Glossary and Vocabulary for Vairocana Sutra Lotus Platform Matrix Assembly Compassion Mandala Liturgy (She Da Piluzhena Cheng Fo Shenbian Jia Chi Jing Ru Lianhua Tai Cang Hai Hui Bei Sheng Man Tu Luo Guangda Niansong Yi Gui Gongyang Fangbian Hui) 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經入蓮華胎藏海會悲生曼荼攞廣大念誦儀軌供養方便會, Scroll 3

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 112 one 一七八
2 112 Kangxi radical 1 一七八
3 112 pure; concentrated 一七八
4 112 first 一七八
5 112 the same 一七八
6 112 sole; single 一七八
7 112 a very small amount 一七八
8 112 Yi 一七八
9 112 other 一七八
10 112 to unify 一七八
11 112 accidentally; coincidentally 一七八
12 112 abruptly; suddenly 一七八
13 112 one; eka 一七八
14 78 èr two 二合
15 78 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
16 78 èr second 二合
17 78 èr twice; double; di- 二合
18 78 èr more than one kind 二合
19 78 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
20 78 èr both; dvaya 二合
21 54 eight 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
22 54 Kangxi radical 12 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
23 54 eighth 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
24 54 all around; all sides 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
25 54 eight; aṣṭa 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
26 49 sān three 一八三
27 49 sān third 一八三
28 49 sān more than two 一八三
29 49 sān very few 一八三
30 49 sān San 一八三
31 49 sān three; tri 一八三
32 49 sān sa 一八三
33 49 sān three kinds; trividha 一八三
34 47 一切 yīqiè temporary 乃至一切字
35 47 一切 yīqiè the same 乃至一切字
36 47 letter; symbol; character 轉生於嚩字
37 47 Zi 轉生於嚩字
38 47 to love 轉生於嚩字
39 47 to teach; to educate 轉生於嚩字
40 47 to be allowed to marry 轉生於嚩字
41 47 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 轉生於嚩字
42 47 diction; wording 轉生於嚩字
43 47 handwriting 轉生於嚩字
44 47 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 轉生於嚩字
45 47 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 轉生於嚩字
46 47 a font; a calligraphic style 轉生於嚩字
47 47 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 轉生於嚩字
48 44 to join; to combine 二合
49 44 to close 二合
50 44 to agree with; equal to 二合
51 44 to gather 二合
52 44 whole 二合
53 44 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
54 44 a musical note 二合
55 44 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
56 44 to fight 二合
57 44 to conclude 二合
58 44 to be similar to 二合
59 44 crowded 二合
60 44 a box 二合
61 44 to copulate 二合
62 44 a partner; a spouse 二合
63 44 harmonious 二合
64 44 He 二合
65 44 a container for grain measurement 二合
66 44 Merge 二合
67 44 unite; saṃyoga 二合
68 42 liù six
69 42 liù sixth
70 42 liù a note on the Gongche scale
71 42 liù six; ṣaṭ
72 40 four 一八四
73 40 note a musical scale 一八四
74 40 fourth 一八四
75 40 Si 一八四
76 40 four; catur 一八四
77 39 shàng top; a high position 上短
78 39 shang top; the position on or above something 上短
79 39 shàng to go up; to go forward 上短
80 39 shàng shang 上短
81 39 shàng previous; last 上短
82 39 shàng high; higher 上短
83 39 shàng advanced 上短
84 39 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上短
85 39 shàng time 上短
86 39 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上短
87 39 shàng far 上短
88 39 shàng big; as big as 上短
89 39 shàng abundant; plentiful 上短
90 39 shàng to report 上短
91 39 shàng to offer 上短
92 39 shàng to go on stage 上短
93 39 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上短
94 39 shàng to install; to erect 上短
95 39 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上短
96 39 shàng to burn 上短
97 39 shàng to remember 上短
98 39 shàng to add 上短
99 39 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上短
100 39 shàng to meet 上短
101 39 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上短
102 39 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上短
103 39 shàng a musical note 上短
104 39 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上短
105 38 to enter 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
106 38 Kangxi radical 11 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
107 38 radical 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
108 38 income 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
109 38 to conform with 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
110 38 to descend 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
111 38 the entering tone 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
112 38 to pay 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
113 38 to join 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
114 38 entering; praveśa 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
115 38 entered; attained; āpanna 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
116 38 seven 一七八
117 38 a genre of poetry 一七八
118 38 seventh day memorial ceremony 一七八
119 38 seven; sapta 一七八
120 36 fu 轉生於嚩字
121 36 va 轉生於嚩字
122 35 five
123 35 fifth musical note
124 35 Wu
125 35 the five elements
126 35 five; pañca
127 33 諸法 zhū fǎ all things; all dharmas 阿字門一切諸法本不生故
128 32 jiǔ nine 一七九
129 32 jiǔ many 一七九
130 32 jiǔ nine; nava 一七九
131 31 yǐn to lead; to guide 引長
132 31 yǐn to draw a bow 引長
133 31 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen 引長
134 31 yǐn to stretch 引長
135 31 yǐn to involve 引長
136 31 yǐn to quote; to cite 引長
137 31 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend 引長
138 31 yǐn to recruit 引長
139 31 yǐn to hold 引長
140 31 yǐn to withdraw; to leave 引長
141 31 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart 引長
142 31 yǐn a preface ; a forward 引長
143 31 yǐn a license 引長
144 31 yǐn long 引長
145 31 yǐn to cause 引長
146 31 yǐn to pull; to draw 引長
147 31 yǐn a refrain; a tune 引長
148 31 yǐn to grow 引長
149 31 yǐn to command 引長
150 31 yǐn to accuse 引長
151 31 yǐn to commit suicide 引長
152 31 yǐn a genre 引長
153 31 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money 引長
154 31 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra 引長
155 30 to go; to 轉生於嚩字
156 30 to rely on; to depend on 轉生於嚩字
157 30 Yu 轉生於嚩字
158 30 a crow 轉生於嚩字
159 29 líng zero 一八〇
160 29 líng 2015 一八〇
161 28 真言 zhēnyán true words 菩提心真言下同
162 28 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 菩提心真言下同
163 28 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 菩提心真言下同
164 27 wéi to act as; to serve 為利眾生故
165 27 wéi to change into; to become 為利眾生故
166 27 wéi to be; is 為利眾生故
167 27 wéi to do 為利眾生故
168 27 wèi to support; to help 為利眾生故
169 27 wéi to govern 為利眾生故
170 27 wèi to be; bhū 為利眾生故
171 26 suō to dance; to frolic 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
172 26 suō to lounge 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
173 26 suō to saunter 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
174 26 suō suo 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
175 26 suō sa 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
176 24 ér Kangxi radical 126 而成曼荼羅
177 24 ér as if; to seem like 而成曼荼羅
178 24 néng can; able 而成曼荼羅
179 24 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而成曼荼羅
180 24 ér to arrive; up to 而成曼荼羅
181 21 to congratulate 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
182 21 to send a present 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
183 21 He 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
184 21 ha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
185 21 不可得 bù kě dé cannot be obtained 佉字門一切諸法等虛空不可得故
186 21 不可得 bù kě dé unobtainable 佉字門一切諸法等虛空不可得故
187 21 不可得 bù kě dé unattainable 佉字門一切諸法等虛空不可得故
188 20 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 緣覺聲聞說
189 20 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 緣覺聲聞說
190 20 shuì to persuade 緣覺聲聞說
191 20 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 緣覺聲聞說
192 20 shuō a doctrine; a theory 緣覺聲聞說
193 20 shuō to claim; to assert 緣覺聲聞說
194 20 shuō allocution 緣覺聲聞說
195 20 shuō to criticize; to scold 緣覺聲聞說
196 20 shuō to indicate; to refer to 緣覺聲聞說
197 20 shuō speach; vāda 緣覺聲聞說
198 20 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 緣覺聲聞說
199 20 shuō to instruct 緣覺聲聞說
200 19 zhī to go 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
201 19 zhī to arrive; to go 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
202 19 zhī is 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
203 19 zhī to use 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
204 19 zhī Zhi 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
205 19 zhī winding 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
206 17 luó baby talk 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
207 17 luō to nag 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
208 17 luó ra 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
209 16 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 寶冠舉手印
210 16 yìn India 寶冠舉手印
211 16 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 寶冠舉手印
212 16 yìn a seal; a stamp 寶冠舉手印
213 16 yìn to tally 寶冠舉手印
214 16 yìn a vestige; a trace 寶冠舉手印
215 16 yìn Yin 寶冠舉手印
216 16 yìn to leave a track or trace 寶冠舉手印
217 16 yìn mudra 寶冠舉手印
218 16 zhě ca 住於字門者
219 14 Qi 二合其此載第二轉聲
220 14 kǒu Kangxi radical 30
221 14 kǒu mouth
222 14 kǒu an opening; a hole
223 14 kǒu eloquence
224 14 kǒu the edge of a blade
225 14 kǒu edge; border
226 14 kǒu verbal; oral
227 14 kǒu taste
228 14 kǒu population; people
229 14 kǒu an entrance; an exit; a pass
230 14 kǒu mouth; eopening; entrance; mukha
231 14 suǒ a few; various; some 一切所希願
232 14 suǒ a place; a location 一切所希願
233 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 一切所希願
234 14 suǒ an ordinal number 一切所希願
235 14 suǒ meaning 一切所希願
236 14 suǒ garrison 一切所希願
237 14 suǒ place; pradeśa 一切所希願
238 12 other; another; some other 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
239 12 other 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
240 12 tha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
241 12 ṭha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
242 12 other; anya 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
243 12 字門 zìmén letter gateway; letter teaching 住於字門者
244 12 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 住於字門者
245 12 zhù to stop; to halt 住於字門者
246 12 zhù to retain; to remain 住於字門者
247 12 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 住於字門者
248 12 zhù verb complement 住於字門者
249 12 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 住於字門者
250 12 xiàng to observe; to assess 餘相廣如經
251 12 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 餘相廣如經
252 12 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 餘相廣如經
253 12 xiàng to aid; to help 餘相廣如經
254 12 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 餘相廣如經
255 12 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 餘相廣如經
256 12 xiāng alternately; in turn 餘相廣如經
257 12 xiāng Xiang 餘相廣如經
258 12 xiāng form substance 餘相廣如經
259 12 xiāng to express 餘相廣如經
260 12 xiàng to choose 餘相廣如經
261 12 xiāng Xiang 餘相廣如經
262 12 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 餘相廣如經
263 12 xiāng the seventh lunar month 餘相廣如經
264 12 xiāng to compare 餘相廣如經
265 12 xiàng to divine 餘相廣如經
266 12 xiàng to administer 餘相廣如經
267 12 xiàng helper for a blind person 餘相廣如經
268 12 xiāng rhythm [music] 餘相廣如經
269 12 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 餘相廣如經
270 12 xiāng coralwood 餘相廣如經
271 12 xiàng ministry 餘相廣如經
272 12 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 餘相廣如經
273 12 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 餘相廣如經
274 12 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 餘相廣如經
275 12 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 餘相廣如經
276 12 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 餘相廣如經
277 12 一一 yīyī one or two 一一諸真言
278 12 一一 yīyī a few 一一諸真言
279 11 一二 yīèr one or two; a few 一二
280 11 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
281 11 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
282 11 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
283 11 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
284 11 金剛 jīngāng diamond 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
285 11 金剛 jīngāng vajra 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
286 11 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得具如來十號
287 11 děi to want to; to need to 得具如來十號
288 11 děi must; ought to 得具如來十號
289 11 de 得具如來十號
290 11 de infix potential marker 得具如來十號
291 11 to result in 得具如來十號
292 11 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得具如來十號
293 11 to be satisfied 得具如來十號
294 11 to be finished 得具如來十號
295 11 děi satisfying 得具如來十號
296 11 to contract 得具如來十號
297 11 to hear 得具如來十號
298 11 to have; there is 得具如來十號
299 11 marks time passed 得具如來十號
300 11 obtain; attain; prāpta 得具如來十號
301 11 é to intone 爾時婆誐鑁
302 11 é ga 爾時婆誐鑁
303 11 é na 爾時婆誐鑁
304 11 wilderness 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
305 11 open country; field 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
306 11 outskirts; countryside 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
307 11 wild; uncivilized 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
308 11 celestial area 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
309 11 district; region 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
310 11 community 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
311 11 rude; coarse 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
312 11 unofficial 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
313 11 ya 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
314 11 the wild; aṭavī 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
315 10 soil; ground; land 次應念持地
316 10 floor 次應念持地
317 10 the earth 次應念持地
318 10 fields 次應念持地
319 10 a place 次應念持地
320 10 a situation; a position 次應念持地
321 10 background 次應念持地
322 10 terrain 次應念持地
323 10 a territory; a region 次應念持地
324 10 used after a distance measure 次應念持地
325 10 coming from the same clan 次應念持地
326 10 earth; pṛthivī 次應念持地
327 10 stage; ground; level; bhumi 次應念持地
328 10 zōng zong 爾時婆誐鑁
329 10 zōng vaṃ 爾時婆誐鑁
330 10 děng et cetera; and so on 或頡利嫓等
331 10 děng to wait 或頡利嫓等
332 10 děng to be equal 或頡利嫓等
333 10 děng degree; level 或頡利嫓等
334 10 děng to compare 或頡利嫓等
335 10 děng same; equal; sama 或頡利嫓等
336 9 曼荼羅 màntúluó mandala; cicle of divinity 種子曼荼羅
337 9 yìng to answer; to respond 本名行相應
338 9 yìng to confirm; to verify 本名行相應
339 9 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 本名行相應
340 9 yìng to accept 本名行相應
341 9 yìng to permit; to allow 本名行相應
342 9 yìng to echo 本名行相應
343 9 yìng to handle; to deal with 本名行相應
344 9 yìng Ying 本名行相應
345 9 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
346 9 chéng to become; to turn into 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
347 9 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
348 9 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
349 9 chéng a full measure of 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
350 9 chéng whole 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
351 9 chéng set; established 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
352 9 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
353 9 chéng to reconcile 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
354 9 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
355 9 chéng composed of 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
356 9 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
357 9 chéng capable; able; accomplished 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
358 9 chéng to help somebody achieve something 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
359 9 chéng Cheng 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
360 9 chéng Become 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
361 9 chéng becoming; bhāva 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
362 9 ya 訶娜摩羅也
363 9 bottom; base; end 誐底孕
364 9 origin; the cause of a situation 誐底孕
365 9 to stop 誐底孕
366 9 to arrive 誐底孕
367 9 underneath 誐底孕
368 9 a draft; an outline; a sketch 誐底孕
369 9 end of month or year 誐底孕
370 9 remnants 誐底孕
371 9 background 誐底孕
372 9 a little deep; āgādha 誐底孕
373 9 duò to carry on one's back 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
374 9 tuó to carry on one's back 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
375 9 duò dha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
376 9 曩莫 nǎngmò namo; to pay respect to; homage 曩莫三滿多沒駄喃阿
377 9 如來 rúlái Tathagata 如來無量百千俱胝那庾多劫
378 9 如來 Rúlái Tathagata 如來無量百千俱胝那庾多劫
379 9 如來 rúlái Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One 如來無量百千俱胝那庾多劫
380 9 to vex; to offend; to incite 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
381 9 to attract 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
382 9 to worry about 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
383 9 to infect 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
384 9 injure; viheṭhaka 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
385 8 三昧 sānmèi samadhi 此等三昧道
386 8 三昧 sānmèi samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration 此等三昧道
387 8 to take 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
388 8 to bring 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
389 8 to grasp; to hold 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
390 8 to arrest 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
391 8 da 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
392 8 na 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
393 8 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 先觀阿字門
394 8 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 先觀阿字門
395 8 guān to display; to show; to make visible 先觀阿字門
396 8 guān Guan 先觀阿字門
397 8 guān appearance; looks 先觀阿字門
398 8 guān a sight; a view; a vista 先觀阿字門
399 8 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 先觀阿字門
400 8 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 先觀阿字門
401 8 guàn an announcement 先觀阿字門
402 8 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 先觀阿字門
403 8 guān Surview 先觀阿字門
404 8 guān Observe 先觀阿字門
405 8 guàn insight; vipasyana; vipassana 先觀阿字門
406 8 guān mindfulness; contemplation; smrti 先觀阿字門
407 8 guān recollection; anusmrti 先觀阿字門
408 8 guān viewing; avaloka 先觀阿字門
409 8 míng fame; renown; reputation 言名成立相
410 8 míng a name; personal name; designation 言名成立相
411 8 míng rank; position 言名成立相
412 8 míng an excuse 言名成立相
413 8 míng life 言名成立相
414 8 míng to name; to call 言名成立相
415 8 míng to express; to describe 言名成立相
416 8 míng to be called; to have the name 言名成立相
417 8 míng to own; to possess 言名成立相
418 8 míng famous; renowned 言名成立相
419 8 míng moral 言名成立相
420 8 míng name; naman 言名成立相
421 8 míng fame; renown; yasas 言名成立相
422 8 to use; to grasp 他以反
423 8 to rely on 他以反
424 8 to regard 他以反
425 8 to be able to 他以反
426 8 to order; to command 他以反
427 8 used after a verb 他以反
428 8 a reason; a cause 他以反
429 8 Israel 他以反
430 8 Yi 他以反
431 8 use; yogena 他以反
432 8 zūn to honor; to respect 如大日尊而轉法輪
433 8 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 如大日尊而轉法輪
434 8 zūn a wine cup 如大日尊而轉法輪
435 8 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 如大日尊而轉法輪
436 8 zūn supreme; high 如大日尊而轉法輪
437 8 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 如大日尊而轉法輪
438 8 zūn bhagavat; holy one 如大日尊而轉法輪
439 8 zūn lord; patron; natha 如大日尊而轉法輪
440 8 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 如大日尊而轉法輪
441 8 Na 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
442 8 nuó elegant; graceful 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
443 8 da 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
444 8 zhòng many; numerous 而圖眾形像
445 8 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 而圖眾形像
446 8 zhòng general; common; public 而圖眾形像
447 8 三滿多 sānmǎnduō together with; samanta 曩莫三滿多沒駄喃阿
448 8 Kangxi radical 49 纔說真言已
449 8 to bring to an end; to stop 纔說真言已
450 8 to complete 纔說真言已
451 8 to demote; to dismiss 纔說真言已
452 8 to recover from an illness 纔說真言已
453 8 former; pūrvaka 纔說真言已
454 8 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
455 8 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
456 8 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
457 8 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
458 8 fēn a fraction 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
459 8 fēn to express as a fraction 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
460 8 fēn one tenth 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
461 8 fèn a component; an ingredient 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
462 8 fèn the limit of an obligation 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
463 8 fèn affection; goodwill 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
464 8 fèn a role; a responsibility 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
465 8 fēn equinox 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
466 8 fèn a characteristic 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
467 8 fèn to assume; to deduce 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
468 8 fēn to share 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
469 8 fēn branch [office] 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
470 8 fēn clear; distinct 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
471 8 fēn a difference 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
472 8 fēn a score 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
473 8 fèn identity 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
474 8 fèn a part; a portion 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
475 8 fēn part; avayava 時彼如來一切支分無障閡力
476 8 bitter vegetable; thistle 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
477 8 dha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
478 8 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail) 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
479 8 zhuàn to revolve; to turn; to circle about; to walk about 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
480 8 zhuǎn to transmit; to convey; to forward (mail); to transfer; to shift; to turn 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
481 8 zhuǎn to turn; to rotate 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
482 8 zhuǎi to use many literary allusions 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
483 8 zhuǎn to transfer 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
484 8 zhuǎn to move forward; pravartana 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
485 8 行者 xíngzhě a pedestrian; a walker 寂行者幖相
486 8 行者 xíngzhě practitioner 寂行者幖相
487 8 行者 xíngzhě practitioner 寂行者幖相
488 8 行者 xíngzhě abbot's attendant 寂行者幖相
489 8 zhōng middle 是中辟支佛
490 8 zhōng medium; medium sized 是中辟支佛
491 8 zhōng China 是中辟支佛
492 8 zhòng to hit the mark 是中辟支佛
493 8 zhōng midday 是中辟支佛
494 8 zhōng inside 是中辟支佛
495 8 zhōng during 是中辟支佛
496 8 zhōng Zhong 是中辟支佛
497 8 zhōng intermediary 是中辟支佛
498 8 zhōng half 是中辟支佛
499 8 zhòng to reach; to attain 是中辟支佛
500 8 zhòng to suffer; to infect 是中辟支佛

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1026

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 112 one 一七八
2 112 Kangxi radical 1 一七八
3 112 as soon as; all at once 一七八
4 112 pure; concentrated 一七八
5 112 whole; all 一七八
6 112 first 一七八
7 112 the same 一七八
8 112 each 一七八
9 112 certain 一七八
10 112 throughout 一七八
11 112 used in between a reduplicated verb 一七八
12 112 sole; single 一七八
13 112 a very small amount 一七八
14 112 Yi 一七八
15 112 other 一七八
16 112 to unify 一七八
17 112 accidentally; coincidentally 一七八
18 112 abruptly; suddenly 一七八
19 112 or 一七八
20 112 one; eka 一七八
21 78 èr two 二合
22 78 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
23 78 èr second 二合
24 78 èr twice; double; di- 二合
25 78 èr another; the other 二合
26 78 èr more than one kind 二合
27 78 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
28 78 èr both; dvaya 二合
29 54 eight 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
30 54 Kangxi radical 12 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
31 54 eighth 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
32 54 all around; all sides 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
33 54 eight; aṣṭa 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
34 49 sān three 一八三
35 49 sān third 一八三
36 49 sān more than two 一八三
37 49 sān very few 一八三
38 49 sān repeatedly 一八三
39 49 sān San 一八三
40 49 sān three; tri 一八三
41 49 sān sa 一八三
42 49 sān three kinds; trividha 一八三
43 47 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 乃至一切字
44 47 一切 yīqiè temporary 乃至一切字
45 47 一切 yīqiè the same 乃至一切字
46 47 一切 yīqiè generally 乃至一切字
47 47 一切 yīqiè all, everything 乃至一切字
48 47 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 乃至一切字
49 47 letter; symbol; character 轉生於嚩字
50 47 Zi 轉生於嚩字
51 47 to love 轉生於嚩字
52 47 to teach; to educate 轉生於嚩字
53 47 to be allowed to marry 轉生於嚩字
54 47 courtesy name; style name; scholarly or literary name 轉生於嚩字
55 47 diction; wording 轉生於嚩字
56 47 handwriting 轉生於嚩字
57 47 calligraphy; a work of calligraphy 轉生於嚩字
58 47 a written pledge; a letter; a contract 轉生於嚩字
59 47 a font; a calligraphic style 轉生於嚩字
60 47 the phonetic value of a character; the pronunciation of a character 轉生於嚩字
61 44 to join; to combine 二合
62 44 a time; a trip 二合
63 44 to close 二合
64 44 to agree with; equal to 二合
65 44 to gather 二合
66 44 whole 二合
67 44 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
68 44 a musical note 二合
69 44 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
70 44 to fight 二合
71 44 to conclude 二合
72 44 to be similar to 二合
73 44 and; also 二合
74 44 crowded 二合
75 44 a box 二合
76 44 to copulate 二合
77 44 a partner; a spouse 二合
78 44 harmonious 二合
79 44 should 二合
80 44 He 二合
81 44 a unit of measure for grain 二合
82 44 a container for grain measurement 二合
83 44 Merge 二合
84 44 unite; saṃyoga 二合
85 42 liù six
86 42 liù sixth
87 42 liù a note on the Gongche scale
88 42 liù six; ṣaṭ
89 40 four 一八四
90 40 note a musical scale 一八四
91 40 fourth 一八四
92 40 Si 一八四
93 40 four; catur 一八四
94 39 shàng top; a high position 上短
95 39 shang top; the position on or above something 上短
96 39 shàng to go up; to go forward 上短
97 39 shàng shang 上短
98 39 shàng previous; last 上短
99 39 shàng high; higher 上短
100 39 shàng advanced 上短
101 39 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上短
102 39 shàng time 上短
103 39 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上短
104 39 shàng far 上短
105 39 shàng big; as big as 上短
106 39 shàng abundant; plentiful 上短
107 39 shàng to report 上短
108 39 shàng to offer 上短
109 39 shàng to go on stage 上短
110 39 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上短
111 39 shàng to install; to erect 上短
112 39 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上短
113 39 shàng to burn 上短
114 39 shàng to remember 上短
115 39 shang on; in 上短
116 39 shàng upward 上短
117 39 shàng to add 上短
118 39 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上短
119 39 shàng to meet 上短
120 39 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上短
121 39 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上短
122 39 shàng a musical note 上短
123 39 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上短
124 38 to enter 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
125 38 Kangxi radical 11 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
126 38 radical 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
127 38 income 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
128 38 to conform with 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
129 38 to descend 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
130 38 the entering tone 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
131 38 to pay 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
132 38 to join 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
133 38 entering; praveśa 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
134 38 entered; attained; āpanna 攝大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經大悲胎藏轉字輪成三藐三佛陀入八祕密六月成就儀軌卷第三
135 38 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 為利眾生故
136 38 old; ancient; former; past 為利眾生故
137 38 reason; cause; purpose 為利眾生故
138 38 to die 為利眾生故
139 38 so; therefore; hence 為利眾生故
140 38 original 為利眾生故
141 38 accident; happening; instance 為利眾生故
142 38 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 為利眾生故
143 38 something in the past 為利眾生故
144 38 deceased; dead 為利眾生故
145 38 still; yet 為利眾生故
146 38 therefore; tasmāt 為利眾生故
147 38 seven 一七八
148 38 a genre of poetry 一七八
149 38 seventh day memorial ceremony 一七八
150 38 seven; sapta 一七八
151 36 fu 轉生於嚩字
152 36 va 轉生於嚩字
153 35 five
154 35 fifth musical note
155 35 Wu
156 35 the five elements
157 35 five; pañca
158 33 諸法 zhū fǎ all things; all dharmas 阿字門一切諸法本不生故
159 32 jiǔ nine 一七九
160 32 jiǔ many 一七九
161 32 jiǔ nine; nava 一七九
162 31 yǐn to lead; to guide 引長
163 31 yǐn to draw a bow 引長
164 31 yǐn to prolong; to extend; to lengthen 引長
165 31 yǐn to stretch 引長
166 31 yǐn to involve 引長
167 31 yǐn to quote; to cite 引長
168 31 yǐn to propose; to nominate; to recommend 引長
169 31 yǐn to recruit 引長
170 31 yǐn to hold 引長
171 31 yǐn to withdraw; to leave 引長
172 31 yǐn a strap for pulling a cart 引長
173 31 yǐn a preface ; a forward 引長
174 31 yǐn a license 引長
175 31 yǐn long 引長
176 31 yǐn yin; a measure of distance about 1/30th of a km 引長
177 31 yǐn to cause 引長
178 31 yǐn yin; a measure of for salt certificates 引長
179 31 yǐn to pull; to draw 引長
180 31 yǐn a refrain; a tune 引長
181 31 yǐn to grow 引長
182 31 yǐn to command 引長
183 31 yǐn to accuse 引長
184 31 yǐn to commit suicide 引長
185 31 yǐn a genre 引長
186 31 yǐn yin; a weight measure 引長
187 31 yǐn yin; a unit of paper money 引長
188 31 yǐn drawing towards; upasaṃhāra 引長
189 30 in; at 轉生於嚩字
190 30 in; at 轉生於嚩字
191 30 in; at; to; from 轉生於嚩字
192 30 to go; to 轉生於嚩字
193 30 to rely on; to depend on 轉生於嚩字
194 30 to go to; to arrive at 轉生於嚩字
195 30 from 轉生於嚩字
196 30 give 轉生於嚩字
197 30 oppposing 轉生於嚩字
198 30 and 轉生於嚩字
199 30 compared to 轉生於嚩字
200 30 by 轉生於嚩字
201 30 and; as well as 轉生於嚩字
202 30 for 轉生於嚩字
203 30 Yu 轉生於嚩字
204 30 a crow 轉生於嚩字
205 30 whew; wow 轉生於嚩字
206 30 near to; antike 轉生於嚩字
207 29 líng zero 一八〇
208 29 líng 2015 一八〇
209 28 真言 zhēnyán true words 菩提心真言下同
210 28 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 菩提心真言下同
211 28 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 菩提心真言下同
212 27 wèi for; to 為利眾生故
213 27 wèi because of 為利眾生故
214 27 wéi to act as; to serve 為利眾生故
215 27 wéi to change into; to become 為利眾生故
216 27 wéi to be; is 為利眾生故
217 27 wéi to do 為利眾生故
218 27 wèi for 為利眾生故
219 27 wèi because of; for; to 為利眾生故
220 27 wèi to 為利眾生故
221 27 wéi in a passive construction 為利眾生故
222 27 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為利眾生故
223 27 wéi forming an adverb 為利眾生故
224 27 wéi to add emphasis 為利眾生故
225 27 wèi to support; to help 為利眾生故
226 27 wéi to govern 為利眾生故
227 27 wèi to be; bhū 為利眾生故
228 26 suō to dance; to frolic 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
229 26 suō to lounge 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
230 26 suō to saunter 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
231 26 suō suo 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
232 26 suō sa 曩莫三滿多沒馱喃娑
233 24 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 而成曼荼羅
234 24 ér Kangxi radical 126 而成曼荼羅
235 24 ér you 而成曼荼羅
236 24 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 而成曼荼羅
237 24 ér right away; then 而成曼荼羅
238 24 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 而成曼荼羅
239 24 ér if; in case; in the event that 而成曼荼羅
240 24 ér therefore; as a result; thus 而成曼荼羅
241 24 ér how can it be that? 而成曼荼羅
242 24 ér so as to 而成曼荼羅
243 24 ér only then 而成曼荼羅
244 24 ér as if; to seem like 而成曼荼羅
245 24 néng can; able 而成曼荼羅
246 24 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 而成曼荼羅
247 24 ér me 而成曼荼羅
248 24 ér to arrive; up to 而成曼荼羅
249 24 ér possessive 而成曼荼羅
250 24 ér and; ca 而成曼荼羅
251 23 such as; for example; for instance 餘相廣如經
252 23 if 餘相廣如經
253 23 in accordance with 餘相廣如經
254 23 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 餘相廣如經
255 23 this 餘相廣如經
256 23 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 餘相廣如經
257 23 to go to 餘相廣如經
258 23 to meet 餘相廣如經
259 23 to appear; to seem; to be like 餘相廣如經
260 23 at least as good as 餘相廣如經
261 23 and 餘相廣如經
262 23 or 餘相廣如經
263 23 but 餘相廣如經
264 23 then 餘相廣如經
265 23 naturally 餘相廣如經
266 23 expresses a question or doubt 餘相廣如經
267 23 you 餘相廣如經
268 23 the second lunar month 餘相廣如經
269 23 in; at 餘相廣如經
270 23 Ru 餘相廣如經
271 23 Thus 餘相廣如經
272 23 thus; tathā 餘相廣如經
273 23 like; iva 餘相廣如經
274 23 suchness; tathatā 餘相廣如經
275 21 to congratulate 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
276 21 to send a present 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
277 21 He 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
278 21 ha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
279 21 不可得 bù kě dé cannot be obtained 佉字門一切諸法等虛空不可得故
280 21 不可得 bù kě dé unobtainable 佉字門一切諸法等虛空不可得故
281 21 不可得 bù kě dé unattainable 佉字門一切諸法等虛空不可得故
282 20 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 緣覺聲聞說
283 20 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 緣覺聲聞說
284 20 shuì to persuade 緣覺聲聞說
285 20 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 緣覺聲聞說
286 20 shuō a doctrine; a theory 緣覺聲聞說
287 20 shuō to claim; to assert 緣覺聲聞說
288 20 shuō allocution 緣覺聲聞說
289 20 shuō to criticize; to scold 緣覺聲聞說
290 20 shuō to indicate; to refer to 緣覺聲聞說
291 20 shuō speach; vāda 緣覺聲聞說
292 20 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 緣覺聲聞說
293 20 shuō to instruct 緣覺聲聞說
294 19 zhī him; her; them; that 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
295 19 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
296 19 zhī to go 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
297 19 zhī this; that 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
298 19 zhī genetive marker 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
299 19 zhī it 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
300 19 zhī in; in regards to 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
301 19 zhī all 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
302 19 zhī and 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
303 19 zhī however 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
304 19 zhī if 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
305 19 zhī then 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
306 19 zhī to arrive; to go 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
307 19 zhī is 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
308 19 zhī to use 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
309 19 zhī Zhi 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
310 19 zhī winding 二合此轉皆轉音入聲戴呼之
311 18 this; these 轉此成幖幟
312 18 in this way 轉此成幖幟
313 18 otherwise; but; however; so 轉此成幖幟
314 18 at this time; now; here 轉此成幖幟
315 18 this; here; etad 轉此成幖幟
316 18 zhū all; many; various 摧害於諸過
317 18 zhū Zhu 摧害於諸過
318 18 zhū all; members of the class 摧害於諸過
319 18 zhū interrogative particle 摧害於諸過
320 18 zhū him; her; them; it 摧害於諸過
321 18 zhū of; in 摧害於諸過
322 18 zhū all; many; sarva 摧害於諸過
323 17 luó an exclamatory final particle 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
324 17 luó baby talk 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
325 17 luō to nag 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
326 17 luó ra 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
327 16 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 寶冠舉手印
328 16 yìn India 寶冠舉手印
329 16 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 寶冠舉手印
330 16 yìn a seal; a stamp 寶冠舉手印
331 16 yìn to tally 寶冠舉手印
332 16 yìn a vestige; a trace 寶冠舉手印
333 16 yìn Yin 寶冠舉手印
334 16 yìn to leave a track or trace 寶冠舉手印
335 16 yìn mudra 寶冠舉手印
336 16 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 住於字門者
337 16 zhě that 住於字門者
338 16 zhě nominalizing function word 住於字門者
339 16 zhě used to mark a definition 住於字門者
340 16 zhě used to mark a pause 住於字門者
341 16 zhě topic marker; that; it 住於字門者
342 16 zhuó according to 住於字門者
343 16 zhě ca 住於字門者
344 16 that; those 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
345 16 another; the other 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
346 16 that; tad 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
347 14 his; hers; its; theirs 二合其此載第二轉聲
348 14 to add emphasis 二合其此載第二轉聲
349 14 used when asking a question in reply to a question 二合其此載第二轉聲
350 14 used when making a request or giving an order 二合其此載第二轉聲
351 14 he; her; it; them 二合其此載第二轉聲
352 14 probably; likely 二合其此載第二轉聲
353 14 will 二合其此載第二轉聲
354 14 may 二合其此載第二轉聲
355 14 if 二合其此載第二轉聲
356 14 or 二合其此載第二轉聲
357 14 Qi 二合其此載第二轉聲
358 14 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 二合其此載第二轉聲
359 14 kǒu measure word for people, pigs, and kitcheware
360 14 kǒu Kangxi radical 30
361 14 kǒu mouth
362 14 kǒu an opening; a hole
363 14 kǒu eloquence
364 14 kǒu the edge of a blade
365 14 kǒu edge; border
366 14 kǒu verbal; oral
367 14 kǒu taste
368 14 kǒu population; people
369 14 kǒu an entrance; an exit; a pass
370 14 kǒu mouth; eopening; entrance; mukha
371 14 shì is; are; am; to be 是佛頂名號
372 14 shì is exactly 是佛頂名號
373 14 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是佛頂名號
374 14 shì this; that; those 是佛頂名號
375 14 shì really; certainly 是佛頂名號
376 14 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是佛頂名號
377 14 shì true 是佛頂名號
378 14 shì is; has; exists 是佛頂名號
379 14 shì used between repetitions of a word 是佛頂名號
380 14 shì a matter; an affair 是佛頂名號
381 14 shì Shi 是佛頂名號
382 14 shì is; bhū 是佛頂名號
383 14 shì this; idam 是佛頂名號
384 14 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 一切所希願
385 14 suǒ an office; an institute 一切所希願
386 14 suǒ introduces a relative clause 一切所希願
387 14 suǒ it 一切所希願
388 14 suǒ if; supposing 一切所希願
389 14 suǒ a few; various; some 一切所希願
390 14 suǒ a place; a location 一切所希願
391 14 suǒ indicates a passive voice 一切所希願
392 14 suǒ that which 一切所希願
393 14 suǒ an ordinal number 一切所希願
394 14 suǒ meaning 一切所希願
395 14 suǒ garrison 一切所希願
396 14 suǒ place; pradeśa 一切所希願
397 14 suǒ that which; yad 一切所希願
398 12 he; him 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
399 12 another aspect 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
400 12 other; another; some other 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
401 12 everybody 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
402 12 other 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
403 12 tuō other; another; some other 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
404 12 tha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
405 12 ṭha 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
406 12 other; anya 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
407 12 字門 zìmén letter gateway; letter teaching 住於字門者
408 12 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 住於字門者
409 12 zhù to stop; to halt 住於字門者
410 12 zhù to retain; to remain 住於字門者
411 12 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 住於字門者
412 12 zhù firmly; securely 住於字門者
413 12 zhù verb complement 住於字門者
414 12 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 住於字門者
415 12 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 餘相廣如經
416 12 xiàng to observe; to assess 餘相廣如經
417 12 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 餘相廣如經
418 12 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 餘相廣如經
419 12 xiàng to aid; to help 餘相廣如經
420 12 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 餘相廣如經
421 12 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 餘相廣如經
422 12 xiāng alternately; in turn 餘相廣如經
423 12 xiāng Xiang 餘相廣如經
424 12 xiāng form substance 餘相廣如經
425 12 xiāng to express 餘相廣如經
426 12 xiàng to choose 餘相廣如經
427 12 xiāng Xiang 餘相廣如經
428 12 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 餘相廣如經
429 12 xiāng the seventh lunar month 餘相廣如經
430 12 xiāng to compare 餘相廣如經
431 12 xiàng to divine 餘相廣如經
432 12 xiàng to administer 餘相廣如經
433 12 xiàng helper for a blind person 餘相廣如經
434 12 xiāng rhythm [music] 餘相廣如經
435 12 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 餘相廣如經
436 12 xiāng coralwood 餘相廣如經
437 12 xiàng ministry 餘相廣如經
438 12 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 餘相廣如經
439 12 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 餘相廣如經
440 12 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 餘相廣如經
441 12 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 餘相廣如經
442 12 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 餘相廣如經
443 12 一一 yīyī one by one; one after another 一一諸真言
444 12 一一 yīyī one or two 一一諸真言
445 12 一一 yīyī in order 一一諸真言
446 12 一一 yīyī a few 一一諸真言
447 12 一一 yīyī one by one; ekaika 一一諸真言
448 12 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若住佛世尊
449 12 ruò seemingly 若住佛世尊
450 12 ruò if 若住佛世尊
451 12 ruò you 若住佛世尊
452 12 ruò this; that 若住佛世尊
453 12 ruò and; or 若住佛世尊
454 12 ruò as for; pertaining to 若住佛世尊
455 12 pomegranite 若住佛世尊
456 12 ruò to choose 若住佛世尊
457 12 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若住佛世尊
458 12 ruò thus 若住佛世尊
459 12 ruò pollia 若住佛世尊
460 12 ruò Ruo 若住佛世尊
461 12 ruò only then 若住佛世尊
462 12 ja 若住佛世尊
463 12 jñā 若住佛世尊
464 12 ruò if; yadi 若住佛世尊
465 11 一二 yīèr one or two; a few 一二
466 11 金剛 jīngāng a diamond 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
467 11 金剛 jīngāng King Kong 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
468 11 金剛 jīngāng a hard object 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
469 11 金剛 jīngāng gorilla 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
470 11 金剛 jīngāng diamond 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
471 11 金剛 jīngāng vajra 爾時大日尊住降伏四魔金剛戲三昧說降伏四魔解脫彼六趣滿足一切智智金剛字句真言曰
472 11 de potential marker 得具如來十號
473 11 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 得具如來十號
474 11 děi must; ought to 得具如來十號
475 11 děi to want to; to need to 得具如來十號
476 11 děi must; ought to 得具如來十號
477 11 de 得具如來十號
478 11 de infix potential marker 得具如來十號
479 11 to result in 得具如來十號
480 11 to be proper; to fit; to suit 得具如來十號
481 11 to be satisfied 得具如來十號
482 11 to be finished 得具如來十號
483 11 de result of degree 得具如來十號
484 11 de marks completion of an action 得具如來十號
485 11 děi satisfying 得具如來十號
486 11 to contract 得具如來十號
487 11 marks permission or possibility 得具如來十號
488 11 expressing frustration 得具如來十號
489 11 to hear 得具如來十號
490 11 to have; there is 得具如來十號
491 11 marks time passed 得具如來十號
492 11 obtain; attain; prāpta 得具如來十號
493 11 é to intone 爾時婆誐鑁
494 11 é ga 爾時婆誐鑁
495 11 é na 爾時婆誐鑁
496 11 wilderness 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
497 11 open country; field 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
498 11 outskirts; countryside 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
499 11 wild; uncivilized 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉
500 11 celestial area 佉誐伽左瑳惹酇吒姹拏荼跢他娜馱跛頗麼婆野囉攞嚩捨灑娑賀乞叉


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
one; eka
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
eight; aṣṭa
  1. sān
  2. sān
  3. sān
  1. three; tri
  2. sa
  3. three kinds; trividha
  1. yīqiè
  2. yīqiè
  1. all, everything
  2. all; sarva
  1. Merge
  2. unite; saṃyoga
liù six; ṣaṭ
four; catur
shàng higher, superior; uttara
  1. entering; praveśa
  2. entered; attained; āpanna

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿赖耶 阿賴耶 196 Ālaya Consciousness; Store-house Consciousness
阿逸多 196 Ajita
宝幢佛 寶幢佛 98 Ratnaketu Buddha
宝幢如来 寶幢如來 98 Ratnaketu Tathagata
北方 98 The North
悲生曼荼罗 悲生曼荼羅 98 Great Compassion Mandala
遍照尊 98 Vairocana
长广 長廣 99 Changguang
慈觉 慈覺 99
  1. Ci Jue
  2. Jikaku
慈觉大师 慈覺大師 99
  1. Ennin
  2. Ennin
慈氏菩萨 慈氏菩薩 99 Maitreya
大功德 100 Laksmi
大宝 大寶 100 mahāratna; a precious jewel
大光 100 Vistīrṇavatī
大慧 100
  1. Mahāmati
  2. mahāprajñā; great wisdom
  3. Dahui Zonggao; Zonggao
达磨 達磨 100 Bodhidharma
大毘卢遮那成佛神变加持经 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經 100 Vairocana Sutra
大日 100 Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
法句 102 Dhammapada
法性身 102 Dharmakaya; Dharmakāya; Dharma Body
佛世尊 102 Buddha, the world-honoured; bhagavat
嚩庾 102 Vayu
广平 廣平 103 Guangping
观世音 觀世音 71
  1. Avalokitesvara
  2. Avalokitesvara; Avalokiteśvara; Guanyin
观音 觀音 103
  1. Guanyin [Bodhisattva]
  2. Avalokitesvara
  3. Avalokitesvara
观自在菩萨 觀自在菩薩 103 Avalokitesvara bodhisattva
慧光 104
  1. the light of wisdom
  2. Huiguang
  3. Ekō
  4. Ekō
火方 104 Agni; southeast
金刚手 金剛手 106 Vajrapāṇi; Vajrapani Bodhisattva
开敷华 開敷華 107 Samkusumita
开敷华王如来 開敷華王如來 107 Samkusumita Raja Tathagata
灵云寺 靈雲寺 108
  1. Lingyun Temple
  2. Reiunji
六趣 108 six realms; six realms of existence; six destinies
六月 108
  1. June; the Sixth Month
  2. sixth lunar month; bhādra
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
  4. ra
没驮 沒馱 109 Buddha
妙吉祥 109
  1. Wondrous Auspiciousness
  2. wonderful and auspicious
  3. Wondrous Auspiciousness; Manjusri
弥勒 彌勒 109
  1. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
  2. Maitreya
  3. Maitreya [Bodhisattva]
摩罗 摩羅 109 Māra
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
毘卢遮那佛 毘盧遮那佛 112 Vairocana Buddha
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
普贤菩萨 普賢菩薩 112 Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
普愿 普願 112 Nanquan; Puyuan
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
僧伽 115
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
商佉 115 Sankha
摄大轨 攝大軌 115 Mahavairocana Ritual Manual
圣天 聖天 115
  1. Shōden
  2. āryadeva
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
释梵 釋梵 115 Sakra and Brahma; Śakra and Brahmā
时婆 時婆 115 jīvaka
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四明 115 Si Ming
四魔 115 the four kinds of evil
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
武城 119 Wucheng
相如 120 Xiangru
西北方 120 northwest; northwestern
一九 121 Amitābha
因陀罗 因陀羅 121 Indra
磔迦 122 Ṭakka
正遍知 90
  1. correct peerless enlightenment
  2. Truly All-Knowing; Knower of the world; the Buddha
正等觉 正等覺 122 Complete Enlightenment; Absolute Universal Englightened Awareness
正德 122 Emperor Zhengde
執金刚 執金剛 122 Vajrapani
智证 智證 122
  1. realization through wisdom
  2. Zhi Zheng
  3. Chishō
字说 字說 122 Zishuo; Character Dictionary
宗睿 122 Soei


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 221.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿字 97 the letter a
阿字门 阿字門 196 the teaching of the character a
安坐 196 steady meditation
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
八功德水 98 water with eight merits
白拂 98 a white yak tail fly whisk
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
宝铃 寶鈴 98 a bell decorated with jewels
宝冠 寶冠 98 a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
本不生 98 originally having a state of no birth; non-arising; adyanutpada
本尊 98 istadevata; ishta-deva; ishta-devata; a tutelary deity; a meditation deity; yi dam
遍照 98
  1. to illuminate everywhere
  2. shinging everywhere; vairocana
  3. Vairocana
幖帜 幖幟 98 a symbol
波字门 波字門 98 method of reciting the character pa
般若 98
  1. Prajna Wisdom
  2. prajna
  3. prajna; prajñā; paññā; great wisdom
  4. Prajñā
不思议 不思議 98
  1. inconceivable
  2. inconceivable
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
禅定 禪定 99
  1. meditative concentration
  2. meditative concentration; meditation
  3. to meditate
长养 長養 99
  1. to nurture
  2. fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
常住 99
  1. monastery
  2. Permanence
  3. a long-term resident at a monastery
  4. permanence; eternalism; śāśvata; nitya-sthita
车字门 車字門 99 method of reciting the character cha
成正觉 成正覺 99 to become a Buddha
诚谛 誠諦 99 truth; bhūta
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
持金刚 持金剛 99
  1. vajradhara
  2. Vajrapāṇi
持明 99
  1. dharanī
  2. wisdom bearer; vidyadhara
持诵 持誦 99 to chant; to recite
出入息 99 breath out and in
垂布 99 drop down and spread
此等 99 they; eṣā
大莲华 大蓮華 100 great white lotus
大愿 大願 100 a great vow
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
大空 100 the great void
怛啰 怛囉 100 trasana; terrifying
灯明 燈明 100 a lamp held before the Buddha
等正觉 等正覺 100 samyaksaṃbodhi; perfect enlightenment
等引 100 equipose; samāhita
等至 100 samāpatti; meditative attainment
地居天 100
  1. earth-dwelling deities
  2. Dwelling Ground Heaven
第一义谛 第一義諦 100 absolute truth; supreme truth; paramartha; paramarthasatya
谛语 諦語 100 right speech
多字门 多字門 100 method of reciting the character ta
驮曩 馱曩 100 dana; the practice of giving; generosity
阏伽 閼伽 195 scented water; argha
二空 195 two types of emptiness
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
法教 102
  1. Buddhism; Buddhadharma; the teaching of the Dharma
  2. teaching
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
放光 102
  1. to emit light
  2. to produce light
法住 102 dharma abode
佛菩萨 佛菩薩 102 Buddhas and bodhisattvas
佛顶 佛頂 102 Buddha crown; usnisa
佛智 102 Buddha knowledge; Buddha wisdom
古佛 103 former Buddhas
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
光焰 103 aureola
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
海会 海會 104
  1. assembly of monastics
  2. assembly of saints
  3. cemetery
诃字门 訶字門 104 method of reciting the character ha
吽字 104 hum syllable; hum-kara
华藏 華藏 104 lotus-treasury
慧光 104
  1. the light of wisdom
  2. Huiguang
  3. Ekō
  4. Ekō
迦字门 迦字門 106 method of reciting the character ka
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
加持句 106 empowering words
迦罗 迦羅 106
  1. kala; a very short unit of time
  2. kala; a very small particle
间错 間錯 106 [jewels] fixed into; pratyupta
伽陀 106 gatha; verse
羯磨 106 karma
积集 積集 106 saṃcaya; collection; gathering; accumulation; heap
金刚不坏 金剛不壞 106 indestructible diamond
金轮 金輪 106 golden wheel; kancana-mandala; kancana-cakra
金刚印 金剛印 106 vajra mudra
救世者真言 106 mantra of a savior of the world
救世者 106 protector; guardian of the world
卷第三 106 scroll 3
具戒 106
  1. full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
  2. gifted with conduct
聚沫 106 foam; phena
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
利众生 利眾生 108 beneficial to the world
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
了知 108 to understand clearly
六波罗蜜 六波羅蜜 108 six pāramitas; six perfections
六念 108 the six contemplations
啰字门 囉字門 108 method of reciting the character ra
落叉 108 laksa; one hundred thousand; innumerable
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
么字门 麼字門 109 method of reciting the character ba
曼荼罗 曼荼羅 109 mandala; cicle of divinity
漫荼罗 漫荼羅 109 mandala
没驮南 沒馱南 109 buddhānām
灭度 滅度 109
  1. to extinguish worries and the sea of grief
  2. Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
秘密主 祕密主 109 lord of secrets
密印 109 a mudra
末罗 末羅 109
  1. jasmine; mallika
  2. Malla
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
拏字门 拏字門 110 method of reciting the character ḍa
娜字门 娜字門 110 method of reciting the character da
曩莫 110 namo; to pay respect to; homage
那由他 110 a nayuta
那庾多 110 nayuta; a huge number
能持 110 ability to uphold the precepts
能破 110 refutation
念持 110
  1. to remember and to accept and maintain faith
  2. Smrtisamprajanyin
哦字门 哦字門 195 method of reciting the character ga
平等观 平等觀 112
  1. Mind of Equality
  2. contemplation of equality; contemplation on provisional truth
辟支佛 112 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
婆字门 婆字門 112 method of reciting the character bha
颇字门 頗字門 112 method of reciting the character pha
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
七母 113 seven mothers
七菩提宝 七菩提寶 113 seven treasures of bodhi
乞叉 113 yaksa
求法 113 to seek the Dharma
佉字门 佉字門 113 method of reciting the character kha
权智不思议 權智不思議 113 inconceivable skill in means
群生 113 all living beings
取着 取著 113 grasping; attachment
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
如來十号 如來十號 82 the ten names of the Tathāgata; the ten epithets of the Tathāgata
如如 114
  1. Thusness
  2. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature
儒童 114 a young boy
萨嚩 薩嚩 115 sarva; all
三满多 三滿多 115 together with; samanta
三么曳 三麼曳 115 trisama; having three equal parts
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三昧耶 115 samaya; vow
三藐三佛陀 115 samyaksaṃbuddha; a perfectly enlightened one
三摩钵底 三摩鉢底 115 samāpatti; meditative attainment
三摩地 115 samadhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
三菩提 115 saṃbodhi; complete enlightenment
沙字门 沙字門 115 method of reciting the character ṣa
善男子 115
  1. good men
  2. a good man; a son of a noble family
扇多 115 sānta; tranquil; calm
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
舌根 115 organ of taste; tongue
社字门 社字門 115 method of reciting the character jha
身语意 身語意 115 physical actions, speech, and thought
生欢喜 生歡喜 115 giving rise to joy
生身 115 the physical body of a Buddha
什深 甚深 115 very profound; what is deep
摄心 攝心 115 to concentrate
师承 師承 115 succeed one's teacher
十号 十號 115 the ten names of the Tathāgata; the ten epithets of the Tathāgata
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
十智 115 ten forms of understanding
十八佛不共法 115 eighteen characterisitics unique to Buddhas
十如 115 ten qualities
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
四梵住 115 the four brahmaviharas
四门 四門 115 the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四念处 四念處 115
  1. the four bases of mindfulness
  2. The Four Bases of Mindfulness
四圣谛 四聖諦 115 the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
四神足 115 the four kinds of teleportation
四一 115 four ones
娑字门 娑字門 115 method of reciting the character sa
他字门 他字門 116 method of reciting the character tha
胎藏 116 womb
天众 天眾 116 devas
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
万德庄严 萬德莊嚴 119 Boundless Virtues and Solemnity
未来世 未來世 119 times to come; the future
无得 無得 119 Non-Attainment
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
无所得 無所得 119 nothing to be attained
无量寿 無量壽 119
  1. infinite life
  2. amitayus; boundless age; infinite life
香华 香華 120 incense and flowers
悉地 120 attainment; supernatural power; siddhi
心地 120
  1. Mind Ground
  2. mind; mental ground
行相 120 to conceptualize about phenomena
信解 120 resolution; determination; adhimukti
心真言 120 heart mantra
修多罗 修多羅 120 sūtra; sutta
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
野字门 野字門 121 method of reciting the character ya
业果 業果 121 karmic retribution; cause and effect; fruit of actions; karma and results; karmaphala
业障 業障 121
  1. karmic hindrance
  2. a karmic obstruction
仪轨 儀軌 121 ritual; ritual manual
一合相 121 a composite
意生 121
  1. arising from thoughts; produced mentally at will
  2. Manojava
以要言之 121 in summary; essentially speaking
一一句 121 sentence by sentence; ekaika-pada
义利 義利 121 weal; benefit
阴藏相 陰藏相 121 with hidden private parts
应知 應知 121 should be known
印契 121 a mudra
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
一切智 121
  1. wisdom of all
  2. sarvajñatā; all-knowledge; omniscience
一切智智 121 sarvajñāta; sarvajña-jñāta
一音 121
  1. one voice
  2. one sound; the sound of the Buddha
缘觉 緣覺 121
  1. pratyekabuddha
  2. pratyekabuddha
愿力 願力 121
  1. Power of Vow
  2. the power of a vow
圆坛 圓壇 121 round ritual area; mandala
在家出家 122 observing monastic discipline without being ordained
吒字门 吒字門 122 method of reciting the character ṭa
遮字门 遮字門 122 method of reciting the character ca
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
止观 止觀 122
  1. Cessation and Contemplation
  2. calming and contemplating
  3. calming and insight; calming and contemplation; śamatha and vipaśyanā
智证 智證 122
  1. realization through wisdom
  2. Zhi Zheng
  3. Chishō
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
种姓 種姓 122 Buddhist lineage; gotra
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
诸如来 諸如來 122 all tathagatas
诸事 諸事 122 all things; everything
住世 122 living in the world
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
转法轮印 轉法輪印 122 Dharmacakra mudra
诸法自在 諸法自在 122 sarvadharmeśvara
字轮 字輪 122 wheel of characters
字门 字門 122 letter gateway; letter teaching
自体 自體 122 oneself; ātmabhāva
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
最上 122 supreme
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara