Glossary and Vocabulary for The Large Sūtra on Perfection of Wisdom 大般若波羅蜜多經, Scroll 331

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 102 kōng empty; void; hollow 畢竟空
2 102 kòng free time 畢竟空
3 102 kòng to empty; to clean out 畢竟空
4 102 kōng the sky; the air 畢竟空
5 102 kōng in vain; for nothing 畢竟空
6 102 kòng vacant; unoccupied 畢竟空
7 102 kòng empty space 畢竟空
8 102 kōng without substance 畢竟空
9 102 kōng to not have 畢竟空
10 102 kòng opportunity; chance 畢竟空
11 102 kōng vast and high 畢竟空
12 102 kōng impractical; ficticious 畢竟空
13 102 kòng blank 畢竟空
14 102 kòng expansive 畢竟空
15 102 kòng lacking 畢竟空
16 102 kōng plain; nothing else 畢竟空
17 102 kōng Emptiness 畢竟空
18 102 kōng emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence; sunyata 畢竟空
19 98 self 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
20 98 [my] dear 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
21 98 Wo 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
22 98 self; atman; attan 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
23 98 ga 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
24 98 zhèng proof 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
25 98 zhèng to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; to give evidence 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
26 98 zhèng to advise against 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
27 98 zhèng certificate 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
28 98 zhèng an illness 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
29 98 zhèng to accuse 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
30 98 zhèng realization; adhigama 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
31 98 zhèng obtaining; prāpti 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
32 86 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
33 86 děi to want to; to need to 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
34 86 děi must; ought to 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
35 86 de 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
36 86 de infix potential marker 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
37 86 to result in 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
38 86 to be proper; to fit; to suit 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
39 86 to be satisfied 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
40 86 to be finished 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
41 86 děi satisfying 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
42 86 to contract 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
43 86 to hear 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
44 86 to have; there is 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
45 86 marks time passed 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
46 86 obtain; attain; prāpta 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
47 73 infix potential marker 亦復不聞主宰名字
48 69 菩薩摩訶薩 púsà móhēsà bodhisattva mahāsattva 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
49 68 有情 yǒuqíng having feelings for 見諸有情繫屬主宰
50 68 有情 yǒuqíng friends with 見諸有情繫屬主宰
51 68 有情 yǒuqíng having emotional appeal 見諸有情繫屬主宰
52 68 有情 yǒuqíng sentient being 見諸有情繫屬主宰
53 68 有情 yǒuqíng sentient beings 見諸有情繫屬主宰
54 65 應觀 yīng guān may observe 應觀色空
55 62 善現 shànxiàn Sudṛśa; Sudrsa; Sudassā 善現
56 60 執著 zhízhuó attachment 見諸有情執著諸法
57 60 執著 zhízhuó grasping 見諸有情執著諸法
58 57 zhǒng kind; type 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
59 57 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
60 57 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
61 57 zhǒng seed; strain 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
62 57 zhǒng offspring 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
63 57 zhǒng breed 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
64 57 zhǒng race 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
65 57 zhǒng species 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
66 57 zhǒng root; source; origin 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
67 57 zhǒng grit; guts 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
68 57 zhǒng seed; bīja 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
69 55 to go; to 於所作事不得自在
70 55 to rely on; to depend on 於所作事不得自在
71 55 Yu 於所作事不得自在
72 55 a crow 於所作事不得自在
73 55 wèi to call 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
74 55 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
75 55 wèi to speak to; to address 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
76 55 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
77 55 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
78 55 wèi to speak to; to address 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
79 55 wèi to think 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
80 55 wèi for; is to be 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
81 55 wèi to make; to cause 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
82 55 wèi principle; reason 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
83 55 wèi Wei 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
84 54 děng et cetera; and so on 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
85 54 děng to wait 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
86 54 děng to be equal 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
87 54 děng degree; level 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
88 54 děng to compare 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
89 54 děng same; equal; sama 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
90 51 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
91 51 菩提 pútí bodhi 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
92 51 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment; awakening 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
93 51 liù six 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
94 51 liù sixth 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
95 51 liù a note on the Gongche scale 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
96 51 liù six; ṣaṭ 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
97 51 波羅蜜多 bōluómìduō paramita; perfection 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
98 47 無上 wúshàng supreme ; unexcelled 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
99 46 zhèng upright; straight 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
100 46 zhèng to straighten; to correct 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
101 46 zhèng main; central; primary 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
102 46 zhèng fundamental; original 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
103 46 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
104 46 zhèng at right angles 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
105 46 zhèng unbiased; impartial 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
106 46 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
107 46 zhèng unmixed; pure 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
108 46 zhèng positive (charge) 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
109 46 zhèng positive (number) 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
110 46 zhèng standard 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
111 46 zhèng chief; principal; primary 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
112 46 zhèng honest 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
113 46 zhèng to execute; to carry out 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
114 46 zhèng accepted; conventional 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
115 46 zhèng to govern 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
116 46 zhēng first month 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
117 46 zhēng center of a target 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
118 46 zhèng Righteous 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
119 46 zhèng right manner; nyāya 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
120 45 jīn today; present; now 今佛亦爾
121 45 jīn Jin 今佛亦爾
122 45 jīn modern 今佛亦爾
123 45 jīn now; adhunā 今佛亦爾
124 44 yìng to answer; to respond
125 44 yìng to confirm; to verify
126 44 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable
127 44 yìng to accept
128 44 yìng to permit; to allow
129 44 yìng to echo
130 44 yìng to handle; to deal with
131 44 yìng Ying
132 44 wèi Eighth earthly branch 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
133 44 wèi 1-3 p.m. 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
134 44 wèi to taste 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
135 44 wèi future; anāgata 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
136 44 zuò to do 諸有所作不得自在
137 44 zuò to act as; to serve as 諸有所作不得自在
138 44 zuò to start 諸有所作不得自在
139 44 zuò a writing; a work 諸有所作不得自在
140 44 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 諸有所作不得自在
141 44 zuō to create; to make 諸有所作不得自在
142 44 zuō a workshop 諸有所作不得自在
143 44 zuō to write; to compose 諸有所作不得自在
144 44 zuò to rise 諸有所作不得自在
145 44 zuò to be aroused 諸有所作不得自在
146 44 zuò activity; action; undertaking 諸有所作不得自在
147 44 zuò to regard as 諸有所作不得自在
148 44 zuò action; kāraṇa 諸有所作不得自在
149 43 shí time; a point or period of time
150 43 shí a season; a quarter of a year
151 43 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day
152 43 shí fashionable
153 43 shí fate; destiny; luck
154 43 shí occasion; opportunity; chance
155 43 shí tense
156 43 shí particular; special
157 43 shí to plant; to cultivate
158 43 shí an era; a dynasty
159 43 shí time [abstract]
160 43 shí seasonal
161 43 shí to wait upon
162 43 shí hour
163 43 shí appropriate; proper; timely
164 43 shí Shi
165 43 shí a present; currentlt
166 43 shí time; kāla
167 43 shí at that time; samaya
168 42 Kangxi radical 49 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
169 42 to bring to an end; to stop 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
170 42 to complete 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
171 42 to demote; to dismiss 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
172 42 to recover from an illness 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
173 42 former; pūrvaka 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
174 40 修行 xiūxíng to cultivate; to practice 修行六種波羅蜜多
175 40 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation 修行六種波羅蜜多
176 40 修行 xiūxíng spiritual practice; pratipatti 修行六種波羅蜜多
177 40 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation; bhāvanā 修行六種波羅蜜多
178 37 佛土 fótǔ Buddha land 嚴淨佛土
179 36 jiàn to see 見諸有情繫屬主宰
180 36 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見諸有情繫屬主宰
181 36 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見諸有情繫屬主宰
182 36 jiàn refer to; for details see 見諸有情繫屬主宰
183 36 jiàn to listen to 見諸有情繫屬主宰
184 36 jiàn to meet 見諸有情繫屬主宰
185 36 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見諸有情繫屬主宰
186 36 jiàn let me; kindly 見諸有情繫屬主宰
187 36 jiàn Jian 見諸有情繫屬主宰
188 36 xiàn to appear 見諸有情繫屬主宰
189 36 xiàn to introduce 見諸有情繫屬主宰
190 36 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見諸有情繫屬主宰
191 36 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見諸有情繫屬主宰
192 35 圓滿 yuánmǎn satisfactory 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
193 35 圓滿 yuánmǎn Perfection 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
194 35 圓滿 yuánmǎn perfect; complete; paripūrṇa 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
195 34 思惟 sīwéi to think; to consider; to reflect 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
196 34 思惟 sīwéi thinking; tought 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
197 34 思惟 sīwéi Contemplate 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
198 34 思惟 sīwéi reflection; consideration; cintana 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
199 34 speed 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
200 34 quick; fast 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
201 34 urgent 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
202 34 to recruit 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
203 34 to urge; to invite 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
204 34 quick; śīghra 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
205 34 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
206 34 lìng to issue a command 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
207 34 lìng rules of behavior; customs 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
208 34 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
209 34 lìng a season 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
210 34 lìng respected; good reputation 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
211 34 lìng good 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
212 34 lìng pretentious 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
213 34 lìng a transcending state of existence 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
214 34 lìng a commander 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
215 34 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
216 34 lìng lyrics 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
217 34 lìng Ling 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
218 34 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
219 33 xué to study; to learn 我為學故觀諸法空
220 33 xué to imitate 我為學故觀諸法空
221 33 xué a school; an academy 我為學故觀諸法空
222 33 xué to understand 我為學故觀諸法空
223 33 xué learning; acquired knowledge 我為學故觀諸法空
224 33 xué learned 我為學故觀諸法空
225 33 xué student; learning; śikṣā 我為學故觀諸法空
226 33 xué a learner 我為學故觀諸法空
227 31 應作 yīngzuò a manifestation 諸菩薩摩訶薩於諸法空不應作證
228 30 Kangxi radical 71 令無善惡諸趣差別
229 30 to not have; without 令無善惡諸趣差別
230 30 mo 令無善惡諸趣差別
231 30 to not have 令無善惡諸趣差別
232 30 Wu 令無善惡諸趣差別
233 30 mo 令無善惡諸趣差別
234 29 lèi kind; type; class; category 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
235 29 lèi similar; like 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
236 29 lèi class in a programming language 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
237 29 lèi reason; logic 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
238 29 lèi example; model 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
239 29 lèi Lei 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
240 29 lèi species; jāti 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
241 28 不退 bùtuì to not leave; to not go back 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
242 28 不退 bùtuì never regressing; avaivartika 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
243 28 漏盡 lòu jìn defilements exhausted 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
244 27 Buddha; Awakened One 合掌向佛白言
245 27 relating to Buddhism 合掌向佛白言
246 27 a statue or image of a Buddha 合掌向佛白言
247 27 a Buddhist text 合掌向佛白言
248 27 to touch; to stroke 合掌向佛白言
249 27 Buddha 合掌向佛白言
250 27 Buddha; Awakened One 合掌向佛白言
251 26 xiū to decorate; to embellish 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
252 26 xiū to study; to cultivate 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
253 26 xiū to repair 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
254 26 xiū long; slender 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
255 26 xiū to write; to compile 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
256 26 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
257 26 xiū to practice 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
258 26 xiū to cut 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
259 26 xiū virtuous; wholesome 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
260 26 xiū a virtuous person 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
261 26 xiū Xiu 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
262 26 xiū to unknot 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
263 26 xiū to prepare; to put in order 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
264 26 xiū excellent 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
265 26 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
266 26 xiū Cultivation 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
267 26 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
268 26 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
269 26 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 令離如是無光明身
270 26 a mythical bird 令離如是無光明身
271 26 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 令離如是無光明身
272 26 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 令離如是無光明身
273 26 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 令離如是無光明身
274 26 a mountain ash 令離如是無光明身
275 26 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 令離如是無光明身
276 26 to be scattered; to be separated 令離如是無光明身
277 26 to cut off 令離如是無光明身
278 26 to violate; to be contrary to 令離如是無光明身
279 26 to be distant from 令離如是無光明身
280 26 two 令離如是無光明身
281 26 to array; to align 令離如是無光明身
282 26 to pass through; to experience 令離如是無光明身
283 26 transcendence 令離如是無光明身
284 26 to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 令離如是無光明身
285 26 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 既思惟已作是願言
286 26 yuàn hope 既思惟已作是願言
287 26 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 既思惟已作是願言
288 26 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 既思惟已作是願言
289 26 yuàn a vow 既思惟已作是願言
290 26 yuàn diligent; attentive 既思惟已作是願言
291 26 yuàn to prefer; to select 既思惟已作是願言
292 26 yuàn to admire 既思惟已作是願言
293 26 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 既思惟已作是願言
294 24 jìn nearby 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
295 24 jìn to approach; to be near; to draw close to 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
296 24 jìn simple; ordinary 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
297 24 jìn to be intimate 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
298 24 jìn Jin 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
299 24 jìn near; āsanna 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
300 23 yán to speak; to say; said 既思惟已作是願言
301 23 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 既思惟已作是願言
302 23 yán Kangxi radical 149 既思惟已作是願言
303 23 yán phrase; sentence 既思惟已作是願言
304 23 yán a word; a syllable 既思惟已作是願言
305 23 yán a theory; a doctrine 既思惟已作是願言
306 23 yán to regard as 既思惟已作是願言
307 23 yán to act as 既思惟已作是願言
308 23 yán word; vacana 既思惟已作是願言
309 23 yán speak; vad 既思惟已作是願言
310 21 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
311 21 to possess; to have 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
312 21 to prepare 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
313 21 to write; to describe; to state 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
314 21 Ju 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
315 21 talent; ability 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
316 21 a feast; food 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
317 21 to arrange; to provide 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
318 21 furnishings 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
319 21 to understand 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
320 21 a mat for sitting and sleeping on 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
321 21 zhōng middle 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
322 21 zhōng medium; medium sized 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
323 21 zhōng China 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
324 21 zhòng to hit the mark 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
325 21 zhōng midday 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
326 21 zhōng inside 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
327 21 zhōng during 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
328 21 zhōng Zhong 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
329 21 zhōng intermediary 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
330 21 zhōng half 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
331 21 zhòng to reach; to attain 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
332 21 zhòng to suffer; to infect 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
333 21 zhòng to obtain 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
334 21 zhòng to pass an exam 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
335 21 zhōng middle 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
336 20 嚴淨 yán jìng majestic and pure 嚴淨佛土
337 20 shēn human body; torso 身有種種大小便利
338 20 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身有種種大小便利
339 20 shēn self 身有種種大小便利
340 20 shēn life 身有種種大小便利
341 20 shēn an object 身有種種大小便利
342 20 shēn a lifetime 身有種種大小便利
343 20 shēn moral character 身有種種大小便利
344 20 shēn status; identity; position 身有種種大小便利
345 20 shēn pregnancy 身有種種大小便利
346 20 juān India 身有種種大小便利
347 20 shēn body; kāya 身有種種大小便利
348 20 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 令無如是四生差別
349 20 shì matter; thing; item 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
350 20 shì to serve 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
351 20 shì a government post 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
352 20 shì duty; post; work 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
353 20 shì occupation 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
354 20 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
355 20 shì an accident 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
356 20 shì to attend 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
357 20 shì an allusion 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
358 20 shì a condition; a state; a situation 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
359 20 shì to engage in 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
360 20 shì to enslave 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
361 20 shì to pursue 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
362 20 shì to administer 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
363 20 shì to appoint 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
364 20 shì thing; phenomena 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
365 20 shì actions; karma 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
366 20 成熟 chéngshú ripe 成熟有情
367 20 成熟 chéngshú to become skilled; experienced 成熟有情
368 20 成熟 chéngshú mature [psychologically] 成熟有情
369 20 成熟 chéngshú satisfaction; tṛpti 成熟有情
370 19 由此 yóucǐ hereby; from this 是菩薩摩訶薩由此六種波羅蜜多
371 17 精勤 jīngqín concentrated diligence 我當精勤不顧身命
372 17 精勤 jīngqín diligent; abhiyukta 我當精勤不顧身命
373 17 disease; sickness; ailment 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
374 17 to hate; to envy 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
375 17 swift; rapid 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
376 17 urgent 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
377 17 pain 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
378 17 to get sick 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
379 17 to worry; to be nervous 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
380 17 speedy; kṣipram 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
381 17 lín neighbor; adjacent 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
382 17 lín adjacent; antikatva 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
383 17 to complete; to finish 既思惟已作是願言
384 17 Ji 既思惟已作是願言
385 17 不顧 bùgù to not watch over 我當精勤不顧身命
386 17 不顧 bùgù to ignore 我當精勤不顧身命
387 17 身命 shēnmìng body and life 我當精勤不顧身命
388 16 bìng ailment; sickness; illness; disease 見諸有情具身心病
389 16 bìng to be sick 見諸有情具身心病
390 16 bìng a defect; a fault; a shortcoming 見諸有情具身心病
391 16 bìng to be disturbed about 見諸有情具身心病
392 16 bìng to suffer for 見諸有情具身心病
393 16 bìng to harm 見諸有情具身心病
394 16 bìng to worry 見諸有情具身心病
395 16 bìng to hate; to resent 見諸有情具身心病
396 16 bìng to criticize; to find fault with 見諸有情具身心病
397 16 bìng withered 見諸有情具身心病
398 16 bìng exhausted 見諸有情具身心病
399 16 bìng sickness; vyādhi 見諸有情具身心病
400 15 xíng to walk 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
401 15 xíng capable; competent 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
402 15 háng profession 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
403 15 xíng Kangxi radical 144 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
404 15 xíng to travel 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
405 15 xìng actions; conduct 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
406 15 xíng to do; to act; to practice 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
407 15 xíng all right; OK; okay 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
408 15 háng horizontal line 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
409 15 héng virtuous deeds 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
410 15 hàng a line of trees 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
411 15 hàng bold; steadfast 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
412 15 xíng to move 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
413 15 xíng to put into effect; to implement 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
414 15 xíng travel 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
415 15 xíng to circulate 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
416 15 xíng running script; running script 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
417 15 xíng temporary 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
418 15 háng rank; order 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
419 15 háng a business; a shop 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
420 15 xíng to depart; to leave 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
421 15 xíng to experience 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
422 15 xíng path; way 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
423 15 xíng xing; ballad 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
424 15 xíng Xing 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
425 15 xíng Practice 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
426 15 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
427 15 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 修行菩薩摩訶薩行
428 15 wéi to act as; to serve 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
429 15 wéi to change into; to become 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
430 15 wéi to be; is 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
431 15 wéi to do 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
432 15 wèi to support; to help 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
433 15 wéi to govern 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
434 15 wèi to be; bhū 執著眼觸為緣所生諸受
435 15 拔濟 bájì to save; to rescue 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
436 14 xìng gender 不虛妄性
437 14 xìng nature; disposition 不虛妄性
438 14 xìng grammatical gender 不虛妄性
439 14 xìng a property; a quality 不虛妄性
440 14 xìng life; destiny 不虛妄性
441 14 xìng sexual desire 不虛妄性
442 14 xìng scope 不虛妄性
443 14 xìng nature 不虛妄性
444 14 般若波羅蜜多 bōrěbōluómìduō prajnaparamita; prajñāpāramitā; perfection of the highest form of wisdom 般若波羅蜜多
445 14 chù to touch; to feel
446 14 chù to butt; to ram; to gore
447 14 chù touch; contact; sparśa
448 14 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya
449 13 huā Hua 即取種種金花
450 13 huā flower 即取種種金花
451 13 huā to spend (money, time) 即取種種金花
452 13 huā a flower shaped object 即取種種金花
453 13 huā a beautiful female 即取種種金花
454 13 huā having flowers 即取種種金花
455 13 huā having a decorative pattern 即取種種金花
456 13 huā having a a variety 即取種種金花
457 13 huā false; empty 即取種種金花
458 13 huā indistinct; fuzzy 即取種種金花
459 13 huā excited 即取種種金花
460 13 huā to flower 即取種種金花
461 13 huā flower; puṣpa 即取種種金花
462 13 無性 wúxìng niḥsvabhāva; no self-nature 無性空
463 13 無性 wúxìng Asvabhāva 無性空
464 13 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 執著受
465 13 shòu to transfer; to confer 執著受
466 13 shòu to receive; to accept 執著受
467 13 shòu to tolerate 執著受
468 13 shòu feelings; sensations 執著受
469 13 真實 zhēnshí true; real; authentic; actual 未能真實離斷生命謂我真實離斷生命
470 13 真實 zhēnshí true reality 未能真實離斷生命謂我真實離斷生命
471 13 阿難 Ānán Ananda 阿難覩斯事已
472 13 阿難 Ānán Ānanda; Ananda 阿難覩斯事已
473 13 自性空 zìxìng kōng The Intrinsically Empty Nature 自性空
474 13 自性空 zìxìng kōng emptiness of self-nature 自性空
475 13 自性空 zìxìng kōng svabhāva-śūnya; empty intrinsic nature 自性空
476 12 suǒ a few; various; some 於所作事不得自在
477 12 suǒ a place; a location 於所作事不得自在
478 12 suǒ indicates a passive voice 於所作事不得自在
479 12 suǒ an ordinal number 於所作事不得自在
480 12 suǒ meaning 於所作事不得自在
481 12 suǒ garrison 於所作事不得自在
482 12 suǒ place; pradeśa 於所作事不得自在
483 12 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; unlimited 未得慈無量謂得慈無量
484 12 無量 wúliàng immeasurable 未得慈無量謂得慈無量
485 12 無量 wúliàng immeasurable; aparimāṇa 未得慈無量謂得慈無量
486 12 無量 wúliàng Atula 未得慈無量謂得慈無量
487 12 三摩地 sānmódì samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration 修行三摩地門
488 11 xiàng to observe; to assess 修行道相智
489 11 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 修行道相智
490 11 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 修行道相智
491 11 xiàng to aid; to help 修行道相智
492 11 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 修行道相智
493 11 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 修行道相智
494 11 xiāng alternately; in turn 修行道相智
495 11 xiāng Xiang 修行道相智
496 11 xiāng form substance 修行道相智
497 11 xiāng to express 修行道相智
498 11 xiàng to choose 修行道相智
499 11 xiāng Xiang 修行道相智
500 11 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 修行道相智

Frequencies of all Words

Top 851

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 102 kōng empty; void; hollow 畢竟空
2 102 kòng free time 畢竟空
3 102 kòng to empty; to clean out 畢竟空
4 102 kōng the sky; the air 畢竟空
5 102 kōng in vain; for nothing 畢竟空
6 102 kòng vacant; unoccupied 畢竟空
7 102 kòng empty space 畢竟空
8 102 kōng without substance 畢竟空
9 102 kōng to not have 畢竟空
10 102 kòng opportunity; chance 畢竟空
11 102 kōng vast and high 畢竟空
12 102 kōng impractical; ficticious 畢竟空
13 102 kòng blank 畢竟空
14 102 kòng expansive 畢竟空
15 102 kòng lacking 畢竟空
16 102 kōng plain; nothing else 畢竟空
17 102 kōng Emptiness 畢竟空
18 102 kōng emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence; sunyata 畢竟空
19 98 I; me; my 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
20 98 self 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
21 98 we; our 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
22 98 [my] dear 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
23 98 Wo 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
24 98 self; atman; attan 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
25 98 ga 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
26 98 I; aham 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
27 98 zhèng proof 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
28 98 zhèng to prove; to demonstrate; to confirm; to give evidence 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
29 98 zhèng to advise against 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
30 98 zhèng certificate 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
31 98 zhèng an illness 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
32 98 zhèng to accuse 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
33 98 zhèng realization; adhigama 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
34 98 zhèng obtaining; prāpti 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
35 86 de potential marker 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
36 86 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
37 86 děi must; ought to 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
38 86 děi to want to; to need to 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
39 86 děi must; ought to 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
40 86 de 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
41 86 de infix potential marker 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
42 86 to result in 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
43 86 to be proper; to fit; to suit 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
44 86 to be satisfied 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
45 86 to be finished 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
46 86 de result of degree 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
47 86 de marks completion of an action 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
48 86 děi satisfying 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
49 86 to contract 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
50 86 marks permission or possibility 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
51 86 expressing frustration 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
52 86 to hear 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
53 86 to have; there is 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
54 86 marks time passed 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
55 86 obtain; attain; prāpta 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
56 81 shì is; are; am; to be 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
57 81 shì is exactly 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
58 81 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
59 81 shì this; that; those 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
60 81 shì really; certainly 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
61 81 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
62 81 shì true 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
63 81 shì is; has; exists 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
64 81 shì used between repetitions of a word 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
65 81 shì a matter; an affair 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
66 81 shì Shi 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
67 81 shì is; bhū 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
68 81 shì this; idam 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
69 73 not; no 亦復不聞主宰名字
70 73 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 亦復不聞主宰名字
71 73 as a correlative 亦復不聞主宰名字
72 73 no (answering a question) 亦復不聞主宰名字
73 73 forms a negative adjective from a noun 亦復不聞主宰名字
74 73 at the end of a sentence to form a question 亦復不聞主宰名字
75 73 to form a yes or no question 亦復不聞主宰名字
76 73 infix potential marker 亦復不聞主宰名字
77 73 no; na 亦復不聞主宰名字
78 69 菩薩摩訶薩 púsà móhēsà bodhisattva mahāsattva 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
79 68 有情 yǒuqíng having feelings for 見諸有情繫屬主宰
80 68 有情 yǒuqíng friends with 見諸有情繫屬主宰
81 68 有情 yǒuqíng having emotional appeal 見諸有情繫屬主宰
82 68 有情 yǒuqíng sentient being 見諸有情繫屬主宰
83 68 有情 yǒuqíng sentient beings 見諸有情繫屬主宰
84 67 zhū all; many; various 見諸有情繫屬主宰
85 67 zhū Zhu 見諸有情繫屬主宰
86 67 zhū all; members of the class 見諸有情繫屬主宰
87 67 zhū interrogative particle 見諸有情繫屬主宰
88 67 zhū him; her; them; it 見諸有情繫屬主宰
89 67 zhū of; in 見諸有情繫屬主宰
90 67 zhū all; many; sarva 見諸有情繫屬主宰
91 65 應觀 yīng guān may observe 應觀色空
92 62 善現 shànxiàn Sudṛśa; Sudrsa; Sudassā 善現
93 60 執著 zhízhuó attachment 見諸有情執著諸法
94 60 執著 zhízhuó grasping 見諸有情執著諸法
95 57 zhǒng kind; type 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
96 57 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
97 57 zhǒng kind; type 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
98 57 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
99 57 zhǒng seed; strain 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
100 57 zhǒng offspring 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
101 57 zhǒng breed 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
102 57 zhǒng race 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
103 57 zhǒng species 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
104 57 zhǒng root; source; origin 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
105 57 zhǒng grit; guts 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
106 57 zhǒng seed; bīja 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
107 55 in; at 於所作事不得自在
108 55 in; at 於所作事不得自在
109 55 in; at; to; from 於所作事不得自在
110 55 to go; to 於所作事不得自在
111 55 to rely on; to depend on 於所作事不得自在
112 55 to go to; to arrive at 於所作事不得自在
113 55 from 於所作事不得自在
114 55 give 於所作事不得自在
115 55 oppposing 於所作事不得自在
116 55 and 於所作事不得自在
117 55 compared to 於所作事不得自在
118 55 by 於所作事不得自在
119 55 and; as well as 於所作事不得自在
120 55 for 於所作事不得自在
121 55 Yu 於所作事不得自在
122 55 a crow 於所作事不得自在
123 55 whew; wow 於所作事不得自在
124 55 near to; antike 於所作事不得自在
125 55 wèi to call 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
126 55 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
127 55 wèi to speak to; to address 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
128 55 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
129 55 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
130 55 wèi to speak to; to address 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
131 55 wèi to think 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
132 55 wèi for; is to be 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
133 55 wèi to make; to cause 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
134 55 wèi and 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
135 55 wèi principle; reason 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
136 55 wèi Wei 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
137 55 wèi which; what; yad 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
138 55 wèi to say; iti 謂皆和合修行布施波羅蜜多
139 54 děng et cetera; and so on 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
140 54 děng to wait 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
141 54 děng degree; kind 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
142 54 děng plural 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
143 54 děng to be equal 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
144 54 děng degree; level 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
145 54 děng to compare 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
146 54 děng same; equal; sama 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
147 51 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
148 51 菩提 pútí bodhi 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
149 51 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment; awakening 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
150 51 liù six 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
151 51 liù sixth 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
152 51 liù a note on the Gongche scale 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
153 51 liù six; ṣaṭ 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
154 51 波羅蜜多 bōluómìduō paramita; perfection 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
155 47 無上 wúshàng supreme ; unexcelled 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
156 46 zhèng upright; straight 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
157 46 zhèng just doing something; just now 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
158 46 zhèng to straighten; to correct 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
159 46 zhèng main; central; primary 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
160 46 zhèng fundamental; original 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
161 46 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
162 46 zhèng at right angles 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
163 46 zhèng unbiased; impartial 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
164 46 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
165 46 zhèng unmixed; pure 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
166 46 zhèng positive (charge) 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
167 46 zhèng positive (number) 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
168 46 zhèng standard 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
169 46 zhèng chief; principal; primary 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
170 46 zhèng honest 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
171 46 zhèng to execute; to carry out 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
172 46 zhèng precisely 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
173 46 zhèng accepted; conventional 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
174 46 zhèng to govern 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
175 46 zhèng only; just 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
176 46 zhēng first month 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
177 46 zhēng center of a target 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
178 46 zhèng Righteous 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
179 46 zhèng right manner; nyāya 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
180 45 jīn today; present; now 今佛亦爾
181 45 jīn Jin 今佛亦爾
182 45 jīn modern 今佛亦爾
183 45 jīn now; adhunā 今佛亦爾
184 44 yīng should; ought
185 44 yìng to answer; to respond
186 44 yìng to confirm; to verify
187 44 yīng soon; immediately
188 44 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable
189 44 yìng to accept
190 44 yīng or; either
191 44 yìng to permit; to allow
192 44 yìng to echo
193 44 yìng to handle; to deal with
194 44 yìng Ying
195 44 yīng suitable; yukta
196 44 wèi Eighth earthly branch 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
197 44 wèi not yet; still not 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
198 44 wèi not; did not; have not 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
199 44 wèi or not? 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
200 44 wèi 1-3 p.m. 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
201 44 wèi to taste 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
202 44 wèi future; anāgata 未得初靜慮謂得初靜慮
203 44 zuò to do 諸有所作不得自在
204 44 zuò to act as; to serve as 諸有所作不得自在
205 44 zuò to start 諸有所作不得自在
206 44 zuò a writing; a work 諸有所作不得自在
207 44 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 諸有所作不得自在
208 44 zuō to create; to make 諸有所作不得自在
209 44 zuō a workshop 諸有所作不得自在
210 44 zuō to write; to compose 諸有所作不得自在
211 44 zuò to rise 諸有所作不得自在
212 44 zuò to be aroused 諸有所作不得自在
213 44 zuò activity; action; undertaking 諸有所作不得自在
214 44 zuò to regard as 諸有所作不得自在
215 44 zuò action; kāraṇa 諸有所作不得自在
216 43 shí time; a point or period of time
217 43 shí a season; a quarter of a year
218 43 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day
219 43 shí at that time
220 43 shí fashionable
221 43 shí fate; destiny; luck
222 43 shí occasion; opportunity; chance
223 43 shí tense
224 43 shí particular; special
225 43 shí to plant; to cultivate
226 43 shí hour (measure word)
227 43 shí an era; a dynasty
228 43 shí time [abstract]
229 43 shí seasonal
230 43 shí frequently; often
231 43 shí occasionally; sometimes
232 43 shí on time
233 43 shí this; that
234 43 shí to wait upon
235 43 shí hour
236 43 shí appropriate; proper; timely
237 43 shí Shi
238 43 shí a present; currentlt
239 43 shí time; kāla
240 43 shí at that time; samaya
241 43 shí then; atha
242 42 already 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
243 42 Kangxi radical 49 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
244 42 from 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
245 42 to bring to an end; to stop 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
246 42 final aspectual particle 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
247 42 afterwards; thereafter 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
248 42 too; very; excessively 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
249 42 to complete 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
250 42 to demote; to dismiss 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
251 42 to recover from an illness 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
252 42 certainly 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
253 42 an interjection of surprise 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
254 42 this 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
255 42 former; pūrvaka 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
256 42 former; pūrvaka 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
257 40 修行 xiūxíng to cultivate; to practice 修行六種波羅蜜多
258 40 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation 修行六種波羅蜜多
259 40 修行 xiūxíng spiritual practice; pratipatti 修行六種波羅蜜多
260 40 修行 xiūxíng spiritual cultivation; bhāvanā 修行六種波羅蜜多
261 38 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
262 38 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
263 38 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
264 38 dāng to face 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
265 38 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
266 38 dāng to manage; to host 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
267 38 dāng should 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
268 38 dāng to treat; to regard as 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
269 38 dǎng to think 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
270 38 dàng suitable; correspond to 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
271 38 dǎng to be equal 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
272 38 dàng that 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
273 38 dāng an end; top 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
274 38 dàng clang; jingle 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
275 38 dāng to judge 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
276 38 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
277 38 dàng the same 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
278 38 dàng to pawn 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
279 38 dàng to fail [an exam] 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
280 38 dàng a trap 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
281 38 dàng a pawned item 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
282 38 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
283 37 佛土 fótǔ Buddha land 嚴淨佛土
284 36 jiàn to see 見諸有情繫屬主宰
285 36 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 見諸有情繫屬主宰
286 36 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 見諸有情繫屬主宰
287 36 jiàn refer to; for details see 見諸有情繫屬主宰
288 36 jiàn passive marker 見諸有情繫屬主宰
289 36 jiàn to listen to 見諸有情繫屬主宰
290 36 jiàn to meet 見諸有情繫屬主宰
291 36 jiàn to receive (a guest) 見諸有情繫屬主宰
292 36 jiàn let me; kindly 見諸有情繫屬主宰
293 36 jiàn Jian 見諸有情繫屬主宰
294 36 xiàn to appear 見諸有情繫屬主宰
295 36 xiàn to introduce 見諸有情繫屬主宰
296 36 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 見諸有情繫屬主宰
297 36 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 見諸有情繫屬主宰
298 35 圓滿 yuánmǎn satisfactory 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
299 35 圓滿 yuánmǎn Perfection 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
300 35 圓滿 yuánmǎn perfect; complete; paripūrṇa 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
301 34 思惟 sīwéi to think; to consider; to reflect 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
302 34 思惟 sīwéi thinking; tought 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
303 34 思惟 sīwéi Contemplate 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
304 34 思惟 sīwéi reflection; consideration; cintana 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
305 34 speed 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
306 34 quick; fast 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
307 34 urgent 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
308 34 to recruit 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
309 34 to urge; to invite 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
310 34 quick; śīghra 令速圓滿疾證無上正等菩提
311 34 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
312 34 lìng to issue a command 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
313 34 lìng rules of behavior; customs 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
314 34 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
315 34 lìng a season 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
316 34 lìng respected; good reputation 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
317 34 lìng good 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
318 34 lìng pretentious 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
319 34 lìng a transcending state of existence 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
320 34 lìng a commander 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
321 34 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
322 34 lìng lyrics 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
323 34 lìng Ling 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
324 34 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
325 33 xué to study; to learn 我為學故觀諸法空
326 33 xué a discipline; a branch of study 我為學故觀諸法空
327 33 xué to imitate 我為學故觀諸法空
328 33 xué a school; an academy 我為學故觀諸法空
329 33 xué to understand 我為學故觀諸法空
330 33 xué learning; acquired knowledge 我為學故觀諸法空
331 33 xué a doctrine 我為學故觀諸法空
332 33 xué learned 我為學故觀諸法空
333 33 xué student; learning; śikṣā 我為學故觀諸法空
334 33 xué a learner 我為學故觀諸法空
335 32 云何 yúnhé why; how 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
336 32 云何 yúnhé how; katham 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
337 31 this; these 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
338 31 in this way 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
339 31 otherwise; but; however; so 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
340 31 at this time; now; here 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
341 31 this; here; etad 是菩薩摩訶薩見此事已作是思惟
342 31 應作 yīngzuò a manifestation 諸菩薩摩訶薩於諸法空不應作證
343 30 no 令無善惡諸趣差別
344 30 Kangxi radical 71 令無善惡諸趣差別
345 30 to not have; without 令無善惡諸趣差別
346 30 has not yet 令無善惡諸趣差別
347 30 mo 令無善惡諸趣差別
348 30 do not 令無善惡諸趣差別
349 30 not; -less; un- 令無善惡諸趣差別
350 30 regardless of 令無善惡諸趣差別
351 30 to not have 令無善惡諸趣差別
352 30 um 令無善惡諸趣差別
353 30 Wu 令無善惡諸趣差別
354 30 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 令無善惡諸趣差別
355 30 not; non- 令無善惡諸趣差別
356 30 mo 令無善惡諸趣差別
357 30 yǒu is; are; to exist 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
358 30 yǒu to have; to possess 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
359 30 yǒu indicates an estimate 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
360 30 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
361 30 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
362 30 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
363 30 yǒu used to compare two things 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
364 30 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
365 30 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
366 30 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
367 30 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
368 30 yǒu abundant 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
369 30 yǒu purposeful 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
370 30 yǒu You 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
371 30 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
372 30 yǒu becoming; bhava 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
373 29 lèi kind; type; class; category 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
374 29 lèi similar; like 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
375 29 lèi kind; type; class; category 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
376 29 lèi class in a programming language 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
377 29 lèi reason; logic 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
378 29 lèi example; model 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
379 29 lèi Lei 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
380 29 lèi approximately 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
381 29 lèi species; jāti 我當云何方便拔濟諸有情類令得自在
382 28 不退 bùtuì to not leave; to not go back 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
383 28 不退 bùtuì not finished 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
384 28 不退 bùtuì not waning 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
385 28 不退 bùtuì never regressing; avaivartika 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
386 28 漏盡 lòu jìn defilements exhausted 不退布施波羅蜜多不證漏盡
387 27 Buddha; Awakened One 合掌向佛白言
388 27 relating to Buddhism 合掌向佛白言
389 27 a statue or image of a Buddha 合掌向佛白言
390 27 a Buddhist text 合掌向佛白言
391 27 to touch; to stroke 合掌向佛白言
392 27 Buddha 合掌向佛白言
393 27 Buddha; Awakened One 合掌向佛白言
394 26 xiū to decorate; to embellish 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
395 26 xiū to study; to cultivate 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
396 26 xiū to repair 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
397 26 xiū long; slender 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
398 26 xiū to write; to compile 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
399 26 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
400 26 xiū to practice 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
401 26 xiū to cut 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
402 26 xiū virtuous; wholesome 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
403 26 xiū a virtuous person 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
404 26 xiū Xiu 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
405 26 xiū to unknot 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
406 26 xiū to prepare; to put in order 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
407 26 xiū excellent 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
408 26 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
409 26 xiū Cultivation 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
410 26 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
411 26 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
412 26 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 令離如是無光明身
413 26 a mythical bird 令離如是無光明身
414 26 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 令離如是無光明身
415 26 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 令離如是無光明身
416 26 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 令離如是無光明身
417 26 a mountain ash 令離如是無光明身
418 26 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 令離如是無光明身
419 26 to be scattered; to be separated 令離如是無光明身
420 26 to cut off 令離如是無光明身
421 26 to violate; to be contrary to 令離如是無光明身
422 26 to be distant from 令離如是無光明身
423 26 two 令離如是無光明身
424 26 to array; to align 令離如是無光明身
425 26 to pass through; to experience 令離如是無光明身
426 26 transcendence 令離如是無光明身
427 26 to avoid; to abstain from; viramaṇa 令離如是無光明身
428 26 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 既思惟已作是願言
429 26 yuàn hope 既思惟已作是願言
430 26 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 既思惟已作是願言
431 26 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 既思惟已作是願言
432 26 yuàn a vow 既思惟已作是願言
433 26 yuàn diligent; attentive 既思惟已作是願言
434 26 yuàn to prefer; to select 既思惟已作是願言
435 26 yuàn to admire 既思惟已作是願言
436 26 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 既思惟已作是願言
437 24 jìn nearby 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
438 24 jìn recently 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
439 24 jìn to approach; to be near; to draw close to 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
440 24 jìn nearly 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
441 24 jìn simple; ordinary 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
442 24 jìn to be intimate 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
443 24 jìn Jin 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
444 24 a modal particle 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
445 24 jìn near; āsanna 速得圓滿隣近無上正等菩提
446 23 yán to speak; to say; said 既思惟已作是願言
447 23 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 既思惟已作是願言
448 23 yán Kangxi radical 149 既思惟已作是願言
449 23 yán a particle with no meaning 既思惟已作是願言
450 23 yán phrase; sentence 既思惟已作是願言
451 23 yán a word; a syllable 既思惟已作是願言
452 23 yán a theory; a doctrine 既思惟已作是願言
453 23 yán to regard as 既思惟已作是願言
454 23 yán to act as 既思惟已作是願言
455 23 yán word; vacana 既思惟已作是願言
456 23 yán speak; vad 既思惟已作是願言
457 21 tool; device; utensil; equipment; instrument 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
458 21 to possess; to have 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
459 21 measure word for devices, coffins, dead bodies, etc 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
460 21 to prepare 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
461 21 to write; to describe; to state 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
462 21 Ju 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
463 21 talent; ability 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
464 21 a feast; food 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
465 21 all; entirely; completely; in detail 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
466 21 to arrange; to provide 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
467 21 furnishings 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
468 21 pleased; contentedly 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
469 21 to understand 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
470 21 together; saha 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
471 21 a mat for sitting and sleeping on 有菩薩摩訶薩具修六種波羅蜜多
472 21 zhōng middle 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
473 21 zhōng medium; medium sized 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
474 21 zhōng China 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
475 21 zhòng to hit the mark 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
476 21 zhōng in; amongst 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
477 21 zhōng midday 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
478 21 zhōng inside 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
479 21 zhōng during 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
480 21 zhōng Zhong 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
481 21 zhōng intermediary 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
482 21 zhōng half 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
483 21 zhōng just right; suitably 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
484 21 zhōng while 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
485 21 zhòng to reach; to attain 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
486 21 zhòng to suffer; to infect 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
487 21 zhòng to obtain 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
488 21 zhòng to pass an exam 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
489 21 zhōng middle 我佛土中諸有情類得無主宰
490 20 嚴淨 yán jìng majestic and pure 嚴淨佛土
491 20 shēn human body; torso 身有種種大小便利
492 20 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身有種種大小便利
493 20 shēn measure word for clothes 身有種種大小便利
494 20 shēn self 身有種種大小便利
495 20 shēn life 身有種種大小便利
496 20 shēn an object 身有種種大小便利
497 20 shēn a lifetime 身有種種大小便利
498 20 shēn personally 身有種種大小便利
499 20 shēn moral character 身有種種大小便利
500 20 shēn status; identity; position 身有種種大小便利


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. kōng
  2. kōng
  1. Emptiness
  2. emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence; sunyata
  1. self; atman; attan
  2. ga
  3. I; aham
  1. zhèng
  2. zhèng
  1. realization; adhigama
  2. obtaining; prāpti
obtain; attain; prāpta
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
no; na
菩萨摩诃萨 菩薩摩訶薩 púsà móhēsà bodhisattva mahāsattva
  1. yǒuqíng
  2. yǒuqíng
  1. sentient being
  2. sentient beings
zhū all; many; sarva
应观 應觀 yīng guān may observe

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
般若波罗蜜经 般若波羅蜜多經 98 The Large sūtra Perfection of Wisdom; Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra
不退转 不退轉 98
  1. never regress or change
  2. avaivartika; non-retrogression
大般若波罗蜜经 大般若波羅蜜多經 100 The Large Sutra Perfection of Wisdom; Mahāprajñāpāramitāsūtra
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
东方不动如来 東方不動如來 100 Aksobhya Buddha
独觉乘者 獨覺乘者 100 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
法王 102
  1. King of the Law; Dharma King
  2. Dharmaraja (Thailand)
  3. Dharma King
  4. Dharmaraja; Dharma King
法性 102 dharma nature; inherent nature; essence; true nature; dharmata
佛十力 102 the ten powers of the Buddha
佛号 佛號 102 name of the Buddha
殑伽 106 the Ganges
轮迴 輪迴 108
  1. Cycle of Rebirth
  2. rebirth
  3. Saṃsāra; cycle of life and death; Rebirth
明行圆满 明行圓滿 109 Activity of Full Brightness
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
菩萨十地 菩薩十地 112 the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; dashabhumi
然灯佛 然燈佛 82 Dipankara Buddha
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
善现 善現 115 Sudṛśa; Sudrsa; Sudassā
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
声闻乘者 聲聞乘者 115 Śrāvaka
十遍处 十遍處 115 Ten Kasinas
识无边处 識無邊處 115 Vijnananantyayatana Heaven; Heaven of Limitless Consciousness
世间解 世間解 83
  1. knower of the world
  2. Knower of the World
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
天人师 天人師 116
  1. teacher of heavenly beings and humans
  2. Teacher of Heavenly and Human Beings; the Buddha
无上丈夫 無上丈夫 119 Supreme One; Unexcelled One
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
正等觉 正等覺 122 Complete Enlightenment; Absolute Universal Englightened Awareness
智证 智證 122
  1. realization through wisdom
  2. Zhi Zheng
  3. Chishō


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 227.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉果 阿羅漢果 97
  1. state of full attainment of arhatship
  2. the fruit of arhat cultivation; the fruit of awakening; arhathood
安忍 196
  1. Patience
  2. to bear adversity with calmness
  3. Abiding Patience
  4. tolerance
阿素洛 196 an asura
八解脱 八解脫 98 the eight liberations; astavimoksa
八胜处 八勝處 98 eight abodes of superiority; eight stations of mastery; eight abhibhāyatana
八圣道支 八聖道支 98 The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
八十随好 八十隨好 98 eighty noble qualities
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
拔济 拔濟 98 to save; to rescue
宝台 寶臺 98 jewelled terrace
本性空 98 emptiness of essential original nature
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
苾刍众 苾芻眾 98 community of monastics; sangha
病苦 98 sickness; suffering due to sickness
波罗蜜多 波羅蜜多 98 paramita; perfection
般若波罗蜜多 般若波羅蜜多 98 prajnaparamita; prajñāpāramitā; perfection of the highest form of wisdom
不净观 不淨觀 98 contemplation of impurity
不可称数 不可稱數 98 pass calculation and measure
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不思议界 不思議界 98 acintyadhātu; the realm beyond thought and words
不与取 不與取 98 taking what is not given; adattādāna
不动地 不動地 98 the ground of attaining calm
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
布施波罗蜜多 布施波羅蜜多 98 dāna-pāramitā; the paramita of generosity
补特伽罗 補特伽羅 98 pudgala; individual; person
臭秽 臭穢 99 foul
出世间法 出世間法 99 the way of leaving the world; the Noble Eightfold Path
麁恶 麁惡 99 disgusting
大慈 100 great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大千世界 100 trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大空 100 the great void
当得 當得 100 will reach
道圣谛 道聖諦 100 the noble truth of the way to extinction of suffering is the noble eightfold path
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
德本 100 virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
等无间缘 等無間緣 100 immediately antecedent condition; samanantarapratyaya
入定 100
  1. to enter into meditation
  2. entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
第四静虑 第四靜慮 100 the fourth dhyana
独觉 獨覺 100 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
独觉乘 獨覺乘 100 Pratyekabuddha vehicle
二乘 195 the two vehicles
法尔 法爾 102 the nature of phenonema
法空 102 inherent emptiness of dharmas; dharmanairātmya
法喜食 102 the joy of the dharma as food
发愿 發願 102
  1. Make a Vow
  2. Making Vows
  3. to make a vow; praṇidhānaṃ
法云地 法雲地 102 Ground of the Dharma Cloud
法处 法處 102 mental objects
发光地 發光地 102 the ground of radiance
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
法住 102 dharma abode
非非想 102 neither perceiving nor not perceiving
非想 102 non-perection
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛神力 102 the Buddha's spiritual power
佛世界 102 a Buddha realm
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛顶 佛頂 102 Buddha crown; usnisa
佛土 102 Buddha land
恭敬供养 恭敬供養 103 honored
观法 觀法 103 techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
欢喜踊跃 歡喜踊躍 104 leaped up with joy
化生 104 to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
迴向 104 to transfer merit; to dedicate; pariṇāmanā
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
解脱门 解脫門 106
  1. Gate of Perfect Ease
  2. the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra
殑伽沙 106 grains of sand in the Ganges River; innumerable
净戒 淨戒 106
  1. Pure Precepts
  2. perfect observance
  3. Jing Jie
静虑 靜慮 106
  1. Quiet Contemplation
  2. dhyana; calm contemplation
净妙 淨妙 106 pure and subtle
九次第定 106 nine graduated concentrations
卷第三 106 scroll 3
具寿 具壽 106 friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空解脱门 空解脫門 107 the door of deliverance of emptiness
空空 107 the emptiness of emptiness; the delusion of emptiness
空三摩地 107 the samādhi of emptiness
空无边处 空無邊處 107 ākāśānantyāyatana; akasanantyayatana; sphere of infinite space; abode of infinite space
苦圣谛 苦聖諦 107 the noble truth of the existence of suffering
来世 來世 108 future worlds; the next world; the next life
兰若 蘭若 108
  1. Aranya
  2. a forest retreat; a secluded place to practice; aranya
  3. temple; monastery
离垢地 離垢地 108 the ground of freedom from defilement
离生性 離生性 108 the nature of leaving the cycle of birth and death
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
离间语 離間語 108 slander; divisive speech
六处 六處 108 the six sense organs; sadayatana
六神通 108 the six supernatural powers
离欲地 離欲地 108 stage of freedom from desire; vītarāgabhūmi
漏尽 漏盡 108 defilements exhausted
面门 面門 109
  1. forehead
  2. mouth
  3. line across the upper lip
命者 109 concept of life; jīva
摩诃萨 摩訶薩 109
  1. mahasattva
  2. mahāsattva; mohasattva; a great being
难胜地 難勝地 110 the ground of mastery of final difficulties
那庾多 110 nayuta; a huge number
内外空 內外空 110 inside and outside are empty; intrinsically empty
内空 內空 110 empty within
傍生 112 [rebirth as an] animal
平等性 112 universal nature
菩萨摩诃萨 菩薩摩訶薩 112 bodhisattva mahāsattva
菩萨行 菩薩行 112 bodhisattva-caryā; bodhisattva-carita; bodhisattva practice; actions of bodhisattvas
菩提分法 112 aid to enlightenment; branch of enlightenment; aspect of enlightenment
七等觉支 七等覺支 113 seven factors of enlightenment; seven aids to enlightenment; seven branches of enlightenment; seven aspects of enlightenment; seven bodhyaṅga
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
热病 熱病 114 jaundice; kāmalā
入佛 114 to bring an image of a Buddha
入空 114 to have an experiential understanding of the truth
儒童 114 a young boy
三乘 115
  1. Three Vehicles
  2. three vehicles; triyāna; triyana
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
三摩地 115 samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色处 色處 115 the visible realm
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善慧地 115 the ground of finest discriminatory wisdom
善逝 115 Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
善学 善學 115
  1. well trained
  2. Shan Xue
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善根 115
  1. Wholesome Roots
  2. virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
胜义谛 勝義諦 115 paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
胜义空 勝義空 115 transcendental emptiness; unsurpassed emptiness
神境智证通 神境智證通 115 teleportation; ṛddy-abhijña
身命 115 body and life
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
十力 115 the ten powers of the Buddha; daśabala
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
湿生 濕生 115 to be born from moisture
十八佛不共法 115 eighteen characterisitics unique to Buddhas
世间法 世間法 115
  1. Worldly Rules
  2. world law; lokadharma; lokadhamma
识界 識界 115 vijñāna-dhātu; the realm of consciousness
受记 受記 115
  1. a prediction; vyakarana
  2. to receive a prediction
授记 授記 115 Vyakarana (prophecies); a prediction; vyākaraṇa
寿量 壽量 115 Lifespan
受者 115 recipient
四静虑 四靜慮 115 four jhanas; four stages of meditative concentration
四念住 115 four foundations of mindfulness; satipatthana
四生 115 four types of birth
四神足 115 the four kinds of teleportation
四无所畏 四無所畏 115 four kinds of fearlessness
四无碍解 四無礙解 115 the four unhindered powers of understanding
四无量 四無量 115 four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四无色定 四無色定 115
  1. four formless heavens
  2. four formless heavens
四正断 四正斷 115 four right efforts; four right exertions
所以者何 115 Why is that?
所缘缘 所緣緣 115 ālambanapratyaya; ārammaṇapaccaya; observed object condition
宿住 115 former abidings; past lives
天耳 116 celestial ear; divine ear; divyaśrotra
天眼 116
  1. divine eye
  2. divine sight
陀罗尼门 陀羅尼門 116 dharani-entrance
外空 119 emptiness external to the body
妄执 妄執 119 attachment to false views
未得天眼 119 have not attained divine sight
未来际 未來際 119 the limit of the future
未来世 未來世 119 times to come; the future
我身 119 I; myself
五根 119 pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
无际空 無際空 119 emptiness without without beginning or end
五力 119 pañcabala; the five powers
五神通 119 five supernatural powers; pañcabhijñā
无所有处 無所有處 119 the third sphere in the formless realm; sphere of nothingness; ākiñcanyāyatana
无所有 無所有 119 nothingness
无漏法 無漏法 119 uncontaninated dharmas
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无上正等觉 無上正等覺 119 anuttara-samyak-sambodhi; unexcelled complete enlightenment
无为法 無為法 119 an unconditioned dhárma; asaṃskṛta-dhárma
无为空 無為空 119 emptiness of the unconditioned
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无性 無性 119
  1. niḥsvabhāva; no self-nature
  2. Asvabhāva
五眼 119 the five eyes; pañcacakṣūs
现前地 現前地 120 the ground of manifesting prajna-wisdom
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
邪行 120
  1. heretical ways
  2. sexual misconduct
星喻 120 the star simile
性空 120 inherently empty; empty in nature
虚空界 虛空界 120 visible space
虚诳语 虛誑語 120 false speech
严净 嚴淨 121 majestic and pure
眼识界 眼識界 121 visual consciousness element
焰慧地 121 stage of flaming wisdom
一佛 121 one Buddha
意生 121
  1. arising from thoughts; produced mentally at will
  2. Manojava
已办地 已辦地 121 stage of complete discrimination; kṛtāvibhūmi
意处 意處 121 mental basis of cognition
意乐 意樂 121
  1. joy; happiness
  2. mental disposition; āśaya
应观 應觀 121 may observe
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切法空 121 the emptiness of all dharmas
一切相智 121 knowledge of all bases; vastujñāna
一切有情 121
  1. all living beings
  2. all sentient beings
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切智智 121 sarvajñāta; sarvajña-jñāta
意识界 意識界 121 realm of consciousness
右膝着地 右膝著地 121 placing the right knee on the ground
右旋 121 to circumambulate in a clockwise direction
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
有情界 121 the universe of beings
有为空 有為空 121 emptiness of the conditioned; the emptiness of all conditioned phenomena
有为法 有為法 121
  1. Conditioned Dharmas
  2. saṃskṛta; conditioned
欲界 121 realm of desire
愿行 願行 121 cultivation and vows
远行地 遠行地 121 the ground of proceeding afar
缘起 緣起 121
  1. Dependent Origination
  2. dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
预流果 預流果 121 fruit of stream entry
杂秽 雜穢 122 vulgar
增上缘 增上緣 122
  1. Positive Conditions
  2. contributory factor
  3. predominant condition; adhipatipratyaya
增上慢 122 conceit; abhimāna
证法 證法 122 realization of the Dhama; practice of the Dharma; adhigamadharma
真如 122
  1. True Thusness
  2. suchness; true nature; tathata
止观 止觀 122
  1. Cessation and Contemplation
  2. calming and contemplating
  3. calming and insight; calming and contemplation; śamatha and vipaśyanā
智证 智證 122
  1. realization through wisdom
  2. Zhi Zheng
  3. Chishō
执着 執著 122
  1. attachment
  2. grasping
众会 眾會 122 an assembly of monastics
种性地 種性地 122 lineage stage
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸菩萨 諸菩薩 122 bodhisattvas
诸相 諸相 122 all appearances; all characteristics
庄严具 莊嚴具 122 adornment; ornament
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
自相空 122 emptiness of essence
自性空 122
  1. The Intrinsically Empty Nature
  2. emptiness of self-nature
  3. svabhāva-śūnya; empty intrinsic nature
作佛 122 to become a Buddha