Glossary and Vocabulary for Fang Guang Da Zhuangyan Jing (Lalitavistara) 方廣大莊嚴經, Scroll 9

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 74 to go back; to return 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
2 74 to resume; to restart 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
3 74 to do in detail 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
4 74 to restore 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
5 74 to respond; to reply to 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
6 74 Fu; Return 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
7 74 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
8 74 to avoid forced labor or tax 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
9 74 Fu 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
10 74 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
11 74 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
12 73 ér Kangxi radical 126 應召來此而降伏之
13 73 ér as if; to seem like 應召來此而降伏之
14 73 néng can; able 應召來此而降伏之
15 73 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 應召來此而降伏之
16 73 ér to arrive; up to 應召來此而降伏之
17 66 zhě ca 我於今者當成正覺
18 63 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
19 63 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
20 63 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
21 60 to go; to 我於今者當成正覺
22 60 to rely on; to depend on 我於今者當成正覺
23 60 Yu 我於今者當成正覺
24 60 a crow 我於今者當成正覺
25 56 Qi 其光名為降伏魔怨
26 55 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 應滅三惡悉無餘
27 55 miè to submerge 應滅三惡悉無餘
28 55 miè to extinguish; to put out 應滅三惡悉無餘
29 55 miè to eliminate 應滅三惡悉無餘
30 55 miè to disappear; to fade away 應滅三惡悉無餘
31 55 miè the cessation of suffering 應滅三惡悉無餘
32 55 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 應滅三惡悉無餘
33 50 néng can; able 既自能度當度他
34 50 néng ability; capacity 既自能度當度他
35 50 néng a mythical bear-like beast 既自能度當度他
36 50 néng energy 既自能度當度他
37 50 néng function; use 既自能度當度他
38 50 néng talent 既自能度當度他
39 50 néng expert at 既自能度當度他
40 50 néng to be in harmony 既自能度當度他
41 50 néng to tend to; to care for 既自能度當度他
42 50 néng to reach; to arrive at 既自能度當度他
43 50 néng to be able; śak 既自能度當度他
44 50 néng skilful; pravīṇa 既自能度當度他
45 50 zhī to go 應召來此而降伏之
46 50 zhī to arrive; to go 應召來此而降伏之
47 50 zhī is 應召來此而降伏之
48 50 zhī to use 應召來此而降伏之
49 50 zhī Zhi 應召來此而降伏之
50 50 zhī winding 應召來此而降伏之
51 48 jiàn to see 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
52 48 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
53 48 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
54 48 jiàn refer to; for details see 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
55 48 jiàn to listen to 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
56 48 jiàn to meet 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
57 48 jiàn to receive (a guest) 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
58 48 jiàn let me; kindly 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
59 48 jiàn Jian 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
60 48 xiàn to appear 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
61 48 xiàn to introduce 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
62 48 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
63 48 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
64 48 yīn cause; reason 勿為障礙因
65 48 yīn to accord with 勿為障礙因
66 48 yīn to follow 勿為障礙因
67 48 yīn to rely on 勿為障礙因
68 48 yīn via; through 勿為障礙因
69 48 yīn to continue 勿為障礙因
70 48 yīn to receive 勿為障礙因
71 48 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 勿為障礙因
72 48 yīn to seize an opportunity 勿為障礙因
73 48 yīn to be like 勿為障礙因
74 48 yīn a standrd; a criterion 勿為障礙因
75 48 yīn cause; hetu 勿為障礙因
76 47 self 我於今者當成正覺
77 47 [my] dear 我於今者當成正覺
78 47 Wo 我於今者當成正覺
79 47 self; atman; attan 我於今者當成正覺
80 47 ga 我於今者當成正覺
81 43 波旬 bōxún Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
82 41 to use; to grasp 及以八部諸龍神
83 41 to rely on 及以八部諸龍神
84 41 to regard 及以八部諸龍神
85 41 to be able to 及以八部諸龍神
86 41 to order; to command 及以八部諸龍神
87 41 used after a verb 及以八部諸龍神
88 41 a reason; a cause 及以八部諸龍神
89 41 Israel 及以八部諸龍神
90 41 Yi 及以八部諸龍神
91 41 use; yogena 及以八部諸龍神
92 41 Ru River 汝身稱有大勇猛
93 41 Ru 汝身稱有大勇猛
94 36 shēng to be born; to give birth 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
95 36 shēng to live 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
96 36 shēng raw 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
97 36 shēng a student 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
98 36 shēng life 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
99 36 shēng to produce; to give rise 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
100 36 shēng alive 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
101 36 shēng a lifetime 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
102 36 shēng to initiate; to become 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
103 36 shēng to grow 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
104 36 shēng unfamiliar 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
105 36 shēng not experienced 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
106 36 shēng hard; stiff; strong 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
107 36 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
108 36 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
109 36 shēng gender 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
110 36 shēng to develop; to grow 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
111 36 shēng to set up 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
112 36 shēng a prostitute 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
113 36 shēng a captive 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
114 36 shēng a gentleman 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
115 36 shēng Kangxi radical 100 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
116 36 shēng unripe 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
117 36 shēng nature 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
118 36 shēng to inherit; to succeed 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
119 36 shēng destiny 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
120 36 shēng birth 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
121 36 shēng arise; produce; utpad 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
122 36 wéi to act as; to serve 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
123 36 wéi to change into; to become 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
124 36 wéi to be; is 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
125 36 wéi to do 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
126 36 wèi to support; to help 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
127 36 wéi to govern 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
128 36 wèi to be; bhū 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
129 35 jīn today; present; now 我於今者當成正覺
130 35 jīn Jin 我於今者當成正覺
131 35 jīn modern 我於今者當成正覺
132 35 jīn now; adhunā 我於今者當成正覺
133 33 yán to speak; to say; said 爾時佛告諸比丘言
134 33 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 爾時佛告諸比丘言
135 33 yán Kangxi radical 149 爾時佛告諸比丘言
136 33 yán phrase; sentence 爾時佛告諸比丘言
137 33 yán a word; a syllable 爾時佛告諸比丘言
138 33 yán a theory; a doctrine 爾時佛告諸比丘言
139 33 yán to regard as 爾時佛告諸比丘言
140 33 yán to act as 爾時佛告諸比丘言
141 33 yán word; vacana 爾時佛告諸比丘言
142 33 yán speak; vad 爾時佛告諸比丘言
143 33 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是偈
144 30 說偈言 shuō jìyán uttered the following stanzas 即說偈言
145 29 Kangxi radical 71 世間成佛無休已
146 29 to not have; without 世間成佛無休已
147 29 mo 世間成佛無休已
148 29 to not have 世間成佛無休已
149 29 Wu 世間成佛無休已
150 29 mo 世間成佛無休已
151 29 zhòng many; numerous 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
152 29 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
153 29 zhòng general; common; public 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
154 28 shí time; a point or period of time 時魔波旬聞是偈已
155 28 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時魔波旬聞是偈已
156 28 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時魔波旬聞是偈已
157 28 shí fashionable 時魔波旬聞是偈已
158 28 shí fate; destiny; luck 時魔波旬聞是偈已
159 28 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時魔波旬聞是偈已
160 28 shí tense 時魔波旬聞是偈已
161 28 shí particular; special 時魔波旬聞是偈已
162 28 shí to plant; to cultivate 時魔波旬聞是偈已
163 28 shí an era; a dynasty 時魔波旬聞是偈已
164 28 shí time [abstract] 時魔波旬聞是偈已
165 28 shí seasonal 時魔波旬聞是偈已
166 28 shí to wait upon 時魔波旬聞是偈已
167 28 shí hour 時魔波旬聞是偈已
168 28 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時魔波旬聞是偈已
169 28 shí Shi 時魔波旬聞是偈已
170 28 shí a present; currentlt 時魔波旬聞是偈已
171 28 shí time; kāla 時魔波旬聞是偈已
172 28 shí at that time; samaya 時魔波旬聞是偈已
173 27 xiàng direction 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
174 27 xiàng to face 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
175 27 xiàng previous; former; earlier 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
176 27 xiàng a north facing window 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
177 27 xiàng a trend 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
178 27 xiàng Xiang 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
179 27 xiàng Xiang 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
180 27 xiàng to move towards 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
181 27 xiàng to respect; to admire; to look up to 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
182 27 xiàng to favor; to be partial to 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
183 27 xiàng to approximate 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
184 27 xiàng presuming 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
185 27 xiàng to attack 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
186 27 xiàng echo 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
187 27 xiàng to make clear 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
188 27 xiàng facing towards; abhimukha 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
189 26 zuò to do 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
190 26 zuò to act as; to serve as 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
191 26 zuò to start 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
192 26 zuò a writing; a work 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
193 26 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
194 26 zuō to create; to make 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
195 26 zuō a workshop 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
196 26 zuō to write; to compose 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
197 26 zuò to rise 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
198 26 zuò to be aroused 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
199 26 zuò activity; action; undertaking 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
200 26 zuò to regard as 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
201 26 zuò action; kāraṇa 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
202 25 魔子 mózǐ sons of Mara 右面魔子名曰導師
203 24 Kangxi radical 132 既自能度當度他
204 24 Zi 既自能度當度他
205 24 a nose 既自能度當度他
206 24 the beginning; the start 既自能度當度他
207 24 origin 既自能度當度他
208 24 to employ; to use 既自能度當度他
209 24 to be 既自能度當度他
210 24 self; soul; ātman 既自能度當度他
211 23 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 應滅三惡悉無餘
212 23 detailed 應滅三惡悉無餘
213 23 to elaborate; to expound 應滅三惡悉無餘
214 23 to exhaust; to use up 應滅三惡悉無餘
215 23 strongly 應滅三惡悉無餘
216 23 Xi 應滅三惡悉無餘
217 23 all; kṛtsna 應滅三惡悉無餘
218 23 to be near by; to be close to 即說偈言
219 23 at that time 即說偈言
220 23 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即說偈言
221 23 supposed; so-called 即說偈言
222 23 to arrive at; to ascend 即說偈言
223 23 shēn human body; torso 汝身稱有大勇猛
224 23 shēn Kangxi radical 158 汝身稱有大勇猛
225 23 shēn self 汝身稱有大勇猛
226 23 shēn life 汝身稱有大勇猛
227 23 shēn an object 汝身稱有大勇猛
228 23 shēn a lifetime 汝身稱有大勇猛
229 23 shēn moral character 汝身稱有大勇猛
230 23 shēn status; identity; position 汝身稱有大勇猛
231 23 shēn pregnancy 汝身稱有大勇猛
232 23 juān India 汝身稱有大勇猛
233 23 shēn body; kāya 汝身稱有大勇猛
234 22 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時佛告諸比丘言
235 22 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時佛告諸比丘言
236 21 魔王 mó wáng a devil king; an evil person 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
237 21 魔王 mó wáng king of māras 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
238 21 suǒ a few; various; some 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
239 21 suǒ a place; a location 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
240 21 suǒ indicates a passive voice 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
241 21 suǒ an ordinal number 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
242 21 suǒ meaning 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
243 21 suǒ garrison 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
244 21 suǒ place; pradeśa 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
245 21 zhī to know 比丘當知
246 21 zhī to comprehend 比丘當知
247 21 zhī to inform; to tell 比丘當知
248 21 zhī to administer 比丘當知
249 21 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 比丘當知
250 21 zhī to be close friends 比丘當知
251 21 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 比丘當知
252 21 zhī to receive; to entertain 比丘當知
253 21 zhī knowledge 比丘當知
254 21 zhī consciousness; perception 比丘當知
255 21 zhī a close friend 比丘當知
256 21 zhì wisdom 比丘當知
257 21 zhì Zhi 比丘當知
258 21 zhī to appreciate 比丘當知
259 21 zhī to make known 比丘當知
260 21 zhī to have control over 比丘當知
261 21 zhī to expect; to foresee 比丘當知
262 21 zhī Understanding 比丘當知
263 21 zhī know; jña 比丘當知
264 20 Buddha; Awakened One 爾時佛告諸比丘言
265 20 relating to Buddhism 爾時佛告諸比丘言
266 20 a statue or image of a Buddha 爾時佛告諸比丘言
267 20 a Buddhist text 爾時佛告諸比丘言
268 20 to touch; to stroke 爾時佛告諸比丘言
269 20 Buddha 爾時佛告諸比丘言
270 20 Buddha; Awakened One 爾時佛告諸比丘言
271 20 to carry on the shoulder 人是不堅何足破
272 20 what 人是不堅何足破
273 20 He 人是不堅何足破
274 20 大王 dàwáng king 二十二者見欲界四天大王
275 20 大王 dàwáng magnate; person having expert skill in something 二十二者見欲界四天大王
276 20 大王 dàwáng great king; mahārāja 二十二者見欲界四天大王
277 19 Kangxi radical 49 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
278 19 to bring to an end; to stop 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
279 19 to complete 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
280 19 to demote; to dismiss 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
281 19 to recover from an illness 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
282 19 former; pūrvaka 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
283 18 zhōng middle 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
284 18 zhōng medium; medium sized 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
285 18 zhōng China 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
286 18 zhòng to hit the mark 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
287 18 zhōng midday 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
288 18 zhōng inside 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
289 18 zhōng during 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
290 18 zhōng Zhong 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
291 18 zhōng intermediary 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
292 18 zhōng half 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
293 18 zhòng to reach; to attain 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
294 18 zhòng to suffer; to infect 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
295 18 zhòng to obtain 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
296 18 zhòng to pass an exam 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
297 18 zhōng middle 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
298 18 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令彼人天轉充滿
299 18 lìng to issue a command 令彼人天轉充滿
300 18 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令彼人天轉充滿
301 18 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令彼人天轉充滿
302 18 lìng a season 令彼人天轉充滿
303 18 lìng respected; good reputation 令彼人天轉充滿
304 18 lìng good 令彼人天轉充滿
305 18 lìng pretentious 令彼人天轉充滿
306 18 lìng a transcending state of existence 令彼人天轉充滿
307 18 lìng a commander 令彼人天轉充滿
308 18 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令彼人天轉充滿
309 18 lìng lyrics 令彼人天轉充滿
310 18 lìng Ling 令彼人天轉充滿
311 18 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令彼人天轉充滿
312 17 infix potential marker 二十八者見歡喜神稱不歡喜
313 17 wén to hear 聞如是偈
314 17 wén Wen 聞如是偈
315 17 wén sniff at; to smell 聞如是偈
316 17 wén to be widely known 聞如是偈
317 17 wén to confirm; to accept 聞如是偈
318 17 wén information 聞如是偈
319 17 wèn famous; well known 聞如是偈
320 17 wén knowledge; learning 聞如是偈
321 17 wèn popularity; prestige; reputation 聞如是偈
322 17 wén to question 聞如是偈
323 17 wén heard; śruta 聞如是偈
324 17 wén hearing; śruti 聞如是偈
325 17 名曰 míng yuē to be named; to be called 右面魔子名曰導師
326 17 wáng Wang 王之諸子勝智者
327 17 wáng a king 王之諸子勝智者
328 17 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王之諸子勝智者
329 17 wàng to be king; to rule 王之諸子勝智者
330 17 wáng a prince; a duke 王之諸子勝智者
331 17 wáng grand; great 王之諸子勝智者
332 17 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王之諸子勝智者
333 17 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王之諸子勝智者
334 17 wáng the head of a group or gang 王之諸子勝智者
335 17 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王之諸子勝智者
336 17 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 王之諸子勝智者
337 16 to reach 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
338 16 to attain 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
339 16 to understand 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
340 16 able to be compared to; to catch up with 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
341 16 to be involved with; to associate with 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
342 16 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
343 16 and; ca; api 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
344 16 gào to tell; to say; said; told 爾時佛告諸比丘言
345 16 gào to request 爾時佛告諸比丘言
346 16 gào to report; to inform 爾時佛告諸比丘言
347 16 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 爾時佛告諸比丘言
348 16 gào to accuse; to sue 爾時佛告諸比丘言
349 16 gào to reach 爾時佛告諸比丘言
350 16 gào an announcement 爾時佛告諸比丘言
351 16 gào a party 爾時佛告諸比丘言
352 16 gào a vacation 爾時佛告諸比丘言
353 16 gào Gao 爾時佛告諸比丘言
354 16 gào to tell; jalp 爾時佛告諸比丘言
355 16 一切 yīqiè temporary 一切叢林悉無餘
356 16 一切 yīqiè the same 一切叢林悉無餘
357 16 諸天 zhū tiān devas 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
358 15 tóu head 七者自見頭破腦流於地
359 15 tóu top 七者自見頭破腦流於地
360 15 tóu a piece; an aspect 七者自見頭破腦流於地
361 15 tóu a leader 七者自見頭破腦流於地
362 15 tóu first 七者自見頭破腦流於地
363 15 tóu hair 七者自見頭破腦流於地
364 15 tóu start; end 七者自見頭破腦流於地
365 15 tóu a commission 七者自見頭破腦流於地
366 15 tóu a person 七者自見頭破腦流於地
367 15 tóu direction; bearing 七者自見頭破腦流於地
368 15 tóu previous 七者自見頭破腦流於地
369 15 tóu head; śiras 七者自見頭破腦流於地
370 15 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 世間未聞今得聞
371 15 děi to want to; to need to 世間未聞今得聞
372 15 děi must; ought to 世間未聞今得聞
373 15 de 世間未聞今得聞
374 15 de infix potential marker 世間未聞今得聞
375 15 to result in 世間未聞今得聞
376 15 to be proper; to fit; to suit 世間未聞今得聞
377 15 to be satisfied 世間未聞今得聞
378 15 to be finished 世間未聞今得聞
379 15 děi satisfying 世間未聞今得聞
380 15 to contract 世間未聞今得聞
381 15 to hear 世間未聞今得聞
382 15 to have; there is 世間未聞今得聞
383 15 marks time passed 世間未聞今得聞
384 15 obtain; attain; prāpta 世間未聞今得聞
385 14 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 爾時佛告諸比丘言
386 13 即時 jíshí immediate; prompt; instantaneous 即時能知因生故有
387 13 即時 jíshí real time 即時能知因生故有
388 13 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 為眾生故樂行慈
389 13 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 為眾生故樂行慈
390 13 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 為眾生故樂行慈
391 13 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 為眾生故樂行慈
392 13 xīn heart [organ] 其心悶亂
393 13 xīn Kangxi radical 61 其心悶亂
394 13 xīn mind; consciousness 其心悶亂
395 13 xīn the center; the core; the middle 其心悶亂
396 13 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 其心悶亂
397 13 xīn heart 其心悶亂
398 13 xīn emotion 其心悶亂
399 13 xīn intention; consideration 其心悶亂
400 13 xīn disposition; temperament 其心悶亂
401 13 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 其心悶亂
402 13 xīn heart; hṛdaya 其心悶亂
403 13 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 其心悶亂
404 13 can; may; permissible 如是之事自可為
405 13 to approve; to permit 如是之事自可為
406 13 to be worth 如是之事自可為
407 13 to suit; to fit 如是之事自可為
408 13 khan 如是之事自可為
409 13 to recover 如是之事自可為
410 13 to act as 如是之事自可為
411 13 to be worth; to deserve 如是之事自可為
412 13 used to add emphasis 如是之事自可為
413 13 beautiful 如是之事自可為
414 13 Ke 如是之事自可為
415 13 can; may; śakta 如是之事自可為
416 13 chù to touch; to feel 古昔有王觸仙故
417 13 chù to butt; to ram; to gore 古昔有王觸仙故
418 13 chù touch; contact; sparśa 古昔有王觸仙故
419 13 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya 古昔有王觸仙故
420 13 desire 欲色諸天隨梵釋
421 13 to desire; to wish 欲色諸天隨梵釋
422 13 to desire; to intend 欲色諸天隨梵釋
423 13 lust 欲色諸天隨梵釋
424 13 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲色諸天隨梵釋
425 13 zuò to sit 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
426 13 zuò to ride 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
427 13 zuò to visit 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
428 13 zuò a seat 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
429 13 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
430 13 zuò to be in a position 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
431 13 zuò to convict; to try 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
432 13 zuò to stay 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
433 13 zuò to kneel 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
434 13 zuò to violate 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
435 13 zuò to sit; niṣad 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
436 13 zuò to sit cross-legged in meditation; paryaṅka 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
437 13 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 王之諸子勝智者
438 13 shèng victory; success 王之諸子勝智者
439 13 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 王之諸子勝智者
440 13 shèng to surpass 王之諸子勝智者
441 13 shèng triumphant 王之諸子勝智者
442 13 shèng a scenic view 王之諸子勝智者
443 13 shèng a woman's hair decoration 王之諸子勝智者
444 13 shèng Sheng 王之諸子勝智者
445 13 shèng conquering; victorious; jaya 王之諸子勝智者
446 13 shèng superior; agra 王之諸子勝智者
447 13 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 我等諸女受天報
448 13 shòu to transfer; to confer 我等諸女受天報
449 13 shòu to receive; to accept 我等諸女受天報
450 13 shòu to tolerate 我等諸女受天報
451 13 shòu feelings; sensations 我等諸女受天報
452 13 bǎi one hundred 左面魔子名曰百臂
453 13 bǎi many 左面魔子名曰百臂
454 13 bǎi Bai 左面魔子名曰百臂
455 13 bǎi all 左面魔子名曰百臂
456 13 bǎi hundred; śata 左面魔子名曰百臂
457 13 miàn side; surface 面如滿月
458 13 miàn flour 面如滿月
459 13 miàn Kangxi radical 176 面如滿月
460 13 miàn a rural district; a township 面如滿月
461 13 miàn face 面如滿月
462 13 miàn to face in a certain direction 面如滿月
463 13 miàn noodles 面如滿月
464 13 miàn powder 面如滿月
465 13 miàn soft and mushy 面如滿月
466 13 miàn an aspect 面如滿月
467 13 miàn a direction 面如滿月
468 13 miàn to meet 面如滿月
469 13 miàn face; vaktra 面如滿月
470 13 miàn flour; saktu 面如滿月
471 12 to take; to get; to fetch 并取沙門擲十方
472 12 to obtain 并取沙門擲十方
473 12 to choose; to select 并取沙門擲十方
474 12 to catch; to seize; to capture 并取沙門擲十方
475 12 to accept; to receive 并取沙門擲十方
476 12 to seek 并取沙門擲十方
477 12 to take a bride 并取沙門擲十方
478 12 Qu 并取沙門擲十方
479 12 clinging; grasping; upādāna 并取沙門擲十方
480 12 lái to come 應召來此而降伏之
481 12 lái please 應召來此而降伏之
482 12 lái used to substitute for another verb 應召來此而降伏之
483 12 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 應召來此而降伏之
484 12 lái wheat 應召來此而降伏之
485 12 lái next; future 應召來此而降伏之
486 12 lái a simple complement of direction 應召來此而降伏之
487 12 lái to occur; to arise 應召來此而降伏之
488 12 lái to earn 應召來此而降伏之
489 12 lái to come; āgata 應召來此而降伏之
490 12 Māra 如是一切無智魔
491 12 evil; vice 如是一切無智魔
492 12 a demon; an evil spirit 如是一切無智魔
493 12 magic 如是一切無智魔
494 12 terrifying 如是一切無智魔
495 12 māra 如是一切無智魔
496 12 Māra 如是一切無智魔
497 12 qián front 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
498 12 qián former; the past 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
499 12 qián to go forward 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
500 12 qián preceding 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1089

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 94 huò or; either; else 或使眾生心作一
2 94 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或使眾生心作一
3 94 huò some; someone 或使眾生心作一
4 94 míngnián suddenly 或使眾生心作一
5 94 huò or; vā 或使眾生心作一
6 90 shì is; are; am; to be 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
7 90 shì is exactly 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
8 90 shì is suitable; is in contrast 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
9 90 shì this; that; those 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
10 90 shì really; certainly 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
11 90 shì correct; yes; affirmative 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
12 90 shì true 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
13 90 shì is; has; exists 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
14 90 shì used between repetitions of a word 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
15 90 shì a matter; an affair 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
16 90 shì Shi 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
17 90 shì is; bhū 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
18 90 shì this; idam 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
19 79 this; these 應召來此而降伏之
20 79 in this way 應召來此而降伏之
21 79 otherwise; but; however; so 應召來此而降伏之
22 79 at this time; now; here 應召來此而降伏之
23 79 this; here; etad 應召來此而降伏之
24 77 yǒu is; are; to exist 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
25 77 yǒu to have; to possess 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
26 77 yǒu indicates an estimate 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
27 77 yǒu indicates a large quantity 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
28 77 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
29 77 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
30 77 yǒu used to compare two things 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
31 77 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
32 77 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
33 77 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
34 77 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
35 77 yǒu abundant 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
36 77 yǒu purposeful 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
37 77 yǒu You 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
38 77 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
39 77 yǒu becoming; bhava 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
40 74 again; more; repeatedly 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
41 74 to go back; to return 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
42 74 to resume; to restart 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
43 74 to do in detail 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
44 74 to restore 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
45 74 to respond; to reply to 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
46 74 after all; and then 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
47 74 even if; although 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
48 74 Fu; Return 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
49 74 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
50 74 to avoid forced labor or tax 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
51 74 particle without meaing 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
52 74 Fu 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
53 74 repeated; again 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
54 74 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
55 74 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
56 74 again; punar 復有欲界諸天及魔波旬所有眷屬久積善業
57 73 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 應召來此而降伏之
58 73 ér Kangxi radical 126 應召來此而降伏之
59 73 ér you 應召來此而降伏之
60 73 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 應召來此而降伏之
61 73 ér right away; then 應召來此而降伏之
62 73 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 應召來此而降伏之
63 73 ér if; in case; in the event that 應召來此而降伏之
64 73 ér therefore; as a result; thus 應召來此而降伏之
65 73 ér how can it be that? 應召來此而降伏之
66 73 ér so as to 應召來此而降伏之
67 73 ér only then 應召來此而降伏之
68 73 ér as if; to seem like 應召來此而降伏之
69 73 néng can; able 應召來此而降伏之
70 73 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 應召來此而降伏之
71 73 ér me 應召來此而降伏之
72 73 ér to arrive; up to 應召來此而降伏之
73 73 ér possessive 應召來此而降伏之
74 73 ér and; ca 應召來此而降伏之
75 66 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 我於今者當成正覺
76 66 zhě that 我於今者當成正覺
77 66 zhě nominalizing function word 我於今者當成正覺
78 66 zhě used to mark a definition 我於今者當成正覺
79 66 zhě used to mark a pause 我於今者當成正覺
80 66 zhě topic marker; that; it 我於今者當成正覺
81 66 zhuó according to 我於今者當成正覺
82 66 zhě ca 我於今者當成正覺
83 63 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
84 63 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
85 63 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
86 60 in; at 我於今者當成正覺
87 60 in; at 我於今者當成正覺
88 60 in; at; to; from 我於今者當成正覺
89 60 to go; to 我於今者當成正覺
90 60 to rely on; to depend on 我於今者當成正覺
91 60 to go to; to arrive at 我於今者當成正覺
92 60 from 我於今者當成正覺
93 60 give 我於今者當成正覺
94 60 oppposing 我於今者當成正覺
95 60 and 我於今者當成正覺
96 60 compared to 我於今者當成正覺
97 60 by 我於今者當成正覺
98 60 and; as well as 我於今者當成正覺
99 60 for 我於今者當成正覺
100 60 Yu 我於今者當成正覺
101 60 a crow 我於今者當成正覺
102 60 whew; wow 我於今者當成正覺
103 60 near to; antike 我於今者當成正覺
104 56 his; hers; its; theirs 其光名為降伏魔怨
105 56 to add emphasis 其光名為降伏魔怨
106 56 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其光名為降伏魔怨
107 56 used when making a request or giving an order 其光名為降伏魔怨
108 56 he; her; it; them 其光名為降伏魔怨
109 56 probably; likely 其光名為降伏魔怨
110 56 will 其光名為降伏魔怨
111 56 may 其光名為降伏魔怨
112 56 if 其光名為降伏魔怨
113 56 or 其光名為降伏魔怨
114 56 Qi 其光名為降伏魔怨
115 56 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其光名為降伏魔怨
116 55 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 應滅三惡悉無餘
117 55 miè to submerge 應滅三惡悉無餘
118 55 miè to extinguish; to put out 應滅三惡悉無餘
119 55 miè to eliminate 應滅三惡悉無餘
120 55 miè to disappear; to fade away 應滅三惡悉無餘
121 55 miè the cessation of suffering 應滅三惡悉無餘
122 55 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 應滅三惡悉無餘
123 50 néng can; able 既自能度當度他
124 50 néng ability; capacity 既自能度當度他
125 50 néng a mythical bear-like beast 既自能度當度他
126 50 néng energy 既自能度當度他
127 50 néng function; use 既自能度當度他
128 50 néng may; should; permitted to 既自能度當度他
129 50 néng talent 既自能度當度他
130 50 néng expert at 既自能度當度他
131 50 néng to be in harmony 既自能度當度他
132 50 néng to tend to; to care for 既自能度當度他
133 50 néng to reach; to arrive at 既自能度當度他
134 50 néng as long as; only 既自能度當度他
135 50 néng even if 既自能度當度他
136 50 néng but 既自能度當度他
137 50 néng in this way 既自能度當度他
138 50 néng to be able; śak 既自能度當度他
139 50 néng skilful; pravīṇa 既自能度當度他
140 50 zhī him; her; them; that 應召來此而降伏之
141 50 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 應召來此而降伏之
142 50 zhī to go 應召來此而降伏之
143 50 zhī this; that 應召來此而降伏之
144 50 zhī genetive marker 應召來此而降伏之
145 50 zhī it 應召來此而降伏之
146 50 zhī in; in regards to 應召來此而降伏之
147 50 zhī all 應召來此而降伏之
148 50 zhī and 應召來此而降伏之
149 50 zhī however 應召來此而降伏之
150 50 zhī if 應召來此而降伏之
151 50 zhī then 應召來此而降伏之
152 50 zhī to arrive; to go 應召來此而降伏之
153 50 zhī is 應召來此而降伏之
154 50 zhī to use 應召來此而降伏之
155 50 zhī Zhi 應召來此而降伏之
156 50 zhī winding 應召來此而降伏之
157 48 jiàn to see 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
158 48 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
159 48 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
160 48 jiàn refer to; for details see 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
161 48 jiàn passive marker 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
162 48 jiàn to listen to 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
163 48 jiàn to meet 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
164 48 jiàn to receive (a guest) 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
165 48 jiàn let me; kindly 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
166 48 jiàn Jian 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
167 48 xiàn to appear 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
168 48 xiàn to introduce 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
169 48 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
170 48 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 當得見我師子遊戲發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心
171 48 yīn because 勿為障礙因
172 48 yīn cause; reason 勿為障礙因
173 48 yīn to accord with 勿為障礙因
174 48 yīn to follow 勿為障礙因
175 48 yīn to rely on 勿為障礙因
176 48 yīn via; through 勿為障礙因
177 48 yīn to continue 勿為障礙因
178 48 yīn to receive 勿為障礙因
179 48 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 勿為障礙因
180 48 yīn to seize an opportunity 勿為障礙因
181 48 yīn to be like 勿為障礙因
182 48 yīn from; because of 勿為障礙因
183 48 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 勿為障礙因
184 48 yīn a standrd; a criterion 勿為障礙因
185 48 yīn Cause 勿為障礙因
186 48 yīn cause; hetu 勿為障礙因
187 47 I; me; my 我於今者當成正覺
188 47 self 我於今者當成正覺
189 47 we; our 我於今者當成正覺
190 47 [my] dear 我於今者當成正覺
191 47 Wo 我於今者當成正覺
192 47 self; atman; attan 我於今者當成正覺
193 47 ga 我於今者當成正覺
194 47 I; aham 我於今者當成正覺
195 46 that; those 是彼釋種捨王位
196 46 another; the other 是彼釋種捨王位
197 46 that; tad 是彼釋種捨王位
198 43 波旬 bōxún Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant 魔王波旬居欲界中最尊最勝
199 43 zhū all; many; various 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
200 43 zhū Zhu 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
201 43 zhū all; members of the class 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
202 43 zhū interrogative particle 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
203 43 zhū him; her; them; it 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
204 43 zhū of; in 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
205 43 zhū all; many; sarva 共命諸鳥羽翮摧殘
206 41 so as to; in order to 及以八部諸龍神
207 41 to use; to regard as 及以八部諸龍神
208 41 to use; to grasp 及以八部諸龍神
209 41 according to 及以八部諸龍神
210 41 because of 及以八部諸龍神
211 41 on a certain date 及以八部諸龍神
212 41 and; as well as 及以八部諸龍神
213 41 to rely on 及以八部諸龍神
214 41 to regard 及以八部諸龍神
215 41 to be able to 及以八部諸龍神
216 41 to order; to command 及以八部諸龍神
217 41 further; moreover 及以八部諸龍神
218 41 used after a verb 及以八部諸龍神
219 41 very 及以八部諸龍神
220 41 already 及以八部諸龍神
221 41 increasingly 及以八部諸龍神
222 41 a reason; a cause 及以八部諸龍神
223 41 Israel 及以八部諸龍神
224 41 Yi 及以八部諸龍神
225 41 use; yogena 及以八部諸龍神
226 41 you; thou 汝身稱有大勇猛
227 41 Ru River 汝身稱有大勇猛
228 41 Ru 汝身稱有大勇猛
229 41 you; tvam; bhavat 汝身稱有大勇猛
230 36 shēng to be born; to give birth 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
231 36 shēng to live 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
232 36 shēng raw 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
233 36 shēng a student 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
234 36 shēng life 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
235 36 shēng to produce; to give rise 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
236 36 shēng alive 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
237 36 shēng a lifetime 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
238 36 shēng to initiate; to become 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
239 36 shēng to grow 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
240 36 shēng unfamiliar 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
241 36 shēng not experienced 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
242 36 shēng hard; stiff; strong 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
243 36 shēng very; extremely 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
244 36 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
245 36 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
246 36 shēng gender 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
247 36 shēng to develop; to grow 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
248 36 shēng to set up 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
249 36 shēng a prostitute 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
250 36 shēng a captive 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
251 36 shēng a gentleman 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
252 36 shēng Kangxi radical 100 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
253 36 shēng unripe 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
254 36 shēng nature 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
255 36 shēng to inherit; to succeed 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
256 36 shēng destiny 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
257 36 shēng birth 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
258 36 shēng arise; produce; utpad 三者見其宮殿破壞而生荊棘糞穢盈滿
259 36 wèi for; to 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
260 36 wèi because of 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
261 36 wéi to act as; to serve 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
262 36 wéi to change into; to become 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
263 36 wéi to be; is 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
264 36 wéi to do 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
265 36 wèi for 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
266 36 wèi because of; for; to 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
267 36 wèi to 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
268 36 wéi in a passive construction 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
269 36 wéi forming a rehetorical question 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
270 36 wéi forming an adverb 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
271 36 wéi to add emphasis 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
272 36 wèi to support; to help 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
273 36 wéi to govern 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
274 36 wèi to be; bhū 二十一者見其珠寶瓔珞為火所燒
275 35 such as; for example; for instance 諸君如能愛敬我
276 35 if 諸君如能愛敬我
277 35 in accordance with 諸君如能愛敬我
278 35 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 諸君如能愛敬我
279 35 this 諸君如能愛敬我
280 35 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 諸君如能愛敬我
281 35 to go to 諸君如能愛敬我
282 35 to meet 諸君如能愛敬我
283 35 to appear; to seem; to be like 諸君如能愛敬我
284 35 at least as good as 諸君如能愛敬我
285 35 and 諸君如能愛敬我
286 35 or 諸君如能愛敬我
287 35 but 諸君如能愛敬我
288 35 then 諸君如能愛敬我
289 35 naturally 諸君如能愛敬我
290 35 expresses a question or doubt 諸君如能愛敬我
291 35 you 諸君如能愛敬我
292 35 the second lunar month 諸君如能愛敬我
293 35 in; at 諸君如能愛敬我
294 35 Ru 諸君如能愛敬我
295 35 Thus 諸君如能愛敬我
296 35 thus; tathā 諸君如能愛敬我
297 35 like; iva 諸君如能愛敬我
298 35 suchness; tathatā 諸君如能愛敬我
299 35 jīn today; present; now 我於今者當成正覺
300 35 jīn Jin 我於今者當成正覺
301 35 jīn modern 我於今者當成正覺
302 35 jīn now; adhunā 我於今者當成正覺
303 35 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 古昔有王觸仙故
304 35 old; ancient; former; past 古昔有王觸仙故
305 35 reason; cause; purpose 古昔有王觸仙故
306 35 to die 古昔有王觸仙故
307 35 so; therefore; hence 古昔有王觸仙故
308 35 original 古昔有王觸仙故
309 35 accident; happening; instance 古昔有王觸仙故
310 35 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 古昔有王觸仙故
311 35 something in the past 古昔有王觸仙故
312 35 deceased; dead 古昔有王觸仙故
313 35 still; yet 古昔有王觸仙故
314 35 therefore; tasmāt 古昔有王觸仙故
315 35 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 十者見其池井皆竭
316 35 jiē same; equally 十者見其池井皆竭
317 35 jiē all; sarva 十者見其池井皆竭
318 33 yán to speak; to say; said 爾時佛告諸比丘言
319 33 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 爾時佛告諸比丘言
320 33 yán Kangxi radical 149 爾時佛告諸比丘言
321 33 yán a particle with no meaning 爾時佛告諸比丘言
322 33 yán phrase; sentence 爾時佛告諸比丘言
323 33 yán a word; a syllable 爾時佛告諸比丘言
324 33 yán a theory; a doctrine 爾時佛告諸比丘言
325 33 yán to regard as 爾時佛告諸比丘言
326 33 yán to act as 爾時佛告諸比丘言
327 33 yán word; vacana 爾時佛告諸比丘言
328 33 yán speak; vad 爾時佛告諸比丘言
329 33 如是 rúshì thus; so 聞如是偈
330 33 如是 rúshì thus, so 聞如是偈
331 33 如是 rúshì thus; evam 聞如是偈
332 33 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是偈
333 30 說偈言 shuō jìyán uttered the following stanzas 即說偈言
334 29 no 世間成佛無休已
335 29 Kangxi radical 71 世間成佛無休已
336 29 to not have; without 世間成佛無休已
337 29 has not yet 世間成佛無休已
338 29 mo 世間成佛無休已
339 29 do not 世間成佛無休已
340 29 not; -less; un- 世間成佛無休已
341 29 regardless of 世間成佛無休已
342 29 to not have 世間成佛無休已
343 29 um 世間成佛無休已
344 29 Wu 世間成佛無休已
345 29 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 世間成佛無休已
346 29 not; non- 世間成佛無休已
347 29 mo 世間成佛無休已
348 29 zhòng many; numerous 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
349 29 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
350 29 zhòng general; common; public 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
351 29 zhòng many; all; sarva 汝等軍眾宜往其所而摧伏之
352 29 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 比丘當知
353 29 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 比丘當知
354 29 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 比丘當知
355 29 dāng to face 比丘當知
356 29 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 比丘當知
357 29 dāng to manage; to host 比丘當知
358 29 dāng should 比丘當知
359 29 dāng to treat; to regard as 比丘當知
360 29 dǎng to think 比丘當知
361 29 dàng suitable; correspond to 比丘當知
362 29 dǎng to be equal 比丘當知
363 29 dàng that 比丘當知
364 29 dāng an end; top 比丘當知
365 29 dàng clang; jingle 比丘當知
366 29 dāng to judge 比丘當知
367 29 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 比丘當知
368 29 dàng the same 比丘當知
369 29 dàng to pawn 比丘當知
370 29 dàng to fail [an exam] 比丘當知
371 29 dàng a trap 比丘當知
372 29 dàng a pawned item 比丘當知
373 29 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 比丘當知
374 28 shí time; a point or period of time 時魔波旬聞是偈已
375 28 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時魔波旬聞是偈已
376 28 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時魔波旬聞是偈已
377 28 shí at that time 時魔波旬聞是偈已
378 28 shí fashionable 時魔波旬聞是偈已
379 28 shí fate; destiny; luck 時魔波旬聞是偈已
380 28 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時魔波旬聞是偈已
381 28 shí tense 時魔波旬聞是偈已
382 28 shí particular; special 時魔波旬聞是偈已
383 28 shí to plant; to cultivate 時魔波旬聞是偈已
384 28 shí hour (measure word) 時魔波旬聞是偈已
385 28 shí an era; a dynasty 時魔波旬聞是偈已
386 28 shí time [abstract] 時魔波旬聞是偈已
387 28 shí seasonal 時魔波旬聞是偈已
388 28 shí frequently; often 時魔波旬聞是偈已
389 28 shí occasionally; sometimes 時魔波旬聞是偈已
390 28 shí on time 時魔波旬聞是偈已
391 28 shí this; that 時魔波旬聞是偈已
392 28 shí to wait upon 時魔波旬聞是偈已
393 28 shí hour 時魔波旬聞是偈已
394 28 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時魔波旬聞是偈已
395 28 shí Shi 時魔波旬聞是偈已
396 28 shí a present; currentlt 時魔波旬聞是偈已
397 28 shí time; kāla 時魔波旬聞是偈已
398 28 shí at that time; samaya 時魔波旬聞是偈已
399 28 shí then; atha 時魔波旬聞是偈已
400 27 xiàng towards; to 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
401 27 xiàng direction 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
402 27 xiàng to face 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
403 27 xiàng previous; former; earlier 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
404 27 xiàng formerly 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
405 27 xiàng a north facing window 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
406 27 xiàng a trend 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
407 27 xiàng Xiang 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
408 27 xiàng Xiang 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
409 27 xiàng to move towards 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
410 27 xiàng to respect; to admire; to look up to 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
411 27 xiàng to favor; to be partial to 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
412 27 xiàng always 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
413 27 xiàng just now; a moment ago 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
414 27 xiàng to approximate 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
415 27 xiàng presuming 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
416 27 xiàng to attack 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
417 27 xiàng echo 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
418 27 xiàng to make clear 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
419 27 xiàng facing towards; abhimukha 乃至他化自在諸天向菩薩前住立瞻仰
420 26 zuò to do 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
421 26 zuò to act as; to serve as 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
422 26 zuò to start 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
423 26 zuò a writing; a work 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
424 26 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
425 26 zuō to create; to make 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
426 26 zuō a workshop 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
427 26 zuō to write; to compose 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
428 26 zuò to rise 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
429 26 zuò to be aroused 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
430 26 zuò activity; action; undertaking 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
431 26 zuò to regard as 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
432 26 zuò action; kāraṇa 菩薩坐菩提座已作是思惟
433 25 魔子 mózǐ sons of Mara 右面魔子名曰導師
434 24 naturally; of course; certainly 既自能度當度他
435 24 from; since 既自能度當度他
436 24 self; oneself; itself 既自能度當度他
437 24 Kangxi radical 132 既自能度當度他
438 24 Zi 既自能度當度他
439 24 a nose 既自能度當度他
440 24 the beginning; the start 既自能度當度他
441 24 origin 既自能度當度他
442 24 originally 既自能度當度他
443 24 still; to remain 既自能度當度他
444 24 in person; personally 既自能度當度他
445 24 in addition; besides 既自能度當度他
446 24 if; even if 既自能度當度他
447 24 but 既自能度當度他
448 24 because 既自能度當度他
449 24 to employ; to use 既自能度當度他
450 24 to be 既自能度當度他
451 24 own; one's own; oneself 既自能度當度他
452 24 self; soul; ātman 既自能度當度他
453 23 to know; to learn about; to comprehend 應滅三惡悉無餘
454 23 all; entire 應滅三惡悉無餘
455 23 detailed 應滅三惡悉無餘
456 23 to elaborate; to expound 應滅三惡悉無餘
457 23 to exhaust; to use up 應滅三惡悉無餘
458 23 strongly 應滅三惡悉無餘
459 23 Xi 應滅三惡悉無餘
460 23 all; kṛtsna 應滅三惡悉無餘
461 23 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若使得證菩提已
462 23 ruò seemingly 若使得證菩提已
463 23 ruò if 若使得證菩提已
464 23 ruò you 若使得證菩提已
465 23 ruò this; that 若使得證菩提已
466 23 ruò and; or 若使得證菩提已
467 23 ruò as for; pertaining to 若使得證菩提已
468 23 pomegranite 若使得證菩提已
469 23 ruò to choose 若使得證菩提已
470 23 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若使得證菩提已
471 23 ruò thus 若使得證菩提已
472 23 ruò pollia 若使得證菩提已
473 23 ruò Ruo 若使得證菩提已
474 23 ruò only then 若使得證菩提已
475 23 ja 若使得證菩提已
476 23 jñā 若使得證菩提已
477 23 ruò if; yadi 若使得證菩提已
478 23 promptly; right away; immediately 即說偈言
479 23 to be near by; to be close to 即說偈言
480 23 at that time 即說偈言
481 23 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即說偈言
482 23 supposed; so-called 即說偈言
483 23 if; but 即說偈言
484 23 to arrive at; to ascend 即說偈言
485 23 then; following 即說偈言
486 23 so; just so; eva 即說偈言
487 23 shēn human body; torso 汝身稱有大勇猛
488 23 shēn Kangxi radical 158 汝身稱有大勇猛
489 23 shēn measure word for clothes 汝身稱有大勇猛
490 23 shēn self 汝身稱有大勇猛
491 23 shēn life 汝身稱有大勇猛
492 23 shēn an object 汝身稱有大勇猛
493 23 shēn a lifetime 汝身稱有大勇猛
494 23 shēn personally 汝身稱有大勇猛
495 23 shēn moral character 汝身稱有大勇猛
496 23 shēn status; identity; position 汝身稱有大勇猛
497 23 shēn pregnancy 汝身稱有大勇猛
498 23 juān India 汝身稱有大勇猛
499 23 shēn body; kāya 汝身稱有大勇猛
500 22 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時佛告諸比丘言


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
huò or; vā
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
this; here; etad
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
again; punar
ér and; ca
zhě ca
菩萨 菩薩
  1. púsà
  2. púsà
  1. bodhisattva
  2. bodhisattva
near to; antike
he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
宝洲 寶洲 98 Simhala; Siṃhala
98 Bohai Sea
波旬 98 Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant
成劫 99 The kalpa of formation
大梵天王 100 Mahābrahma Deva Rāja; Brahma
地婆诃罗 地婆訶羅 100 Divākara
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
方广大庄严经 方廣大莊嚴經 102 Fang Guang Da Zhuangyan Jing; Lalitavistara
法王 102
  1. King of the Law; Dharma King
  2. Dharmaraja (Thailand)
  3. Dharma King
  4. Dharmaraja; Dharma King
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛世尊 102 Buddha, the world-honoured; bhagavat
甘露门 甘露門 103
  1. The Nectar Gate of Dharma
  2. Ambrosia Gate
坏劫 壞劫 104 Kalpa of Destruction
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  5. wolf; vṛka
曼殊 109
  1. mañju; beautiful; lovely; charming
  2. Manjusri
  3. Manshu
魔波旬 109 Māra-Pāpīyāms; Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant
魔怨 109 Māra
那罗延 那羅延 110 Narayana
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
菩提树神 菩提樹神 112 Goddess of the Bodhi Tree
千叶 千葉 113 Chiba
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
释梵 釋梵 115 Sakra and Brahma; Śakra and Brahmā
十方诸佛 十方諸佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
释提桓因 釋提桓因 115 Śakra; Sakka; Śakra Devānām Indra; Kauśika
师子王 師子王 115 Lion King
师子游戏 師子遊戲 115 Lion's Play
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
围陀论 圍陀論 119 Veda
无忧 無憂 119
  1. did not worry
  2. Carefree
  3. without sorrow
  4. no sorrow
  5. Aśoka; Asoka; Ashoka
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
无退 無退 119 avaivartika; non-retrogression
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
学道 學道 120
  1. examiner
  2. Learning the Way
须弥 須彌 120 Mt Meru; Sumeru
须弥山 須彌山 88
  1. Mount Sumeru
  2. Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
应供 應供 121
  1. Offering
  2. Worthy One; arhat
旃陀罗 旃陀羅 122
  1. Chandala; Untouchable Caste
  2. caṇḍāla; untouchable caste
转轮圣王 轉輪聖王 90 Chakravarti raja; an emperor in Hindu mythology
紫金山 122 Purple Mountain
自在主 122 Indriyeshvara


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 266.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱道 愛道 195 Affinity for the Way
爱见 愛見 195 attachment to meeting with people
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
阿耨多罗三藐三菩提 阿耨多羅三藐三菩提 196 anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; anuttara samyaksaṃbodhi; anuttarasamyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment
安坐 196 steady meditation
阿修罗 阿修羅 196
  1. asura
  2. asura
八难 八難 98 eight difficulties
白毫相 98 urnalaksana; urnakesa; urnakosa
宝冠 寶冠 98 a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
遍十方 98 pervading all directions
遍照无量无边世界 遍照無量無邊世界 98 illuminate endless and boundless world systems
遍满 遍滿 98 to fill; paripūrṇa
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
必当 必當 98 must
波头摩 波頭摩 98 padma
不可坏 不可壞 98 cannot be diverted; asaṃhārya
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
不贪 不貪 98 non-attachment; alobha
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
禅定 禪定 99
  1. meditative concentration
  2. meditative concentration; meditation
  3. to meditate
瞋忿 99 rage
成道 99 awakening; to become enlightened; to become a Buddha
成等正觉 成等正覺 99 attain perfect enlightenment
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
成正觉 成正覺 99 to become a Buddha
癡缚 癡縛 99 bond of ignorance
愁恼 愁惱 99 affliction
初禅 初禪 99 first dhyāna; first jhana
船筏 99 a raft
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
从地踊出 從地踊出 99 leaping out from the earth
大慈悲 100 great mercy and great compassion
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大神通 100
  1. great supernatural power
  2. great transcendent wisdom
大医王 大醫王 100
  1. Great Lord of healing
  2. Great Healing King
大愿 大願 100 a great vow
当得 當得 100 will reach
道树 道樹 100 bodhi tree; pippala; sacred fig tree
大仙 100 a great sage; maharsi
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
地水火风 地水火風 100 Earth, Water, Fire and Wind
定力 100
  1. Meditative Concentration
  2. ability for meditative concentration
第三禅 第三禪 100 the third dhyāna
第四禅 第四禪 100 the fourth dhyana
多身 100 many existences
多劫 100 many kalpas; numerous eons
多罗树 多羅樹 100 palmyra tree; fan-palm
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶念 惡念 195 evil intentions
二禅 二禪 195
  1. the second dhyana
  2. second dhyāna; second jhāna
恶业 惡業 195 unwholesome acts; evil intentions
发阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心 發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 102 aspiration to attain supreme perfect enlightenment
发露 發露 102 to reveal; to manifest
放光 102
  1. to emit light
  2. to produce light
凡愚 102 common and ignorant
法幢 102 a stone pilar inscribed with scriptures
粪秽 糞穢 102 dirt; excrement and filth
芬陀利 102
  1. Pundarika
  2. pundarika
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
福田 102
  1. field of merit
  2. field of blessing
广长舌相 廣長舌相 103 the sign of a broad and long tongue
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
毫相 104 urna
恒沙 恆沙 104
  1. sands of the River Ganges
  2. the sand of the River Ganges; as numerous as grains of sand in the River Ganges
弘誓 104 great vows
幻惑 104
  1. illusory
  2. to delude
毁呰 毀呰 104 to denigrate
迦陵 106 kalavinka; kalaviṅka
迦陵频伽 迦陵頻伽 106 kalavinka
迦娄罗 迦婁羅 106 garuda
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
降魔 106 to subdue Mara; to defeat evil
寂定 106 samadhi
解脱门 解脫門 106
  1. Gate of Perfect Ease
  2. the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra
解脱果 解脫果 106 visaṃyogaphala; disconnection fruition; separation effect
戒行 106 to abide by precepts
净居天 淨居天 106 suddhavasa; pure abodes
净德 淨德 106 the virtue of purity
净居 淨居 106 suddhavasa; Śuddhāvāsa; pure abode
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
偈颂 偈頌 106 a gatha; a chant
吉祥瓶 106 mani vase
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
卷第九 106 scroll 9
觉观 覺觀 106 awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and fine perception
拘物头 拘物頭 106 kumuda
拘物头华 拘物頭華 106 kumuda flower
拘胝 106 koti; one hundred million; a very large number
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
堪受 107 fit to receive [the teachings]
空中声言 空中聲言 107 a voice up in the air said
苦集 107 accumulation as the cause of suffering
苦际 苦際 107 limit of suffering
苦行六年 107 six years practicing ascetism
苦乐 苦樂 107 joy and pain
乐法 樂法 108 joy in the Dharma
历劫 歷劫 108 to pass through a kalpa
离生喜乐 離生喜樂 108 rapture and pleasure born from withdrawal
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
了知 108 to understand clearly
离垢 離垢 108
  1. Undefiled
  2. vimalā; stainless; immaculate
六处 六處 108 the six sense organs; sadayatana
六种震动 六種震動 108 shaken in six different ways
利益众生 利益眾生 108 help sentient beings
龙神 龍神 108 dragon spirit
轮王 輪王 108 wheel turning king
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
曼殊 109
  1. mañju; beautiful; lovely; charming
  2. Manjusri
  3. Manshu
曼陀罗华 曼陀羅華 109 mandārava flower; mandāra flower; coral tree flower
眉间白毫相 眉間白毫相 109 urnalaksana; urnakesa; urnakosa
妙觉 妙覺 109
  1. self-enlightenment to enlighten others; wonderous awakening
  2. Suprabuddha
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
魔军 魔軍 109 Māra's army
魔女 109 Māra's daughters
摩诃曼殊沙华 摩訶曼殊沙華 109 mahāmañjūṣaka flower
摩诃曼陀罗华 摩訶曼陀羅華 109 mahāmandārava flower
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
牟尼 109 a saint; a sage; a seer; muni
魔子 109 sons of Mara
那罗 那羅 110
  1. nara; man
  2. naṭa; actor; dancer
那由他 110 a nayuta
念清净 念清淨 110 Pure Mind
念言 110 words from memory
涅槃寂静 涅槃寂靜 110 Nirvana is perfect tranquility
毘舍遮鬼 112 pisaca
普见 普見 112 observe all places
菩萨身 菩薩身 112 bodhisattva's body
菩提场 菩提場 112 bodhimanda; place of enlightenment
菩提树 菩提樹 80
  1. Bodhedrum magazine
  2. Bodhi Tree
  3. bodhi tree
普照十方 112 shines over the ten directions
勤行 113 diligent practice
清净法界 清淨法界 113 pure dharmadhātu; dharmadhātuviśuddhi
群生 113 all living beings
人师 人師 114 a teacher of humans
热恼 熱惱 114 distressed; perturbed; troubled
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
人中 114 mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
日月星 114 sun, moon and star
肉身 114 the physical body
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
如梦 如夢 114 like in a dream
如来身 如來身 114 Tathāgata-kāya; Buddha-body
如来藏 如來藏 82
  1. Tathagatagarbha
  2. Buddha-nature; Buddha-dhatu; Buddha Principle; Tathāgatagarbha
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
如实 如實 114
  1. according to reality
  2. in accordance with fact; truly; yathābhūtam
  3. suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
三毒 115 three poisons; trivisa
三恶 三惡 115
  1. three kinds of malice
  2. the three evil rebirths; the three evil realms
三解脱 三解脫 115 the three doors of deliverance; the three gates of liberation
三明 115 three insights; trividya
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三千大千世界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三千界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三十二相 115 the thirty two marks of excellence; the thirty-two characteristic marks
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
散花 115 scatters flowers
山王 115 the highest peak
善利 115 great benefit
善权 善權 115 upāyakauśalya; kauśalya; skill in means
善业 善業 115 wholesome acts; good actions
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
摄持 攝持 115
  1. parigraha; to protect; to uphold; to take proper care
  2. grasping; saṃgraha
身坏命终 身壞命終 115 the break-up of the body, after death
身受 115 the sense of touch; physical perception
身业 身業 115 physical karma
身语意 身語意 115 physical actions, speech, and thought
生欢喜 生歡喜 115 giving rise to joy
生天 115 celestial birth
圣道 聖道 115
  1. the sacred way; spiritual path
  2. The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
生灭 生滅 115
  1. arising and ceasing
  2. life and death
圣智 聖智 115 Buddha wisdom
深心 115 determination; resolution; adhyāśaya
是苦集 115 this is the origin of pain
十力 115 the ten powers of the Buddha; daśabala
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
释种 釋種 115 Śākya-seed; the disciples of Śākyamuni Buddha
释子 釋子 115 son of Śākya; a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
实法 實法 115 true teachings
事相 115 phenomenon; esoteric practice
师子吼 師子吼 115 lion’s roar
师子座 師子座 115 lion's throne
受者 115 recipient
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
四兵 115 four divisions of troups
死魔 115 the evil of death; Māra of death
四天 115 four kinds of heaven
四天下 115 the four continents
宿命智 115 knowledge of past lives
随烦恼 隨煩惱 115 secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśa
所以者何 115 Why is that?
贪瞋痴 貪瞋痴 116
  1. greed, hatred, and ignorance
  2. desire, anger, and ignorance
  3. desire, anger, and ignorance; three poisons
贪着 貪著 116 attachment to desire
天眼 116
  1. divine eye
  2. divine sight
天众 天眾 116 devas
天眼通 116
  1. Divine Eye
  2. Heavenly Vision; divine sight
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
我语 我語 119 atmavada; notions of a self
无量净 無量淨 119 boundless purity
五欲 五慾 119 the five desires
五蕴 五蘊 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无见顶相 無見頂相 119 usnisa; uṣṇīṣa
无量劫 無量劫 119 innumerable kalpas; uncountable eons
无明灭 無明滅 119 ignorance is extinguished
无染 無染 119 undefiled
无上菩提 無上菩提 119
  1. Supreme Bodhi
  2. samyaksaṃbodhi; unsurpassed complete perfect enlightenment; supreme bodhi
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
息苦 120 end of suffering
香花供养 香花供養 120 They offer to it flowers and incense.
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
懈倦 120 tired
信受 120 to believe and accept
喜受 120 the sensation of joy
修善 120 to cultivate goodness
修善根 120 cultivate capacity for goodness
修禅定 修禪定 120 to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
夜叉 121 yaksa
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
一念 121
  1. one thought
  2. one moment; one instant
  3. one thought
一缘 一緣 121 one fate; shared destiny
应见 應見 121 should be seen
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切如来 一切如來 121 all Tathagatas
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
右遶 121 moving to the right
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有想 121 having apperception
优钵罗 優鉢羅 121 utpala; blue lotus
优钵罗华 優鉢羅華 121 utpala; blue lotus
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
欲界 121 realm of desire
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
蕴魔 蘊魔 121 evil spirits that work through the five skandas
欲心 121 a lustful heart
赞佛 讚佛 122 to praise the Buddha
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
正见 正見 122
  1. Right View
  2. right understanding; right view
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
证得 證得 122 realize; prāpti
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
证菩提 證菩提 122 to become a Buddha
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
众生心 眾生心 122 the minds of sentient beings
种种神通 種種神通 122 many kinds of supernatural powers
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸如来 諸如來 122 all tathagatas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸仙 諸仙 122 group of sages
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
自度 122 self-salvation
自心 122 One's Mind
自在宫 自在宮 122 the palace of Īśvara
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara
尊胜 尊勝 122 superlative; vijayī