Glossary and Vocabulary for Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra (Apidamo Dapiposha Lun) 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論, Scroll 59

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 196 shè to absorb; to assimilate 一攝幾隨眠
2 196 shè to take a photo 一攝幾隨眠
3 196 shè a broad rhyme class 一攝幾隨眠
4 196 shè to act for; to represent 一攝幾隨眠
5 196 shè to administer 一攝幾隨眠
6 196 shè to conserve 一攝幾隨眠
7 196 shè to hold; to support 一攝幾隨眠
8 196 shè to get close to 一攝幾隨眠
9 196 shè to help 一攝幾隨眠
10 196 niè peaceful 一攝幾隨眠
11 196 shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine 一攝幾隨眠
12 181 second-rate 次對未來
13 181 second; secondary 次對未來
14 181 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次對未來
15 181 a sequence; an order 次對未來
16 181 to arrive 次對未來
17 181 to be next in sequence 次對未來
18 181 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次對未來
19 181 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次對未來
20 181 stage of a journey 次對未來
21 181 ranks 次對未來
22 181 an official position 次對未來
23 181 inside 次對未來
24 181 to hesitate 次對未來
25 181 secondary; next; tatas 次對未來
26 143 to go 去愛結
27 143 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 去愛結
28 143 to be distant 去愛結
29 143 to leave 去愛結
30 143 to play a part 去愛結
31 143 to abandon; to give up 去愛結
32 143 to die 去愛結
33 143 previous; past 去愛結
34 143 to send out; to issue; to drive away 去愛結
35 143 falling tone 去愛結
36 143 to lose 去愛結
37 143 Qu 去愛結
38 143 go; gati 去愛結
39 138 對過 duìguò across; opposite; the other side 先對過去慢結
40 136 duì to oppose; to face; to regard 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
41 136 duì correct; right 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
42 136 duì opposing; opposite 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
43 136 duì duilian; couplet 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
44 136 duì yes; affirmative 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
45 136 duì to treat; to regard 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
46 136 duì to confirm; to agree 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
47 136 duì to correct; to make conform; to check 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
48 136 duì to mix 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
49 136 duì a pair 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
50 136 duì to respond; to answer 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
51 136 duì mutual 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
52 136 duì parallel; alternating 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
53 136 duì a command to appear as an audience 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
54 121 現在 xiànzài existing at the present moment; pratyutpanna 有現在見結繫耶
55 101 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 若於此事有過去愛結繫
56 101 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 若於此事有過去愛結繫
57 101 過去 guòqu to die 若於此事有過去愛結繫
58 101 過去 guòqu already past 若於此事有過去愛結繫
59 101 過去 guòqu to go forward 若於此事有過去愛結繫
60 101 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 若於此事有過去愛結繫
61 101 過去 guòqù past 若於此事有過去愛結繫
62 101 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 若於此事有過去愛結繫
63 100 duàn to judge 答若未斷
64 100 duàn to severe; to break 答若未斷
65 100 duàn to stop 答若未斷
66 100 duàn to quit; to give up 答若未斷
67 100 duàn to intercept 答若未斷
68 100 duàn to divide 答若未斷
69 100 duàn to isolate 答若未斷
70 98 děng et cetera; and so on 五百大阿羅漢等造
71 98 děng to wait 五百大阿羅漢等造
72 98 děng to be equal 五百大阿羅漢等造
73 98 děng degree; level 五百大阿羅漢等造
74 98 děng to compare 五百大阿羅漢等造
75 98 děng same; equal; sama 五百大阿羅漢等造
76 96 未來 wèilái future 即於此事無有未來見結繫
77 95 zhě ca 未斷者
78 84 wèi Eighth earthly branch 答若未斷
79 84 wèi 1-3 p.m. 答若未斷
80 84 wèi to taste 答若未斷
81 84 wèi future; anāgata 答若未斷
82 82 to connect; to relate 若於此事有過去愛結繫
83 82 department 若於此事有過去愛結繫
84 82 system 若於此事有過去愛結繫
85 82 connection; relation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
86 82 connection; relation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
87 82 to bind; to tie up 若於此事有過去愛結繫
88 82 to involve 若於此事有過去愛結繫
89 82 to tie; to bind; to fasten 若於此事有過去愛結繫
90 82 lineage 若於此事有過去愛結繫
91 82 to hang from; to suspend; to depend 若於此事有過去愛結繫
92 82 a belt; a band; a girdle 若於此事有過去愛結繫
93 82 the coda of a fu 若於此事有過去愛結繫
94 82 to be 若於此事有過去愛結繫
95 82 to relate to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
96 82 to detain; to imprison 若於此事有過去愛結繫
97 82 to be concerned; to be mindful of 若於此事有過去愛結繫
98 82 Xi 若於此事有過去愛結繫
99 82 to tie; to fasten 若於此事有過去愛結繫
100 82 to hang from; to suspend 若於此事有過去愛結繫
101 82 to connect; to relate 若於此事有過去愛結繫
102 82 a belt; a band 若於此事有過去愛結繫
103 82 a connection; a relation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
104 82 a belt; a band 若於此事有過去愛結繫
105 82 to tie 若於此事有過去愛結繫
106 82 to tie; grantha 若於此事有過去愛結繫
107 82 hi 若於此事有過去愛結繫
108 81 見結 jiànjié the bond of false views 亦有過去見結
109 78 wèi to call 謂於此事若有前生愛結
110 78 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂於此事若有前生愛結
111 78 wèi to speak to; to address 謂於此事若有前生愛結
112 78 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂於此事若有前生愛結
113 78 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂於此事若有前生愛結
114 78 wèi to speak to; to address 謂於此事若有前生愛結
115 78 wèi to think 謂於此事若有前生愛結
116 78 wèi for; is to be 謂於此事若有前生愛結
117 78 wèi to make; to cause 謂於此事若有前生愛結
118 78 wèi principle; reason 謂於此事若有前生愛結
119 78 wèi Wei 謂於此事若有前生愛結
120 74 to go; to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
121 74 to rely on; to depend on 若於此事有過去愛結繫
122 74 Yu 若於此事有過去愛結繫
123 74 a crow 若於此事有過去愛結繫
124 74 愛結 ài jié bond of desire 若於此事有過去愛結繫
125 72 to use; to grasp 以愛對彼作小七句
126 72 to rely on 以愛對彼作小七句
127 72 to regard 以愛對彼作小七句
128 72 to be able to 以愛對彼作小七句
129 72 to order; to command 以愛對彼作小七句
130 72 used after a verb 以愛對彼作小七句
131 72 a reason; a cause 以愛對彼作小七句
132 72 Israel 以愛對彼作小七句
133 72 Yi 以愛對彼作小七句
134 72 use; yogena 以愛對彼作小七句
135 66 seven 以愛對彼作小七句
136 66 a genre of poetry 以愛對彼作小七句
137 66 seventh day memorial ceremony 以愛對彼作小七句
138 66 seven; sapta 以愛對彼作小七句
139 62 未來現在 wèilái xiànzài the present and the future 無未來現在
140 55 ka 結各作七句亦爾
141 53 jié to bond; to tie; to bind 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
142 53 jié a knot 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
143 53 jié to conclude; to come to a result 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
144 53 jié to provide a bond for; to contract 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
145 53 jié pent-up 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
146 53 jié a written pledge from an authority acknowledging an issue 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
147 53 jié a bound state 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
148 53 jié hair worn in a topknot 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
149 53 jiē firm; secure 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
150 53 jié to plait; to thatch; to weave 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
151 53 jié to form; to organize 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
152 53 jié to congeal; to crystallize 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
153 53 jié a junction 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
154 53 jié a node 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
155 53 jiē to bear fruit 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
156 53 jiē stutter 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
157 53 jié a fetter 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
158 53 sentence 以愛對彼作小七句
159 53 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 以愛對彼作小七句
160 53 gōu to tease 以愛對彼作小七句
161 53 gōu to delineate 以愛對彼作小七句
162 53 gōu a young bud 以愛對彼作小七句
163 53 clause; phrase; line 以愛對彼作小七句
164 53 a musical phrase 以愛對彼作小七句
165 53 verse; pada; gāthā 以愛對彼作小七句
166 48 ài to love 位亦有有愛無見故
167 48 ài favor; grace; kindness 位亦有有愛無見故
168 48 ài somebody who is loved 位亦有有愛無見故
169 48 ài love; affection 位亦有有愛無見故
170 48 ài to like 位亦有有愛無見故
171 48 ài to sympathize with; to pity 位亦有有愛無見故
172 48 ài to begrudge 位亦有有愛無見故
173 48 ài to do regularly; to have the habit of 位亦有有愛無見故
174 48 ài my dear 位亦有有愛無見故
175 48 ài Ai 位亦有有愛無見故
176 48 ài loved; beloved 位亦有有愛無見故
177 48 ài Love 位亦有有愛無見故
178 48 ài desire; craving; trsna 位亦有有愛無見故
179 48 Yi 亦有過去見結
180 46 suǒ a few; various; some 如道類智已生於修所斷法
181 46 suǒ a place; a location 如道類智已生於修所斷法
182 46 suǒ indicates a passive voice 如道類智已生於修所斷法
183 46 suǒ an ordinal number 如道類智已生於修所斷法
184 46 suǒ meaning 如道類智已生於修所斷法
185 46 suǒ garrison 如道類智已生於修所斷法
186 46 suǒ place; pradeśa 如道類智已生於修所斷法
187 46 shì matter; thing; item 若於此事有過去愛結繫
188 46 shì to serve 若於此事有過去愛結繫
189 46 shì a government post 若於此事有過去愛結繫
190 46 shì duty; post; work 若於此事有過去愛結繫
191 46 shì occupation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
192 46 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 若於此事有過去愛結繫
193 46 shì an accident 若於此事有過去愛結繫
194 46 shì to attend 若於此事有過去愛結繫
195 46 shì an allusion 若於此事有過去愛結繫
196 46 shì a condition; a state; a situation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
197 46 shì to engage in 若於此事有過去愛結繫
198 46 shì to enslave 若於此事有過去愛結繫
199 46 shì to pursue 若於此事有過去愛結繫
200 46 shì to administer 若於此事有過去愛結繫
201 46 shì to appoint 若於此事有過去愛結繫
202 46 shì thing; phenomena 若於此事有過去愛結繫
203 46 shì actions; karma 若於此事有過去愛結繫
204 45 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 此中總說
205 45 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 此中總說
206 45 shuì to persuade 此中總說
207 45 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 此中總說
208 45 shuō a doctrine; a theory 此中總說
209 45 shuō to claim; to assert 此中總說
210 45 shuō allocution 此中總說
211 45 shuō to criticize; to scold 此中總說
212 45 shuō to indicate; to refer to 此中總說
213 45 shuō speach; vāda 此中總說
214 45 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 此中總說
215 45 shuō to instruct 此中總說
216 42 huì to be angry; to be in a rage
217 42 huì hatred; dveṣa
218 42 hòu after; later 如愛結對後作小七
219 42 hòu empress; queen 如愛結對後作小七
220 42 hòu sovereign 如愛結對後作小七
221 42 hòu the god of the earth 如愛結對後作小七
222 42 hòu late; later 如愛結對後作小七
223 42 hòu offspring; descendents 如愛結對後作小七
224 42 hòu to fall behind; to lag 如愛結對後作小七
225 42 hòu behind; back 如愛結對後作小七
226 42 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 如愛結對後作小七
227 42 hòu Hou 如愛結對後作小七
228 42 hòu after; behind 如愛結對後作小七
229 42 hòu following 如愛結對後作小七
230 42 hòu to be delayed 如愛結對後作小七
231 42 hòu to abandon; to discard 如愛結對後作小七
232 42 hòu feudal lords 如愛結對後作小七
233 42 hòu Hou 如愛結對後作小七
234 42 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 如愛結對後作小七
235 42 hòu rear; paścāt 如愛結對後作小七
236 42 hòu later; paścima 如愛結對後作小七
237 42 前生 qián shēng previous lives 謂於此事若有前生愛結
238 42 前生 qiánshēng previous lives 謂於此事若有前生愛結
239 41 màn slow 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
240 41 màn indifferent; idle 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
241 41 màn to neglect 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
242 41 màn arrogant; boastful 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
243 41 màn to coat; to plaster 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
244 41 màn mana; pride; arrogance; conceit 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
245 41 màn conceit; abhimāna 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
246 39 infix potential marker 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
247 39 shēng to be born; to give birth 如道類智已生於修所斷法
248 39 shēng to live 如道類智已生於修所斷法
249 39 shēng raw 如道類智已生於修所斷法
250 39 shēng a student 如道類智已生於修所斷法
251 39 shēng life 如道類智已生於修所斷法
252 39 shēng to produce; to give rise 如道類智已生於修所斷法
253 39 shēng alive 如道類智已生於修所斷法
254 39 shēng a lifetime 如道類智已生於修所斷法
255 39 shēng to initiate; to become 如道類智已生於修所斷法
256 39 shēng to grow 如道類智已生於修所斷法
257 39 shēng unfamiliar 如道類智已生於修所斷法
258 39 shēng not experienced 如道類智已生於修所斷法
259 39 shēng hard; stiff; strong 如道類智已生於修所斷法
260 39 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 如道類智已生於修所斷法
261 39 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 如道類智已生於修所斷法
262 39 shēng gender 如道類智已生於修所斷法
263 39 shēng to develop; to grow 如道類智已生於修所斷法
264 39 shēng to set up 如道類智已生於修所斷法
265 39 shēng a prostitute 如道類智已生於修所斷法
266 39 shēng a captive 如道類智已生於修所斷法
267 39 shēng a gentleman 如道類智已生於修所斷法
268 39 shēng Kangxi radical 100 如道類智已生於修所斷法
269 39 shēng unripe 如道類智已生於修所斷法
270 39 shēng nature 如道類智已生於修所斷法
271 39 shēng to inherit; to succeed 如道類智已生於修所斷法
272 39 shēng destiny 如道類智已生於修所斷法
273 39 shēng birth 如道類智已生於修所斷法
274 39 shēng arise; produce; utpad 如道類智已生於修所斷法
275 36 xiān first 先對過去慢結
276 36 xiān early; prior; former 先對過去慢結
277 36 xiān to go forward; to advance 先對過去慢結
278 36 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先對過去慢結
279 36 xiān to start 先對過去慢結
280 36 xiān ancestors; forebears 先對過去慢結
281 36 xiān before; in front 先對過去慢結
282 36 xiān fundamental; basic 先對過去慢結
283 36 xiān Xian 先對過去慢結
284 36 xiān ancient; archaic 先對過去慢結
285 36 xiān super 先對過去慢結
286 36 xiān deceased 先對過去慢結
287 36 xiān first; former; pūrva 先對過去慢結
288 35 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非如愛等作不定說
289 35 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非如愛等作不定說
290 35 fēi different 非如愛等作不定說
291 35 fēi to not be; to not have 非如愛等作不定說
292 35 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非如愛等作不定說
293 35 fēi Africa 非如愛等作不定說
294 35 fēi to slander 非如愛等作不定說
295 35 fěi to avoid 非如愛等作不定說
296 35 fēi must 非如愛等作不定說
297 35 fēi an error 非如愛等作不定說
298 35 fēi a problem; a question 非如愛等作不定說
299 35 fēi evil 非如愛等作不定說
300 34 qián front 若前未生設生已斷則不
301 34 qián former; the past 若前未生設生已斷則不
302 34 qián to go forward 若前未生設生已斷則不
303 34 qián preceding 若前未生設生已斷則不
304 34 qián before; earlier; prior 若前未生設生已斷則不
305 34 qián to appear before 若前未生設生已斷則不
306 34 qián future 若前未生設生已斷則不
307 34 qián top; first 若前未生設生已斷則不
308 34 qián battlefront 若前未生設生已斷則不
309 34 qián before; former; pūrva 若前未生設生已斷則不
310 34 qián facing; mukha 若前未生設生已斷則不
311 33 zuò to do 非如愛等作不定說
312 33 zuò to act as; to serve as 非如愛等作不定說
313 33 zuò to start 非如愛等作不定說
314 33 zuò a writing; a work 非如愛等作不定說
315 33 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 非如愛等作不定說
316 33 zuō to create; to make 非如愛等作不定說
317 33 zuō a workshop 非如愛等作不定說
318 33 zuō to write; to compose 非如愛等作不定說
319 33 zuò to rise 非如愛等作不定說
320 33 zuò to be aroused 非如愛等作不定說
321 33 zuò activity; action; undertaking 非如愛等作不定說
322 33 zuò to regard as 非如愛等作不定說
323 33 zuò action; kāraṇa 非如愛等作不定說
324 33 wéi to act as; to serve 恚等為初七句
325 33 wéi to change into; to become 恚等為初七句
326 33 wéi to be; is 恚等為初七句
327 33 wéi to do 恚等為初七句
328 33 wèi to support; to help 恚等為初七句
329 33 wéi to govern 恚等為初七句
330 33 wèi to be; bhū 恚等為初七句
331 32 zhōng middle 此中總說
332 32 zhōng medium; medium sized 此中總說
333 32 zhōng China 此中總說
334 32 zhòng to hit the mark 此中總說
335 32 zhōng midday 此中總說
336 32 zhōng inside 此中總說
337 32 zhōng during 此中總說
338 32 zhōng Zhong 此中總說
339 32 zhōng intermediary 此中總說
340 32 zhōng half 此中總說
341 32 zhòng to reach; to attain 此中總說
342 32 zhòng to suffer; to infect 此中總說
343 32 zhòng to obtain 此中總說
344 32 zhòng to pass an exam 此中總說
345 32 zhōng middle 此中總說
346 30 meaning; sense 結繫義
347 30 justice; right action; righteousness 結繫義
348 30 artificial; man-made; fake 結繫義
349 30 chivalry; generosity 結繫義
350 30 just; righteous 結繫義
351 30 adopted 結繫義
352 30 a relationship 結繫義
353 30 volunteer 結繫義
354 30 something suitable 結繫義
355 30 a martyr 結繫義
356 30 a law 結繫義
357 30 Yi 結繫義
358 30 Righteousness 結繫義
359 30 aim; artha 結繫義
360 30 jiàn to see 即於此事亦有過去見
361 30 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 即於此事亦有過去見
362 30 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 即於此事亦有過去見
363 30 jiàn refer to; for details see 即於此事亦有過去見
364 30 jiàn to listen to 即於此事亦有過去見
365 30 jiàn to meet 即於此事亦有過去見
366 30 jiàn to receive (a guest) 即於此事亦有過去見
367 30 jiàn let me; kindly 即於此事亦有過去見
368 30 jiàn Jian 即於此事亦有過去見
369 30 xiàn to appear 即於此事亦有過去見
370 30 xiàn to introduce 即於此事亦有過去見
371 30 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 即於此事亦有過去見
372 30 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 即於此事亦有過去見
373 29 三界 Sān Jiè Three Realms 俱唯三界見
374 29 三界 sān Jiè The Three Realms 俱唯三界見
375 28 ér Kangxi radical 126 若於此事雖有前生愛結未斷而
376 28 ér as if; to seem like 若於此事雖有前生愛結未斷而
377 28 néng can; able 若於此事雖有前生愛結未斷而
378 28 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 若於此事雖有前生愛結未斷而
379 28 ér to arrive; up to 若於此事雖有前生愛結未斷而
380 27 Kangxi radical 49 見結已斷
381 27 to bring to an end; to stop 見結已斷
382 27 to complete 見結已斷
383 27 to demote; to dismiss 見結已斷
384 27 to recover from an illness 見結已斷
385 27 former; pūrvaka 見結已斷
386 26 隨眠 suímián a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya 三結乃至九十八隨眠
387 25 自性 zìxìng Self-Nature 攝他性非自性攝
388 25 自性 zìxìng intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava 攝他性非自性攝
389 25 自性 zìxìng primordial matter; nature; prakṛti 攝他性非自性攝
390 24 míng fame; renown; reputation 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
391 24 míng a name; personal name; designation 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
392 24 míng rank; position 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
393 24 míng an excuse 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
394 24 míng life 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
395 24 míng to name; to call 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
396 24 míng to express; to describe 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
397 24 míng to be called; to have the name 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
398 24 míng to own; to possess 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
399 24 míng famous; renowned 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
400 24 míng moral 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
401 24 míng name; naman 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
402 24 míng fame; renown; yasas 雖餘處生而於此事亦名未
403 24 無明 wúmíng fury 無明通
404 24 無明 wúmíng ignorance 無明通
405 24 無明 wúmíng ignorance; avidyā; avijjā 無明通
406 22 to reply; to answer 答若未斷
407 22 to reciprocate to 答若未斷
408 22 to agree to; to assent to 答若未斷
409 22 to acknowledge; to greet 答若未斷
410 22 Da 答若未斷
411 22 to answer; pratyukta 答若未斷
412 22 Kangxi radical 71 位亦有有愛無見故
413 22 to not have; without 位亦有有愛無見故
414 22 mo 位亦有有愛無見故
415 22 to not have 位亦有有愛無見故
416 22 Wu 位亦有有愛無見故
417 22 mo 位亦有有愛無見故
418 21 tān to be greedy; to lust after 不善根中貪瞋不善根各攝五者
419 21 tān to embezzle; to graft 不善根中貪瞋不善根各攝五者
420 21 tān to prefer 不善根中貪瞋不善根各攝五者
421 21 tān to search for; to seek 不善根中貪瞋不善根各攝五者
422 21 tān corrupt 不善根中貪瞋不善根各攝五者
423 21 tān greed; desire; craving; rāga 不善根中貪瞋不善根各攝五者
424 20 one 以二對一乃至以
425 20 Kangxi radical 1 以二對一乃至以
426 20 pure; concentrated 以二對一乃至以
427 20 first 以二對一乃至以
428 20 the same 以二對一乃至以
429 20 sole; single 以二對一乃至以
430 20 a very small amount 以二對一乃至以
431 20 Yi 以二對一乃至以
432 20 other 以二對一乃至以
433 20 to unify 以二對一乃至以
434 20 accidentally; coincidentally 以二對一乃至以
435 20 abruptly; suddenly 以二對一乃至以
436 20 one; eka 以二對一乃至以
437 19 五部 wǔbù the five classes 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
438 19 五部 wǔbù the five divisions 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
439 18 xiàn to appear; to manifest; to become visible 或起餘結現
440 18 xiàn at present 或起餘結現
441 18 xiàn existing at the present time 或起餘結現
442 18 xiàn cash 或起餘結現
443 18 xiàn to manifest; prādur 或起餘結現
444 18 xiàn to manifest; prādur 或起餘結現
445 18 xiàn the present time 或起餘結現
446 18 èr two
447 18 èr Kangxi radical 7
448 18 èr second
449 18 èr twice; double; di-
450 18 èr more than one kind
451 18 èr two; dvā; dvi
452 18 èr both; dvaya
453 18 method; way 如道類智已生於修所斷法
454 18 France 如道類智已生於修所斷法
455 18 the law; rules; regulations 如道類智已生於修所斷法
456 18 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 如道類智已生於修所斷法
457 18 a standard; a norm 如道類智已生於修所斷法
458 18 an institution 如道類智已生於修所斷法
459 18 to emulate 如道類智已生於修所斷法
460 18 magic; a magic trick 如道類智已生於修所斷法
461 18 punishment 如道類智已生於修所斷法
462 18 Fa 如道類智已生於修所斷法
463 18 a precedent 如道類智已生於修所斷法
464 18 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 如道類智已生於修所斷法
465 18 relating to a ceremony or rite 如道類智已生於修所斷法
466 18 Dharma 如道類智已生於修所斷法
467 18 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 如道類智已生於修所斷法
468 18 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 如道類智已生於修所斷法
469 18 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 如道類智已生於修所斷法
470 18 quality; characteristic 如道類智已生於修所斷法
471 17 xiū to decorate; to embellish 如道類智已生於修所斷法
472 17 xiū to study; to cultivate 如道類智已生於修所斷法
473 17 xiū to repair 如道類智已生於修所斷法
474 17 xiū long; slender 如道類智已生於修所斷法
475 17 xiū to write; to compile 如道類智已生於修所斷法
476 17 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 如道類智已生於修所斷法
477 17 xiū to practice 如道類智已生於修所斷法
478 17 xiū to cut 如道類智已生於修所斷法
479 17 xiū virtuous; wholesome 如道類智已生於修所斷法
480 17 xiū a virtuous person 如道類智已生於修所斷法
481 17 xiū Xiu 如道類智已生於修所斷法
482 17 xiū to unknot 如道類智已生於修所斷法
483 17 xiū to prepare; to put in order 如道類智已生於修所斷法
484 17 xiū excellent 如道類智已生於修所斷法
485 17 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 如道類智已生於修所斷法
486 17 xiū Cultivation 如道類智已生於修所斷法
487 17 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 如道類智已生於修所斷法
488 17 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 如道類智已生於修所斷法
489 17 shǎo few 中亦有少分差別
490 17 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 中亦有少分差別
491 17 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 中亦有少分差別
492 17 shǎo to be less than 中亦有少分差別
493 17 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 中亦有少分差別
494 17 shào young 中亦有少分差別
495 17 shào youth 中亦有少分差別
496 17 shào a youth; a young person 中亦有少分差別
497 17 shào Shao 中亦有少分差別
498 17 shǎo few 中亦有少分差別
499 17 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 中亦有少分差別
500 17 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 中亦有少分差別

Frequencies of all Words

Top 992

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 196 shè to absorb; to assimilate 一攝幾隨眠
2 196 shè to take a photo 一攝幾隨眠
3 196 shè a broad rhyme class 一攝幾隨眠
4 196 shè to act for; to represent 一攝幾隨眠
5 196 shè to administer 一攝幾隨眠
6 196 shè to conserve 一攝幾隨眠
7 196 shè to hold; to support 一攝幾隨眠
8 196 shè to get close to 一攝幾隨眠
9 196 shè to help 一攝幾隨眠
10 196 niè peaceful 一攝幾隨眠
11 196 shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine 一攝幾隨眠
12 181 a time 次對未來
13 181 second-rate 次對未來
14 181 second; secondary 次對未來
15 181 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次對未來
16 181 a sequence; an order 次對未來
17 181 to arrive 次對未來
18 181 to be next in sequence 次對未來
19 181 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次對未來
20 181 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次對未來
21 181 stage of a journey 次對未來
22 181 ranks 次對未來
23 181 an official position 次對未來
24 181 inside 次對未來
25 181 to hesitate 次對未來
26 181 secondary; next; tatas 次對未來
27 143 to go 去愛結
28 143 to remove; to wipe off; to eliminate 去愛結
29 143 to be distant 去愛結
30 143 to leave 去愛結
31 143 to play a part 去愛結
32 143 to abandon; to give up 去愛結
33 143 to die 去愛結
34 143 previous; past 去愛結
35 143 to send out; to issue; to drive away 去愛結
36 143 expresses a tendency 去愛結
37 143 falling tone 去愛結
38 143 to lose 去愛結
39 143 Qu 去愛結
40 143 go; gati 去愛結
41 138 對過 duìguò across; opposite; the other side 先對過去慢結
42 138 yǒu is; are; to exist 若於此事有過去愛結繫
43 138 yǒu to have; to possess 若於此事有過去愛結繫
44 138 yǒu indicates an estimate 若於此事有過去愛結繫
45 138 yǒu indicates a large quantity 若於此事有過去愛結繫
46 138 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 若於此事有過去愛結繫
47 138 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 若於此事有過去愛結繫
48 138 yǒu used to compare two things 若於此事有過去愛結繫
49 138 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 若於此事有過去愛結繫
50 138 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 若於此事有過去愛結繫
51 138 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 若於此事有過去愛結繫
52 138 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 若於此事有過去愛結繫
53 138 yǒu abundant 若於此事有過去愛結繫
54 138 yǒu purposeful 若於此事有過去愛結繫
55 138 yǒu You 若於此事有過去愛結繫
56 138 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 若於此事有過去愛結繫
57 138 yǒu becoming; bhava 若於此事有過去愛結繫
58 136 duì to; toward 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
59 136 duì to oppose; to face; to regard 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
60 136 duì correct; right 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
61 136 duì pair 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
62 136 duì opposing; opposite 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
63 136 duì duilian; couplet 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
64 136 duì yes; affirmative 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
65 136 duì to treat; to regard 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
66 136 duì to confirm; to agree 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
67 136 duì to correct; to make conform; to check 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
68 136 duì to mix 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
69 136 duì a pair 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
70 136 duì to respond; to answer 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
71 136 duì mutual 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
72 136 duì parallel; alternating 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
73 136 duì a command to appear as an audience 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
74 136 duì toward; prati 如對見結對取結疑結亦爾
75 121 現在 xiànzài at present; in the process of 有現在見結繫耶
76 121 現在 xiànzài now, present 有現在見結繫耶
77 121 現在 xiànzài existing at the present moment; pratyutpanna 有現在見結繫耶
78 101 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 若於此事有過去愛結繫
79 101 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 若於此事有過去愛結繫
80 101 過去 guòqu to die 若於此事有過去愛結繫
81 101 過去 guòqu already past 若於此事有過去愛結繫
82 101 過去 guòqu to go forward 若於此事有過去愛結繫
83 101 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 若於此事有過去愛結繫
84 101 過去 guòqù past 若於此事有過去愛結繫
85 101 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 若於此事有過去愛結繫
86 100 duàn absolutely; decidedly 答若未斷
87 100 duàn to judge 答若未斷
88 100 duàn to severe; to break 答若未斷
89 100 duàn to stop 答若未斷
90 100 duàn to quit; to give up 答若未斷
91 100 duàn to intercept 答若未斷
92 100 duàn to divide 答若未斷
93 100 duàn to isolate 答若未斷
94 100 duàn cutting off; uccheda 答若未斷
95 98 děng et cetera; and so on 五百大阿羅漢等造
96 98 děng to wait 五百大阿羅漢等造
97 98 děng degree; kind 五百大阿羅漢等造
98 98 děng plural 五百大阿羅漢等造
99 98 děng to be equal 五百大阿羅漢等造
100 98 děng degree; level 五百大阿羅漢等造
101 98 děng to compare 五百大阿羅漢等造
102 98 děng same; equal; sama 五百大阿羅漢等造
103 96 未來 wèilái future 即於此事無有未來見結繫
104 95 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 未斷者
105 95 zhě that 未斷者
106 95 zhě nominalizing function word 未斷者
107 95 zhě used to mark a definition 未斷者
108 95 zhě used to mark a pause 未斷者
109 95 zhě topic marker; that; it 未斷者
110 95 zhuó according to 未斷者
111 95 zhě ca 未斷者
112 84 wèi Eighth earthly branch 答若未斷
113 84 wèi not yet; still not 答若未斷
114 84 wèi not; did not; have not 答若未斷
115 84 wèi or not? 答若未斷
116 84 wèi 1-3 p.m. 答若未斷
117 84 wèi to taste 答若未斷
118 84 wèi future; anāgata 答若未斷
119 82 to connect; to relate 若於此事有過去愛結繫
120 82 department 若於此事有過去愛結繫
121 82 system 若於此事有過去愛結繫
122 82 connection; relation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
123 82 connection; relation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
124 82 to bind; to tie up 若於此事有過去愛結繫
125 82 to involve 若於此事有過去愛結繫
126 82 to tie; to bind; to fasten 若於此事有過去愛結繫
127 82 lineage 若於此事有過去愛結繫
128 82 to hang from; to suspend; to depend 若於此事有過去愛結繫
129 82 a belt; a band; a girdle 若於此事有過去愛結繫
130 82 the coda of a fu 若於此事有過去愛結繫
131 82 to be 若於此事有過去愛結繫
132 82 to relate to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
133 82 to detain; to imprison 若於此事有過去愛結繫
134 82 to be concerned; to be mindful of 若於此事有過去愛結繫
135 82 Xi 若於此事有過去愛結繫
136 82 to tie; to fasten 若於此事有過去愛結繫
137 82 to hang from; to suspend 若於此事有過去愛結繫
138 82 to connect; to relate 若於此事有過去愛結繫
139 82 a belt; a band 若於此事有過去愛結繫
140 82 a connection; a relation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
141 82 a belt; a band 若於此事有過去愛結繫
142 82 to tie 若於此事有過去愛結繫
143 82 to tie; grantha 若於此事有過去愛結繫
144 82 hi 若於此事有過去愛結繫
145 81 見結 jiànjié the bond of false views 亦有過去見結
146 79 this; these 若於此事有過去愛結繫
147 79 in this way 若於此事有過去愛結繫
148 79 otherwise; but; however; so 若於此事有過去愛結繫
149 79 at this time; now; here 若於此事有過去愛結繫
150 79 this; here; etad 若於此事有過去愛結繫
151 78 wèi to call 謂於此事若有前生愛結
152 78 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂於此事若有前生愛結
153 78 wèi to speak to; to address 謂於此事若有前生愛結
154 78 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂於此事若有前生愛結
155 78 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂於此事若有前生愛結
156 78 wèi to speak to; to address 謂於此事若有前生愛結
157 78 wèi to think 謂於此事若有前生愛結
158 78 wèi for; is to be 謂於此事若有前生愛結
159 78 wèi to make; to cause 謂於此事若有前生愛結
160 78 wèi and 謂於此事若有前生愛結
161 78 wèi principle; reason 謂於此事若有前生愛結
162 78 wèi Wei 謂於此事若有前生愛結
163 78 wèi which; what; yad 謂於此事若有前生愛結
164 78 wèi to say; iti 謂於此事若有前生愛結
165 74 in; at 若於此事有過去愛結繫
166 74 in; at 若於此事有過去愛結繫
167 74 in; at; to; from 若於此事有過去愛結繫
168 74 to go; to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
169 74 to rely on; to depend on 若於此事有過去愛結繫
170 74 to go to; to arrive at 若於此事有過去愛結繫
171 74 from 若於此事有過去愛結繫
172 74 give 若於此事有過去愛結繫
173 74 oppposing 若於此事有過去愛結繫
174 74 and 若於此事有過去愛結繫
175 74 compared to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
176 74 by 若於此事有過去愛結繫
177 74 and; as well as 若於此事有過去愛結繫
178 74 for 若於此事有過去愛結繫
179 74 Yu 若於此事有過去愛結繫
180 74 a crow 若於此事有過去愛結繫
181 74 whew; wow 若於此事有過去愛結繫
182 74 near to; antike 若於此事有過去愛結繫
183 74 愛結 ài jié bond of desire 若於此事有過去愛結繫
184 72 so as to; in order to 以愛對彼作小七句
185 72 to use; to regard as 以愛對彼作小七句
186 72 to use; to grasp 以愛對彼作小七句
187 72 according to 以愛對彼作小七句
188 72 because of 以愛對彼作小七句
189 72 on a certain date 以愛對彼作小七句
190 72 and; as well as 以愛對彼作小七句
191 72 to rely on 以愛對彼作小七句
192 72 to regard 以愛對彼作小七句
193 72 to be able to 以愛對彼作小七句
194 72 to order; to command 以愛對彼作小七句
195 72 further; moreover 以愛對彼作小七句
196 72 used after a verb 以愛對彼作小七句
197 72 very 以愛對彼作小七句
198 72 already 以愛對彼作小七句
199 72 increasingly 以愛對彼作小七句
200 72 a reason; a cause 以愛對彼作小七句
201 72 Israel 以愛對彼作小七句
202 72 Yi 以愛對彼作小七句
203 72 use; yogena 以愛對彼作小七句
204 66 seven 以愛對彼作小七句
205 66 a genre of poetry 以愛對彼作小七句
206 66 seventh day memorial ceremony 以愛對彼作小七句
207 66 seven; sapta 以愛對彼作小七句
208 62 未來現在 wèilái xiànzài the present and the future 無未來現在
209 55 each 結各作七句亦爾
210 55 all; every 結各作七句亦爾
211 55 ka 結各作七句亦爾
212 55 every; pṛthak 結各作七句亦爾
213 53 jié to bond; to tie; to bind 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
214 53 jié a knot 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
215 53 jié to conclude; to come to a result 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
216 53 jié to provide a bond for; to contract 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
217 53 jié pent-up 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
218 53 jié a written pledge from an authority acknowledging an issue 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
219 53 jié a bound state 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
220 53 jié hair worn in a topknot 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
221 53 jiē firm; secure 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
222 53 jié to plait; to thatch; to weave 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
223 53 jié to form; to organize 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
224 53 jié to congeal; to crystallize 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
225 53 jié a junction 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
226 53 jié a node 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
227 53 jiē to bear fruit 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
228 53 jiē stutter 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
229 53 jié a fetter 結蘊第二中一行納息第二之四
230 53 sentence 以愛對彼作小七句
231 53 measure word for phrases or lines of verse 以愛對彼作小七句
232 53 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 以愛對彼作小七句
233 53 gōu to tease 以愛對彼作小七句
234 53 gōu to delineate 以愛對彼作小七句
235 53 gōu if 以愛對彼作小七句
236 53 gōu a young bud 以愛對彼作小七句
237 53 clause; phrase; line 以愛對彼作小七句
238 53 a musical phrase 以愛對彼作小七句
239 53 verse; pada; gāthā 以愛對彼作小七句
240 48 ài to love 位亦有有愛無見故
241 48 ài favor; grace; kindness 位亦有有愛無見故
242 48 ài somebody who is loved 位亦有有愛無見故
243 48 ài love; affection 位亦有有愛無見故
244 48 ài to like 位亦有有愛無見故
245 48 ài to sympathize with; to pity 位亦有有愛無見故
246 48 ài to begrudge 位亦有有愛無見故
247 48 ài to do regularly; to have the habit of 位亦有有愛無見故
248 48 ài my dear 位亦有有愛無見故
249 48 ài Ai 位亦有有愛無見故
250 48 ài loved; beloved 位亦有有愛無見故
251 48 ài Love 位亦有有愛無見故
252 48 ài desire; craving; trsna 位亦有有愛無見故
253 48 also; too 亦有過去見結
254 48 but 亦有過去見結
255 48 this; he; she 亦有過去見結
256 48 although; even though 亦有過去見結
257 48 already 亦有過去見結
258 48 particle with no meaning 亦有過去見結
259 48 Yi 亦有過去見結
260 46 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 如道類智已生於修所斷法
261 46 suǒ an office; an institute 如道類智已生於修所斷法
262 46 suǒ introduces a relative clause 如道類智已生於修所斷法
263 46 suǒ it 如道類智已生於修所斷法
264 46 suǒ if; supposing 如道類智已生於修所斷法
265 46 suǒ a few; various; some 如道類智已生於修所斷法
266 46 suǒ a place; a location 如道類智已生於修所斷法
267 46 suǒ indicates a passive voice 如道類智已生於修所斷法
268 46 suǒ that which 如道類智已生於修所斷法
269 46 suǒ an ordinal number 如道類智已生於修所斷法
270 46 suǒ meaning 如道類智已生於修所斷法
271 46 suǒ garrison 如道類智已生於修所斷法
272 46 suǒ place; pradeśa 如道類智已生於修所斷法
273 46 suǒ that which; yad 如道類智已生於修所斷法
274 46 shì matter; thing; item 若於此事有過去愛結繫
275 46 shì to serve 若於此事有過去愛結繫
276 46 shì a government post 若於此事有過去愛結繫
277 46 shì duty; post; work 若於此事有過去愛結繫
278 46 shì occupation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
279 46 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 若於此事有過去愛結繫
280 46 shì an accident 若於此事有過去愛結繫
281 46 shì to attend 若於此事有過去愛結繫
282 46 shì an allusion 若於此事有過去愛結繫
283 46 shì a condition; a state; a situation 若於此事有過去愛結繫
284 46 shì to engage in 若於此事有過去愛結繫
285 46 shì to enslave 若於此事有過去愛結繫
286 46 shì to pursue 若於此事有過去愛結繫
287 46 shì to administer 若於此事有過去愛結繫
288 46 shì to appoint 若於此事有過去愛結繫
289 46 shì a piece 若於此事有過去愛結繫
290 46 shì thing; phenomena 若於此事有過去愛結繫
291 46 shì actions; karma 若於此事有過去愛結繫
292 45 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若於此事有過去愛結繫
293 45 ruò seemingly 若於此事有過去愛結繫
294 45 ruò if 若於此事有過去愛結繫
295 45 ruò you 若於此事有過去愛結繫
296 45 ruò this; that 若於此事有過去愛結繫
297 45 ruò and; or 若於此事有過去愛結繫
298 45 ruò as for; pertaining to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
299 45 pomegranite 若於此事有過去愛結繫
300 45 ruò to choose 若於此事有過去愛結繫
301 45 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若於此事有過去愛結繫
302 45 ruò thus 若於此事有過去愛結繫
303 45 ruò pollia 若於此事有過去愛結繫
304 45 ruò Ruo 若於此事有過去愛結繫
305 45 ruò only then 若於此事有過去愛結繫
306 45 ja 若於此事有過去愛結繫
307 45 jñā 若於此事有過去愛結繫
308 45 ruò if; yadi 若於此事有過去愛結繫
309 45 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 此中總說
310 45 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 此中總說
311 45 shuì to persuade 此中總說
312 45 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 此中總說
313 45 shuō a doctrine; a theory 此中總說
314 45 shuō to claim; to assert 此中總說
315 45 shuō allocution 此中總說
316 45 shuō to criticize; to scold 此中總說
317 45 shuō to indicate; to refer to 此中總說
318 45 shuō speach; vāda 此中總說
319 45 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 此中總說
320 45 shuō to instruct 此中總說
321 45 purposely; intentionally; deliberately; knowingly 由此義故
322 45 old; ancient; former; past 由此義故
323 45 reason; cause; purpose 由此義故
324 45 to die 由此義故
325 45 so; therefore; hence 由此義故
326 45 original 由此義故
327 45 accident; happening; instance 由此義故
328 45 a friend; an acquaintance; friendship 由此義故
329 45 something in the past 由此義故
330 45 deceased; dead 由此義故
331 45 still; yet 由此義故
332 45 therefore; tasmāt 由此義故
333 42 huì to be angry; to be in a rage
334 42 huì hatred; dveṣa
335 42 hòu after; later 如愛結對後作小七
336 42 hòu empress; queen 如愛結對後作小七
337 42 hòu sovereign 如愛結對後作小七
338 42 hòu behind 如愛結對後作小七
339 42 hòu the god of the earth 如愛結對後作小七
340 42 hòu late; later 如愛結對後作小七
341 42 hòu arriving late 如愛結對後作小七
342 42 hòu offspring; descendents 如愛結對後作小七
343 42 hòu to fall behind; to lag 如愛結對後作小七
344 42 hòu behind; back 如愛結對後作小七
345 42 hòu then 如愛結對後作小七
346 42 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 如愛結對後作小七
347 42 hòu Hou 如愛結對後作小七
348 42 hòu after; behind 如愛結對後作小七
349 42 hòu following 如愛結對後作小七
350 42 hòu to be delayed 如愛結對後作小七
351 42 hòu to abandon; to discard 如愛結對後作小七
352 42 hòu feudal lords 如愛結對後作小七
353 42 hòu Hou 如愛結對後作小七
354 42 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 如愛結對後作小七
355 42 hòu rear; paścāt 如愛結對後作小七
356 42 hòu later; paścima 如愛結對後作小七
357 42 前生 qián shēng previous lives 謂於此事若有前生愛結
358 42 前生 qiánshēng previous lives 謂於此事若有前生愛結
359 41 màn slow 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
360 41 màn indifferent; idle 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
361 41 màn to neglect 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
362 41 màn arrogant; boastful 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
363 41 màn to coat; to plaster 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
364 41 màn mana; pride; arrogance; conceit 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
365 41 màn conceit; abhimāna 唯慢與愛俱通三界五部
366 39 not; no 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
367 39 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
368 39 as a correlative 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
369 39 no (answering a question) 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
370 39 forms a negative adjective from a noun 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
371 39 at the end of a sentence to form a question 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
372 39 to form a yes or no question 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
373 39 infix potential marker 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
374 39 no; na 集類智已生於見滅道所斷見結不相應
375 39 shēng to be born; to give birth 如道類智已生於修所斷法
376 39 shēng to live 如道類智已生於修所斷法
377 39 shēng raw 如道類智已生於修所斷法
378 39 shēng a student 如道類智已生於修所斷法
379 39 shēng life 如道類智已生於修所斷法
380 39 shēng to produce; to give rise 如道類智已生於修所斷法
381 39 shēng alive 如道類智已生於修所斷法
382 39 shēng a lifetime 如道類智已生於修所斷法
383 39 shēng to initiate; to become 如道類智已生於修所斷法
384 39 shēng to grow 如道類智已生於修所斷法
385 39 shēng unfamiliar 如道類智已生於修所斷法
386 39 shēng not experienced 如道類智已生於修所斷法
387 39 shēng hard; stiff; strong 如道類智已生於修所斷法
388 39 shēng very; extremely 如道類智已生於修所斷法
389 39 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 如道類智已生於修所斷法
390 39 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 如道類智已生於修所斷法
391 39 shēng gender 如道類智已生於修所斷法
392 39 shēng to develop; to grow 如道類智已生於修所斷法
393 39 shēng to set up 如道類智已生於修所斷法
394 39 shēng a prostitute 如道類智已生於修所斷法
395 39 shēng a captive 如道類智已生於修所斷法
396 39 shēng a gentleman 如道類智已生於修所斷法
397 39 shēng Kangxi radical 100 如道類智已生於修所斷法
398 39 shēng unripe 如道類智已生於修所斷法
399 39 shēng nature 如道類智已生於修所斷法
400 39 shēng to inherit; to succeed 如道類智已生於修所斷法
401 39 shēng destiny 如道類智已生於修所斷法
402 39 shēng birth 如道類智已生於修所斷法
403 39 shēng arise; produce; utpad 如道類智已生於修所斷法
404 36 xiān first 先對過去慢結
405 36 xiān early; prior; former 先對過去慢結
406 36 xiān to go forward; to advance 先對過去慢結
407 36 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先對過去慢結
408 36 xiān to start 先對過去慢結
409 36 xiān ancestors; forebears 先對過去慢結
410 36 xiān earlier 先對過去慢結
411 36 xiān before; in front 先對過去慢結
412 36 xiān fundamental; basic 先對過去慢結
413 36 xiān Xian 先對過去慢結
414 36 xiān ancient; archaic 先對過去慢結
415 36 xiān super 先對過去慢結
416 36 xiān deceased 先對過去慢結
417 36 xiān first; former; pūrva 先對過去慢結
418 35 fēi not; non-; un- 非如愛等作不定說
419 35 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非如愛等作不定說
420 35 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非如愛等作不定說
421 35 fēi different 非如愛等作不定說
422 35 fēi to not be; to not have 非如愛等作不定說
423 35 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非如愛等作不定說
424 35 fēi Africa 非如愛等作不定說
425 35 fēi to slander 非如愛等作不定說
426 35 fěi to avoid 非如愛等作不定說
427 35 fēi must 非如愛等作不定說
428 35 fēi an error 非如愛等作不定說
429 35 fēi a problem; a question 非如愛等作不定說
430 35 fēi evil 非如愛等作不定說
431 35 fēi besides; except; unless 非如愛等作不定說
432 35 fēi not 非如愛等作不定說
433 34 qián front 若前未生設生已斷則不
434 34 qián former; the past 若前未生設生已斷則不
435 34 qián to go forward 若前未生設生已斷則不
436 34 qián preceding 若前未生設生已斷則不
437 34 qián before; earlier; prior 若前未生設生已斷則不
438 34 qián to appear before 若前未生設生已斷則不
439 34 qián future 若前未生設生已斷則不
440 34 qián top; first 若前未生設生已斷則不
441 34 qián battlefront 若前未生設生已斷則不
442 34 qián pre- 若前未生設生已斷則不
443 34 qián before; former; pūrva 若前未生設生已斷則不
444 34 qián facing; mukha 若前未生設生已斷則不
445 33 zuò to do 非如愛等作不定說
446 33 zuò to act as; to serve as 非如愛等作不定說
447 33 zuò to start 非如愛等作不定說
448 33 zuò a writing; a work 非如愛等作不定說
449 33 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 非如愛等作不定說
450 33 zuō to create; to make 非如愛等作不定說
451 33 zuō a workshop 非如愛等作不定說
452 33 zuō to write; to compose 非如愛等作不定說
453 33 zuò to rise 非如愛等作不定說
454 33 zuò to be aroused 非如愛等作不定說
455 33 zuò activity; action; undertaking 非如愛等作不定說
456 33 zuò to regard as 非如愛等作不定說
457 33 zuò action; kāraṇa 非如愛等作不定說
458 33 wèi for; to 恚等為初七句
459 33 wèi because of 恚等為初七句
460 33 wéi to act as; to serve 恚等為初七句
461 33 wéi to change into; to become 恚等為初七句
462 33 wéi to be; is 恚等為初七句
463 33 wéi to do 恚等為初七句
464 33 wèi for 恚等為初七句
465 33 wèi because of; for; to 恚等為初七句
466 33 wèi to 恚等為初七句
467 33 wéi in a passive construction 恚等為初七句
468 33 wéi forming a rehetorical question 恚等為初七句
469 33 wéi forming an adverb 恚等為初七句
470 33 wéi to add emphasis 恚等為初七句
471 33 wèi to support; to help 恚等為初七句
472 33 wéi to govern 恚等為初七句
473 33 wèi to be; bhū 恚等為初七句
474 32 zhōng middle 此中總說
475 32 zhōng medium; medium sized 此中總說
476 32 zhōng China 此中總說
477 32 zhòng to hit the mark 此中總說
478 32 zhōng in; amongst 此中總說
479 32 zhōng midday 此中總說
480 32 zhōng inside 此中總說
481 32 zhōng during 此中總說
482 32 zhōng Zhong 此中總說
483 32 zhōng intermediary 此中總說
484 32 zhōng half 此中總說
485 32 zhōng just right; suitably 此中總說
486 32 zhōng while 此中總說
487 32 zhòng to reach; to attain 此中總說
488 32 zhòng to suffer; to infect 此中總說
489 32 zhòng to obtain 此中總說
490 32 zhòng to pass an exam 此中總說
491 32 zhōng middle 此中總說
492 31 such as; for example; for instance 如道類智已生於修所斷法
493 31 if 如道類智已生於修所斷法
494 31 in accordance with 如道類智已生於修所斷法
495 31 to be appropriate; should; with regard to 如道類智已生於修所斷法
496 31 this 如道類智已生於修所斷法
497 31 it is so; it is thus; can be compared with 如道類智已生於修所斷法
498 31 to go to 如道類智已生於修所斷法
499 31 to meet 如道類智已生於修所斷法
500 31 to appear; to seem; to be like 如道類智已生於修所斷法


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine
secondary; next; tatas
go; gati
  1. yǒu
  2. yǒu
  1. 1. existence; 2. becoming
  2. becoming; bhava
duì toward; prati
现在 現在
  1. xiànzài
  2. xiànzài
  1. now, present
  2. existing at the present moment; pratyutpanna
过去 過去
  1. guòqù
  2. guòqù
  1. past
  2. past; previous; former
duàn cutting off; uccheda
děng same; equal; sama
zhě ca

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿毘达磨大毗婆沙论 阿毘達磨大毘婆沙論 196 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
大毗婆沙论 大毘婆沙論 100 Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣa; Mahāvibhāṣa; Abhidharmamahāvibhāṣaśāstra; Great Exegesis of Abhidharma
法云寺 法雲寺 102 Fayun Temple
分别论 分別論 102 Vibhanga
寂灭 寂滅 106
  1. calmness and extinction; vyupaśama
  2. Upasannaka
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
三藏法师 三藏法師 115 Venerable Xuanzang; Tripiṭaka
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
手长者 手長者 115 Hatthaka
说唐 說唐 115 Explaining the Tang
说一切有部 說一切有部 115 Sarvastivada
五结 五結 119 Wujie; Wuchieh
行思 120 Xingsi
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
应断 應斷 121 Krakucchanda


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 107.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
爱结 愛結 195 bond of desire
爱语 愛語 195
  1. loving words
  2. kind words
边执见 邊執見 98 extreme views; antagrāhadṛṣṭi
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不善根 98 akuśalamūla; akusalamūla; unwholesome roots
不了义 不了義 98 neyārtha; implicit; provisional; conventional
布施 98
  1. generosity
  2. dana; giving; generosity
刹那 剎那 99
  1. ksana
  2. kṣaṇa; an instant
大阿罗汉 大阿羅漢 100 great Arhat
道类智 道類智 100 knowledge of the realms of form and formlessness
掉举 掉舉 100 excitement; restlessness; ebulience; auddhatya; uddhacca
定蕴 定蘊 100 aggregate of meditation; samādhiskandha
断见 斷見 100
  1. Nihilism
  2. view that life ends with death
对治 對治 100
  1. to remedy
  2. an equal to; an opposite; an antidote
恶作 惡作 195 evil doing; remorse; kaukritya; kukkucca
法摄 法攝 102 a means of embracing; a ground for the bonds of fellowship
法想 102 thoughts of the Dharma
法应 法應 102 Dharmakāya offers all an opportunity
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
观法 觀法 103 techniques for insight; vipaśyanā
慧根 104 root of wisdom; organ of wisdom
恚结 恚結 104 the bond of hate
慧蕴 慧蘊 104 aggregate of wisdom; prajñāskandha
惛沈 104 lethargy; gloominess
嫉结 嫉結 106 the bond of envy
见结 見結 106 the bond of false views
戒禁取 106 clinging to superstitious rites
解脱门 解脫門 106
  1. Gate of Perfect Ease
  2. the doors of deliverance; vimokṣadvāra
九结 九結 106 nine bonds
卷第五 106 scroll 5
苦集灭道 苦集滅道 107
  1. Suffering, Cause, End, and Path
  2. the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
类智 類智 108 knowledge extended to the higher realms
利行 108
  1. Beneficial Deeds
  2. altruism
  3. altruism
慢结 慢結 109 the bond of pride
灭道 滅道 109 extinction of suffering and the path to it
七大 113 seven elements
悭结 慳結 113 the bond of being miserly
契经 契經 113 a sutra; a sūtra; a scripture; a discourse
取结 取結 113 the bond of grasping
若尔 若爾 114 then; tarhi
三结 三結 115 the three fetters
三句 115 three questions
三三摩地 115 three samādhis
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三菩提 115 saṃbodhi; complete enlightenment
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色法 115 rupadharma; physical objects the phenomenal world
色贪 色貪 115 rūparāga; craving for existence in the rūpadhātu
胜义 勝義 115 beyond description; surpassing worldy ideas; superlative; inscrutable
身见 身見 115 views of a self
身见结 身見結 115 the view or belief that there is a real self; satkāyadṛṣṭi; sakkāyadiṭṭhi
深心 115 determination; resolution; adhyāśaya
四見 115 four notions; four forms; four manifestations of self
四取 115 four types of clinging
四摄 四攝 115 Four Means of Embracing; the four means of embracing
四摄事 四攝事 115 the four means of embracing
四一 115 four ones
随眠 隨眠 115 a predisposition to unwholesome mental states; anuśaya; anusaya
贪瞋痴 貪瞋痴 116
  1. greed, hatred, and ignorance
  2. desire, anger, and ignorance
  3. desire, anger, and ignorance; three poisons
徒众 徒眾 116 a group of disciples
未来现在 未來現在 119 the present and the future
我所 119
  1. my; mama
  2. conception of possession; mamakāra
我语取 我語取 119 attachment to doctrines about the self
五盖 五蓋 119 five hindrances; the five obstructions
五根 119 pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
五见 五見 119 five views; five wrong views; pañcadṛṣṭi
五顺下分结 五順下分結 119 five lower fetters
五部 119
  1. the five classes
  2. the five divisions
无漏 無漏 119
  1. Untainted
  2. having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无明漏 無明漏 119 avidyāsrava; contaminant of ignorance
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无色贪 無色貪 119 ārūpyarāga; ārūparāga
无相解脱门 無相解脫門 119 signless doors of deliverance
下生 120 for a bodhisattva for descend to the human world
相应法 相應法 120 corresponding dharma; mental factor
显正 顯正 120 to be upright in character
邪见 邪見 120 mistaken view; wrong view; perverse view; mithyadrsti
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
疑结 疑結 121 the bond of doubt
应见 應見 121 should be seen
应知 應知 121 should be known
应作 應作 121 a manifestation
一切法 121
  1. all phenomena
  2. all dharmas; all things; sarvadharma
有未来 有未來 121 there will be a future
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
有身见 有身見 121 the view or belief in a true self; satkāyadṛṣṭi; sakkāyadiṭṭhi
有为法 有為法 121
  1. Conditioned Dharmas
  2. saṃskṛta; conditioned
欲界 121 realm of desire
欲漏 121 kāmāsrava; sense desire; desire for sensuality
见取 見取 121 clinging to false views; dṛṣṭi-upādāna; diṭṭhi-upādāna
欲取 121 clinging to feelings of pleasure; kāma-upādāna
欲贪 欲貪 121 kāmarāga; sensual craving
正见 正見 122
  1. Right View
  2. right understanding; right view
正精进 正精進 122 right effort
正念 122
  1. Right Mindfulness
  2. right mindfulness
正思惟 122 right intention; right thought
执持 執持 122 to hold firmly; grasp; dharana
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸法自性 諸法自性 122 the intrinsic nature of dharmas
自摄 自攝 122 to act for oneself
自体 自體 122 oneself; ātmabhāva
自性 122
  1. Self-Nature
  2. intrinsic nature; original nature; essential nature; svabhava
  3. primordial matter; nature; prakṛti
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara