Glossary and Vocabulary for Fo Shuo Ba Zhong Zhang Yang Gongde Jing 佛說八種長養功德經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 12 self 菩薩眾攝受於我
2 12 [my] dear 菩薩眾攝受於我
3 12 Wo 菩薩眾攝受於我
4 12 self; atman; attan 菩薩眾攝受於我
5 12 ga 菩薩眾攝受於我
6 6 to go; to 菩薩眾攝受於我
7 6 to rely on; to depend on 菩薩眾攝受於我
8 6 Yu 菩薩眾攝受於我
9 6 a crow 菩薩眾攝受於我
10 5 infix potential marker 先當不食一日中
11 5 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 我今歸命勝菩提
12 5 shèng victory; success 我今歸命勝菩提
13 5 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 我今歸命勝菩提
14 5 shèng to surpass 我今歸命勝菩提
15 5 shèng triumphant 我今歸命勝菩提
16 5 shèng a scenic view 我今歸命勝菩提
17 5 shèng a woman's hair decoration 我今歸命勝菩提
18 5 shèng Sheng 我今歸命勝菩提
19 5 shèng conquering; victorious; jaya 我今歸命勝菩提
20 5 shèng superior; agra 我今歸命勝菩提
21 4 zhòng many; numerous 菩薩眾攝受於我
22 4 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 菩薩眾攝受於我
23 4 zhòng general; common; public 菩薩眾攝受於我
24 4 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 惟願一切佛
25 4 yuàn hope 惟願一切佛
26 4 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 惟願一切佛
27 4 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 惟願一切佛
28 4 yuàn a vow 惟願一切佛
29 4 yuàn diligent; attentive 惟願一切佛
30 4 yuàn to prefer; to select 惟願一切佛
31 4 yuàn to admire 惟願一切佛
32 4 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 惟願一切佛
33 4 jīn today; present; now 我今歸命勝菩提
34 4 jīn Jin 我今歸命勝菩提
35 4 jīn modern 我今歸命勝菩提
36 4 jīn now; adhunā 我今歸命勝菩提
37 4 一切 yīqiè temporary 歸命一切佛
38 4 一切 yīqiè the same 歸命一切佛
39 4 eight 後修八眾長養法
40 4 Kangxi radical 12 後修八眾長養法
41 4 eighth 後修八眾長養法
42 4 all around; all sides 後修八眾長養法
43 4 eight; aṣṭa 後修八眾長養法
44 3 děng et cetera; and so on 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
45 3 děng to wait 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
46 3 děng to be equal 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
47 3 děng degree; level 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
48 3 děng to compare 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
49 3 děng same; equal; sama 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
50 3 zūn to honor; to respect 二足勝尊
51 3 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 二足勝尊
52 3 zūn a wine cup 二足勝尊
53 3 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 二足勝尊
54 3 zūn supreme; high 二足勝尊
55 3 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 二足勝尊
56 3 zūn bhagavat; holy one 二足勝尊
57 3 zūn lord; patron; natha 二足勝尊
58 3 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 二足勝尊
59 3 佛說八種長養功德經 fó shuō bā zhǒng zhǎng yǎng gōngdé jīng Fo Shuo Ba Zhong Zhang Yang Gongde Jing 佛說八種長養功德經
60 3 method; way 後修八眾長養法
61 3 France 後修八眾長養法
62 3 the law; rules; regulations 後修八眾長養法
63 3 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 後修八眾長養法
64 3 a standard; a norm 後修八眾長養法
65 3 an institution 後修八眾長養法
66 3 to emulate 後修八眾長養法
67 3 magic; a magic trick 後修八眾長養法
68 3 punishment 後修八眾長養法
69 3 Fa 後修八眾長養法
70 3 a precedent 後修八眾長養法
71 3 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 後修八眾長養法
72 3 relating to a ceremony or rite 後修八眾長養法
73 3 Dharma 後修八眾長養法
74 3 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 後修八眾長養法
75 3 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 後修八眾長養法
76 3 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 後修八眾長養法
77 3 quality; characteristic 後修八眾長養法
78 3 wéi thought 惟願一切佛
79 3 wéi to think; to consider 惟願一切佛
80 3 wéi is 惟願一切佛
81 3 wéi has 惟願一切佛
82 3 wéi to understand 惟願一切佛
83 3 shí time; a point or period of time 從今時發淨信心
84 3 shí a season; a quarter of a year 從今時發淨信心
85 3 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 從今時發淨信心
86 3 shí fashionable 從今時發淨信心
87 3 shí fate; destiny; luck 從今時發淨信心
88 3 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 從今時發淨信心
89 3 shí tense 從今時發淨信心
90 3 shí particular; special 從今時發淨信心
91 3 shí to plant; to cultivate 從今時發淨信心
92 3 shí an era; a dynasty 從今時發淨信心
93 3 shí time [abstract] 從今時發淨信心
94 3 shí seasonal 從今時發淨信心
95 3 shí to wait upon 從今時發淨信心
96 3 shí hour 從今時發淨信心
97 3 shí appropriate; proper; timely 從今時發淨信心
98 3 shí Shi 從今時發淨信心
99 3 shí a present; currentlt 從今時發淨信心
100 3 shí time; kāla 從今時發淨信心
101 3 shí at that time; samaya 從今時發淨信心
102 3 shì to vow; to pledge; to swear 誓歸依佛
103 3 shì an oath; a vow 誓歸依佛
104 3 shì to vow; pratijñā 誓歸依佛
105 3 xīn heart [organ]
106 3 xīn Kangxi radical 61
107 3 xīn mind; consciousness
108 3 xīn the center; the core; the middle
109 3 xīn one of the 28 star constellations
110 3 xīn heart
111 3 xīn emotion
112 3 xīn intention; consideration
113 3 xīn disposition; temperament
114 3 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality
115 3 xīn heart; hṛdaya
116 3 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā
117 3 hair 我發廣大菩提心
118 3 to send out; to issue; to emit; to radiate 我發廣大菩提心
119 3 to hand over; to deliver; to offer 我發廣大菩提心
120 3 to express; to show; to be manifest 我發廣大菩提心
121 3 to start out; to set off 我發廣大菩提心
122 3 to open 我發廣大菩提心
123 3 to requisition 我發廣大菩提心
124 3 to occur 我發廣大菩提心
125 3 to declare; to proclaim; to utter 我發廣大菩提心
126 3 to express; to give vent 我發廣大菩提心
127 3 to excavate 我發廣大菩提心
128 3 to develop; to cultivate; to grow; to bloom; to flower 我發廣大菩提心
129 3 to get rich 我發廣大菩提心
130 3 to rise; to expand; to inflate; to swell 我發廣大菩提心
131 3 to sell 我發廣大菩提心
132 3 to shoot with a bow 我發廣大菩提心
133 3 to rise in revolt 我發廣大菩提心
134 3 to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to initiate 我發廣大菩提心
135 3 to enlighten; to inspire 我發廣大菩提心
136 3 to publicize; to make known; to show off; to spread 我發廣大菩提心
137 3 to ignite; to set on fire 我發廣大菩提心
138 3 to sing; to play 我發廣大菩提心
139 3 to feel; to sense 我發廣大菩提心
140 3 to act; to do 我發廣大菩提心
141 3 grass and moss 我發廣大菩提心
142 3 Fa 我發廣大菩提心
143 3 to issue; to emit; utpāda 我發廣大菩提心
144 3 hair; keśa 我發廣大菩提心
145 3 伽陀 jiātuó gatha; verse 即說伽陀頌曰
146 3 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 即說伽陀頌曰
147 3 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 即說伽陀頌曰
148 3 shuì to persuade 即說伽陀頌曰
149 3 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 即說伽陀頌曰
150 3 shuō a doctrine; a theory 即說伽陀頌曰
151 3 shuō to claim; to assert 即說伽陀頌曰
152 3 shuō allocution 即說伽陀頌曰
153 3 shuō to criticize; to scold 即說伽陀頌曰
154 3 shuō to indicate; to refer to 即說伽陀頌曰
155 3 shuō speach; vāda 即說伽陀頌曰
156 3 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 即說伽陀頌曰
157 3 shuō to instruct 即說伽陀頌曰
158 2 歸命 guīmìng to devote one's life 歸命一切佛
159 2 歸命 guīmìng namo; to pay respect to; homage 歸命一切佛
160 2 Buddha; Awakened One 歸命一切佛
161 2 relating to Buddhism 歸命一切佛
162 2 a statue or image of a Buddha 歸命一切佛
163 2 a Buddhist text 歸命一切佛
164 2 to touch; to stroke 歸命一切佛
165 2 Buddha 歸命一切佛
166 2 Buddha; Awakened One 歸命一切佛
167 2 攝受 shèshòu to receive, take in 菩薩眾攝受於我
168 2 攝受 shèshòu to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness 菩薩眾攝受於我
169 2 利益 lìyì benefit; interest 自他利益皆成就
170 2 利益 lìyì benefit 自他利益皆成就
171 2 利益 lìyì benefit; upakara 自他利益皆成就
172 2 長養 chángyǎng to nurture 後修八眾長養法
173 2 長養 chángyǎng fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha 後修八眾長養法
174 2 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil; pure 最上清淨佛法眾
175 2 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil 最上清淨佛法眾
176 2 清淨 qīngjìng concise 最上清淨佛法眾
177 2 清淨 qīngjìng simple and clear; concise 最上清淨佛法眾
178 2 清淨 qīngjìng pure and clean 最上清淨佛法眾
179 2 清淨 qīngjìng purity 最上清淨佛法眾
180 2 清淨 qīngjìng pure; cleansed; purified of defiling illusion; visuddhi 最上清淨佛法眾
181 2 èr two 二足勝尊
182 2 èr Kangxi radical 7 二足勝尊
183 2 èr second 二足勝尊
184 2 èr twice; double; di- 二足勝尊
185 2 èr more than one kind 二足勝尊
186 2 èr two; dvā; dvi 二足勝尊
187 2 èr both; dvaya 二足勝尊
188 2 歸依 guīyī to depend on 誓歸依法
189 2 歸依 guīyī to take refuge [in the Triple Gem] 誓歸依法
190 2 二三 èr sān six non-Buddhist philosophers 闍梨前二三重復
191 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán stately; solemn 不花鬘莊嚴其
192 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán Dignity 不花鬘莊嚴其
193 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn, majestic 不花鬘莊嚴其
194 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán to adorn; to perfect 不花鬘莊嚴其
195 2 阿闍梨 āshélí acarya; a religious teacher 惟願阿闍梨攝受於我
196 2 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又言
197 2 sān three
198 2 sān third
199 2 sān more than two
200 2 sān very few
201 2 sān San
202 2 sān three; tri
203 2 sān sa
204 2 sān three kinds; trividha
205 2 zhòng heavy 闍梨前二三重復
206 2 chóng to repeat 闍梨前二三重復
207 2 zhòng significant; serious; important 闍梨前二三重復
208 2 chóng layered; folded; tiered 闍梨前二三重復
209 2 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 闍梨前二三重復
210 2 zhòng sad 闍梨前二三重復
211 2 zhòng a weight 闍梨前二三重復
212 2 zhòng large in amount; valuable 闍梨前二三重復
213 2 zhòng thick; dense; strong 闍梨前二三重復
214 2 zhòng to prefer 闍梨前二三重復
215 2 zhòng to add 闍梨前二三重復
216 2 zhòng heavy; guru 闍梨前二三重復
217 2 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 弟子應於阿
218 2 弟子 dìzi youngster 弟子應於阿
219 2 弟子 dìzi prostitute 弟子應於阿
220 2 弟子 dìzi believer 弟子應於阿
221 2 弟子 dìzi disciple 弟子應於阿
222 2 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 弟子應於阿
223 2 cóng to follow 從今時發淨信心
224 2 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從今時發淨信心
225 2 cóng to participate in something 從今時發淨信心
226 2 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從今時發淨信心
227 2 cóng something secondary 從今時發淨信心
228 2 cóng remote relatives 從今時發淨信心
229 2 cóng secondary 從今時發淨信心
230 2 cóng to go on; to advance 從今時發淨信心
231 2 cōng at ease; informal 從今時發淨信心
232 2 zòng a follower; a supporter 從今時發淨信心
233 2 zòng to release 從今時發淨信心
234 2 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從今時發淨信心
235 2 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是三寶是所歸趣
236 2 to go back; to return 闍梨前二三重復
237 2 to resume; to restart 闍梨前二三重復
238 2 to do in detail 闍梨前二三重復
239 2 to restore 闍梨前二三重復
240 2 to respond; to reply to 闍梨前二三重復
241 2 Fu; Return 闍梨前二三重復
242 2 to retaliate; to reciprocate 闍梨前二三重復
243 2 to avoid forced labor or tax 闍梨前二三重復
244 2 Fu 闍梨前二三重復
245 2 doubled; to overlapping; folded 闍梨前二三重復
246 2 a lined garment with doubled thickness 闍梨前二三重復
247 2 所謂 suǒwèi so-called 所謂八戒
248 2 guǎng wide; large; vast 廣修一切相應勝行
249 2 guǎng Kangxi radical 53 廣修一切相應勝行
250 2 ān a hut 廣修一切相應勝行
251 2 guǎng a large building structure with no walls 廣修一切相應勝行
252 2 guǎng many; numerous; common 廣修一切相應勝行
253 2 guǎng to extend; to expand 廣修一切相應勝行
254 2 guǎng width; breadth; extent 廣修一切相應勝行
255 2 guǎng broad-minded; generous 廣修一切相應勝行
256 2 guǎng Guangzhou 廣修一切相應勝行
257 2 guàng a unit of east-west distance 廣修一切相應勝行
258 2 guàng a unit of 15 chariots 廣修一切相應勝行
259 2 kuàng barren 廣修一切相應勝行
260 2 guǎng Extensive 廣修一切相應勝行
261 2 guǎng vaipulya; vast; extended 廣修一切相應勝行
262 2 xiū to decorate; to embellish 後修八眾長養法
263 2 xiū to study; to cultivate 後修八眾長養法
264 2 xiū to repair 後修八眾長養法
265 2 xiū long; slender 後修八眾長養法
266 2 xiū to write; to compile 後修八眾長養法
267 2 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 後修八眾長養法
268 2 xiū to practice 後修八眾長養法
269 2 xiū to cut 後修八眾長養法
270 2 xiū virtuous; wholesome 後修八眾長養法
271 2 xiū a virtuous person 後修八眾長養法
272 2 xiū Xiu 後修八眾長養法
273 2 xiū to unknot 後修八眾長養法
274 2 xiū to prepare; to put in order 後修八眾長養法
275 2 xiū excellent 後修八眾長養法
276 2 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 後修八眾長養法
277 2 xiū Cultivation 後修八眾長養法
278 2 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 後修八眾長養法
279 2 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 後修八眾長養法
280 2 提供 tígōng to supply; to provide 伽耶山基金會提供
281 2 世間 shìjiān world; the human world 成佛世間廣利益
282 2 世間 shìjiān world 成佛世間廣利益
283 2 世間 shìjiān world; loka 成佛世間廣利益
284 2 Qi 不花鬘莊嚴其
285 2 三寶 sān bǎo three treasures 如是三寶是所歸趣
286 2 三寶 sān bǎo The Triple Gem; triple gem; ratnatraya 如是三寶是所歸趣
287 2 八戒 bājiè eight precepts 所謂八戒
288 2 zhǒng kind; type 當知八種長養法者
289 2 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 當知八種長養法者
290 2 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 當知八種長養法者
291 2 zhǒng seed; strain 當知八種長養法者
292 2 zhǒng offspring 當知八種長養法者
293 2 zhǒng breed 當知八種長養法者
294 2 zhǒng race 當知八種長養法者
295 2 zhǒng species 當知八種長養法者
296 2 zhǒng root; source; origin 當知八種長養法者
297 2 zhǒng grit; guts 當知八種長養法者
298 2 zhǒng seed; bīja 當知八種長養法者
299 2 yuē to speak; to say 即說伽陀頌曰
300 2 yuē Kangxi radical 73 即說伽陀頌曰
301 2 yuē to be called 即說伽陀頌曰
302 2 yuē said; ukta 即說伽陀頌曰
303 2 成佛 chéng fó Attaining Buddhahood 求成佛果
304 2 成佛 chéng fó to become a Buddha 求成佛果
305 2 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment 我今歸命勝菩提
306 2 菩提 pútí bodhi 我今歸命勝菩提
307 2 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment; awakening 我今歸命勝菩提
308 2 最上 zuìshàng supreme 最上清淨佛法眾
309 1 sufficient; enough 二足勝尊
310 1 Kangxi radical 157 二足勝尊
311 1 foot 二足勝尊
312 1 to attain; to suffice; to be qualified 二足勝尊
313 1 to satisfy 二足勝尊
314 1 leg 二足勝尊
315 1 football 二足勝尊
316 1 sound of footsteps; patter 二足勝尊
317 1 permitted 二足勝尊
318 1 to amount to; worthy 二足勝尊
319 1 Zu 二足勝尊
320 1 to step; to tread 二足勝尊
321 1 to stop; to halt 二足勝尊
322 1 prosperous 二足勝尊
323 1 excessive 二足勝尊
324 1 Contented 二足勝尊
325 1 foot; pāda 二足勝尊
326 1 satisfied; tṛpta 二足勝尊
327 1 qīng minister; high officer 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
328 1 qīng Qing 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
329 1 xiān first 先當不食一日中
330 1 xiān early; prior; former 先當不食一日中
331 1 xiān to go forward; to advance 先當不食一日中
332 1 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先當不食一日中
333 1 xiān to start 先當不食一日中
334 1 xiān ancestors; forebears 先當不食一日中
335 1 xiān before; in front 先當不食一日中
336 1 xiān fundamental; basic 先當不食一日中
337 1 xiān Xian 先當不食一日中
338 1 xiān ancient; archaic 先當不食一日中
339 1 xiān super 先當不食一日中
340 1 xiān deceased 先當不食一日中
341 1 xiān first; former; pūrva 先當不食一日中
342 1 shì a generation 此世不久成正覺
343 1 shì a period of thirty years 此世不久成正覺
344 1 shì the world 此世不久成正覺
345 1 shì years; age 此世不久成正覺
346 1 shì a dynasty 此世不久成正覺
347 1 shì secular; worldly 此世不久成正覺
348 1 shì over generations 此世不久成正覺
349 1 shì world 此世不久成正覺
350 1 shì an era 此世不久成正覺
351 1 shì from generation to generation; across generations 此世不久成正覺
352 1 shì to keep good family relations 此世不久成正覺
353 1 shì Shi 此世不久成正覺
354 1 shì a geologic epoch 此世不久成正覺
355 1 shì hereditary 此世不久成正覺
356 1 shì later generations 此世不久成正覺
357 1 shì a successor; an heir 此世不久成正覺
358 1 shì the current times 此世不久成正覺
359 1 shì loka; a world 此世不久成正覺
360 1 zuò to sit 乃至坐菩提場
361 1 zuò to ride 乃至坐菩提場
362 1 zuò to visit 乃至坐菩提場
363 1 zuò a seat 乃至坐菩提場
364 1 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 乃至坐菩提場
365 1 zuò to be in a position 乃至坐菩提場
366 1 zuò to convict; to try 乃至坐菩提場
367 1 zuò to stay 乃至坐菩提場
368 1 zuò to kneel 乃至坐菩提場
369 1 zuò to violate 乃至坐菩提場
370 1 zuò to sit; niṣad 乃至坐菩提場
371 1 zuò to sit cross-legged in meditation; paryaṅka 乃至坐菩提場
372 1 淨信 jìngxìn Pure Faith 甲淨信優婆塞
373 1 淨信 jìngxìn pure faith; prasāda 甲淨信優婆塞
374 1 淨心 jìngxīn Purify the Mind 從今日今時發起淨心
375 1 淨心 jìngxīn a purified mind 從今日今時發起淨心
376 1 skin 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
377 1 belly 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
378 1 to display; to set out 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
379 1 rind; peel 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
380 1 to state; to pass on information 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
381 1 forehead 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
382 1 belly; udara 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
383 1 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩眾攝受於我
384 1 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩眾攝受於我
385 1 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 菩薩眾攝受於我
386 1 shēn human body; torso 身及歌舞戲等
387 1 shēn Kangxi radical 158 身及歌舞戲等
388 1 shēn self 身及歌舞戲等
389 1 shēn life 身及歌舞戲等
390 1 shēn an object 身及歌舞戲等
391 1 shēn a lifetime 身及歌舞戲等
392 1 shēn moral character 身及歌舞戲等
393 1 shēn status; identity; position 身及歌舞戲等
394 1 shēn pregnancy 身及歌舞戲等
395 1 juān India 身及歌舞戲等
396 1 shēn body; kāya 身及歌舞戲等
397 1 不善 bù shàn akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious 懺除一切不善業
398 1 to stop
399 1 up until; until now; arrive at
400 1 to settle [an account]
401 1 intent on; niṣṭha
402 1 zhī to go 之名字
403 1 zhī to arrive; to go 之名字
404 1 zhī is 之名字
405 1 zhī to use 之名字
406 1 zhī Zhi 之名字
407 1 zhī winding 之名字
408 1 míng fame; renown; reputation 我名某甲
409 1 míng a name; personal name; designation 我名某甲
410 1 míng rank; position 我名某甲
411 1 míng an excuse 我名某甲
412 1 míng life 我名某甲
413 1 míng to name; to call 我名某甲
414 1 míng to express; to describe 我名某甲
415 1 míng to be called; to have the name 我名某甲
416 1 míng to own; to possess 我名某甲
417 1 míng famous; renowned 我名某甲
418 1 míng moral 我名某甲
419 1 míng name; naman 我名某甲
420 1 míng fame; renown; yasas 我名某甲
421 1 one
422 1 Kangxi radical 1
423 1 pure; concentrated
424 1 first
425 1 the same
426 1 sole; single
427 1 a very small amount
428 1 Yi
429 1 other
430 1 to unify
431 1 accidentally; coincidentally
432 1 abruptly; suddenly
433 1 one; eka
434 1 four
435 1 note a musical scale
436 1 fourth
437 1 Si
438 1 four; catur
439 1 闍梨 shélí acarya; teacher 闍梨前二三重復
440 1 business; industry 懺除一切不善業
441 1 activity; actions 懺除一切不善業
442 1 order; sequence 懺除一切不善業
443 1 to continue 懺除一切不善業
444 1 to start; to create 懺除一切不善業
445 1 karma 懺除一切不善業
446 1 hereditary trade; legacy 懺除一切不善業
447 1 a course of study; training 懺除一切不善業
448 1 a cause; an undertaking; an enterprise; an achievment; a pursuit 懺除一切不善業
449 1 an estate; a property 懺除一切不善業
450 1 an achievement 懺除一切不善業
451 1 to engage in 懺除一切不善業
452 1 Ye 懺除一切不善業
453 1 a horizontal board 懺除一切不善業
454 1 an occupation 懺除一切不善業
455 1 a kind of musical instrument 懺除一切不善業
456 1 a book 懺除一切不善業
457 1 actions; karma; karman 懺除一切不善業
458 1 activity; kriyā 懺除一切不善業
459 1 cháo to face 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
460 1 cháo dynasty 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
461 1 cháo Korea 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
462 1 zhāo morning; dawn 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
463 1 cháo the imperial court 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
464 1 zhāo a day 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
465 1 zhāo Zhao 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
466 1 zhāo having vitality 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
467 1 cháo to meet somebody; to visit 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
468 1 cháo to worship 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
469 1 zhāo early 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
470 1 cháo pūrvāhṇa; morning 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
471 1 sixth of 10 heavenly trunks 次復當稱己
472 1 Kangxi radical 49 次復當稱己
473 1 sixth 次復當稱己
474 1 self; ātman 次復當稱己
475 1 book; volume
476 1 a roll of bamboo slips
477 1 a plan; a scheme
478 1 to confer
479 1 chǎi a book with embroidered covers
480 1 patent of enfeoffment
481 1 yùn to bring together; to collect; to accumulate 隨喜無邊眾福蘊
482 1 yùn to contain 隨喜無邊眾福蘊
483 1 yùn profundity 隨喜無邊眾福蘊
484 1 yùn withered grass 隨喜無邊眾福蘊
485 1 yùn aggregate; skandha 隨喜無邊眾福蘊
486 1 five
487 1 fifth musical note
488 1 Wu
489 1 the five elements
490 1 five; pañca
491 1 勝行 shèngxíng distinguished actions 廣修一切相應勝行
492 1 不久 bùjiǔ not long; soon 此世不久成正覺
493 1 不飲酒 bù yǐn jiǔ refrain from consuming intoxicants 不飲酒
494 1 qián front 闍梨前二三重復
495 1 qián former; the past 闍梨前二三重復
496 1 qián to go forward 闍梨前二三重復
497 1 qián preceding 闍梨前二三重復
498 1 qián before; earlier; prior 闍梨前二三重復
499 1 qián to appear before 闍梨前二三重復
500 1 qián future 闍梨前二三重復

Frequencies of all Words

Top 789

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 12 I; me; my 菩薩眾攝受於我
2 12 self 菩薩眾攝受於我
3 12 we; our 菩薩眾攝受於我
4 12 [my] dear 菩薩眾攝受於我
5 12 Wo 菩薩眾攝受於我
6 12 self; atman; attan 菩薩眾攝受於我
7 12 ga 菩薩眾攝受於我
8 12 I; aham 菩薩眾攝受於我
9 6 in; at 菩薩眾攝受於我
10 6 in; at 菩薩眾攝受於我
11 6 in; at; to; from 菩薩眾攝受於我
12 6 to go; to 菩薩眾攝受於我
13 6 to rely on; to depend on 菩薩眾攝受於我
14 6 to go to; to arrive at 菩薩眾攝受於我
15 6 from 菩薩眾攝受於我
16 6 give 菩薩眾攝受於我
17 6 oppposing 菩薩眾攝受於我
18 6 and 菩薩眾攝受於我
19 6 compared to 菩薩眾攝受於我
20 6 by 菩薩眾攝受於我
21 6 and; as well as 菩薩眾攝受於我
22 6 for 菩薩眾攝受於我
23 6 Yu 菩薩眾攝受於我
24 6 a crow 菩薩眾攝受於我
25 6 whew; wow 菩薩眾攝受於我
26 6 near to; antike 菩薩眾攝受於我
27 5 not; no 先當不食一日中
28 5 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 先當不食一日中
29 5 as a correlative 先當不食一日中
30 5 no (answering a question) 先當不食一日中
31 5 forms a negative adjective from a noun 先當不食一日中
32 5 at the end of a sentence to form a question 先當不食一日中
33 5 to form a yes or no question 先當不食一日中
34 5 infix potential marker 先當不食一日中
35 5 no; na 先當不食一日中
36 5 shèng to beat; to win; to conquer 我今歸命勝菩提
37 5 shèng victory; success 我今歸命勝菩提
38 5 shèng wonderful; supurb; superior 我今歸命勝菩提
39 5 shèng to surpass 我今歸命勝菩提
40 5 shèng triumphant 我今歸命勝菩提
41 5 shèng a scenic view 我今歸命勝菩提
42 5 shèng a woman's hair decoration 我今歸命勝菩提
43 5 shèng Sheng 我今歸命勝菩提
44 5 shèng completely; fully 我今歸命勝菩提
45 5 shèng conquering; victorious; jaya 我今歸命勝菩提
46 5 shèng superior; agra 我今歸命勝菩提
47 4 zhòng many; numerous 菩薩眾攝受於我
48 4 zhòng masses; people; multitude; crowd 菩薩眾攝受於我
49 4 zhòng general; common; public 菩薩眾攝受於我
50 4 zhòng many; all; sarva 菩薩眾攝受於我
51 4 shì is; are; am; to be 說是伽陀已
52 4 shì is exactly 說是伽陀已
53 4 shì is suitable; is in contrast 說是伽陀已
54 4 shì this; that; those 說是伽陀已
55 4 shì really; certainly 說是伽陀已
56 4 shì correct; yes; affirmative 說是伽陀已
57 4 shì true 說是伽陀已
58 4 shì is; has; exists 說是伽陀已
59 4 shì used between repetitions of a word 說是伽陀已
60 4 shì a matter; an affair 說是伽陀已
61 4 shì Shi 說是伽陀已
62 4 shì is; bhū 說是伽陀已
63 4 shì this; idam 說是伽陀已
64 4 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 惟願一切佛
65 4 yuàn hope 惟願一切佛
66 4 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 惟願一切佛
67 4 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 惟願一切佛
68 4 yuàn a vow 惟願一切佛
69 4 yuàn diligent; attentive 惟願一切佛
70 4 yuàn to prefer; to select 惟願一切佛
71 4 yuàn to admire 惟願一切佛
72 4 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 惟願一切佛
73 4 jīn today; present; now 我今歸命勝菩提
74 4 jīn Jin 我今歸命勝菩提
75 4 jīn modern 我今歸命勝菩提
76 4 jīn now; adhunā 我今歸命勝菩提
77 4 一切 yīqiè all; every; everything 歸命一切佛
78 4 一切 yīqiè temporary 歸命一切佛
79 4 一切 yīqiè the same 歸命一切佛
80 4 一切 yīqiè generally 歸命一切佛
81 4 一切 yīqiè all, everything 歸命一切佛
82 4 一切 yīqiè all; sarva 歸命一切佛
83 4 eight 後修八眾長養法
84 4 Kangxi radical 12 後修八眾長養法
85 4 eighth 後修八眾長養法
86 4 all around; all sides 後修八眾長養法
87 4 eight; aṣṭa 後修八眾長養法
88 3 děng et cetera; and so on 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
89 3 děng to wait 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
90 3 děng degree; kind 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
91 3 děng plural 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
92 3 děng to be equal 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
93 3 děng degree; level 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
94 3 děng to compare 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
95 3 děng same; equal; sama 傳梵大師賜紫沙門臣法護等奉詔譯
96 3 zūn to honor; to respect 二足勝尊
97 3 zūn measure word for cannons and statues 二足勝尊
98 3 zūn a zun; an ancient wine vessel 二足勝尊
99 3 zūn a wine cup 二足勝尊
100 3 zūn respected; honorable; noble; senior 二足勝尊
101 3 zūn supreme; high 二足勝尊
102 3 zūn grave; solemn; dignified 二足勝尊
103 3 zūn your [honorable] 二足勝尊
104 3 zūn bhagavat; holy one 二足勝尊
105 3 zūn lord; patron; natha 二足勝尊
106 3 zūn superior; śreṣṭha 二足勝尊
107 3 佛說八種長養功德經 fó shuō bā zhǒng zhǎng yǎng gōngdé jīng Fo Shuo Ba Zhong Zhang Yang Gongde Jing 佛說八種長養功德經
108 3 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 先當不食一日中
109 3 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 先當不食一日中
110 3 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 先當不食一日中
111 3 dāng to face 先當不食一日中
112 3 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 先當不食一日中
113 3 dāng to manage; to host 先當不食一日中
114 3 dāng should 先當不食一日中
115 3 dāng to treat; to regard as 先當不食一日中
116 3 dǎng to think 先當不食一日中
117 3 dàng suitable; correspond to 先當不食一日中
118 3 dǎng to be equal 先當不食一日中
119 3 dàng that 先當不食一日中
120 3 dāng an end; top 先當不食一日中
121 3 dàng clang; jingle 先當不食一日中
122 3 dāng to judge 先當不食一日中
123 3 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 先當不食一日中
124 3 dàng the same 先當不食一日中
125 3 dàng to pawn 先當不食一日中
126 3 dàng to fail [an exam] 先當不食一日中
127 3 dàng a trap 先當不食一日中
128 3 dàng a pawned item 先當不食一日中
129 3 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 先當不食一日中
130 3 method; way 後修八眾長養法
131 3 France 後修八眾長養法
132 3 the law; rules; regulations 後修八眾長養法
133 3 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 後修八眾長養法
134 3 a standard; a norm 後修八眾長養法
135 3 an institution 後修八眾長養法
136 3 to emulate 後修八眾長養法
137 3 magic; a magic trick 後修八眾長養法
138 3 punishment 後修八眾長養法
139 3 Fa 後修八眾長養法
140 3 a precedent 後修八眾長養法
141 3 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 後修八眾長養法
142 3 relating to a ceremony or rite 後修八眾長養法
143 3 Dharma 後修八眾長養法
144 3 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 後修八眾長養法
145 3 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 後修八眾長養法
146 3 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 後修八眾長養法
147 3 quality; characteristic 後修八眾長養法
148 3 wéi only; solely; alone 惟願一切佛
149 3 wéi but 惟願一切佛
150 3 wéi used before a year, month, or day 惟願一切佛
151 3 wéi thought 惟願一切佛
152 3 wéi to think; to consider 惟願一切佛
153 3 wéi is 惟願一切佛
154 3 wéi has 惟願一切佛
155 3 wéi hopefully 惟願一切佛
156 3 wéi and 惟願一切佛
157 3 wéi otherwise 惟願一切佛
158 3 wéi so as to; because 惟願一切佛
159 3 wéi to understand 惟願一切佛
160 3 wéi merely; mātra 惟願一切佛
161 3 shí time; a point or period of time 從今時發淨信心
162 3 shí a season; a quarter of a year 從今時發淨信心
163 3 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 從今時發淨信心
164 3 shí at that time 從今時發淨信心
165 3 shí fashionable 從今時發淨信心
166 3 shí fate; destiny; luck 從今時發淨信心
167 3 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 從今時發淨信心
168 3 shí tense 從今時發淨信心
169 3 shí particular; special 從今時發淨信心
170 3 shí to plant; to cultivate 從今時發淨信心
171 3 shí hour (measure word) 從今時發淨信心
172 3 shí an era; a dynasty 從今時發淨信心
173 3 shí time [abstract] 從今時發淨信心
174 3 shí seasonal 從今時發淨信心
175 3 shí frequently; often 從今時發淨信心
176 3 shí occasionally; sometimes 從今時發淨信心
177 3 shí on time 從今時發淨信心
178 3 shí this; that 從今時發淨信心
179 3 shí to wait upon 從今時發淨信心
180 3 shí hour 從今時發淨信心
181 3 shí appropriate; proper; timely 從今時發淨信心
182 3 shí Shi 從今時發淨信心
183 3 shí a present; currentlt 從今時發淨信心
184 3 shí time; kāla 從今時發淨信心
185 3 shí at that time; samaya 從今時發淨信心
186 3 shí then; atha 從今時發淨信心
187 3 shì to vow; to pledge; to swear 誓歸依佛
188 3 shì an oath; a vow 誓歸依佛
189 3 shì unconditionally 誓歸依佛
190 3 shì to vow; pratijñā 誓歸依佛
191 3 xīn heart [organ]
192 3 xīn Kangxi radical 61
193 3 xīn mind; consciousness
194 3 xīn the center; the core; the middle
195 3 xīn one of the 28 star constellations
196 3 xīn heart
197 3 xīn emotion
198 3 xīn intention; consideration
199 3 xīn disposition; temperament
200 3 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality
201 3 xīn heart; hṛdaya
202 3 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā
203 3 hair 我發廣大菩提心
204 3 to send out; to issue; to emit; to radiate 我發廣大菩提心
205 3 round 我發廣大菩提心
206 3 to hand over; to deliver; to offer 我發廣大菩提心
207 3 to express; to show; to be manifest 我發廣大菩提心
208 3 to start out; to set off 我發廣大菩提心
209 3 to open 我發廣大菩提心
210 3 to requisition 我發廣大菩提心
211 3 to occur 我發廣大菩提心
212 3 to declare; to proclaim; to utter 我發廣大菩提心
213 3 to express; to give vent 我發廣大菩提心
214 3 to excavate 我發廣大菩提心
215 3 to develop; to cultivate; to grow; to bloom; to flower 我發廣大菩提心
216 3 to get rich 我發廣大菩提心
217 3 to rise; to expand; to inflate; to swell 我發廣大菩提心
218 3 to sell 我發廣大菩提心
219 3 to shoot with a bow 我發廣大菩提心
220 3 to rise in revolt 我發廣大菩提心
221 3 to propose; to put forward; to suggest; to initiate 我發廣大菩提心
222 3 to enlighten; to inspire 我發廣大菩提心
223 3 to publicize; to make known; to show off; to spread 我發廣大菩提心
224 3 to ignite; to set on fire 我發廣大菩提心
225 3 to sing; to play 我發廣大菩提心
226 3 to feel; to sense 我發廣大菩提心
227 3 to act; to do 我發廣大菩提心
228 3 grass and moss 我發廣大菩提心
229 3 Fa 我發廣大菩提心
230 3 to issue; to emit; utpāda 我發廣大菩提心
231 3 hair; keśa 我發廣大菩提心
232 3 伽陀 jiātuó gatha; verse 即說伽陀頌曰
233 3 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 即說伽陀頌曰
234 3 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 即說伽陀頌曰
235 3 shuì to persuade 即說伽陀頌曰
236 3 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 即說伽陀頌曰
237 3 shuō a doctrine; a theory 即說伽陀頌曰
238 3 shuō to claim; to assert 即說伽陀頌曰
239 3 shuō allocution 即說伽陀頌曰
240 3 shuō to criticize; to scold 即說伽陀頌曰
241 3 shuō to indicate; to refer to 即說伽陀頌曰
242 3 shuō speach; vāda 即說伽陀頌曰
243 3 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 即說伽陀頌曰
244 3 shuō to instruct 即說伽陀頌曰
245 2 歸命 guīmìng to devote one's life 歸命一切佛
246 2 歸命 guīmìng namo; to pay respect to; homage 歸命一切佛
247 2 Buddha; Awakened One 歸命一切佛
248 2 relating to Buddhism 歸命一切佛
249 2 a statue or image of a Buddha 歸命一切佛
250 2 a Buddhist text 歸命一切佛
251 2 to touch; to stroke 歸命一切佛
252 2 Buddha 歸命一切佛
253 2 Buddha; Awakened One 歸命一切佛
254 2 攝受 shèshòu to receive, take in 菩薩眾攝受於我
255 2 攝受 shèshòu to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness 菩薩眾攝受於我
256 2 利益 lìyì benefit; interest 自他利益皆成就
257 2 利益 lìyì benefit 自他利益皆成就
258 2 利益 lìyì benefit; upakara 自他利益皆成就
259 2 長養 chángyǎng to nurture 後修八眾長養法
260 2 長養 chángyǎng fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha 後修八眾長養法
261 2 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil; pure 最上清淨佛法眾
262 2 清淨 qīngjìng peaceful; quiet; tranquil 最上清淨佛法眾
263 2 清淨 qīngjìng concise 最上清淨佛法眾
264 2 清淨 qīngjìng simple and clear; concise 最上清淨佛法眾
265 2 清淨 qīngjìng pure and clean 最上清淨佛法眾
266 2 清淨 qīngjìng purity 最上清淨佛法眾
267 2 清淨 qīngjìng pure; cleansed; purified of defiling illusion; visuddhi 最上清淨佛法眾
268 2 èr two 二足勝尊
269 2 èr Kangxi radical 7 二足勝尊
270 2 èr second 二足勝尊
271 2 èr twice; double; di- 二足勝尊
272 2 èr another; the other 二足勝尊
273 2 èr more than one kind 二足勝尊
274 2 èr two; dvā; dvi 二足勝尊
275 2 èr both; dvaya 二足勝尊
276 2 乃至 nǎizhì and even 乃至坐菩提場
277 2 乃至 nǎizhì as much as; yavat 乃至坐菩提場
278 2 歸依 guīyī to depend on 誓歸依法
279 2 歸依 guīyī to take refuge [in the Triple Gem] 誓歸依法
280 2 二三 èr sān six non-Buddhist philosophers 闍梨前二三重復
281 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán stately; solemn 不花鬘莊嚴其
282 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán Dignity 不花鬘莊嚴其
283 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán solemn, majestic 不花鬘莊嚴其
284 2 莊嚴 zhuāngyán to adorn; to perfect 不花鬘莊嚴其
285 2 阿闍梨 āshélí acarya; a religious teacher 惟願阿闍梨攝受於我
286 2 yòu again; also 又言
287 2 yòu expresses the existence of simultaneous conditions 又言
288 2 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又言
289 2 yòu and 又言
290 2 yòu furthermore 又言
291 2 yòu in addition 又言
292 2 yòu but 又言
293 2 yòu again; also; moreover; punar 又言
294 2 sān three
295 2 sān third
296 2 sān more than two
297 2 sān very few
298 2 sān repeatedly
299 2 sān San
300 2 sān three; tri
301 2 sān sa
302 2 sān three kinds; trividha
303 2 zhòng heavy 闍梨前二三重復
304 2 chóng to repeat 闍梨前二三重復
305 2 chóng repetition; iteration; layer 闍梨前二三重復
306 2 chóng again 闍梨前二三重復
307 2 zhòng significant; serious; important 闍梨前二三重復
308 2 chóng layered; folded; tiered 闍梨前二三重復
309 2 zhòng to attach importance to; to honor; to respect 闍梨前二三重復
310 2 zhòng sad 闍梨前二三重復
311 2 zhòng a weight 闍梨前二三重復
312 2 zhòng large in amount; valuable 闍梨前二三重復
313 2 zhòng thick; dense; strong 闍梨前二三重復
314 2 zhòng to prefer 闍梨前二三重復
315 2 zhòng to add 闍梨前二三重復
316 2 zhòng cautiously; prudently 闍梨前二三重復
317 2 zhòng heavy; guru 闍梨前二三重復
318 2 弟子 dìzi disciple; follower; student 弟子應於阿
319 2 弟子 dìzi youngster 弟子應於阿
320 2 弟子 dìzi prostitute 弟子應於阿
321 2 弟子 dìzi believer 弟子應於阿
322 2 弟子 dìzi disciple 弟子應於阿
323 2 弟子 dìzi disciple; śiṣya; śrāvaka 弟子應於阿
324 2 cóng from 從今時發淨信心
325 2 cóng to follow 從今時發淨信心
326 2 cóng past; through 從今時發淨信心
327 2 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 從今時發淨信心
328 2 cóng to participate in something 從今時發淨信心
329 2 cóng to use a certain method or principle 從今時發淨信心
330 2 cóng usually 從今時發淨信心
331 2 cóng something secondary 從今時發淨信心
332 2 cóng remote relatives 從今時發淨信心
333 2 cóng secondary 從今時發淨信心
334 2 cóng to go on; to advance 從今時發淨信心
335 2 cōng at ease; informal 從今時發淨信心
336 2 zòng a follower; a supporter 從今時發淨信心
337 2 zòng to release 從今時發淨信心
338 2 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 從今時發淨信心
339 2 cóng receiving; upādāya 從今時發淨信心
340 2 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是三寶是所歸趣
341 2 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是三寶是所歸趣
342 2 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是三寶是所歸趣
343 2 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是三寶是所歸趣
344 2 again; more; repeatedly 闍梨前二三重復
345 2 to go back; to return 闍梨前二三重復
346 2 to resume; to restart 闍梨前二三重復
347 2 to do in detail 闍梨前二三重復
348 2 to restore 闍梨前二三重復
349 2 to respond; to reply to 闍梨前二三重復
350 2 after all; and then 闍梨前二三重復
351 2 even if; although 闍梨前二三重復
352 2 Fu; Return 闍梨前二三重復
353 2 to retaliate; to reciprocate 闍梨前二三重復
354 2 to avoid forced labor or tax 闍梨前二三重復
355 2 particle without meaing 闍梨前二三重復
356 2 Fu 闍梨前二三重復
357 2 repeated; again 闍梨前二三重復
358 2 doubled; to overlapping; folded 闍梨前二三重復
359 2 a lined garment with doubled thickness 闍梨前二三重復
360 2 again; punar 闍梨前二三重復
361 2 所謂 suǒwèi so-called 所謂八戒
362 2 guǎng wide; large; vast 廣修一切相應勝行
363 2 guǎng Kangxi radical 53 廣修一切相應勝行
364 2 ān a hut 廣修一切相應勝行
365 2 guǎng a large building structure with no walls 廣修一切相應勝行
366 2 guǎng many; numerous; common 廣修一切相應勝行
367 2 guǎng to extend; to expand 廣修一切相應勝行
368 2 guǎng width; breadth; extent 廣修一切相應勝行
369 2 guǎng broad-minded; generous 廣修一切相應勝行
370 2 guǎng Guangzhou 廣修一切相應勝行
371 2 guàng a unit of east-west distance 廣修一切相應勝行
372 2 guàng a unit of 15 chariots 廣修一切相應勝行
373 2 kuàng barren 廣修一切相應勝行
374 2 guǎng Extensive 廣修一切相應勝行
375 2 guǎng vaipulya; vast; extended 廣修一切相應勝行
376 2 xiū to decorate; to embellish 後修八眾長養法
377 2 xiū to study; to cultivate 後修八眾長養法
378 2 xiū to repair 後修八眾長養法
379 2 xiū long; slender 後修八眾長養法
380 2 xiū to write; to compile 後修八眾長養法
381 2 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 後修八眾長養法
382 2 xiū to practice 後修八眾長養法
383 2 xiū to cut 後修八眾長養法
384 2 xiū virtuous; wholesome 後修八眾長養法
385 2 xiū a virtuous person 後修八眾長養法
386 2 xiū Xiu 後修八眾長養法
387 2 xiū to unknot 後修八眾長養法
388 2 xiū to prepare; to put in order 後修八眾長養法
389 2 xiū excellent 後修八眾長養法
390 2 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 後修八眾長養法
391 2 xiū Cultivation 後修八眾長養法
392 2 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 後修八眾長養法
393 2 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 後修八眾長養法
394 2 提供 tígōng to supply; to provide 伽耶山基金會提供
395 2 世間 shìjiān world; the human world 成佛世間廣利益
396 2 世間 shìjiān world 成佛世間廣利益
397 2 世間 shìjiān world; loka 成佛世間廣利益
398 2 his; hers; its; theirs 不花鬘莊嚴其
399 2 to add emphasis 不花鬘莊嚴其
400 2 used when asking a question in reply to a question 不花鬘莊嚴其
401 2 used when making a request or giving an order 不花鬘莊嚴其
402 2 he; her; it; them 不花鬘莊嚴其
403 2 probably; likely 不花鬘莊嚴其
404 2 will 不花鬘莊嚴其
405 2 may 不花鬘莊嚴其
406 2 if 不花鬘莊嚴其
407 2 or 不花鬘莊嚴其
408 2 Qi 不花鬘莊嚴其
409 2 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 不花鬘莊嚴其
410 2 三寶 sān bǎo three treasures 如是三寶是所歸趣
411 2 三寶 sān bǎo The Triple Gem; triple gem; ratnatraya 如是三寶是所歸趣
412 2 八戒 bājiè eight precepts 所謂八戒
413 2 zhǒng kind; type 當知八種長養法者
414 2 zhòng to plant; to grow; to cultivate 當知八種長養法者
415 2 zhǒng kind; type 當知八種長養法者
416 2 zhǒng kind; type; race; breed; seed; species 當知八種長養法者
417 2 zhǒng seed; strain 當知八種長養法者
418 2 zhǒng offspring 當知八種長養法者
419 2 zhǒng breed 當知八種長養法者
420 2 zhǒng race 當知八種長養法者
421 2 zhǒng species 當知八種長養法者
422 2 zhǒng root; source; origin 當知八種長養法者
423 2 zhǒng grit; guts 當知八種長養法者
424 2 zhǒng seed; bīja 當知八種長養法者
425 2 yuē to speak; to say 即說伽陀頌曰
426 2 yuē Kangxi radical 73 即說伽陀頌曰
427 2 yuē to be called 即說伽陀頌曰
428 2 yuē particle without meaning 即說伽陀頌曰
429 2 yuē said; ukta 即說伽陀頌曰
430 2 成佛 chéng fó Attaining Buddhahood 求成佛果
431 2 成佛 chéng fó to become a Buddha 求成佛果
432 2 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment 我今歸命勝菩提
433 2 菩提 pútí bodhi 我今歸命勝菩提
434 2 菩提 pútí bodhi; enlightenment; awakening 我今歸命勝菩提
435 2 最上 zuìshàng supreme 最上清淨佛法眾
436 1 sufficient; enough 二足勝尊
437 1 Kangxi radical 157 二足勝尊
438 1 foot 二足勝尊
439 1 to attain; to suffice; to be qualified 二足勝尊
440 1 to satisfy 二足勝尊
441 1 leg 二足勝尊
442 1 football 二足勝尊
443 1 fully 二足勝尊
444 1 sound of footsteps; patter 二足勝尊
445 1 permitted 二足勝尊
446 1 to amount to; worthy 二足勝尊
447 1 Zu 二足勝尊
448 1 to step; to tread 二足勝尊
449 1 to stop; to halt 二足勝尊
450 1 prosperous 二足勝尊
451 1 excessive 二足勝尊
452 1 Contented 二足勝尊
453 1 foot; pāda 二足勝尊
454 1 satisfied; tṛpta 二足勝尊
455 1 qīng minister; high officer 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
456 1 qīng term of endearment between spouses 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
457 1 qīng you 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
458 1 qīng noble; your lordship 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
459 1 qīng Qing 西天譯經三藏朝散大夫試鴻臚卿
460 1 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 自他利益皆成就
461 1 jiē same; equally 自他利益皆成就
462 1 jiē all; sarva 自他利益皆成就
463 1 xiān first 先當不食一日中
464 1 xiān early; prior; former 先當不食一日中
465 1 xiān to go forward; to advance 先當不食一日中
466 1 xiān to attach importance to; to value 先當不食一日中
467 1 xiān to start 先當不食一日中
468 1 xiān ancestors; forebears 先當不食一日中
469 1 xiān earlier 先當不食一日中
470 1 xiān before; in front 先當不食一日中
471 1 xiān fundamental; basic 先當不食一日中
472 1 xiān Xian 先當不食一日中
473 1 xiān ancient; archaic 先當不食一日中
474 1 xiān super 先當不食一日中
475 1 xiān deceased 先當不食一日中
476 1 xiān first; former; pūrva 先當不食一日中
477 1 shì a generation 此世不久成正覺
478 1 shì a period of thirty years 此世不久成正覺
479 1 shì the world 此世不久成正覺
480 1 shì years; age 此世不久成正覺
481 1 shì a dynasty 此世不久成正覺
482 1 shì secular; worldly 此世不久成正覺
483 1 shì over generations 此世不久成正覺
484 1 shì always 此世不久成正覺
485 1 shì world 此世不久成正覺
486 1 shì a life; a lifetime 此世不久成正覺
487 1 shì an era 此世不久成正覺
488 1 shì from generation to generation; across generations 此世不久成正覺
489 1 shì to keep good family relations 此世不久成正覺
490 1 shì Shi 此世不久成正覺
491 1 shì a geologic epoch 此世不久成正覺
492 1 shì hereditary 此世不久成正覺
493 1 shì later generations 此世不久成正覺
494 1 shì a successor; an heir 此世不久成正覺
495 1 shì the current times 此世不久成正覺
496 1 shì loka; a world 此世不久成正覺
497 1 zuò to sit 乃至坐菩提場
498 1 zuò to ride 乃至坐菩提場
499 1 zuò to visit 乃至坐菩提場
500 1 zuò a seat 乃至坐菩提場


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. self; atman; attan
  2. ga
  3. I; aham
near to; antike
no; na
  1. shèng
  2. shèng
  1. conquering; victorious; jaya
  2. superior; agra
zhòng many; all; sarva
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam
yuàn a vow; pranidhana
jīn now; adhunā
  1. yīqiè
  2. yīqiè
  1. all, everything
  2. all; sarva
eight; aṣṭa

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
赐紫沙门 賜紫沙門 99 Master Ci Zi
法护 法護 102
  1. Dharmarakṣa
  2. Dharmarakṣa
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
佛说八种长养功德经 佛說八種長養功德經 102 Fo Shuo Ba Zhong Zhang Yang Gongde Jing
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
伽耶山 106 Gayā
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
西天 120 India; Indian continent


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 40.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿闍梨 阿闍梨 196 acarya; a religious teacher
八戒 98 eight precepts
不非时食 不非時食 98 no eating at inappropriate times
不杀生 不殺生 98 Refrain from killing
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不偷盗 不偷盜 98 refrain from stealing
不饮酒 不飲酒 98 refrain from consuming intoxicants
不坐卧高广大床 不坐臥高廣大床 98 not sit or lie on a high and wide bed
忏除 懺除 99 confession and forgiveness
长养 長養 99
  1. to nurture
  2. fortnightly recital of monastic rules and confession; upoṣadha
成等正觉 成等正覺 99 attain perfect enlightenment
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
成正觉 成正覺 99 to become a Buddha
持戒 99
  1. to uphold precepts
  2. morality; to uphold precepts
次复 次復 99 afterwards; then
二三 195 six non-Buddhist philosophers
梵行 102
  1. brahmacarya; pure practices; religious life
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
归依佛 歸依佛 103 to take refuge in the Buddha
护念 護念 104
  1. Safeguard the Mind
  2. for a Buddha, bodhisattva, or demigod to protect a Buddhist disciple
  3. focus the mind on; samanvāharati
伽陀 106 gatha; verse
净信心 淨信心 106 serene faith
净心 淨心 106
  1. Purify the Mind
  2. a purified mind
净信 淨信 106
  1. Pure Faith
  2. pure faith; prasāda
离欲 離欲 108 free of desire
菩提场 菩提場 112 bodhimanda; place of enlightenment
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
善业 善業 115 wholesome acts; good actions
阇梨 闍梨 115 acarya; teacher
胜行 勝行 115 distinguished actions
摄受 攝受 115
  1. to receive, take in
  2. to protect; to uphold; received and taken care of; kindness
随喜 隨喜 115
  1. to rejoice [in the welfare of others]
  2. anumodana; admiration
所行 115 actions; practice
调伏 調伏 116
  1. to subdue
  2. tame; to mediate between physical, verbal, and mental karma and overcome evil
无二 無二 119 advaya; nonduality; not two
译经 譯經 121 to translate the scriptures
忆持 憶持 121 to keep in mind; to remember; dhāraṇa
优婆塞 優婆塞 121
  1. upasaka
  2. upasaka; a male lay Buddhist
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings
最上 122 supreme