Glossary and Vocabulary for Abhidharmajñānaprasthānaśāstra (Apitan Ba Jiandu Lun) 阿毘曇八犍度論, Scroll 22

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 340 gēn origin; cause; basis 根犍度始心跋渠第四
2 340 gēn radical 根犍度始心跋渠第四
3 340 gēn a plant root 根犍度始心跋渠第四
4 340 gēn base; foot 根犍度始心跋渠第四
5 340 gēn offspring 根犍度始心跋渠第四
6 340 gēn a square root; to nth root; the solution of a mathematical equation 根犍度始心跋渠第四
7 340 gēn according to 根犍度始心跋渠第四
8 340 gēn gen 根犍度始心跋渠第四
9 340 gēn an organ; a part of the body 根犍度始心跋渠第四
10 340 gēn a sense; a faculty 根犍度始心跋渠第四
11 340 gēn mūla; a root 根犍度始心跋渠第四
12 215 děng et cetera; and so on 等見乃至等定
13 215 děng to wait 等見乃至等定
14 215 děng to be equal 等見乃至等定
15 215 děng degree; level 等見乃至等定
16 215 děng to compare 等見乃至等定
17 215 děng same; equal; sama 等見乃至等定
18 136 答曰 dá yuē to reply 答曰
19 133 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 若成就眼根
20 133 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 若成就眼根
21 133 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 若成就眼根
22 133 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 若成就眼根
23 133 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 若成就眼根
24 133 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 若成就眼根
25 133 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 若成就眼根
26 117 不成 bùchéng unsuccessful 若不成就學根得
27 117 不成 bùchéng will not do; will not work 若不成就學根得
28 117 不成 bùchéng don't tell me ... 若不成就學根得
29 110 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
30 110 jiù to assume 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
31 110 jiù to receive; to suffer 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
32 110 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
33 110 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
34 110 jiù to accomplish 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
35 110 jiù to go with 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
36 110 jiù to die 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
37 94 fēi Kangxi radical 175 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
38 94 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
39 94 fēi different 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
40 94 fēi to not be; to not have 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
41 94 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
42 94 fēi Africa 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
43 94 fēi to slander 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
44 94 fěi to avoid 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
45 94 fēi must 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
46 94 fēi an error 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
47 94 fēi a problem; a question 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
48 94 fēi evil 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
49 92 xīn heart [organ] 根犍度始心跋渠第四
50 92 xīn Kangxi radical 61 根犍度始心跋渠第四
51 92 xīn mind; consciousness 根犍度始心跋渠第四
52 92 xīn the center; the core; the middle 根犍度始心跋渠第四
53 92 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 根犍度始心跋渠第四
54 92 xīn heart 根犍度始心跋渠第四
55 92 xīn emotion 根犍度始心跋渠第四
56 92 xīn intention; consideration 根犍度始心跋渠第四
57 92 xīn disposition; temperament 根犍度始心跋渠第四
58 92 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 根犍度始心跋渠第四
59 92 xīn heart; hṛdaya 根犍度始心跋渠第四
60 92 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 根犍度始心跋渠第四
61 89 must 彼必成就五根
62 89 Bi 彼必成就五根
63 88 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 始興始住始盡
64 88 jìn perfect; flawless 始興始住始盡
65 88 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 始興始住始盡
66 88 jìn to vanish 始興始住始盡
67 88 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 始興始住始盡
68 88 jìn to die 始興始住始盡
69 88 jìn exhaustion; kṣaya 始興始住始盡
70 86 infix potential marker 有脩不脩
71 76 現在 xiànzài existing at the present moment; pratyutpanna 幾根現在前
72 70 several 無想定幾根盡
73 70 Kangxi radical 16 無想定幾根盡
74 70 subtle; invisible; imperceptible 無想定幾根盡
75 70 sign; omen 無想定幾根盡
76 70 near to 無想定幾根盡
77 70 imminent danger 無想定幾根盡
78 70 circumstances 無想定幾根盡
79 70 duration; time 無想定幾根盡
80 70 opportunity 無想定幾根盡
81 70 never has; hasn't yet 無想定幾根盡
82 70 a small table 無想定幾根盡
83 70 [self] composed 無想定幾根盡
84 70 ji 無想定幾根盡
85 68 相應 xiāngyìng relevant; corresponding 意根幾根相應
86 68 相應 xiāngyìng to respond; to act in response 意根幾根相應
87 68 相應 xiāngying cheap; inexpensive 意根幾根相應
88 68 相應 xiāngyìng response, correspond 意根幾根相應
89 68 相應 xiāngyìng concomitant 意根幾根相應
90 68 相應 xiāngyìng Sō-ō 意根幾根相應
91 66 method; way 何繫心心法盡
92 66 France 何繫心心法盡
93 66 the law; rules; regulations 何繫心心法盡
94 66 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 何繫心心法盡
95 66 a standard; a norm 何繫心心法盡
96 66 an institution 何繫心心法盡
97 66 to emulate 何繫心心法盡
98 66 magic; a magic trick 何繫心心法盡
99 66 punishment 何繫心心法盡
100 66 Fa 何繫心心法盡
101 66 a precedent 何繫心心法盡
102 66 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 何繫心心法盡
103 66 relating to a ceremony or rite 何繫心心法盡
104 66 Dharma 何繫心心法盡
105 66 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 何繫心心法盡
106 66 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 何繫心心法盡
107 66 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 何繫心心法盡
108 66 quality; characteristic 何繫心心法盡
109 65 ye
110 65 ya
111 61 eight 或八
112 61 Kangxi radical 12 或八
113 61 eighth 或八
114 61 all around; all sides 或八
115 61 eight; aṣṭa 或八
116 59 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
117 59 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
118 59 過去 guòqu to die 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
119 59 過去 guòqu already past 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
120 59 過去 guòqu to go forward 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
121 59 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
122 59 過去 guòqù past 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
123 59 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
124 58 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 等方便
125 58 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 等方便
126 58 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 等方便
127 58 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 等方便
128 58 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 等方便
129 58 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 等方便
130 58 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 等方便
131 58 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 等方便
132 58 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 等方便
133 58 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 等方便
134 55 one
135 55 Kangxi radical 1
136 55 pure; concentrated
137 55 first
138 55 the same
139 55 sole; single
140 55 a very small amount
141 55 Yi
142 55 other
143 55 to unify
144 55 accidentally; coincidentally
145 55 abruptly; suddenly
146 55 one; eka
147 55 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 等志
148 55 zhì to write down; to record 等志
149 55 zhì Zhi 等志
150 55 zhì a written record; a treatise 等志
151 55 zhì to remember 等志
152 55 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 等志
153 55 zhì a birthmark; a mole 等志
154 55 zhì determination; will 等志
155 55 zhì a magazine 等志
156 55 zhì to measure; to weigh 等志
157 55 zhì aspiration 等志
158 55 zhì Aspiration 等志
159 55 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 等志
160 55 to connect; to relate 何繫心心法盡
161 55 department 何繫心心法盡
162 55 system 何繫心心法盡
163 55 connection; relation 何繫心心法盡
164 55 connection; relation 何繫心心法盡
165 55 to bind; to tie up 何繫心心法盡
166 55 to involve 何繫心心法盡
167 55 to tie; to bind; to fasten 何繫心心法盡
168 55 lineage 何繫心心法盡
169 55 to hang from; to suspend; to depend 何繫心心法盡
170 55 a belt; a band; a girdle 何繫心心法盡
171 55 the coda of a fu 何繫心心法盡
172 55 to be 何繫心心法盡
173 55 to relate to 何繫心心法盡
174 55 to detain; to imprison 何繫心心法盡
175 55 to be concerned; to be mindful of 何繫心心法盡
176 55 Xi 何繫心心法盡
177 55 to tie; to fasten 何繫心心法盡
178 55 to hang from; to suspend 何繫心心法盡
179 55 to connect; to relate 何繫心心法盡
180 55 a belt; a band 何繫心心法盡
181 55 a connection; a relation 何繫心心法盡
182 55 a belt; a band 何繫心心法盡
183 55 to tie 何繫心心法盡
184 55 to tie; grantha 何繫心心法盡
185 55 hi 何繫心心法盡
186 54 等智 děngzhì secular knowledge 等智
187 49 未來 wèilái future 去未來
188 49 extra; surplus 諸餘心
189 49 odd; surplus over a round number 諸餘心
190 49 to remain 諸餘心
191 49 other 諸餘心
192 49 additional; complementary 諸餘心
193 49 remaining 諸餘心
194 49 incomplete 諸餘心
195 49 Yu 諸餘心
196 49 other; anya 諸餘心
197 49 qián front 幾根現在前
198 49 qián former; the past 幾根現在前
199 49 qián to go forward 幾根現在前
200 49 qián preceding 幾根現在前
201 49 qián before; earlier; prior 幾根現在前
202 49 qián to appear before 幾根現在前
203 49 qián future 幾根現在前
204 49 qián top; first 幾根現在前
205 49 qián battlefront 幾根現在前
206 49 qián before; former; pūrva 幾根現在前
207 49 qián facing; mukha 幾根現在前
208 47 yán to speak; to say; said 一切眾生當言始心興
209 47 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 一切眾生當言始心興
210 47 yán Kangxi radical 149 一切眾生當言始心興
211 47 yán phrase; sentence 一切眾生當言始心興
212 47 yán a word; a syllable 一切眾生當言始心興
213 47 yán a theory; a doctrine 一切眾生當言始心興
214 47 yán to regard as 一切眾生當言始心興
215 47 yán to act as 一切眾生當言始心興
216 47 yán word; vacana 一切眾生當言始心興
217 47 yán speak; vad 一切眾生當言始心興
218 46 to carry on the shoulder 何盡耶
219 46 what 何盡耶
220 46 He 何盡耶
221 45 無記 wú jì not explained; indeterminate 為無記耶
222 43 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是
223 42 xiū to decorate; to embellish 修眼根
224 42 xiū to study; to cultivate 修眼根
225 42 xiū to repair 修眼根
226 42 xiū long; slender 修眼根
227 42 xiū to write; to compile 修眼根
228 42 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 修眼根
229 42 xiū to practice 修眼根
230 42 xiū to cut 修眼根
231 42 xiū virtuous; wholesome 修眼根
232 42 xiū a virtuous person 修眼根
233 42 xiū Xiu 修眼根
234 42 xiū to unknot 修眼根
235 42 xiū to prepare; to put in order 修眼根
236 42 xiū excellent 修眼根
237 42 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 修眼根
238 42 xiū Cultivation 修眼根
239 42 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 修眼根
240 42 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 修眼根
241 41 jiàn to see 等見乃至等定
242 41 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 等見乃至等定
243 41 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 等見乃至等定
244 41 jiàn refer to; for details see 等見乃至等定
245 41 jiàn to listen to 等見乃至等定
246 41 jiàn to meet 等見乃至等定
247 41 jiàn to receive (a guest) 等見乃至等定
248 41 jiàn let me; kindly 等見乃至等定
249 41 jiàn Jian 等見乃至等定
250 41 xiàn to appear 等見乃至等定
251 41 xiàn to introduce 等見乃至等定
252 41 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 等見乃至等定
253 41 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 等見乃至等定
254 38 心心 xīn xīn the mind and mental conditions 何繫心心法盡
255 38 wèi to call 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
256 38 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
257 38 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
258 38 wèi to treat as; to regard as 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
259 38 wèi introducing a condition situation 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
260 38 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
261 38 wèi to think 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
262 38 wèi for; is to be 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
263 38 wèi to make; to cause 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
264 38 wèi principle; reason 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
265 38 wèi Wei 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
266 36 niàn to read aloud 念覺意乃
267 36 niàn to remember; to expect 念覺意乃
268 36 niàn to miss 念覺意乃
269 36 niàn to consider 念覺意乃
270 36 niàn to recite; to chant 念覺意乃
271 36 niàn to show affection for 念覺意乃
272 36 niàn a thought; an idea 念覺意乃
273 36 niàn twenty 念覺意乃
274 36 niàn memory 念覺意乃
275 36 niàn an instant 念覺意乃
276 36 niàn Nian 念覺意乃
277 36 niàn mindfulness; smrti 念覺意乃
278 36 niàn a thought; citta 念覺意乃
279 36 無學 wúxué aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept 無生智無學等見亦如
280 36 無學 wúxué Muhak 無生智無學等見亦如
281 35 無漏 wúlòu Untainted 彼一切棄無漏根得無漏根耶
282 35 無漏 wúlòu having no passion or delusion; anasrava 彼一切棄無漏根得無漏根耶
283 32 Kangxi radical 71 諸心無欲
284 32 to not have; without 諸心無欲
285 32 mo 諸心無欲
286 32 to not have 諸心無欲
287 32 Wu 諸心無欲
288 32 mo 諸心無欲
289 31 to enter 入無想定
290 31 Kangxi radical 11 入無想定
291 31 radical 入無想定
292 31 income 入無想定
293 31 to conform with 入無想定
294 31 to descend 入無想定
295 31 the entering tone 入無想定
296 31 to pay 入無想定
297 31 to join 入無想定
298 31 entering; praveśa 入無想定
299 31 entered; attained; āpanna 入無想定
300 31 yīn cause; reason 彼根因善根本
301 31 yīn to accord with 彼根因善根本
302 31 yīn to follow 彼根因善根本
303 31 yīn to rely on 彼根因善根本
304 31 yīn via; through 彼根因善根本
305 31 yīn to continue 彼根因善根本
306 31 yīn to receive 彼根因善根本
307 31 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 彼根因善根本
308 31 yīn to seize an opportunity 彼根因善根本
309 31 yīn to be like 彼根因善根本
310 31 yīn a standrd; a criterion 彼根因善根本
311 31 yīn cause; hetu 彼根因善根本
312 29 jiǔ nine 或八或九或十
313 29 jiǔ many 或八或九或十
314 29 jiǔ nine; nava 或八或九或十
315 29 shēng to be born; to give birth 當言始生住
316 29 shēng to live 當言始生住
317 29 shēng raw 當言始生住
318 29 shēng a student 當言始生住
319 29 shēng life 當言始生住
320 29 shēng to produce; to give rise 當言始生住
321 29 shēng alive 當言始生住
322 29 shēng a lifetime 當言始生住
323 29 shēng to initiate; to become 當言始生住
324 29 shēng to grow 當言始生住
325 29 shēng unfamiliar 當言始生住
326 29 shēng not experienced 當言始生住
327 29 shēng hard; stiff; strong 當言始生住
328 29 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 當言始生住
329 29 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 當言始生住
330 29 shēng gender 當言始生住
331 29 shēng to develop; to grow 當言始生住
332 29 shēng to set up 當言始生住
333 29 shēng a prostitute 當言始生住
334 29 shēng a captive 當言始生住
335 29 shēng a gentleman 當言始生住
336 29 shēng Kangxi radical 100 當言始生住
337 29 shēng unripe 當言始生住
338 29 shēng nature 當言始生住
339 29 shēng to inherit; to succeed 當言始生住
340 29 shēng destiny 當言始生住
341 29 shēng birth 當言始生住
342 29 shēng arise; produce; utpad 當言始生住
343 28 yuán fate; predestined affinity 色界有漏緣
344 28 yuán hem 色界有漏緣
345 28 yuán to revolve around 色界有漏緣
346 28 yuán to climb up 色界有漏緣
347 28 yuán cause; origin; reason 色界有漏緣
348 28 yuán along; to follow 色界有漏緣
349 28 yuán to depend on 色界有漏緣
350 28 yuán margin; edge; rim 色界有漏緣
351 28 yuán Condition 色界有漏緣
352 28 yuán conditions; pratyaya; paccaya 色界有漏緣
353 28 zhù to dwell; to live; to reside 始心住
354 28 zhù to stop; to halt 始心住
355 28 zhù to retain; to remain 始心住
356 28 zhù to lodge at [temporarily] 始心住
357 28 zhù verb complement 始心住
358 28 zhù attaching; abiding; dwelling on 始心住
359 26 一切 yīqiè temporary 一切眾
360 26 一切 yīqiè the same 一切眾
361 24 gòng to share 共竺佛念譯
362 24 gòng Communist 共竺佛念譯
363 24 gòng to connect; to join; to combine 共竺佛念譯
364 24 gòng to include 共竺佛念譯
365 24 gòng same; in common 共竺佛念譯
366 24 gǒng to cup one fist in the other hand 共竺佛念譯
367 24 gǒng to surround; to circle 共竺佛念譯
368 24 gōng to provide 共竺佛念譯
369 24 gōng respectfully 共竺佛念譯
370 24 gōng Gong 共竺佛念譯
371 24 未知 wèizhī unknown; do not know 未知根攝
372 24 諸法 zhū fǎ all things; all dharmas 諸法心共一起一住一盡
373 23 shǎo few 三根少入
374 23 shǎo to decrease; to lessen; to lose 三根少入
375 23 shǎo to be inadequate; to be insufficient 三根少入
376 23 shǎo to be less than 三根少入
377 23 shǎo to despise; to scorn; to look down on 三根少入
378 23 shào young 三根少入
379 23 shào youth 三根少入
380 23 shào a youth; a young person 三根少入
381 23 shào Shao 三根少入
382 23 shǎo few 三根少入
383 22 無色界 wúsè jiè formless realm; arupyadhatu 生無色界
384 22 Yi 已知根無知根亦
385 21 to protect; to guard 至護覺意
386 21 to support something that is wrong; to be partial to 至護覺意
387 21 to protect; to guard 至護覺意
388 21 miè to destroy; to wipe out; to exterminate 此心當言始興始住始滅
389 21 miè to submerge 此心當言始興始住始滅
390 21 miè to extinguish; to put out 此心當言始興始住始滅
391 21 miè to eliminate 此心當言始興始住始滅
392 21 miè to disappear; to fade away 此心當言始興始住始滅
393 21 miè the cessation of suffering 此心當言始興始住始滅
394 21 miè nirvāṇa; Nibbāna; Nirvana 此心當言始興始住始滅
395 20 解脫 jiětuō to liberate; to free 諸心無解脫諸心解脫
396 20 解脫 jiětuō liberation 諸心無解脫諸心解脫
397 20 解脫 jiětuō liberation; emancipation; vimokṣa 諸心無解脫諸心解脫
398 20 眼根 yǎn gēn the faculty of sight 眼根攝幾根
399 20 lòu to leak; to drip 漏根棄得無漏根
400 20 lòu simple and crude 漏根棄得無漏根
401 20 lòu a funnel 漏根棄得無漏根
402 20 lòu a water clock; an hour glass 漏根棄得無漏根
403 20 lòu to divulge 漏根棄得無漏根
404 20 lòu to mistakenly leave out; to be missing 漏根棄得無漏根
405 20 lòu aperture 漏根棄得無漏根
406 20 lòu an ulcer that is producing pus 漏根棄得無漏根
407 20 lòu Lou 漏根棄得無漏根
408 20 lòu to escape; to evade 漏根棄得無漏根
409 20 lòu to entice; to lure; to seduce 漏根棄得無漏根
410 20 lòu outflow; flow; influx; discharge; asrava 漏根棄得無漏根
411 20 盡智 jìnzhì understanding of the eradiction of afflictions; kṣayajñāna 彼一切盡智
412 19 shǐ beginning; start 根犍度始心跋渠第四
413 19 shǐ beginning; ādi 根犍度始心跋渠第四
414 18 意根 yìgēn the mind sense 意根幾根相應
415 18 sān three 有三
416 18 sān third 有三
417 18 sān more than two 有三
418 18 sān very few 有三
419 18 sān San 有三
420 18 sān three; tri 有三
421 18 sān sa 有三
422 18 sān three kinds; trividha 有三
423 18 shè to absorb; to assimilate 眼根攝幾根
424 18 shè to take a photo 眼根攝幾根
425 18 shè a broad rhyme class 眼根攝幾根
426 18 shè to act for; to represent 眼根攝幾根
427 18 shè to administer 眼根攝幾根
428 18 shè to conserve 眼根攝幾根
429 18 shè to hold; to support 眼根攝幾根
430 18 shè to get close to 眼根攝幾根
431 18 shè to help 眼根攝幾根
432 18 niè peaceful 眼根攝幾根
433 18 shè samgraha; to hold together; to collect; to combine 眼根攝幾根
434 18 èr two 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
435 18 èr Kangxi radical 7 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
436 18 èr second 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
437 18 èr twice; double; di- 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
438 18 èr more than one kind 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
439 18 èr two; dvā; dvi 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
440 18 èr both; dvaya 阿毘曇八犍度論卷第二十二
441 18 shè to set up; to establish
442 18 shè to display; to arrange
443 18 shè completely setup
444 18 shè an army detachment
445 18 shè to build
446 18 shè make known; prajñāpayati
447 18 color 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
448 18 form; matter 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
449 18 shǎi dice 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
450 18 Kangxi radical 139 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
451 18 countenance 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
452 18 scene; sight 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
453 18 feminine charm; female beauty 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
454 18 kind; type 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
455 18 quality 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
456 18 to be angry 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
457 18 to seek; to search for 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
458 18 lust; sexual desire 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
459 18 form; rupa 盡定及色無色界天當言始生住
460 17 four 念覺意四根少入
461 17 note a musical scale 念覺意四根少入
462 17 fourth 念覺意四根少入
463 17 Si 念覺意四根少入
464 17 four; catur 念覺意四根少入
465 17 jìng to end; to finish 欲界竟
466 17 jìng all; entire 欲界竟
467 17 jìng to investigate 欲界竟
468 17 jìng conclusion; avasāna 欲界竟
469 16 未來現在 wèilái xiànzài the present and the future 彼必不成就過去未來現在一根
470 16 欲界 yù jiè realm of desire 欲界沒生欲界
471 16 seven
472 16 a genre of poetry
473 16 seventh day memorial ceremony
474 16 seven; sapta
475 16 二根 èr gēn two roots 二根相應
476 16 dìng to decide 定幾根盡
477 16 dìng certainly; definitely 定幾根盡
478 16 dìng to determine 定幾根盡
479 16 dìng to calm down 定幾根盡
480 16 dìng to set; to fix 定幾根盡
481 16 dìng to book; to subscribe to; to order 定幾根盡
482 16 dìng still 定幾根盡
483 16 dìng Concentration 定幾根盡
484 16 dìng meditative concentration; meditation 定幾根盡
485 16 dìng real; sadbhūta 定幾根盡
486 16 to abandon; to relinquish; to discard; to throw away 漏根棄得無漏根
487 16 to overlook; to forget 漏根棄得無漏根
488 16 Qi 漏根棄得無漏根
489 16 to expell from the Sangha 漏根棄得無漏根
490 16 abandon; chorita 漏根棄得無漏根
491 16 to drown; to sink 無想眾生沒幾根滅
492 16 to overflow; to inundate 無想眾生沒幾根滅
493 16 to confiscate; to impound 無想眾生沒幾根滅
494 16 to end; to the end 無想眾生沒幾根滅
495 16 to die 無想眾生沒幾根滅
496 16 deeply buried 無想眾生沒幾根滅
497 16 to disappear 無想眾生沒幾根滅
498 16 méi not as good as 無想眾生沒幾根滅
499 16 méi not 無想眾生沒幾根滅
500 16 méi gone away; cyuta 無想眾生沒幾根滅

Frequencies of all Words

Top 824

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 340 gēn origin; cause; basis 根犍度始心跋渠第四
2 340 gēn radical 根犍度始心跋渠第四
3 340 gēn a piece 根犍度始心跋渠第四
4 340 gēn a plant root 根犍度始心跋渠第四
5 340 gēn base; foot 根犍度始心跋渠第四
6 340 gēn completely; thoroughly 根犍度始心跋渠第四
7 340 gēn offspring 根犍度始心跋渠第四
8 340 gēn a square root; to nth root; the solution of a mathematical equation 根犍度始心跋渠第四
9 340 gēn according to 根犍度始心跋渠第四
10 340 gēn gen 根犍度始心跋渠第四
11 340 gēn an organ; a part of the body 根犍度始心跋渠第四
12 340 gēn a sense; a faculty 根犍度始心跋渠第四
13 340 gēn mūla; a root 根犍度始心跋渠第四
14 215 děng et cetera; and so on 等見乃至等定
15 215 děng to wait 等見乃至等定
16 215 děng degree; kind 等見乃至等定
17 215 děng plural 等見乃至等定
18 215 děng to be equal 等見乃至等定
19 215 děng degree; level 等見乃至等定
20 215 děng to compare 等見乃至等定
21 215 děng same; equal; sama 等見乃至等定
22 175 that; those 壽彼壽盡
23 175 another; the other 壽彼壽盡
24 175 that; tad 壽彼壽盡
25 167 huò or; either; else 或七
26 167 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或七
27 167 huò some; someone 或七
28 167 míngnián suddenly 或七
29 167 huò or; vā 或七
30 136 答曰 dá yuē to reply 答曰
31 133 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment; success; achievement 若成就眼根
32 133 成就 chéngjiù to succeed; to help someone succeed; to achieve 若成就眼根
33 133 成就 chéngjiù accomplishment 若成就眼根
34 133 成就 chéngjiù Achievements 若成就眼根
35 133 成就 chéngjiù to attained; to obtain 若成就眼根
36 133 成就 chéngjiù to bring to perfection; complete 若成就眼根
37 133 成就 chéngjiù attainment; accomplishment; siddhi 若成就眼根
38 117 不成 bùchéng unsuccessful 若不成就學根得
39 117 不成 bùchéng will not do; will not work 若不成就學根得
40 117 不成 bùchéng don't tell me ... 若不成就學根得
41 110 jiù right away 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
42 110 jiù to approach; to move towards; to come towards 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
43 110 jiù with regard to; concerning; to follow 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
44 110 jiù to assume 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
45 110 jiù to receive; to suffer 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
46 110 jiù to undergo; to undertake; to engage in 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
47 110 jiù precisely; exactly 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
48 110 jiù namely 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
49 110 jiù to suit; to accommodate oneself to 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
50 110 jiù only; just 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
51 110 jiù to accomplish 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
52 110 jiù to go with 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
53 110 jiù already 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
54 110 jiù as much as 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
55 110 jiù to begin with; as expected 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
56 110 jiù even if 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
57 110 jiù to die 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
58 110 jiù for instance; namely; yathā 於此二十二根成就幾不成就幾
59 94 fēi not; non-; un- 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
60 94 fēi Kangxi radical 175 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
61 94 fēi wrong; bad; untruthful 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
62 94 fēi different 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
63 94 fēi to not be; to not have 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
64 94 fēi to violate; to be contrary to 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
65 94 fēi Africa 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
66 94 fēi to slander 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
67 94 fěi to avoid 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
68 94 fēi must 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
69 94 fēi an error 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
70 94 fēi a problem; a question 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
71 94 fēi evil 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
72 94 fēi besides; except; unless 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
73 94 fēi not 彼眾生彼處沒非不滅住
74 92 xīn heart [organ] 根犍度始心跋渠第四
75 92 xīn Kangxi radical 61 根犍度始心跋渠第四
76 92 xīn mind; consciousness 根犍度始心跋渠第四
77 92 xīn the center; the core; the middle 根犍度始心跋渠第四
78 92 xīn one of the 28 star constellations 根犍度始心跋渠第四
79 92 xīn heart 根犍度始心跋渠第四
80 92 xīn emotion 根犍度始心跋渠第四
81 92 xīn intention; consideration 根犍度始心跋渠第四
82 92 xīn disposition; temperament 根犍度始心跋渠第四
83 92 xīn citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality 根犍度始心跋渠第四
84 92 xīn heart; hṛdaya 根犍度始心跋渠第四
85 92 xīn Rohiṇī; Jyesthā 根犍度始心跋渠第四
86 89 certainly; must; will; necessarily 彼必成就五根
87 89 must 彼必成就五根
88 89 if; suppose 彼必成就五根
89 89 Bi 彼必成就五根
90 89 certainly; avaśyam 彼必成就五根
91 88 jìn to the greatest extent; utmost 始興始住始盡
92 88 jìn all; every 始興始住始盡
93 88 jìn perfect; flawless 始興始住始盡
94 88 jìn to give priority to; to do one's utmost 始興始住始盡
95 88 jìn furthest; extreme 始興始住始盡
96 88 jìn to vanish 始興始住始盡
97 88 jìn to use up; to exhaust; to end; to finish; to the utmost; to be finished 始興始住始盡
98 88 jìn to be within the limit 始興始住始盡
99 88 jìn all; every 始興始住始盡
100 88 jìn to die 始興始住始盡
101 88 jìn exhaustion; kṣaya 始興始住始盡
102 86 not; no 有脩不脩
103 86 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 有脩不脩
104 86 as a correlative 有脩不脩
105 86 no (answering a question) 有脩不脩
106 86 forms a negative adjective from a noun 有脩不脩
107 86 at the end of a sentence to form a question 有脩不脩
108 86 to form a yes or no question 有脩不脩
109 86 infix potential marker 有脩不脩
110 86 no; na 有脩不脩
111 76 現在 xiànzài at present; in the process of 幾根現在前
112 76 現在 xiànzài now, present 幾根現在前
113 76 現在 xiànzài existing at the present moment; pratyutpanna 幾根現在前
114 70 several 無想定幾根盡
115 70 how many 無想定幾根盡
116 70 Kangxi radical 16 無想定幾根盡
117 70 subtle; invisible; imperceptible 無想定幾根盡
118 70 sign; omen 無想定幾根盡
119 70 nearly; almost 無想定幾根盡
120 70 near to 無想定幾根盡
121 70 imminent danger 無想定幾根盡
122 70 circumstances 無想定幾根盡
123 70 duration; time 無想定幾根盡
124 70 opportunity 無想定幾根盡
125 70 never has; hasn't yet 無想定幾根盡
126 70 a small table 無想定幾根盡
127 70 [self] composed 無想定幾根盡
128 70 ji 無想定幾根盡
129 70 how many; how much; kiyat 無想定幾根盡
130 68 相應 xiāngyìng relevant; corresponding 意根幾根相應
131 68 相應 xiāngyìng to respond; to act in response 意根幾根相應
132 68 相應 xiāngying cheap; inexpensive 意根幾根相應
133 68 相應 xiāngyìng response, correspond 意根幾根相應
134 68 相應 xiāngyìng concomitant 意根幾根相應
135 68 相應 xiāngyìng Sō-ō 意根幾根相應
136 66 method; way 何繫心心法盡
137 66 France 何繫心心法盡
138 66 the law; rules; regulations 何繫心心法盡
139 66 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 何繫心心法盡
140 66 a standard; a norm 何繫心心法盡
141 66 an institution 何繫心心法盡
142 66 to emulate 何繫心心法盡
143 66 magic; a magic trick 何繫心心法盡
144 66 punishment 何繫心心法盡
145 66 Fa 何繫心心法盡
146 66 a precedent 何繫心心法盡
147 66 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 何繫心心法盡
148 66 relating to a ceremony or rite 何繫心心法盡
149 66 Dharma 何繫心心法盡
150 66 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 何繫心心法盡
151 66 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 何繫心心法盡
152 66 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 何繫心心法盡
153 66 quality; characteristic 何繫心心法盡
154 65 final interogative
155 65 ye
156 65 ya
157 63 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若入無想定滅
158 63 ruò seemingly 若入無想定滅
159 63 ruò if 若入無想定滅
160 63 ruò you 若入無想定滅
161 63 ruò this; that 若入無想定滅
162 63 ruò and; or 若入無想定滅
163 63 ruò as for; pertaining to 若入無想定滅
164 63 pomegranite 若入無想定滅
165 63 ruò to choose 若入無想定滅
166 63 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若入無想定滅
167 63 ruò thus 若入無想定滅
168 63 ruò pollia 若入無想定滅
169 63 ruò Ruo 若入無想定滅
170 63 ruò only then 若入無想定滅
171 63 ja 若入無想定滅
172 63 jñā 若入無想定滅
173 63 ruò if; yadi 若入無想定滅
174 61 eight 或八
175 61 Kangxi radical 12 或八
176 61 eighth 或八
177 61 all around; all sides 或八
178 61 eight; aṣṭa 或八
179 59 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
180 59 過去 guòqu to go over; to pass by 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
181 59 過去 guòqu to die 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
182 59 過去 guòqu already past 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
183 59 過去 guòqu to go forward 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
184 59 過去 guòqu to turn one's back 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
185 59 過去 guòqù past 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
186 59 過去 guòqù past; previous; former 於此二十二根成就過去幾未
187 58 方便 fāngbiàn convenient 等方便
188 58 方便 fāngbiàn to to the toilet 等方便
189 58 方便 fāngbiàn to have money to lend 等方便
190 58 方便 fāngbiàn to make something convenient for others 等方便
191 58 方便 fāngbiàn to do somebody a favor 等方便
192 58 方便 fāngbiàn appropriate 等方便
193 58 方便 fāngbiàn Convenience 等方便
194 58 方便 fāngbiàn expedient means 等方便
195 58 方便 fāngbiàn Skillful Means 等方便
196 58 方便 fāngbiàn upāya; skillful means; expedient means 等方便
197 55 one
198 55 Kangxi radical 1
199 55 as soon as; all at once
200 55 pure; concentrated
201 55 whole; all
202 55 first
203 55 the same
204 55 each
205 55 certain
206 55 throughout
207 55 used in between a reduplicated verb
208 55 sole; single
209 55 a very small amount
210 55 Yi
211 55 other
212 55 to unify
213 55 accidentally; coincidentally
214 55 abruptly; suddenly
215 55 or
216 55 one; eka
217 55 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 等志
218 55 zhì to write down; to record 等志
219 55 zhì Zhi 等志
220 55 zhì a written record; a treatise 等志
221 55 zhì to remember 等志
222 55 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 等志
223 55 zhì a birthmark; a mole 等志
224 55 zhì determination; will 等志
225 55 zhì a magazine 等志
226 55 zhì to measure; to weigh 等志
227 55 zhì aspiration 等志
228 55 zhì Aspiration 等志
229 55 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 等志
230 55 to connect; to relate 何繫心心法盡
231 55 department 何繫心心法盡
232 55 system 何繫心心法盡
233 55 connection; relation 何繫心心法盡
234 55 connection; relation 何繫心心法盡
235 55 to bind; to tie up 何繫心心法盡
236 55 to involve 何繫心心法盡
237 55 to tie; to bind; to fasten 何繫心心法盡
238 55 lineage 何繫心心法盡
239 55 to hang from; to suspend; to depend 何繫心心法盡
240 55 a belt; a band; a girdle 何繫心心法盡
241 55 the coda of a fu 何繫心心法盡
242 55 to be 何繫心心法盡
243 55 to relate to 何繫心心法盡
244 55 to detain; to imprison 何繫心心法盡
245 55 to be concerned; to be mindful of 何繫心心法盡
246 55 Xi 何繫心心法盡
247 55 to tie; to fasten 何繫心心法盡
248 55 to hang from; to suspend 何繫心心法盡
249 55 to connect; to relate 何繫心心法盡
250 55 a belt; a band 何繫心心法盡
251 55 a connection; a relation 何繫心心法盡
252 55 a belt; a band 何繫心心法盡
253 55 to tie 何繫心心法盡
254 55 to tie; grantha 何繫心心法盡
255 55 hi 何繫心心法盡
256 54 等智 děngzhì secular knowledge 等智
257 50 zhū all; many; various
258 50 zhū Zhu
259 50 zhū all; members of the class
260 50 zhū interrogative particle
261 50 zhū him; her; them; it
262 50 zhū of; in
263 50 zhū all; many; sarva
264 49 未來 wèilái future 去未來
265 49 extra; surplus 諸餘心
266 49 odd; surplus over a round number 諸餘心
267 49 I 諸餘心
268 49 to remain 諸餘心
269 49 relating to the time after an event 諸餘心
270 49 other 諸餘心
271 49 additional; complementary 諸餘心
272 49 remaining 諸餘心
273 49 incomplete 諸餘心
274 49 Yu 諸餘心
275 49 other; anya 諸餘心
276 49 qián front 幾根現在前
277 49 qián former; the past 幾根現在前
278 49 qián to go forward 幾根現在前
279 49 qián preceding 幾根現在前
280 49 qián before; earlier; prior 幾根現在前
281 49 qián to appear before 幾根現在前
282 49 qián future 幾根現在前
283 49 qián top; first 幾根現在前
284 49 qián battlefront 幾根現在前
285 49 qián pre- 幾根現在前
286 49 qián before; former; pūrva 幾根現在前
287 49 qián facing; mukha 幾根現在前
288 47 yán to speak; to say; said 一切眾生當言始心興
289 47 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 一切眾生當言始心興
290 47 yán Kangxi radical 149 一切眾生當言始心興
291 47 yán a particle with no meaning 一切眾生當言始心興
292 47 yán phrase; sentence 一切眾生當言始心興
293 47 yán a word; a syllable 一切眾生當言始心興
294 47 yán a theory; a doctrine 一切眾生當言始心興
295 47 yán to regard as 一切眾生當言始心興
296 47 yán to act as 一切眾生當言始心興
297 47 yán word; vacana 一切眾生當言始心興
298 47 yán speak; vad 一切眾生當言始心興
299 46 what; where; which 何盡耶
300 46 to carry on the shoulder 何盡耶
301 46 who 何盡耶
302 46 what 何盡耶
303 46 why 何盡耶
304 46 how 何盡耶
305 46 how much 何盡耶
306 46 He 何盡耶
307 46 what; kim 何盡耶
308 46 yǒu is; are; to exist 心有欲
309 46 yǒu to have; to possess 心有欲
310 46 yǒu indicates an estimate 心有欲
311 46 yǒu indicates a large quantity 心有欲
312 46 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 心有欲
313 46 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 心有欲
314 46 yǒu used to compare two things 心有欲
315 46 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 心有欲
316 46 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 心有欲
317 46 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 心有欲
318 46 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 心有欲
319 46 yǒu abundant 心有欲
320 46 yǒu purposeful 心有欲
321 46 yǒu You 心有欲
322 46 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 心有欲
323 46 yǒu becoming; bhava 心有欲
324 45 無記 wú jì not explained; indeterminate 為無記耶
325 44 云何 yúnhé why; how 云何不
326 44 云何 yúnhé how; katham 云何不
327 43 shì is; are; am; to be
328 43 shì is exactly
329 43 shì is suitable; is in contrast
330 43 shì this; that; those
331 43 shì really; certainly
332 43 shì correct; yes; affirmative
333 43 shì true
334 43 shì is; has; exists
335 43 shì used between repetitions of a word
336 43 shì a matter; an affair
337 43 shì Shi
338 43 shì is; bhū
339 43 shì this; idam
340 43 如是 rúshì thus; so 如是
341 43 如是 rúshì thus, so 如是
342 43 如是 rúshì thus; evam 如是
343 43 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 如是
344 42 xiū to decorate; to embellish 修眼根
345 42 xiū to study; to cultivate 修眼根
346 42 xiū to repair 修眼根
347 42 xiū long; slender 修眼根
348 42 xiū to write; to compile 修眼根
349 42 xiū to build; to construct; to shape 修眼根
350 42 xiū to practice 修眼根
351 42 xiū to cut 修眼根
352 42 xiū virtuous; wholesome 修眼根
353 42 xiū a virtuous person 修眼根
354 42 xiū Xiu 修眼根
355 42 xiū to unknot 修眼根
356 42 xiū to prepare; to put in order 修眼根
357 42 xiū excellent 修眼根
358 42 xiū to perform [a ceremony] 修眼根
359 42 xiū Cultivation 修眼根
360 42 xiū bhāvanā / spiritual cultivation 修眼根
361 42 xiū pratipanna; spiritual practice 修眼根
362 41 jiàn to see 等見乃至等定
363 41 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 等見乃至等定
364 41 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 等見乃至等定
365 41 jiàn refer to; for details see 等見乃至等定
366 41 jiàn passive marker 等見乃至等定
367 41 jiàn to listen to 等見乃至等定
368 41 jiàn to meet 等見乃至等定
369 41 jiàn to receive (a guest) 等見乃至等定
370 41 jiàn let me; kindly 等見乃至等定
371 41 jiàn Jian 等見乃至等定
372 41 xiàn to appear 等見乃至等定
373 41 xiàn to introduce 等見乃至等定
374 41 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 等見乃至等定
375 41 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 等見乃至等定
376 38 心心 xīn xīn the mind and mental conditions 何繫心心法盡
377 38 wèi to call 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
378 38 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
379 38 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
380 38 wèi to treat as; to regard as 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
381 38 wèi introducing a condition situation 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
382 38 wèi to speak to; to address 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
383 38 wèi to think 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
384 38 wèi for; is to be 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
385 38 wèi to make; to cause 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
386 38 wèi and 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
387 38 wèi principle; reason 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
388 38 wèi Wei 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
389 38 wèi which; what; yad 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
390 38 wèi to say; iti 是謂棄無漏根得無漏根
391 36 niàn to read aloud 念覺意乃
392 36 niàn to remember; to expect 念覺意乃
393 36 niàn to miss 念覺意乃
394 36 niàn to consider 念覺意乃
395 36 niàn to recite; to chant 念覺意乃
396 36 niàn to show affection for 念覺意乃
397 36 niàn a thought; an idea 念覺意乃
398 36 niàn twenty 念覺意乃
399 36 niàn memory 念覺意乃
400 36 niàn an instant 念覺意乃
401 36 niàn Nian 念覺意乃
402 36 niàn mindfulness; smrti 念覺意乃
403 36 niàn a thought; citta 念覺意乃
404 36 無學 wúxué aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept 無生智無學等見亦如
405 36 無學 wúxué Muhak 無生智無學等見亦如
406 35 無漏 wúlòu Untainted 彼一切棄無漏根得無漏根耶
407 35 無漏 wúlòu having no passion or delusion; anasrava 彼一切棄無漏根得無漏根耶
408 33 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 一切眾生當言始心興
409 33 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 一切眾生當言始心興
410 33 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 一切眾生當言始心興
411 33 dāng to face 一切眾生當言始心興
412 33 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 一切眾生當言始心興
413 33 dāng to manage; to host 一切眾生當言始心興
414 33 dāng should 一切眾生當言始心興
415 33 dāng to treat; to regard as 一切眾生當言始心興
416 33 dǎng to think 一切眾生當言始心興
417 33 dàng suitable; correspond to 一切眾生當言始心興
418 33 dǎng to be equal 一切眾生當言始心興
419 33 dàng that 一切眾生當言始心興
420 33 dāng an end; top 一切眾生當言始心興
421 33 dàng clang; jingle 一切眾生當言始心興
422 33 dāng to judge 一切眾生當言始心興
423 33 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 一切眾生當言始心興
424 33 dàng the same 一切眾生當言始心興
425 33 dàng to pawn 一切眾生當言始心興
426 33 dàng to fail [an exam] 一切眾生當言始心興
427 33 dàng a trap 一切眾生當言始心興
428 33 dàng a pawned item 一切眾生當言始心興
429 33 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 一切眾生當言始心興
430 32 no 諸心無欲
431 32 Kangxi radical 71 諸心無欲
432 32 to not have; without 諸心無欲
433 32 has not yet 諸心無欲
434 32 mo 諸心無欲
435 32 do not 諸心無欲
436 32 not; -less; un- 諸心無欲
437 32 regardless of 諸心無欲
438 32 to not have 諸心無欲
439 32 um 諸心無欲
440 32 Wu 諸心無欲
441 32 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 諸心無欲
442 32 not; non- 諸心無欲
443 32 mo 諸心無欲
444 31 to enter 入無想定
445 31 Kangxi radical 11 入無想定
446 31 radical 入無想定
447 31 income 入無想定
448 31 to conform with 入無想定
449 31 to descend 入無想定
450 31 the entering tone 入無想定
451 31 to pay 入無想定
452 31 to join 入無想定
453 31 entering; praveśa 入無想定
454 31 entered; attained; āpanna 入無想定
455 31 yīn because 彼根因善根本
456 31 yīn cause; reason 彼根因善根本
457 31 yīn to accord with 彼根因善根本
458 31 yīn to follow 彼根因善根本
459 31 yīn to rely on 彼根因善根本
460 31 yīn via; through 彼根因善根本
461 31 yīn to continue 彼根因善根本
462 31 yīn to receive 彼根因善根本
463 31 yīn to continue the same pattern; to imitate an existing model; to adapt 彼根因善根本
464 31 yīn to seize an opportunity 彼根因善根本
465 31 yīn to be like 彼根因善根本
466 31 yīn from; because of 彼根因善根本
467 31 yīn thereupon; as a result; consequently; thus; hence 彼根因善根本
468 31 yīn a standrd; a criterion 彼根因善根本
469 31 yīn Cause 彼根因善根本
470 31 yīn cause; hetu 彼根因善根本
471 29 jiǔ nine 或八或九或十
472 29 jiǔ many 或八或九或十
473 29 jiǔ nine; nava 或八或九或十
474 29 shēng to be born; to give birth 當言始生住
475 29 shēng to live 當言始生住
476 29 shēng raw 當言始生住
477 29 shēng a student 當言始生住
478 29 shēng life 當言始生住
479 29 shēng to produce; to give rise 當言始生住
480 29 shēng alive 當言始生住
481 29 shēng a lifetime 當言始生住
482 29 shēng to initiate; to become 當言始生住
483 29 shēng to grow 當言始生住
484 29 shēng unfamiliar 當言始生住
485 29 shēng not experienced 當言始生住
486 29 shēng hard; stiff; strong 當言始生住
487 29 shēng very; extremely 當言始生住
488 29 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 當言始生住
489 29 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 當言始生住
490 29 shēng gender 當言始生住
491 29 shēng to develop; to grow 當言始生住
492 29 shēng to set up 當言始生住
493 29 shēng a prostitute 當言始生住
494 29 shēng a captive 當言始生住
495 29 shēng a gentleman 當言始生住
496 29 shēng Kangxi radical 100 當言始生住
497 29 shēng unripe 當言始生住
498 29 shēng nature 當言始生住
499 29 shēng to inherit; to succeed 當言始生住
500 29 shēng destiny 當言始生住


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. gēn
  2. gēn
  3. gēn
  1. an organ; a part of the body
  2. a sense; a faculty
  3. mūla; a root
děng same; equal; sama
that; tad
huò or; vā
  1. chéngjiù
  2. chéngjiù
  3. chéngjiù
  4. chéngjiù
  5. chéngjiù
  1. accomplishment
  2. Achievements
  3. to attained; to obtain
  4. to bring to perfection; complete
  5. attainment; accomplishment; siddhi
jiù for instance; namely; yathā
fēi not
  1. xīn
  2. xīn
  3. xīn
  1. citta; thinking; thought; mind; mentality
  2. heart; hṛdaya
  3. Rohiṇī; Jyesthā
certainly; avaśyam
jìn exhaustion; kṣaya

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉 阿羅漢 196
  1. Arhat
  2. arhat
  3. Arhat
阿那含 65
  1. 1 anāgāmin; 2.non-returner
  2. Anagāmin; Anagami; Non-Returner
阿毘昙 阿毘曇 196 Abhidharma; Abhidhamma
阿毘昙八犍度论 阿毘曇八犍度論 196 Abhidharma jñāna prasthāna śāstra; Apitan Ba Jiandu Lun
般泥洹 98 Parinirvāṇa
符秦 102 Former Qin
慧力 72
  1. power of wisdom
  2. Huili
犍度 106 Khandhaka
迦旃延子 106 Katyāyanīputra
罽賓 106 Kashmir
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
僧伽提婆 115 Saṅghadeva; Saṃghadeva; Sajghadeva
始兴 始興 115 Shixing
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
斯陀含 115 Sakrdagamin; Sakridagami; Sakadagami; Once-Returner
无想天 無想天 119 Asamjnisattva Heaven; Heaven without Thought
喜根 120 Saumanasya; Prīti; Joy
竺佛念 122 Zhu Fonian; Fo Nian


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 85.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿罗汉果 阿羅漢果 97
  1. state of full attainment of arhatship
  2. the fruit of arhat cultivation; the fruit of awakening; arhathood
阿那含果 97
  1. realization of non-returner
  2. the fruit of Anāgāmin; the fruit of a non-returning
边见 邊見 98 extreme views; antagrahadrsti
不善 98 akuśala; akusala; unvirtuous; unwholesome; inauspicious
不善根 98 akuśalamūla; akusalamūla; unwholesome roots
道智 100 knowledge of the path; mārgajñatā; margajnata
等智 100 secular knowledge
定慧 100
  1. Concentration and Wisdom
  2. meditative wisdom
入定 100
  1. to enter into meditation
  2. entered into meditation; settled; composed; collected of mind
二根 195 two roots
法灭 法滅 102 the extinction of the teachings of the Buddha
法智 102
  1. understanding of the Dharma
  2. Gautama Dharmaprajña
法住 102 dharma abode
非心 102 without thought; acitta
慧根 104 root of wisdom; organ of wisdom
见相 見相 106 perceiving the subject
界系 界繫 106 bound to the three realms
尽智 盡智 106 understanding of the eradiction of afflictions; kṣayajñāna
卷第二十 106 scroll 20
觉意 覺意 106 enlightenment factor; bodhyaṅga
空无 空無 107
  1. Emptiness
  2. śūnyatā; emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence
苦智 107 understanding of the fact of suffering
乐根 樂根 108 organs of pleasure
灭尽定 滅盡定 109 the cessation of perception and sensation; nirodhasamāpatti
灭尽三昧 滅盡三昧 109 the cessation of perception and sensation; nirodhasamāpatti
男根 110 male organ
女根 110 female sex-organ
揵度 113 collection of rules; skandhaka
入灭 入滅 114
  1. to enter into nirvana
  2. to enter Nirvāṇa; to pass away
三根 115
  1. the three grade of wholesome roots
  2. the three unwholesome roots
  3. the three roots with no outflows; the three passionless roots
三千 115 three thousand-fold
三世 115
  1. Three Periods of Time
  2. three time periods; past, present, and future
三昧 115
  1. samadhi
  2. samādhi; concentrated meditation; mental concentration
色界 115
  1. realm of form; rupadhatu
  2. dwelling in the realm of form; rūpāvacara
色心 115 form and the formless
色界系 色界繫 115 bonds to dharmas in the Realm of Form
善根 115
  1. Wholesome Roots
  2. virtuous roots; wholesome roots; kuśalamūla
舌根 115 organ of taste; tongue
身根 115 sense of touch
身命 115 body and life
首卢 首盧 115 sloka
未来现在 未來現在 119 the present and the future
未知智 119 knowledge extended to the higher realms
无瞋恚 無瞋恚 119 free from anger
五根 119 pañcendriya; five sense organs; five senses
无记 無記 119 not explained; indeterminate
无漏心 無漏心 119 mind without outflows
無想 119 no notion; without perception
无想定 無想定 119 meditative concentration with no thought
无碍道 無礙道 119 uninterupted way; immediate path; ānantaryamārga
无癡 無癡 119 without delusion
无漏 無漏 119
  1. Untainted
  2. having no passion or delusion; anasrava
无漏道 無漏道 119 the undefiled way; anāsravamārga
无染 無染 119 undefiled
无色 無色 119 formless; no form; arupa
无色界 無色界 119 formless realm; arupyadhatu
无生智 無生智 119
  1. Non-Arising Wisdom
  2. knowledge extended to the higher realms
无相 無相 119
  1. Formless
  2. animitta; signlessness; without an appearance
无学 無學 119
  1. aśaikṣa; asekha; an adept
  2. Muhak
相应法 相應法 120 corresponding dharma; mental factor
心法 120 mental objects
信根 120 faith; the root of faith
心解脱 心解脫 120
  1. liberation of mind
  2. to liberate the mind
心灭 心滅 120 cessation of the deluded mind
心心 120 the mind and mental conditions
信力 120 the power of faith; śraddhābala
眼根 121 the faculty of sight
一法 121 one dharma; one thing
意解 121 liberation of thought
一缘 一緣 121 one fate; shared destiny
已知根 121 one who already knows the roots
意根 121 the mind sense
应法 應法 121 in harmony with the Dharma
一切众生 一切眾生 121
  1. all sentient beings
  2. all beings
有漏 121 having flow; tainted; affliction; vexation; defilement; āsrava
有缘 有緣 121
  1. to have a cause, link, or connection
  2. having karmic affinity; having a karmic connection
欲界 121 realm of desire
欲界系 欲界繫 121 bonds of the desire realm
知根 122 organs of perception
知他人心智 122 knowledge of the mind of others
智相 122 discriminating intellect
诸法 諸法 122 all things; all dharmas
诸世间 諸世間 122 worlds; all worlds
诸缘 諸緣 122 karmic conditions
诸众生 諸眾生 122 all beings