Glossary and Vocabulary for Fo Shuo Li Shi Apitan Lun 佛說立世阿毘曇論, Scroll 2

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 119 由旬 yóuxún yojana 高一由旬半
2 111 Qi 其廣亦爾
3 75 bǎo a treasure; a valuable item 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
4 75 bǎo treasured; cherished 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
5 75 bǎo a jewel; gem 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
6 75 bǎo precious 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
7 75 bǎo noble 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
8 75 bǎo an imperial seal 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
9 75 bǎo a unit of currency 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
10 75 bǎo Bao 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
11 75 bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; ratna 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
12 75 bǎo jewel; gem; mani 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
13 72 Yi 其廣亦爾
14 69 suǒ a few; various; some 水所漬處
15 69 suǒ a place; a location 水所漬處
16 69 suǒ indicates a passive voice 水所漬處
17 69 suǒ an ordinal number 水所漬處
18 69 suǒ meaning 水所漬處
19 69 suǒ garrison 水所漬處
20 69 suǒ place; pradeśa 水所漬處
21 64 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 亦如是
22 59 shí time; a point or period of time 於秋月時
23 59 shí a season; a quarter of a year 於秋月時
24 59 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 於秋月時
25 59 shí fashionable 於秋月時
26 59 shí fate; destiny; luck 於秋月時
27 59 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 於秋月時
28 59 shí tense 於秋月時
29 59 shí particular; special 於秋月時
30 59 shí to plant; to cultivate 於秋月時
31 59 shí an era; a dynasty 於秋月時
32 59 shí time [abstract] 於秋月時
33 59 shí seasonal 於秋月時
34 59 shí to wait upon 於秋月時
35 59 shí hour 於秋月時
36 59 shí appropriate; proper; timely 於秋月時
37 59 shí Shi 於秋月時
38 59 shí a present; currentlt 於秋月時
39 59 shí time; kāla 於秋月時
40 59 shí at that time; samaya 於秋月時
41 55 xiàng figure; image; appearance 有八千象
42 55 xiàng elephant 有八千象
43 55 xiàng ivory 有八千象
44 55 xiàng to be like; to seem 有八千象
45 55 xiàng premier 有八千象
46 55 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 有八千象
47 55 xiàng phenomena 有八千象
48 55 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 有八千象
49 55 xiàng image commentary 有八千象
50 55 xiàng a kind of weapon 有八千象
51 55 xiàng Xiang 有八千象
52 55 xiàng to imitate 有八千象
53 55 xiàng elephant; gaja 有八千象
54 55 wàn ten thousand 八萬由
55 55 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 八萬由
56 55 wàn Wan 八萬由
57 55 Mo 八萬由
58 55 wàn scorpion dance 八萬由
59 55 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 八萬由
60 53 to reach 廣及中間
61 53 to attain 廣及中間
62 53 to understand 廣及中間
63 53 able to be compared to; to catch up with 廣及中間
64 53 to be involved with; to associate with 廣及中間
65 53 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 廣及中間
66 53 and; ca; api 廣及中間
67 52 four 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
68 52 note a musical scale 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
69 52 fourth 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
70 52 Si 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
71 52 four; catur 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
72 48 wéi to act as; to serve 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
73 48 wéi to change into; to become 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
74 48 wéi to be; is 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
75 48 wéi to do 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
76 48 wèi to support; to help 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
77 48 wéi to govern 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
78 48 wèi to be; bhū 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
79 48 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 高三伽浮多
80 48 duó many; much 高三伽浮多
81 48 duō more 高三伽浮多
82 48 duō excessive 高三伽浮多
83 48 duō abundant 高三伽浮多
84 48 duō to multiply; to acrue 高三伽浮多
85 48 duō Duo 高三伽浮多
86 48 duō ta 高三伽浮多
87 45 zhī to go 皆象王等之所住處
88 45 zhī to arrive; to go 皆象王等之所住處
89 45 zhī is 皆象王等之所住處
90 45 zhī to use 皆象王等之所住處
91 45 zhī Zhi 皆象王等之所住處
92 45 zhī winding 皆象王等之所住處
93 42 zhòng many; numerous 及眾
94 42 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 及眾
95 42 zhòng general; common; public 及眾
96 41 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 醫師說言
97 41 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 醫師說言
98 41 shuì to persuade 醫師說言
99 41 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 醫師說言
100 41 shuō a doctrine; a theory 醫師說言
101 41 shuō to claim; to assert 醫師說言
102 41 shuō allocution 醫師說言
103 41 shuō to criticize; to scold 醫師說言
104 41 shuō to indicate; to refer to 醫師說言
105 41 shuō speach; vāda 醫師說言
106 41 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 醫師說言
107 41 shuō to instruct 醫師說言
108 40 huā Hua 散諸雜花
109 40 huā flower 散諸雜花
110 40 huā to spend (money, time) 散諸雜花
111 40 huā a flower shaped object 散諸雜花
112 40 huā a beautiful female 散諸雜花
113 40 huā having flowers 散諸雜花
114 40 huā having a decorative pattern 散諸雜花
115 40 huā having a a variety 散諸雜花
116 40 huā false; empty 散諸雜花
117 40 huā indistinct; fuzzy 散諸雜花
118 40 huā excited 散諸雜花
119 40 huā to flower 散諸雜花
120 40 huā flower; puṣpa 散諸雜花
121 39 shù tree 有樹匿瞿提王
122 39 shù to plant 有樹匿瞿提王
123 39 shù to establish 有樹匿瞿提王
124 39 shù a door screen 有樹匿瞿提王
125 39 shù a door screen 有樹匿瞿提王
126 39 shù tree; vṛkṣa 有樹匿瞿提王
127 39 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 周羅迦羅山
128 39 shān Shan 周羅迦羅山
129 39 shān Kangxi radical 46 周羅迦羅山
130 39 shān a mountain-like shape 周羅迦羅山
131 39 shān a gable 周羅迦羅山
132 39 shān mountain; giri 周羅迦羅山
133 37 諸天 zhū tiān devas 是諸天
134 37 guǎng wide; large; vast 其廣亦爾
135 37 guǎng Kangxi radical 53 其廣亦爾
136 37 ān a hut 其廣亦爾
137 37 guǎng a large building structure with no walls 其廣亦爾
138 37 guǎng many; numerous; common 其廣亦爾
139 37 guǎng to extend; to expand 其廣亦爾
140 37 guǎng width; breadth; extent 其廣亦爾
141 37 guǎng broad-minded; generous 其廣亦爾
142 37 guǎng Guangzhou 其廣亦爾
143 37 guàng a unit of east-west distance 其廣亦爾
144 37 guàng a unit of 15 chariots 其廣亦爾
145 37 kuàng barren 其廣亦爾
146 37 guǎng Extensive 其廣亦爾
147 37 guǎng vaipulya; vast; extended 其廣亦爾
148 36 zhě ca 其黑象者
149 36 èr two 二千由旬
150 36 èr Kangxi radical 7 二千由旬
151 36 èr second 二千由旬
152 36 èr twice; double; di- 二千由旬
153 36 èr more than one kind 二千由旬
154 36 èr two; dvā; dvi 二千由旬
155 36 èr both; dvaya 二千由旬
156 35 zhōng middle 是中殿堂
157 35 zhōng medium; medium sized 是中殿堂
158 35 zhōng China 是中殿堂
159 35 zhòng to hit the mark 是中殿堂
160 35 zhōng midday 是中殿堂
161 35 zhōng inside 是中殿堂
162 35 zhōng during 是中殿堂
163 35 zhōng Zhong 是中殿堂
164 35 zhōng intermediary 是中殿堂
165 35 zhōng half 是中殿堂
166 35 zhòng to reach; to attain 是中殿堂
167 35 zhòng to suffer; to infect 是中殿堂
168 35 zhòng to obtain 是中殿堂
169 35 zhòng to pass an exam 是中殿堂
170 35 zhōng middle 是中殿堂
171 33 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 有餘比丘
172 33 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 有餘比丘
173 33 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 有餘比丘
174 33 soil; ground; land 四月高平地會
175 33 floor 四月高平地會
176 33 the earth 四月高平地會
177 33 fields 四月高平地會
178 33 a place 四月高平地會
179 33 a situation; a position 四月高平地會
180 33 background 四月高平地會
181 33 terrain 四月高平地會
182 33 a territory; a region 四月高平地會
183 33 used after a distance measure 四月高平地會
184 33 coming from the same clan 四月高平地會
185 33 earth; pṛthivī 四月高平地會
186 33 stage; ground; level; bhumi 四月高平地會
187 33 shuǐ water 其水清潔冷甜輕
188 33 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 其水清潔冷甜輕
189 33 shuǐ a river 其水清潔冷甜輕
190 33 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 其水清潔冷甜輕
191 33 shuǐ a flood 其水清潔冷甜輕
192 33 shuǐ to swim 其水清潔冷甜輕
193 33 shuǐ a body of water 其水清潔冷甜輕
194 33 shuǐ Shui 其水清潔冷甜輕
195 33 shuǐ water element 其水清潔冷甜輕
196 33 shuǐ water 其水清潔冷甜輕
197 32 míng fame; renown; reputation 名曼陀基
198 32 míng a name; personal name; designation 名曼陀基
199 32 míng rank; position 名曼陀基
200 32 míng an excuse 名曼陀基
201 32 míng life 名曼陀基
202 32 míng to name; to call 名曼陀基
203 32 míng to express; to describe 名曼陀基
204 32 míng to be called; to have the name 名曼陀基
205 32 míng to own; to possess 名曼陀基
206 32 míng famous; renowned 名曼陀基
207 32 míng moral 名曼陀基
208 32 míng name; naman 名曼陀基
209 32 míng fame; renown; yasas 名曼陀基
210 31 one 外望如一
211 31 Kangxi radical 1 外望如一
212 31 pure; concentrated 外望如一
213 31 first 外望如一
214 31 the same 外望如一
215 31 sole; single 外望如一
216 31 a very small amount 外望如一
217 31 Yi 外望如一
218 31 other 外望如一
219 31 to unify 外望如一
220 31 accidentally; coincidentally 外望如一
221 31 abruptly; suddenly 外望如一
222 31 one; eka 外望如一
223 30 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 復有諸人近雪山住
224 30 zhù to stop; to halt 復有諸人近雪山住
225 30 zhù to retain; to remain 復有諸人近雪山住
226 30 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 復有諸人近雪山住
227 30 zhù verb complement 復有諸人近雪山住
228 30 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 復有諸人近雪山住
229 30 chí a pool; a pond 復有大池
230 30 chí Chi 復有大池
231 30 chí a moat 復有大池
232 30 chí a shallow lad depression 復有大池
233 30 chí a pond; vāpī 復有大池
234 30 huí to revolve; to circle 周迴六千
235 30 huí to return 周迴六千
236 30 huí to avoid 周迴六千
237 30 huí twisted; curved 周迴六千
238 30 huí to curve; to zigzag 周迴六千
239 30 huí revolving; parivarta 周迴六千
240 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán stately; solemn 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
241 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán Dignity 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
242 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn, majestic 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
243 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán to adorn; to perfect 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
244 29 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 並四寶成
245 29 chéng to become; to turn into 並四寶成
246 29 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 並四寶成
247 29 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 並四寶成
248 29 chéng a full measure of 並四寶成
249 29 chéng whole 並四寶成
250 29 chéng set; established 並四寶成
251 29 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 並四寶成
252 29 chéng to reconcile 並四寶成
253 29 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 並四寶成
254 29 chéng composed of 並四寶成
255 29 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 並四寶成
256 29 chéng capable; able; accomplished 並四寶成
257 29 chéng to help somebody achieve something 並四寶成
258 29 chéng Cheng 並四寶成
259 29 chéng Become 並四寶成
260 29 chéng becoming; bhāva 並四寶成
261 29 to enter 下皆入
262 29 Kangxi radical 11 下皆入
263 29 radical 下皆入
264 29 income 下皆入
265 29 to conform with 下皆入
266 29 to descend 下皆入
267 29 the entering tone 下皆入
268 29 to pay 下皆入
269 29 to join 下皆入
270 29 entering; praveśa 下皆入
271 29 entered; attained; āpanna 下皆入
272 29 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 周羅迦羅山
273 29 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 周羅迦羅山
274 29 zhōu to aid 周羅迦羅山
275 29 zhōu a cycle 周羅迦羅山
276 29 zhōu Zhou 周羅迦羅山
277 29 zhōu all; universal 周羅迦羅山
278 29 zhōu dense; near 周羅迦羅山
279 29 zhōu circumference; surroundings 周羅迦羅山
280 29 zhōu to circle 周羅迦羅山
281 29 zhōu to adapt to 周羅迦羅山
282 29 zhōu to wear around the waist 周羅迦羅山
283 29 zhōu to bend 周羅迦羅山
284 29 zhōu an entire year 周羅迦羅山
285 29 zhōu universal; entire; samanta 周羅迦羅山
286 29 Kangxi radical 71 至無威德
287 29 to not have; without 至無威德
288 29 mo 至無威德
289 29 to not have 至無威德
290 29 Wu 至無威德
291 29 mo 至無威德
292 28 sān three 三東弗于逮
293 28 sān third 三東弗于逮
294 28 sān more than two 三東弗于逮
295 28 sān very few 三東弗于逮
296 28 sān San 三東弗于逮
297 28 sān three; tri 三東弗于逮
298 28 sān sa 三東弗于逮
299 28 sān three kinds; trividha 三東弗于逮
300 28 shàng top; a high position 我今已見天上
301 28 shang top; the position on or above something 我今已見天上
302 28 shàng to go up; to go forward 我今已見天上
303 28 shàng shang 我今已見天上
304 28 shàng previous; last 我今已見天上
305 28 shàng high; higher 我今已見天上
306 28 shàng advanced 我今已見天上
307 28 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 我今已見天上
308 28 shàng time 我今已見天上
309 28 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 我今已見天上
310 28 shàng far 我今已見天上
311 28 shàng big; as big as 我今已見天上
312 28 shàng abundant; plentiful 我今已見天上
313 28 shàng to report 我今已見天上
314 28 shàng to offer 我今已見天上
315 28 shàng to go on stage 我今已見天上
316 28 shàng to take office; to assume a post 我今已見天上
317 28 shàng to install; to erect 我今已見天上
318 28 shàng to suffer; to sustain 我今已見天上
319 28 shàng to burn 我今已見天上
320 28 shàng to remember 我今已見天上
321 28 shàng to add 我今已見天上
322 28 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 我今已見天上
323 28 shàng to meet 我今已見天上
324 28 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 我今已見天上
325 28 shang used after a verb indicating a result 我今已見天上
326 28 shàng a musical note 我今已見天上
327 28 shàng higher, superior; uttara 我今已見天上
328 28 wài outside
329 28 wài external; outer
330 28 wài foreign countries
331 28 wài exterior; outer surface
332 28 wài a remote place
333 28 wài husband
334 28 wài other
335 28 wài to be extra; to be additional
336 28 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric
337 28 wài role of an old man
338 28 wài to drift apart; to become estranged
339 28 wài to betray; to forsake
340 28 wài outside; exterior
341 28 琉璃 liúlí lapis lazuli; lazurite; a blue gem 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
342 28 琉璃 liúlí ceramic glaze 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
343 28 琉璃 liúlí lapis lazuli 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
344 28 琉璃 liúlí a cat's-eye gem; vaiḍūrya 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
345 28 琉璃 liúlí crystal; sphaṭika 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
346 27 táng main hall; a large room 或有銀堂
347 27 táng a court; a government office 或有銀堂
348 27 táng a special purpose building 或有銀堂
349 27 táng a shrine 或有銀堂
350 27 táng a polite way to refer to someone's mother 或有銀堂
351 27 táng an open area on a hill 或有銀堂
352 27 táng relatives of the same grandfather 或有銀堂
353 27 táng imposing 或有銀堂
354 27 táng assembly hall; prāsāda 或有銀堂
355 26 seven 七重圍繞
356 26 a genre of poetry 七重圍繞
357 26 seventh day memorial ceremony 七重圍繞
358 26 seven; sapta 七重圍繞
359 26 to go back; to return 復如是
360 26 to resume; to restart 復如是
361 26 to do in detail 復如是
362 26 to restore 復如是
363 26 to respond; to reply to 復如是
364 26 Fu; Return 復如是
365 26 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復如是
366 26 to avoid forced labor or tax 復如是
367 26 Fu 復如是
368 26 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復如是
369 26 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復如是
370 26 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 並四寶成
371 26 bìng to combine 並四寶成
372 26 bìng to resemble; to be like 並四寶成
373 26 bìng to stand side-by-side 並四寶成
374 26 bīng Taiyuan 並四寶成
375 26 bìng equally; both; together 並四寶成
376 26 děng et cetera; and so on 皆象王等之所住處
377 26 děng to wait 皆象王等之所住處
378 26 děng to be equal 皆象王等之所住處
379 26 děng degree; level 皆象王等之所住處
380 26 děng to compare 皆象王等之所住處
381 26 děng same; equal; sama 皆象王等之所住處
382 25 tiān day 天晴不雨
383 25 tiān heaven 天晴不雨
384 25 tiān nature 天晴不雨
385 25 tiān sky 天晴不雨
386 25 tiān weather 天晴不雨
387 25 tiān father; husband 天晴不雨
388 25 tiān a necessity 天晴不雨
389 25 tiān season 天晴不雨
390 25 tiān destiny 天晴不雨
391 25 tiān very high; sky high [prices] 天晴不雨
392 25 tiān a deva; a god 天晴不雨
393 25 tiān Heaven 天晴不雨
394 25 lóng dragon 皆謂是龍現大
395 25 lóng Kangxi radical 212 皆謂是龍現大
396 25 lóng the seven lunar lodgings in the eastern sky 皆謂是龍現大
397 25 lóng weakened; frail 皆謂是龍現大
398 25 lóng a tall horse 皆謂是龍現大
399 25 lóng Long 皆謂是龍現大
400 25 lóng serpent; dragon; naga 皆謂是龍現大
401 25 to give 與寶同色
402 25 to accompany 與寶同色
403 25 to particate in 與寶同色
404 25 of the same kind 與寶同色
405 25 to help 與寶同色
406 25 for 與寶同色
407 25 Kangxi radical 49 我今已見天上
408 25 to bring to an end; to stop 我今已見天上
409 25 to complete 我今已見天上
410 25 to demote; to dismiss 我今已見天上
411 25 to recover from an illness 我今已見天上
412 25 former; pūrvaka 我今已見天上
413 24 to go; to 於秋月時
414 24 to rely on; to depend on 於秋月時
415 24 Yu 於秋月時
416 24 a crow 於秋月時
417 23 wáng Wang 有樹匿瞿提王
418 23 wáng a king 有樹匿瞿提王
419 23 wáng Kangxi radical 96 有樹匿瞿提王
420 23 wàng to be king; to rule 有樹匿瞿提王
421 23 wáng a prince; a duke 有樹匿瞿提王
422 23 wáng grand; great 有樹匿瞿提王
423 23 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 有樹匿瞿提王
424 23 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 有樹匿瞿提王
425 23 wáng the head of a group or gang 有樹匿瞿提王
426 23 wáng the biggest or best of a group 有樹匿瞿提王
427 23 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 有樹匿瞿提王
428 23 to carry 有樹匿瞿提王
429 23 a flick up and rightwards in a character 有樹匿瞿提王
430 23 to lift; to raise 有樹匿瞿提王
431 23 to move forward [in time] 有樹匿瞿提王
432 23 to get; to fetch 有樹匿瞿提王
433 23 to mention; to raise [in discussion] 有樹匿瞿提王
434 23 to cheer up 有樹匿瞿提王
435 23 to be on guard 有樹匿瞿提王
436 23 a ladle 有樹匿瞿提王
437 23 Ti 有樹匿瞿提王
438 23 to to hurl; to pass 有樹匿瞿提王
439 23 to bring; cud 有樹匿瞿提王
440 23 to take; to get; to fetch
441 23 to obtain
442 23 to choose; to select
443 23 to catch; to seize; to capture
444 23 to accept; to receive
445 23 to seek
446 23 to take a bride
447 23 Qu
448 23 clinging; grasping; upādāna
449 23 zhōu a continent 提南剡浮提二洲中間
450 23 zhōu an island; islet 提南剡浮提二洲中間
451 23 zhōu continent; dvīpa 提南剡浮提二洲中間
452 23 five 漏闍耆利象王品第五
453 23 fifth musical note 漏闍耆利象王品第五
454 23 Wu 漏闍耆利象王品第五
455 23 the five elements 漏闍耆利象王品第五
456 23 five; pañca 漏闍耆利象王品第五
457 22 xià bottom 下皆入
458 22 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 下皆入
459 22 xià to announce 下皆入
460 22 xià to do 下皆入
461 22 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 下皆入
462 22 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 下皆入
463 22 xià inside 下皆入
464 22 xià an aspect 下皆入
465 22 xià a certain time 下皆入
466 22 xià to capture; to take 下皆入
467 22 xià to put in 下皆入
468 22 xià to enter 下皆入
469 22 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 下皆入
470 22 xià to finish work or school 下皆入
471 22 xià to go 下皆入
472 22 xià to scorn; to look down on 下皆入
473 22 xià to modestly decline 下皆入
474 22 xià to produce 下皆入
475 22 xià to stay at; to lodge at 下皆入
476 22 xià to decide 下皆入
477 22 xià to be less than 下皆入
478 22 xià humble; lowly 下皆入
479 22 xià below; adhara 下皆入
480 22 xià lower; inferior; hina 下皆入
481 21 self 我今已見天上
482 21 [my] dear 我今已見天上
483 21 Wo 我今已見天上
484 21 self; atman; attan 我今已見天上
485 21 ga 我今已見天上
486 21 shì matter; thing; item 時白象王見是事已
487 21 shì to serve 時白象王見是事已
488 21 shì a government post 時白象王見是事已
489 21 shì duty; post; work 時白象王見是事已
490 21 shì occupation 時白象王見是事已
491 21 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 時白象王見是事已
492 21 shì an accident 時白象王見是事已
493 21 shì to attend 時白象王見是事已
494 21 shì an allusion 時白象王見是事已
495 21 shì a condition; a state; a situation 時白象王見是事已
496 21 shì to engage in 時白象王見是事已
497 21 shì to enslave 時白象王見是事已
498 21 shì to pursue 時白象王見是事已
499 21 shì to administer 時白象王見是事已
500 21 shì to appoint 時白象王見是事已

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1035

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 158 shì is; are; am; to be 是須彌山
2 158 shì is exactly 是須彌山
3 158 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是須彌山
4 158 shì this; that; those 是須彌山
5 158 shì really; certainly 是須彌山
6 158 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是須彌山
7 158 shì true 是須彌山
8 158 shì is; has; exists 是須彌山
9 158 shì used between repetitions of a word 是須彌山
10 158 shì a matter; an affair 是須彌山
11 158 shì Shi 是須彌山
12 158 shì is; bhū 是須彌山
13 158 shì this; idam 是須彌山
14 119 由旬 yóuxún yojana 高一由旬半
15 111 his; hers; its; theirs 其廣亦爾
16 111 to add emphasis 其廣亦爾
17 111 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其廣亦爾
18 111 used when making a request or giving an order 其廣亦爾
19 111 he; her; it; them 其廣亦爾
20 111 probably; likely 其廣亦爾
21 111 will 其廣亦爾
22 111 may 其廣亦爾
23 111 if 其廣亦爾
24 111 or 其廣亦爾
25 111 Qi 其廣亦爾
26 111 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其廣亦爾
27 100 yǒu is; are; to exist 復有諸人近雪山住
28 100 yǒu to have; to possess 復有諸人近雪山住
29 100 yǒu indicates an estimate 復有諸人近雪山住
30 100 yǒu indicates a large quantity 復有諸人近雪山住
31 100 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 復有諸人近雪山住
32 100 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 復有諸人近雪山住
33 100 yǒu used to compare two things 復有諸人近雪山住
34 100 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 復有諸人近雪山住
35 100 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 復有諸人近雪山住
36 100 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 復有諸人近雪山住
37 100 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 復有諸人近雪山住
38 100 yǒu abundant 復有諸人近雪山住
39 100 yǒu purposeful 復有諸人近雪山住
40 100 yǒu You 復有諸人近雪山住
41 100 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 復有諸人近雪山住
42 100 yǒu becoming; bhava 復有諸人近雪山住
43 75 bǎo a treasure; a valuable item 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
44 75 bǎo treasured; cherished 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
45 75 bǎo a jewel; gem 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
46 75 bǎo precious 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
47 75 bǎo noble 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
48 75 bǎo an imperial seal 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
49 75 bǎo a unit of currency 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
50 75 bǎo Bao 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
51 75 bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; ratna 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
52 75 bǎo jewel; gem; mani 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
53 72 also; too 其廣亦爾
54 72 but 其廣亦爾
55 72 this; he; she 其廣亦爾
56 72 although; even though 其廣亦爾
57 72 already 其廣亦爾
58 72 particle with no meaning 其廣亦爾
59 72 Yi 其廣亦爾
60 69 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 水所漬處
61 69 suǒ an office; an institute 水所漬處
62 69 suǒ introduces a relative clause 水所漬處
63 69 suǒ it 水所漬處
64 69 suǒ if; supposing 水所漬處
65 69 suǒ a few; various; some 水所漬處
66 69 suǒ a place; a location 水所漬處
67 69 suǒ indicates a passive voice 水所漬處
68 69 suǒ that which 水所漬處
69 69 suǒ an ordinal number 水所漬處
70 69 suǒ meaning 水所漬處
71 69 suǒ garrison 水所漬處
72 69 suǒ place; pradeśa 水所漬處
73 69 suǒ that which; yad 水所漬處
74 68 zhū all; many; various 是諸殿堂
75 68 zhū Zhu 是諸殿堂
76 68 zhū all; members of the class 是諸殿堂
77 68 zhū interrogative particle 是諸殿堂
78 68 zhū him; her; them; it 是諸殿堂
79 68 zhū of; in 是諸殿堂
80 68 zhū all; many; sarva 是諸殿堂
81 67 such as; for example; for instance 如北
82 67 if 如北
83 67 in accordance with 如北
84 67 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如北
85 67 this 如北
86 67 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如北
87 67 to go to 如北
88 67 to meet 如北
89 67 to appear; to seem; to be like 如北
90 67 at least as good as 如北
91 67 and 如北
92 67 or 如北
93 67 but 如北
94 67 then 如北
95 67 naturally 如北
96 67 expresses a question or doubt 如北
97 67 you 如北
98 67 the second lunar month 如北
99 67 in; at 如北
100 67 Ru 如北
101 67 Thus 如北
102 67 thus; tathā 如北
103 67 like; iva 如北
104 67 suchness; tathatā 如北
105 64 如是 rúshì thus; so 亦如是
106 64 如是 rúshì thus, so 亦如是
107 64 如是 rúshì thus; evam 亦如是
108 64 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 亦如是
109 59 shí time; a point or period of time 於秋月時
110 59 shí a season; a quarter of a year 於秋月時
111 59 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 於秋月時
112 59 shí at that time 於秋月時
113 59 shí fashionable 於秋月時
114 59 shí fate; destiny; luck 於秋月時
115 59 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 於秋月時
116 59 shí tense 於秋月時
117 59 shí particular; special 於秋月時
118 59 shí to plant; to cultivate 於秋月時
119 59 shí hour (measure word) 於秋月時
120 59 shí an era; a dynasty 於秋月時
121 59 shí time [abstract] 於秋月時
122 59 shí seasonal 於秋月時
123 59 shí frequently; often 於秋月時
124 59 shí occasionally; sometimes 於秋月時
125 59 shí on time 於秋月時
126 59 shí this; that 於秋月時
127 59 shí to wait upon 於秋月時
128 59 shí hour 於秋月時
129 59 shí appropriate; proper; timely 於秋月時
130 59 shí Shi 於秋月時
131 59 shí a present; currentlt 於秋月時
132 59 shí time; kāla 於秋月時
133 59 shí at that time; samaya 於秋月時
134 59 shí then; atha 於秋月時
135 55 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若脚所踐
136 55 ruò seemingly 若脚所踐
137 55 ruò if 若脚所踐
138 55 ruò you 若脚所踐
139 55 ruò this; that 若脚所踐
140 55 ruò and; or 若脚所踐
141 55 ruò as for; pertaining to 若脚所踐
142 55 pomegranite 若脚所踐
143 55 ruò to choose 若脚所踐
144 55 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若脚所踐
145 55 ruò thus 若脚所踐
146 55 ruò pollia 若脚所踐
147 55 ruò Ruo 若脚所踐
148 55 ruò only then 若脚所踐
149 55 ja 若脚所踐
150 55 jñā 若脚所踐
151 55 ruò if; yadi 若脚所踐
152 55 xiàng figure; image; appearance 有八千象
153 55 xiàng elephant 有八千象
154 55 xiàng ivory 有八千象
155 55 xiàng to be like; to seem 有八千象
156 55 xiàng premier 有八千象
157 55 xiàng a representation; an icon; an effigy 有八千象
158 55 xiàng phenomena 有八千象
159 55 xiàng a decree; an ordinance; a law 有八千象
160 55 xiàng image commentary 有八千象
161 55 xiàng a kind of weapon 有八千象
162 55 xiàng Xiang 有八千象
163 55 xiàng to imitate 有八千象
164 55 xiàng elephant; gaja 有八千象
165 55 wàn ten thousand 八萬由
166 55 wàn absolutely 八萬由
167 55 wàn many; myriad; innumerable 八萬由
168 55 wàn Wan 八萬由
169 55 Mo 八萬由
170 55 wàn scorpion dance 八萬由
171 55 wàn ten thousand; myriad; ayuta 八萬由
172 53 to reach 廣及中間
173 53 and 廣及中間
174 53 coming to; when 廣及中間
175 53 to attain 廣及中間
176 53 to understand 廣及中間
177 53 able to be compared to; to catch up with 廣及中間
178 53 to be involved with; to associate with 廣及中間
179 53 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 廣及中間
180 53 and; ca; api 廣及中間
181 52 four 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
182 52 note a musical scale 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
183 52 fourth 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
184 52 Si 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
185 52 four; catur 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
186 48 wèi for; to 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
187 48 wèi because of 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
188 48 wéi to act as; to serve 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
189 48 wéi to change into; to become 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
190 48 wéi to be; is 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
191 48 wéi to do 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
192 48 wèi for 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
193 48 wèi because of; for; to 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
194 48 wèi to 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
195 48 wéi in a passive construction 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
196 48 wéi forming a rehetorical question 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
197 48 wéi forming an adverb 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
198 48 wéi to add emphasis 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
199 48 wèi to support; to help 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
200 48 wéi to govern 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
201 48 wèi to be; bhū 黃金水精琉璃四寶為塼
202 48 duō over; indicates a number greater than the number preceding it 高三伽浮多
203 48 duó many; much 高三伽浮多
204 48 duō more 高三伽浮多
205 48 duō an unspecified extent 高三伽浮多
206 48 duō used in exclamations 高三伽浮多
207 48 duō excessive 高三伽浮多
208 48 duō to what extent 高三伽浮多
209 48 duō abundant 高三伽浮多
210 48 duō to multiply; to acrue 高三伽浮多
211 48 duō mostly 高三伽浮多
212 48 duō simply; merely 高三伽浮多
213 48 duō frequently 高三伽浮多
214 48 duō very 高三伽浮多
215 48 duō Duo 高三伽浮多
216 48 duō ta 高三伽浮多
217 48 duō many; bahu 高三伽浮多
218 45 zhī him; her; them; that 皆象王等之所住處
219 45 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 皆象王等之所住處
220 45 zhī to go 皆象王等之所住處
221 45 zhī this; that 皆象王等之所住處
222 45 zhī genetive marker 皆象王等之所住處
223 45 zhī it 皆象王等之所住處
224 45 zhī in; in regards to 皆象王等之所住處
225 45 zhī all 皆象王等之所住處
226 45 zhī and 皆象王等之所住處
227 45 zhī however 皆象王等之所住處
228 45 zhī if 皆象王等之所住處
229 45 zhī then 皆象王等之所住處
230 45 zhī to arrive; to go 皆象王等之所住處
231 45 zhī is 皆象王等之所住處
232 45 zhī to use 皆象王等之所住處
233 45 zhī Zhi 皆象王等之所住處
234 45 zhī winding 皆象王等之所住處
235 42 zhòng many; numerous 及眾
236 42 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 及眾
237 42 zhòng general; common; public 及眾
238 42 zhòng many; all; sarva 及眾
239 41 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 醫師說言
240 41 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 醫師說言
241 41 shuì to persuade 醫師說言
242 41 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 醫師說言
243 41 shuō a doctrine; a theory 醫師說言
244 41 shuō to claim; to assert 醫師說言
245 41 shuō allocution 醫師說言
246 41 shuō to criticize; to scold 醫師說言
247 41 shuō to indicate; to refer to 醫師說言
248 41 shuō speach; vāda 醫師說言
249 41 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 醫師說言
250 41 shuō to instruct 醫師說言
251 40 huā Hua 散諸雜花
252 40 huā flower 散諸雜花
253 40 huā to spend (money, time) 散諸雜花
254 40 huā a flower shaped object 散諸雜花
255 40 huā a beautiful female 散諸雜花
256 40 huā having flowers 散諸雜花
257 40 huā having a decorative pattern 散諸雜花
258 40 huā having a a variety 散諸雜花
259 40 huā false; empty 散諸雜花
260 40 huā indistinct; fuzzy 散諸雜花
261 40 huā excited 散諸雜花
262 40 huā to flower 散諸雜花
263 40 huā flower; puṣpa 散諸雜花
264 40 this; these 此樹身量
265 40 in this way 此樹身量
266 40 otherwise; but; however; so 此樹身量
267 40 at this time; now; here 此樹身量
268 40 this; here; etad 此樹身量
269 39 shù tree 有樹匿瞿提王
270 39 shù to plant 有樹匿瞿提王
271 39 shù to establish 有樹匿瞿提王
272 39 shù a door screen 有樹匿瞿提王
273 39 shù a door screen 有樹匿瞿提王
274 39 shù tree; vṛkṣa 有樹匿瞿提王
275 39 shān a mountain; a hill; a peak 周羅迦羅山
276 39 shān Shan 周羅迦羅山
277 39 shān Kangxi radical 46 周羅迦羅山
278 39 shān a mountain-like shape 周羅迦羅山
279 39 shān a gable 周羅迦羅山
280 39 shān mountain; giri 周羅迦羅山
281 37 諸天 zhū tiān devas 是諸天
282 37 guǎng wide; large; vast 其廣亦爾
283 37 guǎng Kangxi radical 53 其廣亦爾
284 37 ān a hut 其廣亦爾
285 37 guǎng a large building structure with no walls 其廣亦爾
286 37 guǎng many; numerous; common 其廣亦爾
287 37 guǎng to extend; to expand 其廣亦爾
288 37 guǎng width; breadth; extent 其廣亦爾
289 37 guǎng broad-minded; generous 其廣亦爾
290 37 guǎng Guangzhou 其廣亦爾
291 37 guàng a unit of east-west distance 其廣亦爾
292 37 guàng a unit of 15 chariots 其廣亦爾
293 37 kuàng barren 其廣亦爾
294 37 guǎng Extensive 其廣亦爾
295 37 guǎng vaipulya; vast; extended 其廣亦爾
296 36 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 其黑象者
297 36 zhě that 其黑象者
298 36 zhě nominalizing function word 其黑象者
299 36 zhě used to mark a definition 其黑象者
300 36 zhě used to mark a pause 其黑象者
301 36 zhě topic marker; that; it 其黑象者
302 36 zhuó according to 其黑象者
303 36 zhě ca 其黑象者
304 36 èr two 二千由旬
305 36 èr Kangxi radical 7 二千由旬
306 36 èr second 二千由旬
307 36 èr twice; double; di- 二千由旬
308 36 èr another; the other 二千由旬
309 36 èr more than one kind 二千由旬
310 36 èr two; dvā; dvi 二千由旬
311 36 èr both; dvaya 二千由旬
312 35 zhōng middle 是中殿堂
313 35 zhōng medium; medium sized 是中殿堂
314 35 zhōng China 是中殿堂
315 35 zhòng to hit the mark 是中殿堂
316 35 zhōng in; amongst 是中殿堂
317 35 zhōng midday 是中殿堂
318 35 zhōng inside 是中殿堂
319 35 zhōng during 是中殿堂
320 35 zhōng Zhong 是中殿堂
321 35 zhōng intermediary 是中殿堂
322 35 zhōng half 是中殿堂
323 35 zhōng just right; suitably 是中殿堂
324 35 zhōng while 是中殿堂
325 35 zhòng to reach; to attain 是中殿堂
326 35 zhòng to suffer; to infect 是中殿堂
327 35 zhòng to obtain 是中殿堂
328 35 zhòng to pass an exam 是中殿堂
329 35 zhōng middle 是中殿堂
330 33 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 有餘比丘
331 33 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 有餘比丘
332 33 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 有餘比丘
333 33 soil; ground; land 四月高平地會
334 33 de subordinate particle 四月高平地會
335 33 floor 四月高平地會
336 33 the earth 四月高平地會
337 33 fields 四月高平地會
338 33 a place 四月高平地會
339 33 a situation; a position 四月高平地會
340 33 background 四月高平地會
341 33 terrain 四月高平地會
342 33 a territory; a region 四月高平地會
343 33 used after a distance measure 四月高平地會
344 33 coming from the same clan 四月高平地會
345 33 earth; pṛthivī 四月高平地會
346 33 stage; ground; level; bhumi 四月高平地會
347 33 shuǐ water 其水清潔冷甜輕
348 33 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 其水清潔冷甜輕
349 33 shuǐ a river 其水清潔冷甜輕
350 33 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 其水清潔冷甜輕
351 33 shuǐ a flood 其水清潔冷甜輕
352 33 shuǐ to swim 其水清潔冷甜輕
353 33 shuǐ a body of water 其水清潔冷甜輕
354 33 shuǐ Shui 其水清潔冷甜輕
355 33 shuǐ water element 其水清潔冷甜輕
356 33 shuǐ water 其水清潔冷甜輕
357 32 míng measure word for people 名曼陀基
358 32 míng fame; renown; reputation 名曼陀基
359 32 míng a name; personal name; designation 名曼陀基
360 32 míng rank; position 名曼陀基
361 32 míng an excuse 名曼陀基
362 32 míng life 名曼陀基
363 32 míng to name; to call 名曼陀基
364 32 míng to express; to describe 名曼陀基
365 32 míng to be called; to have the name 名曼陀基
366 32 míng to own; to possess 名曼陀基
367 32 míng famous; renowned 名曼陀基
368 32 míng moral 名曼陀基
369 32 míng name; naman 名曼陀基
370 32 míng fame; renown; yasas 名曼陀基
371 32 huò or; either; else 或有
372 32 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或有
373 32 huò some; someone 或有
374 32 míngnián suddenly 或有
375 32 huò or; vā 或有
376 31 one 外望如一
377 31 Kangxi radical 1 外望如一
378 31 as soon as; all at once 外望如一
379 31 pure; concentrated 外望如一
380 31 whole; all 外望如一
381 31 first 外望如一
382 31 the same 外望如一
383 31 each 外望如一
384 31 certain 外望如一
385 31 throughout 外望如一
386 31 used in between a reduplicated verb 外望如一
387 31 sole; single 外望如一
388 31 a very small amount 外望如一
389 31 Yi 外望如一
390 31 other 外望如一
391 31 to unify 外望如一
392 31 accidentally; coincidentally 外望如一
393 31 abruptly; suddenly 外望如一
394 31 or 外望如一
395 31 one; eka 外望如一
396 30 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 復有諸人近雪山住
397 30 zhù to stop; to halt 復有諸人近雪山住
398 30 zhù to retain; to remain 復有諸人近雪山住
399 30 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 復有諸人近雪山住
400 30 zhù firmly; securely 復有諸人近雪山住
401 30 zhù verb complement 復有諸人近雪山住
402 30 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 復有諸人近雪山住
403 30 chí a pool; a pond 復有大池
404 30 chí Chi 復有大池
405 30 chí a moat 復有大池
406 30 chí a shallow lad depression 復有大池
407 30 chí a pond; vāpī 復有大池
408 30 亦復 yìfù also 亦復如是
409 30 huí to revolve; to circle 周迴六千
410 30 huí to return 周迴六千
411 30 huí to avoid 周迴六千
412 30 huí twisted; curved 周迴六千
413 30 huí to curve; to zigzag 周迴六千
414 30 huí revolving; parivarta 周迴六千
415 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán stately; solemn 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
416 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán Dignity 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
417 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn, majestic 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
418 30 莊嚴 zhuāngyán to adorn; to perfect 如人耳璫七寶莊嚴
419 29 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 並四寶成
420 29 chéng one tenth 並四寶成
421 29 chéng to become; to turn into 並四寶成
422 29 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 並四寶成
423 29 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 並四寶成
424 29 chéng a full measure of 並四寶成
425 29 chéng whole 並四寶成
426 29 chéng set; established 並四寶成
427 29 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 並四寶成
428 29 chéng to reconcile 並四寶成
429 29 chéng alright; OK 並四寶成
430 29 chéng an area of ten square miles 並四寶成
431 29 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 並四寶成
432 29 chéng composed of 並四寶成
433 29 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 並四寶成
434 29 chéng capable; able; accomplished 並四寶成
435 29 chéng to help somebody achieve something 並四寶成
436 29 chéng Cheng 並四寶成
437 29 chéng Become 並四寶成
438 29 chéng becoming; bhāva 並四寶成
439 29 to enter 下皆入
440 29 Kangxi radical 11 下皆入
441 29 radical 下皆入
442 29 income 下皆入
443 29 to conform with 下皆入
444 29 to descend 下皆入
445 29 the entering tone 下皆入
446 29 to pay 下皆入
447 29 to join 下皆入
448 29 entering; praveśa 下皆入
449 29 entered; attained; āpanna 下皆入
450 29 zhōu Zhou Dynasty 周羅迦羅山
451 29 zhōu careful; thorough; thoughtful 周羅迦羅山
452 29 zhōu to aid 周羅迦羅山
453 29 zhōu a cycle 周羅迦羅山
454 29 zhōu Zhou 周羅迦羅山
455 29 zhōu all; universal 周羅迦羅山
456 29 zhōu dense; near 周羅迦羅山
457 29 zhōu circumference; surroundings 周羅迦羅山
458 29 zhōu to circle 周羅迦羅山
459 29 zhōu to adapt to 周羅迦羅山
460 29 zhōu to wear around the waist 周羅迦羅山
461 29 zhōu to bend 周羅迦羅山
462 29 zhōu an entire year 周羅迦羅山
463 29 zhōu universal; entire; samanta 周羅迦羅山
464 29 no 至無威德
465 29 Kangxi radical 71 至無威德
466 29 to not have; without 至無威德
467 29 has not yet 至無威德
468 29 mo 至無威德
469 29 do not 至無威德
470 29 not; -less; un- 至無威德
471 29 regardless of 至無威德
472 29 to not have 至無威德
473 29 um 至無威德
474 29 Wu 至無威德
475 29 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 至無威德
476 29 not; non- 至無威德
477 29 mo 至無威德
478 28 sān three 三東弗于逮
479 28 sān third 三東弗于逮
480 28 sān more than two 三東弗于逮
481 28 sān very few 三東弗于逮
482 28 sān repeatedly 三東弗于逮
483 28 sān San 三東弗于逮
484 28 sān three; tri 三東弗于逮
485 28 sān sa 三東弗于逮
486 28 sān three kinds; trividha 三東弗于逮
487 28 shàng top; a high position 我今已見天上
488 28 shang top; the position on or above something 我今已見天上
489 28 shàng to go up; to go forward 我今已見天上
490 28 shàng shang 我今已見天上
491 28 shàng previous; last 我今已見天上
492 28 shàng high; higher 我今已見天上
493 28 shàng advanced 我今已見天上
494 28 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 我今已見天上
495 28 shàng time 我今已見天上
496 28 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 我今已見天上
497 28 shàng far 我今已見天上
498 28 shàng big; as big as 我今已見天上
499 28 shàng abundant; plentiful 我今已見天上
500 28 shàng to report 我今已見天上


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
  1. bǎo
  2. bǎo
  1. jewel; gem; treasure; ratna
  2. jewel; gem; mani
  1. suǒ
  2. suǒ
  1. place; pradeśa
  2. that which; yad
zhū all; many; sarva
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
  1. rúshì
  2. rúshì
  3. rúshì
  1. thus, so
  2. thus; evam
  3. of such a form; evaṃrūpa
  1. shí
  2. shí
  3. shí
  1. time; kāla
  2. at that time; samaya
  3. then; atha
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
八分 98
  1. Bafen
  2. Han style clerical script
  3. successful completion of an activity
宝洲 寶洲 98 Simhala; Siṃhala
八月 98
  1. August; the Eighth Month
  2. eighth lunar month; kārttika
北门 北門 98 North Gate
北欝单越 北欝單越 98 Uttarakuru
宾头卢 賓頭盧 98 Pindola; Tiger Subduing Arhat; Pindolabharadvaja
大威德 100 Yamantaka
大宝 大寶 100 mahāratna; a precious jewel
大目犍连 大目犍連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
大目连 大目連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
忉利天 100 Trayastrimsa Heaven; Tavatimsa; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods
大园 大園 100 Dayuan; Tayuan
帝释 帝釋 100 Sakra; Kausika; Lord of Devas
东门 東門 100 East Gate
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
佛说立世阿毘昙论 佛說立世阿毘曇論 102 Fo Shuo Li Shi Apitan Lun
佛世尊 102 Buddha, the world-honoured; bhagavat
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
  6. river; nadī
江浦 106 Jiangpu
金宝 金寶 106
  1. Campbell
  2. Kampar
金边 金邊 106 Phnom Penh
金沙 106 Jinsha
金堂 106
  1. Jintang
  2. Golden Shrine; Kondō
立世阿毘昙论 立世阿毘曇論 108 Li Shi Apitan Lun
留博叉天 108 Virudhaka; Deva King of the South
龙王 龍王 108 Dragon King; Naga King
摩诃迦罗 摩訶迦羅 109 Mahakala
目犍连 目犍連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
南门 南門 110 South Gate
难陀 難陀 110 Nanda
毘留勒叉 112 Virūḍhaka
毘沙门天王 毘沙門天王 112 Vaisravana
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
清净天 清淨天 113 Prakīrṇakā
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
善来 善來 115 Svāgata; sāgata
善生 115 sīgāla
沙陀 115 Shatuo
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
生经 生經 115 Jātaka Stories
释提桓因 釋提桓因 115 Śakra; Sakka; Śakra Devānām Indra; Kauśika
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
四天王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四王 115 Four Deva Kings; Four Heavenly Kings
四洲 115 Four Continents
四分 115 four divisions of cognition
四月 115
  1. April; the Fourth Month
  2. fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
娑罗 娑羅 115 sala tree; sal tree; shala tree
娑罗树 娑羅樹 115 sala tree; sal tree; shala tree; śāla
天帝释 天帝釋 116 Sakra; Sakka; Sakra Devānām Indra; Kausika
天等 116 Tiandeng
天水 116 Tianshui
铁围 鐵圍 116 Cakravada-parvata; Iron Wall Mountain
铁围山 鐵圍山 116 Cakravada-parvata; Iron Wall Mountain
王觉 王覺 119 Wang Jue
西瞿耶尼 120 Aparagodānīya
西门 西門 120
  1. West Gate
  2. Ximen
西印度 120
  1. West Indies (i.e. the Caribbean)
  2. West India
贤善 賢善 120 Bhadrika; Bhaddiya
悉多 120
  1. Sita
  2. Sita
修罗 修羅 120 Asura
雪山 120 Himalayan Mountains
须弥 須彌 120 Mt Meru; Sumeru
须弥山 須彌山 88
  1. Mount Sumeru
  2. Mount Sumeru; Mount Meru
中天 122 Central North India
诸城 諸城 122 Zhucheng
子洲 122 Zishou


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 134.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿脩罗 阿脩羅 196 asura
八功德水 98 water with eight merits
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
白象王 98 white elephant king
八戒 98 eight precepts
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
宝铃 寶鈴 98 a bell decorated with jewels
宝楼 寶樓 98 jeweled tower
宝舍 寶舍 98 noble abode
宝冠 寶冠 98 a crown; jeweled crown; a headdress
宝华 寶華 98
  1. Treasure Flower
  2. flowers; jeweled flowers
宝树 寶樹 98
  1. jeweled trees; forest of treasues
  2. a kalpa tree
宝衣 寶衣 98
  1. clothes decorated with gems
  2. cotton; calico; dūṣya
彼岸 98
  1. the other shore
  2. the other shore
遍满 遍滿 98 to fill; paripūrṇa
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
布萨 布薩 98
  1. Posadha
  2. fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
常生 99 immortality
成身 成身 99 habitation; samāśraya
大比丘 100 a great monastic; a great bhikṣu
大神通 100
  1. great supernatural power
  2. great transcendent wisdom
大智舍利弗 100 Sariputra of great wisdom
道法 100
  1. the method to attain nirvāṇa
  2. Dao Fa
忉利诸天 忉利諸天 100 the gods of Paradise (Trâyastrimsas)
多罗树 多羅樹 100 palmyra tree; fan-palm
驮摩 馱摩 100 dharma
二边 二邊 195 two extremes
二种 二種 195 two kinds
放光 102
  1. to emit light
  2. to produce light
法堂 102
  1. Fo Guang Shan Founder's Quarters
  2. Dharma Hall
  3. a Dharma hall
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
佛法僧 102
  1. Buddha, Dharma, Sangha
  2. the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha; the Triple Gem; the three treasures of Buddhism
佛说 佛說 102 buddhavacana; as spoken by the Buddha
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
福行 102 actions that product merit
干陀 乾陀 103 gandha; fragrance
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
黑半 104 second half of the month; kṛṣṇapakṣa
护国 護國 104 Protecting the Country
化生 104 to be born from transformation; upapadukayoni; opapatikayoni
迦娄罗 迦婁羅 106 garuda
伽娄罗 伽婁羅 106 garuda
迦罗 迦羅 106
  1. kala; a very short unit of time
  2. kala; a very small particle
尽诸有结 盡諸有結 106 fetters completely destroyed
净洁 淨潔 106 pure
净命 淨命 106 friend; brother; āyuṣman
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
卷第二 106 scroll 2
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
赖吒 賴吒 108 rāṣṭrapāla; protector of a kingdom; king
令众生 令眾生 108 lead sentient beings
罗婆 羅婆 108 an instant; lava
妙音 109 a wonderful sound; ghoṣa
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
頗梨 112 crystal
七法 113
  1. seven dharmas; seven teachings
  2. seven types of action
秋月 113 Autumn Moon
人非人 114 kijnara; human or non-human being
人众 人眾 114 many people; crowds of people
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三贤 三賢 115 the three worthy levels
伞盖 傘蓋 115 canopy; chattra
散花 115 scatters flowers
僧伽蓝 僧伽藍 115 sangharama; samgharama; samghārama; temple; monastery
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
善见 善見 115 good for seeing; beautiful
善说 善說 115 well expounded
善道 115 a benevolent rebirth; a benevolent destiny; heaven; a fortunate realm
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善果 115
  1. Virtuous Outcomes
  2. a virtuous reward
生欢喜 生歡喜 115 giving rise to joy
圣众 聖眾 115 holy ones
湿生 濕生 115 to be born from moisture
食时 食時 115
  1. mealtime
  2. forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
师子座 師子座 115 lion's throne
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
四兵 115 four divisions of troups
四军 四軍 115 four divisions of troups
四门 四門 115 the four schools of thought; four classifications of teaching
四生 115 four types of birth
四相 115
  1. four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
  2. four marks of existence; caturlaksana
死尸 死屍 115 a corpse
四天下 115 the four continents
寺中 115 within a temple
随喜 隨喜 115
  1. to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
  2. anumodana; admiration
天冠 116 deva crown
天童 116 a divine youth
天众 天眾 116 devas
天住 116 divine abodes
围遶 圍遶 119 to circumambulate
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
我所心 119 a mind with the belief that it can possess objects
五分 119
  1. five parts
  2. five part teaching
五体投地 五體投地 119
  1. throwing all five limbs to the ground
  2. to prostrate oneself on the ground
五欲 五慾 119 the five desires
五阴 五陰 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
象王 120
  1. keeper of elephants
  2. elephant king; noble elephant
薰习 薰習 120
  1. influence
  2. vāsanā; permeation; infusing; perfuming; predispositions; habituations; latent tendencies
厌离 厭離 121 to give up in disgust
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
一由旬 121 one yojana
一百八 121 one hundred and eight
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
有海 121 sea of existence
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
欲心 121 a lustful heart
真身 122 true body
真谛 真諦 122
  1. truth
  2. paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
  3. Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
正觉 正覺 122 sambodhi; perfect enlightenment
正说 正說 122 proper teaching
正智解脱 正智解脫 122 liberated by right understanding
支提 122 a caitya; a chaitya
祇夜 122 geya; geyya; mixed verses and prose
执着 執著 122
  1. attachment
  2. grasping
众香 眾香 122
  1. scented; gandhavatī
  2. Gandhavati
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸天 諸天 122 devas
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
诸处 諸處 122 everywhere; sarvatra
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
最上 122 supreme
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara