Glossary and Vocabulary for Śāriputrābhidharmaśāstra (Shelifu Apitan Lun) 舍利弗阿毘曇論, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 570 to enter 問分入品第一
2 570 Kangxi radical 11 問分入品第一
3 570 radical 問分入品第一
4 570 income 問分入品第一
5 570 to conform with 問分入品第一
6 570 to descend 問分入品第一
7 570 the entering tone 問分入品第一
8 570 to pay 問分入品第一
9 570 to join 問分入品第一
10 570 entering; praveśa 問分入品第一
11 570 entered; attained; āpanna 問分入品第一
12 486 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非問分也
13 486 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非問分也
14 486 fēi different 非問分也
15 486 fēi to not be; to not have 非問分也
16 486 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非問分也
17 486 fēi Africa 非問分也
18 486 fēi to slander 非問分也
19 486 fěi to avoid 非問分也
20 486 fēi must 非問分也
21 486 fēi an error 非問分也
22 486 fēi a problem; a question 非問分也
23 486 fēi evil 非問分也
24 260 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名內六入
25 260 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名內六入
26 260 míng rank; position 是名內六入
27 260 míng an excuse 是名內六入
28 260 míng life 是名內六入
29 260 míng to name; to call 是名內六入
30 260 míng to express; to describe 是名內六入
31 260 míng to be called; to have the name 是名內六入
32 260 míng to own; to possess 是名內六入
33 260 míng famous; renowned 是名內六入
34 260 míng moral 是名內六入
35 260 míng name; naman 是名內六入
36 260 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名內六入
37 238 bào newspaper 若識不善不善法報
38 238 bào to announce; to inform; to report 若識不善不善法報
39 238 bào to repay; to reply with a gift 若識不善不善法報
40 238 bào to respond; to reply 若識不善不善法報
41 238 bào to revenge 若識不善不善法報
42 238 bào a cable; a telegram 若識不善不善法報
43 238 bào a message; information 若識不善不善法報
44 238 bào indirect effect; retribution; vipāka 若識不善不善法報
45 234 法入 fǎ rù dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects 入味入觸入法入
46 209 idea 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
47 209 Italy (abbreviation) 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
48 209 a wish; a desire; intention 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
49 209 mood; feeling 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
50 209 will; willpower; determination 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
51 209 bearing; spirit 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
52 209 to think of; to long for; to miss 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
53 209 to anticipate; to expect 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
54 209 to doubt; to suspect 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
55 209 meaning 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
56 209 a suggestion; a hint 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
57 209 an understanding; a point of view 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
58 209 Yi 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
59 209 manas; mind; mentation 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
60 207 duàn to judge 十二入幾斷智知
61 207 duàn to severe; to break 十二入幾斷智知
62 207 duàn to stop 十二入幾斷智知
63 207 duàn to quit; to give up 十二入幾斷智知
64 207 duàn to intercept 十二入幾斷智知
65 207 duàn to divide 十二入幾斷智知
66 207 duàn to isolate 十二入幾斷智知
67 202 shēng sound 色入聲入香
68 202 shēng sheng 色入聲入香
69 202 shēng voice 色入聲入香
70 202 shēng music 色入聲入香
71 202 shēng language 色入聲入香
72 202 shēng fame; reputation; honor 色入聲入香
73 202 shēng a message 色入聲入香
74 202 shēng a consonant 色入聲入香
75 202 shēng a tone 色入聲入香
76 202 shēng to announce 色入聲入香
77 202 shēng sound 色入聲入香
78 128 method; way 或有我有法
79 128 France 或有我有法
80 128 the law; rules; regulations 或有我有法
81 128 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 或有我有法
82 128 a standard; a norm 或有我有法
83 128 an institution 或有我有法
84 128 to emulate 或有我有法
85 128 magic; a magic trick 或有我有法
86 128 punishment 或有我有法
87 128 Fa 或有我有法
88 128 a precedent 或有我有法
89 128 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 或有我有法
90 128 relating to a ceremony or rite 或有我有法
91 128 Dharma 或有我有法
92 128 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 或有我有法
93 128 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 或有我有法
94 128 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 或有我有法
95 128 quality; characteristic 或有我有法
96 128 shēn human body; torso 心意識六識身七識界
97 128 shēn Kangxi radical 158 心意識六識身七識界
98 128 shēn self 心意識六識身七識界
99 128 shēn life 心意識六識身七識界
100 128 shēn an object 心意識六識身七識界
101 128 shēn a lifetime 心意識六識身七識界
102 128 shēn moral character 心意識六識身七識界
103 128 shēn status; identity; position 心意識六識身七識界
104 128 shēn pregnancy 心意識六識身七識界
105 128 juān India 心意識六識身七識界
106 128 shēn body; kāya 心意識六識身七識界
107 112 yīn cause; reason 十二入幾因幾非因
108 112 yīn to accord with 十二入幾因幾非因
109 112 yīn to follow 十二入幾因幾非因
110 112 yīn to rely on 十二入幾因幾非因
111 112 yīn via; through 十二入幾因幾非因
112 112 yīn to continue 十二入幾因幾非因
113 112 yīn to receive 十二入幾因幾非因
114 112 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 十二入幾因幾非因
115 112 yīn to seize an opportunity 十二入幾因幾非因
116 112 yīn to be like 十二入幾因幾非因
117 112 yīn a standrd; a criterion 十二入幾因幾非因
118 112 yīn cause; hetu 十二入幾因幾非因
119 102 xiāng fragrant; savory; appetizing; sweet; scented 色入聲入香
120 102 xiāng incense 色入聲入香
121 102 xiāng Kangxi radical 186 色入聲入香
122 102 xiāng fragrance; scent 色入聲入香
123 102 xiāng a female 色入聲入香
124 102 xiāng Xiang 色入聲入香
125 102 xiāng to kiss 色入聲入香
126 102 xiāng feminine 色入聲入香
127 102 xiāng incense 色入聲入香
128 102 xiāng fragrance; gandha 色入聲入香
129 100 思惟 sīwéi to think; to consider; to reflect 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
130 100 思惟 sīwéi thinking; tought 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
131 100 思惟 sīwéi Contemplate 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
132 100 思惟 sīwéi reflection; consideration; cintana 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
133 97 色入 sè rù entrances for objects of the senses 色入聲入香
134 92 chù to touch; to feel 入味入觸入法入
135 92 chù to butt; to ram; to gore 入味入觸入法入
136 92 chù touch; contact; sparśa 入味入觸入法入
137 92 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya 入味入觸入法入
138 89 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 若識受是名內識
139 89 shòu to transfer; to confer 若識受是名內識
140 89 shòu to receive; to accept 若識受是名內識
141 89 shòu to tolerate 若識受是名內識
142 89 shòu feelings; sensations 若識受是名內識
143 86 Kangxi radical 71 釋非相無
144 86 to not have; without 釋非相無
145 86 mo 釋非相無
146 86 to not have 釋非相無
147 86 Wu 釋非相無
148 86 mo 釋非相無
149 84 jiàn to see 已見色今見色
150 84 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 已見色今見色
151 84 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 已見色今見色
152 84 jiàn refer to; for details see 已見色今見色
153 84 jiàn to listen to 已見色今見色
154 84 jiàn to meet 已見色今見色
155 84 jiàn to receive (a guest) 已見色今見色
156 84 jiàn let me; kindly 已見色今見色
157 84 jiàn Jian 已見色今見色
158 84 xiàn to appear 已見色今見色
159 84 xiàn to introduce 已見色今見色
160 84 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 已見色今見色
161 84 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 已見色今見色
162 82 有漏 yǒulòu having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava 有漏身口戒無教
163 74 color 四大所造淨色
164 74 form; matter 四大所造淨色
165 74 shǎi dice 四大所造淨色
166 74 Kangxi radical 139 四大所造淨色
167 74 countenance 四大所造淨色
168 74 scene; sight 四大所造淨色
169 74 feminine charm; female beauty 四大所造淨色
170 74 kind; type 四大所造淨色
171 74 quality 四大所造淨色
172 74 to be angry 四大所造淨色
173 74 to seek; to search for 四大所造淨色
174 74 lust; sexual desire 四大所造淨色
175 74 form; rupa 四大所造淨色
176 73 xīn heart [organ] 既契宿心
177 73 xīn Kangxi radical 61 既契宿心
178 73 xīn mind; consciousness 既契宿心
179 73 xīn the center; the core; the middle 既契宿心
180 73 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 既契宿心
181 73 xīn heart 既契宿心
182 73 xīn emotion 既契宿心
183 73 xīn intention; consideration 既契宿心
184 73 xīn disposition; temperament 既契宿心
185 73 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 既契宿心
186 73 xīn heart; hṛdaya 既契宿心
187 73 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 既契宿心
188 70 several 幾入
189 70 Kangxi radical 16 幾入
190 70 subtle; invisible; imperceptible 幾入
191 70 sign; omen 幾入
192 70 near to 幾入
193 70 imminent danger 幾入
194 70 circumstances 幾入
195 70 duration; time 幾入
196 70 opportunity 幾入
197 70 never has; hasn't yet 幾入
198 70 a small table 幾入
199 70 [self] composed 幾入
200 70 ji 幾入
201 68 wài outside 誠韻外之致
202 68 wài external; outer 誠韻外之致
203 68 wài foreign countries 誠韻外之致
204 68 wài exterior; outer surface 誠韻外之致
205 68 wài a remote place 誠韻外之致
206 68 wài husband 誠韻外之致
207 68 wài other 誠韻外之致
208 68 wài to be extra; to be additional 誠韻外之致
209 68 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric 誠韻外之致
210 68 wài role of an old man 誠韻外之致
211 68 wài to drift apart; to become estranged 誠韻外之致
212 68 wài to betray; to forsake 誠韻外之致
213 68 wài outside; exterior 誠韻外之致
214 65 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 問分也
215 65 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 問分也
216 65 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 問分也
217 65 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 問分也
218 65 fēn a fraction 問分也
219 65 fēn to express as a fraction 問分也
220 65 fēn one tenth 問分也
221 65 fèn a component; an ingredient 問分也
222 65 fèn the limit of an obligation 問分也
223 65 fèn affection; goodwill 問分也
224 65 fèn a role; a responsibility 問分也
225 65 fēn equinox 問分也
226 65 fèn a characteristic 問分也
227 65 fèn to assume; to deduce 問分也
228 65 fēn to share 問分也
229 65 fēn branch [office] 問分也
230 65 fēn clear; distinct 問分也
231 65 fēn a difference 問分也
232 65 fēn a score 問分也
233 65 fèn identity 問分也
234 65 fèn a part; a portion 問分也
235 65 fēn part; avayava 問分也
236 64 yǎn eye 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
237 64 yǎn eyeball 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
238 64 yǎn sight 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
239 64 yǎn the present moment 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
240 64 yǎn an opening; a small hole 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
241 64 yǎn a trap 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
242 64 yǎn insight 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
243 64 yǎn a salitent point 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
244 64 yǎn a beat with no accent 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
245 64 yǎn to look; to glance 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
246 64 yǎn to see proof 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
247 64 yǎn eye; cakṣus 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
248 62 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 智參照來
249 62 zhì care; prudence 智參照來
250 62 zhì Zhi 智參照來
251 62 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 智參照來
252 62 zhì clever 智參照來
253 62 zhì Wisdom 智參照來
254 62 zhì jnana; knowing 智參照來
255 60 jiāo to teach; to educate; to instruct 純教彌於閬風
256 60 jiào a school of thought; a sect 純教彌於閬風
257 60 jiào to make; to cause 純教彌於閬風
258 60 jiào religion 純教彌於閬風
259 60 jiào instruction; a teaching 純教彌於閬風
260 60 jiào Jiao 純教彌於閬風
261 60 jiào a directive; an order 純教彌於閬風
262 60 jiào to urge; to incite 純教彌於閬風
263 60 jiào to pass on; to convey 純教彌於閬風
264 60 jiào etiquette 純教彌於閬風
265 60 jiāo teaching; śāsana 純教彌於閬風
266 56 kǒu Kangxi radical 30 聲音句言語口教
267 56 kǒu mouth 聲音句言語口教
268 56 kǒu an opening; a hole 聲音句言語口教
269 56 kǒu eloquence 聲音句言語口教
270 56 kǒu the edge of a blade 聲音句言語口教
271 56 kǒu edge; border 聲音句言語口教
272 56 kǒu verbal; oral 聲音句言語口教
273 56 kǒu taste 聲音句言語口教
274 56 kǒu population; people 聲音句言語口教
275 56 kǒu an entrance; an exit; a pass 聲音句言語口教
276 56 kǒu mouth; eopening; entrance; mukha 聲音句言語口教
277 55 to arise; to get up 其人以為是非之起
278 55 to rise; to raise 其人以為是非之起
279 55 to grow out of; to bring forth; to emerge 其人以為是非之起
280 55 to appoint (to an official post); to take up a post 其人以為是非之起
281 55 to start 其人以為是非之起
282 55 to establish; to build 其人以為是非之起
283 55 to draft; to draw up (a plan) 其人以為是非之起
284 55 opening sentence; opening verse 其人以為是非之起
285 55 to get out of bed 其人以為是非之起
286 55 to recover; to heal 其人以為是非之起
287 55 to take out; to extract 其人以為是非之起
288 55 marks the beginning of an action 其人以為是非之起
289 55 marks the sufficiency of an action 其人以為是非之起
290 55 to call back from mourning 其人以為是非之起
291 55 to take place; to occur 其人以為是非之起
292 55 to conjecture 其人以為是非之起
293 55 stand up; utthāna 其人以為是非之起
294 55 arising; utpāda 其人以為是非之起
295 53 所知 suǒ zhī known; what one knows 若色可見有對眼識所知
296 53 所知 suǒ zhī 1. cognitive objects; 2. the knowable 若色可見有對眼識所知
297 53 jìn to enter 順信悔不悔悅喜心進
298 53 jìn to advance 順信悔不悔悅喜心進
299 53 jìn diligence; perseverance 順信悔不悔悅喜心進
300 48 business; industry 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
301 48 activity; actions 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
302 48 order; sequence 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
303 48 to continue 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
304 48 to start; to create 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
305 48 karma 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
306 48 hereditary trade; legacy 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
307 48 a course of study; training 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
308 48 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
309 48 an estate; a property 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
310 48 an achievement 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
311 48 to engage in 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
312 48 Ye 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
313 48 a horizontal board 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
314 48 an occupation 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
315 48 a kind of musical instrument 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
316 48 a book 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
317 48 actions; karma; karman 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
318 48 activity; kriyā 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
319 48 煩惱 fánnǎo worried; vexed; annoyed 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
320 48 煩惱 fánnǎo vexation; a worry 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
321 48 煩惱 fánnǎo defilement 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
322 48 煩惱 fánnǎo klesa; kilesa; a mental affliction; defilement 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
323 47 無記 wú jì not explained; indeterminate 非嚴淨若善心若不善心若無記心
324 47 wèi taste; flavor 玄味遠流
325 47 wèi significance 玄味遠流
326 47 wèi to taste 玄味遠流
327 47 wèi to ruminate; to mull over 玄味遠流
328 47 wèi smell; odor 玄味遠流
329 47 wèi a delicacy 玄味遠流
330 47 wèi taste; rasa 玄味遠流
331 46 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 未盡於善
332 46 shàn happy 未盡於善
333 46 shàn good 未盡於善
334 46 shàn kind-hearted 未盡於善
335 46 shàn to be skilled at something 未盡於善
336 46 shàn familiar 未盡於善
337 46 shàn to repair 未盡於善
338 46 shàn to admire 未盡於善
339 46 shàn to praise 未盡於善
340 46 shàn Shan 未盡於善
341 46 shàn wholesome; virtuous 未盡於善
342 45 infix potential marker 苟彼此不相領悟
343 44 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 心除
344 44 chú to divide 心除
345 44 chú to put in order 心除
346 44 chú to appoint to an official position 心除
347 44 chú door steps; stairs 心除
348 44 chú to replace an official 心除
349 44 chú to change; to replace 心除
350 44 chú to renovate; to restore 心除
351 44 chú division 心除
352 44 chú except; without; anyatra 心除
353 43 shèng sacred 冲資叡聖
354 43 shèng clever; wise; shrewd 冲資叡聖
355 43 shèng a master; an expert 冲資叡聖
356 43 shèng a sage; a wise man; a saint 冲資叡聖
357 43 shèng noble; sovereign; without peer 冲資叡聖
358 43 shèng agile 冲資叡聖
359 43 shèng noble; sacred; ārya 冲資叡聖
360 42 ruǎn soft; flexible; pliable 軟聲非軟聲
361 42 ruǎn weak 軟聲非軟聲
362 42 ruǎn amiable; accomodating 軟聲非軟聲
363 42 ruǎn softhearted 軟聲非軟聲
364 42 ruǎn a coward 軟聲非軟聲
365 42 ruǎn soft; mṛdu 軟聲非軟聲
366 42 不善 bù shàn akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious 若識不善不善法報
367 41 無學 wúxué aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept 無學眼識乃至意識
368 41 無學 wúxué Muhak 無學眼識乃至意識
369 41 shí knowledge; understanding 若識過去未來現在
370 41 shí to know; to be familiar with 若識過去未來現在
371 41 zhì to record 若識過去未來現在
372 41 shí thought; cognition 若識過去未來現在
373 41 shí to understand 若識過去未來現在
374 41 shí experience; common sense 若識過去未來現在
375 41 shí a good friend 若識過去未來現在
376 41 zhì to remember; to memorize 若識過去未來現在
377 41 zhì a label; a mark 若識過去未來現在
378 41 zhì an inscription 若識過去未來現在
379 41 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 若識過去未來現在
380 40 hǎo good 身好
381 40 hào to be fond of; to be friendly 身好
382 40 hǎo indicates disatisfaction or sarcasm 身好
383 40 hǎo easy; convenient 身好
384 40 hǎo so as to 身好
385 40 hǎo friendly; kind 身好
386 40 hào to be likely to 身好
387 40 hǎo beautiful 身好
388 40 hǎo to be healthy; to be recovered 身好
389 40 hǎo remarkable; excellent 身好
390 40 hǎo suitable 身好
391 40 hào a hole in a coin or jade disk 身好
392 40 hào a fond object 身好
393 40 hǎo Good 身好
394 40 hǎo good; sādhu 身好
395 40 心所 xīnsuǒ a mental factor; caitta 善心無記心所起集
396 39 shēng to be born; to give birth 四緣生識
397 39 shēng to live 四緣生識
398 39 shēng raw 四緣生識
399 39 shēng a student 四緣生識
400 39 shēng life 四緣生識
401 39 shēng to produce; to give rise 四緣生識
402 39 shēng alive 四緣生識
403 39 shēng a lifetime 四緣生識
404 39 shēng to initiate; to become 四緣生識
405 39 shēng to grow 四緣生識
406 39 shēng unfamiliar 四緣生識
407 39 shēng not experienced 四緣生識
408 39 shēng hard; stiff; strong 四緣生識
409 39 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 四緣生識
410 39 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 四緣生識
411 39 shēng gender 四緣生識
412 39 shēng to develop; to grow 四緣生識
413 39 shēng to set up 四緣生識
414 39 shēng a prostitute 四緣生識
415 39 shēng a captive 四緣生識
416 39 shēng a gentleman 四緣生識
417 39 shēng Kangxi radical 100 四緣生識
418 39 shēng unripe 四緣生識
419 39 shēng nature 四緣生識
420 39 shēng to inherit; to succeed 四緣生識
421 39 shēng destiny 四緣生識
422 39 shēng birth 四緣生識
423 39 shēng arise; produce; utpad 四緣生識
424 39 shí ten
425 39 shí Kangxi radical 24
426 39 shí tenth
427 39 shí complete; perfect
428 39 shí ten; daśa
429 38 受想 shòu xiǎng sensation and perception 受想行陰
430 37 非見 fēijiàn non-view 幾非見斷非思惟
431 36 yuán fate; predestined affinity 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
432 36 yuán hem 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
433 36 yuán to revolve around 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
434 36 yuán to climb up 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
435 36 yuán cause; origin; reason 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
436 36 yuán along; to follow 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
437 36 yuán to depend on 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
438 36 yuán margin; edge; rim 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
439 36 yuán Condition 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
440 36 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
441 36 miào wonderful; fantastic 妙度淵極
442 36 miào clever 妙度淵極
443 36 miào subtle; mysterious; profound; abstruse; mystical 妙度淵極
444 36 miào fine; delicate 妙度淵極
445 36 miào young 妙度淵極
446 36 miào interesting 妙度淵極
447 36 miào profound reasoning 妙度淵極
448 36 miào Miao 妙度淵極
449 36 miào Wonderful 妙度淵極
450 36 miào wonderful; beautiful; suksma 妙度淵極
451 35 to think; consider; to ponder 夢想思攬
452 35 thinking; consideration 夢想思攬
453 35 to miss; to long for 夢想思攬
454 35 emotions 夢想思攬
455 35 to mourn; to grieve 夢想思攬
456 35 Si 夢想思攬
457 35 sāi hairy [beard] 夢想思攬
458 35 Think 夢想思攬
459 35 volition; cetanā 夢想思攬
460 35 consciousness, understanding; cetanā 夢想思攬
461 35 thought; cintā 夢想思攬
462 34 zhī to know 意知
463 34 zhī to comprehend 意知
464 34 zhī to inform; to tell 意知
465 34 zhī to administer 意知
466 34 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 意知
467 34 zhī to be close friends 意知
468 34 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 意知
469 34 zhī to receive; to entertain 意知
470 34 zhī knowledge 意知
471 34 zhī consciousness; perception 意知
472 34 zhī a close friend 意知
473 34 zhì wisdom 意知
474 34 zhì Zhi 意知
475 34 zhī to appreciate 意知
476 34 zhī to make known 意知
477 34 zhī to have control over 意知
478 34 zhī to expect; to foresee 意知
479 34 zhī Understanding 意知
480 34 zhī know; jña 意知
481 34 名聲 míngshēng reputation 聲界是名聲入
482 34 名聲 míngshēng fame; yasas 聲界是名聲入
483 34 名色 míng sè name 色界是名色入
484 34 名色 míng sè a well known beauty or prostitute 色界是名色入
485 34 名色 míng sè Mingse 色界是名色入
486 34 名色 míng sè name and form; nāmarūpa 色界是名色入
487 34 眼識 yǎnshí visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa 眼識身耳鼻舌身意識
488 33 xué to study; to learn 若意入非學非
489 33 xué to imitate 若意入非學非
490 33 xué a school; an academy 若意入非學非
491 33 xué to understand 若意入非學非
492 33 xué learning; acquired knowledge 若意入非學非
493 33 xué learned 若意入非學非
494 33 xué student; learning; śikṣā 若意入非學非
495 33 xué a learner 若意入非學非
496 32 yìng to answer; to respond 明夫應會
497 32 yìng to confirm; to verify 明夫應會
498 32 yìng to be worthy of; to correspond to; suitable 明夫應會
499 32 yìng to accept 明夫應會
500 32 yìng to permit; to allow 明夫應會

Frequencies of all Words

Top 901

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 570 to enter 問分入品第一
2 570 Kangxi radical 11 問分入品第一
3 570 radical 問分入品第一
4 570 income 問分入品第一
5 570 to conform with 問分入品第一
6 570 to descend 問分入品第一
7 570 the entering tone 問分入品第一
8 570 to pay 問分入品第一
9 570 to join 問分入品第一
10 570 entering; praveśa 問分入品第一
11 570 entered; attained; āpanna 問分入品第一
12 486 fēi not; non-; un- 非問分也
13 486 fēi Kangxi radical 175 非問分也
14 486 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 非問分也
15 486 fēi different 非問分也
16 486 fēi to not be; to not have 非問分也
17 486 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 非問分也
18 486 fēi Africa 非問分也
19 486 fēi to slander 非問分也
20 486 fěi to avoid 非問分也
21 486 fēi must 非問分也
22 486 fēi an error 非問分也
23 486 fēi a problem; a question 非問分也
24 486 fēi evil 非問分也
25 486 fēi besides; except; unless 非問分也
26 486 fēi not 非問分也
27 428 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若乃文外之功
28 428 ruò seemingly 若乃文外之功
29 428 ruò if 若乃文外之功
30 428 ruò you 若乃文外之功
31 428 ruò this; that 若乃文外之功
32 428 ruò and; or 若乃文外之功
33 428 ruò as for; pertaining to 若乃文外之功
34 428 pomegranite 若乃文外之功
35 428 ruò to choose 若乃文外之功
36 428 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若乃文外之功
37 428 ruò thus 若乃文外之功
38 428 ruò pollia 若乃文外之功
39 428 ruò Ruo 若乃文外之功
40 428 ruò only then 若乃文外之功
41 428 ja 若乃文外之功
42 428 jñā 若乃文外之功
43 428 ruò if; yadi 若乃文外之功
44 351 shì is; are; am; to be 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
45 351 shì is exactly 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
46 351 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
47 351 shì this; that; those 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
48 351 shì really; certainly 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
49 351 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
50 351 shì true 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
51 351 shì is; has; exists 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
52 351 shì used between repetitions of a word 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
53 351 shì a matter; an affair 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
54 351 shì Shi 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
55 351 shì is; bhū 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
56 351 shì this; idam 是使殉有者袪妄見之惑
57 307 云何 yúnhé why; how 云何眼入
58 307 云何 yúnhé how; katham 云何眼入
59 260 míng measure word for people 是名內六入
60 260 míng fame; renown; reputation 是名內六入
61 260 míng a name; personal name; designation 是名內六入
62 260 míng rank; position 是名內六入
63 260 míng an excuse 是名內六入
64 260 míng life 是名內六入
65 260 míng to name; to call 是名內六入
66 260 míng to express; to describe 是名內六入
67 260 míng to be called; to have the name 是名內六入
68 260 míng to own; to possess 是名內六入
69 260 míng famous; renowned 是名內六入
70 260 míng moral 是名內六入
71 260 míng name; naman 是名內六入
72 260 míng fame; renown; yasas 是名內六入
73 238 bào newspaper 若識不善不善法報
74 238 bào to announce; to inform; to report 若識不善不善法報
75 238 bào to repay; to reply with a gift 若識不善不善法報
76 238 bào to respond; to reply 若識不善不善法報
77 238 bào to revenge 若識不善不善法報
78 238 bào a cable; a telegram 若識不善不善法報
79 238 bào a message; information 若識不善不善法報
80 238 bào indirect effect; retribution; vipāka 若識不善不善法報
81 234 法入 fǎ rù dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects 入味入觸入法入
82 209 idea 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
83 209 Italy (abbreviation) 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
84 209 a wish; a desire; intention 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
85 209 mood; feeling 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
86 209 will; willpower; determination 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
87 209 bearing; spirit 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
88 209 to think of; to long for; to miss 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
89 209 to anticipate; to expect 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
90 209 to doubt; to suspect 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
91 209 meaning 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
92 209 a suggestion; a hint 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
93 209 an understanding; a point of view 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
94 209 or 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
95 209 Yi 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
96 209 manas; mind; mentation 皇儲親管理味言意兼了
97 207 duàn absolutely; decidedly 十二入幾斷智知
98 207 duàn to judge 十二入幾斷智知
99 207 duàn to severe; to break 十二入幾斷智知
100 207 duàn to stop 十二入幾斷智知
101 207 duàn to quit; to give up 十二入幾斷智知
102 207 duàn to intercept 十二入幾斷智知
103 207 duàn to divide 十二入幾斷智知
104 207 duàn to isolate 十二入幾斷智知
105 207 duàn cutting off; uccheda 十二入幾斷智知
106 202 shēng sound 色入聲入香
107 202 shēng a measure word for sound (times) 色入聲入香
108 202 shēng sheng 色入聲入香
109 202 shēng voice 色入聲入香
110 202 shēng music 色入聲入香
111 202 shēng language 色入聲入香
112 202 shēng fame; reputation; honor 色入聲入香
113 202 shēng a message 色入聲入香
114 202 shēng an utterance 色入聲入香
115 202 shēng a consonant 色入聲入香
116 202 shēng a tone 色入聲入香
117 202 shēng to announce 色入聲入香
118 202 shēng sound 色入聲入香
119 185 huò or; either; else 或有我有法
120 185 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或有我有法
121 185 huò some; someone 或有我有法
122 185 míngnián suddenly 或有我有法
123 185 huò or; vā 或有我有法
124 128 method; way 或有我有法
125 128 France 或有我有法
126 128 the law; rules; regulations 或有我有法
127 128 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 或有我有法
128 128 a standard; a norm 或有我有法
129 128 an institution 或有我有法
130 128 to emulate 或有我有法
131 128 magic; a magic trick 或有我有法
132 128 punishment 或有我有法
133 128 Fa 或有我有法
134 128 a precedent 或有我有法
135 128 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 或有我有法
136 128 relating to a ceremony or rite 或有我有法
137 128 Dharma 或有我有法
138 128 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 或有我有法
139 128 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 或有我有法
140 128 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 或有我有法
141 128 quality; characteristic 或有我有法
142 128 shēn human body; torso 心意識六識身七識界
143 128 shēn Kangxi radical 158 心意識六識身七識界
144 128 shēn measure word for clothes 心意識六識身七識界
145 128 shēn self 心意識六識身七識界
146 128 shēn life 心意識六識身七識界
147 128 shēn an object 心意識六識身七識界
148 128 shēn a lifetime 心意識六識身七識界
149 128 shēn personally 心意識六識身七識界
150 128 shēn moral character 心意識六識身七識界
151 128 shēn status; identity; position 心意識六識身七識界
152 128 shēn pregnancy 心意識六識身七識界
153 128 juān India 心意識六識身七識界
154 128 shēn body; kāya 心意識六識身七識界
155 112 yīn because 十二入幾因幾非因
156 112 yīn cause; reason 十二入幾因幾非因
157 112 yīn to accord with 十二入幾因幾非因
158 112 yīn to follow 十二入幾因幾非因
159 112 yīn to rely on 十二入幾因幾非因
160 112 yīn via; through 十二入幾因幾非因
161 112 yīn to continue 十二入幾因幾非因
162 112 yīn to receive 十二入幾因幾非因
163 112 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 十二入幾因幾非因
164 112 yīn to seize an opportunity 十二入幾因幾非因
165 112 yīn to be like 十二入幾因幾非因
166 112 yīn from; because of 十二入幾因幾非因
167 112 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 十二入幾因幾非因
168 112 yīn a standrd; a criterion 十二入幾因幾非因
169 112 yīn Cause 十二入幾因幾非因
170 112 yīn cause; hetu 十二入幾因幾非因
171 102 xiāng fragrant; savory; appetizing; sweet; scented 色入聲入香
172 102 xiāng incense 色入聲入香
173 102 xiāng Kangxi radical 186 色入聲入香
174 102 xiāng fragrance; scent 色入聲入香
175 102 xiāng a female 色入聲入香
176 102 xiāng Xiang 色入聲入香
177 102 xiāng to kiss 色入聲入香
178 102 xiāng feminine 色入聲入香
179 102 xiāng unrestrainedly 色入聲入香
180 102 xiāng incense 色入聲入香
181 102 xiāng fragrance; gandha 色入聲入香
182 100 思惟 sīwéi to think; to consider; to reflect 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
183 100 思惟 sīwéi thinking; tought 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
184 100 思惟 sīwéi Contemplate 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
185 100 思惟 sīwéi reflection; consideration; cintana 緣眼緣色緣明緣思惟
186 97 色入 sè rù entrances for objects of the senses 色入聲入香
187 92 chù to touch; to feel 入味入觸入法入
188 92 chù to butt; to ram; to gore 入味入觸入法入
189 92 chù touch; contact; sparśa 入味入觸入法入
190 92 chù tangible; spraṣṭavya 入味入觸入法入
191 89 shòu to suffer; to be subjected to 若識受是名內識
192 89 shòu to transfer; to confer 若識受是名內識
193 89 shòu to receive; to accept 若識受是名內識
194 89 shòu to tolerate 若識受是名內識
195 89 shòu suitably 若識受是名內識
196 89 shòu feelings; sensations 若識受是名內識
197 86 no 釋非相無
198 86 Kangxi radical 71 釋非相無
199 86 to not have; without 釋非相無
200 86 has not yet 釋非相無
201 86 mo 釋非相無
202 86 do not 釋非相無
203 86 not; -less; un- 釋非相無
204 86 regardless of 釋非相無
205 86 to not have 釋非相無
206 86 um 釋非相無
207 86 Wu 釋非相無
208 86 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 釋非相無
209 86 not; non- 釋非相無
210 86 mo 釋非相無
211 84 jiàn to see 已見色今見色
212 84 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 已見色今見色
213 84 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 已見色今見色
214 84 jiàn refer to; for details see 已見色今見色
215 84 jiàn passive marker 已見色今見色
216 84 jiàn to listen to 已見色今見色
217 84 jiàn to meet 已見色今見色
218 84 jiàn to receive (a guest) 已見色今見色
219 84 jiàn let me; kindly 已見色今見色
220 84 jiàn Jian 已見色今見色
221 84 xiàn to appear 已見色今見色
222 84 xiàn to introduce 已見色今見色
223 84 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 已見色今見色
224 84 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 已見色今見色
225 82 有漏 yǒulòu having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava 有漏身口戒無教
226 74 color 四大所造淨色
227 74 form; matter 四大所造淨色
228 74 shǎi dice 四大所造淨色
229 74 Kangxi radical 139 四大所造淨色
230 74 countenance 四大所造淨色
231 74 scene; sight 四大所造淨色
232 74 feminine charm; female beauty 四大所造淨色
233 74 kind; type 四大所造淨色
234 74 quality 四大所造淨色
235 74 to be angry 四大所造淨色
236 74 to seek; to search for 四大所造淨色
237 74 lust; sexual desire 四大所造淨色
238 74 form; rupa 四大所造淨色
239 73 xīn heart [organ] 既契宿心
240 73 xīn Kangxi radical 61 既契宿心
241 73 xīn mind; consciousness 既契宿心
242 73 xīn the center; the core; the middle 既契宿心
243 73 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 既契宿心
244 73 xīn heart 既契宿心
245 73 xīn emotion 既契宿心
246 73 xīn intention; consideration 既契宿心
247 73 xīn disposition; temperament 既契宿心
248 73 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 既契宿心
249 73 xīn heart; hṛdaya 既契宿心
250 73 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 既契宿心
251 70 several 幾入
252 70 how many 幾入
253 70 Kangxi radical 16 幾入
254 70 subtle; invisible; imperceptible 幾入
255 70 sign; omen 幾入
256 70 nearly; almost 幾入
257 70 near to 幾入
258 70 imminent danger 幾入
259 70 circumstances 幾入
260 70 duration; time 幾入
261 70 opportunity 幾入
262 70 never has; hasn't yet 幾入
263 70 a small table 幾入
264 70 [self] composed 幾入
265 70 ji 幾入
266 70 how many; how much; kiyat 幾入
267 68 wài outside 誠韻外之致
268 68 wài out; outer 誠韻外之致
269 68 wài external; outer 誠韻外之致
270 68 wài foreign countries 誠韻外之致
271 68 wài exterior; outer surface 誠韻外之致
272 68 wài a remote place 誠韻外之致
273 68 wài maternal side; wife's family members 誠韻外之致
274 68 wài husband 誠韻外之致
275 68 wài other 誠韻外之致
276 68 wài to be extra; to be additional 誠韻外之致
277 68 wài unofficial; informal; exoteric 誠韻外之致
278 68 wài role of an old man 誠韻外之致
279 68 wài to drift apart; to become estranged 誠韻外之致
280 68 wài to betray; to forsake 誠韻外之致
281 68 wài outside; exterior 誠韻外之致
282 65 fēn to separate; to divide into parts 問分也
283 65 fēn a monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a yuan; a cent 問分也
284 65 fēn a part; a section; a division; a portion 問分也
285 65 fēn a minute; a 15 second unit of time 問分也
286 65 fēn a unit of length equivalent to 0.33 cm; a unit of area equal to six square zhang 問分也
287 65 fēn to distribute; to share; to assign; to allot 問分也
288 65 fēn to differentiate; to distinguish 問分也
289 65 fēn a fraction 問分也
290 65 fēn to express as a fraction 問分也
291 65 fēn one tenth 問分也
292 65 fēn a centimeter 問分也
293 65 fèn a component; an ingredient 問分也
294 65 fèn the limit of an obligation 問分也
295 65 fèn affection; goodwill 問分也
296 65 fèn a role; a responsibility 問分也
297 65 fēn equinox 問分也
298 65 fèn a characteristic 問分也
299 65 fèn to assume; to deduce 問分也
300 65 fēn to share 問分也
301 65 fēn branch [office] 問分也
302 65 fēn clear; distinct 問分也
303 65 fēn a difference 問分也
304 65 fēn a score 問分也
305 65 fèn identity 問分也
306 65 fèn a part; a portion 問分也
307 65 fēn part; avayava 問分也
308 64 yǎn eye 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
309 64 yǎn measure word for wells 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
310 64 yǎn eyeball 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
311 64 yǎn sight 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
312 64 yǎn the present moment 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
313 64 yǎn an opening; a small hole 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
314 64 yǎn a trap 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
315 64 yǎn insight 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
316 64 yǎn a salitent point 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
317 64 yǎn a beat with no accent 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
318 64 yǎn to look; to glance 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
319 64 yǎn to see proof 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
320 64 yǎn eye; cakṣus 眼入耳入鼻入舌入身入
321 62 zhì wisdom; knowledge; understanding 智參照來
322 62 zhì care; prudence 智參照來
323 62 zhì Zhi 智參照來
324 62 zhì spiritual insight; gnosis 智參照來
325 62 zhì clever 智參照來
326 62 zhì Wisdom 智參照來
327 62 zhì jnana; knowing 智參照來
328 60 jiāo to teach; to educate; to instruct 純教彌於閬風
329 60 jiào a school of thought; a sect 純教彌於閬風
330 60 jiào to make; to cause 純教彌於閬風
331 60 jiào religion 純教彌於閬風
332 60 jiào instruction; a teaching 純教彌於閬風
333 60 jiào Jiao 純教彌於閬風
334 60 jiào a directive; an order 純教彌於閬風
335 60 jiào to urge; to incite 純教彌於閬風
336 60 jiào to pass on; to convey 純教彌於閬風
337 60 jiào etiquette 純教彌於閬風
338 60 jiāo teaching; śāsana 純教彌於閬風
339 56 kǒu measure word for people, pigs, and kitcheware 聲音句言語口教
340 56 kǒu Kangxi radical 30 聲音句言語口教
341 56 kǒu mouth 聲音句言語口教
342 56 kǒu an opening; a hole 聲音句言語口教
343 56 kǒu eloquence 聲音句言語口教
344 56 kǒu the edge of a blade 聲音句言語口教
345 56 kǒu edge; border 聲音句言語口教
346 56 kǒu verbal; oral 聲音句言語口教
347 56 kǒu taste 聲音句言語口教
348 56 kǒu population; people 聲音句言語口教
349 56 kǒu an entrance; an exit; a pass 聲音句言語口教
350 56 kǒu mouth; eopening; entrance; mukha 聲音句言語口教
351 55 to arise; to get up 其人以為是非之起
352 55 case; instance; batch; group 其人以為是非之起
353 55 to rise; to raise 其人以為是非之起
354 55 to grow out of; to bring forth; to emerge 其人以為是非之起
355 55 to appoint (to an official post); to take up a post 其人以為是非之起
356 55 to start 其人以為是非之起
357 55 to establish; to build 其人以為是非之起
358 55 to draft; to draw up (a plan) 其人以為是非之起
359 55 opening sentence; opening verse 其人以為是非之起
360 55 to get out of bed 其人以為是非之起
361 55 to recover; to heal 其人以為是非之起
362 55 to take out; to extract 其人以為是非之起
363 55 marks the beginning of an action 其人以為是非之起
364 55 marks the sufficiency of an action 其人以為是非之起
365 55 to call back from mourning 其人以為是非之起
366 55 to take place; to occur 其人以為是非之起
367 55 from 其人以為是非之起
368 55 to conjecture 其人以為是非之起
369 55 stand up; utthāna 其人以為是非之起
370 55 arising; utpāda 其人以為是非之起
371 53 所知 suǒ zhī known; what one knows 若色可見有對眼識所知
372 53 所知 suǒ zhī 1. cognitive objects; 2. the knowable 若色可見有對眼識所知
373 53 jìn to enter 順信悔不悔悅喜心進
374 53 jìn to advance 順信悔不悔悅喜心進
375 53 jìn diligence; perseverance 順信悔不悔悅喜心進
376 53 yǒu is; are; to exist 或有我有法
377 53 yǒu to have; to possess 或有我有法
378 53 yǒu indicates an estimate 或有我有法
379 53 yǒu indicates a large quantity 或有我有法
380 53 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 或有我有法
381 53 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 或有我有法
382 53 yǒu used to compare two things 或有我有法
383 53 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 或有我有法
384 53 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 或有我有法
385 53 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 或有我有法
386 53 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 或有我有法
387 53 yǒu abundant 或有我有法
388 53 yǒu purposeful 或有我有法
389 53 yǒu You 或有我有法
390 53 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 或有我有法
391 53 yǒu becoming; bhava 或有我有法
392 48 business; industry 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
393 48 immediately 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
394 48 activity; actions 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
395 48 order; sequence 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
396 48 to continue 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
397 48 to start; to create 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
398 48 karma 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
399 48 hereditary trade; legacy 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
400 48 a course of study; training 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
401 48 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
402 48 an estate; a property 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
403 48 an achievement 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
404 48 to engage in 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
405 48 Ye 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
406 48 already 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
407 48 a horizontal board 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
408 48 an occupation 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
409 48 a kind of musical instrument 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
410 48 a book 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
411 48 actions; karma; karman 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
412 48 activity; kriyā 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
413 48 煩惱 fánnǎo worried; vexed; annoyed 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
414 48 煩惱 fánnǎo vexation; a worry 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
415 48 煩惱 fánnǎo defilement 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
416 48 煩惱 fánnǎo klesa; kilesa; a mental affliction; defilement 若色入業法煩惱所生報我分攝
417 47 乃至 nǎizhì and even 乃至滅盡定智緣盡
418 47 乃至 nǎizhì as much as; yavat 乃至滅盡定智緣盡
419 47 無記 wú jì not explained; indeterminate 非嚴淨若善心若不善心若無記心
420 47 wèi taste; flavor 玄味遠流
421 47 wèi measure word for ingredients in Chinese medicine 玄味遠流
422 47 wèi significance 玄味遠流
423 47 wèi to taste 玄味遠流
424 47 wèi to ruminate; to mull over 玄味遠流
425 47 wèi smell; odor 玄味遠流
426 47 wèi a delicacy 玄味遠流
427 47 wèi taste; rasa 玄味遠流
428 46 shàn virtuous; wholesome; benevolent; well-disposed 未盡於善
429 46 shàn happy 未盡於善
430 46 shàn good 未盡於善
431 46 shàn kind-hearted 未盡於善
432 46 shàn to be skilled at something 未盡於善
433 46 shàn familiar 未盡於善
434 46 shàn to repair 未盡於善
435 46 shàn to admire 未盡於善
436 46 shàn to praise 未盡於善
437 46 shàn numerous; frequent; easy 未盡於善
438 46 shàn Shan 未盡於善
439 46 shàn wholesome; virtuous 未盡於善
440 45 not; no 苟彼此不相領悟
441 45 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 苟彼此不相領悟
442 45 as a correlative 苟彼此不相領悟
443 45 no (answering a question) 苟彼此不相領悟
444 45 forms a negative adjective from a noun 苟彼此不相領悟
445 45 at the end of a sentence to form a question 苟彼此不相領悟
446 45 to form a yes or no question 苟彼此不相領悟
447 45 infix potential marker 苟彼此不相領悟
448 45 no; na 苟彼此不相領悟
449 44 chú except; besides 心除
450 44 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 心除
451 44 chú to divide 心除
452 44 chú to put in order 心除
453 44 chú to appoint to an official position 心除
454 44 chú door steps; stairs 心除
455 44 chú to replace an official 心除
456 44 chú to change; to replace 心除
457 44 chú to renovate; to restore 心除
458 44 chú division 心除
459 44 chú except; without; anyatra 心除
460 43 shèng sacred 冲資叡聖
461 43 shèng clever; wise; shrewd 冲資叡聖
462 43 shèng a master; an expert 冲資叡聖
463 43 shèng a sage; a wise man; a saint 冲資叡聖
464 43 shèng noble; sovereign; without peer 冲資叡聖
465 43 shèng agile 冲資叡聖
466 43 shèng noble; sacred; ārya 冲資叡聖
467 42 ruǎn soft; flexible; pliable 軟聲非軟聲
468 42 ruǎn weak 軟聲非軟聲
469 42 ruǎn amiable; accomodating 軟聲非軟聲
470 42 ruǎn softhearted 軟聲非軟聲
471 42 ruǎn a coward 軟聲非軟聲
472 42 ruǎn soft; mṛdu 軟聲非軟聲
473 42 不善 bù shàn akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious 若識不善不善法報
474 41 無學 wúxué aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept 無學眼識乃至意識
475 41 無學 wúxué Muhak 無學眼識乃至意識
476 41 shí knowledge; understanding 若識過去未來現在
477 41 shí to know; to be familiar with 若識過去未來現在
478 41 zhì to record 若識過去未來現在
479 41 shí thought; cognition 若識過去未來現在
480 41 shí to understand 若識過去未來現在
481 41 shí experience; common sense 若識過去未來現在
482 41 shí a good friend 若識過去未來現在
483 41 zhì to remember; to memorize 若識過去未來現在
484 41 zhì a label; a mark 若識過去未來現在
485 41 zhì an inscription 若識過去未來現在
486 41 zhì just now 若識過去未來現在
487 41 shí vijnana; consciousness; mind; cognition 若識過去未來現在
488 40 hǎo good 身好
489 40 hǎo indicates completion or readiness 身好
490 40 hào to be fond of; to be friendly 身好
491 40 hǎo indicates agreement 身好
492 40 hǎo indicates disatisfaction or sarcasm 身好
493 40 hǎo easy; convenient 身好
494 40 hǎo very; quite 身好
495 40 hǎo many; long 身好
496 40 hǎo so as to 身好
497 40 hǎo friendly; kind 身好
498 40 hào to be likely to 身好
499 40 hǎo beautiful 身好
500 40 hǎo to be healthy; to be recovered 身好


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. entering; praveśa
  2. entered; attained; āpanna
fēi not
  1. ruò
  1. ja
  2. jñā
  3. if; yadi
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
云何 yúnhé how; katham
  1. míng
  2. míng
  1. name; naman
  2. fame; renown; yasas
bào indirect effect; retribution; vipāka
法入 fǎ rù dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects
manas; mind; mentation
duàn cutting off; uccheda

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉 阿羅漢 196
  1. Arhat
  2. arhat
  3. Arhat
阿那含 65
  1. 1 anāgāmin; 2.non-returner
  2. Anagāmin; Anagami; Non-Returner
阿毘昙 阿毘曇 196 Abhidharma; Abhidhamma
大乘 100
  1. Mahayana
  2. Mahayana Buddhism; Mahāyāna; Mahāyāna Buddhism
  3. Mahayana; Great Vehicle
大相 100 Maharupa
地狱 地獄 100
  1. a hell
  2. hell
  3. Hell; Hell Realms; Naraka
二谛义 二諦義 195 Er Di Yi
梵文 102 Sanskrit
非有想非无想处 非有想非無想處 102 Heaven of Neither Thought nor Non-Thought
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  8. Chinese; cīna
弘始 104 Hong Shi
104 Huan river
罽賓 106 Kashmir
寂灭 寂滅 106
  1. calmness and extinction; vyupaśama
  2. Upasannaka
涅槃 110
  1. Nirvana
  2. nirvana
  3. Final Nirvana; Nirvana; Nirvāṇa; Nibbāna
祇洹 113 Jetavana
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
舍利弗 115 Sariputra; Sariputta
舍利弗阿毘昙论 舍利弗阿毘曇論 115 Sariputra Abhidharma; Śāriputrā Abhidharma
识处 識處 115 Limitless Consciousness
四分 115 four divisions of cognition
嗣圣 嗣聖 115 Sisheng
斯陀含 115 Sakrdagamin; Sakridagami; Sakadagami; Once-Returner
昙摩崛多 曇摩崛多 116
  1. Dharmaguptaka
  2. Dharmagupta
昙摩耶舍 曇摩耶舍 116 Dharmayaśas
天竺 116 India; Indian subcontinent
无贪 無貪 119 non-attachment; alobha
像法 120 Age of Semblance Dharma; Saddharmapratirūpaka; Period of Semblance Dharma
须陀洹 須陀洹 120 Srotaapanna; Sotapanna; Stream-Enterer
姚秦 姚秦 121 Later Qin
有部 121 Sarvāstivāda


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 137.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉果 阿羅漢果 97
  1. state of full attainment of arhatship
  2. the fruit of arhat cultivation; the fruit of awakening; arhathood
阿那含果 97
  1. realization of non-returner
  2. the fruit of Anāgāmin; the fruit of a non-returning
鼻识 鼻識 98 sense of smell
不放逸 98
  1. no laxity
  2. vigilance; heedfulness; conscientious
不共业 不共業 98 individual karma
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不善心 98 an unwholesome mind
不共 98
  1. not shared; distinctive; avenika
  2. meditation performed with water; distinctive; apkṛtsna
初心 99
  1. the initial mind
  2. to make a vow to acheive supreme enlightenment; to act with bodhicitta
除疑 99 to eliminate doubt
此岸 99 this shore; this world; Saṃsāra
地大 100 earth; earth element
断见 斷見 100
  1. Nihilism
  2. view that life ends with death
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
二入 195 two methods of entering [the truth]
耳识 耳識 196 auditory consciousness; śrotravijñāna
法化 102 conversion through teaching of the Dharma
法入 102 dharmayatana; dharmāyatana; mental objects
法相 102
  1. Faxiang: A Buddhist Practitioner's Encyclopedia
  2. Dharma Characteristic
  3. notions of dharmas; the essential nature of different phenomena
  4. the essential differences between different teachings
  5. the truth
法界 102
  1. Dharma Realm
  2. a dharma realm; dharmadhatu
  3. tathatā; suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
放逸 102
  1. Laxity
  2. heedlessness; carelessness; pleasure-seeking; pramada
法住 102 dharma abode
非非想 102 neither perceiving nor not perceiving
非想 102 non-perection
非心 102 without thought; acitta
非见 非見 102 non-view
非我 102 selflessness; non-self; anātman; anattā
风大 風大 102 wind; wind element; wind realm
广演 廣演 103 exposition
观智 觀智 103 wisdom from contemplation
华香 華香 104 incense and flowers
慧解脱 慧解脫 104 one who is liberated through wisdom; prajñāvimukta
火大 104 fire; element of fire
界系 界繫 106 bound to the three realms
结使 結使 106 a fetter
经法 經法 106 canonical teachings
伎乐 伎樂 106 music
卷第一 106 scroll 1
觉观 覺觀 106 awareness and discrimination; coarse awareness and fine perception
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空处 空處 107 ākāśānantyāyatana; akasanantyayatana; sphere of infinite space; abode of infinite space
苦集灭道 苦集滅道 107
  1. Suffering, Cause, End, and Path
  2. the fourfold noble truth; four noble truths
苦集 107 accumulation as the cause of suffering
六入 108 the six sense objects
六识 六識 108 the six consciousnesses; the six types of sensory consciousness
灭尽定 滅盡定 109 the cessation of perception and sensation; nirodhasamāpatti
名身 109 group of names
内识 內識 110 internal consciousness
念法 110
  1. Way of Contemplation
  2. to recollect or chant the Dharma; dharmānusmṛti
品第一 112 Chapter One
七识 七識 113 seven kinds of consciousness
亲承 親承 113 to entrust with duty
去来现 去來現 113 past, present, and future
人见 人見 114 the view of a person; view of a self
人中 114 mānuṣyaka; a multitude of men
融通 114
  1. Interpenetrative
  2. to blend; to combine; to mix; to
  3. Rongtong
入圣 入聖 114 to become an arhat
如实 如實 114
  1. according to reality
  2. in accordance with fact; truly; yathābhūtam
  3. suchness; inherent nature; true nature; tathata
三缘 三緣 115 three links; three nidānas
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色境 115 the visible realm
色入 115 entrances for objects of the senses
色界系 色界繫 115 bonds to dharmas in the Realm of Form
沙门果 沙門果 115 the fruit of śramaṇa practice
善报 善報 115 wholesome retribution
善法 115
  1. a wholesome dharma
  2. a wholesome teaching
身识 身識 115 body consciousness; sense of touch
圣法 聖法 115 the sacred teachings of the Buddha
圣道 聖道 115
  1. the sacred way; spiritual path
  2. The Noble Eightfold Path; Eightfold Noble Way
圣心 聖心 115 holy mind; Buddha mind
身入 115 the sense of touch
舌识 舌識 115 sense of taste
事识 事識 115 discriminating consciousness; consciousness
识阴 識陰 115 consciousness aggregate; vijñānaskandha; viññāṇakhandha
十二入 115 āyatana; ayatana/ twelve sense bases; twelve sense-media; twelve bases of cognition
识界 識界 115 vijñāna-dhātu; the realm of consciousness
识身 識身 115 mind and body
识受阴 識受陰 115 consciousness aggregate; vijñānaskandha; viññāṇakhandha
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
受想 115 sensation and perception
水大 115 element of water
四缘 四緣 115 the four conditions
四众 四眾 115 the fourfold assembly; the four communities
斯陀含果 115 the fruit of a Sakṛdāgāmin
昙摩 曇摩 116 dharma
妄见 妄見 119 a delusion
未来现在 未來現在 119 the present and the future
我有 119 the illusion of the existence of self
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
无求 無求 119 No Desires
无胜 無勝 119 unsurpassed; ajita; vijaya
无想定 無想定 119 meditative concentration with no thought
无比法 無比法 119 incomparable truth
无癡 無癡 119 without delusion
无漏 無漏 119
  1. Untainted
  2. having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
五受 119 five sensations
无学 無學 119
  1. aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept
  2. Muhak
香界 120 a Buddhist temple
相应心 相應心 120 a mind associated with mental afflictions
信根 120 faith; the root of faith
心数 心數 120 a mental factor
心香 120 A Fragrant Mind
心意识 心意識 120
  1. mind, thought, and perception
  2. mind, thought, and perception
性空 120 inherently empty; empty in nature
行阴 行陰 120 the aggregate of volition
心所 120 a mental factor; caitta
修善 120 to cultivate goodness
序分 120 the first of three parts of a sutra
学无学 學無學 120 one who is still studying and one who has completed their study
须陀洹果 須陀洹果 120 the fruit of a stream enterer; the fruit of srotaāpanna practice
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
严净 嚴淨 121 majestic and pure
眼识界 眼識界 121 visual consciousness element
眼识 眼識 121 visual perception; cakṣurvijñāna; cakkhuviññāṇa
业相 業相 121 karma-lakṣaṇa
一缘 一緣 121 one fate; shared destiny
意根 121 the mind sense
意识界 意識界 121 realm of consciousness
有为无为 有為無為 121 conditioned and unconditioned
有无 有無 121 existent and non-existent; having identity and emptiness
有对 有對 121 hindrance
有法 121 something that exists
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
欲界 121 realm of desire
缘法 緣法 121 causes and conditions
圆足 圓足 121 complete; upasaṃpat
欲界系 欲界繫 121 bonds of the desire realm
欲漏 121 kāmāsrava; sense desire; desire for sensuality
余趣 餘趣 121 other realms
正业 正業 122
  1. Right Action
  2. right action
正语 正語 122
  1. Right Speech
  2. right speech
智识 智識 122 analytical mind
知见 知見 122
  1. Understanding
  2. to know by seeing
众经 眾經 122 myriad of scriptures