Glossary and Vocabulary for Fo Ben Xing Jing 佛本行經, Scroll 6

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 74 force 對共捔力鬪
2 74 Kangxi radical 19 對共捔力鬪
3 74 to exert oneself; to make an effort 對共捔力鬪
4 74 to force 對共捔力鬪
5 74 labor; forced labor 對共捔力鬪
6 74 physical strength 對共捔力鬪
7 74 power 對共捔力鬪
8 74 Li 對共捔力鬪
9 74 ability; capability 對共捔力鬪
10 74 influence 對共捔力鬪
11 74 strength; power; bala 對共捔力鬪
12 69 Buddha; Awakened One 一名佛本行讚傳
13 69 relating to Buddhism 一名佛本行讚傳
14 69 a statue or image of a Buddha 一名佛本行讚傳
15 69 a Buddhist text 一名佛本行讚傳
16 69 to touch; to stroke 一名佛本行讚傳
17 69 Buddha 一名佛本行讚傳
18 69 Buddha; Awakened One 一名佛本行讚傳
19 63 zhī to go 視之無厭足
20 63 zhī to arrive; to go 視之無厭足
21 63 zhī is 視之無厭足
22 63 zhī to use 視之無厭足
23 63 zhī Zhi 視之無厭足
24 63 zhī winding 視之無厭足
25 50 to use; to grasp 妙寶以挍飾
26 50 to rely on 妙寶以挍飾
27 50 to regard 妙寶以挍飾
28 50 to be able to 妙寶以挍飾
29 50 to order; to command 妙寶以挍飾
30 50 used after a verb 妙寶以挍飾
31 50 a reason; a cause 妙寶以挍飾
32 50 Israel 妙寶以挍飾
33 50 Yi 妙寶以挍飾
34 50 use; yogena 妙寶以挍飾
35 44 wéi to act as; to serve 為王阿闍世
36 44 wéi to change into; to become 為王阿闍世
37 44 wéi to be; is 為王阿闍世
38 44 wéi to do 為王阿闍世
39 44 wèi to support; to help 為王阿闍世
40 44 wéi to govern 為王阿闍世
41 44 wèi to be; bhū 為王阿闍世
42 41 Qi 燋然其身本
43 39 wáng Wang 為王阿闍世
44 39 wáng a king 為王阿闍世
45 39 wáng Kangxi radical 96 為王阿闍世
46 39 wàng to be king; to rule 為王阿闍世
47 39 wáng a prince; a duke 為王阿闍世
48 39 wáng grand; great 為王阿闍世
49 39 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 為王阿闍世
50 39 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 為王阿闍世
51 39 wáng the head of a group or gang 為王阿闍世
52 39 wáng the biggest or best of a group 為王阿闍世
53 39 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 為王阿闍世
54 37 děng et cetera; and so on 等一青牛力
55 37 děng to wait 等一青牛力
56 37 děng to be equal 等一青牛力
57 37 děng degree; level 等一青牛力
58 37 děng to compare 等一青牛力
59 37 děng same; equal; sama 等一青牛力
60 37 調達 tiáodá Devadatta 調達入地獄品第二十七
61 36 to go; to 住目於佛相
62 36 to rely on; to depend on 住目於佛相
63 36 Yu 住目於佛相
64 36 a crow 住目於佛相
65 32 qiān one thousand 奮千妙光明
66 32 qiān many; numerous; countless 奮千妙光明
67 32 qiān a cheat; swindler 奮千妙光明
68 32 qiān Qian 奮千妙光明
69 31 zhě ca 心懷惡行者
70 30 suǒ a few; various; some 宿善所印明
71 30 suǒ a place; a location 宿善所印明
72 30 suǒ indicates a passive voice 宿善所印明
73 30 suǒ an ordinal number 宿善所印明
74 30 suǒ meaning 宿善所印明
75 30 suǒ garrison 宿善所印明
76 30 suǒ place; pradeśa 宿善所印明
77 28 è evil; vice 欲變成惡器
78 28 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent 欲變成惡器
79 28 ě queasy; nauseous 欲變成惡器
80 28 to hate; to detest 欲變成惡器
81 28 è fierce 欲變成惡器
82 28 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant 欲變成惡器
83 28 to denounce 欲變成惡器
84 28 è e 欲變成惡器
85 28 è evil 欲變成惡器
86 27 yán to speak; to say; said 晃昱或如言
87 27 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 晃昱或如言
88 27 yán Kangxi radical 149 晃昱或如言
89 27 yán phrase; sentence 晃昱或如言
90 27 yán a word; a syllable 晃昱或如言
91 27 yán a theory; a doctrine 晃昱或如言
92 27 yán to regard as 晃昱或如言
93 27 yán to act as 晃昱或如言
94 27 yán word; vacana 晃昱或如言
95 27 yán speak; vad 晃昱或如言
96 26 jīn today; present; now 今可致我往
97 26 jīn Jin 今可致我往
98 26 jīn modern 今可致我往
99 26 jīn now; adhunā 今可致我往
100 24 infix potential marker 悉不相茹食
101 24 one 一名佛本行讚傳
102 24 Kangxi radical 1 一名佛本行讚傳
103 24 pure; concentrated 一名佛本行讚傳
104 24 first 一名佛本行讚傳
105 24 the same 一名佛本行讚傳
106 24 sole; single 一名佛本行讚傳
107 24 a very small amount 一名佛本行讚傳
108 24 Yi 一名佛本行讚傳
109 24 other 一名佛本行讚傳
110 24 to unify 一名佛本行讚傳
111 24 accidentally; coincidentally 一名佛本行讚傳
112 24 abruptly; suddenly 一名佛本行讚傳
113 24 one; eka 一名佛本行讚傳
114 23 soil; ground; land 墮地可膝傷
115 23 floor 墮地可膝傷
116 23 the earth 墮地可膝傷
117 23 fields 墮地可膝傷
118 23 a place 墮地可膝傷
119 23 a situation; a position 墮地可膝傷
120 23 background 墮地可膝傷
121 23 terrain 墮地可膝傷
122 23 a territory; a region 墮地可膝傷
123 23 used after a distance measure 墮地可膝傷
124 23 coming from the same clan 墮地可膝傷
125 23 earth; pṛthivī 墮地可膝傷
126 23 stage; ground; level; bhumi 墮地可膝傷
127 22 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 投山入熾火
128 22 shān Shan 投山入熾火
129 22 shān Kangxi radical 46 投山入熾火
130 22 shān a mountain-like shape 投山入熾火
131 22 shān a gable 投山入熾火
132 22 shān mountain; giri 投山入熾火
133 22 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 視此眾生類
134 22 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 視此眾生類
135 22 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 視此眾生類
136 22 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 視此眾生類
137 21 Wu 吾之愛眾生
138 21 Kangxi radical 49 已下善本種
139 21 to bring to an end; to stop 已下善本種
140 21 to complete 已下善本種
141 21 to demote; to dismiss 已下善本種
142 21 to recover from an illness 已下善本種
143 21 former; pūrvaka 已下善本種
144 21 lái to come 復來相惑耶
145 21 lái please 復來相惑耶
146 21 lái used to substitute for another verb 復來相惑耶
147 21 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 復來相惑耶
148 21 lái wheat 復來相惑耶
149 21 lái next; future 復來相惑耶
150 21 lái a simple complement of direction 復來相惑耶
151 21 lái to occur; to arise 復來相惑耶
152 21 lái to earn 復來相惑耶
153 21 lái to come; āgata 復來相惑耶
154 20 Ru River 今汝所圖計
155 20 Ru 今汝所圖計
156 20 desire 欲變成惡器
157 20 to desire; to wish 欲變成惡器
158 20 to desire; to intend 欲變成惡器
159 20 lust 欲變成惡器
160 20 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲變成惡器
161 20 jiàn to see 吾等不宜見
162 20 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 吾等不宜見
163 20 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 吾等不宜見
164 20 jiàn refer to; for details see 吾等不宜見
165 20 jiàn to listen to 吾等不宜見
166 20 jiàn to meet 吾等不宜見
167 20 jiàn to receive (a guest) 吾等不宜見
168 20 jiàn let me; kindly 吾等不宜見
169 20 jiàn Jian 吾等不宜見
170 20 xiàn to appear 吾等不宜見
171 20 xiàn to introduce 吾等不宜見
172 20 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 吾等不宜見
173 20 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 吾等不宜見
174 19 Kangxi radical 132 自穢善根本
175 19 Zi 自穢善根本
176 19 a nose 自穢善根本
177 19 the beginning; the start 自穢善根本
178 19 origin 自穢善根本
179 19 to employ; to use 自穢善根本
180 19 to be 自穢善根本
181 19 self; soul; ātman 自穢善根本
182 18 xiàng figure; image; appearance 石象有百足
183 18 xiàng elephant 石象有百足
184 18 xiàng ivory 石象有百足
185 18 xiàng to be like; to seem 石象有百足
186 18 xiàng premier 石象有百足
187 18 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 石象有百足
188 18 xiàng phenomena 石象有百足
189 18 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 石象有百足
190 18 xiàng image commentary 石象有百足
191 18 xiàng a kind of weapon 石象有百足
192 18 xiàng Xiang 石象有百足
193 18 xiàng to imitate 石象有百足
194 18 xiàng elephant; gaja 石象有百足
195 18 xiàng to observe; to assess 眾相悉明備
196 18 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 眾相悉明備
197 18 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 眾相悉明備
198 18 xiàng to aid; to help 眾相悉明備
199 18 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 眾相悉明備
200 18 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 眾相悉明備
201 18 xiāng alternately; in turn 眾相悉明備
202 18 xiāng Xiang 眾相悉明備
203 18 xiāng form substance 眾相悉明備
204 18 xiāng to express 眾相悉明備
205 18 xiàng to choose 眾相悉明備
206 18 xiāng Xiang 眾相悉明備
207 18 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 眾相悉明備
208 18 xiāng the seventh lunar month 眾相悉明備
209 18 xiāng to compare 眾相悉明備
210 18 xiàng to divine 眾相悉明備
211 18 xiàng to administer 眾相悉明備
212 18 xiàng helper for a blind person 眾相悉明備
213 18 xiāng rhythm [music] 眾相悉明備
214 18 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 眾相悉明備
215 18 xiāng coralwood 眾相悉明備
216 18 xiàng ministry 眾相悉明備
217 18 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 眾相悉明備
218 18 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 眾相悉明備
219 18 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 眾相悉明備
220 18 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 眾相悉明備
221 18 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 眾相悉明備
222 17 shí time; a point or period of time 時佛告阿難
223 17 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時佛告阿難
224 17 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時佛告阿難
225 17 shí fashionable 時佛告阿難
226 17 shí fate; destiny; luck 時佛告阿難
227 17 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時佛告阿難
228 17 shí tense 時佛告阿難
229 17 shí particular; special 時佛告阿難
230 17 shí to plant; to cultivate 時佛告阿難
231 17 shí an era; a dynasty 時佛告阿難
232 17 shí time [abstract] 時佛告阿難
233 17 shí seasonal 時佛告阿難
234 17 shí to wait upon 時佛告阿難
235 17 shí hour 時佛告阿難
236 17 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時佛告阿難
237 17 shí Shi 時佛告阿難
238 17 shí a present; currentlt 時佛告阿難
239 17 shí time; kāla 時佛告阿難
240 17 shí at that time; samaya 時佛告阿難
241 17 shì a gentleman; a knight 諸力士見佛
242 17 shì Kangxi radical 33 諸力士見佛
243 17 shì a soldier 諸力士見佛
244 17 shì a social stratum 諸力士見佛
245 17 shì an unmarried man; a man 諸力士見佛
246 17 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 諸力士見佛
247 17 shì a scholar 諸力士見佛
248 17 shì a respectful term for a person 諸力士見佛
249 17 shì corporal; sergeant 諸力士見佛
250 17 shì Shi 諸力士見佛
251 17 shì gentleman; puruṣa 諸力士見佛
252 17 shí mixed; miscellaneous 甚以自慶喜
253 17 shí a group of ten sections in the Shijing 甚以自慶喜
254 17 shí Shi 甚以自慶喜
255 17 shí tenfold 甚以自慶喜
256 17 shí one hundred percent 甚以自慶喜
257 17 shí ten 甚以自慶喜
258 17 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 其以自消盡
259 17 jìn perfect; flawless 其以自消盡
260 17 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 其以自消盡
261 17 jìn to vanish 其以自消盡
262 17 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 其以自消盡
263 17 jìn to die 其以自消盡
264 17 jìn exhaustion; kṣaya 其以自消盡
265 17 zhòng many; numerous 愍眾詣江浴
266 17 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 愍眾詣江浴
267 17 zhòng general; common; public 愍眾詣江浴
268 17 zhì Kangxi radical 133 宿對便來至
269 17 zhì to arrive 宿對便來至
270 17 zhì approach; upagama 宿對便來至
271 17 Kangxi radical 71 視之無厭足
272 17 to not have; without 視之無厭足
273 17 mo 視之無厭足
274 17 to not have 視之無厭足
275 17 Wu 視之無厭足
276 17 mo 視之無厭足
277 17 zhōng middle 如視鏡中照
278 17 zhōng medium; medium sized 如視鏡中照
279 17 zhōng China 如視鏡中照
280 17 zhòng to hit the mark 如視鏡中照
281 17 zhōng midday 如視鏡中照
282 17 zhōng inside 如視鏡中照
283 17 zhōng during 如視鏡中照
284 17 zhōng Zhong 如視鏡中照
285 17 zhōng intermediary 如視鏡中照
286 17 zhōng half 如視鏡中照
287 17 zhòng to reach; to attain 如視鏡中照
288 17 zhòng to suffer; to infect 如視鏡中照
289 17 zhòng to obtain 如視鏡中照
290 17 zhòng to pass an exam 如視鏡中照
291 17 zhōng middle 如視鏡中照
292 16 shēn human body; torso 觀佛身相好
293 16 shēn Kangxi radical 158 觀佛身相好
294 16 shēn self 觀佛身相好
295 16 shēn life 觀佛身相好
296 16 shēn an object 觀佛身相好
297 16 shēn a lifetime 觀佛身相好
298 16 shēn moral character 觀佛身相好
299 16 shēn status; identity; position 觀佛身相好
300 16 shēn pregnancy 觀佛身相好
301 16 juān India 觀佛身相好
302 16 shēn body; kāya 觀佛身相好
303 16 諸力 zhūlì powers; bala 諸力士見佛
304 16 an analogy; a simile; a metaphor; an allegory 喻天福盡應
305 16 Yu 喻天福盡應
306 16 to explain 喻天福盡應
307 16 to understand 喻天福盡應
308 16 allegory; dṛṣṭānta 喻天福盡應
309 16 prison 若入無擇獄
310 16 Hell; the Underworld 若入無擇獄
311 16 litigtation; a trial at law 若入無擇獄
312 16 strife 若入無擇獄
313 16 to sue 若入無擇獄
314 16 hell; naraka 若入無擇獄
315 16 prison; cāraka 若入無擇獄
316 15 gào to tell; to say; said; told 時佛告阿難
317 15 gào to request 時佛告阿難
318 15 gào to report; to inform 時佛告阿難
319 15 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 時佛告阿難
320 15 gào to accuse; to sue 時佛告阿難
321 15 gào to reach 時佛告阿難
322 15 gào an announcement 時佛告阿難
323 15 gào a party 時佛告阿難
324 15 gào a vacation 時佛告阿難
325 15 gào Gao 時佛告阿難
326 15 gào to tell; jalp 時佛告阿難
327 15 rén person; people; a human being 猶如人語聲
328 15 rén Kangxi radical 9 猶如人語聲
329 15 rén a kind of person 猶如人語聲
330 15 rén everybody 猶如人語聲
331 15 rén adult 猶如人語聲
332 15 rén somebody; others 猶如人語聲
333 15 rén an upright person 猶如人語聲
334 15 rén person; manuṣya 猶如人語聲
335 15 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 便速輿出去
336 15 便 biàn advantageous 便速輿出去
337 15 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 便速輿出去
338 15 便 pián fat; obese 便速輿出去
339 15 便 biàn to make easy 便速輿出去
340 15 便 biàn an unearned advantage 便速輿出去
341 15 便 biàn ordinary; plain 便速輿出去
342 15 便 biàn in passing 便速輿出去
343 15 便 biàn informal 便速輿出去
344 15 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 便速輿出去
345 15 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 便速輿出去
346 15 便 biàn stool 便速輿出去
347 15 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 便速輿出去
348 15 便 biàn proficient; skilled 便速輿出去
349 15 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 便速輿出去
350 15 to reach 及自愛身者
351 15 to attain 及自愛身者
352 15 to understand 及自愛身者
353 15 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及自愛身者
354 15 to be involved with; to associate with 及自愛身者
355 15 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及自愛身者
356 15 and; ca; api 及自愛身者
357 15 big; huge; large 眾人大集觀
358 15 Kangxi radical 37 眾人大集觀
359 15 great; major; important 眾人大集觀
360 15 size 眾人大集觀
361 15 old 眾人大集觀
362 15 oldest; earliest 眾人大集觀
363 15 adult 眾人大集觀
364 15 dài an important person 眾人大集觀
365 15 senior 眾人大集觀
366 15 an element 眾人大集觀
367 15 great; mahā 眾人大集觀
368 15 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令摩竭國王
369 15 lìng to issue a command 令摩竭國王
370 15 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令摩竭國王
371 15 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令摩竭國王
372 15 lìng a season 令摩竭國王
373 15 lìng respected; good reputation 令摩竭國王
374 15 lìng good 令摩竭國王
375 15 lìng pretentious 令摩竭國王
376 15 lìng a transcending state of existence 令摩竭國王
377 15 lìng a commander 令摩竭國王
378 15 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令摩竭國王
379 15 lìng lyrics 令摩竭國王
380 15 lìng Ling 令摩竭國王
381 15 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令摩竭國王
382 14 huái bosom; breast 懷惡意向佛
383 14 huái to carry in bosom 懷惡意向佛
384 14 huái to miss; to think of 懷惡意向佛
385 14 huái to cherish 懷惡意向佛
386 14 huái to be pregnant 懷惡意向佛
387 14 huái to keep in mind; to be concerned for 懷惡意向佛
388 14 huái inner heart; mind; feelings 懷惡意向佛
389 14 huái to embrace 懷惡意向佛
390 14 huái to encircle; to surround 懷惡意向佛
391 14 huái to comfort 懷惡意向佛
392 14 huái to incline to; to be attracted to 懷惡意向佛
393 14 huái to think of a plan 懷惡意向佛
394 14 huái Huai 懷惡意向佛
395 14 huái to be patient with; to tolerate 懷惡意向佛
396 14 huái aspiration; intention 懷惡意向佛
397 14 huái embrace; utsaṅga 懷惡意向佛
398 14 福德 fúdé Fortune and Virtue 百福德相備
399 14 福德 fúdé Merit and Virtue 百福德相備
400 14 福德 fúdé merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct 百福德相備
401 14 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 妙好亦如是
402 13 tòng to feel pain; to ache 痛哉視世惡
403 13 tòng to be sorry; to be sad 痛哉視世惡
404 13 tòng to be bitter 痛哉視世惡
405 13 tòng anguish; sadness 痛哉視世惡
406 13 tòng to suffer injury 痛哉視世惡
407 13 tòng to pity 痛哉視世惡
408 13 tòng in pain; ātura 痛哉視世惡
409 13 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 以說本善行
410 13 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 以說本善行
411 13 shuì to persuade 以說本善行
412 13 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 以說本善行
413 13 shuō a doctrine; a theory 以說本善行
414 13 shuō to claim; to assert 以說本善行
415 13 shuō allocution 以說本善行
416 13 shuō to criticize; to scold 以說本善行
417 13 shuō to indicate; to refer to 以說本善行
418 13 shuō speach; vāda 以說本善行
419 13 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 以說本善行
420 13 shuō to instruct 以說本善行
421 13 四方 sì fāng north, south, east, and west; all sides 四方寶梯陛
422 13 四方 sì fāng neighboring states on all borders 四方寶梯陛
423 13 四方 sì fāng a rectangle 四方寶梯陛
424 13 四方 sì fāng four quarters 四方寶梯陛
425 13 breast; nipples 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
426 13 milk 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
427 13 to suckle; to nurse 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
428 13 a nipple shaped object 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
429 13 a newborn; a hatchling 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
430 13 to brood; to nurture 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
431 13 to reproduce; to breed 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
432 13 to drink 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
433 13 a liquid resembling milk 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
434 13 milk; kṣīra 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
435 13 breast; stana 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
436 13 to chew food; to feed 佛本行經現乳哺品第二十八
437 13 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 於是諸弟子
438 13 弟子 dìzi youngster 於是諸弟子
439 13 弟子 dìzi prostitute 於是諸弟子
440 13 弟子 dìzi believer 於是諸弟子
441 13 弟子 dìzi disciple 於是諸弟子
442 13 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 於是諸弟子
443 13 poison; venom 如是毒惡物
444 13 poisonous 如是毒惡物
445 13 to poison 如是毒惡物
446 13 to endanger 如是毒惡物
447 13 to lothe; to hate 如是毒惡物
448 13 a disaster 如是毒惡物
449 13 narcotics 如是毒惡物
450 13 to harm 如是毒惡物
451 13 harmful 如是毒惡物
452 13 harmful 如是毒惡物
453 13 poison; viṣa 如是毒惡物
454 12 所有 suǒyǒu to belong to 所有功德力
455 12 yuē to speak; to say 小住頓息曰
456 12 yuē Kangxi radical 73 小住頓息曰
457 12 yuē to be called 小住頓息曰
458 12 yuē said; ukta 小住頓息曰
459 12 lèi kind; type; class; category 視此眾生類
460 12 lèi similar; like 視此眾生類
461 12 lèi class in a programming language 視此眾生類
462 12 lèi reason; logic 視此眾生類
463 12 lèi example; model 視此眾生類
464 12 lèi Lei 視此眾生類
465 12 lèi species; jāti 視此眾生類
466 12 猶如 yóurú to be similar to; to appear to be 猶如日天子
467 12 to give 莫與惡友俱
468 12 to accompany 莫與惡友俱
469 12 to particate in 莫與惡友俱
470 12 of the same kind 莫與惡友俱
471 12 to help 莫與惡友俱
472 12 for 莫與惡友俱
473 12 gòng to share 皆共觀佛相
474 12 gòng Communist 皆共觀佛相
475 12 gòng to connect; to join; to combine 皆共觀佛相
476 12 gòng to include 皆共觀佛相
477 12 gòng same; in common 皆共觀佛相
478 12 gǒng to cup one fist in the other hand 皆共觀佛相
479 12 gǒng to surround; to circle 皆共觀佛相
480 12 gōng to provide 皆共觀佛相
481 12 gōng respectfully 皆共觀佛相
482 12 gōng Gong 皆共觀佛相
483 12 shàng top; a high position 群烏於上鳴
484 12 shang top; the position on or above something 群烏於上鳴
485 12 shàng to go up; to go forward 群烏於上鳴
486 12 shàng shang 群烏於上鳴
487 12 shàng previous; last 群烏於上鳴
488 12 shàng high; higher 群烏於上鳴
489 12 shàng advanced 群烏於上鳴
490 12 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 群烏於上鳴
491 12 shàng time 群烏於上鳴
492 12 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 群烏於上鳴
493 12 shàng far 群烏於上鳴
494 12 shàng big; as big as 群烏於上鳴
495 12 shàng abundant; plentiful 群烏於上鳴
496 12 shàng to report 群烏於上鳴
497 12 shàng to offer 群烏於上鳴
498 12 shàng to go on stage 群烏於上鳴
499 12 shàng to take office; to assume a post 群烏於上鳴
500 12 shàng to install; to erect 群烏於上鳴

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1127

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 74 force 對共捔力鬪
2 74 Kangxi radical 19 對共捔力鬪
3 74 to exert oneself; to make an effort 對共捔力鬪
4 74 to force 對共捔力鬪
5 74 resolutely; strenuously 對共捔力鬪
6 74 labor; forced labor 對共捔力鬪
7 74 physical strength 對共捔力鬪
8 74 power 對共捔力鬪
9 74 Li 對共捔力鬪
10 74 ability; capability 對共捔力鬪
11 74 influence 對共捔力鬪
12 74 strength; power; bala 對共捔力鬪
13 69 Buddha; Awakened One 一名佛本行讚傳
14 69 relating to Buddhism 一名佛本行讚傳
15 69 a statue or image of a Buddha 一名佛本行讚傳
16 69 a Buddhist text 一名佛本行讚傳
17 69 to touch; to stroke 一名佛本行讚傳
18 69 Buddha 一名佛本行讚傳
19 69 Buddha; Awakened One 一名佛本行讚傳
20 69 such as; for example; for instance 如祠金剛柱
21 69 if 如祠金剛柱
22 69 in accordance with 如祠金剛柱
23 69 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如祠金剛柱
24 69 this 如祠金剛柱
25 69 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如祠金剛柱
26 69 to go to 如祠金剛柱
27 69 to meet 如祠金剛柱
28 69 to appear; to seem; to be like 如祠金剛柱
29 69 at least as good as 如祠金剛柱
30 69 and 如祠金剛柱
31 69 or 如祠金剛柱
32 69 but 如祠金剛柱
33 69 then 如祠金剛柱
34 69 naturally 如祠金剛柱
35 69 expresses a question or doubt 如祠金剛柱
36 69 you 如祠金剛柱
37 69 the second lunar month 如祠金剛柱
38 69 in; at 如祠金剛柱
39 69 Ru 如祠金剛柱
40 69 Thus 如祠金剛柱
41 69 thus; tathā 如祠金剛柱
42 69 like; iva 如祠金剛柱
43 69 suchness; tathatā 如祠金剛柱
44 63 zhī him; her; them; that 視之無厭足
45 63 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 視之無厭足
46 63 zhī to go 視之無厭足
47 63 zhī this; that 視之無厭足
48 63 zhī genetive marker 視之無厭足
49 63 zhī it 視之無厭足
50 63 zhī in; in regards to 視之無厭足
51 63 zhī all 視之無厭足
52 63 zhī and 視之無厭足
53 63 zhī however 視之無厭足
54 63 zhī if 視之無厭足
55 63 zhī then 視之無厭足
56 63 zhī to arrive; to go 視之無厭足
57 63 zhī is 視之無厭足
58 63 zhī to use 視之無厭足
59 63 zhī Zhi 視之無厭足
60 63 zhī winding 視之無厭足
61 50 so as to; in order to 妙寶以挍飾
62 50 to use; to regard as 妙寶以挍飾
63 50 to use; to grasp 妙寶以挍飾
64 50 according to 妙寶以挍飾
65 50 because of 妙寶以挍飾
66 50 on a certain date 妙寶以挍飾
67 50 and; as well as 妙寶以挍飾
68 50 to rely on 妙寶以挍飾
69 50 to regard 妙寶以挍飾
70 50 to be able to 妙寶以挍飾
71 50 to order; to command 妙寶以挍飾
72 50 further; moreover 妙寶以挍飾
73 50 used after a verb 妙寶以挍飾
74 50 very 妙寶以挍飾
75 50 already 妙寶以挍飾
76 50 increasingly 妙寶以挍飾
77 50 a reason; a cause 妙寶以挍飾
78 50 Israel 妙寶以挍飾
79 50 Yi 妙寶以挍飾
80 50 use; yogena 妙寶以挍飾
81 44 wèi for; to 為王阿闍世
82 44 wèi because of 為王阿闍世
83 44 wéi to act as; to serve 為王阿闍世
84 44 wéi to change into; to become 為王阿闍世
85 44 wéi to be; is 為王阿闍世
86 44 wéi to do 為王阿闍世
87 44 wèi for 為王阿闍世
88 44 wèi because of; for; to 為王阿闍世
89 44 wèi to 為王阿闍世
90 44 wéi in a passive construction 為王阿闍世
91 44 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為王阿闍世
92 44 wéi forming an adverb 為王阿闍世
93 44 wéi to add emphasis 為王阿闍世
94 44 wèi to support; to help 為王阿闍世
95 44 wéi to govern 為王阿闍世
96 44 wèi to be; bhū 為王阿闍世
97 42 zhū all; many; various 於是諸弟子
98 42 zhū Zhu 於是諸弟子
99 42 zhū all; members of the class 於是諸弟子
100 42 zhū interrogative particle 於是諸弟子
101 42 zhū him; her; them; it 於是諸弟子
102 42 zhū of; in 於是諸弟子
103 42 zhū all; many; sarva 於是諸弟子
104 41 his; hers; its; theirs 燋然其身本
105 41 to add emphasis 燋然其身本
106 41 used when asking a question in reply to a question 燋然其身本
107 41 used when making a request or giving an order 燋然其身本
108 41 he; her; it; them 燋然其身本
109 41 probably; likely 燋然其身本
110 41 will 燋然其身本
111 41 may 燋然其身本
112 41 if 燋然其身本
113 41 or 燋然其身本
114 41 Qi 燋然其身本
115 41 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 燋然其身本
116 39 wáng Wang 為王阿闍世
117 39 wáng a king 為王阿闍世
118 39 wáng Kangxi radical 96 為王阿闍世
119 39 wàng to be king; to rule 為王阿闍世
120 39 wáng a prince; a duke 為王阿闍世
121 39 wáng grand; great 為王阿闍世
122 39 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 為王阿闍世
123 39 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 為王阿闍世
124 39 wáng the head of a group or gang 為王阿闍世
125 39 wáng the biggest or best of a group 為王阿闍世
126 39 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 為王阿闍世
127 38 shì is; are; am; to be 是必不可保
128 38 shì is exactly 是必不可保
129 38 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是必不可保
130 38 shì this; that; those 是必不可保
131 38 shì really; certainly 是必不可保
132 38 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是必不可保
133 38 shì true 是必不可保
134 38 shì is; has; exists 是必不可保
135 38 shì used between repetitions of a word 是必不可保
136 38 shì a matter; an affair 是必不可保
137 38 shì Shi 是必不可保
138 38 shì is; bhū 是必不可保
139 38 shì this; idam 是必不可保
140 37 děng et cetera; and so on 等一青牛力
141 37 děng to wait 等一青牛力
142 37 děng degree; kind 等一青牛力
143 37 děng plural 等一青牛力
144 37 děng to be equal 等一青牛力
145 37 děng degree; level 等一青牛力
146 37 děng to compare 等一青牛力
147 37 děng same; equal; sama 等一青牛力
148 37 調達 tiáodá Devadatta 調達入地獄品第二十七
149 36 in; at 住目於佛相
150 36 in; at 住目於佛相
151 36 in; at; to; from 住目於佛相
152 36 to go; to 住目於佛相
153 36 to rely on; to depend on 住目於佛相
154 36 to go to; to arrive at 住目於佛相
155 36 from 住目於佛相
156 36 give 住目於佛相
157 36 oppposing 住目於佛相
158 36 and 住目於佛相
159 36 compared to 住目於佛相
160 36 by 住目於佛相
161 36 and; as well as 住目於佛相
162 36 for 住目於佛相
163 36 Yu 住目於佛相
164 36 a crow 住目於佛相
165 36 whew; wow 住目於佛相
166 36 near to; antike 住目於佛相
167 34 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 此皆宿善行
168 34 jiē same; equally 此皆宿善行
169 34 jiē all; sarva 此皆宿善行
170 32 qiān one thousand 奮千妙光明
171 32 qiān many; numerous; countless 奮千妙光明
172 32 qiān very 奮千妙光明
173 32 qiān a cheat; swindler 奮千妙光明
174 32 qiān Qian 奮千妙光明
175 31 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 心懷惡行者
176 31 zhě that 心懷惡行者
177 31 zhě nominalizing function word 心懷惡行者
178 31 zhě used to mark a definition 心懷惡行者
179 31 zhě used to mark a pause 心懷惡行者
180 31 zhě topic marker; that; it 心懷惡行者
181 31 zhuó according to 心懷惡行者
182 31 zhě ca 心懷惡行者
183 30 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 宿善所印明
184 30 suǒ an office; an institute 宿善所印明
185 30 suǒ introduces a relative clause 宿善所印明
186 30 suǒ it 宿善所印明
187 30 suǒ if; supposing 宿善所印明
188 30 suǒ a few; various; some 宿善所印明
189 30 suǒ a place; a location 宿善所印明
190 30 suǒ indicates a passive voice 宿善所印明
191 30 suǒ that which 宿善所印明
192 30 suǒ an ordinal number 宿善所印明
193 30 suǒ meaning 宿善所印明
194 30 suǒ garrison 宿善所印明
195 30 suǒ place; pradeśa 宿善所印明
196 30 suǒ that which; yad 宿善所印明
197 28 è evil; vice 欲變成惡器
198 28 è evil; wicked; bad; foul; malevolent 欲變成惡器
199 28 ě queasy; nauseous 欲變成惡器
200 28 to hate; to detest 欲變成惡器
201 28 how? 欲變成惡器
202 28 è fierce 欲變成惡器
203 28 è detestable; offensive; unpleasant 欲變成惡器
204 28 to denounce 欲變成惡器
205 28 oh! 欲變成惡器
206 28 è e 欲變成惡器
207 28 è evil 欲變成惡器
208 27 yán to speak; to say; said 晃昱或如言
209 27 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 晃昱或如言
210 27 yán Kangxi radical 149 晃昱或如言
211 27 yán a particle with no meaning 晃昱或如言
212 27 yán phrase; sentence 晃昱或如言
213 27 yán a word; a syllable 晃昱或如言
214 27 yán a theory; a doctrine 晃昱或如言
215 27 yán to regard as 晃昱或如言
216 27 yán to act as 晃昱或如言
217 27 yán word; vacana 晃昱或如言
218 27 yán speak; vad 晃昱或如言
219 26 jīn today; present; now 今可致我往
220 26 jīn Jin 今可致我往
221 26 jīn modern 今可致我往
222 26 jīn now; adhunā 今可致我往
223 24 not; no 悉不相茹食
224 24 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 悉不相茹食
225 24 as a correlative 悉不相茹食
226 24 no (answering a question) 悉不相茹食
227 24 forms a negative adjective from a noun 悉不相茹食
228 24 at the end of a sentence to form a question 悉不相茹食
229 24 to form a yes or no question 悉不相茹食
230 24 infix potential marker 悉不相茹食
231 24 no; na 悉不相茹食
232 24 one 一名佛本行讚傳
233 24 Kangxi radical 1 一名佛本行讚傳
234 24 as soon as; all at once 一名佛本行讚傳
235 24 pure; concentrated 一名佛本行讚傳
236 24 whole; all 一名佛本行讚傳
237 24 first 一名佛本行讚傳
238 24 the same 一名佛本行讚傳
239 24 each 一名佛本行讚傳
240 24 certain 一名佛本行讚傳
241 24 throughout 一名佛本行讚傳
242 24 used in between a reduplicated verb 一名佛本行讚傳
243 24 sole; single 一名佛本行讚傳
244 24 a very small amount 一名佛本行讚傳
245 24 Yi 一名佛本行讚傳
246 24 other 一名佛本行讚傳
247 24 to unify 一名佛本行讚傳
248 24 accidentally; coincidentally 一名佛本行讚傳
249 24 abruptly; suddenly 一名佛本行讚傳
250 24 or 一名佛本行讚傳
251 24 one; eka 一名佛本行讚傳
252 23 soil; ground; land 墮地可膝傷
253 23 de subordinate particle 墮地可膝傷
254 23 floor 墮地可膝傷
255 23 the earth 墮地可膝傷
256 23 fields 墮地可膝傷
257 23 a place 墮地可膝傷
258 23 a situation; a position 墮地可膝傷
259 23 background 墮地可膝傷
260 23 terrain 墮地可膝傷
261 23 a territory; a region 墮地可膝傷
262 23 used after a distance measure 墮地可膝傷
263 23 coming from the same clan 墮地可膝傷
264 23 earth; pṛthivī 墮地可膝傷
265 23 stage; ground; level; bhumi 墮地可膝傷
266 22 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 投山入熾火
267 22 shān Shan 投山入熾火
268 22 shān Kangxi radical 46 投山入熾火
269 22 shān a mountain-like shape 投山入熾火
270 22 shān a gable 投山入熾火
271 22 shān mountain; giri 投山入熾火
272 22 眾生 zhòngshēng all living things 視此眾生類
273 22 眾生 zhòngshēng living things other than people 視此眾生類
274 22 眾生 zhòngshēng sentient beings 視此眾生類
275 22 眾生 zhòngshēng beings; all living things; all sentient beings 視此眾生類
276 22 yǒu is; are; to exist 其有敬重吾
277 22 yǒu to have; to possess 其有敬重吾
278 22 yǒu indicates an estimate 其有敬重吾
279 22 yǒu indicates a large quantity 其有敬重吾
280 22 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 其有敬重吾
281 22 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 其有敬重吾
282 22 yǒu used to compare two things 其有敬重吾
283 22 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 其有敬重吾
284 22 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 其有敬重吾
285 22 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 其有敬重吾
286 22 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 其有敬重吾
287 22 yǒu abundant 其有敬重吾
288 22 yǒu purposeful 其有敬重吾
289 22 yǒu You 其有敬重吾
290 22 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 其有敬重吾
291 22 yǒu becoming; bhava 其有敬重吾
292 21 I 吾之愛眾生
293 21 my 吾之愛眾生
294 21 Wu 吾之愛眾生
295 21 I; aham 吾之愛眾生
296 21 already 已下善本種
297 21 Kangxi radical 49 已下善本種
298 21 from 已下善本種
299 21 to bring to an end; to stop 已下善本種
300 21 final aspectual particle 已下善本種
301 21 afterwards; thereafter 已下善本種
302 21 too; very; excessively 已下善本種
303 21 to complete 已下善本種
304 21 to demote; to dismiss 已下善本種
305 21 to recover from an illness 已下善本種
306 21 certainly 已下善本種
307 21 an interjection of surprise 已下善本種
308 21 this 已下善本種
309 21 former; pūrvaka 已下善本種
310 21 former; pūrvaka 已下善本種
311 21 lái to come 復來相惑耶
312 21 lái indicates an approximate quantity 復來相惑耶
313 21 lái please 復來相惑耶
314 21 lái used to substitute for another verb 復來相惑耶
315 21 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 復來相惑耶
316 21 lái ever since 復來相惑耶
317 21 lái wheat 復來相惑耶
318 21 lái next; future 復來相惑耶
319 21 lái a simple complement of direction 復來相惑耶
320 21 lái to occur; to arise 復來相惑耶
321 21 lái to earn 復來相惑耶
322 21 lái to come; āgata 復來相惑耶
323 20 you; thou 今汝所圖計
324 20 Ru River 今汝所圖計
325 20 Ru 今汝所圖計
326 20 you; tvam; bhavat 今汝所圖計
327 20 this; these 此皆宿善行
328 20 in this way 此皆宿善行
329 20 otherwise; but; however; so 此皆宿善行
330 20 at this time; now; here 此皆宿善行
331 20 this; here; etad 此皆宿善行
332 20 desire 欲變成惡器
333 20 to desire; to wish 欲變成惡器
334 20 almost; nearly; about to occur 欲變成惡器
335 20 to desire; to intend 欲變成惡器
336 20 lust 欲變成惡器
337 20 desire; intention; wish; kāma 欲變成惡器
338 20 jiàn to see 吾等不宜見
339 20 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 吾等不宜見
340 20 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 吾等不宜見
341 20 jiàn refer to; for details see 吾等不宜見
342 20 jiàn passive marker 吾等不宜見
343 20 jiàn to listen to 吾等不宜見
344 20 jiàn to meet 吾等不宜見
345 20 jiàn to receive (a guest) 吾等不宜見
346 20 jiàn let me; kindly 吾等不宜見
347 20 jiàn Jian 吾等不宜見
348 20 xiàn to appear 吾等不宜見
349 20 xiàn to introduce 吾等不宜見
350 20 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 吾等不宜見
351 20 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 吾等不宜見
352 19 naturally; of course; certainly 自穢善根本
353 19 from; since 自穢善根本
354 19 self; oneself; itself 自穢善根本
355 19 Kangxi radical 132 自穢善根本
356 19 Zi 自穢善根本
357 19 a nose 自穢善根本
358 19 the beginning; the start 自穢善根本
359 19 origin 自穢善根本
360 19 originally 自穢善根本
361 19 still; to remain 自穢善根本
362 19 in person; personally 自穢善根本
363 19 in addition; besides 自穢善根本
364 19 if; even if 自穢善根本
365 19 but 自穢善根本
366 19 because 自穢善根本
367 19 to employ; to use 自穢善根本
368 19 to be 自穢善根本
369 19 own; one's own; oneself 自穢善根本
370 19 self; soul; ātman 自穢善根本
371 18 xiàng figure; image; appearance 石象有百足
372 18 xiàng elephant 石象有百足
373 18 xiàng ivory 石象有百足
374 18 xiàng to be like; to seem 石象有百足
375 18 xiàng premier 石象有百足
376 18 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 石象有百足
377 18 xiàng phenomena 石象有百足
378 18 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 石象有百足
379 18 xiàng image commentary 石象有百足
380 18 xiàng a kind of weapon 石象有百足
381 18 xiàng Xiang 石象有百足
382 18 xiàng to imitate 石象有百足
383 18 xiàng elephant; gaja 石象有百足
384 18 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 地故載育之
385 18 old; ancient; former; past 地故載育之
386 18 reason; cause; purpose 地故載育之
387 18 to die 地故載育之
388 18 so; therefore; hence 地故載育之
389 18 original 地故載育之
390 18 accident; happening; instance 地故載育之
391 18 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 地故載育之
392 18 something in the past 地故載育之
393 18 deceased; dead 地故載育之
394 18 still; yet 地故載育之
395 18 therefore; tasmāt 地故載育之
396 18 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 眾相悉明備
397 18 xiàng to observe; to assess 眾相悉明備
398 18 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 眾相悉明備
399 18 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 眾相悉明備
400 18 xiàng to aid; to help 眾相悉明備
401 18 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 眾相悉明備
402 18 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 眾相悉明備
403 18 xiāng alternately; in turn 眾相悉明備
404 18 xiāng Xiang 眾相悉明備
405 18 xiāng form substance 眾相悉明備
406 18 xiāng to express 眾相悉明備
407 18 xiàng to choose 眾相悉明備
408 18 xiāng Xiang 眾相悉明備
409 18 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 眾相悉明備
410 18 xiāng the seventh lunar month 眾相悉明備
411 18 xiāng to compare 眾相悉明備
412 18 xiàng to divine 眾相悉明備
413 18 xiàng to administer 眾相悉明備
414 18 xiàng helper for a blind person 眾相悉明備
415 18 xiāng rhythm [music] 眾相悉明備
416 18 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 眾相悉明備
417 18 xiāng coralwood 眾相悉明備
418 18 xiàng ministry 眾相悉明備
419 18 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 眾相悉明備
420 18 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 眾相悉明備
421 18 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 眾相悉明備
422 18 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 眾相悉明備
423 18 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 眾相悉明備
424 17 shí time; a point or period of time 時佛告阿難
425 17 shí a season; a quarter of a year 時佛告阿難
426 17 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 時佛告阿難
427 17 shí at that time 時佛告阿難
428 17 shí fashionable 時佛告阿難
429 17 shí fate; destiny; luck 時佛告阿難
430 17 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 時佛告阿難
431 17 shí tense 時佛告阿難
432 17 shí particular; special 時佛告阿難
433 17 shí to plant; to cultivate 時佛告阿難
434 17 shí hour (measure word) 時佛告阿難
435 17 shí an era; a dynasty 時佛告阿難
436 17 shí time [abstract] 時佛告阿難
437 17 shí seasonal 時佛告阿難
438 17 shí frequently; often 時佛告阿難
439 17 shí occasionally; sometimes 時佛告阿難
440 17 shí on time 時佛告阿難
441 17 shí this; that 時佛告阿難
442 17 shí to wait upon 時佛告阿難
443 17 shí hour 時佛告阿難
444 17 shí appropriate; proper; timely 時佛告阿難
445 17 shí Shi 時佛告阿難
446 17 shí a present; currentlt 時佛告阿難
447 17 shí time; kāla 時佛告阿難
448 17 shí at that time; samaya 時佛告阿難
449 17 shí then; atha 時佛告阿難
450 17 shì a gentleman; a knight 諸力士見佛
451 17 shì Kangxi radical 33 諸力士見佛
452 17 shì a soldier 諸力士見佛
453 17 shì a social stratum 諸力士見佛
454 17 shì an unmarried man; a man 諸力士見佛
455 17 shì somebody trained in a specialized field 諸力士見佛
456 17 shì a scholar 諸力士見佛
457 17 shì a respectful term for a person 諸力士見佛
458 17 shì corporal; sergeant 諸力士見佛
459 17 shì Shi 諸力士見佛
460 17 shì gentleman; puruṣa 諸力士見佛
461 17 shén what 甚以自慶喜
462 17 shí mixed; miscellaneous 甚以自慶喜
463 17 shèn extremely 甚以自慶喜
464 17 shèn excessive; more than 甚以自慶喜
465 17 shí a group of ten sections in the Shijing 甚以自慶喜
466 17 shí Shi 甚以自慶喜
467 17 shí tenfold 甚以自慶喜
468 17 shí one hundred percent 甚以自慶喜
469 17 shén why? 甚以自慶喜
470 17 shén extremely 甚以自慶喜
471 17 shí ten 甚以自慶喜
472 17 shèn definitely; certainly 甚以自慶喜
473 17 shén very; bhṛśam 甚以自慶喜
474 17 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 其以自消盡
475 17 jìn all; every 其以自消盡
476 17 jìn perfect; flawless 其以自消盡
477 17 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 其以自消盡
478 17 jìn furthest; extreme 其以自消盡
479 17 jìn to vanish 其以自消盡
480 17 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 其以自消盡
481 17 jìn to be within the limit 其以自消盡
482 17 jìn all; every 其以自消盡
483 17 jìn to die 其以自消盡
484 17 jìn exhaustion; kṣaya 其以自消盡
485 17 zhòng many; numerous 愍眾詣江浴
486 17 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 愍眾詣江浴
487 17 zhòng general; common; public 愍眾詣江浴
488 17 zhòng many; all; sarva 愍眾詣江浴
489 17 zhì to; until 宿對便來至
490 17 zhì Kangxi radical 133 宿對便來至
491 17 zhì extremely; very; most 宿對便來至
492 17 zhì to arrive 宿對便來至
493 17 zhì approach; upagama 宿對便來至
494 17 no 視之無厭足
495 17 Kangxi radical 71 視之無厭足
496 17 to not have; without 視之無厭足
497 17 has not yet 視之無厭足
498 17 mo 視之無厭足
499 17 do not 視之無厭足
500 17 not; -less; un- 視之無厭足


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
strength; power; bala
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Awakened One
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
use; yogena
wèi to be; bhū
zhū all; many; sarva
he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad
wáng king; best of a kind; rāja
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
děng same; equal; sama

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿那律 196 Aniruddha
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
阿阇世 阿闍世 196 Ajātaśatru; Ajatasutru; Ajātasattu
北方 98 The North
大梵天 100 Mahabrahma; Mahābrahmā; Brahmā
大梵王 100 Mahābrahma Deva Rāja; Brahma
当归 當歸 100 Angelica sinensis
忉利 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
忉利天 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
得荣 得榮 100 Dêrong county
谛见 諦見 100 right understanding; right view
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
兜率天 100 Tusita Heaven; Tusita gods
兜术天 兜術天 100 Tusita
恶物 惡物 195 Evil One; Pāpīyāms; Pāpimant
法炬 102
  1. Dharma Torch
  2. the torch of Dharma
  3. dharma torch
  4. Fa Ju
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵宫 梵宮 102 Palace of Brahmā
方正 102
  1. upright; straightforward; righteous
  2. Fangzheng
  3. Fangzheng
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
佛本行经 佛本行經 102 Abhiniskramana Sutra; Fo Ben Xing Jing
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛山 102 Foshan
佛世尊 102 Buddha, the world-honoured; bhagavat
光曜 103 Radiance; Pabhāvatī; Prabhāvatī
化应声天 化應聲天 104 Paranirmita-Vasavartin Heaven
化自在天 104 Nirmanarati heaven
慧宝 慧寶 104 Hui Bao
慧力 72
  1. power of wisdom
  2. Huili
  1. Hebei
  2. to hope
  3. Jizhou
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
  6. river; nadī
皎然 106 Jiaoran
迦叶 迦葉 106
  1. Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
  2. Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
寂灭 寂滅 106
  1. calmness and extinction; vyupaśama
  2. Upasannaka
净意 淨意 106 Śuddhamati
金宝 金寶 106
  1. Campbell
  2. Kampar
金刚山 金剛山 106 Cakravada-parvata; Iron Wall Mountain
吉祥天 106 Laksmi
瞿耶尼 106 Godānīya
拘夷那竭 106 Kuśinagara; Kusināra; Kushinagar; Kusinagar; Kusinara
凉州 涼州 108 Liangzhou
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
罗云 羅雲 108
  1. Rahula
  2. Luoyun
  3. Rāhula
目揵连 目揵連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
目犍连 目犍連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
祇洹 113 Jetavana
清流 113 Qingliu
庆喜 慶喜 113 Ānanda; Ananda
日天子 114 Surya; Aditya
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
善施 115 Sudatta
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
舍卫城 舍衛城 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
释宝云 釋寶雲 115 Bao Yun
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四王天 115 Caturmaharajika Heaven; Heaven of the Four Kings
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
天帝 116 Heavenly Emperor; God
天帝释 天帝釋 116 Sakra; Sakka; Sakra Devānām Indra; Kausika
天人师 天人師 116
  1. teacher of heavenly beings and humans
  2. Teacher of Heavenly and Human Beings; the Buddha
调达 調達 116 Devadatta
王舍 119 Rājagṛha; Rajgir; Rajagrha; Rājagaha
王舍城 119 Rajgir; Rajagrha
须弥 須彌 120 Mt Meru; Sumeru
须弥山 須彌山 88
  1. Mount Sumeru
  2. Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
阎罗王 閻羅王 89
  1. Yama
  2. Yama; Yamaraja
阎浮提 閻浮提 121 Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
阎罗 閻羅 121 Yama; Yamaraja
阎王 閻王 121 Yama
有若 121 You Ruo
缘觉乘 緣覺乘 121 Pratyekabuddha Vehicle; Pratyeka-buddha Vehicle
正使 122 Chief Envoy
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
转轮圣王 轉輪聖王 90 Chakravarti raja; an emperor in Hindu mythology
诸生 諸生 122 Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 156.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿鼻 97 avīci
爱着 愛著 195 attachment to desire
八大地狱 八大地獄 98 eight great hells
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
百味 98 a hundred flavors; many tastes
拔济 拔濟 98 to save; to rescue
宝楼观 寶樓觀 98 visualization of jewelled towers
宝瓶 寶瓶 98 mani vase
宝幢 寶幢 98
  1. a Buddhist ensign or banner
  2. Ratnaketu
报佛 報佛 98 saṃbhogakāya; sambhogakaya; enjoyment body; reward body
薄福 98 little merit
宝树 寶樹 98
  1. jeweled trees; forest of treasues
  2. a kalpa tree
八贤圣 八賢聖 98 eight stages of a saint
本山 98
  1. main temple; home temple
  2. this temple
变现 變現 98 to conjure
必当 必當 98 must
弊恶 弊惡 98 evil
不可量 98 immeasurable
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
怖畏 98 terrified; saṃtrāsa
长时 長時 99 eon; kalpa
称佛 稱佛 99 to recite the Buddha's name
船师 船師 99 captain
楚毒 99 something terrible; sudāruṇa
此等 99 they; eṣā
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
大慈 100 great great compassion; mahākāruṇika
大千 100 trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
大千界 100 a system of one thousand worlds
大身 100 great body; mahakaya
大方便 100 mahopāya; great skillful means; expedient means
忉利诸天 忉利諸天 100 the gods of Paradise (Trâyastrimsas)
道意 100 intention to attain enlightenment
道迹 道跡 100 follower of the path
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
得度 100
  1. to attain salvation
  2. to attain enlightenment
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
德本 100 virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
等智 100 secular knowledge
地肥 100 earth cake
定力 100
  1. Meditative Concentration
  2. ability for meditative concentration
定意 100 samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
度脱 度脫 100 to save; to rescue; to relieve them from the suffering of this world and take them nirvana
恶道 惡道 195
  1. evil path
  2. an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶友 惡友 195 a bad friend
梵音 102
  1. Heavenly Sound
  2. the sound of Buddhist chanting
  3. Brahma's voice
  4. the voices of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛德 102 Buddha virtue
佛弟子 102 a disciple of the Buddha
佛功德 102 characteristics of Buddhas
佛慧 102 Buddha's wisdom
佛见 佛見 102 correct views of Buddhist teachings
佛手 102 Buddha's Hands
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛身 102
  1. Buddha's Body
  2. buddhakaya; Buddha-body
佛智 102 Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
高座 103 a high seat; a pulpit
贡高 貢高 103 proud; arrogant; conceited
观佛 觀佛 103 to contemplate on the Buddha
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
过去佛 過去佛 103 past Buddhas
华香 華香 104 incense and flowers
慧众 慧眾 104 body of wisdom; aggregate of wisdom; prajñā-skandha
见大 見大 106 the element of visibility
见谛 見諦 106 realization of the truth
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
妓乐 妓樂 106 music
金翅鸟 金翅鳥 106
  1. suparna bird; suparni bird
  2. a garuda
金轮 金輪 106 golden wheel; kancana-mandala; kancana-cakra
偈言 106 a verse; a gatha
卷第六 106 scroll 6
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
苦毒 107 pain; suffering
苦痛 107 the sensation of pain
来迎 來迎 108 coming to greet
乐欲 樂欲 108 the desire for joy
两部 兩部 108 two realms
量等 108 the body of the Tathāgata is equal to all conditions and unconditioned phenomena
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
摩竭 109 makara
念佛 110
  1. to chant Buddha's name
  2. to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
勤行 113 diligent practice
勤求 113 to diligently seek
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
去者 113 a goer; gamika
人众 人眾 114 many people; crowds of people
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如梦 如夢 114 like in a dream
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三千界 115 Three Thousandfold World System; a great chiliocosm; trichiliocosm; the cosmos
三千世界 115 trisāhasramahāsāhasralokadhātu; billion world system; the cosmos
三匝 115 to circumambulate three times
三尊 115 the three honored ones
散花 115 scatters flowers
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善根 115
  1. Wholesome Roots
  2. virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
烧然 燒然 115 to incinerate
深法 115 a profound truth
深妙 115 profound; deep and subtle
圣众 聖眾 115 holy ones
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
释师子 釋師子 115 lion of the Śākyas
释种子 釋種子 115 a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
十善 115 the ten virtues
受法 115 to receive the Dharma
受戒 115
  1. Take the Precepts
  2. to take precepts
顺世 順世 115
  1. to die (of a monastic)
  2. materialistic; lokāyata
四谛 四諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四天下 115 the four continents
随逐 隨逐 115 to attach and follow
天华 天華 116 divine flowers
天中天 116 god of the gods
头首 頭首 116 group of head monastics in a monastery
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
未曾有 119
  1. Never Before
  2. never before seen; abdhutadharma
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
我愚 119 the ignorance of self; the illusion of a permanent self
无惭 無慚 119 shamelessness; āhrīkya
无央数 無央數 119 innumerable
无余 無餘 119
  1. not excessive
  2. without remainder; niravasesa
相轮 相輪 120 stacked rings; wheel
形寿 形壽 120 lifespan
修善 120 to cultivate goodness
洋铜 洋銅 121 sea of molten copper
言教 121 ability to understand etymology and usage of words; nirukti
一缘 一緣 121 one fate; shared destiny
因地 121
  1. the circumstances of place
  2. causative stage
印明 121 mudra-hrdaya
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
一音 121
  1. one voice
  2. one sound; the sound of the Buddha
右遶 121 moving to the right
优昙 優曇 121
  1. udumbara
  2. Youtan
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
欲取 121 clinging to feelings of pleasure; kāma-upādāna
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
智慧力 122 power of wisdom
重担 重擔 122 a heavy load
众苦 眾苦 122 all suffering
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
昼度树 晝度樹 122 coral tree
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸天王 諸天王 122 lord of devas; devendra
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
诸力 諸力 122 powers; bala
最上 122 supreme