Glossary and Vocabulary for Mahāsaṅghikavinaya (Mohesengzhi Lu) 摩訶僧祇律, Scroll 33

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 134 zhě ca 七百集法藏者
2 93 infix potential marker 若不相應者應遮
3 80 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 世尊在時得前食後食
4 80 děi to want to; to need to 世尊在時得前食後食
5 80 děi must; ought to 世尊在時得前食後食
6 80 de 世尊在時得前食後食
7 80 de infix potential marker 世尊在時得前食後食
8 80 to result in 世尊在時得前食後食
9 80 to be proper; to fit; to suit 世尊在時得前食後食
10 80 to be satisfied 世尊在時得前食後食
11 80 to be finished 世尊在時得前食後食
12 80 děi satisfying 世尊在時得前食後食
13 80 to contract 世尊在時得前食後食
14 80 to hear 世尊在時得前食後食
15 80 to have; there is 世尊在時得前食後食
16 80 marks time passed 世尊在時得前食後食
17 80 obtain; attain; prāpta 世尊在時得前食後食
18 76 yán to speak; to say; said 作如是哀言
19 76 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 作如是哀言
20 76 yán Kangxi radical 149 作如是哀言
21 76 yán phrase; sentence 作如是哀言
22 76 yán a word; a syllable 作如是哀言
23 76 yán a theory; a doctrine 作如是哀言
24 76 yán to regard as 作如是哀言
25 76 yán to act as 作如是哀言
26 76 yán word; vacana 作如是哀言
27 76 yán speak; vad 作如是哀言
28 74 zuò to do 作如是哀言
29 74 zuò to act as; to serve as 作如是哀言
30 74 zuò to start 作如是哀言
31 74 zuò a writing; a work 作如是哀言
32 74 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作如是哀言
33 74 zuō to create; to make 作如是哀言
34 74 zuō a workshop 作如是哀言
35 74 zuō to write; to compose 作如是哀言
36 74 zuò to rise 作如是哀言
37 74 zuò to be aroused 作如是哀言
38 74 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作如是哀言
39 74 zuò to regard as 作如是哀言
40 74 zuò action; kāraṇa 作如是哀言
41 60 method; way 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
42 60 France 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
43 60 the law; rules; regulations 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
44 60 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
45 60 a standard; a norm 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
46 60 an institution 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
47 60 to emulate 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
48 60 magic; a magic trick 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
49 60 punishment 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
50 60 Fa 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
51 60 a precedent 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
52 60 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
53 60 relating to a ceremony or rite 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
54 60 Dharma 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
55 60 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
56 60 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
57 60 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
58 60 quality; characteristic 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
59 59 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 長老比丘在毘
60 59 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 長老比丘在毘
61 59 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 長老比丘在毘
62 58 yìng to answer; to respond 等應更集比尼藏
63 58 yìng to confirm; to verify 等應更集比尼藏
64 58 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 等應更集比尼藏
65 58 yìng to accept 等應更集比尼藏
66 58 yìng to permit; to allow 等應更集比尼藏
67 58 yìng to echo 等應更集比尼藏
68 58 yìng to handle; to deal with 等應更集比尼藏
69 58 yìng Ying 等應更集比尼藏
70 57 Buddha; Awakened One 佛般泥洹後
71 57 relating to Buddhism 佛般泥洹後
72 57 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛般泥洹後
73 57 a Buddhist text 佛般泥洹後
74 57 to touch; to stroke 佛般泥洹後
75 57 Buddha 佛般泥洹後
76 57 Buddha; Awakened One 佛般泥洹後
77 56 a pagoda; a stupa 先應供養佛泥塔
78 56 a tower 先應供養佛泥塔
79 56 a tart 先應供養佛泥塔
80 56 a pagoda; a stupa 先應供養佛泥塔
81 55 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 世尊在時得前食後食
82 55 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 世尊在時得前食後食
83 55 self 我被舉
84 55 [my] dear 我被舉
85 55 Wo 我被舉
86 55 self; atman; attan 我被舉
87 55 ga 我被舉
88 55 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名
89 55 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名
90 55 míng rank; position 是名
91 55 míng an excuse 是名
92 55 míng life 是名
93 55 míng to name; to call 是名
94 55 míng to express; to describe 是名
95 55 míng to be called; to have the name 是名
96 55 míng to own; to possess 是名
97 55 míng famous; renowned 是名
98 55 míng moral 是名
99 55 míng name; naman 是名
100 55 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名
101 50 Kangxi radical 49 作舉羯磨已
102 50 to bring to an end; to stop 作舉羯磨已
103 50 to complete 作舉羯磨已
104 50 to demote; to dismiss 作舉羯磨已
105 50 to recover from an illness 作舉羯磨已
106 50 former; pūrvaka 作舉羯磨已
107 47 wéi to act as; to serve 為作舉羯磨
108 47 wéi to change into; to become 為作舉羯磨
109 47 wéi to be; is 為作舉羯磨
110 47 wéi to do 為作舉羯磨
111 47 wèi to support; to help 為作舉羯磨
112 47 wéi to govern 為作舉羯磨
113 47 wèi to be; bhū 為作舉羯磨
114 47 比尼 bìní monastic discipline; vinaya 等應更集比尼藏
115 44 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 病罪
116 44 zuì fault; error 病罪
117 44 zuì hardship; suffering 病罪
118 44 zuì to blame; to accuse 病罪
119 44 zuì punishment 病罪
120 44 zuì transgression; āpatti 病罪
121 44 zuì sin; agha 病罪
122 39 shù tree 上樹者
123 39 shù to plant 上樹者
124 39 shù to establish 上樹者
125 39 shù a door screen 上樹者
126 39 shù a door screen 上樹者
127 39 shù tree; vṛkṣa 上樹者
128 39 to give 我等孤兒誰當見與
129 39 to accompany 我等孤兒誰當見與
130 39 to particate in 我等孤兒誰當見與
131 39 of the same kind 我等孤兒誰當見與
132 39 to help 我等孤兒誰當見與
133 39 for 我等孤兒誰當見與
134 38 shí time; a point or period of time 世尊在時得前食後食
135 38 shí a season; a quarter of a year 世尊在時得前食後食
136 38 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 世尊在時得前食後食
137 38 shí fashionable 世尊在時得前食後食
138 38 shí fate; destiny; luck 世尊在時得前食後食
139 38 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 世尊在時得前食後食
140 38 shí tense 世尊在時得前食後食
141 38 shí particular; special 世尊在時得前食後食
142 38 shí to plant; to cultivate 世尊在時得前食後食
143 38 shí an era; a dynasty 世尊在時得前食後食
144 38 shí time [abstract] 世尊在時得前食後食
145 38 shí seasonal 世尊在時得前食後食
146 38 shí to wait upon 世尊在時得前食後食
147 38 shí hour 世尊在時得前食後食
148 38 shí appropriate; proper; timely 世尊在時得前食後食
149 38 shí Shi 世尊在時得前食後食
150 38 shí a present; currentlt 世尊在時得前食後食
151 38 shí time; kāla 世尊在時得前食後食
152 38 shí at that time; samaya 世尊在時得前食後食
153 37 佛言 fó yán the Buddha said 佛言
154 37 佛言 fó yán buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha 佛言
155 36 Ru River
156 36 Ru
157 36 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 作如是哀言
158 36 tīng to listen 從今日後不聽毀呰
159 36 tīng to obey 從今日後不聽毀呰
160 36 tīng to understand 從今日後不聽毀呰
161 36 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 從今日後不聽毀呰
162 36 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 從今日後不聽毀呰
163 36 tīng to await 從今日後不聽毀呰
164 36 tīng to acknowledge 從今日後不聽毀呰
165 36 tīng information 從今日後不聽毀呰
166 36 tīng a hall 從今日後不聽毀呰
167 36 tīng Ting 從今日後不聽毀呰
168 36 tìng to administer; to process 從今日後不聽毀呰
169 36 tīng to listen; śru 從今日後不聽毀呰
170 36 sēng a Buddhist monk 可布施僧財物
171 36 sēng a person with dark skin 可布施僧財物
172 36 sēng Seng 可布施僧財物
173 36 sēng Sangha; monastic community 可布施僧財物
174 35 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
175 33 yuè at a high pitch 越比尼罪
176 33 yuè to exceed; to leap; to skip 越比尼罪
177 33 yuè to cross; to go past; to jump over 越比尼罪
178 33 yuè to grab; to plunder; to snatch 越比尼罪
179 33 yuè Yue [state] 越比尼罪
180 33 yuè to transcend 越比尼罪
181 33 yuè distant; far away 越比尼罪
182 33 yuè impractical; not realistic 越比尼罪
183 33 yuè to dissipate; to disperse 越比尼罪
184 33 yuè to spread widely 越比尼罪
185 33 yuè to decline; to fall 越比尼罪
186 33 yuè Yue [peoples] 越比尼罪
187 33 yuè superior 越比尼罪
188 33 yuè Yue [region] 越比尼罪
189 33 yuè to publicise 越比尼罪
190 33 yuè Yue [surname] 越比尼罪
191 33 yuè go beyond; atikram 越比尼罪
192 32 zhōng middle 至布薩時盛著瓫中
193 32 zhōng medium; medium sized 至布薩時盛著瓫中
194 32 zhōng China 至布薩時盛著瓫中
195 32 zhòng to hit the mark 至布薩時盛著瓫中
196 32 zhōng midday 至布薩時盛著瓫中
197 32 zhōng inside 至布薩時盛著瓫中
198 32 zhōng during 至布薩時盛著瓫中
199 32 zhōng Zhong 至布薩時盛著瓫中
200 32 zhōng intermediary 至布薩時盛著瓫中
201 32 zhōng half 至布薩時盛著瓫中
202 32 zhòng to reach; to attain 至布薩時盛著瓫中
203 32 zhòng to suffer; to infect 至布薩時盛著瓫中
204 32 zhòng to obtain 至布薩時盛著瓫中
205 32 zhòng to pass an exam 至布薩時盛著瓫中
206 32 zhōng middle 至布薩時盛著瓫中
207 31 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 服供養
208 31 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 服供養
209 31 供養 gòngyǎng offering 服供養
210 31 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 服供養
211 30 rén person; people; a human being 時人或與
212 30 rén Kangxi radical 9 時人或與
213 30 rén a kind of person 時人或與
214 30 rén everybody 時人或與
215 30 rén adult 時人或與
216 30 rén somebody; others 時人或與
217 30 rén an upright person 時人或與
218 30 rén person; manuṣya 時人或與
219 30 one 一罽利沙槃
220 30 Kangxi radical 1 一罽利沙槃
221 30 pure; concentrated 一罽利沙槃
222 30 first 一罽利沙槃
223 30 the same 一罽利沙槃
224 30 sole; single 一罽利沙槃
225 30 a very small amount 一罽利沙槃
226 30 Yi 一罽利沙槃
227 30 other 一罽利沙槃
228 30 to unify 一罽利沙槃
229 30 accidentally; coincidentally 一罽利沙槃
230 30 abruptly; suddenly 一罽利沙槃
231 30 one; eka 一罽利沙槃
232 30 佛住 fó zhù the Buddha was staying at 佛住舍衛城
233 30 佛住 fó zhù Buddha abode 佛住舍衛城
234 30 lái to come 呼六群比丘來
235 30 lái please 呼六群比丘來
236 30 lái used to substitute for another verb 呼六群比丘來
237 30 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 呼六群比丘來
238 30 lái wheat 呼六群比丘來
239 30 lái next; future 呼六群比丘來
240 30 lái a simple complement of direction 呼六群比丘來
241 30 lái to occur; to arise 呼六群比丘來
242 30 lái to earn 呼六群比丘來
243 30 lái to come; āgata 呼六群比丘來
244 29 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
245 29 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
246 28 zài in; at 長老比丘在毘
247 28 zài to exist; to be living 長老比丘在毘
248 28 zài to consist of 長老比丘在毘
249 28 zài to be at a post 長老比丘在毘
250 28 zài in; bhū 長老比丘在毘
251 27 shàng top; a high position 上聞
252 27 shang top; the position on or above something 上聞
253 27 shàng to go up; to go forward 上聞
254 27 shàng shang 上聞
255 27 shàng previous; last 上聞
256 27 shàng high; higher 上聞
257 27 shàng advanced 上聞
258 27 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上聞
259 27 shàng time 上聞
260 27 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上聞
261 27 shàng far 上聞
262 27 shàng big; as big as 上聞
263 27 shàng abundant; plentiful 上聞
264 27 shàng to report 上聞
265 27 shàng to offer 上聞
266 27 shàng to go on stage 上聞
267 27 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上聞
268 27 shàng to install; to erect 上聞
269 27 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上聞
270 27 shàng to burn 上聞
271 27 shàng to remember 上聞
272 27 shàng to add 上聞
273 27 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上聞
274 27 shàng to meet 上聞
275 27 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上聞
276 27 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上聞
277 27 shàng a musical note 上聞
278 27 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上聞
279 26 hòu after; later 佛般泥洹後
280 26 hòu empress; queen 佛般泥洹後
281 26 hòu sovereign 佛般泥洹後
282 26 hòu the god of the earth 佛般泥洹後
283 26 hòu late; later 佛般泥洹後
284 26 hòu offspring; descendents 佛般泥洹後
285 26 hòu to fall behind; to lag 佛般泥洹後
286 26 hòu behind; back 佛般泥洹後
287 26 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 佛般泥洹後
288 26 hòu Hou 佛般泥洹後
289 26 hòu after; behind 佛般泥洹後
290 26 hòu following 佛般泥洹後
291 26 hòu to be delayed 佛般泥洹後
292 26 hòu to abandon; to discard 佛般泥洹後
293 26 hòu feudal lords 佛般泥洹後
294 26 hòu Hou 佛般泥洹後
295 26 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 佛般泥洹後
296 26 hòu rear; paścāt 佛般泥洹後
297 26 hòu later; paścima 佛般泥洹後
298 23 shī to give; to grant 爾時欝竭居士大施
299 23 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out 爾時欝竭居士大施
300 23 shī to deploy; to set up 爾時欝竭居士大施
301 23 shī to relate to 爾時欝竭居士大施
302 23 shī to move slowly 爾時欝竭居士大施
303 23 shī to exert 爾時欝竭居士大施
304 23 shī to apply; to spread 爾時欝竭居士大施
305 23 shī Shi 爾時欝竭居士大施
306 23 shī the practice of selfless giving; dāna 爾時欝竭居士大施
307 23 shì matter; thing; item 如是事
308 23 shì to serve 如是事
309 23 shì a government post 如是事
310 23 shì duty; post; work 如是事
311 23 shì occupation 如是事
312 23 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 如是事
313 23 shì an accident 如是事
314 23 shì to attend 如是事
315 23 shì an allusion 如是事
316 23 shì a condition; a state; a situation 如是事
317 23 shì to engage in 如是事
318 23 shì to enslave 如是事
319 23 shì to pursue 如是事
320 23 shì to administer 如是事
321 23 shì to appoint 如是事
322 23 shì thing; phenomena 如是事
323 23 shì actions; karma 如是事
324 22 huá Chinese 華者
325 22 huá illustrious; splendid 華者
326 22 huā a flower 華者
327 22 huā to flower 華者
328 22 huá China 華者
329 22 huá empty; flowery 華者
330 22 huá brilliance; luster 華者
331 22 huá elegance; beauty 華者
332 22 huā a flower 華者
333 22 huá extravagant; wasteful; flashy 華者
334 22 huá makeup; face powder 華者
335 22 huá flourishing 華者
336 22 huá a corona 華者
337 22 huá years; time 華者
338 22 huá your 華者
339 22 huá essence; best part 華者
340 22 huá grey 華者
341 22 huà Hua 華者
342 22 huá literary talent 華者
343 22 huá literary talent 華者
344 22 huá an article; a document 華者
345 22 huá flower; puṣpa 華者
346 22 Kangxi radical 132 自解
347 22 Zi 自解
348 22 a nose 自解
349 22 the beginning; the start 自解
350 22 origin 自解
351 22 to employ; to use 自解
352 22 to be 自解
353 22 self; soul; ātman 自解
354 22 舍衛城 shèwèi chéng Sravasti; Savatthi 舍衛城沙祇
355 22 檀越 tányuè an alms giver; a donor 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
356 22 yòng to use; to apply 爾時得用
357 22 yòng Kangxi radical 101 爾時得用
358 22 yòng to eat 爾時得用
359 22 yòng to spend 爾時得用
360 22 yòng expense 爾時得用
361 22 yòng a use; usage 爾時得用
362 22 yòng to need; must 爾時得用
363 22 yòng useful; practical 爾時得用
364 22 yòng to use up; to use all of something 爾時得用
365 22 yòng to work (an animal) 爾時得用
366 22 yòng to appoint 爾時得用
367 22 yòng to administer; to manager 爾時得用
368 22 yòng to control 爾時得用
369 22 yòng to access 爾時得用
370 22 yòng Yong 爾時得用
371 22 yòng yong; function; application 爾時得用
372 22 yòng efficacy; kāritra 爾時得用
373 21 to be near by; to be close to 耶舍即往詣彼作是言
374 21 at that time 耶舍即往詣彼作是言
375 21 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 耶舍即往詣彼作是言
376 21 supposed; so-called 耶舍即往詣彼作是言
377 21 to arrive at; to ascend 耶舍即往詣彼作是言
378 21 cóng to follow 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
379 21 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
380 21 cóng to participate in something 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
381 21 cóng to use a certain method or principle 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
382 21 cóng something secondary 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
383 21 cóng remote relatives 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
384 21 cóng secondary 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
385 21 cóng to go on; to advance 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
386 21 cōng at ease; informal 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
387 21 zòng a follower; a supporter 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
388 21 zòng to release 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
389 21 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
390 20 wáng Wang 若王出翼
391 20 wáng a king 若王出翼
392 20 wáng Kangxi radical 96 若王出翼
393 20 wàng to be king; to rule 若王出翼
394 20 wáng a prince; a duke 若王出翼
395 20 wáng grand; great 若王出翼
396 20 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 若王出翼
397 20 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 若王出翼
398 20 wáng the head of a group or gang 若王出翼
399 20 wáng the biggest or best of a group 若王出翼
400 20 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 若王出翼
401 20 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 還彼事起處
402 20 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 還彼事起處
403 20 chù an office; a department; a bureau 還彼事起處
404 20 chù a part; an aspect 還彼事起處
405 20 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 還彼事起處
406 20 chǔ to get along with 還彼事起處
407 20 chǔ to deal with; to manage 還彼事起處
408 20 chǔ to punish; to sentence 還彼事起處
409 20 chǔ to stop; to pause 還彼事起處
410 20 chǔ to be associated with 還彼事起處
411 20 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 還彼事起處
412 20 chǔ to occupy; to control 還彼事起處
413 20 chù circumstances; situation 還彼事起處
414 20 chù an occasion; a time 還彼事起處
415 20 chù position; sthāna 還彼事起處
416 20 thing; matter 此是何物
417 20 physics 此是何物
418 20 living beings; the outside world; other people 此是何物
419 20 contents; properties; elements 此是何物
420 20 muticolor of an animal's coat 此是何物
421 20 mottling 此是何物
422 20 variety 此是何物
423 20 an institution 此是何物
424 20 to select; to choose 此是何物
425 20 to seek 此是何物
426 20 thing; vastu 此是何物
427 19 fáng a room 為一居士作房
428 19 fáng a house; a building 為一居士作房
429 19 fáng branch of a family 為一居士作房
430 19 fáng Fang [constellation] 為一居士作房
431 19 fáng quarters; a wing of a building 為一居士作房
432 19 fáng case; pod 為一居士作房
433 19 fáng office; agency 為一居士作房
434 19 fáng consort's chambers 為一居士作房
435 19 fáng measure word relating to occupied rooms 為一居士作房
436 19 fáng Fang 為一居士作房
437 19 fáng house; gṛha 為一居士作房
438 19 fáng temple dormitory; vihāra 為一居士作房
439 19 fáng Anurādhā 為一居士作房
440 19 suǒ a few; various; some 為世人所嫌
441 19 suǒ a place; a location 為世人所嫌
442 19 suǒ indicates a passive voice 為世人所嫌
443 19 suǒ an ordinal number 為世人所嫌
444 19 suǒ meaning 為世人所嫌
445 19 suǒ garrison 為世人所嫌
446 19 suǒ place; pradeśa 為世人所嫌
447 19 bái white 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
448 19 bái Kangxi radical 106 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
449 19 bái plain 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
450 19 bái to make clear; to state; to explain; to say; to address 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
451 19 bái pure; clean; stainless 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
452 19 bái bright 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
453 19 bái a wrongly written character 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
454 19 bái clear 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
455 19 bái true; sincere; genuine 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
456 19 bái reactionary 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
457 19 bái a wine cup 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
458 19 bái a spoken part in an opera 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
459 19 bái a dialect 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
460 19 bái to understand 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
461 19 bái to report 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
462 19 bái to accuse; to charge; to sue; to indict 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
463 19 bái empty; blank 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
464 19 bái free 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
465 19 bái to stare coldly; a scornful look 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
466 19 bái relating to funerals 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
467 19 bái Bai 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
468 19 bái vernacular; spoken language 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
469 19 bái a symbol for silver 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
470 19 bái clean; avadāta 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
471 19 bái white; śukla; pāṇḍara 諸比丘以是因緣具白世尊
472 19 to associate with; be near 時六群比
473 19 to compare; to contrast 時六群比
474 19 Kangxi radical 81 時六群比
475 19 to gesture (with hands) 時六群比
476 19 to make an analogy 時六群比
477 19 an analogy 時六群比
478 19 an example 時六群比
479 19 comparison; upamā 時六群比
480 19 答言 dá yán to reply 耶舍答言
481 18 wèn to ask
482 18 wèn to inquire after
483 18 wèn to interrogate
484 18 wèn to hold responsible
485 18 wèn to request something
486 18 wèn to rebuke
487 18 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts
488 18 wèn news
489 18 wèn to propose marriage
490 18 wén to inform
491 18 wèn to research
492 18 wèn Wen
493 18 wèn a question
494 18 wèn ask; prccha
495 18 shí real; true 汝實爾不
496 18 shí nut; seed; fruit 汝實爾不
497 18 shí substance; content; material 汝實爾不
498 18 shí honest; sincere 汝實爾不
499 18 shí vast; extensive 汝實爾不
500 18 shí solid 汝實爾不

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1107

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 134 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 七百集法藏者
2 134 zhě that 七百集法藏者
3 134 zhě nominalizing function word 七百集法藏者
4 134 zhě used to mark a definition 七百集法藏者
5 134 zhě used to mark a pause 七百集法藏者
6 134 zhě topic marker; that; it 七百集法藏者
7 134 zhuó according to 七百集法藏者
8 134 zhě ca 七百集法藏者
9 133 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若使我結集者
10 133 ruò seemingly 若使我結集者
11 133 ruò if 若使我結集者
12 133 ruò you 若使我結集者
13 133 ruò this; that 若使我結集者
14 133 ruò and; or 若使我結集者
15 133 ruò as for; pertaining to 若使我結集者
16 133 pomegranite 若使我結集者
17 133 ruò to choose 若使我結集者
18 133 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若使我結集者
19 133 ruò thus 若使我結集者
20 133 ruò pollia 若使我結集者
21 133 ruò Ruo 若使我結集者
22 133 ruò only then 若使我結集者
23 133 ja 若使我結集者
24 133 jñā 若使我結集者
25 133 ruò if; yadi 若使我結集者
26 107 shì is; are; am; to be 此是何物
27 107 shì is exactly 此是何物
28 107 shì is suitable; is in contrast 此是何物
29 107 shì this; that; those 此是何物
30 107 shì really; certainly 此是何物
31 107 shì correct; yes; affirmative 此是何物
32 107 shì true 此是何物
33 107 shì is; has; exists 此是何物
34 107 shì used between repetitions of a word 此是何物
35 107 shì a matter; an affair 此是何物
36 107 shì Shi 此是何物
37 107 shì is; bhū 此是何物
38 107 shì this; idam 此是何物
39 93 not; no 若不相應者應遮
40 93 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 若不相應者應遮
41 93 as a correlative 若不相應者應遮
42 93 no (answering a question) 若不相應者應遮
43 93 forms a negative adjective from a noun 若不相應者應遮
44 93 at the end of a sentence to form a question 若不相應者應遮
45 93 to form a yes or no question 若不相應者應遮
46 93 infix potential marker 若不相應者應遮
47 93 no; na 若不相應者應遮
48 80 de potential marker 世尊在時得前食後食
49 80 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 世尊在時得前食後食
50 80 děi must; ought to 世尊在時得前食後食
51 80 děi to want to; to need to 世尊在時得前食後食
52 80 děi must; ought to 世尊在時得前食後食
53 80 de 世尊在時得前食後食
54 80 de infix potential marker 世尊在時得前食後食
55 80 to result in 世尊在時得前食後食
56 80 to be proper; to fit; to suit 世尊在時得前食後食
57 80 to be satisfied 世尊在時得前食後食
58 80 to be finished 世尊在時得前食後食
59 80 de result of degree 世尊在時得前食後食
60 80 de marks completion of an action 世尊在時得前食後食
61 80 děi satisfying 世尊在時得前食後食
62 80 to contract 世尊在時得前食後食
63 80 marks permission or possibility 世尊在時得前食後食
64 80 expressing frustration 世尊在時得前食後食
65 80 to hear 世尊在時得前食後食
66 80 to have; there is 世尊在時得前食後食
67 80 marks time passed 世尊在時得前食後食
68 80 obtain; attain; prāpta 世尊在時得前食後食
69 76 yán to speak; to say; said 作如是哀言
70 76 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 作如是哀言
71 76 yán Kangxi radical 149 作如是哀言
72 76 yán a particle with no meaning 作如是哀言
73 76 yán phrase; sentence 作如是哀言
74 76 yán a word; a syllable 作如是哀言
75 76 yán a theory; a doctrine 作如是哀言
76 76 yán to regard as 作如是哀言
77 76 yán to act as 作如是哀言
78 76 yán word; vacana 作如是哀言
79 76 yán speak; vad 作如是哀言
80 74 zuò to do 作如是哀言
81 74 zuò to act as; to serve as 作如是哀言
82 74 zuò to start 作如是哀言
83 74 zuò a writing; a work 作如是哀言
84 74 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作如是哀言
85 74 zuō to create; to make 作如是哀言
86 74 zuō a workshop 作如是哀言
87 74 zuō to write; to compose 作如是哀言
88 74 zuò to rise 作如是哀言
89 74 zuò to be aroused 作如是哀言
90 74 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作如是哀言
91 74 zuò to regard as 作如是哀言
92 74 zuò action; kāraṇa 作如是哀言
93 60 method; way 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
94 60 France 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
95 60 the law; rules; regulations 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
96 60 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
97 60 a standard; a norm 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
98 60 an institution 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
99 60 to emulate 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
100 60 magic; a magic trick 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
101 60 punishment 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
102 60 Fa 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
103 60 a precedent 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
104 60 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
105 60 relating to a ceremony or rite 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
106 60 Dharma 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
107 60 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
108 60 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
109 60 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
110 60 quality; characteristic 明雜誦跋渠法之十一
111 59 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a Buddhist monk 長老比丘在毘
112 59 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu 長老比丘在毘
113 59 比丘 bǐqiū bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu 長老比丘在毘
114 58 yīng should; ought 等應更集比尼藏
115 58 yìng to answer; to respond 等應更集比尼藏
116 58 yìng to confirm; to verify 等應更集比尼藏
117 58 yīng soon; immediately 等應更集比尼藏
118 58 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 等應更集比尼藏
119 58 yìng to accept 等應更集比尼藏
120 58 yīng or; either 等應更集比尼藏
121 58 yìng to permit; to allow 等應更集比尼藏
122 58 yìng to echo 等應更集比尼藏
123 58 yìng to handle; to deal with 等應更集比尼藏
124 58 yìng Ying 等應更集比尼藏
125 58 yīng suitable; yukta 等應更集比尼藏
126 57 Buddha; Awakened One 佛般泥洹後
127 57 relating to Buddhism 佛般泥洹後
128 57 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛般泥洹後
129 57 a Buddhist text 佛般泥洹後
130 57 to touch; to stroke 佛般泥洹後
131 57 Buddha 佛般泥洹後
132 57 Buddha; Awakened One 佛般泥洹後
133 56 a pagoda; a stupa 先應供養佛泥塔
134 56 a tower 先應供養佛泥塔
135 56 a tart 先應供養佛泥塔
136 56 a pagoda; a stupa 先應供養佛泥塔
137 55 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 世尊在時得前食後食
138 55 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 世尊在時得前食後食
139 55 I; me; my 我被舉
140 55 self 我被舉
141 55 we; our 我被舉
142 55 [my] dear 我被舉
143 55 Wo 我被舉
144 55 self; atman; attan 我被舉
145 55 ga 我被舉
146 55 I; aham 我被舉
147 55 míng measure word for people 是名
148 55 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名
149 55 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名
150 55 míng rank; position 是名
151 55 míng an excuse 是名
152 55 míng life 是名
153 55 míng to name; to call 是名
154 55 míng to express; to describe 是名
155 55 míng to be called; to have the name 是名
156 55 míng to own; to possess 是名
157 55 míng famous; renowned 是名
158 55 míng moral 是名
159 55 míng name; naman 是名
160 55 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名
161 50 already 作舉羯磨已
162 50 Kangxi radical 49 作舉羯磨已
163 50 from 作舉羯磨已
164 50 to bring to an end; to stop 作舉羯磨已
165 50 final aspectual particle 作舉羯磨已
166 50 afterwards; thereafter 作舉羯磨已
167 50 too; very; excessively 作舉羯磨已
168 50 to complete 作舉羯磨已
169 50 to demote; to dismiss 作舉羯磨已
170 50 to recover from an illness 作舉羯磨已
171 50 certainly 作舉羯磨已
172 50 an interjection of surprise 作舉羯磨已
173 50 this 作舉羯磨已
174 50 former; pūrvaka 作舉羯磨已
175 50 former; pūrvaka 作舉羯磨已
176 47 wèi for; to 為作舉羯磨
177 47 wèi because of 為作舉羯磨
178 47 wéi to act as; to serve 為作舉羯磨
179 47 wéi to change into; to become 為作舉羯磨
180 47 wéi to be; is 為作舉羯磨
181 47 wéi to do 為作舉羯磨
182 47 wèi for 為作舉羯磨
183 47 wèi because of; for; to 為作舉羯磨
184 47 wèi to 為作舉羯磨
185 47 wéi in a passive construction 為作舉羯磨
186 47 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為作舉羯磨
187 47 wéi forming an adverb 為作舉羯磨
188 47 wéi to add emphasis 為作舉羯磨
189 47 wèi to support; to help 為作舉羯磨
190 47 wéi to govern 為作舉羯磨
191 47 wèi to be; bhū 為作舉羯磨
192 47 比尼 bìní monastic discipline; vinaya 等應更集比尼藏
193 44 zuì crime; offense; sin; vice 病罪
194 44 zuì fault; error 病罪
195 44 zuì hardship; suffering 病罪
196 44 zuì to blame; to accuse 病罪
197 44 zuì punishment 病罪
198 44 zuì transgression; āpatti 病罪
199 44 zuì sin; agha 病罪
200 39 shù tree 上樹者
201 39 shù to plant 上樹者
202 39 shù to establish 上樹者
203 39 shù a door screen 上樹者
204 39 shù a door screen 上樹者
205 39 shù tree; vṛkṣa 上樹者
206 39 and 我等孤兒誰當見與
207 39 to give 我等孤兒誰當見與
208 39 together with 我等孤兒誰當見與
209 39 interrogative particle 我等孤兒誰當見與
210 39 to accompany 我等孤兒誰當見與
211 39 to particate in 我等孤兒誰當見與
212 39 of the same kind 我等孤兒誰當見與
213 39 to help 我等孤兒誰當見與
214 39 for 我等孤兒誰當見與
215 39 and; ca 我等孤兒誰當見與
216 38 shí time; a point or period of time 世尊在時得前食後食
217 38 shí a season; a quarter of a year 世尊在時得前食後食
218 38 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 世尊在時得前食後食
219 38 shí at that time 世尊在時得前食後食
220 38 shí fashionable 世尊在時得前食後食
221 38 shí fate; destiny; luck 世尊在時得前食後食
222 38 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 世尊在時得前食後食
223 38 shí tense 世尊在時得前食後食
224 38 shí particular; special 世尊在時得前食後食
225 38 shí to plant; to cultivate 世尊在時得前食後食
226 38 shí hour (measure word) 世尊在時得前食後食
227 38 shí an era; a dynasty 世尊在時得前食後食
228 38 shí time [abstract] 世尊在時得前食後食
229 38 shí seasonal 世尊在時得前食後食
230 38 shí frequently; often 世尊在時得前食後食
231 38 shí occasionally; sometimes 世尊在時得前食後食
232 38 shí on time 世尊在時得前食後食
233 38 shí this; that 世尊在時得前食後食
234 38 shí to wait upon 世尊在時得前食後食
235 38 shí hour 世尊在時得前食後食
236 38 shí appropriate; proper; timely 世尊在時得前食後食
237 38 shí Shi 世尊在時得前食後食
238 38 shí a present; currentlt 世尊在時得前食後食
239 38 shí time; kāla 世尊在時得前食後食
240 38 shí at that time; samaya 世尊在時得前食後食
241 38 shí then; atha 世尊在時得前食後食
242 37 yǒu is; are; to exist 爾時中國都有七
243 37 yǒu to have; to possess 爾時中國都有七
244 37 yǒu indicates an estimate 爾時中國都有七
245 37 yǒu indicates a large quantity 爾時中國都有七
246 37 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 爾時中國都有七
247 37 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 爾時中國都有七
248 37 yǒu used to compare two things 爾時中國都有七
249 37 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 爾時中國都有七
250 37 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 爾時中國都有七
251 37 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 爾時中國都有七
252 37 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 爾時中國都有七
253 37 yǒu abundant 爾時中國都有七
254 37 yǒu purposeful 爾時中國都有七
255 37 yǒu You 爾時中國都有七
256 37 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 爾時中國都有七
257 37 yǒu becoming; bhava 爾時中國都有七
258 37 佛言 fó yán the Buddha said 佛言
259 37 佛言 fó yán buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha 佛言
260 36 you; thou
261 36 Ru River
262 36 Ru
263 36 you; tvam; bhavat
264 36 如是 rúshì thus; so 作如是哀言
265 36 如是 rúshì thus, so 作如是哀言
266 36 如是 rúshì thus; evam 作如是哀言
267 36 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 作如是哀言
268 36 tīng to listen 從今日後不聽毀呰
269 36 tīng to obey 從今日後不聽毀呰
270 36 tīng to understand 從今日後不聽毀呰
271 36 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 從今日後不聽毀呰
272 36 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 從今日後不聽毀呰
273 36 tīng to await 從今日後不聽毀呰
274 36 tīng to acknowledge 從今日後不聽毀呰
275 36 tīng a tin can 從今日後不聽毀呰
276 36 tīng information 從今日後不聽毀呰
277 36 tīng a hall 從今日後不聽毀呰
278 36 tīng Ting 從今日後不聽毀呰
279 36 tìng to administer; to process 從今日後不聽毀呰
280 36 tīng to listen; śru 從今日後不聽毀呰
281 36 sēng a Buddhist monk 可布施僧財物
282 36 sēng a person with dark skin 可布施僧財物
283 36 sēng Seng 可布施僧財物
284 36 sēng Sangha; monastic community 可布施僧財物
285 35 諸比丘 zhū bǐqiū monks 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
286 33 yuè more 越比尼罪
287 33 yuè at a high pitch 越比尼罪
288 33 yuè to exceed; to leap; to skip 越比尼罪
289 33 yuè to cross; to go past; to jump over 越比尼罪
290 33 yuè to grab; to plunder; to snatch 越比尼罪
291 33 yuè Yue [state] 越比尼罪
292 33 yuè to transcend 越比尼罪
293 33 yuè distant; far away 越比尼罪
294 33 yuè impractical; not realistic 越比尼罪
295 33 yuè to dissipate; to disperse 越比尼罪
296 33 yuè to spread widely 越比尼罪
297 33 yuè to decline; to fall 越比尼罪
298 33 yuè Yue [peoples] 越比尼罪
299 33 yuè superior 越比尼罪
300 33 yuè Yue [region] 越比尼罪
301 33 yuè to publicise 越比尼罪
302 33 yuè Yue [surname] 越比尼罪
303 33 yuè a particle with no meaning 越比尼罪
304 33 yuè go beyond; atikram 越比尼罪
305 32 zhōng middle 至布薩時盛著瓫中
306 32 zhōng medium; medium sized 至布薩時盛著瓫中
307 32 zhōng China 至布薩時盛著瓫中
308 32 zhòng to hit the mark 至布薩時盛著瓫中
309 32 zhōng in; amongst 至布薩時盛著瓫中
310 32 zhōng midday 至布薩時盛著瓫中
311 32 zhōng inside 至布薩時盛著瓫中
312 32 zhōng during 至布薩時盛著瓫中
313 32 zhōng Zhong 至布薩時盛著瓫中
314 32 zhōng intermediary 至布薩時盛著瓫中
315 32 zhōng half 至布薩時盛著瓫中
316 32 zhōng just right; suitably 至布薩時盛著瓫中
317 32 zhōng while 至布薩時盛著瓫中
318 32 zhòng to reach; to attain 至布薩時盛著瓫中
319 32 zhòng to suffer; to infect 至布薩時盛著瓫中
320 32 zhòng to obtain 至布薩時盛著瓫中
321 32 zhòng to pass an exam 至布薩時盛著瓫中
322 32 zhōng middle 至布薩時盛著瓫中
323 31 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 服供養
324 31 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 服供養
325 31 供養 gòngyǎng offering 服供養
326 31 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 服供養
327 31 ěr thus; so; like that
328 31 ěr in a manner
329 31 ěr final particle with no meaning
330 31 ěr final particle marking a question
331 31 ěr you; thou
332 31 ěr this; that
333 31 ěr thus; atha khalu
334 30 rén person; people; a human being 時人或與
335 30 rén Kangxi radical 9 時人或與
336 30 rén a kind of person 時人或與
337 30 rén everybody 時人或與
338 30 rén adult 時人或與
339 30 rén somebody; others 時人或與
340 30 rén an upright person 時人或與
341 30 rén person; manuṣya 時人或與
342 30 one 一罽利沙槃
343 30 Kangxi radical 1 一罽利沙槃
344 30 as soon as; all at once 一罽利沙槃
345 30 pure; concentrated 一罽利沙槃
346 30 whole; all 一罽利沙槃
347 30 first 一罽利沙槃
348 30 the same 一罽利沙槃
349 30 each 一罽利沙槃
350 30 certain 一罽利沙槃
351 30 throughout 一罽利沙槃
352 30 used in between a reduplicated verb 一罽利沙槃
353 30 sole; single 一罽利沙槃
354 30 a very small amount 一罽利沙槃
355 30 Yi 一罽利沙槃
356 30 other 一罽利沙槃
357 30 to unify 一罽利沙槃
358 30 accidentally; coincidentally 一罽利沙槃
359 30 abruptly; suddenly 一罽利沙槃
360 30 or 一罽利沙槃
361 30 one; eka 一罽利沙槃
362 30 佛住 fó zhù the Buddha was staying at 佛住舍衛城
363 30 佛住 fó zhù Buddha abode 佛住舍衛城
364 30 lái to come 呼六群比丘來
365 30 lái indicates an approximate quantity 呼六群比丘來
366 30 lái please 呼六群比丘來
367 30 lái used to substitute for another verb 呼六群比丘來
368 30 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 呼六群比丘來
369 30 lái ever since 呼六群比丘來
370 30 lái wheat 呼六群比丘來
371 30 lái next; future 呼六群比丘來
372 30 lái a simple complement of direction 呼六群比丘來
373 30 lái to occur; to arise 呼六群比丘來
374 30 lái to earn 呼六群比丘來
375 30 lái to come; āgata 呼六群比丘來
376 29 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
377 29 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時諸比丘從檀越乞索
378 29 不得 bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot 坐是比丘令我等不得財物
379 29 不得 bùdé must not; may not; not be allowed; cannot 坐是比丘令我等不得財物
380 28 zài in; at 長老比丘在毘
381 28 zài at 長老比丘在毘
382 28 zài when; indicates that someone or something is in the process of doing something 長老比丘在毘
383 28 zài to exist; to be living 長老比丘在毘
384 28 zài to consist of 長老比丘在毘
385 28 zài to be at a post 長老比丘在毘
386 28 zài in; bhū 長老比丘在毘
387 27 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
388 27 old; ancient; former; past 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
389 27 reason; cause; purpose 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
390 27 to die 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
391 27 so; therefore; hence 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
392 27 original 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
393 27 accident; happening; instance 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
394 27 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
395 27 something in the past 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
396 27 deceased; dead 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
397 27 still; yet 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
398 27 therefore; tasmāt 我捨棄家業故來飯僧
399 27 shàng top; a high position 上聞
400 27 shang top; the position on or above something 上聞
401 27 shàng to go up; to go forward 上聞
402 27 shàng shang 上聞
403 27 shàng previous; last 上聞
404 27 shàng high; higher 上聞
405 27 shàng advanced 上聞
406 27 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上聞
407 27 shàng time 上聞
408 27 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上聞
409 27 shàng far 上聞
410 27 shàng big; as big as 上聞
411 27 shàng abundant; plentiful 上聞
412 27 shàng to report 上聞
413 27 shàng to offer 上聞
414 27 shàng to go on stage 上聞
415 27 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上聞
416 27 shàng to install; to erect 上聞
417 27 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上聞
418 27 shàng to burn 上聞
419 27 shàng to remember 上聞
420 27 shang on; in 上聞
421 27 shàng upward 上聞
422 27 shàng to add 上聞
423 27 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上聞
424 27 shàng to meet 上聞
425 27 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上聞
426 27 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上聞
427 27 shàng a musical note 上聞
428 27 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上聞
429 26 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 我等孤兒誰當見與
430 26 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 我等孤兒誰當見與
431 26 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 我等孤兒誰當見與
432 26 dāng to face 我等孤兒誰當見與
433 26 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 我等孤兒誰當見與
434 26 dāng to manage; to host 我等孤兒誰當見與
435 26 dāng should 我等孤兒誰當見與
436 26 dāng to treat; to regard as 我等孤兒誰當見與
437 26 dǎng to think 我等孤兒誰當見與
438 26 dàng suitable; correspond to 我等孤兒誰當見與
439 26 dǎng to be equal 我等孤兒誰當見與
440 26 dàng that 我等孤兒誰當見與
441 26 dāng an end; top 我等孤兒誰當見與
442 26 dàng clang; jingle 我等孤兒誰當見與
443 26 dāng to judge 我等孤兒誰當見與
444 26 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 我等孤兒誰當見與
445 26 dàng the same 我等孤兒誰當見與
446 26 dàng to pawn 我等孤兒誰當見與
447 26 dàng to fail [an exam] 我等孤兒誰當見與
448 26 dàng a trap 我等孤兒誰當見與
449 26 dàng a pawned item 我等孤兒誰當見與
450 26 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 我等孤兒誰當見與
451 26 hòu after; later 佛般泥洹後
452 26 hòu empress; queen 佛般泥洹後
453 26 hòu sovereign 佛般泥洹後
454 26 hòu behind 佛般泥洹後
455 26 hòu the god of the earth 佛般泥洹後
456 26 hòu late; later 佛般泥洹後
457 26 hòu arriving late 佛般泥洹後
458 26 hòu offspring; descendents 佛般泥洹後
459 26 hòu to fall behind; to lag 佛般泥洹後
460 26 hòu behind; back 佛般泥洹後
461 26 hòu then 佛般泥洹後
462 26 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 佛般泥洹後
463 26 hòu Hou 佛般泥洹後
464 26 hòu after; behind 佛般泥洹後
465 26 hòu following 佛般泥洹後
466 26 hòu to be delayed 佛般泥洹後
467 26 hòu to abandon; to discard 佛般泥洹後
468 26 hòu feudal lords 佛般泥洹後
469 26 hòu Hou 佛般泥洹後
470 26 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 佛般泥洹後
471 26 hòu rear; paścāt 佛般泥洹後
472 26 hòu later; paścima 佛般泥洹後
473 25 乃至 nǎizhì and even 二罽利沙槃乃至十罽利沙槃
474 25 乃至 nǎizhì as much as; yavat 二罽利沙槃乃至十罽利沙槃
475 25 this; these 此是何物
476 25 in this way 此是何物
477 25 otherwise; but; however; so 此是何物
478 25 at this time; now; here 此是何物
479 25 this; here; etad 此是何物
480 23 shī to give; to grant 爾時欝竭居士大施
481 23 shī to act; to do; to execute; to carry out 爾時欝竭居士大施
482 23 shī to deploy; to set up 爾時欝竭居士大施
483 23 shī to relate to 爾時欝竭居士大施
484 23 shī to move slowly 爾時欝竭居士大施
485 23 shī to exert 爾時欝竭居士大施
486 23 shī to apply; to spread 爾時欝竭居士大施
487 23 shī Shi 爾時欝竭居士大施
488 23 shī the practice of selfless giving; dāna 爾時欝竭居士大施
489 23 shì matter; thing; item 如是事
490 23 shì to serve 如是事
491 23 shì a government post 如是事
492 23 shì duty; post; work 如是事
493 23 shì occupation 如是事
494 23 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 如是事
495 23 shì an accident 如是事
496 23 shì to attend 如是事
497 23 shì an allusion 如是事
498 23 shì a condition; a state; a situation 如是事
499 23 shì to engage in 如是事
500 23 shì to enslave 如是事


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
zhě ca
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
no; na
obtain; attain; prāpta
  1. yán
  2. yán
  1. word; vacana
  2. speak; vad
zuò action; kāraṇa
  1. Dharma
  2. the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma
  3. a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings
  4. a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought
  5. quality; characteristic
  1. bǐqiū
  2. bǐqiū
  1. bhiksu
  2. bhiksu; a monk; bhikkhu
yīng suitable; yukta

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿浮呵那 196 Avrha Heaven; Heaven without Affliction
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
菴婆罗 菴婆羅 196 Ambapali; Amrapali; Amradarika
白王 98 Shuddhodana; Suddhodana
般泥洹 98 Parinirvāṇa
波罗柰 波羅柰 98 Varanasi
波斯匿王 98 King Prasenajit; Pasenadi
成华 成華 99 Chenghua
赤土 99 Chi Tu
大迦叶 大迦葉 100 Mahakasyapa; Mahākāśyapa; Mahākassapa; kasyapa
大目连 大目連 100 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
东晋 東晉 100 Eastern Jin Dynasty
多罗 多羅 100 Tara
佛生日 102 Buddha's Birthday; Vesak
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
佛馱跋陀罗 佛陀跋陀羅 102 Buddhabhadra
104 Huan river
迦毘罗卫 迦毘羅衛 106 Kapilavastu; Kapilavatthu
迦叶 迦葉 106
  1. Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
  2. Mahākāśyapa; Kāśyapa; Kasyapa; Kassapa
迦维罗卫 迦維羅衛 106 Kapilavastu; Kapilavatthu
迦叶佛 迦葉佛 106 Kasyapa Buddha; Kassapa Buddha
伽耶山 106 Gayā
九部经 九部經 106 navāṅga; navāṅga-śāsana; navaṅga-sāsana; nava-vidha sūtrānta; nine kinds of teaching
拘萨罗国 拘薩羅國 106 Kośala; Kosala
拘睒弥 拘睒彌 106 Kausambi; Kaushambi; Kosambi
  1. wolf
  2. Lang peoples
  3. Sirius
  4. Lang
  5. wolf; vṛka
六月 108
  1. June; the Sixth Month
  2. sixth lunar month; bhādra
罗睺罗 羅睺羅 108 Rahula
律藏 108 Collection of Monastic Rules; Vinaya; Vinayapiṭaka; Vinaya Piṭaka
摩诃僧只律 摩訶僧祇律 109 Mahāsaṅghikavinaya
摩偷罗国 摩偷羅國 109 Mathurā
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
难陀 難陀 110 Nanda
泥洹 110 Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana
毘舍 112 Vaiśya
毘舍离 毘舍離 112 Vaisali; Vaissali; Vaishali; Vesālī; City of Vaisali
毘陀 112 Veda
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
七宝塔 七寶塔 113 seven pagodas; stupas made of the seven treasures
祇洹 113 Jetavana
只桓 祇桓 113 Jetavana
七月 113
  1. July; the Seventh Month
  2. seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
瞿昙 瞿曇 113 Gautama; Gotama
如来 如來 114
  1. Tathagata
  2. Tathagata
  3. Thus-Come (tathagata); Tathāgata; Thus Come One
如是语 如是語 114 Itivuttaka
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
三月 115
  1. March; the Third Month
  2. three months
  3. third lunar month; jyeṣṭa
僧伽 115
  1. sangha
  2. Samgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
声闻 聲聞 115
  1. sravaka
  2. sravaka; a distinguished disciple of the Buddha
舍卫 舍衛 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
舍卫城 舍衛城 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
释氏 釋氏 115 Sakya clan
时婆 時婆 115 jīvaka
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
娑罗 娑羅 115 sala tree; sal tree; shala tree
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
王舍城 119 Rajgir; Rajagrha
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
阎浮提 閻浮提 121 Jambudvipa; the Terrestrial World
耶舍 121
  1. Yaśa
  2. Narendrayaśas
营事 營事 121 Director of Affairs; Karmadana; Vinaya Master; Discipline Master
优波离 優波離 121 Upāli; Upali
旃陀罗 旃陀羅 122
  1. Chandala; Untouchable Caste
  2. caṇḍāla; untouchable caste
中说 中說 122 Zhong Shuo
中华 中華 122 China
众僧 眾僧 122 Saṅgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
竹园 竹園 122 Bamboo Grove


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 145.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿练若 阿練若 196 a forest retreat; a secluded place to practice; araṇya; arañña; aranya
阿提目多 196 adhimukti; attention
八大 98 eight great
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
比尼 98 monastic discipline; vinaya
比丘僧 98 monastic community
波利 98
  1. complete; all; pari
  2. Pali
波罗夷 波羅夷 98 pārājika; rules for expulsion from the saṃgha
波头摩华 波頭摩華 98 padma; lotus flower
不坏信 不壞信 98
  1. unbreakable faith
  2. perfect faith
不净 不淨 98 Impurity; dirty; filthy
不信佛法 98 [they] do not believe in the law of the Buddha
不如法 98 counterto moral principles
布萨 布薩 98
  1. Posadha
  2. fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
长表 長表 99 long banner; flag; vaijayanta
长养 長養 99
  1. to nurture
  2. fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
持律 99 a maintainer of monastic discipline
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
当分 當分 100 according to position
得道 100 to attain enlightenment
地中 100 secondary buildings on monastery grounds
犯戒 102
  1. Violation of Precepts
  2. to break the precepts
饭僧 飯僧 102 to provide a meal for monastics
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
粪扫衣 糞掃衣 102 monastic robes
分陀利 102 pundarika
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛住 102
  1. the Buddha was staying at
  2. Buddha abode
佛地 102 Buddha stage; Buddha ground; buddha-bhūmi
福德 102
  1. Fortune and Virtue
  2. Merit and Virtue
  3. merit earned; reward; good fortune and good moral conduct
共法 103 totality of truth
广说 廣說 103 to explain; to teach
果报 果報 103 fruition; the result of karma
过去佛 過去佛 103 past Buddhas
和上 104 an abbot; a monk
华鬘 華鬘 104 hair tied with flowers; wreath; necklace of flowers
华香 華香 104 incense and flowers
迴向 104 to transfer merit; to dedicate; pariṇāmanā
毁呰 毀呰 104 to denigrate
火法 104 a burnt offering; homa
见相 見相 106 perceiving the subject
羯磨 106 karma
结使 結使 106 a fetter
净人 淨人 106 a server
净法 淨法 106
  1. pure dharma
  2. the teaching of the Buddha
九法 106 nine dharmas; navadharma
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
卷第三 106 scroll 3
拘物头 拘物頭 106 kumuda
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
令众生 令眾生 108 lead sentient beings
六群 108 group of six monastics
六群比丘 108 group of six monastics
六通 108 six supernatural powers
轮相 輪相 108 stacked rings; wheel
罗门 羅門 108 Brahman
律者 108 vinaya teacher
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
摩竭鱼 摩竭魚 109 makara fish
摩那埵 109 mānatva; confession; period of penance
能行 110 ability to act
尼拘律树 尼拘律樹 110 Indian banyan; nyagrodha tree
辟支佛 112 Pratyeka-Buddha; Pratyekabuddha
菩提树 菩提樹 80
  1. Bodhedrum magazine
  2. Bodhi Tree
  3. bodhi tree
七百集法 113 recital of the Dharma by seven hundred
七百结集 七百結集 113 recital by seven hundred
勤苦 113 devoted and suffering
请僧 請僧 113 monastics invited to a Dharma service
热病 熱病 114 jaundice; kāmalā
汝等 114 you [plural]; yuṣma; yūyam
如法 114 In Accord With
入佛 114 to bring an image of a Buddha
入众 入眾 114 To Enter the Assembly
萨罗树 薩羅樹 115 sala tree; sal tree; shala tree; śāla
三明 115 three insights; trividya
僧坊 115 monastic quarters
僧物 115 property of the monastic community
僧伽蓝 僧伽藍 115 sangharama; samgharama; samghārama; temple; monastery
僧园 僧園 115 Buddhist temple
沙弥 沙彌 115
  1. sramanera
  2. Sramanera; a novice Buddhist monk
善哉 115
  1. Sadhu
  2. excellent
少欲 115 few desires
杀生 殺生 115
  1. Killing Lives
  2. to kill
舍离沙 舍離沙 115 acacia tree
神足 115 teleportation; ṛddyabhijṇa
时到 時到 115 timely arrival
示教利喜 115 Inspiration, Teaching, Benefit, and Joy
释子 釋子 115 son of Śākya; a disciple of the Buddha; a monk
施僧 115 to provide a meal for monastics
受者 115 recipient
说偈言 說偈言 115 uttered the following stanzas
四波罗夷 四波羅夷 115 four rules for expulsion from the saṃgha; four pārājikas
四法 115 the four aspects of the Dharma
死尸 死屍 115 a corpse
死尸 死屍 115 a corpse
随喜 隨喜 115
  1. to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
  2. anumodana; admiration
娑婆 115
  1. Saha
  2. to bear; to endure without complaint; saha
所行 115 actions; practice
檀越 116 an alms giver; a donor
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
听法 聽法 116 to hear the Dharma; to listen to the teachings of the Buddha
头面礼 頭面禮 116 to prostrate
偷婆 116 stupa
涂身 塗身 116 to annoint
往诣 往詣 119 to go to; upagam
未来世 未來世 119 times to come; the future
问难 問難 119 Interrogation
五事 119 five dharmas; five categories
五众 五眾 119 five aggregates; five skandhas; five groups of existence; five groups of clinging
无惭 無慚 119 shamelessness; āhrīkya
五法 119 five dharmas; five categories
无学 無學 119
  1. aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept
  2. Muhak
香华 香華 120 incense and flowers
象王 120
  1. keeper of elephants
  2. elephant king; noble elephant
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
行乞 120 to beg; to ask for alms
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
业报 業報 121
  1. karmic retribution
  2. karmic retribution; cause and effect; ripening of actions; karma and results; karmaphala; karmavipāka
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
疑悔 121
  1. doubt and regret
  2. to lose hope; to despair
应供养 應供養 121 worthy of worship
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
婬怒癡 121 desire, anger, and ignorance
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
优钵罗 優鉢羅 121 utpala; blue lotus
优钵罗华 優鉢羅華 121 utpala; blue lotus
有言 121 speaker; orator; talkative; vaktṛ
赞歎 讚歎 122 praise
瞻蔔 122 campaka
瞻婆 122 campaka
折伏 122 to refute
真谛 真諦 122
  1. truth
  2. paramartha; paramārtha; paramārthasatya; absolute truth; supreme truth
  3. Paramartha; Paramartha; Paramārtha; Paramartha
制戒 122 rules; vinaya
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸比丘 諸比丘 122 monks
住地 122 abode
诸人 諸人 122 people; jana
诸天 諸天 122 devas
转法轮 轉法輪 122
  1. to turn the Dharma Wheel
  2. Turning the Dharma wheel; to transmit Buddhist teaching; dharmacakrapravartana
自言 122 to admit by oneself
作佛 122 to become a Buddha
坐具 122
  1. Sitting Mat
  2. a mat for sitting on