Glossary and Vocabulary for Abhiseka Sutra (Fo Shuo Guan Ding Jing) 佛說灌頂經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 109 shén divine; mysterious; magical; supernatural 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
2 109 shén a deity; a god; a spiritual being 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
3 109 shén spirit; will; attention 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
4 109 shén soul; spirit; divine essence 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
5 109 shén expression 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
6 109 shén a portrait 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
7 109 shén a person with supernatural powers 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
8 109 shén Shen 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
9 109 shén spiritual powers; ṛddhi 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
10 83 míng fame; renown; reputation 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
11 83 míng a name; personal name; designation 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
12 83 míng rank; position 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
13 83 míng an excuse 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
14 83 míng life 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
15 83 míng to name; to call 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
16 83 míng to express; to describe 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
17 83 míng to be called; to have the name 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
18 83 míng to own; to possess 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
19 83 míng famous; renowned 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
20 83 míng moral 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
21 83 míng name; naman 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
22 83 míng fame; renown; yasas 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
23 72 zhī to go 之何
24 72 zhī to arrive; to go 之何
25 72 zhī is 之何
26 72 zhī to use 之何
27 72 zhī Zhi 之何
28 72 zhī winding 之何
29 59 wéi to act as; to serve 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
30 59 wéi to change into; to become 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
31 59 wéi to be; is 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
32 59 wéi to do 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
33 59 wèi to support; to help 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
34 59 wéi to govern 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
35 59 wèi to be; bhū 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
36 49 zhě ca 嬈害者不令得便
37 49 suǒ a few; various; some 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
38 49 suǒ a place; a location 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
39 49 suǒ indicates a passive voice 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
40 49 suǒ an ordinal number 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
41 49 suǒ meaning 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
42 49 suǒ garrison 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
43 49 suǒ place; pradeśa 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
44 48 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
45 48 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
46 48 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
47 42 Buddha; Awakened One 佛知而故問諸比丘言
48 42 relating to Buddhism 佛知而故問諸比丘言
49 42 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛知而故問諸比丘言
50 42 a Buddhist text 佛知而故問諸比丘言
51 42 to touch; to stroke 佛知而故問諸比丘言
52 42 Buddha 佛知而故問諸比丘言
53 42 Buddha; Awakened One 佛知而故問諸比丘言
54 40 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 當為汝說灌頂章句百
55 40 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 當為汝說灌頂章句百
56 40 shuì to persuade 當為汝說灌頂章句百
57 40 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 當為汝說灌頂章句百
58 40 shuō a doctrine; a theory 當為汝說灌頂章句百
59 40 shuō to claim; to assert 當為汝說灌頂章句百
60 40 shuō allocution 當為汝說灌頂章句百
61 40 shuō to criticize; to scold 當為汝說灌頂章句百
62 40 shuō to indicate; to refer to 當為汝說灌頂章句百
63 40 shuō speach; vāda 當為汝說灌頂章句百
64 40 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 當為汝說灌頂章句百
65 40 shuō to instruct 當為汝說灌頂章句百
66 37 luó Luo 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
67 37 luó to catch; to capture 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
68 37 luó gauze 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
69 37 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
70 37 luó a net for catching birds 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
71 37 luó to recruit 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
72 37 luó to include 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
73 37 luó to distribute 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
74 37 luó ra 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
75 32 to carry 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
76 32 a flick up and rightwards in a character 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
77 32 to lift; to raise 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
78 32 to move forward [in time] 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
79 32 to get; to fetch 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
80 32 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
81 32 to cheer up 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
82 32 to be on guard 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
83 32 a ladle 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
84 32 Ti 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
85 32 to to hurl; to pass 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
86 32 to bring; cud 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
87 32 jīng to go through; to experience 經之師
88 32 jīng a sutra; a scripture 經之師
89 32 jīng warp 經之師
90 32 jīng longitude 經之師
91 32 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 經之師
92 32 jīng a woman's period 經之師
93 32 jīng to bear; to endure 經之師
94 32 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 經之師
95 32 jīng classics 經之師
96 32 jīng to be frugal; to save 經之師
97 32 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 經之師
98 32 jīng a standard; a norm 經之師
99 32 jīng a section of a Confucian work 經之師
100 32 jīng to measure 經之師
101 32 jīng human pulse 經之師
102 32 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 經之師
103 32 jīng sutra; discourse 經之師
104 30 infix potential marker 嬈害者不令得便
105 30 self 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
106 30 [my] dear 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
107 30 Wo 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
108 30 self; atman; attan 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
109 30 ga 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
110 28 wáng Wang 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
111 28 wáng a king 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
112 28 wáng Kangxi radical 96 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
113 28 wàng to be king; to rule 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
114 28 wáng a prince; a duke 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
115 28 wáng grand; great 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
116 28 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
117 28 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
118 28 wáng the head of a group or gang 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
119 28 wáng the biggest or best of a group 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
120 28 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
121 28 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 佛知而故問諸比丘言
122 26 yán to speak; to say; said 佛知而故問諸比丘言
123 26 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 佛知而故問諸比丘言
124 26 yán Kangxi radical 149 佛知而故問諸比丘言
125 26 yán phrase; sentence 佛知而故問諸比丘言
126 26 yán a word; a syllable 佛知而故問諸比丘言
127 26 yán a theory; a doctrine 佛知而故問諸比丘言
128 26 yán to regard as 佛知而故問諸比丘言
129 26 yán to act as 佛知而故問諸比丘言
130 26 yán word; vacana 佛知而故問諸比丘言
131 26 yán speak; vad 佛知而故問諸比丘言
132 25 to go; to 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
133 25 to rely on; to depend on 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
134 25 Yu 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
135 25 a crow 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
136 25 章句 zhāng jù words; sentences and phrases 當為汝說灌頂章句百
137 25 章句 zhāng jù syntax 當為汝說灌頂章句百
138 24 阿難 Ānán Ananda 阿難即往至佛所啟問此事
139 24 阿難 Ānán Ānanda; Ananda 阿難即往至佛所啟問此事
140 24 gào to tell; to say; said; told 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
141 24 gào to request 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
142 24 gào to report; to inform 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
143 24 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
144 24 gào to accuse; to sue 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
145 24 gào to reach 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
146 24 gào an announcement 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
147 24 gào a party 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
148 24 gào a vacation 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
149 24 gào Gao 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
150 24 gào to tell; jalp 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
151 24 Ru River 當為汝說灌頂章句百
152 24 Ru 當為汝說灌頂章句百
153 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng consecration 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
154 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng Anointment 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
155 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
156 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng Guanding 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
157 21 zhōng middle 又為蠱毒所中
158 21 zhōng medium; medium sized 又為蠱毒所中
159 21 zhōng China 又為蠱毒所中
160 21 zhòng to hit the mark 又為蠱毒所中
161 21 zhōng midday 又為蠱毒所中
162 21 zhōng inside 又為蠱毒所中
163 21 zhōng during 又為蠱毒所中
164 21 zhōng Zhong 又為蠱毒所中
165 21 zhōng intermediary 又為蠱毒所中
166 21 zhōng half 又為蠱毒所中
167 21 zhòng to reach; to attain 又為蠱毒所中
168 21 zhòng to suffer; to infect 又為蠱毒所中
169 21 zhòng to obtain 又為蠱毒所中
170 21 zhòng to pass an exam 又為蠱毒所中
171 21 zhōng middle 又為蠱毒所中
172 19 undulations 神名沙波提阿知和知
173 19 waves; breakers 神名沙波提阿知和知
174 19 wavelength 神名沙波提阿知和知
175 19 pa 神名沙波提阿知和知
176 19 wave; taraṅga 神名沙波提阿知和知
177 18 to use; to grasp 各以已之威神
178 18 to rely on 各以已之威神
179 18 to regard 各以已之威神
180 18 to be able to 各以已之威神
181 18 to order; to command 各以已之威神
182 18 used after a verb 各以已之威神
183 18 a reason; a cause 各以已之威神
184 18 Israel 各以已之威神
185 18 Yi 各以已之威神
186 18 use; yogena 各以已之威神
187 18 鬼神 guǐshén spirits and devils; a demon 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
188 18 to reach 及諸龍象熊
189 18 to attain 及諸龍象熊
190 18 to understand 及諸龍象熊
191 18 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及諸龍象熊
192 18 to be involved with; to associate with 及諸龍象熊
193 18 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及諸龍象熊
194 18 and; ca; api 及諸龍象熊
195 18 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
196 18 duó many; much 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
197 18 duō more 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
198 18 duō excessive 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
199 18 duō abundant 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
200 18 duō to multiply; to acrue 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
201 18 duō Duo 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
202 18 duō ta 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
203 18 ā to groan 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
204 18 ā a 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
205 18 ē to flatter 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
206 18 ē river bank 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
207 18 ē beam; pillar 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
208 18 ē a hillslope; a mound 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
209 18 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
210 18 ē E 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
211 18 ē to depend on 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
212 18 ē e 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
213 18 ē a buttress 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
214 18 ē be partial to 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
215 18 ē thick silk 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
216 18 ē e 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
217 17 shí time; a point or period of time 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
218 17 shí a season; a quarter of a year 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
219 17 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
220 17 shí fashionable 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
221 17 shí fate; destiny; luck 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
222 17 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
223 17 shí tense 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
224 17 shí particular; special 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
225 17 shí to plant; to cultivate 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
226 17 shí an era; a dynasty 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
227 17 shí time [abstract] 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
228 17 shí seasonal 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
229 17 shí to wait upon 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
230 17 shí hour 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
231 17 shí appropriate; proper; timely 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
232 17 shí Shi 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
233 17 shí a present; currentlt 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
234 17 shí time; kāla 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
235 17 shí at that time; samaya 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
236 17 bèi contemporaries; generation; lifetime
237 17 bèi an array of things
238 17 bèi a class of thing; a kind of person
239 17 bèi to compare
240 17 bèi kind of; bhāgīya
241 17 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 嬈害者不令得便
242 17 lìng to issue a command 嬈害者不令得便
243 17 lìng rules of behavior; customs 嬈害者不令得便
244 17 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 嬈害者不令得便
245 17 lìng a season 嬈害者不令得便
246 17 lìng respected; good reputation 嬈害者不令得便
247 17 lìng good 嬈害者不令得便
248 17 lìng pretentious 嬈害者不令得便
249 17 lìng a transcending state of existence 嬈害者不令得便
250 17 lìng a commander 嬈害者不令得便
251 17 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 嬈害者不令得便
252 17 lìng lyrics 嬈害者不令得便
253 17 lìng Ling 嬈害者不令得便
254 17 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 嬈害者不令得便
255 17 to protect; to guard 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
256 17 to support something that is wrong; to be partial to 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
257 17 to protect; to guard 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
258 16 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 令得安隱
259 16 děi to want to; to need to 令得安隱
260 16 děi must; ought to 令得安隱
261 16 de 令得安隱
262 16 de infix potential marker 令得安隱
263 16 to result in 令得安隱
264 16 to be proper; to fit; to suit 令得安隱
265 16 to be satisfied 令得安隱
266 16 to be finished 令得安隱
267 16 děi satisfying 令得安隱
268 16 to contract 令得安隱
269 16 to hear 令得安隱
270 16 to have; there is 令得安隱
271 16 marks time passed 令得安隱
272 16 obtain; attain; prāpta 令得安隱
273 16 rén person; people; a human being 在所至到營衛佐人
274 16 rén Kangxi radical 9 在所至到營衛佐人
275 16 rén a kind of person 在所至到營衛佐人
276 16 rén everybody 在所至到營衛佐人
277 16 rén adult 在所至到營衛佐人
278 16 rén somebody; others 在所至到營衛佐人
279 16 rén an upright person 在所至到營衛佐人
280 16 rén person; manuṣya 在所至到營衛佐人
281 15 zuò to do 為汝作護辟除邪惡
282 15 zuò to act as; to serve as 為汝作護辟除邪惡
283 15 zuò to start 為汝作護辟除邪惡
284 15 zuò a writing; a work 為汝作護辟除邪惡
285 15 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 為汝作護辟除邪惡
286 15 zuō to create; to make 為汝作護辟除邪惡
287 15 zuō a workshop 為汝作護辟除邪惡
288 15 zuō to write; to compose 為汝作護辟除邪惡
289 15 zuò to rise 為汝作護辟除邪惡
290 15 zuò to be aroused 為汝作護辟除邪惡
291 15 zuò activity; action; undertaking 為汝作護辟除邪惡
292 15 zuò to regard as 為汝作護辟除邪惡
293 15 zuò action; kāraṇa 為汝作護辟除邪惡
294 15 No 神名那知鳩那知波那提
295 15 nuó to move 神名那知鳩那知波那提
296 15 nuó much 神名那知鳩那知波那提
297 15 nuó stable; quiet 神名那知鳩那知波那提
298 15 na 神名那知鳩那知波那提
299 14 method; way 法今皆得道作大誓願
300 14 France 法今皆得道作大誓願
301 14 the law; rules; regulations 法今皆得道作大誓願
302 14 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 法今皆得道作大誓願
303 14 a standard; a norm 法今皆得道作大誓願
304 14 an institution 法今皆得道作大誓願
305 14 to emulate 法今皆得道作大誓願
306 14 magic; a magic trick 法今皆得道作大誓願
307 14 punishment 法今皆得道作大誓願
308 14 Fa 法今皆得道作大誓願
309 14 a precedent 法今皆得道作大誓願
310 14 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 法今皆得道作大誓願
311 14 relating to a ceremony or rite 法今皆得道作大誓願
312 14 Dharma 法今皆得道作大誓願
313 14 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 法今皆得道作大誓願
314 14 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 法今皆得道作大誓願
315 14 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 法今皆得道作大誓願
316 14 quality; characteristic 法今皆得道作大誓願
317 14 pear 神名波陀尼波提梨伽
318 14 an opera 神名波陀尼波提梨伽
319 14 to cut; to slash 神名波陀尼波提梨伽
320 14 神名波陀尼波提梨伽
321 14 shī teacher 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
322 14 shī multitude 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
323 14 shī a host; a leader 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
324 14 shī an expert 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
325 14 shī an example; a model 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
326 14 shī master 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
327 14 shī a capital city; a well protected place 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
328 14 shī Shi 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
329 14 shī to imitate 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
330 14 shī troops 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
331 14 shī shi 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
332 14 shī an army division 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
333 14 shī the 7th hexagram 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
334 14 shī a lion 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
335 14 shī spiritual guide; teacher; ācārya 如捕魚師布網捕魚魚
336 14 tuó steep bank 神名漚那是陀漚彌提屠
337 14 tuó a spinning top 神名漚那是陀漚彌提屠
338 14 tuó uneven 神名漚那是陀漚彌提屠
339 14 tuó dha 神名漚那是陀漚彌提屠
340 14 使 shǐ to make; to cause 使入定行
341 14 使 shǐ to make use of for labor 使入定行
342 14 使 shǐ to indulge 使入定行
343 14 使 shǐ an emissary; an envoy; ambassador; commissioner 使入定行
344 14 使 shǐ to be sent on a diplomatic mission 使入定行
345 14 使 shǐ to dispatch 使入定行
346 14 使 shǐ to use 使入定行
347 14 使 shǐ to be able to 使入定行
348 14 使 shǐ messenger; dūta 使入定行
349 14 jīn today; present; now 我今為汝一一分明
350 14 jīn Jin 我今為汝一一分明
351 14 jīn modern 我今為汝一一分明
352 14 jīn now; adhunā 我今為汝一一分明
353 14 seven 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
354 14 a genre of poetry 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
355 14 seventh day memorial ceremony 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
356 14 seven; sapta 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
357 14 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 聞如是
358 14 bhiksuni; a nun 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
359 14 Confucius; Father 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
360 14 Ni 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
361 14 ni 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
362 14 to obstruct 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
363 14 near to 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
364 14 nun; a bhikṣuṇī; bhikkhunī 神名闍羅尼優佉目佉
365 13 吉祥 jíxiáng lucky; auspicious 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
366 13 吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious blessings 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
367 13 吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious; mangala 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
368 13 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 此大章句設有受
369 13 shòu to transfer; to confer 此大章句設有受
370 13 shòu to receive; to accept 此大章句設有受
371 13 shòu to tolerate 此大章句設有受
372 13 shòu feelings; sensations 此大章句設有受
373 13 Kangxi radical 49 各以已之威神
374 13 to bring to an end; to stop 各以已之威神
375 13 to complete 各以已之威神
376 13 to demote; to dismiss 各以已之威神
377 13 to recover from an illness 各以已之威神
378 13 former; pūrvaka 各以已之威神
379 13 huà to make into; to change into; to transform 昔化提比丘治護
380 13 huà to convert; to persuade 昔化提比丘治護
381 13 huà to manifest 昔化提比丘治護
382 13 huà to collect alms 昔化提比丘治護
383 13 huà [of Nature] to create 昔化提比丘治護
384 13 huà to die 昔化提比丘治護
385 13 huà to dissolve; to melt 昔化提比丘治護
386 13 huà to revert to a previous custom 昔化提比丘治護
387 13 huà chemistry 昔化提比丘治護
388 13 huà to burn 昔化提比丘治護
389 13 huā to spend 昔化提比丘治護
390 13 huà to manifest 昔化提比丘治護
391 13 huà to convert 昔化提比丘治護
392 13 wàn ten thousand 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
393 13 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
394 13 wàn Wan 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
395 13 Mo 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
396 13 wàn scorpion dance 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
397 13 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
398 12 ér Kangxi radical 126 佛知而故問諸比丘言
399 12 ér as if; to seem like 佛知而故問諸比丘言
400 12 néng can; able 佛知而故問諸比丘言
401 12 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 佛知而故問諸比丘言
402 12 ér to arrive; up to 佛知而故問諸比丘言
403 12 big; huge; large 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
404 12 Kangxi radical 37 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
405 12 great; major; important 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
406 12 size 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
407 12 old 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
408 12 oldest; earliest 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
409 12 adult 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
410 12 dài an important person 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
411 12 senior 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
412 12 an element 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
413 12 great; mahā 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
414 12 jiā ka 神名摩呵留邏迦梨區惒
415 12 jiā ka 神名摩呵留邏迦梨區惒
416 12 jiàn to see 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
417 12 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
418 12 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
419 12 jiàn refer to; for details see 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
420 12 jiàn to listen to 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
421 12 jiàn to meet 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
422 12 jiàn to receive (a guest) 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
423 12 jiàn let me; kindly 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
424 12 jiàn Jian 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
425 12 xiàn to appear 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
426 12 xiàn to introduce 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
427 12 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
428 12 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 世尊遙見無數比丘各各馳散擾擾
429 12 huò to reap; to harvest 獲善
430 12 huò to obtain; to get 獲善
431 12 huò to hunt; to capture 獲善
432 12 huò to suffer; to sustain; to be subject to 獲善
433 12 huò game (hunting) 獲善
434 12 huò a female servant 獲善
435 12 huái Huai 獲善
436 12 huò harvest 獲善
437 12 huò results 獲善
438 12 huò to obtain 獲善
439 12 huò to take; labh 獲善
440 11 děng et cetera; and so on 世諸比丘等
441 11 děng to wait 世諸比丘等
442 11 děng to be equal 世諸比丘等
443 11 děng degree; level 世諸比丘等
444 11 děng to compare 世諸比丘等
445 11 děng same; equal; sama 世諸比丘等
446 11 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 弟子
447 11 弟子 dìzi youngster 弟子
448 11 弟子 dìzi prostitute 弟子
449 11 弟子 dìzi believer 弟子
450 11 弟子 dìzi disciple 弟子
451 11 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 弟子
452 11 Kangxi radical 71 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
453 11 to not have; without 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
454 11 mo 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
455 11 to not have 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
456 11 Wu 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
457 11 mo 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
458 11 zài in; at 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
459 11 zài to exist; to be living 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
460 11 zài to consist of 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
461 11 zài to be at a post 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
462 11 zài in; bhū 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
463 11 誹謗 fěibàng to slander 近善知識聞而信受不誹謗者
464 11 誹謗 fěibàng slander; apavāda 近善知識聞而信受不誹謗者
465 10 a law; a rule 為汝作護辟除邪惡
466 10 to open up; to develop 為汝作護辟除邪惡
467 10 to avoid; to flee 為汝作護辟除邪惡
468 10 to refute 為汝作護辟除邪惡
469 10 a remote location 為汝作護辟除邪惡
470 10 punishment; sentence 為汝作護辟除邪惡
471 10 crime 為汝作護辟除邪惡
472 10 a lord; a sovereign 為汝作護辟除邪惡
473 10 to summon; to appoint; to enlist 為汝作護辟除邪惡
474 10 to eliminate; to drive out 為汝作護辟除邪惡
475 10 to make an analogy 為汝作護辟除邪惡
476 10 to beat one's chest 為汝作護辟除邪惡
477 10 to be biased 為汝作護辟除邪惡
478 10 peculiar 為汝作護辟除邪惡
479 10 sovereign 為汝作護辟除邪惡
480 10 good fortune; happiness; luck 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
481 10 Fujian 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
482 10 wine and meat used in ceremonial offerings 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
483 10 Fortune 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
484 10 merit; blessing; punya 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
485 10 fortune; blessing; svasti 常獲安隱吉祥之福無諸禍害
486 10 to be near by; to be close to 此神名即獲吉祥
487 10 at that time 此神名即獲吉祥
488 10 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 此神名即獲吉祥
489 10 supposed; so-called 此神名即獲吉祥
490 10 to arrive at; to ascend 此神名即獲吉祥
491 10 to leave; to depart; to go away; to part 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
492 10 a mythical bird 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
493 10 li; one of the eight divinatory trigrams 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
494 10 a band or kerchief worn when a woman left home to be married 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
495 10 chī a dragon with horns not yet grown 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
496 10 a mountain ash 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
497 10 vanilla; a vanilla-like herb 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
498 10 to be scattered; to be separated 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
499 10 to cut off 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福
500 10 to violate; to be contrary to 令離諸橫獲吉祥之福

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1004

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 109 shén divine; mysterious; magical; supernatural 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
2 109 shén a deity; a god; a spiritual being 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
3 109 shén spirit; will; attention 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
4 109 shén soul; spirit; divine essence 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
5 109 shén expression 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
6 109 shén a portrait 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
7 109 shén a person with supernatural powers 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
8 109 shén Shen 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
9 109 shén spiritual powers; ṛddhi 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
10 83 míng measure word for people 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
11 83 míng fame; renown; reputation 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
12 83 míng a name; personal name; designation 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
13 83 míng rank; position 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
14 83 míng an excuse 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
15 83 míng life 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
16 83 míng to name; to call 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
17 83 míng to express; to describe 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
18 83 míng to be called; to have the name 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
19 83 míng to own; to possess 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
20 83 míng famous; renowned 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
21 83 míng moral 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
22 83 míng name; naman 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
23 83 míng fame; renown; yasas 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
24 78 this; these 佛告諸比丘此十八神王
25 78 in this way 佛告諸比丘此十八神王
26 78 otherwise; but; however; so 佛告諸比丘此十八神王
27 78 at this time; now; here 佛告諸比丘此十八神王
28 78 this; here; etad 佛告諸比丘此十八神王
29 72 zhī him; her; them; that 之何
30 72 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 之何
31 72 zhī to go 之何
32 72 zhī this; that 之何
33 72 zhī genetive marker 之何
34 72 zhī it 之何
35 72 zhī in; in regards to 之何
36 72 zhī all 之何
37 72 zhī and 之何
38 72 zhī however 之何
39 72 zhī if 之何
40 72 zhī then 之何
41 72 zhī to arrive; to go 之何
42 72 zhī is 之何
43 72 zhī to use 之何
44 72 zhī Zhi 之何
45 72 zhī winding 之何
46 62 zhū all; many; various 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
47 62 zhū Zhu 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
48 62 zhū all; members of the class 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
49 62 zhū interrogative particle 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
50 62 zhū him; her; them; it 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
51 62 zhū of; in 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
52 62 zhū all; many; sarva 晝則遇諸賊盜毒蛇蚖蝮
53 59 wèi for; to 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
54 59 wèi because of 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
55 59 wéi to act as; to serve 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
56 59 wéi to change into; to become 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
57 59 wéi to be; is 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
58 59 wéi to do 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
59 59 wèi for 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
60 59 wèi because of; for; to 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
61 59 wèi to 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
62 59 wéi in a passive construction 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
63 59 wéi forming a rehetorical question 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
64 59 wéi forming an adverb 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
65 59 wéi to add emphasis 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
66 59 wèi to support; to help 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
67 59 wéi to govern 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
68 59 wèi to be; bhū 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
69 49 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 嬈害者不令得便
70 49 zhě that 嬈害者不令得便
71 49 zhě nominalizing function word 嬈害者不令得便
72 49 zhě used to mark a definition 嬈害者不令得便
73 49 zhě used to mark a pause 嬈害者不令得便
74 49 zhě topic marker; that; it 嬈害者不令得便
75 49 zhuó according to 嬈害者不令得便
76 49 zhě ca 嬈害者不令得便
77 49 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
78 49 suǒ an office; an institute 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
79 49 suǒ introduces a relative clause 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
80 49 suǒ it 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
81 49 suǒ if; supposing 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
82 49 suǒ a few; various; some 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
83 49 suǒ a place; a location 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
84 49 suǒ indicates a passive voice 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
85 49 suǒ that which 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
86 49 suǒ an ordinal number 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
87 49 suǒ meaning 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
88 49 suǒ garrison 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
89 49 suǒ place; pradeśa 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
90 49 suǒ that which; yad 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
91 48 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
92 48 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
93 48 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
94 44 yǒu is; are; to exist 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
95 44 yǒu to have; to possess 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
96 44 yǒu indicates an estimate 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
97 44 yǒu indicates a large quantity 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
98 44 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
99 44 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
100 44 yǒu used to compare two things 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
101 44 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
102 44 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
103 44 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
104 44 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
105 44 yǒu abundant 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
106 44 yǒu purposeful 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
107 44 yǒu You 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
108 44 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
109 44 yǒu becoming; bhava 告諸比丘若有危厄恐怖之日
110 42 Buddha; Awakened One 佛知而故問諸比丘言
111 42 relating to Buddhism 佛知而故問諸比丘言
112 42 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛知而故問諸比丘言
113 42 a Buddhist text 佛知而故問諸比丘言
114 42 to touch; to stroke 佛知而故問諸比丘言
115 42 Buddha 佛知而故問諸比丘言
116 42 Buddha; Awakened One 佛知而故問諸比丘言
117 40 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 當為汝說灌頂章句百
118 40 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 當為汝說灌頂章句百
119 40 shuì to persuade 當為汝說灌頂章句百
120 40 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 當為汝說灌頂章句百
121 40 shuō a doctrine; a theory 當為汝說灌頂章句百
122 40 shuō to claim; to assert 當為汝說灌頂章句百
123 40 shuō allocution 當為汝說灌頂章句百
124 40 shuō to criticize; to scold 當為汝說灌頂章句百
125 40 shuō to indicate; to refer to 當為汝說灌頂章句百
126 40 shuō speach; vāda 當為汝說灌頂章句百
127 40 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 當為汝說灌頂章句百
128 40 shuō to instruct 當為汝說灌頂章句百
129 38 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 見惱如是當奈
130 38 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 見惱如是當奈
131 38 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 見惱如是當奈
132 38 dāng to face 見惱如是當奈
133 38 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 見惱如是當奈
134 38 dāng to manage; to host 見惱如是當奈
135 38 dāng should 見惱如是當奈
136 38 dāng to treat; to regard as 見惱如是當奈
137 38 dǎng to think 見惱如是當奈
138 38 dàng suitable; correspond to 見惱如是當奈
139 38 dǎng to be equal 見惱如是當奈
140 38 dàng that 見惱如是當奈
141 38 dāng an end; top 見惱如是當奈
142 38 dàng clang; jingle 見惱如是當奈
143 38 dāng to judge 見惱如是當奈
144 38 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 見惱如是當奈
145 38 dàng the same 見惱如是當奈
146 38 dàng to pawn 見惱如是當奈
147 38 dàng to fail [an exam] 見惱如是當奈
148 38 dàng a trap 見惱如是當奈
149 38 dàng a pawned item 見惱如是當奈
150 38 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 見惱如是當奈
151 37 luó Luo 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
152 37 luó to catch; to capture 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
153 37 luó gauze 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
154 37 luó a sieve; cloth for filtering 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
155 37 luó a net for catching birds 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
156 37 luó to recruit 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
157 37 luó to include 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
158 37 luó to distribute 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
159 37 luó ra 神名道軻彌伽羅移嘻隷
160 32 shì is; are; am; to be 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
161 32 shì is exactly 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
162 32 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
163 32 shì this; that; those 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
164 32 shì really; certainly 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
165 32 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
166 32 shì true 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
167 32 shì is; has; exists 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
168 32 shì used between repetitions of a word 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
169 32 shì a matter; an affair 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
170 32 shì Shi 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
171 32 shì is; bhū 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
172 32 shì this; idam 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
173 32 to carry 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
174 32 a flick up and rightwards in a character 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
175 32 to lift; to raise 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
176 32 to move forward [in time] 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
177 32 to get; to fetch 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
178 32 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
179 32 to cheer up 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
180 32 to be on guard 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
181 32 a ladle 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
182 32 Ti 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
183 32 to to hurl; to pass 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
184 32 to bring; cud 是北上錍提山中天帝石室
185 32 jīng to go through; to experience 經之師
186 32 jīng a sutra; a scripture 經之師
187 32 jīng warp 經之師
188 32 jīng longitude 經之師
189 32 jīng often; regularly; frequently 經之師
190 32 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 經之師
191 32 jīng a woman's period 經之師
192 32 jīng to bear; to endure 經之師
193 32 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 經之師
194 32 jīng classics 經之師
195 32 jīng to be frugal; to save 經之師
196 32 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 經之師
197 32 jīng a standard; a norm 經之師
198 32 jīng a section of a Confucian work 經之師
199 32 jīng to measure 經之師
200 32 jīng human pulse 經之師
201 32 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 經之師
202 32 jīng sutra; discourse 經之師
203 30 not; no 嬈害者不令得便
204 30 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 嬈害者不令得便
205 30 as a correlative 嬈害者不令得便
206 30 no (answering a question) 嬈害者不令得便
207 30 forms a negative adjective from a noun 嬈害者不令得便
208 30 at the end of a sentence to form a question 嬈害者不令得便
209 30 to form a yes or no question 嬈害者不令得便
210 30 infix potential marker 嬈害者不令得便
211 30 no; na 嬈害者不令得便
212 30 I; me; my 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
213 30 self 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
214 30 we; our 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
215 30 [my] dear 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
216 30 Wo 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
217 30 self; atman; attan 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
218 30 ga 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
219 30 I; aham 比丘對曰我為魔所嬈在所
220 29 ruò to seem; to be like; as 不樂若魚畏網
221 29 ruò seemingly 不樂若魚畏網
222 29 ruò if 不樂若魚畏網
223 29 ruò you 不樂若魚畏網
224 29 ruò this; that 不樂若魚畏網
225 29 ruò and; or 不樂若魚畏網
226 29 ruò as for; pertaining to 不樂若魚畏網
227 29 pomegranite 不樂若魚畏網
228 29 ruò to choose 不樂若魚畏網
229 29 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 不樂若魚畏網
230 29 ruò thus 不樂若魚畏網
231 29 ruò pollia 不樂若魚畏網
232 29 ruò Ruo 不樂若魚畏網
233 29 ruò only then 不樂若魚畏網
234 29 ja 不樂若魚畏網
235 29 jñā 不樂若魚畏網
236 29 ruò if; yadi 不樂若魚畏網
237 28 wáng Wang 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
238 28 wáng a king 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
239 28 wáng Kangxi radical 96 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
240 28 wàng to be king; to rule 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
241 28 wáng a prince; a duke 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
242 28 wáng grand; great 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
243 28 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
244 28 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
245 28 wáng the head of a group or gang 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
246 28 wáng the biggest or best of a group 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
247 28 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
248 28 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 佛知而故問諸比丘言
249 26 yán to speak; to say; said 佛知而故問諸比丘言
250 26 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 佛知而故問諸比丘言
251 26 yán Kangxi radical 149 佛知而故問諸比丘言
252 26 yán a particle with no meaning 佛知而故問諸比丘言
253 26 yán phrase; sentence 佛知而故問諸比丘言
254 26 yán a word; a syllable 佛知而故問諸比丘言
255 26 yán a theory; a doctrine 佛知而故問諸比丘言
256 26 yán to regard as 佛知而故問諸比丘言
257 26 yán to act as 佛知而故問諸比丘言
258 26 yán word; vacana 佛知而故問諸比丘言
259 26 yán speak; vad 佛知而故問諸比丘言
260 25 in; at 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
261 25 in; at 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
262 25 in; at; to; from 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
263 25 to go; to 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
264 25 to rely on; to depend on 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
265 25 to go to; to arrive at 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
266 25 from 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
267 25 give 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
268 25 oppposing 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
269 25 and 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
270 25 compared to 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
271 25 by 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
272 25 and; as well as 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
273 25 for 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
274 25 Yu 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
275 25 a crow 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
276 25 whew; wow 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
277 25 near to; antike 一時世尊遊於羅閱祇梵志丘聚
278 25 章句 zhāng jù words; sentences and phrases 當為汝說灌頂章句百
279 25 章句 zhāng jù syntax 當為汝說灌頂章句百
280 24 阿難 Ānán Ananda 阿難即往至佛所啟問此事
281 24 阿難 Ānán Ānanda; Ananda 阿難即往至佛所啟問此事
282 24 gào to tell; to say; said; told 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
283 24 gào to request 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
284 24 gào to report; to inform 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
285 24 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
286 24 gào to accuse; to sue 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
287 24 gào to reach 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
288 24 gào an announcement 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
289 24 gào a party 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
290 24 gào a vacation 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
291 24 gào Gao 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
292 24 gào to tell; jalp 佛告比丘勿生憂惱
293 24 you; thou 當為汝說灌頂章句百
294 24 Ru River 當為汝說灌頂章句百
295 24 Ru 當為汝說灌頂章句百
296 24 you; tvam; bhavat 當為汝說灌頂章句百
297 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng consecration 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
298 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng Anointment 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
299 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
300 21 灌頂 guàn dǐng Guanding 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
301 21 zhōng middle 又為蠱毒所中
302 21 zhōng medium; medium sized 又為蠱毒所中
303 21 zhōng China 又為蠱毒所中
304 21 zhòng to hit the mark 又為蠱毒所中
305 21 zhōng in; amongst 又為蠱毒所中
306 21 zhōng midday 又為蠱毒所中
307 21 zhōng inside 又為蠱毒所中
308 21 zhōng during 又為蠱毒所中
309 21 zhōng Zhong 又為蠱毒所中
310 21 zhōng intermediary 又為蠱毒所中
311 21 zhōng half 又為蠱毒所中
312 21 zhōng just right; suitably 又為蠱毒所中
313 21 zhōng while 又為蠱毒所中
314 21 zhòng to reach; to attain 又為蠱毒所中
315 21 zhòng to suffer; to infect 又為蠱毒所中
316 21 zhòng to obtain 又為蠱毒所中
317 21 zhòng to pass an exam 又為蠱毒所中
318 21 zhōng middle 又為蠱毒所中
319 19 undulations 神名沙波提阿知和知
320 19 waves; breakers 神名沙波提阿知和知
321 19 wavelength 神名沙波提阿知和知
322 19 pa 神名沙波提阿知和知
323 19 wave; taraṅga 神名沙波提阿知和知
324 18 so as to; in order to 各以已之威神
325 18 to use; to regard as 各以已之威神
326 18 to use; to grasp 各以已之威神
327 18 according to 各以已之威神
328 18 because of 各以已之威神
329 18 on a certain date 各以已之威神
330 18 and; as well as 各以已之威神
331 18 to rely on 各以已之威神
332 18 to regard 各以已之威神
333 18 to be able to 各以已之威神
334 18 to order; to command 各以已之威神
335 18 further; moreover 各以已之威神
336 18 used after a verb 各以已之威神
337 18 very 各以已之威神
338 18 already 各以已之威神
339 18 increasingly 各以已之威神
340 18 a reason; a cause 各以已之威神
341 18 Israel 各以已之威神
342 18 Yi 各以已之威神
343 18 use; yogena 各以已之威神
344 18 鬼神 guǐshén spirits and devils; a demon 句百七十二大鬼神王名字
345 18 to reach 及諸龍象熊
346 18 and 及諸龍象熊
347 18 coming to; when 及諸龍象熊
348 18 to attain 及諸龍象熊
349 18 to understand 及諸龍象熊
350 18 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及諸龍象熊
351 18 to be involved with; to associate with 及諸龍象熊
352 18 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及諸龍象熊
353 18 and; ca; api 及諸龍象熊
354 18 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
355 18 duó many; much 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
356 18 duō more 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
357 18 duō an unspecified extent 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
358 18 duō used in exclamations 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
359 18 duō excessive 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
360 18 duō to what extent 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
361 18 duō abundant 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
362 18 duō to multiply; to acrue 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
363 18 duō mostly 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
364 18 duō simply; merely 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
365 18 duō frequently 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
366 18 duō very 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
367 18 duō Duo 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
368 18 duō ta 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
369 18 duō many; bahu 神名阿波竭證證竭無多薩
370 18 ā prefix to names of people 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
371 18 ā to groan 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
372 18 ā a 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
373 18 ē to flatter 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
374 18 ā expresses doubt 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
375 18 ē river bank 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
376 18 ē beam; pillar 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
377 18 ē a hillslope; a mound 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
378 18 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
379 18 ē E 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
380 18 ē to depend on 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
381 18 ā a final particle 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
382 18 ē e 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
383 18 ē a buttress 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
384 18 ē be partial to 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
385 18 ē thick silk 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
386 18 ā this; these 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
387 18 ē e 神名嘻隷殷錍阿羅錍
388 17 shí time; a point or period of time 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
389 17 shí a season; a quarter of a year 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
390 17 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
391 17 shí at that time 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
392 17 shí fashionable 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
393 17 shí fate; destiny; luck 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
394 17 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
395 17 shí tense 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
396 17 shí particular; special 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
397 17 shí to plant; to cultivate 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
398 17 shí hour (measure word) 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
399 17 shí an era; a dynasty 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
400 17 shí time [abstract] 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
401 17 shí seasonal 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
402 17 shí frequently; often 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
403 17 shí occasionally; sometimes 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
404 17 shí on time 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
405 17 shí this; that 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
406 17 shí to wait upon 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
407 17 shí hour 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
408 17 shí appropriate; proper; timely 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
409 17 shí Shi 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
410 17 shí a present; currentlt 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
411 17 shí time; kāla 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
412 17 shí at that time; samaya 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
413 17 shí then; atha 呼十神王名號之時虐鬼退散
414 17 bèi contemporaries; generation; lifetime
415 17 bèi generation; lifetime
416 17 bèi an array of things
417 17 bèi a class of thing; a kind of person
418 17 bèi to compare
419 17 bèi plural marker
420 17 bèi kind of; bhāgīya
421 17 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 嬈害者不令得便
422 17 lìng to issue a command 嬈害者不令得便
423 17 lìng rules of behavior; customs 嬈害者不令得便
424 17 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 嬈害者不令得便
425 17 lìng a season 嬈害者不令得便
426 17 lìng respected; good reputation 嬈害者不令得便
427 17 lìng good 嬈害者不令得便
428 17 lìng pretentious 嬈害者不令得便
429 17 lìng a transcending state of existence 嬈害者不令得便
430 17 lìng a commander 嬈害者不令得便
431 17 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 嬈害者不令得便
432 17 lìng lyrics 嬈害者不令得便
433 17 lìng Ling 嬈害者不令得便
434 17 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 嬈害者不令得便
435 17 to protect; to guard 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
436 17 to support something that is wrong; to be partial to 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
437 17 to protect; to guard 佛說灌頂七萬二千神王護比丘
438 16 de potential marker 令得安隱
439 16 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 令得安隱
440 16 děi must; ought to 令得安隱
441 16 děi to want to; to need to 令得安隱
442 16 děi must; ought to 令得安隱
443 16 de 令得安隱
444 16 de infix potential marker 令得安隱
445 16 to result in 令得安隱
446 16 to be proper; to fit; to suit 令得安隱
447 16 to be satisfied 令得安隱
448 16 to be finished 令得安隱
449 16 de result of degree 令得安隱
450 16 de marks completion of an action 令得安隱
451 16 děi satisfying 令得安隱
452 16 to contract 令得安隱
453 16 marks permission or possibility 令得安隱
454 16 expressing frustration 令得安隱
455 16 to hear 令得安隱
456 16 to have; there is 令得安隱
457 16 marks time passed 令得安隱
458 16 obtain; attain; prāpta 令得安隱
459 16 rén person; people; a human being 在所至到營衛佐人
460 16 rén Kangxi radical 9 在所至到營衛佐人
461 16 rén a kind of person 在所至到營衛佐人
462 16 rén everybody 在所至到營衛佐人
463 16 rén adult 在所至到營衛佐人
464 16 rén somebody; others 在所至到營衛佐人
465 16 rén an upright person 在所至到營衛佐人
466 16 rén person; manuṣya 在所至到營衛佐人
467 15 zuò to do 為汝作護辟除邪惡
468 15 zuò to act as; to serve as 為汝作護辟除邪惡
469 15 zuò to start 為汝作護辟除邪惡
470 15 zuò a writing; a work 為汝作護辟除邪惡
471 15 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 為汝作護辟除邪惡
472 15 zuō to create; to make 為汝作護辟除邪惡
473 15 zuō a workshop 為汝作護辟除邪惡
474 15 zuō to write; to compose 為汝作護辟除邪惡
475 15 zuò to rise 為汝作護辟除邪惡
476 15 zuò to be aroused 為汝作護辟除邪惡
477 15 zuò activity; action; undertaking 為汝作護辟除邪惡
478 15 zuò to regard as 為汝作護辟除邪惡
479 15 zuò action; kāraṇa 為汝作護辟除邪惡
480 15 that 神名那知鳩那知波那提
481 15 if that is the case 神名那知鳩那知波那提
482 15 nèi that 神名那知鳩那知波那提
483 15 where 神名那知鳩那知波那提
484 15 how 神名那知鳩那知波那提
485 15 No 神名那知鳩那知波那提
486 15 nuó to move 神名那知鳩那知波那提
487 15 nuó much 神名那知鳩那知波那提
488 15 nuó stable; quiet 神名那知鳩那知波那提
489 15 na 神名那知鳩那知波那提
490 14 method; way 法今皆得道作大誓願
491 14 France 法今皆得道作大誓願
492 14 the law; rules; regulations 法今皆得道作大誓願
493 14 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 法今皆得道作大誓願
494 14 a standard; a norm 法今皆得道作大誓願
495 14 an institution 法今皆得道作大誓願
496 14 to emulate 法今皆得道作大誓願
497 14 magic; a magic trick 法今皆得道作大誓願
498 14 punishment 法今皆得道作大誓願
499 14 Fa 法今皆得道作大誓願
500 14 a precedent 法今皆得道作大誓願


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
shén spiritual powers; ṛddhi
  1. míng
  2. míng
  1. name; naman
  2. fame; renown; yasas
this; here; etad
zhū all; many; sarva
wèi to be; bhū
zhě ca
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
  1. bǐqiū
  2. bǐqiū
  1. bhiksu
  2. bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Awakened One

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
阿耨 阿耨 196 Anavatapta
帛尸梨蜜多罗 帛尸梨蜜多羅 98 Śrīmitra
持法 99 Protector of the Dharma; Dharmadhara
大光 100 Vistīrṇavatī
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
东晋 東晉 100 Eastern Jin Dynasty
度经 度經 100 Sectarians Sutra
度厄 100 Du'e
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
梵志 102 Brahmin; Brahman; brahmacārin
法然 102 Hōnen
佛说灌顶经 佛說灌頂經 102 Consecration Sutra
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛号 佛號 102 name of the Buddha
佛世尊 102 Buddha, the world-honoured; bhagavat
灌顶经 灌頂經 103 Consecration Sutra
104 Huan river
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
迦兰 迦蘭 106 āḷāra Kālāma; Alara Kalama
迦利 74 Karli; Karla Caves
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  5. wolf; vṛka
礼经 禮經 108 Classic of Rites
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
罗阅只 羅閱祇 108 Rājagṛha; Rajgir; Rajagrha; Rājagaha
罗云 羅雲 108
  1. Rahula
  2. Luoyun
  3. Rāhula
弥伽 彌伽 109 Megha
魔道 109 Mara's Realm
那提 110
  1. Nādikā; Nātika; Jātika
  2. nadī
尼罗 尼羅 110 the Nile
揵陀 113 Gandhara
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
山上 115 Shanshang
释梵 釋梵 115 Sakra and Brahma; Śakra and Brahmā
十方佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
十方诸佛 十方諸佛 115 the Buddhas of the Ten Directions
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
娑婆世界 115 Saha World; the World of Suffering
天帝 116 Heavenly Emperor; God
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
提波 116 Deva
提婆 116
  1. Heaven
  2. Aryadeva; Deva
  3. Devadatta
  4. Kanadeva
陀罗 陀羅 116 Tārā
王导 王導 119 Wang Dao
威神 119 awe-inspiring character of deities; anubhava
五浊 五濁 119 the five periods of impurity
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
醯罗 醯羅 120 Hadda
须弥 須彌 120 Mt Meru; Sumeru
须摩提 須摩提 120
  1. Sukhāvatī; Sukhavati; Western Pure Land
  2. Sumati
  3. Sumati
因提 121 Indra
欲界六天 121 Six Heavens of the Desire Realm
知藏 122 Librarian; Chief of Sutra Repository
中说 中說 122 Zhong Shuo


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 153.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿迦 196 arka
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
病苦 98 sickness; suffering due to sickness
比丘僧 98 monastic community
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
波头摩 波頭摩 98 padma
不可称数 不可稱數 98 pass calculation and measure
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
持金刚 持金剛 99
  1. vajradhara
  2. Vajrapāṇi
除愈 99 to heal and recover completely
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
大菩萨 大菩薩 100
  1. great Bodhisattva
  2. a great bodhisattva
大利 100 great advantage; great benefit
道果 100 the fruit of the path
道中 100 on the path
倒见 倒見 100 a delusion where the opposite of the truth is believed
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
等正觉 等正覺 100 samyaksaṃbodhi; perfect enlightenment
顶受 頂受 100 to respectfully receive
定意 100 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
入定 100
  1. to enter into meditation
  2. entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
读诵 讀誦 100 read aloud; recite repeatedly; svādyāya
堕恶道 墮惡道 100 to suffer an evil rebirth
度脱 度脫 100 to save; to rescue; to relieve them from the suffering of this world and take them nirvana
恶师 惡師 195 a bad friend; a bad teacher
法用 102 the essence of a dharma
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
分卫 分衛 102 alms; piṇḍapāta
佛见 佛見 102 correct views of Buddhist teachings
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛灭 佛滅 102 Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛灭度 佛滅度 102 Buddha's Nirvāṇa
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
广演 廣演 103 exposition
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
后末世 後末世 104 last age
后五 後五 104 following five hundred years
护身 護身 104 protection of the body
护世 護世 104 protectors of the world
化导 化導 104 instruct and guide
化教 104 teaching for conversion
毁呰 毀呰 104 to denigrate
护念 護念 104
  1. Safeguard the Mind
  2. for a Buddha, bodhisattva, or demigod to protect a Buddhist disciple
  3. focus the mind on; samanvāharati
迦罗 迦羅 106
  1. kala; a very short unit of time
  2. kala; a very small particle
妓乐 妓樂 106 music
经法 經法 106 canonical teachings
金毘罗 金毘羅 106 kumbhira; crocodile
九横 九橫 106 nine ways to die a violent death; nine causes to die a premature death
卷第一 106 scroll 1
拘梨 106 koti; one hundred million; a very large number
俱舍 106 kosa; container
乐受 樂受 108 sensation of pleasure; perception of pleasure
礼敬 禮敬 108 namo; to pay respect to; to revere
利养 利養 108 gain
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
祕经 祕經 109 esoteric scriptures
妙典 109 wonderful scripture
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
摩迦 109
  1. Mojia
  2. malika; mālikā
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
牟尼 109 a saint; a sage; a seer; muni
念言 110 words from memory
破法 112 to go against the Dharma; destruction of the dharma
清信女 113 Upasika; a female lay Buddhist
清信士 113 male lay person; upāsaka
去者 113 a goer; gamika
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
三世诸佛 三世諸佛 115 the Buddhas of past, present, and future
三归 三歸 115 to take refuge in the Triple Gem
僧伽蓝 僧伽藍 115 sangharama; samgharama; samghārama; temple; monastery
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
善女人 115
  1. good women
  2. a good woman; a daughter of a noble family
善神 115 benevolent spirits
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
摄持 攝持 115
  1. parigraha; to protect; to uphold; to take proper care
  2. grasping; saṃgraha
阇梨 闍梨 115 acarya; teacher
深法 115 a profound truth
深妙 115 profound; deep and subtle
阇那 闍那 115 jnana; knowing
圣僧 聖僧 115 noble community; community of noble ones; āryasaṃgha; aryasamgha
身命 115 body and life
十二部 115 Twelve Divisions of Sutras
十二神王 115 the twelve heavenly generals; the twelve divine generals; twelve dream kings
十二头陀 十二頭陀 115 twelve ascetic practices
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
时众 時眾 115 present company
受者 115 recipient
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
四众 四眾 115 the fourfold assembly; the four communities
四辈 四輩 115 four grades; four groups
四天 115 four kinds of heaven
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
檀特罗 檀特羅 116 tantra
昙无 曇無 116 dharma
天龙八部 天龍八部 116 eight kinds of demigods
天尊 116 most honoured among devas
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
通利 116 sharp intelligence
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
头陀 頭陀 116
  1. austerities
  2. qualities of purification; dhutaguṇa
陀摩 116 dharma
未来现在 未來現在 119 the present and the future
未来世 未來世 119 times to come; the future
围遶 圍遶 119 to circumambulate
闻经 聞經 119 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
我法 119
  1. self and dharmas
  2. my teachings
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
五戒 119 the five precepts
无量光明 無量光明 119 boundless light
无量众生 無量眾生 119 innumerable beings
五阴 五陰 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
信根 120 faith; the root of faith
信受 120 to believe and accept
信行 120
  1. faith and practice
  2. Xinxing
心作 120 karmic activity of the mind
信解 120 resolution; determination; adhimukti
修禅 修禪 120 to meditate; to cultivate through meditation
业缘 業緣 121
  1. Karmic Condition
  2. karmic conditions; karmic connections
业行 業行 121
  1. actions; deeds
  2. kṛtya; ill usage or treatment
义味 義味 121 flavor of the meaning
应供养 應供養 121 worthy of worship
应真 應真 121 Worthy One; Arhat
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
怨家 121 an enemy
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
真法 122 true dharma; absolute dharma
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
至真 122 most-true-one; arhat
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
浊乱 濁亂 122 corrupt and chaotic
着衣持钵 著衣持鉢 122 took his bowl and robe
自度 122 self-salvation
最上 122 supreme