Glossary and Vocabulary for Commentary on the Compendium of the Abhidharma (Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā) 大乘阿毘達磨雜集論, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 232 zhě ca 親承聖旨分別者
2 185 wèi to call 謂諸佛法身
3 185 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂諸佛法身
4 185 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸佛法身
5 185 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂諸佛法身
6 185 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂諸佛法身
7 185 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸佛法身
8 185 wèi to think 謂諸佛法身
9 185 wèi for; is to be 謂諸佛法身
10 185 wèi to make; to cause 謂諸佛法身
11 185 wèi principle; reason 謂諸佛法身
12 185 wèi Wei 謂諸佛法身
13 148 wéi to act as; to serve 依法隨學法為依者
14 148 wéi to change into; to become 依法隨學法為依者
15 148 wéi to be; is 依法隨學法為依者
16 148 wéi to do 依法隨學法為依者
17 148 wèi to support; to help 依法隨學法為依者
18 148 wéi to govern 依法隨學法為依者
19 148 wèi to be; bhū 依法隨學法為依者
20 147 suǒ a few; various; some 自他並利所依止
21 147 suǒ a place; a location 自他並利所依止
22 147 suǒ indicates a passive voice 自他並利所依止
23 147 suǒ an ordinal number 自他並利所依止
24 147 suǒ meaning 自他並利所依止
25 147 suǒ garrison 自他並利所依止
26 147 suǒ place; pradeśa 自他並利所依止
27 90 to depend on; to lean on 此論所依及能起故
28 90 to comply with; to follow 此論所依及能起故
29 90 to help 此論所依及能起故
30 90 flourishing 此論所依及能起故
31 90 lovable 此論所依及能起故
32 90 bonds; substratum; upadhi 此論所依及能起故
33 90 refuge; śaraṇa 此論所依及能起故
34 90 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 此論所依及能起故
35 86 to go; to 於一切法自在轉故
36 86 to rely on; to depend on 於一切法自在轉故
37 86 Yu 於一切法自在轉故
38 86 a crow 於一切法自在轉故
39 84 děng et cetera; and so on 無等妙法諸聖眾
40 84 děng to wait 無等妙法諸聖眾
41 84 děng to be equal 無等妙法諸聖眾
42 84 děng degree; level 無等妙法諸聖眾
43 84 děng to compare 無等妙法諸聖眾
44 84 děng same; equal; sama 無等妙法諸聖眾
45 66 a human or animal body 身義體義
46 66 form; style 身義體義
47 66 a substance 身義體義
48 66 a system 身義體義
49 66 a font 身義體義
50 66 grammatical aspect (of a verb) 身義體義
51 66 to experience; to realize 身義體義
52 66 ti 身義體義
53 66 limbs of a human or animal body 身義體義
54 66 to put oneself in another's shoes 身義體義
55 66 a genre of writing 身義體義
56 66 body; śarīra 身義體義
57 66 śarīra; human body 身義體義
58 66 ti; essence 身義體義
59 66 entity; a constituent; an element 身義體義
60 64 business; industry 顯業義
61 64 activity; actions 顯業義
62 64 order; sequence 顯業義
63 64 to continue 顯業義
64 64 to start; to create 顯業義
65 64 karma 顯業義
66 64 hereditary trade; legacy 顯業義
67 64 a course of study; training 顯業義
68 64 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 顯業義
69 64 an estate; a property 顯業義
70 64 an achievement 顯業義
71 64 to engage in 顯業義
72 64 Ye 顯業義
73 64 a horizontal board 顯業義
74 64 an occupation 顯業義
75 64 a kind of musical instrument 顯業義
76 64 a book 顯業義
77 64 actions; karma; karman 顯業義
78 64 activity; kriyā 顯業義
79 56 xiàng to observe; to assess 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
80 56 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
81 56 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
82 56 xiàng to aid; to help 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
83 56 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
84 56 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
85 56 xiāng alternately; in turn 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
86 56 xiāng Xiang 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
87 56 xiāng form substance 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
88 56 xiāng to express 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
89 56 xiàng to choose 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
90 56 xiāng Xiang 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
91 56 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
92 56 xiāng the seventh lunar month 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
93 56 xiāng to compare 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
94 56 xiàng to divine 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
95 56 xiàng to administer 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
96 56 xiàng helper for a blind person 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
97 56 xiāng rhythm [music] 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
98 56 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
99 56 xiāng coralwood 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
100 56 xiàng ministry 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
101 56 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
102 56 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
103 56 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
104 56 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
105 56 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
106 56 xīn heart [organ] 可化有情令心界清淨故
107 56 xīn Kangxi radical 61 可化有情令心界清淨故
108 56 xīn mind; consciousness 可化有情令心界清淨故
109 56 xīn the center; the core; the middle 可化有情令心界清淨故
110 56 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 可化有情令心界清淨故
111 56 xīn heart 可化有情令心界清淨故
112 56 xīn emotion 可化有情令心界清淨故
113 56 xīn intention; consideration 可化有情令心界清淨故
114 56 xīn disposition; temperament 可化有情令心界清淨故
115 56 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 可化有情令心界清淨故
116 56 xīn heart; hṛdaya 可化有情令心界清淨故
117 56 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 可化有情令心界清淨故
118 54 infix potential marker 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
119 52 color 謂色
120 52 form; matter 謂色
121 52 shǎi dice 謂色
122 52 Kangxi radical 139 謂色
123 52 countenance 謂色
124 52 scene; sight 謂色
125 52 feminine charm; female beauty 謂色
126 52 kind; type 謂色
127 52 quality 謂色
128 52 to be angry 謂色
129 52 to seek; to search for 謂色
130 52 lust; sexual desire 謂色
131 52 form; rupa 謂色
132 42 yóu Kangxi radical 102 由悟契經及解釋
133 42 yóu to follow along 由悟契經及解釋
134 42 yóu cause; reason 由悟契經及解釋
135 42 yóu You 由悟契經及解釋
136 39 Kangxi radical 71 無等妙法諸聖眾
137 39 to not have; without 無等妙法諸聖眾
138 39 mo 無等妙法諸聖眾
139 39 to not have 無等妙法諸聖眾
140 39 Wu 無等妙法諸聖眾
141 39 mo 無等妙法諸聖眾
142 39 to reach 由悟契經及解釋
143 39 to attain 由悟契經及解釋
144 39 to understand 由悟契經及解釋
145 39 able to be compared to; to catch up with 由悟契經及解釋
146 39 to be involved with; to associate with 由悟契經及解釋
147 39 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 由悟契經及解釋
148 39 and; ca; api 由悟契經及解釋
149 36 yīn cause; reason 顯因義
150 36 yīn to accord with 顯因義
151 36 yīn to follow 顯因義
152 36 yīn to rely on 顯因義
153 36 yīn via; through 顯因義
154 36 yīn to continue 顯因義
155 36 yīn to receive 顯因義
156 36 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 顯因義
157 36 yīn to seize an opportunity 顯因義
158 36 yīn to be like 顯因義
159 36 yīn a standrd; a criterion 顯因義
160 36 yīn cause; hetu 顯因義
161 36 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
162 36 shòu to transfer; to confer 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
163 36 shòu to receive; to accept 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
164 36 shòu to tolerate 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
165 36 shòu feelings; sensations 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
166 34 meaning; sense 覺勝德六義
167 34 justice; right action; righteousness 覺勝德六義
168 34 artificial; man-made; fake 覺勝德六義
169 34 chivalry; generosity 覺勝德六義
170 34 just; righteous 覺勝德六義
171 34 adopted 覺勝德六義
172 34 a relationship 覺勝德六義
173 34 volunteer 覺勝德六義
174 34 something suitable 覺勝德六義
175 34 a martyr 覺勝德六義
176 34 a law 覺勝德六義
177 34 Yi 覺勝德六義
178 34 Righteousness 覺勝德六義
179 34 aim; artha 覺勝德六義
180 33 xiǎng to think 謂如相而想
181 33 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 謂如相而想
182 33 xiǎng to want 謂如相而想
183 33 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 謂如相而想
184 33 xiǎng to plan 謂如相而想
185 33 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 謂如相而想
186 31 jiè border; boundary 可化有情令心界清淨故
187 31 jiè kingdom 可化有情令心界清淨故
188 31 jiè territory; region 可化有情令心界清淨故
189 31 jiè the world 可化有情令心界清淨故
190 31 jiè scope; extent 可化有情令心界清淨故
191 31 jiè erathem; stratigraphic unit 可化有情令心界清淨故
192 31 jiè to divide; to define a boundary 可化有情令心界清淨故
193 31 jiè to adjoin 可化有情令心界清淨故
194 31 jiè dhatu; realm; field; domain 可化有情令心界清淨故
195 31 self 彼所依止我自體事
196 31 [my] dear 彼所依止我自體事
197 31 Wo 彼所依止我自體事
198 31 self; atman; attan 彼所依止我自體事
199 31 ga 彼所依止我自體事
200 27 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 一分教起所依處故
201 27 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 一分教起所依處故
202 27 chù an office; a department; a bureau 一分教起所依處故
203 27 chù a part; an aspect 一分教起所依處故
204 27 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 一分教起所依處故
205 27 chǔ to get along with 一分教起所依處故
206 27 chǔ to deal with; to manage 一分教起所依處故
207 27 chǔ to punish; to sentence 一分教起所依處故
208 27 chǔ to stop; to pause 一分教起所依處故
209 27 chǔ to be associated with 一分教起所依處故
210 27 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 一分教起所依處故
211 27 chǔ to occupy; to control 一分教起所依處故
212 27 chù circumstances; situation 一分教起所依處故
213 27 chù an occasion; a time 一分教起所依處故
214 27 chù position; sthāna 一分教起所依處故
215 26 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 亦契如來所說正法
216 26 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 亦契如來所說正法
217 26 shuì to persuade 亦契如來所說正法
218 26 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 亦契如來所說正法
219 26 shuō a doctrine; a theory 亦契如來所說正法
220 26 shuō to claim; to assert 亦契如來所說正法
221 26 shuō allocution 亦契如來所說正法
222 26 shuō to criticize; to scold 亦契如來所說正法
223 26 shuō to indicate; to refer to 亦契如來所說正法
224 26 shuō speach; vāda 亦契如來所說正法
225 26 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 亦契如來所說正法
226 26 shuō to instruct 亦契如來所說正法
227 26 yìng to answer; to respond 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
228 26 yìng to confirm; to verify 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
229 26 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
230 26 yìng to accept 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
231 26 yìng to permit; to allow 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
232 26 yìng to echo 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
233 26 yìng to handle; to deal with 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
234 26 yìng Ying 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
235 23 néng can; able 此論所依及能起故
236 23 néng ability; capacity 此論所依及能起故
237 23 néng a mythical bear-like beast 此論所依及能起故
238 23 néng energy 此論所依及能起故
239 23 néng function; use 此論所依及能起故
240 23 néng talent 此論所依及能起故
241 23 néng expert at 此論所依及能起故
242 23 néng to be in harmony 此論所依及能起故
243 23 néng to tend to; to care for 此論所依及能起故
244 23 néng to reach; to arrive at 此論所依及能起故
245 23 néng to be able; śak 此論所依及能起故
246 23 néng skilful; pravīṇa 此論所依及能起故
247 23 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 由此善
248 23 shàn happy 由此善
249 23 shàn good 由此善
250 23 shàn kind-hearted 由此善
251 23 shàn to be skilled at something 由此善
252 23 shàn familiar 由此善
253 23 shàn to repair 由此善
254 23 shàn to admire 由此善
255 23 shàn to praise 由此善
256 23 shàn Shan 由此善
257 23 shàn wholesome; virtuous 由此善
258 23 shì matter; thing; item 猶工巧業等諸變化事
259 23 shì to serve 猶工巧業等諸變化事
260 23 shì a government post 猶工巧業等諸變化事
261 23 shì duty; post; work 猶工巧業等諸變化事
262 23 shì occupation 猶工巧業等諸變化事
263 23 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 猶工巧業等諸變化事
264 23 shì an accident 猶工巧業等諸變化事
265 23 shì to attend 猶工巧業等諸變化事
266 23 shì an allusion 猶工巧業等諸變化事
267 23 shì a condition; a state; a situation 猶工巧業等諸變化事
268 23 shì to engage in 猶工巧業等諸變化事
269 23 shì to enslave 猶工巧業等諸變化事
270 23 shì to pursue 猶工巧業等諸變化事
271 23 shì to administer 猶工巧業等諸變化事
272 23 shì to appoint 猶工巧業等諸變化事
273 23 shì thing; phenomena 猶工巧業等諸變化事
274 23 shì actions; karma 猶工巧業等諸變化事
275 23 wèn to ask 問何故論端先辯蘊等
276 23 wèn to inquire after 問何故論端先辯蘊等
277 23 wèn to interrogate 問何故論端先辯蘊等
278 23 wèn to hold responsible 問何故論端先辯蘊等
279 23 wèn to request something 問何故論端先辯蘊等
280 23 wèn to rebuke 問何故論端先辯蘊等
281 23 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 問何故論端先辯蘊等
282 23 wèn news 問何故論端先辯蘊等
283 23 wèn to propose marriage 問何故論端先辯蘊等
284 23 wén to inform 問何故論端先辯蘊等
285 23 wèn to research 問何故論端先辯蘊等
286 23 wèn Wen 問何故論端先辯蘊等
287 23 wèn a question 問何故論端先辯蘊等
288 23 wèn ask; prccha 問何故論端先辯蘊等
289 22 zhǒng kind; type 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
290 22 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
291 22 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
292 22 zhǒng seed; strain 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
293 22 zhǒng offspring 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
294 22 zhǒng breed 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
295 22 zhǒng race 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
296 22 zhǒng species 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
297 22 zhǒng root; source; origin 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
298 22 zhǒng grit; guts 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
299 22 zhǒng seed; bīja 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
300 22 to reply; to answer 答欲令學者於幾何
301 22 to reciprocate to 答欲令學者於幾何
302 22 to agree to; to assent to 答欲令學者於幾何
303 22 to acknowledge; to greet 答欲令學者於幾何
304 22 Da 答欲令學者於幾何
305 22 to answer; pratyukta 答欲令學者於幾何
306 22 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
307 22 zào to arrive; to go 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
308 22 zào to pay a visit; to call on 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
309 22 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
310 22 zào to attain; to achieve 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
311 22 zào an achievement 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
312 22 zào a crop 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
313 22 zào a time; an age 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
314 22 zào fortune; destiny 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
315 22 zào to educate; to train 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
316 22 zào to invent 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
317 22 zào a party in a lawsuit 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
318 22 zào to run wild; to overspend 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
319 22 zào indifferently; negligently 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
320 22 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
321 22 zào imaginary 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
322 22 zào to found; to initiate 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
323 22 zào to contain 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
324 22 zào made; kṛta 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
325 21 to think; consider; to ponder 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
326 21 thinking; consideration 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
327 21 to miss; to long for 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
328 21 emotions 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
329 21 to mourn; to grieve 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
330 21 Si 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
331 21 sāi hairy [beard] 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
332 21 Think 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
333 21 volition; cetanā 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
334 21 consciousness, understanding; cetanā 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
335 21 thought; cintā 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
336 21 shēn human body; torso 身義體義
337 21 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身義體義
338 21 shēn self 身義體義
339 21 shēn life 身義體義
340 21 shēn an object 身義體義
341 21 shēn a lifetime 身義體義
342 21 shēn moral character 身義體義
343 21 shēn status; identity; position 身義體義
344 21 shēn pregnancy 身義體義
345 21 juān India 身義體義
346 21 shēn body; kāya 身義體義
347 21 chù to touch; to feel 身界觸界身識界
348 21 chù to butt; to ram; to gore 身界觸界身識界
349 21 chù touch; contact; sparśa 身界觸界身識界
350 21 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya 身界觸界身識界
351 20 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 可化有情令心界清淨故
352 20 lìng to issue a command 可化有情令心界清淨故
353 20 lìng rules of behavior; customs 可化有情令心界清淨故
354 20 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 可化有情令心界清淨故
355 20 lìng a season 可化有情令心界清淨故
356 20 lìng respected; good reputation 可化有情令心界清淨故
357 20 lìng good 可化有情令心界清淨故
358 20 lìng pretentious 可化有情令心界清淨故
359 20 lìng a transcending state of existence 可化有情令心界清淨故
360 20 lìng a commander 可化有情令心界清淨故
361 20 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 可化有情令心界清淨故
362 20 lìng lyrics 可化有情令心界清淨故
363 20 lìng Ling 可化有情令心界清淨故
364 20 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 可化有情令心界清淨故
365 20 jiàn to see 眼所受是見義
366 20 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 眼所受是見義
367 20 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 眼所受是見義
368 20 jiàn refer to; for details see 眼所受是見義
369 20 jiàn to listen to 眼所受是見義
370 20 jiàn to meet 眼所受是見義
371 20 jiàn to receive (a guest) 眼所受是見義
372 20 jiàn let me; kindly 眼所受是見義
373 20 jiàn Jian 眼所受是見義
374 20 xiàn to appear 眼所受是見義
375 20 xiàn to introduce 眼所受是見義
376 20 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 眼所受是見義
377 20 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 眼所受是見義
378 20 一切 yīqiè temporary 經等一切教法平等所依
379 20 一切 yīqiè the same 經等一切教法平等所依
380 20 zhōng middle 本事分中三法品第一之一
381 20 zhōng medium; medium sized 本事分中三法品第一之一
382 20 zhōng China 本事分中三法品第一之一
383 20 zhòng to hit the mark 本事分中三法品第一之一
384 20 zhōng midday 本事分中三法品第一之一
385 20 zhōng inside 本事分中三法品第一之一
386 20 zhōng during 本事分中三法品第一之一
387 20 zhōng Zhong 本事分中三法品第一之一
388 20 zhōng intermediary 本事分中三法品第一之一
389 20 zhōng half 本事分中三法品第一之一
390 20 zhòng to reach; to attain 本事分中三法品第一之一
391 20 zhòng to suffer; to infect 本事分中三法品第一之一
392 20 zhòng to obtain 本事分中三法品第一之一
393 20 zhòng to pass an exam 本事分中三法品第一之一
394 20 zhōng middle 本事分中三法品第一之一
395 20 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 分及法處所攝色
396 20 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 分及法處所攝色
397 20 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 分及法處所攝色
398 20 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 分及法處所攝色
399 20 fēn a fraction 分及法處所攝色
400 20 fēn to express as a fraction 分及法處所攝色
401 20 fēn one tenth 分及法處所攝色
402 20 fèn a component; an ingredient 分及法處所攝色
403 20 fèn the limit of an obligation 分及法處所攝色
404 20 fèn affection; goodwill 分及法處所攝色
405 20 fèn a role; a responsibility 分及法處所攝色
406 20 fēn equinox 分及法處所攝色
407 20 fèn a characteristic 分及法處所攝色
408 20 fèn to assume; to deduce 分及法處所攝色
409 20 fēn to share 分及法處所攝色
410 20 fēn branch [office] 分及法處所攝色
411 20 fēn clear; distinct 分及法處所攝色
412 20 fēn a difference 分及法處所攝色
413 20 fēn a score 分及法處所攝色
414 20 fèn identity 分及法處所攝色
415 20 fèn a part; a portion 分及法處所攝色
416 20 fēn part; avayava 分及法處所攝色
417 20 extra; surplus 由證此身得餘身故
418 20 odd; surplus over a round number 由證此身得餘身故
419 20 to remain 由證此身得餘身故
420 20 other 由證此身得餘身故
421 20 additional; complementary 由證此身得餘身故
422 20 remaining 由證此身得餘身故
423 20 incomplete 由證此身得餘身故
424 20 Yu 由證此身得餘身故
425 20 other; anya 由證此身得餘身故
426 19 method; way 依法隨學法為依者
427 19 France 依法隨學法為依者
428 19 the law; rules; regulations 依法隨學法為依者
429 19 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 依法隨學法為依者
430 19 a standard; a norm 依法隨學法為依者
431 19 an institution 依法隨學法為依者
432 19 to emulate 依法隨學法為依者
433 19 magic; a magic trick 依法隨學法為依者
434 19 punishment 依法隨學法為依者
435 19 Fa 依法隨學法為依者
436 19 a precedent 依法隨學法為依者
437 19 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 依法隨學法為依者
438 19 relating to a ceremony or rite 依法隨學法為依者
439 19 Dharma 依法隨學法為依者
440 19 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 依法隨學法為依者
441 19 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 依法隨學法為依者
442 19 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 依法隨學法為依者
443 19 quality; characteristic 依法隨學法為依者
444 19 散亂 sànluàn in disorder; messy 念不正知散亂睡眠惡作尋伺
445 19 散亂 sànluàn distraction 念不正知散亂睡眠惡作尋伺
446 19 散亂 sànluàn inattention; vikṣepa 念不正知散亂睡眠惡作尋伺
447 19 相應 xiāngyìng relevant; corresponding 顯相應義
448 19 相應 xiāngyìng to respond; to act in response 顯相應義
449 19 相應 xiāngying cheap; inexpensive 顯相應義
450 19 相應 xiāngyìng response, correspond 顯相應義
451 19 相應 xiāngyìng concomitant 顯相應義
452 19 相應 xiāngyìng Sō-ō 顯相應義
453 19 to arise; to get up 此論所依及能起故
454 19 to rise; to raise 此論所依及能起故
455 19 to grow out of; to bring forth; to emerge 此論所依及能起故
456 19 to appoint (to an official post); to take up a post 此論所依及能起故
457 19 to start 此論所依及能起故
458 19 to establish; to build 此論所依及能起故
459 19 to draft; to draw up (a plan) 此論所依及能起故
460 19 opening sentence; opening verse 此論所依及能起故
461 19 to get out of bed 此論所依及能起故
462 19 to recover; to heal 此論所依及能起故
463 19 to take out; to extract 此論所依及能起故
464 19 marks the beginning of an action 此論所依及能起故
465 19 marks the sufficiency of an action 此論所依及能起故
466 19 to call back from mourning 此論所依及能起故
467 19 to take place; to occur 此論所依及能起故
468 19 to conjecture 此論所依及能起故
469 19 stand up; utthāna 此論所依及能起故
470 19 arising; utpāda 此論所依及能起故
471 19 suí to follow 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
472 19 suí to listen to 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
473 19 suí to submit to; to comply with 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
474 19 suí to be obsequious 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
475 19 suí 17th hexagram 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
476 19 suí let somebody do what they like 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
477 19 suí to resemble; to look like 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
478 19 suí follow; anugama 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
479 18 to carry on the shoulder 以者何
480 18 what 以者何
481 18 He 以者何
482 18 zhí to implement; to carry out; to execute a plan 於識蘊計執為我
483 18 zhí a post; a position; a job 於識蘊計執為我
484 18 zhí to grasp; to hold 於識蘊計執為我
485 18 zhí to govern; to administer; to be in charge of 於識蘊計執為我
486 18 zhí to arrest; to capture 於識蘊計執為我
487 18 zhí to maintain; to guard 於識蘊計執為我
488 18 zhí to block up 於識蘊計執為我
489 18 zhí to engage in 於識蘊計執為我
490 18 zhí to link up; to draw in 於識蘊計執為我
491 18 zhí a good friend 於識蘊計執為我
492 18 zhí proof; certificate; receipt; voucher 於識蘊計執為我
493 18 zhí grasping; grāha 於識蘊計執為我
494 18 to use; to grasp
495 18 to rely on
496 18 to regard
497 18 to be able to
498 18 to order; to command
499 18 used after a verb
500 18 a reason; a cause

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1186

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 232 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 親承聖旨分別者
2 232 zhě that 親承聖旨分別者
3 232 zhě nominalizing function word 親承聖旨分別者
4 232 zhě used to mark a definition 親承聖旨分別者
5 232 zhě used to mark a pause 親承聖旨分別者
6 232 zhě topic marker; that; it 親承聖旨分別者
7 232 zhuó according to 親承聖旨分別者
8 232 zhě ca 親承聖旨分別者
9 185 wèi to call 謂諸佛法身
10 185 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂諸佛法身
11 185 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸佛法身
12 185 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂諸佛法身
13 185 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂諸佛法身
14 185 wèi to speak to; to address 謂諸佛法身
15 185 wèi to think 謂諸佛法身
16 185 wèi for; is to be 謂諸佛法身
17 185 wèi to make; to cause 謂諸佛法身
18 185 wèi and 謂諸佛法身
19 185 wèi principle; reason 謂諸佛法身
20 185 wèi Wei 謂諸佛法身
21 185 wèi which; what; yad 謂諸佛法身
22 185 wèi to say; iti 謂諸佛法身
23 148 wèi for; to 依法隨學法為依者
24 148 wèi because of 依法隨學法為依者
25 148 wéi to act as; to serve 依法隨學法為依者
26 148 wéi to change into; to become 依法隨學法為依者
27 148 wéi to be; is 依法隨學法為依者
28 148 wéi to do 依法隨學法為依者
29 148 wèi for 依法隨學法為依者
30 148 wèi because of; for; to 依法隨學法為依者
31 148 wèi to 依法隨學法為依者
32 148 wéi in a passive construction 依法隨學法為依者
33 148 wéi forming a rehetorical question 依法隨學法為依者
34 148 wéi forming an adverb 依法隨學法為依者
35 148 wéi to add emphasis 依法隨學法為依者
36 148 wèi to support; to help 依法隨學法為依者
37 148 wéi to govern 依法隨學法為依者
38 148 wèi to be; bhū 依法隨學法為依者
39 147 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 自他並利所依止
40 147 suǒ an office; an institute 自他並利所依止
41 147 suǒ introduces a relative clause 自他並利所依止
42 147 suǒ it 自他並利所依止
43 147 suǒ if; supposing 自他並利所依止
44 147 suǒ a few; various; some 自他並利所依止
45 147 suǒ a place; a location 自他並利所依止
46 147 suǒ indicates a passive voice 自他並利所依止
47 147 suǒ that which 自他並利所依止
48 147 suǒ an ordinal number 自他並利所依止
49 147 suǒ meaning 自他並利所依止
50 147 suǒ garrison 自他並利所依止
51 147 suǒ place; pradeśa 自他並利所依止
52 147 suǒ that which; yad 自他並利所依止
53 142 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 此論所依及能起故
54 142 old; ancient; former; past 此論所依及能起故
55 142 reason; cause; purpose 此論所依及能起故
56 142 to die 此論所依及能起故
57 142 so; therefore; hence 此論所依及能起故
58 142 original 此論所依及能起故
59 142 accident; happening; instance 此論所依及能起故
60 142 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 此論所依及能起故
61 142 something in the past 此論所依及能起故
62 142 deceased; dead 此論所依及能起故
63 142 still; yet 此論所依及能起故
64 142 therefore; tasmāt 此論所依及能起故
65 90 according to 此論所依及能起故
66 90 to depend on; to lean on 此論所依及能起故
67 90 to comply with; to follow 此論所依及能起故
68 90 to help 此論所依及能起故
69 90 flourishing 此論所依及能起故
70 90 lovable 此論所依及能起故
71 90 bonds; substratum; upadhi 此論所依及能起故
72 90 refuge; śaraṇa 此論所依及能起故
73 90 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 此論所依及能起故
74 86 in; at 於一切法自在轉故
75 86 in; at 於一切法自在轉故
76 86 in; at; to; from 於一切法自在轉故
77 86 to go; to 於一切法自在轉故
78 86 to rely on; to depend on 於一切法自在轉故
79 86 to go to; to arrive at 於一切法自在轉故
80 86 from 於一切法自在轉故
81 86 give 於一切法自在轉故
82 86 oppposing 於一切法自在轉故
83 86 and 於一切法自在轉故
84 86 compared to 於一切法自在轉故
85 86 by 於一切法自在轉故
86 86 and; as well as 於一切法自在轉故
87 86 for 於一切法自在轉故
88 86 Yu 於一切法自在轉故
89 86 a crow 於一切法自在轉故
90 86 whew; wow 於一切法自在轉故
91 86 near to; antike 於一切法自在轉故
92 84 děng et cetera; and so on 無等妙法諸聖眾
93 84 děng to wait 無等妙法諸聖眾
94 84 děng degree; kind 無等妙法諸聖眾
95 84 děng plural 無等妙法諸聖眾
96 84 děng to be equal 無等妙法諸聖眾
97 84 děng degree; level 無等妙法諸聖眾
98 84 děng to compare 無等妙法諸聖眾
99 84 děng same; equal; sama 無等妙法諸聖眾
100 66 a human or animal body 身義體義
101 66 form; style 身義體義
102 66 a substance 身義體義
103 66 a system 身義體義
104 66 a font 身義體義
105 66 grammatical aspect (of a verb) 身義體義
106 66 to experience; to realize 身義體義
107 66 ti 身義體義
108 66 limbs of a human or animal body 身義體義
109 66 to put oneself in another's shoes 身義體義
110 66 a genre of writing 身義體義
111 66 body; śarīra 身義體義
112 66 śarīra; human body 身義體義
113 66 ti; essence 身義體義
114 66 entity; a constituent; an element 身義體義
115 64 business; industry 顯業義
116 64 immediately 顯業義
117 64 activity; actions 顯業義
118 64 order; sequence 顯業義
119 64 to continue 顯業義
120 64 to start; to create 顯業義
121 64 karma 顯業義
122 64 hereditary trade; legacy 顯業義
123 64 a course of study; training 顯業義
124 64 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 顯業義
125 64 an estate; a property 顯業義
126 64 an achievement 顯業義
127 64 to engage in 顯業義
128 64 Ye 顯業義
129 64 already 顯業義
130 64 a horizontal board 顯業義
131 64 an occupation 顯業義
132 64 a kind of musical instrument 顯業義
133 64 a book 顯業義
134 64 actions; karma; karman 顯業義
135 64 activity; kriyā 顯業義
136 56 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
137 56 xiàng to observe; to assess 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
138 56 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
139 56 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
140 56 xiàng to aid; to help 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
141 56 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
142 56 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
143 56 xiāng alternately; in turn 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
144 56 xiāng Xiang 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
145 56 xiāng form substance 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
146 56 xiāng to express 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
147 56 xiàng to choose 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
148 56 xiāng Xiang 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
149 56 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
150 56 xiāng the seventh lunar month 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
151 56 xiāng to compare 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
152 56 xiàng to divine 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
153 56 xiàng to administer 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
154 56 xiàng helper for a blind person 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
155 56 xiāng rhythm [music] 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
156 56 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
157 56 xiāng coralwood 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
158 56 xiàng ministry 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
159 56 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
160 56 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
161 56 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
162 56 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
163 56 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 所生無上大悲力無畏等功德法寶相
164 56 xīn heart [organ] 可化有情令心界清淨故
165 56 xīn Kangxi radical 61 可化有情令心界清淨故
166 56 xīn mind; consciousness 可化有情令心界清淨故
167 56 xīn the center; the core; the middle 可化有情令心界清淨故
168 56 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 可化有情令心界清淨故
169 56 xīn heart 可化有情令心界清淨故
170 56 xīn emotion 可化有情令心界清淨故
171 56 xīn intention; consideration 可化有情令心界清淨故
172 56 xīn disposition; temperament 可化有情令心界清淨故
173 56 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 可化有情令心界清淨故
174 56 xīn heart; hṛdaya 可化有情令心界清淨故
175 56 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 可化有情令心界清淨故
176 54 not; no 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
177 54 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
178 54 as a correlative 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
179 54 no (answering a question) 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
180 54 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
181 54 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
182 54 to form a yes or no question 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
183 54 infix potential marker 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
184 54 no; na 不清淨業受苦異熟淨不淨業受不苦
185 52 color 謂色
186 52 form; matter 謂色
187 52 shǎi dice 謂色
188 52 Kangxi radical 139 謂色
189 52 countenance 謂色
190 52 scene; sight 謂色
191 52 feminine charm; female beauty 謂色
192 52 kind; type 謂色
193 52 quality 謂色
194 52 to be angry 謂色
195 52 to seek; to search for 謂色
196 52 lust; sexual desire 謂色
197 52 form; rupa 謂色
198 49 zhū all; many; various 諸會真淨究竟理
199 49 zhū Zhu 諸會真淨究竟理
200 49 zhū all; members of the class 諸會真淨究竟理
201 49 zhū interrogative particle 諸會真淨究竟理
202 49 zhū him; her; them; it 諸會真淨究竟理
203 49 zhū of; in 諸會真淨究竟理
204 49 zhū all; many; sarva 諸會真淨究竟理
205 46 this; these 今此頌中無倒稱讚最勝功德敬申頂禮
206 46 in this way 今此頌中無倒稱讚最勝功德敬申頂禮
207 46 otherwise; but; however; so 今此頌中無倒稱讚最勝功德敬申頂禮
208 46 at this time; now; here 今此頌中無倒稱讚最勝功德敬申頂禮
209 46 this; here; etad 今此頌中無倒稱讚最勝功德敬申頂禮
210 45 huò or; either; else 如是色或由定心
211 45 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 如是色或由定心
212 45 huò some; someone 如是色或由定心
213 45 míngnián suddenly 如是色或由定心
214 45 huò or; vā 如是色或由定心
215 42 yóu follow; from; it is 由悟契經及解釋
216 42 yóu Kangxi radical 102 由悟契經及解釋
217 42 yóu to follow along 由悟契經及解釋
218 42 yóu cause; reason 由悟契經及解釋
219 42 yóu by somebody; up to somebody 由悟契經及解釋
220 42 yóu from a starting point 由悟契經及解釋
221 42 yóu You 由悟契經及解釋
222 42 yóu because; yasmāt 由悟契經及解釋
223 40 shì is; are; am; to be 佛薄伽梵是契
224 40 shì is exactly 佛薄伽梵是契
225 40 shì is suitable; is in contrast 佛薄伽梵是契
226 40 shì this; that; those 佛薄伽梵是契
227 40 shì really; certainly 佛薄伽梵是契
228 40 shì correct; yes; affirmative 佛薄伽梵是契
229 40 shì true 佛薄伽梵是契
230 40 shì is; has; exists 佛薄伽梵是契
231 40 shì used between repetitions of a word 佛薄伽梵是契
232 40 shì a matter; an affair 佛薄伽梵是契
233 40 shì Shi 佛薄伽梵是契
234 40 shì is; bhū 佛薄伽梵是契
235 40 shì this; idam 佛薄伽梵是契
236 39 no 無等妙法諸聖眾
237 39 Kangxi radical 71 無等妙法諸聖眾
238 39 to not have; without 無等妙法諸聖眾
239 39 has not yet 無等妙法諸聖眾
240 39 mo 無等妙法諸聖眾
241 39 do not 無等妙法諸聖眾
242 39 not; -less; un- 無等妙法諸聖眾
243 39 regardless of 無等妙法諸聖眾
244 39 to not have 無等妙法諸聖眾
245 39 um 無等妙法諸聖眾
246 39 Wu 無等妙法諸聖眾
247 39 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 無等妙法諸聖眾
248 39 not; non- 無等妙法諸聖眾
249 39 mo 無等妙法諸聖眾
250 39 to reach 由悟契經及解釋
251 39 and 由悟契經及解釋
252 39 coming to; when 由悟契經及解釋
253 39 to attain 由悟契經及解釋
254 39 to understand 由悟契經及解釋
255 39 able to be compared to; to catch up with 由悟契經及解釋
256 39 to be involved with; to associate with 由悟契經及解釋
257 39 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 由悟契經及解釋
258 39 and; ca; api 由悟契經及解釋
259 36 yīn because 顯因義
260 36 yīn cause; reason 顯因義
261 36 yīn to accord with 顯因義
262 36 yīn to follow 顯因義
263 36 yīn to rely on 顯因義
264 36 yīn via; through 顯因義
265 36 yīn to continue 顯因義
266 36 yīn to receive 顯因義
267 36 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 顯因義
268 36 yīn to seize an opportunity 顯因義
269 36 yīn to be like 顯因義
270 36 yīn from; because of 顯因義
271 36 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 顯因義
272 36 yīn a standrd; a criterion 顯因義
273 36 yīn Cause 顯因義
274 36 yīn cause; hetu 顯因義
275 36 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
276 36 shòu to transfer; to confer 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
277 36 shòu to receive; to accept 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
278 36 shòu to tolerate 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
279 36 shòu suitably 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
280 36 shòu feelings; sensations 能受第一廣大甚深法聖財故
281 36 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若清淨業受樂
282 36 ruò seemingly 若清淨業受樂
283 36 ruò if 若清淨業受樂
284 36 ruò you 若清淨業受樂
285 36 ruò this; that 若清淨業受樂
286 36 ruò and; or 若清淨業受樂
287 36 ruò as for; pertaining to 若清淨業受樂
288 36 pomegranite 若清淨業受樂
289 36 ruò to choose 若清淨業受樂
290 36 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若清淨業受樂
291 36 ruò thus 若清淨業受樂
292 36 ruò pollia 若清淨業受樂
293 36 ruò Ruo 若清淨業受樂
294 36 ruò only then 若清淨業受樂
295 36 ja 若清淨業受樂
296 36 jñā 若清淨業受樂
297 36 ruò if; yadi 若清淨業受樂
298 34 meaning; sense 覺勝德六義
299 34 justice; right action; righteousness 覺勝德六義
300 34 artificial; man-made; fake 覺勝德六義
301 34 chivalry; generosity 覺勝德六義
302 34 just; righteous 覺勝德六義
303 34 adopted 覺勝德六義
304 34 a relationship 覺勝德六義
305 34 volunteer 覺勝德六義
306 34 something suitable 覺勝德六義
307 34 a martyr 覺勝德六義
308 34 a law 覺勝德六義
309 34 Yi 覺勝德六義
310 34 Righteousness 覺勝德六義
311 34 aim; artha 覺勝德六義
312 33 xiǎng to think 謂如相而想
313 33 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 謂如相而想
314 33 xiǎng to want 謂如相而想
315 33 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 謂如相而想
316 33 xiǎng to plan 謂如相而想
317 33 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 謂如相而想
318 32 yǒu is; are; to exist 是各有四種
319 32 yǒu to have; to possess 是各有四種
320 32 yǒu indicates an estimate 是各有四種
321 32 yǒu indicates a large quantity 是各有四種
322 32 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 是各有四種
323 32 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 是各有四種
324 32 yǒu used to compare two things 是各有四種
325 32 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 是各有四種
326 32 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 是各有四種
327 32 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 是各有四種
328 32 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 是各有四種
329 32 yǒu abundant 是各有四種
330 32 yǒu purposeful 是各有四種
331 32 yǒu You 是各有四種
332 32 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 是各有四種
333 32 yǒu becoming; bhava 是各有四種
334 31 jiè border; boundary 可化有情令心界清淨故
335 31 jiè kingdom 可化有情令心界清淨故
336 31 jiè circle; society 可化有情令心界清淨故
337 31 jiè territory; region 可化有情令心界清淨故
338 31 jiè the world 可化有情令心界清淨故
339 31 jiè scope; extent 可化有情令心界清淨故
340 31 jiè erathem; stratigraphic unit 可化有情令心界清淨故
341 31 jiè to divide; to define a boundary 可化有情令心界清淨故
342 31 jiè to adjoin 可化有情令心界清淨故
343 31 jiè dhatu; realm; field; domain 可化有情令心界清淨故
344 31 I; me; my 彼所依止我自體事
345 31 self 彼所依止我自體事
346 31 we; our 彼所依止我自體事
347 31 [my] dear 彼所依止我自體事
348 31 Wo 彼所依止我自體事
349 31 self; atman; attan 彼所依止我自體事
350 31 ga 彼所依止我自體事
351 31 I; aham 彼所依止我自體事
352 27 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 一分教起所依處故
353 27 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 一分教起所依處故
354 27 chù location 一分教起所依處故
355 27 chù an office; a department; a bureau 一分教起所依處故
356 27 chù a part; an aspect 一分教起所依處故
357 27 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 一分教起所依處故
358 27 chǔ to get along with 一分教起所依處故
359 27 chǔ to deal with; to manage 一分教起所依處故
360 27 chǔ to punish; to sentence 一分教起所依處故
361 27 chǔ to stop; to pause 一分教起所依處故
362 27 chǔ to be associated with 一分教起所依處故
363 27 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 一分教起所依處故
364 27 chǔ to occupy; to control 一分教起所依處故
365 27 chù circumstances; situation 一分教起所依處故
366 27 chù an occasion; a time 一分教起所依處故
367 27 chù position; sthāna 一分教起所依處故
368 26 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 亦契如來所說正法
369 26 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 亦契如來所說正法
370 26 shuì to persuade 亦契如來所說正法
371 26 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 亦契如來所說正法
372 26 shuō a doctrine; a theory 亦契如來所說正法
373 26 shuō to claim; to assert 亦契如來所說正法
374 26 shuō allocution 亦契如來所說正法
375 26 shuō to criticize; to scold 亦契如來所說正法
376 26 shuō to indicate; to refer to 亦契如來所說正法
377 26 shuō speach; vāda 亦契如來所說正法
378 26 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 亦契如來所說正法
379 26 shuō to instruct 亦契如來所說正法
380 26 yīng should; ought 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
381 26 yìng to answer; to respond 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
382 26 yìng to confirm; to verify 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
383 26 yīng soon; immediately 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
384 26 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
385 26 yìng to accept 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
386 26 yīng or; either 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
387 26 yìng to permit; to allow 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
388 26 yìng to echo 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
389 26 yìng to handle; to deal with 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
390 26 yìng Ying 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
391 26 yīng suitable; yukta 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
392 23 néng can; able 此論所依及能起故
393 23 néng ability; capacity 此論所依及能起故
394 23 néng a mythical bear-like beast 此論所依及能起故
395 23 néng energy 此論所依及能起故
396 23 néng function; use 此論所依及能起故
397 23 néng may; should; permitted to 此論所依及能起故
398 23 néng talent 此論所依及能起故
399 23 néng expert at 此論所依及能起故
400 23 néng to be in harmony 此論所依及能起故
401 23 néng to tend to; to care for 此論所依及能起故
402 23 néng to reach; to arrive at 此論所依及能起故
403 23 néng as long as; only 此論所依及能起故
404 23 néng even if 此論所依及能起故
405 23 néng but 此論所依及能起故
406 23 néng in this way 此論所依及能起故
407 23 néng to be able; śak 此論所依及能起故
408 23 néng skilful; pravīṇa 此論所依及能起故
409 23 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 由此善
410 23 shàn happy 由此善
411 23 shàn good 由此善
412 23 shàn kind-hearted 由此善
413 23 shàn to be skilled at something 由此善
414 23 shàn familiar 由此善
415 23 shàn to repair 由此善
416 23 shàn to admire 由此善
417 23 shàn to praise 由此善
418 23 shàn numerous; frequent; easy 由此善
419 23 shàn Shan 由此善
420 23 shàn wholesome; virtuous 由此善
421 23 that; those 煩惱障所知障及彼餘習
422 23 another; the other 煩惱障所知障及彼餘習
423 23 that; tad 煩惱障所知障及彼餘習
424 23 shì matter; thing; item 猶工巧業等諸變化事
425 23 shì to serve 猶工巧業等諸變化事
426 23 shì a government post 猶工巧業等諸變化事
427 23 shì duty; post; work 猶工巧業等諸變化事
428 23 shì occupation 猶工巧業等諸變化事
429 23 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 猶工巧業等諸變化事
430 23 shì an accident 猶工巧業等諸變化事
431 23 shì to attend 猶工巧業等諸變化事
432 23 shì an allusion 猶工巧業等諸變化事
433 23 shì a condition; a state; a situation 猶工巧業等諸變化事
434 23 shì to engage in 猶工巧業等諸變化事
435 23 shì to enslave 猶工巧業等諸變化事
436 23 shì to pursue 猶工巧業等諸變化事
437 23 shì to administer 猶工巧業等諸變化事
438 23 shì to appoint 猶工巧業等諸變化事
439 23 shì a piece 猶工巧業等諸變化事
440 23 shì thing; phenomena 猶工巧業等諸變化事
441 23 shì actions; karma 猶工巧業等諸變化事
442 23 wèn to ask 問何故論端先辯蘊等
443 23 wèn to inquire after 問何故論端先辯蘊等
444 23 wèn to interrogate 問何故論端先辯蘊等
445 23 wèn to hold responsible 問何故論端先辯蘊等
446 23 wèn to request something 問何故論端先辯蘊等
447 23 wèn to rebuke 問何故論端先辯蘊等
448 23 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 問何故論端先辯蘊等
449 23 wèn news 問何故論端先辯蘊等
450 23 wèn to propose marriage 問何故論端先辯蘊等
451 23 wén to inform 問何故論端先辯蘊等
452 23 wèn to research 問何故論端先辯蘊等
453 23 wèn Wen 問何故論端先辯蘊等
454 23 wèn to 問何故論端先辯蘊等
455 23 wèn a question 問何故論端先辯蘊等
456 23 wèn ask; prccha 問何故論端先辯蘊等
457 22 zhǒng kind; type 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
458 22 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
459 22 zhǒng kind; type 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
460 22 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
461 22 zhǒng seed; strain 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
462 22 zhǒng offspring 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
463 22 zhǒng breed 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
464 22 zhǒng race 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
465 22 zhǒng species 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
466 22 zhǒng root; source; origin 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
467 22 zhǒng grit; guts 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
468 22 zhǒng seed; bīja 以一切種轉依真如為體性故
469 22 to reply; to answer 答欲令學者於幾何
470 22 to reciprocate to 答欲令學者於幾何
471 22 to agree to; to assent to 答欲令學者於幾何
472 22 to acknowledge; to greet 答欲令學者於幾何
473 22 Da 答欲令學者於幾何
474 22 to answer; pratyukta 答欲令學者於幾何
475 22 zào to make; to build; to manufacture 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
476 22 zào to arrive; to go 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
477 22 zào to pay a visit; to call on 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
478 22 zào to edit; to collect; to compile 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
479 22 zào to attain; to achieve 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
480 22 zào an achievement 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
481 22 zào a crop 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
482 22 zào a time; an age 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
483 22 zào fortune; destiny 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
484 22 zào suddenly 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
485 22 zào to educate; to train 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
486 22 zào to invent 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
487 22 zào a party in a lawsuit 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
488 22 zào to run wild; to overspend 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
489 22 zào indifferently; negligently 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
490 22 zào a woman moving to her husband's home 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
491 22 zào imaginary 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
492 22 zào to found; to initiate 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
493 22 zào to contain 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
494 22 zào made; kṛta 供養三寶及造此論經釋二師隨其所應
495 21 to think; consider; to ponder 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
496 21 particle 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
497 21 thinking; consideration 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
498 21 to miss; to long for 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
499 21 emotions 因等諸思擇處得善巧故
500 21 to mourn; to grieve 因等諸思擇處得善巧故


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
zhě ca
  1. wèi
  2. wèi
  1. which; what; yad
  2. to say; iti
wèi to be; bhū
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
therefore; tasmāt
  1. bonds; substratum; upadhi
  2. refuge; śaraṇa
  3. reliance; pratiśaraṇa
near to; antike
děng same; equal; sama
  1. body; śarīra
  2. śarīra; human body
  3. ti; essence
  4. entity; a constituent; an element
  1. actions; karma; karman
  2. activity; kriyā

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉 阿羅漢 196
  1. Arhat
  2. arhat
  3. Arhat
安慧菩萨 安慧菩薩 196
  1. Sthiramati Bodhisattva
  2. An Hui
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
本论 本論 98
  1. this book; main part of this book
  2. On Principles
  3. On Principles
大劫 100 Maha-Kalpa
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
大乘阿毘达磨杂集论 大乘阿毘達磨雜集論 100 Abhidharmasamuccayavyākhyā; Commentary on the Compendium of the Abhidharma
法身 70
  1. Dharma body
  2. Dharma Body
妙法 109
  1. Wondrous Dharma
  2. the wonderful Dharma; the wonderful truth; saddharma; the Dharma; the teachings of the Buddha
能忍 110 able to endure; sahā
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
识无边处 識無邊處 115 Vijnananantyayatana Heaven; Heaven of Limitless Consciousness
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
无退 無退 119 avaivartika; non-retrogression
无诸 無諸 119 Wu Zhu
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
有顶 有頂 121 Akanistha
长门 長門 122 Nagato
正知 122 Zheng Zhi
自性身 122 Dharmakaya; Dharmakāya; Dharma Body


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 255.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱乐 愛樂 195 love and joy
阿赖耶识 阿賴耶識 196 alaya consciousness; storehouse consciousness; foundational consciousness; ālayavijñāna
安立 196
  1. to establish; to find a place for; to help settle down; to arrange for
  2. to begin to speak
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
本事分 98 main section
本事与决择 本事與決擇 98 substances and determinations
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
鼻识 鼻識 98 sense of smell
遍计所起色 遍計所起色 98 always delusively hoping for improvement
变现 變現 98 to conjure
边执见 邊執見 98 extreme views; antagrāhadṛṣṭi
表色 98 active expression
别境 別境 98 limited scope
鼻根 98 organ of smell
不安住 不安住 98 condition of discomfort; asparśavihāra
不放逸 98
  1. no laxity
  2. vigilance; heedfulness; conscientious
不害 98 non-harm
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不善根 98 akuśalamūla; akusalamūla; unwholesome roots
不思议 不思議 98
  1. inconceivable
  2. inconceivable
不应理 不應理 98 does not correspond with reason
不正见 不正見 98 mithyadrishti; a heterodox view
不正知 98 lack of knowledge
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
成满 成滿 99 to become complete
初中后 初中後 99 the three divisions of a day
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
处中 處中 99 to abide in the media that transcends existence and non-existence; madyama
次复 次復 99 afterwards; then
大种 大種 100 the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大觉尊 大覺尊 100 World-honored One of the great enlightenment
倒见 倒見 100 a delusion where the opposite of the truth is believed
导首 導首 100 leader; spiritual guide; nāyaka
谛法 諦法 100 right effort
地水火风 地水火風 100 Earth, Water, Fire and Wind
掉举 掉舉 100 excitement; restlessness; ebulience; auddhatya; uddhacca
断常 斷常 100 annihilationism and eternalism
对治 對治 100
  1. to remedy
  2. an equal to; an opposite; an antidote
恶见 惡見 195 mithyadrishti; an evil view; a heterodox view
恶作 惡作 195 evil doing; remorse; kaukritya; kukkucca
二师 二師 195 two kinds of teachers
二种 二種 195 two kinds
耳识 耳識 196 auditory consciousness; śrotravijñāna
法处所摄色 法處所攝色 102 objects of thought
法尔 法爾 102 the nature of phenonema
法僧 102 a monk who recites mantras
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
发露 發露 102 to reveal; to manifest
放逸 102
  1. Laxity
  2. heedlessness; carelessness; pleasure-seeking; pramada
烦恼障 煩惱障 102 the obstacle created by afflictions
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
风界 風界 102 wind; wind element; wind realm
分位 102 time and position
根境 103 the field of a sense organ; the objects of the sense organs
根本烦恼 根本煩惱 103 basic afflictions
共有法 103
  1. shared dharmas
  2. common assumption; agreed upon assumption
过现 過現 103 past and present
化导 化導 104 instruct and guide
化生有情 104 beings that are born spontaneously
惛沈 104 lethargy; gloominess
火界 104 fire; realm of fire; element of fire
教证 教證 106 textual confirmation
憍逸 106 untouchable; dalit
加行 106
  1. Special Effort Applied Toward Practices
  2. prayoga; preparation; syllogism
  3. determination; vyavacāraṇa
戒禁取 106 clinging to superstitious rites
积集 積集 106 saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
极略色 極略色 106 a minute object; an atom
静虑 靜慮 106
  1. Quiet Contemplation
  2. dhyana; calm contemplation
净业 淨業 106
  1. Pure Karma
  2. pure karma; good karma
极微 極微 106 atom; particle; paramāṇu
俱生 106 occuring together
卷第一 106 scroll 1
觉观 覺觀 106 awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and fine perception
空无边处 空無邊處 107 ākāśānantyāyatana; akasanantyayatana; sphere of infinite space; abode of infinite space
苦具 107 hell
苦行 107
  1. austerity
  2. ascetism; tapas
苦乐 苦樂 107 joy and pain
乐欲 樂欲 108 the desire for joy
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
了别 了別 108 to distinguish; to discern
领纳 領納 108 to accept; to receive
六境 108 the objects of the six sense organs
六识 六識 108 the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
六受 108 the six perceptions; six vedanas
六行 108
  1. practice of the six pāramitās
  2. six ascetic practices
利养 利養 108 gain
妙行 109 a profound act
灭道 滅道 109 extinction of suffering and the path to it
能持 110 ability to uphold the precepts
毘钵舍那 毘鉢舍那 112 insight; vipaśyanā; vipassanā
平等性 112 universal nature
契经 契經 113 a sutra; a sūtra; a scripture; a discourse
亲承 親承 113 to entrust with duty
取蕴 取蘊 113 aggregates of attachment; aggregates that are the objects of grasping; upādānaskandha
任运 任運 114 to accomplish something by letting it occur naturally
如其所应 如其所應 114 in order; successively
如是如是 114 Thus Is, Thus Is
如实 如實 114
  1. according to reality
  2. in accordance with fact; truly; yathābhūtam
  3. suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
萨迦耶见 薩迦耶見 115 the view or belief that there is a real self; satkāyadṛṣṭi; sakkāyadiṭṭhi
三法 115
  1. three dharmas
  2. three aspects of the Dharma
三法品第一 115 Section 1: Three Dharmas
三佛 115 Trikāya; the three bodies of the Buddha
三摩地 115 samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三菩提 115 saṃbodhi; complete enlightenment
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色声 色聲 115 the visible and the audible
色声香味触 色聲香味觸 115 form, sound, taste, touch, smell, and tangibles
色蕴 色蘊 115 the aggregate of form; rūpaskandha
色处 色處 115 the visible realm
僧宝 僧寶 115 the jewel of the monastic community
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善逝 115 Immaculately Departed One; Well-Gone; Sugata
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善根 115
  1. Wholesome Roots
  2. virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
善巧 115
  1. Skillful
  2. virtuous and clever; skilful
善权 善權 115 upāyakauśalya; kauśalya; skill in means
善顺 善順 115
  1. sūrata; well disposed towards; compassionate
  2. Sūrata
舌根 115 organ of taste; tongue
奢摩他 115 śamatha; medatative concentration
身根 115 sense of touch
身识 身識 115 body consciousness; sense of touch
身受 115 the sense of touch; physical perception
圣弟子 聖弟子 115 a disciple of the noble ones
胜解 勝解 115 resolution; determination; adhimokṣa; adhimoksa
生起 115 cause; arising
生寿 生壽 115 lifetime
圣众 聖眾 115 holy ones
身界 115 ashes or relics after cremation
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
舌识 舌識 115 sense of taste
舍受 捨受 115 sensation of freedom from pleasure and pain; sensation of indifference to pleasure and pain
摄受 攝受 115
  1. to receive, take in
  2. to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness
十地 115 Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
实有 實有 115 absolute reality; substantial unchanging existence; something truly existing
识蕴 識蘊 115 consciousness aggregate; vijñānaskandha; viññāṇakhandha
识界 識界 115 vijñāna-dhātu; the realm of consciousness
示现 示現 115
  1. Manifestation
  2. to manifest
  3. to manifest; to display
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
受所引色 115 perception of form
受想 115 sensation and perception
受蕴 受蘊 115 aggregate of sensation; vedanā
受者 115 recipient
受用身 115 saṃbhogakāya; sambhogakaya; enjoyment body; reward body
四大种 四大種 115 the four great seeds; the four great elements
四法 115 the four aspects of the Dharma
随烦恼 隨煩惱 115 secondary afflictions; subsequent effects of mental afflictions; upakleśa
随一 隨一 115 mostly; most of the time
随转 隨轉 115 teaching of adaptable philosophy
所以者何 115 Why is that?
所缘境 所緣境 115 depending upon
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
所行 115 actions; practice
所知障 115
  1. cognitive hindrance
  2. cognitive obstructions
贪瞋痴 貪瞋痴 116
  1. greed, hatred, and ignorance
  2. desire, anger, and ignorance
  3. desire, anger, and ignorance; three poisons
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
体性 體性 116 svabhāva; intrinsic nature; original nature; intrinsic existence; essential nature
退失 116 parihāṇi; to regress; to degenerate
外境 119 external realm; external objects
未来现在 未來現在 119 the present and the future
味着 味著 119 attachment to the taste of food
闻思修 聞思修 119
  1. Listen, Contemplate, and Practice
  2. hearing, contemplation, and practice
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
我所见 我所見 119 the view of possession
我我所 119 conception of possession; mamakāra
我相 119 the notion of a self
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
我慢 119
  1. conceit; atmamana; ahamkara
  2. visualization as a deity; ahamkara
我事 119 myself
我执 我執 119
  1. Self-Attachment
  2. clinging to self; atmagraha
五根 119 pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
五见 五見 119 five views; five wrong views; pañcadṛṣṭi
五取蕴 五取蘊 119 five aggregates of attachment
无身 無身 119 no-body
无所畏 無所畏 119 without any fear
无所有处 無所有處 119 the third sphere in the formless realm; sphere of nothingness; ākiñcanyāyatana
五欲 五慾 119 the five desires
无表色 無表色 119 avijnaptirupa; latent material force
无惭 無慚 119 shamelessness; āhrīkya
无瞋 無瞋 119 non-aggression; non-hatred; imperturbability
无癡 無癡 119 without delusion
无量门 無量門 119 boundless gate
五妙欲 119 objects of the five senses
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
五识 五識 119
  1. five kinds of cognition; five kinds of perception
  2. five steps of cognition; five kinds of mind
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
现见 現見 120 to immediately see
显色 顯色 120 visible colors
香界 120 a Buddhist temple
相续 相續 120 causal connection; continuity of cause and effect
想蕴 想蘊 120 perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
邪命 120 heterodox practices
心受 120 mental perception
心所有法 120 a mental factor
行相 120 to conceptualize about phenomena
行蕴 行蘊 120 the aggregate of volition
心行 120 mental activity
修善 120 to cultivate goodness
寻伺 尋伺 120 awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and subtle perception
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
眼识界 眼識界 121 visual consciousness element
业感 業感 121 karma and the result of karma
业相 業相 121 karma-lakṣaṇa
业受 業受 121 karmic lifespan
一境 121
  1. one realm
  2. singled pointed focus
意业 意業 121 mental karma; actions; deeds
依止 121
  1. to depend and rest upon
  2. to depend upon
意处 意處 121 mental basis of cognition
应观 應觀 121 may observe
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
一切法自在 121 sarvadharmeśvara
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
意识界 意識界 121 realm of consciousness
异熟 異熟 121 vipāka; the result of karma; indirect effect
异熟生 異熟生 121 objects produced as a result of karma
意言 121 mental discussion
勇者无畏 勇者無畏 121 The Courageous Is Fearless
有相 121 having form
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
欲界 121 realm of desire
缘起 緣起 121
  1. Dependent Origination
  2. dependent origination; conditioned origination; dependent arising
蕴界处各有几 蘊界處各有幾 121 How many aggregates (skanda), elements (dhātu), and spheres (āyatana) are there?
蕴有五 蘊有五 121 There are five aggregates
见取 見取 121 clinging to false views; dṛṣṭi-upādāna; diṭṭhi-upādāna
欲贪 欲貪 121 kāmarāga; sensual craving
余习 餘習 121 latent tendencies; predisposition
造论 造論 122 wrote the treatise
杂染 雜染 122
  1. Polluted
  2. an affliction; a defilement
增上 122 additional; increased; superior
正观 正觀 122 right observation
证得 證得 122 realize; prāpti
正勤 122
  1. effort; right effort
  2. right effort
正智 122 correct understanding; wisdom
真净 真淨 122 true and pure teaching
真如 122
  1. True Thusness
  2. suchness; true nature; tathata
执见 執見 122 attachment to [delusive] views
执受 執受 122 attaches to; grasps
执着 執著 122
  1. attachment
  2. grasping
众苦 眾苦 122 all suffering
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸见 諸見 122 views; all views
转依 轉依 122 āśrayaparāvṛtti; transformation basis
资生 資生 122 the necessities of life
自体 自體 122 oneself; ātmabhāva
自悟 122 self realization
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara
作善 122 to do good deeds