Glossary and Vocabulary for Mahīśāsakavinaya 彌沙塞部和醯五分律, Scroll 23

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 239 sēng a Buddhist monk 僧常所行事
2 239 sēng a person with dark skin 僧常所行事
3 239 sēng Seng 僧常所行事
4 239 sēng Sangha; monastic community 僧常所行事
5 178 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 比丘
6 178 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 比丘
7 178 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 比丘
8 122 infix potential marker 汝等實爾不
9 116 to give 應與
10 116 to accompany 應與
11 116 to particate in 應與
12 116 of the same kind 應與
13 116 to help 應與
14 116 for 應與
15 102 one
16 102 Kangxi radical 1
17 102 pure; concentrated
18 102 first
19 102 the same
20 102 sole; single
21 102 a very small amount
22 102 Yi
23 102 other
24 102 to unify
25 102 accidentally; coincidentally
26 102 abruptly; suddenly
27 102 one; eka
28 94 yìng to answer; to respond 應與
29 94 yìng to confirm; to verify 應與
30 94 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應與
31 94 yìng to accept 應與
32 94 yìng to permit; to allow 應與
33 94 yìng to echo 應與
34 94 yìng to handle; to deal with 應與
35 94 yìng Ying 應與
36 84 cáng to hide 不覆藏
37 84 zàng canon; a collection of scriptures 不覆藏
38 84 cáng to store 不覆藏
39 84 zàng Tibet 不覆藏
40 84 zàng a treasure 不覆藏
41 84 zàng a store 不覆藏
42 84 zāng Zang 不覆藏
43 84 zāng good 不覆藏
44 84 zāng a male slave 不覆藏
45 84 zāng booty 不覆藏
46 84 zàng an internal organ 不覆藏
47 84 zàng to bury 不覆藏
48 84 zàng piṭaka; canon 不覆藏
49 84 zàng garba; matrix; embryo 不覆藏
50 84 zàng kośa; kosa 不覆藏
51 84 zàng alaya; dwelling; residence 不覆藏
52 84 to cover 不覆藏
53 84 to reply [to a letter] 不覆藏
54 84 to overturn; to capsize 不覆藏
55 84 layered 不覆藏
56 84 to ruin; to destroy; to overwhelm 不覆藏
57 84 to hide 不覆藏
58 84 to scrutinize 不覆藏
59 84 to ambush 不覆藏
60 84 disparage; mrakṣa 不覆藏
61 70 self
62 70 [my] dear
63 70 Wo
64 70 self; atman; attan
65 70 ga
66 68 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 皆犯突吉羅
67 68 fàn to attack; to invade 皆犯突吉羅
68 68 fàn to transgress 皆犯突吉羅
69 68 fàn conjunction of a star 皆犯突吉羅
70 68 fàn to conquer 皆犯突吉羅
71 68 fàn to occur 皆犯突吉羅
72 68 fàn to face danger 皆犯突吉羅
73 68 fàn to fall 皆犯突吉羅
74 68 fàn a criminal 皆犯突吉羅
75 68 fàn to commit a transgression; āpatti 皆犯突吉羅
76 65 to beg; to request 今從僧乞憶念
77 65 to hope for; look forward to 今從僧乞憶念
78 65 a beggar 今從僧乞憶念
79 65 Qi 今從僧乞憶念
80 65 to give 今從僧乞憶念
81 65 destitute; needy 今從僧乞憶念
82 65 to beg; yācñā 今從僧乞憶念
83 64 yán to speak; to say; said 更相言
84 64 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 更相言
85 64 yán Kangxi radical 149 更相言
86 64 yán phrase; sentence 更相言
87 64 yán a word; a syllable 更相言
88 64 yán a theory; a doctrine 更相言
89 64 yán to regard as 更相言
90 64 yán to act as 更相言
91 64 yán word; vacana 更相言
92 64 yán speak; vad 更相言
93 64 night 過六夜已
94 64 dark 過六夜已
95 64 by night 過六夜已
96 64 ya 過六夜已
97 64 night; rajanī 過六夜已
98 60 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 聞異住
99 60 zhù to stop; to halt 聞異住
100 60 zhù to retain; to remain 聞異住
101 60 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 聞異住
102 60 zhù verb complement 聞異住
103 60 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 聞異住
104 59 bié other 與此比丘作一夜別住法
105 59 bié special 與此比丘作一夜別住法
106 59 bié to leave 與此比丘作一夜別住法
107 59 bié to distinguish 與此比丘作一夜別住法
108 59 bié to pin 與此比丘作一夜別住法
109 59 bié to insert; to jam 與此比丘作一夜別住法
110 59 bié to turn 與此比丘作一夜別住法
111 59 bié Bie 與此比丘作一夜別住法
112 53 xíng to walk 應行籌
113 53 xíng capable; competent 應行籌
114 53 háng profession 應行籌
115 53 xíng Kangxi radical 144 應行籌
116 53 xíng to travel 應行籌
117 53 xìng actions; conduct 應行籌
118 53 xíng to do; to act; to practice 應行籌
119 53 xíng all right; OK; okay 應行籌
120 53 háng horizontal line 應行籌
121 53 héng virtuous deeds 應行籌
122 53 hàng a line of trees 應行籌
123 53 hàng bold; steadfast 應行籌
124 53 xíng to move 應行籌
125 53 xíng to put into effect; to implement 應行籌
126 53 xíng travel 應行籌
127 53 xíng to circulate 應行籌
128 53 xíng running script; running script 應行籌
129 53 xíng temporary 應行籌
130 53 háng rank; order 應行籌
131 53 háng a business; a shop 應行籌
132 53 xíng to depart; to leave 應行籌
133 53 xíng to experience 應行籌
134 53 xíng path; way 應行籌
135 53 xíng xing; ballad 應行籌
136 53 xíng Xing 應行籌
137 53 xíng Practice 應行籌
138 53 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 應行籌
139 53 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 應行籌
140 52 zhèng to criticize; to remonstrate; to admonish 第四分初滅諍法
141 52 zhèng to advise frankly 第四分初滅諍法
142 52 zhèng to dispute 第四分初滅諍法
143 52 zhèng quarrel; vigraha 第四分初滅諍法
144 50 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 第四分初滅諍法
145 50 miè to submerge 第四分初滅諍法
146 50 miè to extinguish; to put out 第四分初滅諍法
147 50 miè to eliminate 第四分初滅諍法
148 50 miè to disappear; to fade away 第四分初滅諍法
149 50 miè the cessation of suffering 第四分初滅諍法
150 50 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 第四分初滅諍法
151 50 某甲 mǒujiǎ a certain person 僧今差某甲
152 49 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 若如是滅已
153 49 zuò to do 汝等所作非法
154 49 zuò to act as; to serve as 汝等所作非法
155 49 zuò to start 汝等所作非法
156 49 zuò a writing; a work 汝等所作非法
157 49 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 汝等所作非法
158 49 zuō to create; to make 汝等所作非法
159 49 zuō a workshop 汝等所作非法
160 49 zuō to write; to compose 汝等所作非法
161 49 zuò to rise 汝等所作非法
162 49 zuò to be aroused 汝等所作非法
163 49 zuò activity; action; undertaking 汝等所作非法
164 49 zuò to regard as 汝等所作非法
165 49 zuò action; kāraṇa 汝等所作非法
166 48 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 是麁罪
167 48 zuì fault; error 是麁罪
168 48 zuì hardship; suffering 是麁罪
169 48 zuì to blame; to accuse 是麁罪
170 48 zuì punishment 是麁罪
171 48 zuì transgression; āpatti 是麁罪
172 48 zuì sin; agha 是麁罪
173 45 shì matter; thing; item 以是事集比丘僧
174 45 shì to serve 以是事集比丘僧
175 45 shì a government post 以是事集比丘僧
176 45 shì duty; post; work 以是事集比丘僧
177 45 shì occupation 以是事集比丘僧
178 45 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 以是事集比丘僧
179 45 shì an accident 以是事集比丘僧
180 45 shì to attend 以是事集比丘僧
181 45 shì an allusion 以是事集比丘僧
182 45 shì a condition; a state; a situation 以是事集比丘僧
183 45 shì to engage in 以是事集比丘僧
184 45 shì to enslave 以是事集比丘僧
185 45 shì to pursue 以是事集比丘僧
186 45 shì to administer 以是事集比丘僧
187 45 shì to appoint 以是事集比丘僧
188 45 shì thing; phenomena 以是事集比丘僧
189 45 shì actions; karma 以是事集比丘僧
190 44 jīn today; present; now 從今比丘
191 44 jīn Jin 從今比丘
192 44 jīn modern 從今比丘
193 44 jīn now; adhunā 從今比丘
194 44 cóng to follow 從今比丘
195 44 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從今比丘
196 44 cóng to participate in something 從今比丘
197 44 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從今比丘
198 44 cóng something secondary 從今比丘
199 44 cóng remote relatives 從今比丘
200 44 cóng secondary 從今比丘
201 44 cóng to go on; to advance 從今比丘
202 44 cōng at ease; informal 從今比丘
203 44 zòng a follower; a supporter 從今比丘
204 44 zòng to release 從今比丘
205 44 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從今比丘
206 43 Yi 亦應共議
207 42 摩那埵 mónàduǒ mānatva; confession; period of penance 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
208 41 wèn to ask 問諸比丘
209 41 wèn to inquire after 問諸比丘
210 41 wèn to interrogate 問諸比丘
211 41 wèn to hold responsible 問諸比丘
212 41 wèn to request something 問諸比丘
213 41 wèn to rebuke 問諸比丘
214 41 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 問諸比丘
215 41 wèn news 問諸比丘
216 41 wèn to propose marriage 問諸比丘
217 41 wén to inform 問諸比丘
218 41 wèn to research 問諸比丘
219 41 wèn Wen 問諸比丘
220 41 wèn a question 問諸比丘
221 41 wèn ask; prccha 問諸比丘
222 40 毘尼 píní monastic discipline; vinaya 現前毘尼
223 39 gēng to change; to ammend 更相言
224 39 gēng a watch; a measure of time 更相言
225 39 gēng to experience 更相言
226 39 gēng to improve 更相言
227 39 gēng to replace; to substitute 更相言
228 39 gēng to compensate 更相言
229 39 gèng to increase 更相言
230 39 gēng forced military service 更相言
231 39 gēng Geng 更相言
232 39 jīng to experience 更相言
233 39 gēng contacts 更相言
234 37 to remember 汝憶犯波羅夷不
235 37 to reflect upon 汝憶犯波羅夷不
236 37 thinking of; smṛti 汝憶犯波羅夷不
237 36 shā sand; gravel; pebbles 彌沙塞
238 36 shā Sha 彌沙塞
239 36 shā beach 彌沙塞
240 36 shā granulated 彌沙塞
241 36 shā granules; powder 彌沙塞
242 36 shā sha 彌沙塞
243 36 shā sa 彌沙塞
244 36 shā sand; vālukā 彌沙塞
245 36 to go back; to return 復有五法應差
246 36 to resume; to restart 復有五法應差
247 36 to do in detail 復有五法應差
248 36 to restore 復有五法應差
249 36 to respond; to reply to 復有五法應差
250 36 Fu; Return 復有五法應差
251 36 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復有五法應差
252 36 to avoid forced labor or tax 復有五法應差
253 36 Fu 復有五法應差
254 36 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復有五法應差
255 36 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復有五法應差
256 35 jìng to end; to finish
257 35 jìng all; entire
258 35 jìng to investigate
259 35 jìng conclusion; avasāna
260 34 shī corpse 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
261 34 shī Kangxi radical 44 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
262 34 shī shi 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
263 34 shī sila; commitment to not doing harm 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
264 34 shī corpse; kuṇapa 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
265 34 grandmother 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
266 34 old woman 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
267 34 bha 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
268 32 Kangxi radical 49 已生便增廣
269 32 to bring to an end; to stop 已生便增廣
270 32 to complete 已生便增廣
271 32 to demote; to dismiss 已生便增廣
272 32 to recover from an illness 已生便增廣
273 32 former; pūrvaka 已生便增廣
274 31 tīng to listen 大德僧聽
275 31 tīng to obey 大德僧聽
276 31 tīng to understand 大德僧聽
277 31 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 大德僧聽
278 31 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 大德僧聽
279 31 tīng to await 大德僧聽
280 31 tīng to acknowledge 大德僧聽
281 31 tīng information 大德僧聽
282 31 tīng a hall 大德僧聽
283 31 tīng Ting 大德僧聽
284 31 tìng to administer; to process 大德僧聽
285 31 tīng to listen; śru 大德僧聽
286 30 zhōng middle 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
287 30 zhōng medium; medium sized 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
288 30 zhōng China 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
289 30 zhòng to hit the mark 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
290 30 zhōng midday 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
291 30 zhōng inside 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
292 30 zhōng during 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
293 30 zhōng Zhong 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
294 30 zhōng intermediary 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
295 30 zhōng half 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
296 30 zhòng to reach; to attain 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
297 30 zhòng to suffer; to infect 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
298 30 zhòng to obtain 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
299 30 zhòng to pass an exam 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
300 30 zhōng middle 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
301 30 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 是佛所說
302 30 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 是佛所說
303 30 shuì to persuade 是佛所說
304 30 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 是佛所說
305 30 shuō a doctrine; a theory 是佛所說
306 30 shuō to claim; to assert 是佛所說
307 30 shuō allocution 是佛所說
308 30 shuō to criticize; to scold 是佛所說
309 30 shuō to indicate; to refer to 是佛所說
310 30 shuō speach; vāda 是佛所說
311 30 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 是佛所說
312 30 shuō to instruct 是佛所說
313 29 běn to be one's own 應與本言治
314 29 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 應與本言治
315 29 běn the roots of a plant 應與本言治
316 29 běn capital 應與本言治
317 29 běn main; central; primary 應與本言治
318 29 běn according to 應與本言治
319 29 běn a version; an edition 應與本言治
320 29 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 應與本言治
321 29 běn a book 應與本言治
322 29 běn trunk of a tree 應與本言治
323 29 běn to investigate the root of 應與本言治
324 29 běn a manuscript for a play 應與本言治
325 29 běn Ben 應與本言治
326 29 běn root; origin; mula 應與本言治
327 29 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 應與本言治
328 29 běn former; previous; pūrva 應與本言治
329 29 僧伽 sēngqié sangha 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
330 29 僧伽 sēngqié Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
331 28 大德 dàdé most virtuous 大德僧聽
332 28 大德 dàdé Dade reign 大德僧聽
333 28 大德 dàdé a major festival 大德僧聽
334 28 大德 dàdé most virtuous; bhadanta 大德僧聽
335 28 大德 dàdé Great Virtue; Yaññadatta 大德僧聽
336 28 suǒ a few; various; some 汝等所作非法
337 28 suǒ a place; a location 汝等所作非法
338 28 suǒ indicates a passive voice 汝等所作非法
339 28 suǒ an ordinal number 汝等所作非法
340 28 suǒ meaning 汝等所作非法
341 28 suǒ garrison 汝等所作非法
342 28 suǒ place; pradeśa 汝等所作非法
343 28 to use; to grasp 言諍以幾事滅
344 28 to rely on 言諍以幾事滅
345 28 to regard 言諍以幾事滅
346 28 to be able to 言諍以幾事滅
347 28 to order; to command 言諍以幾事滅
348 28 used after a verb 言諍以幾事滅
349 28 a reason; a cause 言諍以幾事滅
350 28 Israel 言諍以幾事滅
351 28 Yi 言諍以幾事滅
352 28 use; yogena 言諍以幾事滅
353 28 èr two
354 28 èr Kangxi radical 7
355 28 èr second
356 28 èr twice; double; di-
357 28 èr more than one kind
358 28 èr two; dvā; dvi
359 28 èr both; dvaya
360 28 to go; to 我等當於僧中具說本末
361 28 to rely on; to depend on 我等當於僧中具說本末
362 28 Yu 我等當於僧中具說本末
363 28 a crow 我等當於僧中具說本末
364 27 zhì Kangxi radical 133 既至僧中具說本末
365 27 zhì to arrive 既至僧中具說本末
366 27 zhì approach; upagama 既至僧中具說本末
367 27 dialect; language; speech 應與多人語
368 27 to speak; to tell 應與多人語
369 27 verse; writing 應與多人語
370 27 to speak; to tell 應與多人語
371 27 proverbs; common sayings; old expressions 應與多人語
372 27 a signal 應與多人語
373 27 to chirp; to tweet 應與多人語
374 27 words; discourse; vac 應與多人語
375 27 liù six 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
376 27 liù sixth 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
377 27 liù a note on the Gongche scale 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
378 27 liù six; ṣaṭ 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
379 26 Ru River 汝憶犯波羅夷不
380 26 Ru 汝憶犯波羅夷不
381 25 sān three 五分律卷第二十三
382 25 sān third 五分律卷第二十三
383 25 sān more than two 五分律卷第二十三
384 25 sān very few 五分律卷第二十三
385 25 sān San 五分律卷第二十三
386 25 sān three; tri 五分律卷第二十三
387 25 sān sa 五分律卷第二十三
388 25 sān three kinds; trividha 五分律卷第二十三
389 25 zhě ca 滅者不滅
390 24 hòu after; later 後羯磨二人
391 24 hòu empress; queen 後羯磨二人
392 24 hòu sovereign 後羯磨二人
393 24 hòu the god of the earth 後羯磨二人
394 24 hòu late; later 後羯磨二人
395 24 hòu offspring; descendents 後羯磨二人
396 24 hòu to fall behind; to lag 後羯磨二人
397 24 hòu behind; back 後羯磨二人
398 24 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 後羯磨二人
399 24 hòu Hou 後羯磨二人
400 24 hòu after; behind 後羯磨二人
401 24 hòu following 後羯磨二人
402 24 hòu to be delayed 後羯磨二人
403 24 hòu to abandon; to discard 後羯磨二人
404 24 hòu feudal lords 後羯磨二人
405 24 hòu Hou 後羯磨二人
406 24 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 後羯磨二人
407 24 hòu rear; paścāt 後羯磨二人
408 24 hòu later; paścima 後羯磨二人
409 23 現前 xiàn qián to manifest 現前毘尼
410 23 現前 xiàn qián the present 現前毘尼
411 23 現前 xiàn qián to manifest in the present; to present before the eyes 現前毘尼
412 23 method; way 第四分初滅諍法
413 23 France 第四分初滅諍法
414 23 the law; rules; regulations 第四分初滅諍法
415 23 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 第四分初滅諍法
416 23 a standard; a norm 第四分初滅諍法
417 23 an institution 第四分初滅諍法
418 23 to emulate 第四分初滅諍法
419 23 magic; a magic trick 第四分初滅諍法
420 23 punishment 第四分初滅諍法
421 23 Fa 第四分初滅諍法
422 23 a precedent 第四分初滅諍法
423 23 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 第四分初滅諍法
424 23 relating to a ceremony or rite 第四分初滅諍法
425 23 Dharma 第四分初滅諍法
426 23 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 第四分初滅諍法
427 23 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 第四分初滅諍法
428 23 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 第四分初滅諍法
429 23 quality; characteristic 第四分初滅諍法
430 23 波羅夷 bōluóyí pārājika; rules for expulsion from the saṃgha 汝憶犯波羅夷不
431 23 羯磨 jiémó karma 是用羯磨出罪
432 23 rén person; people; a human being 人現前
433 23 rén Kangxi radical 9 人現前
434 23 rén a kind of person 人現前
435 23 rén everybody 人現前
436 23 rén adult 人現前
437 23 rén somebody; others 人現前
438 23 rén an upright person 人現前
439 23 rén person; manuṣya 人現前
440 22 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 爾時諸比丘好共鬪諍
441 21 xiān first 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
442 21 xiān early; prior; former 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
443 21 xiān to go forward; to advance 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
444 21 xiān to attach importance to; to value 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
445 21 xiān to start 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
446 21 xiān ancestors; forebears 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
447 21 xiān before; in front 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
448 21 xiān fundamental; basic 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
449 21 xiān Xian 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
450 21 xiān ancient; archaic 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
451 21 xiān super 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
452 21 xiān deceased 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
453 21 xiān first; former; pūrva 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
454 20 shàng top; a high position 僧亦應如上呵
455 20 shang top; the position on or above something 僧亦應如上呵
456 20 shàng to go up; to go forward 僧亦應如上呵
457 20 shàng shang 僧亦應如上呵
458 20 shàng previous; last 僧亦應如上呵
459 20 shàng high; higher 僧亦應如上呵
460 20 shàng advanced 僧亦應如上呵
461 20 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 僧亦應如上呵
462 20 shàng time 僧亦應如上呵
463 20 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 僧亦應如上呵
464 20 shàng far 僧亦應如上呵
465 20 shàng big; as big as 僧亦應如上呵
466 20 shàng abundant; plentiful 僧亦應如上呵
467 20 shàng to report 僧亦應如上呵
468 20 shàng to offer 僧亦應如上呵
469 20 shàng to go on stage 僧亦應如上呵
470 20 shàng to take office; to assume a post 僧亦應如上呵
471 20 shàng to install; to erect 僧亦應如上呵
472 20 shàng to suffer; to sustain 僧亦應如上呵
473 20 shàng to burn 僧亦應如上呵
474 20 shàng to remember 僧亦應如上呵
475 20 shàng to add 僧亦應如上呵
476 20 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 僧亦應如上呵
477 20 shàng to meet 僧亦應如上呵
478 20 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 僧亦應如上呵
479 20 shang used after a verb indicating a result 僧亦應如上呵
480 20 shàng a musical note 僧亦應如上呵
481 20 shàng higher, superior; uttara 僧亦應如上呵
482 20 zhī to go 而以滅之
483 20 zhī to arrive; to go 而以滅之
484 20 zhī is 而以滅之
485 20 zhī to use 而以滅之
486 20 zhī Zhi 而以滅之
487 20 zhī winding 而以滅之
488 20 如法 rú fǎ In Accord With 求我等如法
489 19 rěn to bear; to endure; to tolerate 忍是
490 19 rěn callous; heartless 忍是
491 19 rěn Patience 忍是
492 19 rěn tolerance; patience 忍是
493 19 夜行 yèxíng night walk; night departure; nocturnal 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
494 19 不淨 bù jìng Impurity; dirty; filthy 爾時有一比丘故出不淨
495 19 chóu a chip; a tally; a token 應行籌
496 19 chóu to raise money 應行籌
497 19 chóu a small stick or rod; a tally; śalākā 應行籌
498 19 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在舍衛城
499 19 relating to Buddhism 佛在舍衛城
500 19 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在舍衛城

Frequencies of all Words

Top 955

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 239 sēng a Buddhist monk 僧常所行事
2 239 sēng a person with dark skin 僧常所行事
3 239 sēng Seng 僧常所行事
4 239 sēng Sangha; monastic community 僧常所行事
5 178 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 比丘
6 178 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 比丘
7 178 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 比丘
8 122 not; no 汝等實爾不
9 122 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 汝等實爾不
10 122 as a correlative 汝等實爾不
11 122 no (answering a question) 汝等實爾不
12 122 forms a negative adjective from a noun 汝等實爾不
13 122 at the end of a sentence to form a question 汝等實爾不
14 122 to form a yes or no question 汝等實爾不
15 122 infix potential marker 汝等實爾不
16 122 no; na 汝等實爾不
17 116 and 應與
18 116 to give 應與
19 116 together with 應與
20 116 interrogative particle 應與
21 116 to accompany 應與
22 116 to particate in 應與
23 116 of the same kind 應與
24 116 to help 應與
25 116 for 應與
26 116 and; ca 應與
27 102 one
28 102 Kangxi radical 1
29 102 as soon as; all at once
30 102 pure; concentrated
31 102 whole; all
32 102 first
33 102 the same
34 102 each
35 102 certain
36 102 throughout
37 102 used in between a reduplicated verb
38 102 sole; single
39 102 a very small amount
40 102 Yi
41 102 other
42 102 to unify
43 102 accidentally; coincidentally
44 102 abruptly; suddenly
45 102 or
46 102 one; eka
47 97 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若有諍起得以
48 97 ruò seemingly 若有諍起得以
49 97 ruò if 若有諍起得以
50 97 ruò you 若有諍起得以
51 97 ruò this; that 若有諍起得以
52 97 ruò and; or 若有諍起得以
53 97 ruò as for; pertaining to 若有諍起得以
54 97 pomegranite 若有諍起得以
55 97 ruò to choose 若有諍起得以
56 97 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若有諍起得以
57 97 ruò thus 若有諍起得以
58 97 ruò pollia 若有諍起得以
59 97 ruò Ruo 若有諍起得以
60 97 ruò only then 若有諍起得以
61 97 ja 若有諍起得以
62 97 jñā 若有諍起得以
63 97 ruò if; yadi 若有諍起得以
64 94 yīng should; ought 應與
65 94 yìng to answer; to respond 應與
66 94 yìng to confirm; to verify 應與
67 94 yīng soon; immediately 應與
68 94 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 應與
69 94 yìng to accept 應與
70 94 yīng or; either 應與
71 94 yìng to permit; to allow 應與
72 94 yìng to echo 應與
73 94 yìng to handle; to deal with 應與
74 94 yìng Ying 應與
75 94 yīng suitable; yukta 應與
76 84 cáng to hide 不覆藏
77 84 zàng canon; a collection of scriptures 不覆藏
78 84 cáng to store 不覆藏
79 84 zàng Tibet 不覆藏
80 84 zàng a treasure 不覆藏
81 84 zàng a store 不覆藏
82 84 zāng Zang 不覆藏
83 84 zāng good 不覆藏
84 84 zāng a male slave 不覆藏
85 84 zāng booty 不覆藏
86 84 zàng an internal organ 不覆藏
87 84 zàng to bury 不覆藏
88 84 zàng piṭaka; canon 不覆藏
89 84 zàng garba; matrix; embryo 不覆藏
90 84 zàng kośa; kosa 不覆藏
91 84 zàng alaya; dwelling; residence 不覆藏
92 84 to cover 不覆藏
93 84 to reply [to a letter] 不覆藏
94 84 to overturn; to capsize 不覆藏
95 84 layered 不覆藏
96 84 to ruin; to destroy; to overwhelm 不覆藏
97 84 to hide 不覆藏
98 84 to scrutinize 不覆藏
99 84 to the contrary 不覆藏
100 84 again 不覆藏
101 84 to reverse; to return 不覆藏
102 84 to ambush 不覆藏
103 84 disparage; mrakṣa 不覆藏
104 70 shì is; are; am; to be 有言是法
105 70 shì is exactly 有言是法
106 70 shì is suitable; is in contrast 有言是法
107 70 shì this; that; those 有言是法
108 70 shì really; certainly 有言是法
109 70 shì correct; yes; affirmative 有言是法
110 70 shì true 有言是法
111 70 shì is; has; exists 有言是法
112 70 shì used between repetitions of a word 有言是法
113 70 shì a matter; an affair 有言是法
114 70 shì Shi 有言是法
115 70 shì is; bhū 有言是法
116 70 shì this; idam 有言是法
117 70 I; me; my
118 70 self
119 70 we; our
120 70 [my] dear
121 70 Wo
122 70 self; atman; attan
123 70 ga
124 70 I; aham
125 68 fàn to commit a crime; to violate 皆犯突吉羅
126 68 fàn to attack; to invade 皆犯突吉羅
127 68 fàn to transgress 皆犯突吉羅
128 68 fàn conjunction of a star 皆犯突吉羅
129 68 fàn to conquer 皆犯突吉羅
130 68 fàn to occur 皆犯突吉羅
131 68 fàn to face danger 皆犯突吉羅
132 68 fàn to fall 皆犯突吉羅
133 68 fàn to be worth; to deserve 皆犯突吉羅
134 68 fàn a criminal 皆犯突吉羅
135 68 fàn to commit a transgression; āpatti 皆犯突吉羅
136 65 to beg; to request 今從僧乞憶念
137 65 to hope for; look forward to 今從僧乞憶念
138 65 a beggar 今從僧乞憶念
139 65 Qi 今從僧乞憶念
140 65 to give 今從僧乞憶念
141 65 destitute; needy 今從僧乞憶念
142 65 to beg; yācñā 今從僧乞憶念
143 64 yán to speak; to say; said 更相言
144 64 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 更相言
145 64 yán Kangxi radical 149 更相言
146 64 yán a particle with no meaning 更相言
147 64 yán phrase; sentence 更相言
148 64 yán a word; a syllable 更相言
149 64 yán a theory; a doctrine 更相言
150 64 yán to regard as 更相言
151 64 yán to act as 更相言
152 64 yán word; vacana 更相言
153 64 yán speak; vad 更相言
154 64 night 過六夜已
155 64 dark 過六夜已
156 64 by night 過六夜已
157 64 ya 過六夜已
158 64 night; rajanī 過六夜已
159 61 that; those 彼比丘不喜
160 61 another; the other 彼比丘不喜
161 61 that; tad 彼比丘不喜
162 60 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 聞異住
163 60 zhù to stop; to halt 聞異住
164 60 zhù to retain; to remain 聞異住
165 60 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 聞異住
166 60 zhù firmly; securely 聞異住
167 60 zhù verb complement 聞異住
168 60 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 聞異住
169 59 bié do not; must not 與此比丘作一夜別住法
170 59 bié other 與此比丘作一夜別住法
171 59 bié special 與此比丘作一夜別住法
172 59 bié to leave 與此比丘作一夜別住法
173 59 bié besides; moreover; furthermore; in addition 與此比丘作一夜別住法
174 59 bié to distinguish 與此比丘作一夜別住法
175 59 bié to pin 與此比丘作一夜別住法
176 59 bié to insert; to jam 與此比丘作一夜別住法
177 59 bié to turn 與此比丘作一夜別住法
178 59 bié Bie 與此比丘作一夜別住法
179 59 bié other; anya 與此比丘作一夜別住法
180 53 xíng to walk 應行籌
181 53 xíng capable; competent 應行籌
182 53 háng profession 應行籌
183 53 háng line; row 應行籌
184 53 xíng Kangxi radical 144 應行籌
185 53 xíng to travel 應行籌
186 53 xìng actions; conduct 應行籌
187 53 xíng to do; to act; to practice 應行籌
188 53 xíng all right; OK; okay 應行籌
189 53 háng horizontal line 應行籌
190 53 héng virtuous deeds 應行籌
191 53 hàng a line of trees 應行籌
192 53 hàng bold; steadfast 應行籌
193 53 xíng to move 應行籌
194 53 xíng to put into effect; to implement 應行籌
195 53 xíng travel 應行籌
196 53 xíng to circulate 應行籌
197 53 xíng running script; running script 應行籌
198 53 xíng temporary 應行籌
199 53 xíng soon 應行籌
200 53 háng rank; order 應行籌
201 53 háng a business; a shop 應行籌
202 53 xíng to depart; to leave 應行籌
203 53 xíng to experience 應行籌
204 53 xíng path; way 應行籌
205 53 xíng xing; ballad 應行籌
206 53 xíng a round [of drinks] 應行籌
207 53 xíng Xing 應行籌
208 53 xíng moreover; also 應行籌
209 53 xíng Practice 應行籌
210 53 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 應行籌
211 53 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 應行籌
212 52 zhèng to criticize; to remonstrate; to admonish 第四分初滅諍法
213 52 zhèng to advise frankly 第四分初滅諍法
214 52 zhèng to dispute 第四分初滅諍法
215 52 zhèng quarrel; vigraha 第四分初滅諍法
216 50 such as; for example; for instance 僧如
217 50 if 僧如
218 50 in accordance with 僧如
219 50 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 僧如
220 50 this 僧如
221 50 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 僧如
222 50 to go to 僧如
223 50 to meet 僧如
224 50 to appear; to seem; to be like 僧如
225 50 at least as good as 僧如
226 50 and 僧如
227 50 or 僧如
228 50 but 僧如
229 50 then 僧如
230 50 naturally 僧如
231 50 expresses a question or doubt 僧如
232 50 you 僧如
233 50 the second lunar month 僧如
234 50 in; at 僧如
235 50 Ru 僧如
236 50 Thus 僧如
237 50 thus; tathā 僧如
238 50 like; iva 僧如
239 50 suchness; tathatā 僧如
240 50 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 第四分初滅諍法
241 50 miè to submerge 第四分初滅諍法
242 50 miè to extinguish; to put out 第四分初滅諍法
243 50 miè to eliminate 第四分初滅諍法
244 50 miè to disappear; to fade away 第四分初滅諍法
245 50 miè the cessation of suffering 第四分初滅諍法
246 50 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 第四分初滅諍法
247 50 某甲 mǒujiǎ a certain person 僧今差某甲
248 49 如是 rúshì thus; so 若如是滅已
249 49 如是 rúshì thus, so 若如是滅已
250 49 如是 rúshì thus; evam 若如是滅已
251 49 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 若如是滅已
252 49 zuò to do 汝等所作非法
253 49 zuò to act as; to serve as 汝等所作非法
254 49 zuò to start 汝等所作非法
255 49 zuò a writing; a work 汝等所作非法
256 49 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 汝等所作非法
257 49 zuō to create; to make 汝等所作非法
258 49 zuō a workshop 汝等所作非法
259 49 zuō to write; to compose 汝等所作非法
260 49 zuò to rise 汝等所作非法
261 49 zuò to be aroused 汝等所作非法
262 49 zuò activity; action; undertaking 汝等所作非法
263 49 zuò to regard as 汝等所作非法
264 49 zuò action; kāraṇa 汝等所作非法
265 48 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 是麁罪
266 48 zuì fault; error 是麁罪
267 48 zuì hardship; suffering 是麁罪
268 48 zuì to blame; to accuse 是麁罪
269 48 zuì punishment 是麁罪
270 48 zuì transgression; āpatti 是麁罪
271 48 zuì sin; agha 是麁罪
272 45 shì matter; thing; item 以是事集比丘僧
273 45 shì to serve 以是事集比丘僧
274 45 shì a government post 以是事集比丘僧
275 45 shì duty; post; work 以是事集比丘僧
276 45 shì occupation 以是事集比丘僧
277 45 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 以是事集比丘僧
278 45 shì an accident 以是事集比丘僧
279 45 shì to attend 以是事集比丘僧
280 45 shì an allusion 以是事集比丘僧
281 45 shì a condition; a state; a situation 以是事集比丘僧
282 45 shì to engage in 以是事集比丘僧
283 45 shì to enslave 以是事集比丘僧
284 45 shì to pursue 以是事集比丘僧
285 45 shì to administer 以是事集比丘僧
286 45 shì to appoint 以是事集比丘僧
287 45 shì a piece 以是事集比丘僧
288 45 shì thing; phenomena 以是事集比丘僧
289 45 shì actions; karma 以是事集比丘僧
290 44 jīn today; present; now 從今比丘
291 44 jīn Jin 從今比丘
292 44 jīn modern 從今比丘
293 44 jīn now; adhunā 從今比丘
294 44 cóng from 從今比丘
295 44 cóng to follow 從今比丘
296 44 cóng past; through 從今比丘
297 44 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從今比丘
298 44 cóng to participate in something 從今比丘
299 44 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從今比丘
300 44 cóng usually 從今比丘
301 44 cóng something secondary 從今比丘
302 44 cóng remote relatives 從今比丘
303 44 cóng secondary 從今比丘
304 44 cóng to go on; to advance 從今比丘
305 44 cōng at ease; informal 從今比丘
306 44 zòng a follower; a supporter 從今比丘
307 44 zòng to release 從今比丘
308 44 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從今比丘
309 44 cóng receiving; upādāya 從今比丘
310 43 also; too 亦應共議
311 43 but 亦應共議
312 43 this; he; she 亦應共議
313 43 although; even though 亦應共議
314 43 already 亦應共議
315 43 particle with no meaning 亦應共議
316 43 Yi 亦應共議
317 42 摩那埵 mónàduǒ mānatva; confession; period of penance 僧與彼比丘作白四羯磨六夜行摩那埵
318 41 wèn to ask 問諸比丘
319 41 wèn to inquire after 問諸比丘
320 41 wèn to interrogate 問諸比丘
321 41 wèn to hold responsible 問諸比丘
322 41 wèn to request something 問諸比丘
323 41 wèn to rebuke 問諸比丘
324 41 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 問諸比丘
325 41 wèn news 問諸比丘
326 41 wèn to propose marriage 問諸比丘
327 41 wén to inform 問諸比丘
328 41 wèn to research 問諸比丘
329 41 wèn Wen 問諸比丘
330 41 wèn to 問諸比丘
331 41 wèn a question 問諸比丘
332 41 wèn ask; prccha 問諸比丘
333 40 毘尼 píní monastic discipline; vinaya 現前毘尼
334 39 gèng more; even more 更相言
335 39 gēng to change; to ammend 更相言
336 39 gēng a watch; a measure of time 更相言
337 39 gèng again; also 更相言
338 39 gēng to experience 更相言
339 39 gēng to improve 更相言
340 39 gēng to replace; to substitute 更相言
341 39 gēng to compensate 更相言
342 39 gèng furthermore; even if 更相言
343 39 gèng other 更相言
344 39 gèng to increase 更相言
345 39 gēng forced military service 更相言
346 39 gēng Geng 更相言
347 39 gèng finally; eventually 更相言
348 39 jīng to experience 更相言
349 39 gèng again; punar 更相言
350 39 gēng contacts 更相言
351 37 this; these 往滅此事
352 37 in this way 往滅此事
353 37 otherwise; but; however; so 往滅此事
354 37 at this time; now; here 往滅此事
355 37 this; here; etad 往滅此事
356 37 to remember 汝憶犯波羅夷不
357 37 to reflect upon 汝憶犯波羅夷不
358 37 thinking of; smṛti 汝憶犯波羅夷不
359 36 shā sand; gravel; pebbles 彌沙塞
360 36 shā Sha 彌沙塞
361 36 shā beach 彌沙塞
362 36 shā granulated 彌沙塞
363 36 shā granules; powder 彌沙塞
364 36 shā sha 彌沙塞
365 36 shā a; ya 彌沙塞
366 36 shā sa 彌沙塞
367 36 shā sand; vālukā 彌沙塞
368 36 again; more; repeatedly 復有五法應差
369 36 to go back; to return 復有五法應差
370 36 to resume; to restart 復有五法應差
371 36 to do in detail 復有五法應差
372 36 to restore 復有五法應差
373 36 to respond; to reply to 復有五法應差
374 36 after all; and then 復有五法應差
375 36 even if; although 復有五法應差
376 36 Fu; Return 復有五法應差
377 36 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復有五法應差
378 36 to avoid forced labor or tax 復有五法應差
379 36 particle without meaing 復有五法應差
380 36 Fu 復有五法應差
381 36 repeated; again 復有五法應差
382 36 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復有五法應差
383 36 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復有五法應差
384 36 again; punar 復有五法應差
385 35 jìng actually; in the end
386 35 jìng unexpectedly; to go so far as to
387 35 jìng to end; to finish
388 35 jìng all; entire
389 35 jìng directly
390 35 jìng to investigate
391 35 jìng conclusion; avasāna
392 34 shī corpse 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
393 34 shī Kangxi radical 44 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
394 34 shī shi 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
395 34 shī sila; commitment to not doing harm 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
396 34 shī corpse; kuṇapa 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
397 34 grandmother 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
398 34 old woman 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
399 34 bha 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
400 32 already 已生便增廣
401 32 Kangxi radical 49 已生便增廣
402 32 from 已生便增廣
403 32 to bring to an end; to stop 已生便增廣
404 32 final aspectual particle 已生便增廣
405 32 afterwards; thereafter 已生便增廣
406 32 too; very; excessively 已生便增廣
407 32 to complete 已生便增廣
408 32 to demote; to dismiss 已生便增廣
409 32 to recover from an illness 已生便增廣
410 32 certainly 已生便增廣
411 32 an interjection of surprise 已生便增廣
412 32 this 已生便增廣
413 32 former; pūrvaka 已生便增廣
414 32 former; pūrvaka 已生便增廣
415 31 tīng to listen 大德僧聽
416 31 tīng to obey 大德僧聽
417 31 tīng to understand 大德僧聽
418 31 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 大德僧聽
419 31 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 大德僧聽
420 31 tīng to await 大德僧聽
421 31 tīng to acknowledge 大德僧聽
422 31 tīng a tin can 大德僧聽
423 31 tīng information 大德僧聽
424 31 tīng a hall 大德僧聽
425 31 tīng Ting 大德僧聽
426 31 tìng to administer; to process 大德僧聽
427 31 tīng to listen; śru 大德僧聽
428 30 zhōng middle 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
429 30 zhōng medium; medium sized 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
430 30 zhōng China 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
431 30 zhòng to hit the mark 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
432 30 zhōng in; amongst 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
433 30 zhōng midday 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
434 30 zhōng inside 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
435 30 zhōng during 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
436 30 zhōng Zhong 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
437 30 zhōng intermediary 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
438 30 zhōng half 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
439 30 zhōng just right; suitably 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
440 30 zhōng while 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
441 30 zhòng to reach; to attain 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
442 30 zhòng to suffer; to infect 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
443 30 zhòng to obtain 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
444 30 zhòng to pass an exam 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
445 30 zhōng middle 應先向彼眾中知法比丘具說本末
446 30 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 是佛所說
447 30 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 是佛所說
448 30 shuì to persuade 是佛所說
449 30 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 是佛所說
450 30 shuō a doctrine; a theory 是佛所說
451 30 shuō to claim; to assert 是佛所說
452 30 shuō allocution 是佛所說
453 30 shuō to criticize; to scold 是佛所說
454 30 shuō to indicate; to refer to 是佛所說
455 30 shuō speach; vāda 是佛所說
456 30 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 是佛所說
457 30 shuō to instruct 是佛所說
458 29 běn measure word for books 應與本言治
459 29 běn this (city, week, etc) 應與本言治
460 29 běn originally; formerly 應與本言治
461 29 běn to be one's own 應與本言治
462 29 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 應與本言治
463 29 běn the roots of a plant 應與本言治
464 29 běn self 應與本言治
465 29 běn measure word for flowering plants 應與本言治
466 29 běn capital 應與本言治
467 29 běn main; central; primary 應與本言治
468 29 běn according to 應與本言治
469 29 běn a version; an edition 應與本言治
470 29 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 應與本言治
471 29 běn a book 應與本言治
472 29 běn trunk of a tree 應與本言治
473 29 běn to investigate the root of 應與本言治
474 29 běn a manuscript for a play 應與本言治
475 29 běn Ben 應與本言治
476 29 běn root; origin; mula 應與本言治
477 29 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 應與本言治
478 29 běn former; previous; pūrva 應與本言治
479 29 僧伽 sēngqié sangha 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
480 29 僧伽 sēngqié Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community 憶犯僧伽婆尸沙
481 28 大德 dàdé most virtuous 大德僧聽
482 28 大德 dàdé Dade reign 大德僧聽
483 28 大德 dàdé a major festival 大德僧聽
484 28 大德 dàdé most virtuous; bhadanta 大德僧聽
485 28 大德 dàdé Great Virtue; Yaññadatta 大德僧聽
486 28 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 汝等所作非法
487 28 suǒ an office; an institute 汝等所作非法
488 28 suǒ introduces a relative clause 汝等所作非法
489 28 suǒ it 汝等所作非法
490 28 suǒ if; supposing 汝等所作非法
491 28 suǒ a few; various; some 汝等所作非法
492 28 suǒ a place; a location 汝等所作非法
493 28 suǒ indicates a passive voice 汝等所作非法
494 28 suǒ that which 汝等所作非法
495 28 suǒ an ordinal number 汝等所作非法
496 28 suǒ meaning 汝等所作非法
497 28 suǒ garrison 汝等所作非法
498 28 suǒ place; pradeśa 汝等所作非法
499 28 suǒ that which; yad 汝等所作非法
500 28 so as to; in order to 言諍以幾事滅


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
sēng Sangha; monastic community
  1. bǐqiū
  2. bǐqiū
  1. bhiksu
  2. bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu
no; na
and; ca
one; eka
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
yīng suitable; yukta
  1. zàng
  2. zàng
  3. zàng
  4. zàng
  1. piṭaka; canon
  2. garba; matrix; embryo
  3. kośa; kosa
  4. alaya; dwelling; residence
disparage; mrakṣa
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿浮呵那 196 Avrha Heaven; Heaven without Affliction
佛陀什 102 Buddhajīva
伽耶山 106 Gayā
罽賓 106 Kashmir
弥沙塞部五分律 彌沙塞部和醯五分律 77 Five Part Vinaya; Mahīśāsakavinaya
如是语 如是語 114 Itivuttaka
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
僧伽 115
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
舍卫城 舍衛城 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
五分律 87 Five Part Vinaya; Mahīśāsakavinaya
夜摩 121 Yama
应人 應人 121 Worthy One; Arhat
优波离 優波離 121 Upāli; Upali
优波离问 優波離問 121 Questions of Upali
竺道生 122 Zhu Daosheng; Daosheng


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 54.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
白四 98 to confess a matter
白四羯磨 98 to confess a matter
比丘僧 98 monastic community
波罗提木叉 波羅提木叉 98 rules of conduct for monks; prātimokṣa
波罗夷 波羅夷 98 pārājika; rules for expulsion from the saṃgha
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不如法 98 counterto moral principles
二种 二種 195 two kinds
恶业 惡業 195 unwholesome acts; evil intentions
法行 102 to practice the Dharma
发露 發露 102 to reveal; to manifest
犯重 102 a serious offense
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
非有 102 does not exist; is not real
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
教诫 教誡 106 instruction; teaching
羯磨 106 karma
卷第二十 106 scroll 20
具戒 106
  1. full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
  2. gifted with conduct
具足戒 106 full ordination; upasaṃpanna; upasaṃpadā
六夜摩那埵 108 six night period of penance
名僧 109 renowned monastic
摩那埵 109 mānatva; confession; period of penance
偏袒右肩 112 bared his right shoulder
毘尼 112 monastic discipline; vinaya
破僧 112
  1. to disrupt a monastic in meditation
  2. to disrupt the harmony of the monastic community
七灭诤法 七滅諍法 113 seven rules for eliminating conflict
忍听 忍聽 114 tolerance and agreement
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
如实 如實 114
  1. according to reality
  2. in accordance with fact; truly; yathābhūtam
  3. suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
散乱心 散亂心 115 a confused mind; an unsettled mind
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
善知识 善知識 115 Dharma Friends; kalyāṇamitra; kalyāṇamitta; kalyanamitra
身口意 115 body, speech, and mind
时到 時到 115 timely arrival
受戒 115
  1. Take the Precepts
  2. to take precepts
受具 115 to obtain full ordination
所行 115 actions; practice
偷兰遮 偷蘭遮 116 great transgression; serious misdeed; sthūlātyaya
偷罗遮 偷羅遮 116 great transgression; serious misdeed; sthūlātyaya
突吉罗 突吉羅 116 wrongdoing; misdeed; minor misdeed; duṣkṛta; dukkaṭa
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
五法 119 five dharmas; five categories
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
意业 意業 121 mental karma; actions; deeds
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
知法 122 to understand the Dharma; to know the teachings of the Buddha
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
自言 122 to admit by oneself