature
  2. empty nature; śūnyatā
口业 口業 107
  1. Verbal Karma
  2. verbal karma
愦閙 憒閙 107 clamour
利他行 108 Deeds to Benefit Others
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
莲华部 蓮華部 108 lotus division
莲花坐 蓮華坐 108 lotus posture; padmāsana
料简 料簡 108 to expound; to explain; to comment upon
了知 108 to understand clearly
离苦 離苦 108 to transcend suffering
令众生 令眾生 108 lead sentient beings
六尘 六塵 108 six sense objects; six dusts
六根清净 六根清淨 108 Purity of the Six Senses
六识 六識 108 the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
利行 108
  1. Beneficial Deeds
  2. altruism
  3. altruism
轮相 輪相 108 stacked rings; wheel
律仪 律儀 108
  1. Vinaya and Rules
  2. rules and ceremonies
  3. restraint; saṃvara
漫荼罗 漫荼羅 109 mandala
祕藏 109 to conceal a secret; treasury of the profound mysteries
妙香 109 fine incense
妙智 109 wonderful Buddha-wisdom
妙庄严 妙莊嚴 109 Wondrous Adornment
名身 109 group of names
明心 109
  1. A Clear Mind
  2. an enlightened mind
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
纳受 納受 110
  1. to receive; to accept
  2. to accept a prayer
内识 內識 110 internal consciousness
内证 內證 110 personal realization; inner understanding; pratyātmādhigama
能破 110 refutation
念念 110 thought after thought; successive moments of thought
念持 110
  1. to remember and to accept and maintain faith
  2. Smrtisamprajanyin
念言 110 words from memory
傍生 112 [rebirth as an] animal
平等性智 112 wisdom of universal equality
辟支佛 112 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
普礼 普禮 112 Monastery-Wide Ceremony
菩提种子 菩提種子 112 bodhi seeds
菩萨位 菩薩位 112 bodhisattvahood
菩提道场 菩提道場 112 bodhimanda; bodhimaṇḍa; place of enlightenment
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
普现 普現 112 universal manifestation
普贤三昧 普賢三昧 112
  1. the meditation of Samantabhadra
  2. the meditation of Samantabhadra
普现色身 普現色身 112 universal manifestation of physical forms
普贤行 普賢行 112 the practice of Samantabhadra
七法 113
  1. seven dharmas; seven teachings
  2. seven types of action
千佛 113 thousand Buddhas
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
亲承 親承 113 to entrust with duty
穷子 窮子 113 poor son
取与 取與 113 producing fruit and the fruit produced
劝修 勸修 113 encouragement to cultivate
染净 染淨 114 impure and pure dharmas
人见 人見 114 the view of a person; view of a self
热恼 熱惱 114 distressed; perturbed; troubled
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
如法 114 In Accord With
入佛 114 to bring an image of a Buddha
入三摩地 114 Enter Into Samadhi
如是观 如是觀 114 Contemplate as Such
入众 入眾 114 To Enter the Assembly
入道 114
  1. to enter the Way
  2. to become a monastic
  3. to begin practicing Buddhism
如来部 如來部 114 Tathagata division
如来身 如來身 114 Tathāgata-kāya; Buddha-body
如来藏 如來藏 82
  1. Tathagatagarbha
  2. Buddha-nature; Buddha-dhatu; Buddha Principle; Tathāgatagarbha
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如来地 如來地 114 state of a Tathāgata
萨埵 薩埵 115
  1. sentient being; being, existence; essence, nature, life; sense, consciousness
  2. sentient beings
三法 115
  1. three dharmas
  2. three aspects of the Dharma
三法轮 三法輪 115 Three Turnings Dharma Wheel
三垢 115 three defilements
三结 三結 115 the three fetters
三经 三經 115 three sutras; group of three scriptures
三轮 三輪 115 the three cycles
三明 115 three insights; trividya
三三昧 115 three samādhis
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三业 三業 115 three types of karma; three actions
三藏教 115 Tripiṭaka teachings
伞盖 傘蓋 115 canopy; chattra
三漫多 115 samanta; universal
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三昧门 三昧門 115 to be on the bodhisattva path
三昧耶 115 samaya; vow
三昧耶智 115 samaya wisdom
三昧耶萨埵 三昧耶薩埵 115 samayasattva
三摩 115 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三摩地 115 samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三摩耶 115
  1. vow; samaya
  2. occasion
三字 115 three characters
色身 115
  1. Physical Body
  2. the physical body; rupakaya
色心 115 form and the formless
善护念 善護念 115
  1. Safeguard Your Thoughts
  2. safeguard the mind
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善因 115 Wholesome Cause
扇底迦 115 santika; pacification
扇底迦法 115 Santika ritual
善巧 115
  1. Skillful
  2. virtuous and clever; skilful
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
摄一切法 攝一切法 115 embraces all dharmas
摄持 攝持 115
  1. parigraha; to protect; to uphold; to take proper care
  2. grasping; saṃgraha
舍离 捨離 115 to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
阇梨 闍梨 115 acarya; teacher
身等 115 equal in body
身受 115 the sense of touch; physical perception
神变 神變 115 a divine transformation; a miracle
神变相 神變相 115 a sign of divine power
胜处 勝處 115 abode of superiority; station of mastery; abhibhāyatana
生欢喜 生歡喜 115 giving rise to joy
胜法 勝法 115 surpassing dharmas
生起 115 cause; arising
声闻缘觉 聲聞緣覺 115 Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas
圣智 聖智 115 Buddha wisdom
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
摄受 攝受 115
  1. to receive, take in
  2. to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness
摄引 攝引 115 to guide and protect
十波罗蜜 十波羅蜜 115 ten pāramitās; ten perfections
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
实智 實智 115
  1. knowledge of reality
  2. true wisdom
世界成就 115 The Formation of the Worlds
十六大菩萨 十六大菩薩 115 the sixteen great bodhisattvas
十六菩萨 十六菩薩 115 the sixteen bodhisattvas
尸罗 尸羅 115 sila; commitment to not doing harm
施设 施設 115 to establish; to set up
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
事相 115 phenomenon; esoteric practice
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
师子床 師子床 115 lion's throne
师子座 師子座 115 lion's throne
受者 115 recipient
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
四大菩萨 四大菩薩 115 four great bodhisattvas
四法 115 the four aspects of the Dharma
四句 115 four verses; four phrases
四门 四門 115 the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四念 115 four bases of mindfulness
四摄 四攝 115 Four Means of Embracing; the four means of embracing
四威仪 四威儀 115 Four Kinds of Comportment; four comportments
四智 115 the four forms of wisdom
四重 115 four grave prohibitions
随烦恼 隨煩惱 115 secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśa
随分 隨分 115
  1. according to (one's) allotment
  2. Dharmatāra Sūtra
  3. according to the part assigned; according to lot
  4. according to ability
随一 隨一 115 mostly; most of the time
随喜 隨喜 115
  1. to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
  2. anumodana; admiration
随喜迴向 隨喜迴向 115 admiration and transfer merit
随意所作 隨意所作 115 perform all you have to do
所以者何 115 Why is that?
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
娑度 115 sādhu; excellent
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
体性 體性 116 svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
同法 116
  1. followers of the same teaching
  2. same dharma; same dharma analogy
万字 萬字 119 swastika
往生 119
  1. to be reborn
  2. a future life
妄见 妄見 119 a delusion
违顺 違順 119 resisting and complying; disobeying and obeying
微尘数 微塵數 119 as numerous as atoms
未来现在 未來現在 119 the present and the future
围遶 圍遶 119 to circumambulate
我身 119 I; myself
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
五分 119
  1. five parts
  2. five part teaching
无罣碍 無罣礙 119 unimpeded; unhindered; unobstructed; unfettered; unhampered
无胜 無勝 119 unsurpassed; ajita; vijaya
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
无依 無依 119 without basis; with nothing on which to rely; unreliable
五欲 五慾 119 the five desires
无障碍 無障礙 119
  1. without obstruction
  2. Asaṅga
五智 119 five kinds of wisdom
无碍智 無礙智 119 omniscience
五部 119
  1. the five classes
  2. the five divisions
无垢 無垢 119
  1. No Impurity
  2. vimalā; nirmala; stainless; immaculate
无尽藏 無盡藏 119
  1. Boundless Treasure
  2. inexhaustible storehouse
  3. an inexhaustible treasury
无量众生 無量眾生 119 innumerable beings
悟入 119 comprehend; experiential understanding of the truth; to understand reality; to perceive through meditation
五眼 119 the five eyes; pañcacakṣūs
现法 現法 120 for a Dharma to manifest in the world
香华 香華 120 incense and flowers
悉地 120 attainment; supernatural power; siddhi
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
心地 120
  1. Mind Ground
  2. mind; mental ground
行相 120 to conceptualize about phenomena
行愿 行願 120
  1. Act on Your Vows
  2. cultivation and vows
行法 120 cultivation method
性空 120 inherently empty; empty in nature
性相 120 inherent attributes
雄猛 120 a brave or eminent man; a hero; vīra
修证 修證 120 cultivation and realization
虚空界 虛空界 120 visible space
虚空等 虛空等 120 the same as empty space
杨枝 楊枝 121 willow branch
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
夜叉 121 yaksa
业障 業障 121
  1. karmic hindrance
  2. a karmic obstruction
一成 121 for one person to become enlightened
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一佛 121 one Buddha
一门 一門 121
  1. one gate
  2. one gate
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
一食 121 one meal
一智 121 knowledge of all aspects; all embracing wisdom; sarvākārajñatā; sarvakarajnata
意密 121 mystery of the mind
应知 應知 121 should be known
应现 應現 121 for a Buddha or bodhisattva to appear as a living being
印明 121 mudra-hrdaya
印契 121 a mudra
印相 121 a mudra; a hand gesture
一切处 一切處 121
  1. all places; everywhere
  2. kasina
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切如来 一切如來 121 all Tathagatas
一切声 一切聲 121 every sound
一切有情 121
  1. all living beings
  2. all sentient beings
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切智相 121 the characteristic of all-knowledge; sarvajñatā
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
一切诸佛 一切諸佛 121 all Buddhas
一切经 一切經 121 all scriptures
有海 121 sea of existence
有门 有門 121 teaching of the phenomenal world
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
右旋 121 to circumambulate in a clockwise direction
有法 121 something that exists
有情界 121 the universe of beings
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
圆成 圓成 121 complete perfection
怨家 121 an enemy
愿力 願力 121
  1. Power of Vow
  2. the power of a vow
杂染 雜染 122
  1. Polluted
  2. an affliction; a defilement
增上 122 additional; increased; superior
召请 召請 122
  1. Summoning
  2. to invite
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
正行 122 right action
真实义 真實義 122
  1. true meaning
  2. true meaning; principle
智德 122 the virtue of wisdom; wisdom
智门 智門 122
  1. gate of wisdom
  2. Zhimen
智相 122 discriminating intellect
智愿 智願 122 aspiration and wisdom
知众 知眾 122 a sense of social gatherings
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
智光 122
  1. the light of wisdom
  2. Jñānaprabha
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
执心 執心 122 a grasping mind
智行 122 wisdom and cultivation; wisdom and practice
众生界 眾生界 122 the realm of living beings
众生相 眾生相 122
  1. characteristics of sentient beings
  2. the notion of a being
众生心 眾生心 122 the minds of sentient beings
种姓 種姓 122 Buddhist lineage; gotra
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸法之王 諸法之王 122 master of all laws
诸法自性 諸法自性 122 the intrinsic nature of dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸佛欢喜 諸佛歡喜 122 All Buddhas Joyful
诸佛现前三昧 諸佛現前三昧 122 samādhi for encountering the Buddhas of the present
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸如来 諸如來 122 all tathagatas
诸世间 諸世間 122 worlds; all worlds
诸天 諸天 122 devas
住心 122 abiding in thoughts; abode of the mind
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
住持 122
  1. 1. Abbot (male); 2. Abbess (female)
  2. the abbot of a monastery; the director of a monastery
  3. to uphold the Dharma
诸力 諸力 122 powers; bala
住相 122 abiding; sthiti
自清净 自清淨 122 oneself being purified
自心 122 One's Mind
字轮 字輪 122 wheel of characters
字门 字門 122 letter gateway; letter teaching
自悟 122 self realization
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
罪障 122 the barrier of sin
最上 122 supreme
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara
作佛事 122 do as taught by the Buddha