Glossary and Vocabulary for Mahāratnakūṭasūtra (The Great Treasures Collection Sūtra) 大寶積經, Scroll 56

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 112 難陀 nántuó Nanda 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
2 78 to go; to 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
3 78 to rely on; to depend on 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
4 78 Yu 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
5 78 a crow 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
6 72 mother 所謂入母胎經
7 72 Kangxi radical 80 所謂入母胎經
8 72 female 所謂入母胎經
9 72 female elders; older female relatives 所謂入母胎經
10 72 parent; source; origin 所謂入母胎經
11 72 all women 所謂入母胎經
12 72 to foster; to nurture 所謂入母胎經
13 72 a large proportion of currency 所謂入母胎經
14 72 investment capital 所謂入母胎經
15 72 mother; maternal deity 所謂入母胎經
16 64 tāi fetus; litter 所謂入母胎經
17 64 tāi womb 所謂入母胎經
18 64 tāi prototype 所謂入母胎經
19 64 tāi origin; root; source 所謂入母胎經
20 64 tāi an automobile tire 所謂入母胎經
21 64 tāi to nourish 所謂入母胎經
22 64 tāi an unprocessed molding of an object 所謂入母胎經
23 64 tāi padding 所謂入母胎經
24 64 tāi to give birth; to spawn 所謂入母胎經
25 64 tāi womb; inside; garbha 所謂入母胎經
26 45 shēng to be born; to give birth 遂生憂惱
27 45 shēng to live 遂生憂惱
28 45 shēng raw 遂生憂惱
29 45 shēng a student 遂生憂惱
30 45 shēng life 遂生憂惱
31 45 shēng to produce; to give rise 遂生憂惱
32 45 shēng alive 遂生憂惱
33 45 shēng a lifetime 遂生憂惱
34 45 shēng to initiate; to become 遂生憂惱
35 45 shēng to grow 遂生憂惱
36 45 shēng unfamiliar 遂生憂惱
37 45 shēng not experienced 遂生憂惱
38 45 shēng hard; stiff; strong 遂生憂惱
39 45 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 遂生憂惱
40 45 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 遂生憂惱
41 45 shēng gender 遂生憂惱
42 45 shēng to develop; to grow 遂生憂惱
43 45 shēng to set up 遂生憂惱
44 45 shēng a prostitute 遂生憂惱
45 45 shēng a captive 遂生憂惱
46 45 shēng a gentleman 遂生憂惱
47 45 shēng Kangxi radical 100 遂生憂惱
48 45 shēng unripe 遂生憂惱
49 45 shēng nature 遂生憂惱
50 45 shēng to inherit; to succeed 遂生憂惱
51 45 shēng destiny 遂生憂惱
52 45 shēng birth 遂生憂惱
53 45 shēng arise; produce; utpad 遂生憂惱
54 43 中有 zhōngyǒu an intermediate existence between death and rebirth 地獄中有
55 43 abdomen; stomach; belly 其母腹淨月期時至
56 43 core; inside 其母腹淨月期時至
57 43 inner thought; inner feelings 其母腹淨月期時至
58 43 thick 其母腹淨月期時至
59 43 main side 其母腹淨月期時至
60 43 Fu 其母腹淨月期時至
61 43 to huge; to embrace 其母腹淨月期時至
62 43 stomach; udara 其母腹淨月期時至
63 42 fēng wind 若母陰處為風病所持
64 42 fēng Kangxi radical 182 若母陰處為風病所持
65 42 fēng demeanor; style; appearance 若母陰處為風病所持
66 42 fēng prana 若母陰處為風病所持
67 42 fēng a scene 若母陰處為風病所持
68 42 fēng a custom; a tradition 若母陰處為風病所持
69 42 fēng news 若母陰處為風病所持
70 42 fēng a disturbance /an incident 若母陰處為風病所持
71 42 fēng a fetish 若母陰處為風病所持
72 42 fēng a popular folk song 若母陰處為風病所持
73 42 fēng an illness; internal wind as the cause of illness 若母陰處為風病所持
74 42 fēng Feng 若母陰處為風病所持
75 42 fēng to blow away 若母陰處為風病所持
76 42 fēng sexual interaction of animals 若母陰處為風病所持
77 42 fēng from folklore without a basis 若母陰處為風病所持
78 42 fèng fashion; vogue 若母陰處為風病所持
79 42 fèng to tacfully admonish 若母陰處為風病所持
80 42 fēng weather 若母陰處為風病所持
81 42 fēng quick 若母陰處為風病所持
82 42 fēng prevailing conditions; general sentiment 若母陰處為風病所持
83 42 fēng wind element 若母陰處為風病所持
84 42 fēng wind; vayu 若母陰處為風病所持
85 39 wéi to act as; to serve 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
86 39 wéi to change into; to become 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
87 39 wéi to be; is 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
88 39 wéi to do 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
89 39 wèi to support; to help 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
90 39 wéi to govern 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
91 39 wèi to be; bhū 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
92 38 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令使出看乃見佛至
93 38 lìng to issue a command 令使出看乃見佛至
94 38 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令使出看乃見佛至
95 38 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令使出看乃見佛至
96 38 lìng a season 令使出看乃見佛至
97 38 lìng respected; good reputation 令使出看乃見佛至
98 38 lìng good 令使出看乃見佛至
99 38 lìng pretentious 令使出看乃見佛至
100 38 lìng a transcending state of existence 令使出看乃見佛至
101 38 lìng a commander 令使出看乃見佛至
102 38 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令使出看乃見佛至
103 38 lìng lyrics 令使出看乃見佛至
104 38 lìng Ling 令使出看乃見佛至
105 38 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令使出看乃見佛至
106 37 day of the month; a certain day 既至日晚尋路而行
107 37 Kangxi radical 72 既至日晚尋路而行
108 37 a day 既至日晚尋路而行
109 37 Japan 既至日晚尋路而行
110 37 sun 既至日晚尋路而行
111 37 daytime 既至日晚尋路而行
112 37 sunlight 既至日晚尋路而行
113 37 everyday 既至日晚尋路而行
114 37 season 既至日晚尋路而行
115 37 available time 既至日晚尋路而行
116 37 in the past 既至日晚尋路而行
117 37 mi 既至日晚尋路而行
118 37 sun; sūrya 既至日晚尋路而行
119 37 a day; divasa 既至日晚尋路而行
120 37 Qi 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
121 37 shí time; a point or period of time 世尊觀知受化時至
122 37 shí a season; a quarter of a year 世尊觀知受化時至
123 37 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 世尊觀知受化時至
124 37 shí fashionable 世尊觀知受化時至
125 37 shí fate; destiny; luck 世尊觀知受化時至
126 37 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 世尊觀知受化時至
127 37 shí tense 世尊觀知受化時至
128 37 shí particular; special 世尊觀知受化時至
129 37 shí to plant; to cultivate 世尊觀知受化時至
130 37 shí an era; a dynasty 世尊觀知受化時至
131 37 shí time [abstract] 世尊觀知受化時至
132 37 shí seasonal 世尊觀知受化時至
133 37 shí to wait upon 世尊觀知受化時至
134 37 shí hour 世尊觀知受化時至
135 37 shí appropriate; proper; timely 世尊觀知受化時至
136 37 shí Shi 世尊觀知受化時至
137 37 shí a present; currentlt 世尊觀知受化時至
138 37 shí time; kāla 世尊觀知受化時至
139 37 shí at that time; samaya 世尊觀知受化時至
140 37 seven 大數言之有三十八七日
141 37 a genre of poetry 大數言之有三十八七日
142 37 seventh day memorial ceremony 大數言之有三十八七日
143 37 seven; sapta 大數言之有三十八七日
144 36 self 我若放去
145 36 [my] dear 我若放去
146 36 Wo 我若放去
147 36 self; atman; attan 我若放去
148 36 ga 我若放去
149 36 to be near by; to be close to 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
150 36 at that time 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
151 36 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
152 36 supposed; so-called 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
153 36 to arrive at; to ascend 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
154 36 to use; to grasp 以大悲力放金色光
155 36 to rely on 以大悲力放金色光
156 36 to regard 以大悲力放金色光
157 36 to be able to 以大悲力放金色光
158 36 to order; to command 以大悲力放金色光
159 36 used after a verb 以大悲力放金色光
160 36 a reason; a cause 以大悲力放金色光
161 36 Israel 以大悲力放金色光
162 36 Yi 以大悲力放金色光
163 36 use; yogena 以大悲力放金色光
164 34 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
165 34 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
166 33 zuò to do 于時難陀便作是念
167 33 zuò to act as; to serve as 于時難陀便作是念
168 33 zuò to start 于時難陀便作是念
169 33 zuò a writing; a work 于時難陀便作是念
170 33 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 于時難陀便作是念
171 33 zuō to create; to make 于時難陀便作是念
172 33 zuō a workshop 于時難陀便作是念
173 33 zuō to write; to compose 于時難陀便作是念
174 33 zuò to rise 于時難陀便作是念
175 33 zuò to be aroused 于時難陀便作是念
176 33 zuò activity; action; undertaking 于時難陀便作是念
177 33 zuò to regard as 于時難陀便作是念
178 33 zuò action; kāraṇa 于時難陀便作是念
179 29 名曰 míng yuē to be named; to be called 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
180 29 Ru River 汝向誰邊取得此鉢
181 29 Ru 汝向誰邊取得此鉢
182 28 child; son 父母及子有相感業
183 28 egg; newborn 父母及子有相感業
184 28 first earthly branch 父母及子有相感業
185 28 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 父母及子有相感業
186 28 Kangxi radical 39 父母及子有相感業
187 28 pellet; something small and hard 父母及子有相感業
188 28 master 父母及子有相感業
189 28 viscount 父母及子有相感業
190 28 zi you; your honor 父母及子有相感業
191 28 masters 父母及子有相感業
192 28 person 父母及子有相感業
193 28 young 父母及子有相感業
194 28 seed 父母及子有相感業
195 28 subordinate; subsidiary 父母及子有相感業
196 28 a copper coin 父母及子有相感業
197 28 female dragonfly 父母及子有相感業
198 28 constituent 父母及子有相感業
199 28 offspring; descendants 父母及子有相感業
200 28 dear 父母及子有相感業
201 28 little one 父母及子有相感業
202 28 son; putra 父母及子有相感業
203 28 offspring; tanaya 父母及子有相感業
204 27 zhōng middle 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
205 27 zhōng medium; medium sized 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
206 27 zhōng China 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
207 27 zhòng to hit the mark 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
208 27 zhōng midday 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
209 27 zhōng inside 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
210 27 zhōng during 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
211 27 zhōng Zhong 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
212 27 zhōng intermediary 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
213 27 zhōng half 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
214 27 zhòng to reach; to attain 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
215 27 zhòng to suffer; to infect 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
216 27 zhòng to obtain 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
217 27 zhòng to pass an exam 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
218 27 zhōng middle 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
219 27 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 若如是者捉我衣角
220 27 to enter 入城乞食
221 27 Kangxi radical 11 入城乞食
222 27 radical 入城乞食
223 27 income 入城乞食
224 27 to conform with 入城乞食
225 27 to descend 入城乞食
226 27 the entering tone 入城乞食
227 27 to pay 入城乞食
228 27 to join 入城乞食
229 27 entering; praveśa 入城乞食
230 27 entered; attained; āpanna 入城乞食
231 27 shēn human body; torso 身如金色
232 27 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身如金色
233 27 shēn self 身如金色
234 27 shēn life 身如金色
235 27 shēn an object 身如金色
236 27 shēn a lifetime 身如金色
237 27 shēn moral character 身如金色
238 27 shēn status; identity; position 身如金色
239 27 shēn pregnancy 身如金色
240 27 juān India 身如金色
241 27 shēn body; kāya 身如金色
242 26 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 于時難陀便作是念
243 26 便 biàn advantageous 于時難陀便作是念
244 26 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 于時難陀便作是念
245 26 便 pián fat; obese 于時難陀便作是念
246 26 便 biàn to make easy 于時難陀便作是念
247 26 便 biàn an unearned advantage 于時難陀便作是念
248 26 便 biàn ordinary; plain 于時難陀便作是念
249 26 便 biàn in passing 于時難陀便作是念
250 26 便 biàn informal 于時難陀便作是念
251 26 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 于時難陀便作是念
252 26 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 于時難陀便作是念
253 26 便 biàn stool 于時難陀便作是念
254 26 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 于時難陀便作是念
255 26 便 biàn proficient; skilled 于時難陀便作是念
256 26 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 于時難陀便作是念
257 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 以莊溼額而告之曰
258 26 ér as if; to seem like 以莊溼額而告之曰
259 26 néng can; able 以莊溼額而告之曰
260 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 以莊溼額而告之曰
261 26 ér to arrive; up to 以莊溼額而告之曰
262 26 infix potential marker 遂捉衣牽不令出去
263 26 jiàn to see 光華超絕人所樂見
264 26 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 光華超絕人所樂見
265 26 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 光華超絕人所樂見
266 26 jiàn refer to; for details see 光華超絕人所樂見
267 26 jiàn to listen to 光華超絕人所樂見
268 26 jiàn to meet 光華超絕人所樂見
269 26 jiàn to receive (a guest) 光華超絕人所樂見
270 26 jiàn let me; kindly 光華超絕人所樂見
271 26 jiàn Jian 光華超絕人所樂見
272 26 xiàn to appear 光華超絕人所樂見
273 26 xiàn to introduce 光華超絕人所樂見
274 26 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 光華超絕人所樂見
275 26 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 光華超絕人所樂見
276 24 yuē to speak; to say 即便速返白難陀曰
277 24 yuē Kangxi radical 73 即便速返白難陀曰
278 24 yuē to be called 即便速返白難陀曰
279 24 yuē said; ukta 即便速返白難陀曰
280 23 Buddha; Awakened One 短佛四指
281 23 relating to Buddhism 短佛四指
282 23 a statue or image of a Buddha 短佛四指
283 23 a Buddhist text 短佛四指
284 23 to touch; to stroke 短佛四指
285 23 Buddha 短佛四指
286 23 Buddha; Awakened One 短佛四指
287 21 Kangxi radical 71 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
288 21 to not have; without 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
289 21 mo 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
290 21 to not have 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
291 21 Wu 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
292 21 mo 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
293 21 bone 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
294 21 Kangxi radical 188 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
295 21 skeleton 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
296 21 frame; framework 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
297 21 basic character; spirit; mettle 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
298 21 structure of an argument or written composition 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
299 21 Gu 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
300 21 bone; asthi 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
301 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 世尊觀知受化時至
302 21 zhì to arrive 世尊觀知受化時至
303 21 zhì approach; upagama 世尊觀知受化時至
304 20 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
305 20 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
306 20 chù an office; a department; a bureau 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
307 20 chù a part; an aspect 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
308 20 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
309 20 chǔ to get along with 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
310 20 chǔ to deal with; to manage 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
311 20 chǔ to punish; to sentence 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
312 20 chǔ to stop; to pause 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
313 20 chǔ to be associated with 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
314 20 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
315 20 chǔ to occupy; to control 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
316 20 chù circumstances; situation 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
317 20 chù an occasion; a time 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
318 20 chù position; sthāna 佛便自去詣難陀處問言
319 20 Kangxi radical 49 聞此語已
320 20 to bring to an end; to stop 聞此語已
321 20 to complete 聞此語已
322 20 to demote; to dismiss 聞此語已
323 20 to recover from an illness 聞此語已
324 20 former; pūrvaka 聞此語已
325 19 gào to tell; to say; said; told 世尊食已告曰
326 19 gào to request 世尊食已告曰
327 19 gào to report; to inform 世尊食已告曰
328 19 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 世尊食已告曰
329 19 gào to accuse; to sue 世尊食已告曰
330 19 gào to reach 世尊食已告曰
331 19 gào an announcement 世尊食已告曰
332 19 gào a party 世尊食已告曰
333 19 gào a vacation 世尊食已告曰
334 19 gào Gao 世尊食已告曰
335 19 gào to tell; jalp 世尊食已告曰
336 19 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 世尊觀知受化時至
337 19 shòu to transfer; to confer 世尊觀知受化時至
338 19 shòu to receive; to accept 世尊觀知受化時至
339 19 shòu to tolerate 世尊觀知受化時至
340 19 shòu feelings; sensations 世尊觀知受化時至
341 18 zhě ca 汝若輒爾剃我髮者
342 18 business; industry 隨其先業應託生處
343 18 activity; actions 隨其先業應託生處
344 18 order; sequence 隨其先業應託生處
345 18 to continue 隨其先業應託生處
346 18 to start; to create 隨其先業應託生處
347 18 karma 隨其先業應託生處
348 18 hereditary trade; legacy 隨其先業應託生處
349 18 a course of study; training 隨其先業應託生處
350 18 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 隨其先業應託生處
351 18 an estate; a property 隨其先業應託生處
352 18 an achievement 隨其先業應託生處
353 18 to engage in 隨其先業應託生處
354 18 Ye 隨其先業應託生處
355 18 a horizontal board 隨其先業應託生處
356 18 an occupation 隨其先業應託生處
357 18 a kind of musical instrument 隨其先業應託生處
358 18 a book 隨其先業應託生處
359 18 actions; karma; karman 隨其先業應託生處
360 18 activity; kriyā 隨其先業應託生處
361 18 to go back; to return 復更授與阿難陀
362 18 to resume; to restart 復更授與阿難陀
363 18 to do in detail 復更授與阿難陀
364 18 to restore 復更授與阿難陀
365 18 to respond; to reply to 復更授與阿難陀
366 18 Fu; Return 復更授與阿難陀
367 18 to retaliate; to reciprocate 復更授與阿難陀
368 18 to avoid forced labor or tax 復更授與阿難陀
369 18 Fu 復更授與阿難陀
370 18 doubled; to overlapping; folded 復更授與阿難陀
371 18 a lined garment with doubled thickness 復更授與阿難陀
372 18 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 故得今時言無違者
373 18 děi to want to; to need to 故得今時言無違者
374 18 děi must; ought to 故得今時言無違者
375 18 de 故得今時言無違者
376 18 de infix potential marker 故得今時言無違者
377 18 to result in 故得今時言無違者
378 18 to be proper; to fit; to suit 故得今時言無違者
379 18 to be satisfied 故得今時言無違者
380 18 to be finished 故得今時言無違者
381 18 děi satisfying 故得今時言無違者
382 18 to contract 故得今時言無違者
383 18 to hear 故得今時言無違者
384 18 to have; there is 故得今時言無違者
385 18 marks time passed 故得今時言無違者
386 18 obtain; attain; prāpta 故得今時言無違者
387 18 èr two 或有二手二足
388 18 èr Kangxi radical 7 或有二手二足
389 18 èr second 或有二手二足
390 18 èr twice; double; di- 或有二手二足
391 18 èr more than one kind 或有二手二足
392 18 èr two; dvā; dvi 或有二手二足
393 18 èr both; dvaya 或有二手二足
394 17 xiǎng to think 生寒冷想
395 17 xiǎng to speculate; to suppose; to consider 生寒冷想
396 17 xiǎng to want 生寒冷想
397 17 xiǎng to remember; to miss; to long for 生寒冷想
398 17 xiǎng to plan 生寒冷想
399 17 xiǎng notion; perception; cognition; conceptualization; saṃjñā; samjna 生寒冷想
400 17 to reach 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
401 17 to attain 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
402 17 to understand 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
403 17 able to be compared to; to catch up with 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
404 17 to be involved with; to associate with 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
405 17 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
406 17 and; ca; api 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
407 17 zhī to go 獼猴比之
408 17 zhī to arrive; to go 獼猴比之
409 17 zhī is 獼猴比之
410 17 zhī to use 獼猴比之
411 17 zhī Zhi 獼猴比之
412 17 zhī winding 獼猴比之
413 16 父母 fùmǔ parents; mother and father 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
414 16 父母 fùmǔ prefects and county magistrates 於父母師長及餘尊者所有教令曾無違逆
415 16 Yi 此亦何傷
416 16 yóu Kangxi radical 102 由父母精血和合因緣
417 16 yóu to follow along 由父母精血和合因緣
418 16 yóu cause; reason 由父母精血和合因緣
419 16 yóu You 由父母精血和合因緣
420 16 zhī to know 世尊觀知受化時至
421 16 zhī to comprehend 世尊觀知受化時至
422 16 zhī to inform; to tell 世尊觀知受化時至
423 16 zhī to administer 世尊觀知受化時至
424 16 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 世尊觀知受化時至
425 16 zhī to be close friends 世尊觀知受化時至
426 16 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 世尊觀知受化時至
427 16 zhī to receive; to entertain 世尊觀知受化時至
428 16 zhī knowledge 世尊觀知受化時至
429 16 zhī consciousness; perception 世尊觀知受化時至
430 16 zhī a close friend 世尊觀知受化時至
431 16 zhì wisdom 世尊觀知受化時至
432 16 zhì Zhi 世尊觀知受化時至
433 16 zhī to appreciate 世尊觀知受化時至
434 16 zhī to make known 世尊觀知受化時至
435 16 zhī to have control over 世尊觀知受化時至
436 16 zhī to expect; to foresee 世尊觀知受化時至
437 16 zhī Understanding 世尊觀知受化時至
438 16 zhī know; jña 世尊觀知受化時至
439 16 niàn to read aloud 于時難陀便作是念
440 16 niàn to remember; to expect 于時難陀便作是念
441 16 niàn to miss 于時難陀便作是念
442 16 niàn to consider 于時難陀便作是念
443 16 niàn to recite; to chant 于時難陀便作是念
444 16 niàn to show affection for 于時難陀便作是念
445 16 niàn a thought; an idea 于時難陀便作是念
446 16 niàn twenty 于時難陀便作是念
447 16 niàn memory 于時難陀便作是念
448 16 niàn an instant 于時難陀便作是念
449 16 niàn Nian 于時難陀便作是念
450 16 niàn mindfulness; smrti 于時難陀便作是念
451 16 niàn a thought; citta 于時難陀便作是念
452 16 hǎo good 更作百千好寺倍過於是
453 16 hào to be fond of; to be friendly 更作百千好寺倍過於是
454 16 hǎo indicates disatisfaction or sarcasm 更作百千好寺倍過於是
455 16 hǎo easy; convenient 更作百千好寺倍過於是
456 16 hǎo so as to 更作百千好寺倍過於是
457 16 hǎo friendly; kind 更作百千好寺倍過於是
458 16 hào to be likely to 更作百千好寺倍過於是
459 16 hǎo beautiful 更作百千好寺倍過於是
460 16 hǎo to be healthy; to be recovered 更作百千好寺倍過於是
461 16 hǎo remarkable; excellent 更作百千好寺倍過於是
462 16 hǎo suitable 更作百千好寺倍過於是
463 16 hào a hole in a coin or jade disk 更作百千好寺倍過於是
464 16 hào a fond object 更作百千好寺倍過於是
465 16 hǎo Good 更作百千好寺倍過於是
466 16 hǎo good; sādhu 更作百千好寺倍過於是
467 15 to depend on; to lean on 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
468 15 to comply with; to follow 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
469 15 to help 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
470 15 flourishing 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
471 15 lovable 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
472 15 bonds; substratum; upadhi 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
473 15 refuge; śaraṇa 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
474 15 reliance; pratiśaraṇa 譬如依酪瓶鑽人功
475 15 chóng an invertebrate; a worm; an insect 或內有蟲食爛壞不淨
476 15 chóng Kangxi radical 142 或內有蟲食爛壞不淨
477 15 chóng an insect plague 或內有蟲食爛壞不淨
478 15 chóng creature 或內有蟲食爛壞不淨
479 15 chóng Chong 或內有蟲食爛壞不淨
480 15 chóng worm; insect; kṛmi 或內有蟲食爛壞不淨
481 15 阿難陀 Ānántuó Ananda; Ānanda 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
482 15 to go 我若放去
483 15 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 我若放去
484 15 to be distant 我若放去
485 15 to leave 我若放去
486 15 to play a part 我若放去
487 15 to abandon; to give up 我若放去
488 15 to die 我若放去
489 15 previous; past 我若放去
490 15 to send out; to issue; to drive away 我若放去
491 15 falling tone 我若放去
492 15 to lose 我若放去
493 15 Qu 我若放去
494 15 go; gati 我若放去
495 15 suǒ a few; various; some 光華超絕人所樂見
496 15 suǒ a place; a location 光華超絕人所樂見
497 15 suǒ indicates a passive voice 光華超絕人所樂見
498 15 suǒ an ordinal number 光華超絕人所樂見
499 15 suǒ meaning 光華超絕人所樂見
500 15 suǒ garrison 光華超絕人所樂見

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1145

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 112 難陀 nántuó Nanda 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
2 84 yǒu is; are; to exist 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
3 84 yǒu to have; to possess 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
4 84 yǒu indicates an estimate 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
5 84 yǒu indicates a large quantity 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
6 84 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
7 84 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
8 84 yǒu used to compare two things 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
9 84 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
10 84 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
11 84 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
12 84 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
13 84 yǒu abundant 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
14 84 yǒu purposeful 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
15 84 yǒu You 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
16 84 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
17 84 yǒu becoming; bhava 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
18 78 in; at 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
19 78 in; at 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
20 78 in; at; to; from 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
21 78 to go; to 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
22 78 to rely on; to depend on 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
23 78 to go to; to arrive at 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
24 78 from 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
25 78 give 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
26 78 oppposing 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
27 78 and 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
28 78 compared to 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
29 78 by 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
30 78 and; as well as 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
31 78 for 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
32 78 Yu 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
33 78 a crow 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
34 78 whew; wow 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
35 78 near to; antike 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
36 72 mother 所謂入母胎經
37 72 Kangxi radical 80 所謂入母胎經
38 72 female 所謂入母胎經
39 72 female elders; older female relatives 所謂入母胎經
40 72 parent; source; origin 所謂入母胎經
41 72 all women 所謂入母胎經
42 72 to foster; to nurture 所謂入母胎經
43 72 a large proportion of currency 所謂入母胎經
44 72 investment capital 所謂入母胎經
45 72 mother; maternal deity 所謂入母胎經
46 64 tāi fetus; litter 所謂入母胎經
47 64 tāi measure word for fetus, newborn, etc 所謂入母胎經
48 64 tāi womb 所謂入母胎經
49 64 tāi prototype 所謂入母胎經
50 64 tāi origin; root; source 所謂入母胎經
51 64 tāi an automobile tire 所謂入母胎經
52 64 tāi to nourish 所謂入母胎經
53 64 tāi an unprocessed molding of an object 所謂入母胎經
54 64 tāi padding 所謂入母胎經
55 64 tāi to give birth; to spawn 所謂入母胎經
56 64 tāi womb; inside; garbha 所謂入母胎經
57 63 huò or; either; else 我今相憶或容致死
58 63 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 我今相憶或容致死
59 63 huò some; someone 我今相憶或容致死
60 63 míngnián suddenly 我今相憶或容致死
61 63 huò or; vā 我今相憶或容致死
62 57 this; these 聞此語已
63 57 in this way 聞此語已
64 57 otherwise; but; however; so 聞此語已
65 57 at this time; now; here 聞此語已
66 57 this; here; etad 聞此語已
67 51 such as; for example; for instance 身如金色
68 51 if 身如金色
69 51 in accordance with 身如金色
70 51 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 身如金色
71 51 this 身如金色
72 51 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 身如金色
73 51 to go to 身如金色
74 51 to meet 身如金色
75 51 to appear; to seem; to be like 身如金色
76 51 at least as good as 身如金色
77 51 and 身如金色
78 51 or 身如金色
79 51 but 身如金色
80 51 then 身如金色
81 51 naturally 身如金色
82 51 expresses a question or doubt 身如金色
83 51 you 身如金色
84 51 the second lunar month 身如金色
85 51 in; at 身如金色
86 51 Ru 身如金色
87 51 Thus 身如金色
88 51 thus; tathā 身如金色
89 51 like; iva 身如金色
90 51 suchness; tathatā 身如金色
91 48 ruò to seem; to be like; as 我若放去
92 48 ruò seemingly 我若放去
93 48 ruò if 我若放去
94 48 ruò you 我若放去
95 48 ruò this; that 我若放去
96 48 ruò and; or 我若放去
97 48 ruò as for; pertaining to 我若放去
98 48 pomegranite 我若放去
99 48 ruò to choose 我若放去
100 48 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 我若放去
101 48 ruò thus 我若放去
102 48 ruò pollia 我若放去
103 48 ruò Ruo 我若放去
104 48 ruò only then 我若放去
105 48 ja 我若放去
106 48 jñā 我若放去
107 48 ruò if; yadi 我若放去
108 45 shēng to be born; to give birth 遂生憂惱
109 45 shēng to live 遂生憂惱
110 45 shēng raw 遂生憂惱
111 45 shēng a student 遂生憂惱
112 45 shēng life 遂生憂惱
113 45 shēng to produce; to give rise 遂生憂惱
114 45 shēng alive 遂生憂惱
115 45 shēng a lifetime 遂生憂惱
116 45 shēng to initiate; to become 遂生憂惱
117 45 shēng to grow 遂生憂惱
118 45 shēng unfamiliar 遂生憂惱
119 45 shēng not experienced 遂生憂惱
120 45 shēng hard; stiff; strong 遂生憂惱
121 45 shēng very; extremely 遂生憂惱
122 45 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 遂生憂惱
123 45 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 遂生憂惱
124 45 shēng gender 遂生憂惱
125 45 shēng to develop; to grow 遂生憂惱
126 45 shēng to set up 遂生憂惱
127 45 shēng a prostitute 遂生憂惱
128 45 shēng a captive 遂生憂惱
129 45 shēng a gentleman 遂生憂惱
130 45 shēng Kangxi radical 100 遂生憂惱
131 45 shēng unripe 遂生憂惱
132 45 shēng nature 遂生憂惱
133 45 shēng to inherit; to succeed 遂生憂惱
134 45 shēng destiny 遂生憂惱
135 45 shēng birth 遂生憂惱
136 45 shēng arise; produce; utpad 遂生憂惱
137 43 中有 zhōngyǒu an intermediate existence between death and rebirth 地獄中有
138 43 abdomen; stomach; belly 其母腹淨月期時至
139 43 core; inside 其母腹淨月期時至
140 43 inner thought; inner feelings 其母腹淨月期時至
141 43 thick 其母腹淨月期時至
142 43 main side 其母腹淨月期時至
143 43 Fu 其母腹淨月期時至
144 43 to huge; to embrace 其母腹淨月期時至
145 43 stomach; udara 其母腹淨月期時至
146 42 fēng wind 若母陰處為風病所持
147 42 fēng Kangxi radical 182 若母陰處為風病所持
148 42 fēng demeanor; style; appearance 若母陰處為風病所持
149 42 fēng prana 若母陰處為風病所持
150 42 fēng a scene 若母陰處為風病所持
151 42 fēng a custom; a tradition 若母陰處為風病所持
152 42 fēng news 若母陰處為風病所持
153 42 fēng a disturbance /an incident 若母陰處為風病所持
154 42 fēng a fetish 若母陰處為風病所持
155 42 fēng a popular folk song 若母陰處為風病所持
156 42 fēng an illness; internal wind as the cause of illness 若母陰處為風病所持
157 42 fēng Feng 若母陰處為風病所持
158 42 fēng to blow away 若母陰處為風病所持
159 42 fēng sexual interaction of animals 若母陰處為風病所持
160 42 fēng from folklore without a basis 若母陰處為風病所持
161 42 fèng fashion; vogue 若母陰處為風病所持
162 42 fèng to tacfully admonish 若母陰處為風病所持
163 42 fēng weather 若母陰處為風病所持
164 42 fēng quick 若母陰處為風病所持
165 42 fēng prevailing conditions; general sentiment 若母陰處為風病所持
166 42 fēng wind element 若母陰處為風病所持
167 42 fēng wind; vayu 若母陰處為風病所持
168 39 wèi for; to 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
169 39 wèi because of 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
170 39 wéi to act as; to serve 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
171 39 wéi to change into; to become 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
172 39 wéi to be; is 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
173 39 wéi to do 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
174 39 wèi for 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
175 39 wèi because of; for; to 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
176 39 wèi to 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
177 39 wéi in a passive construction 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
178 39 wéi forming a rehetorical question 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
179 39 wéi forming an adverb 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
180 39 wéi to add emphasis 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
181 39 wèi to support; to help 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
182 39 wéi to govern 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
183 39 wèi to be; bhū 將具壽阿難陀為侍者
184 38 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令使出看乃見佛至
185 38 lìng to issue a command 令使出看乃見佛至
186 38 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令使出看乃見佛至
187 38 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令使出看乃見佛至
188 38 lìng a season 令使出看乃見佛至
189 38 lìng respected; good reputation 令使出看乃見佛至
190 38 lìng good 令使出看乃見佛至
191 38 lìng pretentious 令使出看乃見佛至
192 38 lìng a transcending state of existence 令使出看乃見佛至
193 38 lìng a commander 令使出看乃見佛至
194 38 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令使出看乃見佛至
195 38 lìng lyrics 令使出看乃見佛至
196 38 lìng Ling 令使出看乃見佛至
197 38 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令使出看乃見佛至
198 37 day of the month; a certain day 既至日晚尋路而行
199 37 Kangxi radical 72 既至日晚尋路而行
200 37 a day 既至日晚尋路而行
201 37 Japan 既至日晚尋路而行
202 37 sun 既至日晚尋路而行
203 37 daytime 既至日晚尋路而行
204 37 sunlight 既至日晚尋路而行
205 37 everyday 既至日晚尋路而行
206 37 season 既至日晚尋路而行
207 37 available time 既至日晚尋路而行
208 37 a day 既至日晚尋路而行
209 37 in the past 既至日晚尋路而行
210 37 mi 既至日晚尋路而行
211 37 sun; sūrya 既至日晚尋路而行
212 37 a day; divasa 既至日晚尋路而行
213 37 that; those 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
214 37 another; the other 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
215 37 that; tad 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
216 37 his; hers; its; theirs 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
217 37 to add emphasis 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
218 37 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
219 37 used when making a request or giving an order 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
220 37 he; her; it; them 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
221 37 probably; likely 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
222 37 will 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
223 37 may 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
224 37 if 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
225 37 or 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
226 37 Qi 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
227 37 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
228 37 shí time; a point or period of time 世尊觀知受化時至
229 37 shí a season; a quarter of a year 世尊觀知受化時至
230 37 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 世尊觀知受化時至
231 37 shí at that time 世尊觀知受化時至
232 37 shí fashionable 世尊觀知受化時至
233 37 shí fate; destiny; luck 世尊觀知受化時至
234 37 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 世尊觀知受化時至
235 37 shí tense 世尊觀知受化時至
236 37 shí particular; special 世尊觀知受化時至
237 37 shí to plant; to cultivate 世尊觀知受化時至
238 37 shí hour (measure word) 世尊觀知受化時至
239 37 shí an era; a dynasty 世尊觀知受化時至
240 37 shí time [abstract] 世尊觀知受化時至
241 37 shí seasonal 世尊觀知受化時至
242 37 shí frequently; often 世尊觀知受化時至
243 37 shí occasionally; sometimes 世尊觀知受化時至
244 37 shí on time 世尊觀知受化時至
245 37 shí this; that 世尊觀知受化時至
246 37 shí to wait upon 世尊觀知受化時至
247 37 shí hour 世尊觀知受化時至
248 37 shí appropriate; proper; timely 世尊觀知受化時至
249 37 shí Shi 世尊觀知受化時至
250 37 shí a present; currentlt 世尊觀知受化時至
251 37 shí time; kāla 世尊觀知受化時至
252 37 shí at that time; samaya 世尊觀知受化時至
253 37 shí then; atha 世尊觀知受化時至
254 37 seven 大數言之有三十八七日
255 37 a genre of poetry 大數言之有三十八七日
256 37 seventh day memorial ceremony 大數言之有三十八七日
257 37 seven; sapta 大數言之有三十八七日
258 36 I; me; my 我若放去
259 36 self 我若放去
260 36 we; our 我若放去
261 36 [my] dear 我若放去
262 36 Wo 我若放去
263 36 self; atman; attan 我若放去
264 36 ga 我若放去
265 36 I; aham 我若放去
266 36 promptly; right away; immediately 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
267 36 to be near by; to be close to 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
268 36 at that time 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
269 36 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
270 36 supposed; so-called 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
271 36 if; but 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
272 36 to arrive at; to ascend 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
273 36 then; following 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
274 36 so; just so; eva 即於晨朝著衣持鉢
275 36 so as to; in order to 以大悲力放金色光
276 36 to use; to regard as 以大悲力放金色光
277 36 to use; to grasp 以大悲力放金色光
278 36 according to 以大悲力放金色光
279 36 because of 以大悲力放金色光
280 36 on a certain date 以大悲力放金色光
281 36 and; as well as 以大悲力放金色光
282 36 to rely on 以大悲力放金色光
283 36 to regard 以大悲力放金色光
284 36 to be able to 以大悲力放金色光
285 36 to order; to command 以大悲力放金色光
286 36 further; moreover 以大悲力放金色光
287 36 used after a verb 以大悲力放金色光
288 36 very 以大悲力放金色光
289 36 already 以大悲力放金色光
290 36 increasingly 以大悲力放金色光
291 36 a reason; a cause 以大悲力放金色光
292 36 Israel 以大悲力放金色光
293 36 Yi 以大悲力放金色光
294 36 use; yogena 以大悲力放金色光
295 34 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
296 34 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
297 33 zuò to do 于時難陀便作是念
298 33 zuò to act as; to serve as 于時難陀便作是念
299 33 zuò to start 于時難陀便作是念
300 33 zuò a writing; a work 于時難陀便作是念
301 33 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 于時難陀便作是念
302 33 zuō to create; to make 于時難陀便作是念
303 33 zuō a workshop 于時難陀便作是念
304 33 zuō to write; to compose 于時難陀便作是念
305 33 zuò to rise 于時難陀便作是念
306 33 zuò to be aroused 于時難陀便作是念
307 33 zuò activity; action; undertaking 于時難陀便作是念
308 33 zuò to regard as 于時難陀便作是念
309 33 zuò action; kāraṇa 于時難陀便作是念
310 32 shì is; are; am; to be 于時難陀便作是念
311 32 shì is exactly 于時難陀便作是念
312 32 shì is suitable; is in contrast 于時難陀便作是念
313 32 shì this; that; those 于時難陀便作是念
314 32 shì really; certainly 于時難陀便作是念
315 32 shì correct; yes; affirmative 于時難陀便作是念
316 32 shì true 于時難陀便作是念
317 32 shì is; has; exists 于時難陀便作是念
318 32 shì used between repetitions of a word 于時難陀便作是念
319 32 shì a matter; an affair 于時難陀便作是念
320 32 shì Shi 于時難陀便作是念
321 32 shì is; bhū 于時難陀便作是念
322 32 shì this; idam 于時難陀便作是念
323 29 zhū all; many; various 若諸苾芻出乞食時
324 29 zhū Zhu 若諸苾芻出乞食時
325 29 zhū all; members of the class 若諸苾芻出乞食時
326 29 zhū interrogative particle 若諸苾芻出乞食時
327 29 zhū him; her; them; it 若諸苾芻出乞食時
328 29 zhū of; in 若諸苾芻出乞食時
329 29 zhū all; many; sarva 若諸苾芻出乞食時
330 29 名曰 míng yuē to be named; to be called 爾時世尊有弟名曰難陀
331 29 you; thou 汝向誰邊取得此鉢
332 29 Ru River 汝向誰邊取得此鉢
333 29 Ru 汝向誰邊取得此鉢
334 29 you; tvam; bhavat 汝向誰邊取得此鉢
335 28 child; son 父母及子有相感業
336 28 egg; newborn 父母及子有相感業
337 28 first earthly branch 父母及子有相感業
338 28 11 p.m.-1 a.m. 父母及子有相感業
339 28 Kangxi radical 39 父母及子有相感業
340 28 zi indicates that the the word is used as a noun 父母及子有相感業
341 28 pellet; something small and hard 父母及子有相感業
342 28 master 父母及子有相感業
343 28 viscount 父母及子有相感業
344 28 zi you; your honor 父母及子有相感業
345 28 masters 父母及子有相感業
346 28 person 父母及子有相感業
347 28 young 父母及子有相感業
348 28 seed 父母及子有相感業
349 28 subordinate; subsidiary 父母及子有相感業
350 28 a copper coin 父母及子有相感業
351 28 bundle 父母及子有相感業
352 28 female dragonfly 父母及子有相感業
353 28 constituent 父母及子有相感業
354 28 offspring; descendants 父母及子有相感業
355 28 dear 父母及子有相感業
356 28 little one 父母及子有相感業
357 28 son; putra 父母及子有相感業
358 28 offspring; tanaya 父母及子有相感業
359 27 zhōng middle 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
360 27 zhōng medium; medium sized 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
361 27 zhōng China 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
362 27 zhòng to hit the mark 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
363 27 zhōng in; amongst 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
364 27 zhōng midday 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
365 27 zhōng inside 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
366 27 zhōng during 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
367 27 zhōng Zhong 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
368 27 zhōng intermediary 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
369 27 zhōng half 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
370 27 zhōng just right; suitably 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
371 27 zhōng while 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
372 27 zhòng to reach; to attain 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
373 27 zhòng to suffer; to infect 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
374 27 zhòng to obtain 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
375 27 zhòng to pass an exam 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
376 27 zhōng middle 其光普照難陀宅中皆如金色
377 27 如是 rúshì thus; so 若如是者捉我衣角
378 27 如是 rúshì thus, so 若如是者捉我衣角
379 27 如是 rúshì thus; evam 若如是者捉我衣角
380 27 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 若如是者捉我衣角
381 27 to enter 入城乞食
382 27 Kangxi radical 11 入城乞食
383 27 radical 入城乞食
384 27 income 入城乞食
385 27 to conform with 入城乞食
386 27 to descend 入城乞食
387 27 the entering tone 入城乞食
388 27 to pay 入城乞食
389 27 to join 入城乞食
390 27 entering; praveśa 入城乞食
391 27 entered; attained; āpanna 入城乞食
392 27 shēn human body; torso 身如金色
393 27 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身如金色
394 27 shēn measure word for clothes 身如金色
395 27 shēn self 身如金色
396 27 shēn life 身如金色
397 27 shēn an object 身如金色
398 27 shēn a lifetime 身如金色
399 27 shēn personally 身如金色
400 27 shēn moral character 身如金色
401 27 shēn status; identity; position 身如金色
402 27 shēn pregnancy 身如金色
403 27 juān India 身如金色
404 27 shēn body; kāya 身如金色
405 26 便 biàn convenient; handy; easy 于時難陀便作是念
406 26 便 biàn advantageous 于時難陀便作是念
407 26 便 biàn to pass stool; to excrete; to relieve oneself; to urinate 于時難陀便作是念
408 26 便 pián fat; obese 于時難陀便作是念
409 26 便 biàn to make easy 于時難陀便作是念
410 26 便 biàn an unearned advantage 于時難陀便作是念
411 26 便 biàn ordinary; plain 于時難陀便作是念
412 26 便 biàn if only; so long as; to the contrary 于時難陀便作是念
413 26 便 biàn in passing 于時難陀便作是念
414 26 便 biàn informal 于時難陀便作是念
415 26 便 biàn right away; then; right after 于時難陀便作是念
416 26 便 biàn appropriate; suitable 于時難陀便作是念
417 26 便 biàn an advantageous occasion 于時難陀便作是念
418 26 便 biàn stool 于時難陀便作是念
419 26 便 pián quiet; quiet and comfortable 于時難陀便作是念
420 26 便 biàn proficient; skilled 于時難陀便作是念
421 26 便 biàn even if; even though 于時難陀便作是念
422 26 便 pián shrewd; slick; good with words 于時難陀便作是念
423 26 便 biàn then; atha 于時難陀便作是念
424 26 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 以莊溼額而告之曰
425 26 ér Kangxi radical 126 以莊溼額而告之曰
426 26 ér you 以莊溼額而告之曰
427 26 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 以莊溼額而告之曰
428 26 ér right away; then 以莊溼額而告之曰
429 26 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 以莊溼額而告之曰
430 26 ér if; in case; in the event that 以莊溼額而告之曰
431 26 ér therefore; as a result; thus 以莊溼額而告之曰
432 26 ér how can it be that? 以莊溼額而告之曰
433 26 ér so as to 以莊溼額而告之曰
434 26 ér only then 以莊溼額而告之曰
435 26 ér as if; to seem like 以莊溼額而告之曰
436 26 néng can; able 以莊溼額而告之曰
437 26 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 以莊溼額而告之曰
438 26 ér me 以莊溼額而告之曰
439 26 ér to arrive; up to 以莊溼額而告之曰
440 26 ér possessive 以莊溼額而告之曰
441 26 ér and; ca 以莊溼額而告之曰
442 26 not; no 遂捉衣牽不令出去
443 26 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 遂捉衣牽不令出去
444 26 as a correlative 遂捉衣牽不令出去
445 26 no (answering a question) 遂捉衣牽不令出去
446 26 forms a negative adjective from a noun 遂捉衣牽不令出去
447 26 at the end of a sentence to form a question 遂捉衣牽不令出去
448 26 to form a yes or no question 遂捉衣牽不令出去
449 26 infix potential marker 遂捉衣牽不令出去
450 26 no; na 遂捉衣牽不令出去
451 26 jiàn to see 光華超絕人所樂見
452 26 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 光華超絕人所樂見
453 26 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 光華超絕人所樂見
454 26 jiàn refer to; for details see 光華超絕人所樂見
455 26 jiàn passive marker 光華超絕人所樂見
456 26 jiàn to listen to 光華超絕人所樂見
457 26 jiàn to meet 光華超絕人所樂見
458 26 jiàn to receive (a guest) 光華超絕人所樂見
459 26 jiàn let me; kindly 光華超絕人所樂見
460 26 jiàn Jian 光華超絕人所樂見
461 26 xiàn to appear 光華超絕人所樂見
462 26 xiàn to introduce 光華超絕人所樂見
463 26 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 光華超絕人所樂見
464 26 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 光華超絕人所樂見
465 24 yuē to speak; to say 即便速返白難陀曰
466 24 yuē Kangxi radical 73 即便速返白難陀曰
467 24 yuē to be called 即便速返白難陀曰
468 24 yuē particle without meaning 即便速返白難陀曰
469 24 yuē said; ukta 即便速返白難陀曰
470 23 Buddha; Awakened One 短佛四指
471 23 relating to Buddhism 短佛四指
472 23 a statue or image of a Buddha 短佛四指
473 23 a Buddhist text 短佛四指
474 23 to touch; to stroke 短佛四指
475 23 Buddha 短佛四指
476 23 Buddha; Awakened One 短佛四指
477 21 no 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
478 21 Kangxi radical 71 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
479 21 to not have; without 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
480 21 has not yet 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
481 21 mo 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
482 21 do not 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
483 21 not; -less; un- 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
484 21 regardless of 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
485 21 to not have 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
486 21 um 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
487 21 Wu 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
488 21 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
489 21 not; non- 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
490 21 mo 難陀於彼纏綿戀著無暫捨離
491 21 bone 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
492 21 Kangxi radical 188 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
493 21 skeleton 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
494 21 frame; framework 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
495 21 basic character; spirit; mettle 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
496 21 structure of an argument or written composition 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
497 21 Gu 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
498 21 bone; asthi 此風依胎左脚生指節二十骨
499 21 zhì to; until 世尊觀知受化時至
500 21 zhì Kangxi radical 133 世尊觀知受化時至


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
难陀 難陀 nántuó Nanda
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
near to; antike
mother; maternal deity
tāi womb; inside; garbha
huò or; vā
this; here; etad
  1. Thus
  2. thus; tathā
  3. like; iva
  4. suchness; tathatā
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. shēng
  2. shēng
  1. birth
  2. arise; produce; utpad

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿难陀 阿難陀 196 Ananda; Ānanda
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
薄皮 98 Licchavi; Lecchavi
大宝积经 大寶積經 100 Maharatnakuta Sutra; Ratnakūṭasūtra; Mahāratnakūṭasūtra; The Great Treasures Collection sūtra
大唐 100 Tang Dynasty
大坑 100 Tai Hang
当归 當歸 100 Angelica sinensis
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
鹅王 鵝王 195 king of geese; haṃsarāja; rājahaṃsa
佛说入胎藏会 佛說入胎藏會 102 Anandagarbhāvakrāntinirdeśa; Fo Shuo Rutai Zang Hui
佛世尊 102 Buddha, the world-honoured; bhagavat
劫比罗 劫比羅 106 Kapila
林内 林內 108 Linnei
鹿子母 108 Mṛgāra-mātṛ
难陀 難陀 110 Nanda
内门 內門 110 Neimen
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
毘舍佉 112
  1. Viśākhā
  2. Viśākhā [constellation]
普门 普門 80
  1. Universal Gate
  2. Universal Gate; Samantamukha
人趣 114 Human Realm
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
三十三天 115 Heaven of the Thirty-Three Gods; The Heaven of Thirty-Three Gods; Trāyastriṃśa Heaven; Tāvatiṃsa Heaven
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
善见城 善見城 115 Sudarśana City
逝多林 115 Jetavana
释迦 釋迦 115 Sakya
时母 時母 115 Kali
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
天宫 天宮 116
  1. Heavenly Palace; Temple in Heaven; Open Palace
  2. celestial palace
  3. Indra's palace
陀罗 陀羅 116 Tārā
香醉山 120 Gandha-Madana
义净 義淨 121 Yijing
占波国 占波國 122 Campa
知事 122
  1. to understand
  2. Zhishi; Clerk
  3. Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 137.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
苾刍 苾蒭 98
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
苾刍众 苾芻眾 98 community of monastics; sangha
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不能转 不能轉 98 cannot be diverted
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不共 98
  1. not shared; distinctive; avenika
  2. meditation performed with water; distinctive; apkṛtsna
不生 98
  1. nonarising; not produced; without origination; anutpada
  2. nonarising; anutpāda
草菴 草庵 99 a Buddhist hermitage
刹那 剎那 99
  1. ksana
  2. kṣaṇa; an instant
臭秽 臭穢 99 foul
初中后 初中後 99 the three divisions of a day
床座 99 seat; āsana
出离 出離 99
  1. renunciation, transcendence
  2. to leave; to transcend the mundane world
此等 99 they; eṣā
次复 次復 99 afterwards; then
大种 大種 100 the four great seeds; the four great elements; mahābhūta
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
当得 當得 100 will reach
刀山剑树 刀山劍樹 100 a knife mountain with a forest of swords
地水火风 地水火風 100 Earth, Water, Fire and Wind
读诵 讀誦 100 read aloud; recite repeatedly; svādyāya
恶报 惡報 195 retribution for wrongdoing
恶趣 惡趣 195 an evil rebirth; an evil destiny; an unfortunate rebirth; hell
恶业 惡業 195 unwholesome acts; evil intentions
法要 102
  1. the essentials of a teaching
  2. the essence of a dharma
  3. a Dharma service
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
风界 風界 102 wind; wind element; wind realm
粪秽 糞穢 102 dirt; excrement and filth
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
黑闇 104 dark with no wisdom; ignorant
化众生 化眾生 104 to transform living beings
化作 104 to produce; to conjure
火界 104 fire; realm of fire; element of fire
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
见者 見者 106 observer; draṣṭṛ
净人 淨人 106 a server
净持 淨持 106 a young boy
净洁 淨潔 106 pure
卷第五 106 scroll 5
聚沫 106 foam; phena
具寿 具壽 106 friend; brother; venerable; āyuṣman
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
苦海 107
  1. ocean of suffering
  2. sea of suffering; abyss of worldly suffering
乐欲 樂欲 108 the desire for joy
六处 六處 108 the six sense organs; sadayatana
六根清净 六根清淨 108 Purity of the Six Senses
落发 落髮 108 to shave the head
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
捺洛迦 110 hell; niraya
内空 內空 110 empty within
能持 110 ability to uphold the precepts
傍生 112 [rebirth as an] animal
譬如春时 譬如春時 112 the simile of springtime
七七日 113 forty-nine days
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
勤修 113 cultivated; caritāvin
染心 114 afflicted mind; kliṣṭa-citta
人天 114
  1. humans and devas
  2. people and devas; all living things
人相 114 the notion of a person
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如是我闻 如是我聞 114 thus I have heard
入胎 114 Entry into the womb; to be conceived from Heaven
三根 115
  1. the three grade of wholesome roots
  2. the three unwholesome roots
  3. the three roots with no outflows; the three passionless roots
三垢 115 three defilements
三七日 115 twenty one days; trisaptāha
三业 三業 115 three types of karma; three actions
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色受想行识 色受想行識 115 five aggregates; five skandhas; five dharmas
色有 115 material existence
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
善业 善業 115 wholesome acts; good actions
摄持 攝持 115
  1. parigraha; to protect; to uphold; to take proper care
  2. grasping; saṃgraha
舍离 捨離 115 to abandon; to give up; to depart; to leave
身根 115 sense of touch
身语意 身語意 115 physical actions, speech, and thought
胜处 勝處 115 abode of superiority; station of mastery; abhibhāyatana
生身 115 the physical body of a Buddha
生天 115 celestial birth
生起 115 cause; arising
神通力 115 a spiritual power; supernatural powers; a remarkable ability; a magical power
食时 食時 115
  1. mealtime
  2. forenoon; pūrvāhṇa
受想 115 sensation and perception
水界 115 water; water realm; water element
四界 115 four dharma realms
四相 115
  1. four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
  2. four marks of existence; caturlaksana
寺中 115 within a temple
随缘 隨緣 115
  1. Follow Conditions
  2. to accord with conditions
  3. to act in accordance with causes and conditions
所持 115 adhisthana; empowerment
胎藏 116 womb
剃除 116 to severe
天眼 116
  1. divine eye
  2. divine sight
同居 116 dwell together
徒众 徒眾 116 a group of disciples
托生 託生 116 to be conceived from Heaven
问难 問難 119 Interrogation
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
五处 五處 119 five places; panca-sthana
五取蕴 五取蘊 119 five aggregates of attachment
无垢 無垢 119
  1. No Impurity
  2. vimalā; nirmala; stainless; immaculate
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
现相 現相 120 world of objects
信受 120 to believe and accept
行菩萨道 行菩薩道 120 practice the bodhisattva path
行乞 120 to beg; to ask for alms
虚空界 虛空界 120 visible space
言教 121 ability to understand etymology and usage of words; nirukti
业力 業力 121
  1. karmic effect
  2. the power of karma
衣钵 衣鉢 121
  1. robe and bowl
  2. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  3. robe and bowl; the cassock and alms bowl of a monk
  4. Sacristan
一一各 121 each one at a time; pratyeka
依止 121
  1. to depend and rest upon
  2. to depend upon
婬欲 121 sexual desire
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
音声 音聲 121 sound; noise
有海 121 sea of existence
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有相 121 having form
遊戏 遊戲 121 to be free and at ease
欲染 121 the poluting influence of desire
圆寂 圓寂 121
  1. perfect rest
  2. perfect rest; to pass away
圆生树 圓生樹 121 coral tree
苑园 苑園 121 garden
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
执着 執著 122
  1. attachment
  2. grasping
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸天 諸天 122 devas
专修 專修 122 focused cultivation
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
着衣持钵 著衣持鉢 122 took his bowl and robe