Glossary and Vocabulary for Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī (Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing) 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 7 níng Nanjing
2 7 níng peaceful
3 7 níng repose; serenity; peace
4 7 níng to pacify
5 7 níng to return home
6 7 nìng Ning
7 7 níng to visit
8 7 níng to mourn for parents
9 7 níng Ningxia
10 7 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen
11 7 nìng tranquillity; kṣema
12 7 page; sheet
13 7 Kangxi radical 181
14 7 xié head
15 6 èr two 二名號
16 6 èr Kangxi radical 7 二名號
17 6 èr second 二名號
18 6 èr twice; double; di- 二名號
19 6 èr more than one kind 二名號
20 6 èr two; dvā; dvi 二名號
21 6 èr both; dvaya 二名號
22 5 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時觀
23 5 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時觀
24 5 名號 mínghào name 大吉祥天女十二名號
25 5 名號 mínghào reputation 大吉祥天女十二名號
26 5 名號 mínghào title 大吉祥天女十二名號
27 4 to join; to combine 二合
28 4 to close 二合
29 4 to agree with; equal to 二合
30 4 to gather 二合
31 4 whole 二合
32 4 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
33 4 a musical note 二合
34 4 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
35 4 to fight 二合
36 4 to conclude 二合
37 4 to be similar to 二合
38 4 crowded 二合
39 4 a box 二合
40 4 to copulate 二合
41 4 a partner; a spouse 二合
42 4 harmonious 二合
43 4 He 二合
44 4 a container for grain measurement 二合
45 4 Merge 二合
46 4 unite; saṃyoga 二合
47 4 to reach 及彼一切有情之類
48 4 to attain 及彼一切有情之類
49 4 to understand 及彼一切有情之類
50 4 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及彼一切有情之類
51 4 to be involved with; to associate with 及彼一切有情之類
52 4 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及彼一切有情之類
53 4 and; ca; api 及彼一切有情之類
54 4 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 世尊所說真實不虛
55 4 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 世尊所說真實不虛
56 4 shuì to persuade 世尊所說真實不虛
57 4 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 世尊所說真實不虛
58 4 shuō a doctrine; a theory 世尊所說真實不虛
59 4 shuō to claim; to assert 世尊所說真實不虛
60 4 shuō allocution 世尊所說真實不虛
61 4 shuō to criticize; to scold 世尊所說真實不虛
62 4 shuō to indicate; to refer to 世尊所說真實不虛
63 4 shuō speach; vāda 世尊所說真實不虛
64 4 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 世尊所說真實不虛
65 4 shuō to instruct 世尊所說真實不虛
66 4 十二 shí èr twelve 大吉祥天女十二名號
67 4 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 大吉祥天女十二名號
68 4 yán to speak; to say; said 告觀自在菩薩言
69 4 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 告觀自在菩薩言
70 4 yán Kangxi radical 149 告觀自在菩薩言
71 4 yán phrase; sentence 告觀自在菩薩言
72 4 yán a word; a syllable 告觀自在菩薩言
73 4 yán a theory; a doctrine 告觀自在菩薩言
74 4 yán to regard as 告觀自在菩薩言
75 4 yán to act as 告觀自在菩薩言
76 4 yán word; vacana 告觀自在菩薩言
77 4 yán speak; vad 告觀自在菩薩言
78 4 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊
79 4 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊
80 3 néng can; able 能除一切貧窮業障
81 3 néng ability; capacity 能除一切貧窮業障
82 3 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能除一切貧窮業障
83 3 néng energy 能除一切貧窮業障
84 3 néng function; use 能除一切貧窮業障
85 3 néng talent 能除一切貧窮業障
86 3 néng expert at 能除一切貧窮業障
87 3 néng to be in harmony 能除一切貧窮業障
88 3 néng to tend to; to care for 能除一切貧窮業障
89 3 néng to reach; to arrive at 能除一切貧窮業障
90 3 néng to be able; śak 能除一切貧窮業障
91 3 néng skilful; pravīṇa 能除一切貧窮業障
92 3 qiē to cut; to mince; to slice; to carve 爾時會中一切天龍八部
93 3 qiē to shut off; to disconnect 爾時會中一切天龍八部
94 3 qiē to be tangent to 爾時會中一切天龍八部
95 3 qiè to rub 爾時會中一切天龍八部
96 3 qiè to be near to 爾時會中一切天龍八部
97 3 qiè keen; eager 爾時會中一切天龍八部
98 3 qiè to accord with; correspond to 爾時會中一切天龍八部
99 3 qiè detailed 爾時會中一切天龍八部
100 3 qiè suitable; close-fitting 爾時會中一切天龍八部
101 3 qiè pressing; urgent 爾時會中一切天龍八部
102 3 qiè intense; acute 爾時會中一切天龍八部
103 3 qiè earnest; sincere 爾時會中一切天龍八部
104 3 qiè criticize 爾時會中一切天龍八部
105 3 qiè door-sill 爾時會中一切天龍八部
106 3 qiè soft; light 爾時會中一切天龍八部
107 3 qiè secretly; stealthily 爾時會中一切天龍八部
108 3 qiè to bite 爾時會中一切天龍八部
109 3 qiè all 爾時會中一切天龍八部
110 3 qiè an essential point 爾時會中一切天龍八部
111 3 qiè qie [historic phonetic system] 爾時會中一切天龍八部
112 3 qiē to buy wholesale 爾時會中一切天龍八部
113 3 qiē strike; cut; kuṭṭ 爾時會中一切天龍八部
114 3 suǒ a few; various; some 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
115 3 suǒ a place; a location 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
116 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
117 3 suǒ an ordinal number 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
118 3 suǒ meaning 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
119 3 suǒ garrison 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
120 3 suǒ place; pradeśa 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
121 3 吉祥 jíxiáng lucky; auspicious 吉祥
122 3 吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious blessings 吉祥
123 3 吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious; mangala 吉祥
124 3 sporadic; scattered 他室哩
125 3 他室哩
126 3 觀自在菩薩 guānzìzai púsà Avalokitesvara bodhisattva 告觀自在菩薩言
127 3 大吉祥天 dà jíxiáng tiān good fortune deva 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
128 3 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經 fó shuō dà jíxiáng tiān nǚ shí èr mínghào jīng Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī; Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經
129 3 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經 fó shuō dà jíxiáng tiān nǚ shí èr mínghào jīng Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī; Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經
130 3 Buddha; Awakened One 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
131 3 relating to Buddhism 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
132 3 a statue or image of a Buddha 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
133 3 a Buddhist text 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
134 3 to touch; to stroke 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
135 3 Buddha 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
136 3 Buddha; Awakened One 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
137 3 Ru River 佛言汝當善聽
138 3 Ru 佛言汝當善聽
139 3 wéi to act as; to serve 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
140 3 wéi to change into; to become 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
141 3 wéi to be; is 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
142 3 wéi to do 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
143 3 wèi to support; to help 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
144 3 wéi to govern 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
145 3 wèi to be; bhū 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
146 3 貧窮 pínqióng poor; impoverished 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
147 3 female; feminine 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
148 3 female 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
149 3 Kangxi radical 38 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
150 3 to marry off a daughter 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
151 3 daughter 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
152 3 soft; feminine 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
153 3 the Maiden lunar lodging 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
154 3 woman; nārī 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
155 3 daughter; duhitṛ 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
156 3 Śravaṇā 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
157 2 受持 shòuchí uphold 汝當受持
158 2 受持 shòuchí to accept and maintain faith; to uphold 汝當受持
159 2 jīn today; present; now 今為汝說所謂
160 2 jīn Jin 今為汝說所謂
161 2 jīn modern 今為汝說所謂
162 2 jīn now; adhunā 今為汝說所謂
163 2 other; another; some other 為他宣說
164 2 other 為他宣說
165 2 tha 為他宣說
166 2 ṭha 為他宣說
167 2 other; anya 為他宣說
168 2 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 自在菩薩
169 2 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 自在菩薩
170 2 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 自在菩薩
171 2 一面 yīmiàn one side 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
172 2 一面 yīmiàn one time 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
173 2 一面 yīmiàn one point of view; one perspective 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
174 2 一面 yīmiàn one aspect 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
175 2 一面 yīmiàn whole face 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
176 2 一面 yīmiàn one side, simultaneously 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
177 2 一面 yīmiàn a single part; devotion to one object 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
178 2 一面 yīmiàn one side 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
179 2 suō to dance; to frolic
180 2 suō to lounge
181 2 suō to saunter
182 2 suō suo
183 2 suō sa
184 2 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 受持讀誦修習供養
185 2 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 受持讀誦修習供養
186 2 供養 gòngyǎng offering 受持讀誦修習供養
187 2 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 受持讀誦修習供養
188 2 退坐 tuìzuò sit down 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
189 2 bǎo a treasure; a valuable item 寶富貴
190 2 bǎo treasured; cherished 寶富貴
191 2 bǎo a jewel; gem 寶富貴
192 2 bǎo precious 寶富貴
193 2 bǎo noble 寶富貴
194 2 bǎo an imperial seal 寶富貴
195 2 bǎo a unit of currency 寶富貴
196 2 bǎo Bao 寶富貴
197 2 bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; ratna 寶富貴
198 2 bǎo jewel; gem; mani 寶富貴
199 2 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 我等願聞十
200 2 yuàn hope 我等願聞十
201 2 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 我等願聞十
202 2 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 我等願聞十
203 2 yuàn a vow 我等願聞十
204 2 yuàn diligent; attentive 我等願聞十
205 2 yuàn to prefer; to select 我等願聞十
206 2 yuàn to admire 我等願聞十
207 2 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 我等願聞十
208 2 cái money; wealth; riches; valuables 獲得豐饒財
209 2 cái financial worth 獲得豐饒財
210 2 cái talent 獲得豐饒財
211 2 cái to consider 獲得豐饒財
212 2 cái wealth; dhana; vastu 獲得豐饒財
213 2 one 能除貧窮一
214 2 Kangxi radical 1 能除貧窮一
215 2 pure; concentrated 能除貧窮一
216 2 first 能除貧窮一
217 2 the same 能除貧窮一
218 2 sole; single 能除貧窮一
219 2 a very small amount 能除貧窮一
220 2 Yi 能除貧窮一
221 2 other 能除貧窮一
222 2 to unify 能除貧窮一
223 2 accidentally; coincidentally 能除貧窮一
224 2 abruptly; suddenly 能除貧窮一
225 2 one; eka 能除貧窮一
226 2 gào to tell; to say; said; told 告觀自在菩薩言
227 2 gào to request 告觀自在菩薩言
228 2 gào to report; to inform 告觀自在菩薩言
229 2 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 告觀自在菩薩言
230 2 gào to accuse; to sue 告觀自在菩薩言
231 2 gào to reach 告觀自在菩薩言
232 2 gào an announcement 告觀自在菩薩言
233 2 gào a party 告觀自在菩薩言
234 2 gào a vacation 告觀自在菩薩言
235 2 gào Gao 告觀自在菩薩言
236 2 gào to tell; jalp 告觀自在菩薩言
237 2 to know; to learn about; to comprehend
238 2 detailed
239 2 to elaborate; to expound
240 2 to exhaust; to use up
241 2 strongly
242 2 Xi
243 2 all; kṛtsna
244 2 天龍八部 tiān lóng bā bù eight kinds of demigods 爾時會中一切天龍八部
245 2 shì room; bedroom 他室哩
246 2 shì house; dwelling 他室哩
247 2 shì organizational subdivision 他室哩
248 2 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 他室哩
249 2 shì household 他室哩
250 2 shì house of nobility 他室哩
251 2 shì family assets 他室哩
252 2 shì wife 他室哩
253 2 shì tomb; burial chamber 他室哩
254 2 shì knife sheath 他室哩
255 2 shì Shi 他室哩
256 2 shì abode; ālaya 他室哩
257 2 shì Pūrva-Proṣṭhapada 他室哩
258 2 陀羅尼 tuóluóní Dharani 爾時世尊說是陀羅尼已
259 2 陀羅尼 tuóluóní dharani 爾時世尊說是陀羅尼已
260 2 大吉 dàjí very auspicious; extremely lucky 大吉
261 2 zhě ca 施食者
262 2 shí time; a point or period of time 每時三遍
263 2 shí a season; a quarter of a year 每時三遍
264 2 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 每時三遍
265 2 shí fashionable 每時三遍
266 2 shí fate; destiny; luck 每時三遍
267 2 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 每時三遍
268 2 shí tense 每時三遍
269 2 shí particular; special 每時三遍
270 2 shí to plant; to cultivate 每時三遍
271 2 shí an era; a dynasty 每時三遍
272 2 shí time [abstract] 每時三遍
273 2 shí seasonal 每時三遍
274 2 shí to wait upon 每時三遍
275 2 shí hour 每時三遍
276 2 shí appropriate; proper; timely 每時三遍
277 2 shí Shi 每時三遍
278 2 shí a present; currentlt 每時三遍
279 2 shí time; kāla 每時三遍
280 2 shí at that time; samaya 每時三遍
281 2 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 能除一切貧窮業障
282 2 chú to divide 能除一切貧窮業障
283 2 chú to put in order 能除一切貧窮業障
284 2 chú to appoint to an official position 能除一切貧窮業障
285 2 chú door steps; stairs 能除一切貧窮業障
286 2 chú to replace an official 能除一切貧窮業障
287 2 chú to change; to replace 能除一切貧窮業障
288 2 chú to renovate; to restore 能除一切貧窮業障
289 2 chú division 能除一切貧窮業障
290 2 chú except; without; anyatra 能除一切貧窮業障
291 2 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 若有苾芻苾芻
292 2 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 若有苾芻苾芻
293 2 zuò to do 咸作是言
294 2 zuò to act as; to serve as 咸作是言
295 2 zuò to start 咸作是言
296 2 zuò a writing; a work 咸作是言
297 2 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 咸作是言
298 2 zuō to create; to make 咸作是言
299 2 zuō a workshop 咸作是言
300 2 zuō to write; to compose 咸作是言
301 2 zuò to rise 咸作是言
302 2 zuò to be aroused 咸作是言
303 2 zuò activity; action; undertaking 咸作是言
304 2 zuò to regard as 咸作是言
305 2 zuò action; kāraṇa 咸作是言
306 2 wilderness 迦哩野
307 2 open country; field 迦哩野
308 2 outskirts; countryside 迦哩野
309 2 wild; uncivilized 迦哩野
310 2 celestial area 迦哩野
311 2 district; region 迦哩野
312 2 community 迦哩野
313 2 rude; coarse 迦哩野
314 2 unofficial 迦哩野
315 2 ya 迦哩野
316 2 the wild; aṭavī 迦哩野
317 2 big; huge; large 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
318 2 Kangxi radical 37 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
319 2 great; major; important 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
320 2 size 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
321 2 old 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
322 2 oldest; earliest 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
323 2 adult 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
324 2 dài an important person 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
325 2 senior 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
326 2 an element 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
327 2 great; mahā 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
328 2 to crush; to mash; to grind 抳室哩
329 1 suí to follow 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
330 1 suí to listen to 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
331 1 suí to submit to; to comply with 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
332 1 suí to be obsequious 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
333 1 suí 17th hexagram 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
334 1 suí let somebody do what they like 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
335 1 suí to resemble; to look like 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
336 1 suí follow; anugama 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
337 1 皆大歡喜 jiē dà huānxǐ to everyone's delight and satisfaction 皆大歡喜
338 1 皆大歡喜 jiē dà huānxǐ As You Like It 皆大歡喜
339 1 皆大歡喜 jiē dà huān xǐ A Win-Win for All 皆大歡喜
340 1 皆大歡喜 jiē dà huān xǐ Happily ever after 皆大歡喜
341 1 desire 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
342 1 to desire; to wish 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
343 1 to desire; to intend 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
344 1 lust 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
345 1 desire; intention; wish; kāma 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
346 1 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 正號大廣智大興善寺三藏沙門
347 1 沙門 shāmén sramana 正號大廣智大興善寺三藏沙門
348 1 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 正號大廣智大興善寺三藏沙門
349 1 富貴 fùguì to be rich and have honor 寶富貴
350 1 富貴 fùguì beautiful 寶富貴
351 1 富貴 fùguì wealth 寶富貴
352 1 一切 yīqiè temporary 能除一切貧窮業障
353 1 一切 yīqiè the same 能除一切貧窮業障
354 1 to pay respects 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
355 1 reverent 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
356 1 respectful 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
357 1 shrunken 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
358 1 to put into order 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
359 1 to revere 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
360 1 to guard against 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
361 1 to be urgent 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
362 1 to welcome 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
363 1 to give; to bestow favors 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
364 1 grace; favor; a gift 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
365 1 to award; to appoint 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
366 1 to do in full 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
367 1 to bestow an honorific title 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
368 1 offer; anuprayam 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
369 1 hóng great; large 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
370 1 hóng wild goose 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
371 1 hóng a letter 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
372 1 speed 速獲一
373 1 quick; fast 速獲一
374 1 urgent 速獲一
375 1 to recruit 速獲一
376 1 to urge; to invite 速獲一
377 1 quick; śīghra 速獲一
378 1 shǐ history 阿落乞史
379 1 shǐ Shi 阿落乞史
380 1 shǐ a history; a chronicle; annals 阿落乞史
381 1 shǐ a historian 阿落乞史
382 1 shǐ diverse 阿落乞史
383 1 jiàn mirror; looking glass 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
384 1 jiàn to reflect 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
385 1 jiàn to inspect 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
386 1 jiàn reflect upon; prasamīkṣ 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
387 1 zhī to know 知此
388 1 zhī to comprehend 知此
389 1 zhī to inform; to tell 知此
390 1 zhī to administer 知此
391 1 zhī to distinguish; to discern; to recognize 知此
392 1 zhī to be close friends 知此
393 1 zhī to feel; to sense; to perceive 知此
394 1 zhī to receive; to entertain 知此
395 1 zhī knowledge 知此
396 1 zhī consciousness; perception 知此
397 1 zhī a close friend 知此
398 1 zhì wisdom 知此
399 1 zhì Zhi 知此
400 1 zhī to appreciate 知此
401 1 zhī to make known 知此
402 1 zhī to have control over 知此
403 1 zhī to expect; to foresee 知此
404 1 zhī Understanding 知此
405 1 zhī know; jña 知此
406 1 大名 dàmíng famous name; good reputation 大名稱
407 1 大名 dàmíng your distinguished name 大名稱
408 1 大名 dàmíng Daming 大名稱
409 1 大名 dàmíng Daimyo 大名稱
410 1 nǎng ancient times; former times 曩捨野
411 1 nǎng na 曩捨野
412 1 tóng like; same; similar 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
413 1 tóng to be the same 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
414 1 tòng an alley; a lane 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
415 1 tóng to do something for somebody 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
416 1 tóng Tong 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
417 1 tóng to meet; to gather together; to join with 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
418 1 tóng to be unified 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
419 1 tóng to approve; to endorse 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
420 1 tóng peace; harmony 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
421 1 tóng an agreement 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
422 1 tóng same; sama 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
423 1 tóng together; saha 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
424 1 fēng abundant; rich; lush; bountiful 切財寶豐樂吉祥
425 1 fēng Feng 切財寶豐樂吉祥
426 1 fēng good in appearance 切財寶豐樂吉祥
427 1 fēng a kind of serving tray 切財寶豐樂吉祥
428 1 fēng Feng [hexagram] 切財寶豐樂吉祥
429 1 fēng fertile 切財寶豐樂吉祥
430 1 fēng Feng [surname] 切財寶豐樂吉祥
431 1 fēng great 切財寶豐樂吉祥
432 1 fēng abundant; subhikṣa 切財寶豐樂吉祥
433 1 三司 sān sī three offices 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
434 1 宣說 xuānshuō to preach; to teach publicly; to teach classics or religious texts 為他宣說
435 1 宣說 xuānshuō instruct; upadiś 為他宣說
436 1 duò to carry on one's back
437 1 tuó to carry on one's back
438 1 duò dha
439 1 to obtain; to get; to gain; to attain; to win 皆得圓滿
440 1 děi to want to; to need to 皆得圓滿
441 1 děi must; ought to 皆得圓滿
442 1 de 皆得圓滿
443 1 de infix potential marker 皆得圓滿
444 1 to result in 皆得圓滿
445 1 to be proper; to fit; to suit 皆得圓滿
446 1 to be satisfied 皆得圓滿
447 1 to be finished 皆得圓滿
448 1 děi satisfying 皆得圓滿
449 1 to contract 皆得圓滿
450 1 to hear 皆得圓滿
451 1 to have; there is 皆得圓滿
452 1 marks time passed 皆得圓滿
453 1 obtain; attain; prāpta 皆得圓滿
454 1 yuē to speak; to say
455 1 yuē Kangxi radical 73
456 1 yuē to be called
457 1 yuē said; ukta
458 1 tīng to listen 佛言汝當善聽
459 1 tīng to obey 佛言汝當善聽
460 1 tīng to understand 佛言汝當善聽
461 1 tìng to hear a lawsuit; to adjudicate 佛言汝當善聽
462 1 tìng to allow; to let something take its course 佛言汝當善聽
463 1 tīng to await 佛言汝當善聽
464 1 tīng to acknowledge 佛言汝當善聽
465 1 tīng information 佛言汝當善聽
466 1 tīng a hall 佛言汝當善聽
467 1 tīng Ting 佛言汝當善聽
468 1 tìng to administer; to process 佛言汝當善聽
469 1 tīng to listen; śru 佛言汝當善聽
470 1 修習 xiūxí to practice; to cultivate 受持讀誦修習供養
471 1 修習 xiūxí bhāvanā; spiritual cultivation 受持讀誦修習供養
472 1 一時 yīshí a period of time; a while 一時薄伽梵
473 1 一時 yīshí at the same time 一時薄伽梵
474 1 一時 yīshí sometimes 一時薄伽梵
475 1 一時 yīshí accidentally 一時薄伽梵
476 1 一時 yīshí at one time 一時薄伽梵
477 1 kāi to open 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
478 1 kāi Kai 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
479 1 kāi to hold an event 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
480 1 kāi to drive; to operate 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
481 1 kāi to boil 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
482 1 kāi to melt 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
483 1 kāi to come loose; to break open 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
484 1 kāi to depart; to move 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
485 1 kāi to write 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
486 1 kāi to issue 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
487 1 kāi to lift restrictions 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
488 1 kāi indicates expansion or continuation of a process 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
489 1 kāi to switch on 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
490 1 kāi to run; to set up 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
491 1 kāi to fire 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
492 1 kāi to eat 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
493 1 kāi to clear 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
494 1 kāi to divide 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
495 1 kāi a division of standard size paper 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
496 1 kāi to develop land; to reclaim land 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
497 1 kāi to reveal; to display 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
498 1 kāi to inspire 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
499 1 kāi open 開府儀同三司特進試鴻臚卿肅國
500 1 shǒu head 首佛足退坐一面

Frequencies of all Words

Top 845

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 7 níng Nanjing
2 7 nìng rather
3 7 níng peaceful
4 7 níng repose; serenity; peace
5 7 níng to pacify
6 7 níng to return home
7 7 nìng Ning
8 7 níng to visit
9 7 níng to mourn for parents
10 7 nìng in this way
11 7 nìng don't tell me ...
12 7 nìng unexpectedly
13 7 níng Ningxia
14 7 nìng particle without meaning
15 7 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen
16 7 nìng tranquillity; kṣema
17 7 page; sheet
18 7 page; sheet
19 7 Kangxi radical 181
20 7 xié head
21 6 èr two 二名號
22 6 èr Kangxi radical 7 二名號
23 6 èr second 二名號
24 6 èr twice; double; di- 二名號
25 6 èr another; the other 二名號
26 6 èr more than one kind 二名號
27 6 èr two; dvā; dvi 二名號
28 6 èr both; dvaya 二名號
29 5 爾時 ěr shí at that time 爾時觀
30 5 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu 爾時觀
31 5 名號 mínghào name 大吉祥天女十二名號
32 5 名號 mínghào reputation 大吉祥天女十二名號
33 5 名號 mínghào title 大吉祥天女十二名號
34 4 to join; to combine 二合
35 4 a time; a trip 二合
36 4 to close 二合
37 4 to agree with; equal to 二合
38 4 to gather 二合
39 4 whole 二合
40 4 to be suitable; to be up to standard 二合
41 4 a musical note 二合
42 4 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 二合
43 4 to fight 二合
44 4 to conclude 二合
45 4 to be similar to 二合
46 4 and; also 二合
47 4 crowded 二合
48 4 a box 二合
49 4 to copulate 二合
50 4 a partner; a spouse 二合
51 4 harmonious 二合
52 4 should 二合
53 4 He 二合
54 4 a unit of measure for grain 二合
55 4 a container for grain measurement 二合
56 4 Merge 二合
57 4 unite; saṃyoga 二合
58 4 to reach 及彼一切有情之類
59 4 and 及彼一切有情之類
60 4 coming to; when 及彼一切有情之類
61 4 to attain 及彼一切有情之類
62 4 to understand 及彼一切有情之類
63 4 able to be compared to; to catch up with 及彼一切有情之類
64 4 to be involved with; to associate with 及彼一切有情之類
65 4 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 及彼一切有情之類
66 4 and; ca; api 及彼一切有情之類
67 4 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 世尊所說真實不虛
68 4 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 世尊所說真實不虛
69 4 shuì to persuade 世尊所說真實不虛
70 4 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 世尊所說真實不虛
71 4 shuō a doctrine; a theory 世尊所說真實不虛
72 4 shuō to claim; to assert 世尊所說真實不虛
73 4 shuō allocution 世尊所說真實不虛
74 4 shuō to criticize; to scold 世尊所說真實不虛
75 4 shuō to indicate; to refer to 世尊所說真實不虛
76 4 shuō speach; vāda 世尊所說真實不虛
77 4 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 世尊所說真實不虛
78 4 shuō to instruct 世尊所說真實不虛
79 4 十二 shí èr twelve 大吉祥天女十二名號
80 4 十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa 大吉祥天女十二名號
81 4 yán to speak; to say; said 告觀自在菩薩言
82 4 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 告觀自在菩薩言
83 4 yán Kangxi radical 149 告觀自在菩薩言
84 4 yán a particle with no meaning 告觀自在菩薩言
85 4 yán phrase; sentence 告觀自在菩薩言
86 4 yán a word; a syllable 告觀自在菩薩言
87 4 yán a theory; a doctrine 告觀自在菩薩言
88 4 yán to regard as 告觀自在菩薩言
89 4 yán to act as 告觀自在菩薩言
90 4 yán word; vacana 告觀自在菩薩言
91 4 yán speak; vad 告觀自在菩薩言
92 4 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One 爾時世尊
93 4 世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha 爾時世尊
94 4 shì is; are; am; to be 咸作是言
95 4 shì is exactly 咸作是言
96 4 shì is suitable; is in contrast 咸作是言
97 4 shì this; that; those 咸作是言
98 4 shì really; certainly 咸作是言
99 4 shì correct; yes; affirmative 咸作是言
100 4 shì true 咸作是言
101 4 shì is; has; exists 咸作是言
102 4 shì used between repetitions of a word 咸作是言
103 4 shì a matter; an affair 咸作是言
104 4 shì Shi 咸作是言
105 4 shì is; bhū 咸作是言
106 4 shì this; idam 咸作是言
107 3 néng can; able 能除一切貧窮業障
108 3 néng ability; capacity 能除一切貧窮業障
109 3 néng a mythical bear-like beast 能除一切貧窮業障
110 3 néng energy 能除一切貧窮業障
111 3 néng function; use 能除一切貧窮業障
112 3 néng may; should; permitted to 能除一切貧窮業障
113 3 néng talent 能除一切貧窮業障
114 3 néng expert at 能除一切貧窮業障
115 3 néng to be in harmony 能除一切貧窮業障
116 3 néng to tend to; to care for 能除一切貧窮業障
117 3 néng to reach; to arrive at 能除一切貧窮業障
118 3 néng as long as; only 能除一切貧窮業障
119 3 néng even if 能除一切貧窮業障
120 3 néng but 能除一切貧窮業障
121 3 néng in this way 能除一切貧窮業障
122 3 néng to be able; śak 能除一切貧窮業障
123 3 néng skilful; pravīṇa 能除一切貧窮業障
124 3 qiē to cut; to mince; to slice; to carve 爾時會中一切天龍八部
125 3 qiē to shut off; to disconnect 爾時會中一切天龍八部
126 3 qiē to be tangent to 爾時會中一切天龍八部
127 3 qiè to rub 爾時會中一切天龍八部
128 3 qiè to be near to 爾時會中一切天龍八部
129 3 qiè keen; eager 爾時會中一切天龍八部
130 3 qiè to accord with; correspond to 爾時會中一切天龍八部
131 3 qiè must; necessarily 爾時會中一切天龍八部
132 3 qiè feel a pulse 爾時會中一切天龍八部
133 3 qiè detailed 爾時會中一切天龍八部
134 3 qiè suitable; close-fitting 爾時會中一切天龍八部
135 3 qiè pressing; urgent 爾時會中一切天龍八部
136 3 qiè intense; acute 爾時會中一切天龍八部
137 3 qiè earnest; sincere 爾時會中一切天龍八部
138 3 qiè criticize 爾時會中一切天龍八部
139 3 qiè door-sill 爾時會中一切天龍八部
140 3 qiè soft; light 爾時會中一切天龍八部
141 3 qiè secretly; stealthily 爾時會中一切天龍八部
142 3 qiè to bite 爾時會中一切天龍八部
143 3 qiè all 爾時會中一切天龍八部
144 3 qiè an essential point 爾時會中一切天龍八部
145 3 qiè qie [historic phonetic system] 爾時會中一切天龍八部
146 3 qiē to buy wholesale 爾時會中一切天龍八部
147 3 qiē strike; cut; kuṭṭ 爾時會中一切天龍八部
148 3 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
149 3 suǒ an office; an institute 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
150 3 suǒ introduces a relative clause 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
151 3 suǒ it 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
152 3 suǒ if; supposing 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
153 3 suǒ a few; various; some 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
154 3 suǒ a place; a location 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
155 3 suǒ indicates a passive voice 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
156 3 suǒ that which 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
157 3 suǒ an ordinal number 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
158 3 suǒ meaning 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
159 3 suǒ garrison 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
160 3 suǒ place; pradeśa 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
161 3 suǒ that which; yad 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
162 3 吉祥 jíxiáng lucky; auspicious 吉祥
163 3 吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious blessings 吉祥
164 3 吉祥 jíxiáng auspicious; mangala 吉祥
165 3 a mile 他室哩
166 3 a sentence ending particle 他室哩
167 3 sporadic; scattered 他室哩
168 3 他室哩
169 3 觀自在菩薩 guānzìzai púsà Avalokitesvara bodhisattva 告觀自在菩薩言
170 3 大吉祥天 dà jíxiáng tiān good fortune deva 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
171 3 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經 fó shuō dà jíxiáng tiān nǚ shí èr mínghào jīng Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī; Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經
172 3 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經 fó shuō dà jíxiáng tiān nǚ shí èr mínghào jīng Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī; Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經
173 3 Buddha; Awakened One 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
174 3 relating to Buddhism 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
175 3 a statue or image of a Buddha 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
176 3 a Buddhist text 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
177 3 to touch; to stroke 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
178 3 Buddha 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
179 3 Buddha; Awakened One 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
180 3 you; thou 佛言汝當善聽
181 3 Ru River 佛言汝當善聽
182 3 Ru 佛言汝當善聽
183 3 you; tvam; bhavat 佛言汝當善聽
184 3 wèi for; to 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
185 3 wèi because of 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
186 3 wéi to act as; to serve 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
187 3 wéi to change into; to become 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
188 3 wéi to be; is 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
189 3 wéi to do 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
190 3 wèi for 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
191 3 wèi because of; for; to 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
192 3 wèi to 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
193 3 wéi in a passive construction 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
194 3 wéi forming a rehetorical question 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
195 3 wéi forming an adverb 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
196 3 wéi to add emphasis 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
197 3 wèi to support; to help 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
198 3 wéi to govern 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
199 3 wèi to be; bhū 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
200 3 this; these 知此
201 3 in this way 知此
202 3 otherwise; but; however; so 知此
203 3 at this time; now; here 知此
204 3 this; here; etad 知此
205 3 貧窮 pínqióng poor; impoverished 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
206 3 female; feminine 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
207 3 female 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
208 3 Kangxi radical 38 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
209 3 to marry off a daughter 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
210 3 daughter 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
211 3 you; thou 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
212 3 soft; feminine 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
213 3 the Maiden lunar lodging 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
214 3 you 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
215 3 woman; nārī 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
216 3 daughter; duhitṛ 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
217 3 Śravaṇā 爾時大吉祥天女菩薩摩訶薩
218 2 受持 shòuchí uphold 汝當受持
219 2 受持 shòuchí to accept and maintain faith; to uphold 汝當受持
220 2 jīn today; present; now 今為汝說所謂
221 2 jīn Jin 今為汝說所謂
222 2 jīn modern 今為汝說所謂
223 2 jīn now; adhunā 今為汝說所謂
224 2 he; him 為他宣說
225 2 another aspect 為他宣說
226 2 other; another; some other 為他宣說
227 2 everybody 為他宣說
228 2 other 為他宣說
229 2 tuō other; another; some other 為他宣說
230 2 tha 為他宣說
231 2 ṭha 為他宣說
232 2 other; anya 為他宣說
233 2 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 自在菩薩
234 2 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 自在菩薩
235 2 菩薩 púsà bodhisattva 自在菩薩
236 2 一面 yīmiàn one side 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
237 2 一面 yīmiàn simultaneously 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
238 2 一面 yīmiàn one time 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
239 2 一面 yīmiàn one point of view; one perspective 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
240 2 一面 yīmiàn one aspect 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
241 2 一面 yīmiàn whole face 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
242 2 一面 yīmiàn one side, simultaneously 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
243 2 一面 yīmiàn a single part; devotion to one object 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
244 2 一面 yīmiàn one side 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
245 2 suō to dance; to frolic
246 2 suō to lounge
247 2 suō to saunter
248 2 suō suo
249 2 suō sa
250 2 供養 gòngyǎng to provide for one's elders; to support one's parents 受持讀誦修習供養
251 2 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to provide offerings; to worship 受持讀誦修習供養
252 2 供養 gòngyǎng offering 受持讀誦修習供養
253 2 供養 gòngyǎng to make offerings; to worship; to honor 受持讀誦修習供養
254 2 退坐 tuìzuò sit down 來詣佛所頭面禮佛足退坐一面
255 2 bǎo a treasure; a valuable item 寶富貴
256 2 bǎo treasured; cherished 寶富貴
257 2 bǎo a jewel; gem 寶富貴
258 2 bǎo precious 寶富貴
259 2 bǎo noble 寶富貴
260 2 bǎo an imperial seal 寶富貴
261 2 bǎo a unit of currency 寶富貴
262 2 bǎo Bao 寶富貴
263 2 bǎo jewel; gem; treasure; ratna 寶富貴
264 2 bǎo jewel; gem; mani 寶富貴
265 2 yuàn to hope; to wish; to desire 我等願聞十
266 2 yuàn hope 我等願聞十
267 2 yuàn to be ready; to be willing 我等願聞十
268 2 yuàn to ask for; to solicit 我等願聞十
269 2 yuàn a vow 我等願聞十
270 2 yuàn diligent; attentive 我等願聞十
271 2 yuàn to prefer; to select 我等願聞十
272 2 yuàn to admire 我等願聞十
273 2 yuàn a vow; pranidhana 我等願聞十
274 2 cái money; wealth; riches; valuables 獲得豐饒財
275 2 cái financial worth 獲得豐饒財
276 2 cái talent 獲得豐饒財
277 2 cái to consider 獲得豐饒財
278 2 cái only 獲得豐饒財
279 2 cái wealth; dhana; vastu 獲得豐饒財
280 2 one 能除貧窮一
281 2 Kangxi radical 1 能除貧窮一
282 2 as soon as; all at once 能除貧窮一
283 2 pure; concentrated 能除貧窮一
284 2 whole; all 能除貧窮一
285 2 first 能除貧窮一
286 2 the same 能除貧窮一
287 2 each 能除貧窮一
288 2 certain 能除貧窮一
289 2 throughout 能除貧窮一
290 2 used in between a reduplicated verb 能除貧窮一
291 2 sole; single 能除貧窮一
292 2 a very small amount 能除貧窮一
293 2 Yi 能除貧窮一
294 2 other 能除貧窮一
295 2 to unify 能除貧窮一
296 2 accidentally; coincidentally 能除貧窮一
297 2 abruptly; suddenly 能除貧窮一
298 2 or 能除貧窮一
299 2 one; eka 能除貧窮一
300 2 gào to tell; to say; said; told 告觀自在菩薩言
301 2 gào to request 告觀自在菩薩言
302 2 gào to report; to inform 告觀自在菩薩言
303 2 gào to announce; to disclose; to raise a lawsuit 告觀自在菩薩言
304 2 gào to accuse; to sue 告觀自在菩薩言
305 2 gào to reach 告觀自在菩薩言
306 2 gào an announcement 告觀自在菩薩言
307 2 gào a party 告觀自在菩薩言
308 2 gào a vacation 告觀自在菩薩言
309 2 gào Gao 告觀自在菩薩言
310 2 gào to tell; jalp 告觀自在菩薩言
311 2 zhū all; many; various 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
312 2 zhū Zhu 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
313 2 zhū all; members of the class 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
314 2 zhū interrogative particle 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
315 2 zhū him; her; them; it 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
316 2 zhū of; in 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
317 2 zhū all; many; sarva 為欲利益薄福貧窮諸有情故
318 2 to know; to learn about; to comprehend
319 2 all; entire
320 2 detailed
321 2 to elaborate; to expound
322 2 to exhaust; to use up
323 2 strongly
324 2 Xi
325 2 all; kṛtsna
326 2 天龍八部 tiān lóng bā bù eight kinds of demigods 爾時會中一切天龍八部
327 2 shì room; bedroom 他室哩
328 2 shì house; dwelling 他室哩
329 2 shì organizational subdivision 他室哩
330 2 shì number 13 of the 28 constellations 他室哩
331 2 shì household 他室哩
332 2 shì house of nobility 他室哩
333 2 shì family assets 他室哩
334 2 shì wife 他室哩
335 2 shì tomb; burial chamber 他室哩
336 2 shì knife sheath 他室哩
337 2 shì Shi 他室哩
338 2 shì abode; ālaya 他室哩
339 2 shì Pūrva-Proṣṭhapada 他室哩
340 2 陀羅尼 tuóluóní Dharani 爾時世尊說是陀羅尼已
341 2 陀羅尼 tuóluóní dharani 爾時世尊說是陀羅尼已
342 2 大吉 dàjí very auspicious; extremely lucky 大吉
343 2 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 佛言汝當善聽
344 2 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 佛言汝當善聽
345 2 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 佛言汝當善聽
346 2 dāng to face 佛言汝當善聽
347 2 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 佛言汝當善聽
348 2 dāng to manage; to host 佛言汝當善聽
349 2 dāng should 佛言汝當善聽
350 2 dāng to treat; to regard as 佛言汝當善聽
351 2 dǎng to think 佛言汝當善聽
352 2 dàng suitable; correspond to 佛言汝當善聽
353 2 dǎng to be equal 佛言汝當善聽
354 2 dàng that 佛言汝當善聽
355 2 dāng an end; top 佛言汝當善聽
356 2 dàng clang; jingle 佛言汝當善聽
357 2 dāng to judge 佛言汝當善聽
358 2 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 佛言汝當善聽
359 2 dàng the same 佛言汝當善聽
360 2 dàng to pawn 佛言汝當善聽
361 2 dàng to fail [an exam] 佛言汝當善聽
362 2 dàng a trap 佛言汝當善聽
363 2 dàng a pawned item 佛言汝當善聽
364 2 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 佛言汝當善聽
365 2 ruò to seem; to be like; as 若有苾芻苾芻
366 2 ruò seemingly 若有苾芻苾芻
367 2 ruò if 若有苾芻苾芻
368 2 ruò you 若有苾芻苾芻
369 2 ruò this; that 若有苾芻苾芻
370 2 ruò and; or 若有苾芻苾芻
371 2 ruò as for; pertaining to 若有苾芻苾芻
372 2 pomegranite 若有苾芻苾芻
373 2 ruò to choose 若有苾芻苾芻
374 2 ruò to agree; to accord with; to conform to 若有苾芻苾芻
375 2 ruò thus 若有苾芻苾芻
376 2 ruò pollia 若有苾芻苾芻
377 2 ruò Ruo 若有苾芻苾芻
378 2 ruò only then 若有苾芻苾芻
379 2 ja 若有苾芻苾芻
380 2 jñā 若有苾芻苾芻
381 2 ruò if; yadi 若有苾芻苾芻
382 2 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 施食者
383 2 zhě that 施食者
384 2 zhě nominalizing function word 施食者
385 2 zhě used to mark a definition 施食者
386 2 zhě used to mark a pause 施食者
387 2 zhě topic marker; that; it 施食者
388 2 zhuó according to 施食者
389 2 zhě ca 施食者
390 2 shí time; a point or period of time 每時三遍
391 2 shí a season; a quarter of a year 每時三遍
392 2 shí one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day 每時三遍
393 2 shí at that time 每時三遍
394 2 shí fashionable 每時三遍
395 2 shí fate; destiny; luck 每時三遍
396 2 shí occasion; opportunity; chance 每時三遍
397 2 shí tense 每時三遍
398 2 shí particular; special 每時三遍
399 2 shí to plant; to cultivate 每時三遍
400 2 shí hour (measure word) 每時三遍
401 2 shí an era; a dynasty 每時三遍
402 2 shí time [abstract] 每時三遍
403 2 shí seasonal 每時三遍
404 2 shí frequently; often 每時三遍
405 2 shí occasionally; sometimes 每時三遍
406 2 shí on time 每時三遍
407 2 shí this; that 每時三遍
408 2 shí to wait upon 每時三遍
409 2 shí hour 每時三遍
410 2 shí appropriate; proper; timely 每時三遍
411 2 shí Shi 每時三遍
412 2 shí a present; currentlt 每時三遍
413 2 shí time; kāla 每時三遍
414 2 shí at that time; samaya 每時三遍
415 2 shí then; atha 每時三遍
416 2 chú except; besides 能除一切貧窮業障
417 2 chú to dispel; to eliminate; to remove; to get rid of 能除一切貧窮業障
418 2 chú to divide 能除一切貧窮業障
419 2 chú to put in order 能除一切貧窮業障
420 2 chú to appoint to an official position 能除一切貧窮業障
421 2 chú door steps; stairs 能除一切貧窮業障
422 2 chú to replace an official 能除一切貧窮業障
423 2 chú to change; to replace 能除一切貧窮業障
424 2 chú to renovate; to restore 能除一切貧窮業障
425 2 chú division 能除一切貧窮業障
426 2 chú except; without; anyatra 能除一切貧窮業障
427 2 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 若有苾芻苾芻
428 2 苾芻 bìchú a monk; a bhikkhu 若有苾芻苾芻
429 2 zuò to do 咸作是言
430 2 zuò to act as; to serve as 咸作是言
431 2 zuò to start 咸作是言
432 2 zuò a writing; a work 咸作是言
433 2 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 咸作是言
434 2 zuō to create; to make 咸作是言
435 2 zuō a workshop 咸作是言
436 2 zuō to write; to compose 咸作是言
437 2 zuò to rise 咸作是言
438 2 zuò to be aroused 咸作是言
439 2 zuò activity; action; undertaking 咸作是言
440 2 zuò to regard as 咸作是言
441 2 zuò action; kāraṇa 咸作是言
442 2 wilderness 迦哩野
443 2 open country; field 迦哩野
444 2 outskirts; countryside 迦哩野
445 2 wild; uncivilized 迦哩野
446 2 celestial area 迦哩野
447 2 district; region 迦哩野
448 2 community 迦哩野
449 2 rude; coarse 迦哩野
450 2 unofficial 迦哩野
451 2 exceptionally; very 迦哩野
452 2 ya 迦哩野
453 2 the wild; aṭavī 迦哩野
454 2 big; huge; large 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
455 2 Kangxi radical 37 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
456 2 great; major; important 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
457 2 size 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
458 2 old 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
459 2 greatly; very 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
460 2 oldest; earliest 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
461 2 adult 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
462 2 tài greatest; grand 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
463 2 dài an important person 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
464 2 senior 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
465 2 approximately 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
466 2 tài greatest; grand 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
467 2 an element 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
468 2 great; mahā 公食邑三千戶賜紫贈司空諡大鑒
469 2 to crush; to mash; to grind 抳室哩
470 2 yǒu is; are; to exist 若有苾芻苾芻
471 2 yǒu to have; to possess 若有苾芻苾芻
472 2 yǒu indicates an estimate 若有苾芻苾芻
473 2 yǒu indicates a large quantity 若有苾芻苾芻
474 2 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 若有苾芻苾芻
475 2 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 若有苾芻苾芻
476 2 yǒu used to compare two things 若有苾芻苾芻
477 2 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 若有苾芻苾芻
478 2 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 若有苾芻苾芻
479 2 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 若有苾芻苾芻
480 2 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 若有苾芻苾芻
481 2 yǒu abundant 若有苾芻苾芻
482 2 yǒu purposeful 若有苾芻苾芻
483 2 yǒu You 若有苾芻苾芻
484 2 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 若有苾芻苾芻
485 2 yǒu becoming; bhava 若有苾芻苾芻
486 1 you 怛儞也
487 1 you; tvad 怛儞也
488 1 suí to follow 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
489 1 suí to listen to 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
490 1 suí to submit to; to comply with 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
491 1 suí with; to accompany 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
492 1 suí in due course; subsequently; then 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
493 1 suí to the extent that 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
494 1 suí to be obsequious 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
495 1 suí everywhere 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
496 1 suí 17th hexagram 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
497 1 suí in passing 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
498 1 suí let somebody do what they like 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
499 1 suí to resemble; to look like 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩
500 1 suí follow; anugama 心隨力虔誠供養大吉祥天女菩薩


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
nìng tranquillity; kṣema
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
尔时 爾時 ěr shí at that time; atha khalu
  1. Merge
  2. unite; saṃyoga
and; ca; api
  1. shuō
  2. shuō
  3. shuō
  1. speach; vāda
  2. to speak; bhāṣate
  3. to instruct
十二 shí èr twelve; dvadasa
  1. yán
  2. yán
  1. word; vacana
  2. speak; vad
世尊 shìzūn World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
  1. shì
  2. shì
  1. is; bhū
  2. this; idam

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
薄伽梵 98 Bhagavat; Bhagavān; Bhagwan; Bhagawan
大兴善寺 大興善寺 100 Great Xingshan Temple
大光 100 Vistīrṇavatī
佛说大吉祥天女十二名号经 佛說大吉祥天女十二名號經 102
  1. Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī; Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing
  2. Sutra on the Twelve Names of Mahāśrī; Fo Shuo Da Jixiang Tian Nu Shi Er Minghao Jing
广智 廣智 103 Guangzhi
观自在菩萨 觀自在菩薩 103 Avalokitesvara bodhisattva
吉祥天女 106
  1. Laksmi
  2. Laksmi
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
世尊 115
  1. World-Honored One
  2. World-Honored One; Bhagavat; lokanātha
司空 115
  1. Minster of Land and Water
  2. Sikong


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 27.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
薄福 98 little merit
苾刍 苾蒭 98
  1. a monk; a bhikkhu
  2. a monk; a bhikkhu
不空 98
  1. unerring; amogha
  2. Amoghavajra
大吉祥天 100 good fortune deva
大悲 100 mahākaruṇā; great compassion
读诵 讀誦 100 read aloud; recite repeatedly; svādyāya
佛言 102
  1. the Buddha said
  2. buddhavacana; the teachings of the Buddha
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
近事男 106 male lay person; upāsaka
近事女 106 female lay person; upāsikā
莲华 蓮華 108
  1. Lotus Flower
  2. a lotus flower; padma
  3. white lotus flower; pundarika
菩萨摩诃萨 菩薩摩訶薩 112 bodhisattva mahāsattva
如是我闻 如是我聞 114 thus I have heard
萨嚩 薩嚩 115 sarva; all
三千 115 three thousand-fold
施食 115
  1. Food Bestowal
  2. to give food
受持 115
  1. uphold
  2. to accept and maintain faith; to uphold
受持读诵 受持讀誦 115 receive and recite
天龙八部 天龍八部 116 eight kinds of demigods
头面礼佛 頭面禮佛 116 came up to the Lord, saluted his feet with their heads
退坐 116 sit down
陀罗尼 陀羅尼 116
  1. Dharani
  2. dharani
信受奉行 120 to receive and practice
严饰 嚴飾 121 to decorate; adorned
业障 業障 121
  1. karmic hindrance
  2. a karmic obstruction
一切有情 121
  1. all living beings
  2. all sentient beings
愿求 願求 121 aspires