Glossary and Vocabulary for Vajra Crown Sutra One Word Wheel Crown Liturgy (Jingang Ding Jing Yizi Ding Lunwang Yi Gui Yin Yi) 金剛頂經一字頂輪王儀軌音義

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 27 ya 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
2 21 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 三密印
3 21 yìn India 三密印
4 21 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 三密印
5 21 yìn a seal; a stamp 三密印
6 21 yìn to tally 三密印
7 21 yìn a vestige; a trace 三密印
8 21 yìn Yin 三密印
9 21 yìn to leave a track or trace 三密印
10 21 yìn mudra 三密印
11 17 Buddha; Awakened One 或分為二佛
12 17 relating to Buddhism 或分為二佛
13 17 a statue or image of a Buddha 或分為二佛
14 17 a Buddhist text 或分為二佛
15 17 to touch; to stroke 或分為二佛
16 17 Buddha 或分為二佛
17 17 Buddha; Awakened One 或分為二佛
18 17 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 可爾反
19 17 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 可爾反
20 17 fǎn to go back; to return 可爾反
21 17 fǎn to combat; to rebel 可爾反
22 17 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 可爾反
23 17 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 可爾反
24 17 fǎn to flip; to turn over 可爾反
25 17 fǎn to take back; to give back 可爾反
26 17 fǎn to reason by analogy 可爾反
27 17 fǎn to introspect 可爾反
28 17 fān to reverse a verdict 可爾反
29 17 fǎn opposed; viruddha 可爾反
30 16 second-rate 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
31 16 second; secondary 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
32 16 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
33 16 a sequence; an order 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
34 16 to arrive 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
35 16 to be next in sequence 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
36 16 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
37 16 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
38 16 stage of a journey 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
39 16 ranks 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
40 16 an official position 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
41 16 inside 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
42 16 to hesitate 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
43 16 secondary; next; tatas 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
44 16 yán to speak; to say; said 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
45 16 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
46 16 yán Kangxi radical 149 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
47 16 yán phrase; sentence 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
48 16 yán a word; a syllable 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
49 16 yán a theory; a doctrine 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
50 16 yán to regard as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
51 16 yán to act as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
52 16 yán word; vacana 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
53 16 yán speak; vad 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
54 13 zuǒ left 左左布
55 13 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 左左布
56 13 zuǒ east 左左布
57 13 zuǒ to bring 左左布
58 13 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 左左布
59 13 zuǒ Zuo 左左布
60 13 zuǒ extreme 左左布
61 13 zuǒ ca 左左布
62 13 zuǒ left; vāma 左左布
63 12 èr two 或分為二佛
64 12 èr Kangxi radical 7 或分為二佛
65 12 èr second 或分為二佛
66 12 èr twice; double; di- 或分為二佛
67 12 èr more than one kind 或分為二佛
68 12 èr two; dvā; dvi 或分為二佛
69 12 èr both; dvaya 或分為二佛
70 11 jiā to add 先二加現證大菩提是也
71 11 jiā to increase 先二加現證大菩提是也
72 11 jiā to inflict [punishment] 先二加現證大菩提是也
73 11 jiā to append 先二加現證大菩提是也
74 11 jiā Jia 先二加現證大菩提是也
75 11 jiā to wear 先二加現證大菩提是也
76 11 jiā to be appointed [to a position]; to grant 先二加現證大菩提是也
77 11 jiā to pass 先二加現證大菩提是也
78 11 jiā to place above 先二加現證大菩提是也
79 11 jiā to implement; to apply 先二加現證大菩提是也
80 11 jiā to line up the disk and base of a divining board 先二加現證大菩提是也
81 11 jiā to say falsely 先二加現證大菩提是也
82 11 jiā addition 先二加現證大菩提是也
83 11 jiā Canada 先二加現證大菩提是也
84 11 jiā to step over; adhiṣṭhā 先二加現證大菩提是也
85 10 liǎo to know; to understand 而手口淨了
86 10 liǎo to understand; to know 而手口淨了
87 10 liào to look afar from a high place 而手口淨了
88 10 liǎo to complete 而手口淨了
89 10 liǎo clever; intelligent 而手口淨了
90 10 liǎo to know; jñāta 而手口淨了
91 10 sentence 此八頌初五句有五
92 10 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 此八頌初五句有五
93 10 gōu to tease 此八頌初五句有五
94 10 gōu to delineate 此八頌初五句有五
95 10 gōu a young bud 此八頌初五句有五
96 10 clause; phrase; line 此八頌初五句有五
97 10 a musical phrase 此八頌初五句有五
98 10 verse; pada; gāthā 此八頌初五句有五
99 10 to use; to grasp 以土高作此云臺
100 10 to rely on 以土高作此云臺
101 10 to regard 以土高作此云臺
102 10 to be able to 以土高作此云臺
103 10 to order; to command 以土高作此云臺
104 10 used after a verb 以土高作此云臺
105 10 a reason; a cause 以土高作此云臺
106 10 Israel 以土高作此云臺
107 10 Yi 以土高作此云臺
108 10 use; yogena 以土高作此云臺
109 9 cotton cloth; textiles; linen 衣良布
110 9 to spread 衣良布
111 9 to announce 衣良布
112 9 to arrange 衣良布
113 9 an ancient coin 衣良布
114 9 to bestow 衣良布
115 9 to publish 衣良布
116 9 Bu 衣良布
117 9 to state; to describe 衣良布
118 9 cloth; vastra 衣良布
119 9 jiǔ old 婆句反川萬太久
120 9 jiǔ age 婆句反川萬太久
121 9 jiǔ to remain 婆句反川萬太久
122 9 jiǔ extending; ayata 婆句反川萬太久
123 9 jiǔ lasting a long time; cira 婆句反川萬太久
124 8 zuò to do 或分作四智
125 8 zuò to act as; to serve as 或分作四智
126 8 zuò to start 或分作四智
127 8 zuò a writing; a work 或分作四智
128 8 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 或分作四智
129 8 zuō to create; to make 或分作四智
130 8 zuō a workshop 或分作四智
131 8 zuō to write; to compose 或分作四智
132 8 zuò to rise 或分作四智
133 8 zuò to be aroused 或分作四智
134 8 zuò activity; action; undertaking 或分作四智
135 8 zuò to regard as 或分作四智
136 8 zuò action; kāraṇa 或分作四智
137 8 to go; to 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
138 8 to rely on; to depend on 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
139 8 Yu 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
140 8 a crow 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
141 8 sān three 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
142 8 sān third 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
143 8 sān more than two 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
144 8 sān very few 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
145 8 sān San 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
146 8 sān three; tri 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
147 8 sān sa 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
148 8 sān three kinds; trividha 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
149 7 tài grand 婆句反川萬太久
150 7 tài tera 婆句反川萬太久
151 7 tài senior 婆句反川萬太久
152 7 tài most senior member 婆句反川萬太久
153 7 běn to be one's own 五相觀本尊本真言印
154 7 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 五相觀本尊本真言印
155 7 běn the roots of a plant 五相觀本尊本真言印
156 7 běn capital 五相觀本尊本真言印
157 7 běn main; central; primary 五相觀本尊本真言印
158 7 běn according to 五相觀本尊本真言印
159 7 běn a version; an edition 五相觀本尊本真言印
160 7 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 五相觀本尊本真言印
161 7 běn a book 五相觀本尊本真言印
162 7 běn trunk of a tree 五相觀本尊本真言印
163 7 běn to investigate the root of 五相觀本尊本真言印
164 7 běn a manuscript for a play 五相觀本尊本真言印
165 7 běn Ben 五相觀本尊本真言印
166 7 běn root; origin; mula 五相觀本尊本真言印
167 7 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 五相觀本尊本真言印
168 7 běn former; previous; pūrva 五相觀本尊本真言印
169 6 ā to groan 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
170 6 ā a 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
171 6 ē to flatter 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
172 6 ē river bank 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
173 6 ē beam; pillar 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
174 6 ē a hillslope; a mound 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
175 6 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
176 6 ē E 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
177 6 ē to depend on 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
178 6 ē e 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
179 6 ē a buttress 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
180 6 ē be partial to 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
181 6 ē thick silk 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
182 6 ē e 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
183 6 yún cloud 梵語此云壇也
184 6 yún Yunnan 梵語此云壇也
185 6 yún Yun 梵語此云壇也
186 6 yún to say 梵語此云壇也
187 6 yún to have 梵語此云壇也
188 6 yún cloud; megha 梵語此云壇也
189 6 yún to say; iti 梵語此云壇也
190 6 zhì Kangxi radical 133 文稽首至是故常歸命
191 6 zhì to arrive 文稽首至是故常歸命
192 6 zhì approach; upagama 文稽首至是故常歸命
193 6 zhī to go 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
194 6 zhī to arrive; to go 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
195 6 zhī is 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
196 6 zhī to use 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
197 6 zhī Zhi 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
198 6 zhī winding 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
199 6 to associate with; be near 於保由比
200 6 to compare; to contrast 於保由比
201 6 Kangxi radical 81 於保由比
202 6 to gesture (with hands) 於保由比
203 6 to make an analogy 於保由比
204 6 an analogy 於保由比
205 6 an example 於保由比
206 6 comparison; upamā 於保由比
207 5 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
208 5 sòng to recount; to narrate 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
209 5 sòng a poem 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
210 5 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
211 5 一句 yījù a sentence 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
212 5 一句 yījù a single verse; a single word 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
213 5 nài to endure; to bear; to stand 果和反奈太良爾
214 5 nài to handle; to deal with 果和反奈太良爾
215 5 nài yellow plum; āmalaka 果和反奈太良爾
216 5 to join together; together with; to accompany 果和反奈太良爾
217 5 peace; harmony 果和反奈太良爾
218 5 He 果和反奈太良爾
219 5 harmonious [sound] 果和反奈太良爾
220 5 gentle; amiable; acquiescent 果和反奈太良爾
221 5 warm 果和反奈太良爾
222 5 to harmonize; to make peace 果和反奈太良爾
223 5 a transaction 果和反奈太良爾
224 5 a bell on a chariot 果和反奈太良爾
225 5 a musical instrument 果和反奈太良爾
226 5 a military gate 果和反奈太良爾
227 5 a coffin headboard 果和反奈太良爾
228 5 a skilled worker 果和反奈太良爾
229 5 compatible 果和反奈太良爾
230 5 calm; peaceful 果和反奈太良爾
231 5 to sing in accompaniment 果和反奈太良爾
232 5 to write a matching poem 果和反奈太良爾
233 5 harmony; gentleness 果和反奈太良爾
234 5 venerable 果和反奈太良爾
235 5 zhǐ to stop; to halt 知益反止良加須
236 5 zhǐ to arrive; until; to end 知益反止良加須
237 5 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77 知益反止良加須
238 5 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to detain 知益反止良加須
239 5 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay; to dwell 知益反止良加須
240 5 zhǐ to rest; to settle; to be still 知益反止良加須
241 5 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner 知益反止良加須
242 5 zhǐ foot 知益反止良加須
243 5 zhǐ percussion mallet; drumstick 知益反止良加須
244 5 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha 知益反止良加須
245 5 wèi to call 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
246 5 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
247 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
248 5 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
249 5 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
250 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
251 5 wèi to think 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
252 5 wèi for; is to be 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
253 5 wèi to make; to cause 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
254 5 wèi principle; reason 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
255 5 wèi Wei 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
256 5 děng et cetera; and so on 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
257 5 děng to wait 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
258 5 děng to be equal 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
259 5 děng degree; level 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
260 5 děng to compare 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
261 5 děng same; equal; sama 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
262 5 chuān Sichuan 婆句反川萬太久
263 5 chuān a river 婆句反川萬太久
264 5 chuān Kangxi radical 47 婆句反川萬太久
265 5 chuān to cook in chuan style 婆句反川萬太久
266 5 chuān river; nadī 婆句反川萬太久
267 5 shàng top; a high position 上止加利下止志
268 5 shang top; the position on or above something 上止加利下止志
269 5 shàng to go up; to go forward 上止加利下止志
270 5 shàng shang 上止加利下止志
271 5 shàng previous; last 上止加利下止志
272 5 shàng high; higher 上止加利下止志
273 5 shàng advanced 上止加利下止志
274 5 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上止加利下止志
275 5 shàng time 上止加利下止志
276 5 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上止加利下止志
277 5 shàng far 上止加利下止志
278 5 shàng big; as big as 上止加利下止志
279 5 shàng abundant; plentiful 上止加利下止志
280 5 shàng to report 上止加利下止志
281 5 shàng to offer 上止加利下止志
282 5 shàng to go on stage 上止加利下止志
283 5 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上止加利下止志
284 5 shàng to install; to erect 上止加利下止志
285 5 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上止加利下止志
286 5 shàng to burn 上止加利下止志
287 5 shàng to remember 上止加利下止志
288 5 shàng to add 上止加利下止志
289 5 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上止加利下止志
290 5 shàng to meet 上止加利下止志
291 5 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上止加利下止志
292 5 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上止加利下止志
293 5 shàng a musical note 上止加利下止志
294 5 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上止加利下止志
295 4 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 四無量觀
296 4 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 四無量觀
297 4 guān to display; to show; to make visible 四無量觀
298 4 guān Guan 四無量觀
299 4 guān appearance; looks 四無量觀
300 4 guān a sight; a view; a vista 四無量觀
301 4 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 四無量觀
302 4 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 四無量觀
303 4 guàn an announcement 四無量觀
304 4 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 四無量觀
305 4 guān Surview 四無量觀
306 4 guān Observe 四無量觀
307 4 guàn insight; vipasyana; vipassana 四無量觀
308 4 guān mindfulness; contemplation; smrti 四無量觀
309 4 guān recollection; anusmrti 四無量觀
310 4 guān viewing; avaloka 四無量觀
311 4 zhě ca 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
312 4 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 志憶反川波久
313 4 zhì to write down; to record 志憶反川波久
314 4 zhì Zhi 志憶反川波久
315 4 zhì a written record; a treatise 志憶反川波久
316 4 zhì to remember 志憶反川波久
317 4 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 志憶反川波久
318 4 zhì a birthmark; a mole 志憶反川波久
319 4 zhì determination; will 志憶反川波久
320 4 zhì a magazine 志憶反川波久
321 4 zhì to measure; to weigh 志憶反川波久
322 4 zhì aspiration 志憶反川波久
323 4 zhì Aspiration 志憶反川波久
324 4 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 志憶反川波久
325 4 yīn sound; noise 音釋河河也飢須留
326 4 yīn Kangxi radical 180 音釋河河也飢須留
327 4 yīn news 音釋河河也飢須留
328 4 yīn tone; timbre 音釋河河也飢須留
329 4 yīn music 音釋河河也飢須留
330 4 yīn material from which musical instruments are made 音釋河河也飢須留
331 4 yīn voice; words 音釋河河也飢須留
332 4 yīn tone of voice 音釋河河也飢須留
333 4 yīn rumour 音釋河河也飢須留
334 4 yīn shade 音釋河河也飢須留
335 4 yīn sound; ghoṣa 音釋河河也飢須留
336 4 to be near by; to be close to 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
337 4 at that time 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
338 4 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
339 4 supposed; so-called 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
340 4 to arrive at; to ascend 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
341 4 心印 xīnyìn mind seal 次以佛部心印於頂三誦
342 4 歸命 guīmìng to devote one's life 文稽首至是故常歸命
343 4 歸命 guīmìng namo; to pay respect to; homage 文稽首至是故常歸命
344 4 biàn all; complete 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
345 4 biàn to be covered with 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
346 4 biàn everywhere; sarva 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
347 4 biàn pervade; visva 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
348 4 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
349 4 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
350 4 is exactly 妓伊反乃留
351 4 Yi 妓伊反乃留
352 4 Yi River 妓伊反乃留
353 4 Iraq 妓伊反乃留
354 4 Iran 妓伊反乃留
355 4 i 妓伊反乃留
356 4 yòu right; right-hand 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
357 4 yòu to help; to assist 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
358 4 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
359 4 yòu to bless and protect 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
360 4 yòu an official building 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
361 4 yòu the west 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
362 4 yòu right wing; conservative 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
363 4 yòu super 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
364 4 yòu right 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
365 4 yòu right; dakṣiṇa 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
366 4 beard; whiskers 音釋河河也飢須留
367 4 must 音釋河河也飢須留
368 4 to wait 音釋河河也飢須留
369 4 moment 音釋河河也飢須留
370 4 whiskers 音釋河河也飢須留
371 4 Xu 音釋河河也飢須留
372 4 to be slow 音釋河河也飢須留
373 4 to stop 音釋河河也飢須留
374 4 to use 音釋河河也飢須留
375 4 to be; is 音釋河河也飢須留
376 4 tentacles; feelers; antennae 音釋河河也飢須留
377 4 a fine stem 音釋河河也飢須留
378 4 fine; slender; whisker-like 音釋河河也飢須留
379 4 whiskers; śmaśru 音釋河河也飢須留
380 4 liáng good; virtuous; respectable 衣良布
381 4 liáng moderate 衣良布
382 4 liáng wise and capable 衣良布
383 4 liáng natural; innate 衣良布
384 4 liáng a virtuous person 衣良布
385 4 liáng Liang 衣良布
386 4 liáng best; udāra 衣良布
387 4 liú to leave something; to retain; to stay; to remain; to keep; to preserve 音釋河河也飢須留
388 4 liú to stop; to halt 音釋河河也飢須留
389 4 liú standing by; adhiṣṭhāna 音釋河河也飢須留
390 3 shǔ to count 念珠言印念誦數了
391 3 shù a number; an amount 念珠言印念誦數了
392 3 shù mathenatics 念珠言印念誦數了
393 3 shù an ancient calculating method 念珠言印念誦數了
394 3 shù several; a few 念珠言印念誦數了
395 3 shǔ to allow; to permit 念珠言印念誦數了
396 3 shǔ to be equal; to compare to 念珠言印念誦數了
397 3 shù numerology; divination by numbers 念珠言印念誦數了
398 3 shù a skill; an art 念珠言印念誦數了
399 3 shù luck; fate 念珠言印念誦數了
400 3 shù a rule 念珠言印念誦數了
401 3 shù legal system 念珠言印念誦數了
402 3 shǔ to criticize; to enumerate shortcomings 念珠言印念誦數了
403 3 fine; detailed; dense 念珠言印念誦數了
404 3 prayer beads 念珠言印念誦數了
405 3 shǔ number; saṃkhyā 念珠言印念誦數了
406 3 yòu Kangxi radical 29 又智拳本言
407 3 xià bottom 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
408 3 xià to fall; to drop; to go down; to descend 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
409 3 xià to announce 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
410 3 xià to do 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
411 3 xià to withdraw; to leave; to exit 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
412 3 xià the lower class; a member of the lower class 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
413 3 xià inside 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
414 3 xià an aspect 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
415 3 xià a certain time 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
416 3 xià to capture; to take 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
417 3 xià to put in 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
418 3 xià to enter 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
419 3 xià to eliminate; to remove; to get off 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
420 3 xià to finish work or school 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
421 3 xià to go 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
422 3 xià to scorn; to look down on 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
423 3 xià to modestly decline 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
424 3 xià to produce 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
425 3 xià to stay at; to lodge at 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
426 3 xià to decide 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
427 3 xià to be less than 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
428 3 xià humble; lowly 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
429 3 xià below; adhara 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
430 3 xià lower; inferior; hina 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
431 3 shēn human body; torso 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
432 3 shēn Kangxi radical 158 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
433 3 shēn self 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
434 3 shēn life 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
435 3 shēn an object 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
436 3 shēn a lifetime 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
437 3 shēn moral character 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
438 3 shēn status; identity; position 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
439 3 shēn pregnancy 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
440 3 juān India 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
441 3 shēn body; kāya 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
442 3 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
443 3 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
444 3 chù an office; a department; a bureau 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
445 3 chù a part; an aspect 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
446 3 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
447 3 chǔ to get along with 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
448 3 chǔ to deal with; to manage 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
449 3 chǔ to punish; to sentence 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
450 3 chǔ to stop; to pause 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
451 3 chǔ to be associated with 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
452 3 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
453 3 chǔ to occupy; to control 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
454 3 chù circumstances; situation 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
455 3 chù an occasion; a time 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
456 3 chù position; sthāna 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
457 3 tái Taiwan
458 3 tái desk; platform; terrace
459 3 tái platform; stage; terrace; stand; support; desk
460 3 tái typhoon
461 3 tái desk; platform; terrace
462 3 tái station; broadcasting station
463 3 tái official post
464 3 eminent
465 3 tái elevated
466 3 tái tribunal
467 3 tái capitulum
468 3 tái terrace; kūṭa
469 3 zhōng middle 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
470 3 zhōng medium; medium sized 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
471 3 zhōng China 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
472 3 zhòng to hit the mark 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
473 3 zhōng midday 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
474 3 zhōng inside 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
475 3 zhōng during 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
476 3 zhōng Zhong 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
477 3 zhōng intermediary 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
478 3 zhōng half 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
479 3 zhòng to reach; to attain 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
480 3 zhòng to suffer; to infect 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
481 3 zhòng to obtain 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
482 3 zhòng to pass an exam 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
483 3 zhōng middle 自此下句配四方并中胎毘盧舍那佛也
484 3 西 The West 至輪王二句西佛
485 3 西 west 至輪王二句西佛
486 3 西 Kangxi radical 146 至輪王二句西佛
487 3 西 Spain 至輪王二句西佛
488 3 西 foreign 至輪王二句西佛
489 3 西 place of honor 至輪王二句西佛
490 3 西 Central Asia 至輪王二句西佛
491 3 西 Xi 至輪王二句西佛
492 3 西 west; paścima 至輪王二句西佛
493 3 to reach 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
494 3 to attain 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
495 3 to understand 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
496 3 able to be compared to; to catch up with 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
497 3 to be involved with; to associate with 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
498 3 passing of a feudal title from elder to younger brother 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
499 3 and; ca; api 次以囕字淨身及處皆燒淨了
500 3 to defend; to resist 亦名御身密言

Frequencies of all Words

Top 990

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 27 also; too 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
2 27 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
3 27 either 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
4 27 even 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
5 27 used to soften the tone 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
6 27 used for emphasis 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
7 27 used to mark contrast 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
8 27 used to mark compromise 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
9 27 ya 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
10 21 yìn to stamp; to seal; to mark; to print 三密印
11 21 yìn India 三密印
12 21 yìn a mudra; a hand gesture 三密印
13 21 yìn a seal; a stamp 三密印
14 21 yìn to tally 三密印
15 21 yìn a vestige; a trace 三密印
16 21 yìn Yin 三密印
17 21 yìn to leave a track or trace 三密印
18 21 yìn mudra 三密印
19 17 Buddha; Awakened One 或分為二佛
20 17 relating to Buddhism 或分為二佛
21 17 a statue or image of a Buddha 或分為二佛
22 17 a Buddhist text 或分為二佛
23 17 to touch; to stroke 或分為二佛
24 17 Buddha 或分為二佛
25 17 Buddha; Awakened One 或分為二佛
26 17 fǎn reverse; opposite; wrong side out or up 可爾反
27 17 fǎn instead; anti- 可爾反
28 17 fǎn to rebel; to oppose 可爾反
29 17 fǎn to go back; to return 可爾反
30 17 fǎn to combat; to rebel 可爾反
31 17 fǎn the fanqie phonetic system 可爾反
32 17 fǎn on the contrary 可爾反
33 17 fǎn a counter-revolutionary 可爾反
34 17 fǎn to flip; to turn over 可爾反
35 17 fǎn to take back; to give back 可爾反
36 17 fǎn to reason by analogy 可爾反
37 17 fǎn to introspect 可爾反
38 17 fān to reverse a verdict 可爾反
39 17 fǎn opposed; viruddha 可爾反
40 16 a time 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
41 16 second-rate 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
42 16 second; secondary 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
43 16 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
44 16 a sequence; an order 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
45 16 to arrive 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
46 16 to be next in sequence 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
47 16 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
48 16 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
49 16 stage of a journey 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
50 16 ranks 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
51 16 an official position 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
52 16 inside 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
53 16 to hesitate 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
54 16 secondary; next; tatas 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
55 16 yán to speak; to say; said 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
56 16 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
57 16 yán Kangxi radical 149 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
58 16 yán a particle with no meaning 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
59 16 yán phrase; sentence 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
60 16 yán a word; a syllable 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
61 16 yán a theory; a doctrine 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
62 16 yán to regard as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
63 16 yán to act as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
64 16 yán word; vacana 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
65 16 yán speak; vad 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
66 13 zuǒ left 左左布
67 13 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 左左布
68 13 zuǒ east 左左布
69 13 zuǒ to bring 左左布
70 13 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 左左布
71 13 zuǒ Zuo 左左布
72 13 zuǒ extreme 左左布
73 13 zuǒ ca 左左布
74 13 zuǒ left; vāma 左左布
75 12 èr two 或分為二佛
76 12 èr Kangxi radical 7 或分為二佛
77 12 èr second 或分為二佛
78 12 èr twice; double; di- 或分為二佛
79 12 èr another; the other 或分為二佛
80 12 èr more than one kind 或分為二佛
81 12 èr two; dvā; dvi 或分為二佛
82 12 èr both; dvaya 或分為二佛
83 11 jiā to add 先二加現證大菩提是也
84 11 jiā to increase 先二加現證大菩提是也
85 11 jiā to inflict [punishment] 先二加現證大菩提是也
86 11 jiā to append 先二加現證大菩提是也
87 11 jiā Jia 先二加現證大菩提是也
88 11 jiā to wear 先二加現證大菩提是也
89 11 jiā to be appointed [to a position]; to grant 先二加現證大菩提是也
90 11 jiā to pass 先二加現證大菩提是也
91 11 jiā to place above 先二加現證大菩提是也
92 11 jiā to implement; to apply 先二加現證大菩提是也
93 11 jiā to line up the disk and base of a divining board 先二加現證大菩提是也
94 11 jiā to say falsely 先二加現證大菩提是也
95 11 jiā addition 先二加現證大菩提是也
96 11 jiā Canada 先二加現證大菩提是也
97 11 jiā to step over; adhiṣṭhā 先二加現證大菩提是也
98 11 jiā increasingly 先二加現證大菩提是也
99 10 le completion of an action 而手口淨了
100 10 liǎo to know; to understand 而手口淨了
101 10 liǎo to understand; to know 而手口淨了
102 10 liào to look afar from a high place 而手口淨了
103 10 le modal particle 而手口淨了
104 10 le particle used in certain fixed expressions 而手口淨了
105 10 liǎo to complete 而手口淨了
106 10 liǎo completely 而手口淨了
107 10 liǎo clever; intelligent 而手口淨了
108 10 liǎo to know; jñāta 而手口淨了
109 10 sentence 此八頌初五句有五
110 10 measure word for phrases or lines of verse 此八頌初五句有五
111 10 gōu to bend; to strike; to catch 此八頌初五句有五
112 10 gōu to tease 此八頌初五句有五
113 10 gōu to delineate 此八頌初五句有五
114 10 gōu if 此八頌初五句有五
115 10 gōu a young bud 此八頌初五句有五
116 10 clause; phrase; line 此八頌初五句有五
117 10 a musical phrase 此八頌初五句有五
118 10 verse; pada; gāthā 此八頌初五句有五
119 10 so as to; in order to 以土高作此云臺
120 10 to use; to regard as 以土高作此云臺
121 10 to use; to grasp 以土高作此云臺
122 10 according to 以土高作此云臺
123 10 because of 以土高作此云臺
124 10 on a certain date 以土高作此云臺
125 10 and; as well as 以土高作此云臺
126 10 to rely on 以土高作此云臺
127 10 to regard 以土高作此云臺
128 10 to be able to 以土高作此云臺
129 10 to order; to command 以土高作此云臺
130 10 further; moreover 以土高作此云臺
131 10 used after a verb 以土高作此云臺
132 10 very 以土高作此云臺
133 10 already 以土高作此云臺
134 10 increasingly 以土高作此云臺
135 10 a reason; a cause 以土高作此云臺
136 10 Israel 以土高作此云臺
137 10 Yi 以土高作此云臺
138 10 use; yogena 以土高作此云臺
139 9 cotton cloth; textiles; linen 衣良布
140 9 to spread 衣良布
141 9 to announce 衣良布
142 9 to arrange 衣良布
143 9 an ancient coin 衣良布
144 9 to bestow 衣良布
145 9 to publish 衣良布
146 9 Bu 衣良布
147 9 to state; to describe 衣良布
148 9 cloth; vastra 衣良布
149 9 jiǔ old 婆句反川萬太久
150 9 jiǔ over a long time 婆句反川萬太久
151 9 jiǔ age 婆句反川萬太久
152 9 jiǔ to remain 婆句反川萬太久
153 9 jiǔ extending; ayata 婆句反川萬太久
154 9 jiǔ lasting a long time; cira 婆句反川萬太久
155 8 zuò to do 或分作四智
156 8 zuò to act as; to serve as 或分作四智
157 8 zuò to start 或分作四智
158 8 zuò a writing; a work 或分作四智
159 8 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 或分作四智
160 8 zuō to create; to make 或分作四智
161 8 zuō a workshop 或分作四智
162 8 zuō to write; to compose 或分作四智
163 8 zuò to rise 或分作四智
164 8 zuò to be aroused 或分作四智
165 8 zuò activity; action; undertaking 或分作四智
166 8 zuò to regard as 或分作四智
167 8 zuò action; kāraṇa 或分作四智
168 8 in; at 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
169 8 in; at 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
170 8 in; at; to; from 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
171 8 to go; to 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
172 8 to rely on; to depend on 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
173 8 to go to; to arrive at 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
174 8 from 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
175 8 give 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
176 8 oppposing 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
177 8 and 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
178 8 compared to 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
179 8 by 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
180 8 and; as well as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
181 8 for 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
182 8 Yu 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
183 8 a crow 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
184 8 whew; wow 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
185 8 near to; antike 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
186 8 sān three 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
187 8 sān third 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
188 8 sān more than two 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
189 8 sān very few 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
190 8 sān repeatedly 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
191 8 sān San 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
192 8 sān three; tri 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
193 8 sān sa 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
194 8 sān three kinds; trividha 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
195 7 tài very; too; extremely 婆句反川萬太久
196 7 tài most 婆句反川萬太久
197 7 tài grand 婆句反川萬太久
198 7 tài tera 婆句反川萬太久
199 7 tài senior 婆句反川萬太久
200 7 tài most senior member 婆句反川萬太久
201 7 tài very; great; ati 婆句反川萬太久
202 7 this; these 此八頌初五句有五
203 7 in this way 此八頌初五句有五
204 7 otherwise; but; however; so 此八頌初五句有五
205 7 at this time; now; here 此八頌初五句有五
206 7 this; here; etad 此八頌初五句有五
207 7 běn measure word for books 五相觀本尊本真言印
208 7 běn this (city, week, etc) 五相觀本尊本真言印
209 7 běn originally; formerly 五相觀本尊本真言印
210 7 běn to be one's own 五相觀本尊本真言印
211 7 běn origin; source; root; foundation; basis 五相觀本尊本真言印
212 7 běn the roots of a plant 五相觀本尊本真言印
213 7 běn self 五相觀本尊本真言印
214 7 běn measure word for flowering plants 五相觀本尊本真言印
215 7 běn capital 五相觀本尊本真言印
216 7 běn main; central; primary 五相觀本尊本真言印
217 7 běn according to 五相觀本尊本真言印
218 7 běn a version; an edition 五相觀本尊本真言印
219 7 běn a memorial [presented to the emperor] 五相觀本尊本真言印
220 7 běn a book 五相觀本尊本真言印
221 7 běn trunk of a tree 五相觀本尊本真言印
222 7 běn to investigate the root of 五相觀本尊本真言印
223 7 běn a manuscript for a play 五相觀本尊本真言印
224 7 běn Ben 五相觀本尊本真言印
225 7 běn root; origin; mula 五相觀本尊本真言印
226 7 běn becoming, being, existing; bhava 五相觀本尊本真言印
227 7 běn former; previous; pūrva 五相觀本尊本真言印
228 6 ā prefix to names of people 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
229 6 ā to groan 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
230 6 ā a 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
231 6 ē to flatter 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
232 6 ā expresses doubt 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
233 6 ē river bank 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
234 6 ē beam; pillar 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
235 6 ē a hillslope; a mound 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
236 6 ē a turning point; a turn; a bend in a river 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
237 6 ē E 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
238 6 ē to depend on 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
239 6 ā a final particle 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
240 6 ē e 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
241 6 ē a buttress 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
242 6 ē be partial to 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
243 6 ē thick silk 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
244 6 ā this; these 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
245 6 ē e 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
246 6 yún cloud 梵語此云壇也
247 6 yún Yunnan 梵語此云壇也
248 6 yún Yun 梵語此云壇也
249 6 yún to say 梵語此云壇也
250 6 yún to have 梵語此云壇也
251 6 yún a particle with no meaning 梵語此云壇也
252 6 yún in this way 梵語此云壇也
253 6 yún cloud; megha 梵語此云壇也
254 6 yún to say; iti 梵語此云壇也
255 6 zhì to; until 文稽首至是故常歸命
256 6 zhì Kangxi radical 133 文稽首至是故常歸命
257 6 zhì extremely; very; most 文稽首至是故常歸命
258 6 zhì to arrive 文稽首至是故常歸命
259 6 zhì approach; upagama 文稽首至是故常歸命
260 6 ěr thus; so; like that 可爾反
261 6 ěr in a manner 可爾反
262 6 ěr final particle with no meaning 可爾反
263 6 ěr final particle marking a question 可爾反
264 6 ěr you; thou 可爾反
265 6 ěr this; that 可爾反
266 6 ěr thus; atha khalu 可爾反
267 6 zhī him; her; them; that 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
268 6 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
269 6 zhī to go 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
270 6 zhī this; that 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
271 6 zhī genetive marker 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
272 6 zhī it 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
273 6 zhī in; in regards to 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
274 6 zhī all 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
275 6 zhī and 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
276 6 zhī however 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
277 6 zhī if 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
278 6 zhī then 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
279 6 zhī to arrive; to go 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
280 6 zhī is 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
281 6 zhī to use 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
282 6 zhī Zhi 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
283 6 zhī winding 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
284 6 to associate with; be near 於保由比
285 6 to compare; to contrast 於保由比
286 6 used for comparison 於保由比
287 6 Kangxi radical 81 於保由比
288 6 by the time that; when 於保由比
289 6 to gesture (with hands) 於保由比
290 6 to make an analogy 於保由比
291 6 an analogy 於保由比
292 6 an example 於保由比
293 6 comparison; upamā 於保由比
294 6 shì is; are; am; to be 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
295 6 shì is exactly 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
296 6 shì is suitable; is in contrast 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
297 6 shì this; that; those 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
298 6 shì really; certainly 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
299 6 shì correct; yes; affirmative 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
300 6 shì true 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
301 6 shì is; has; exists 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
302 6 shì used between repetitions of a word 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
303 6 shì a matter; an affair 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
304 6 shì Shi 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
305 6 shì is; bhū 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
306 6 shì this; idam 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
307 5 sòng to recite; to read aloud; to recite from memory 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
308 5 sòng to recount; to narrate 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
309 5 sòng a poem 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
310 5 sòng recite; priase; pāṭha 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
311 5 一句 yījù a sentence 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
312 5 一句 yījù a single verse; a single word 次一句妙觀察即阿彌
313 5 nài how 果和反奈太良爾
314 5 nài to endure; to bear; to stand 果和反奈太良爾
315 5 nài to handle; to deal with 果和反奈太良爾
316 5 nài yellow plum; āmalaka 果和反奈太良爾
317 5 and 果和反奈太良爾
318 5 to join together; together with; to accompany 果和反奈太良爾
319 5 peace; harmony 果和反奈太良爾
320 5 He 果和反奈太良爾
321 5 harmonious [sound] 果和反奈太良爾
322 5 gentle; amiable; acquiescent 果和反奈太良爾
323 5 warm 果和反奈太良爾
324 5 to harmonize; to make peace 果和反奈太良爾
325 5 a transaction 果和反奈太良爾
326 5 a bell on a chariot 果和反奈太良爾
327 5 a musical instrument 果和反奈太良爾
328 5 a military gate 果和反奈太良爾
329 5 a coffin headboard 果和反奈太良爾
330 5 a skilled worker 果和反奈太良爾
331 5 compatible 果和反奈太良爾
332 5 calm; peaceful 果和反奈太良爾
333 5 to sing in accompaniment 果和反奈太良爾
334 5 to write a matching poem 果和反奈太良爾
335 5 Harmony 果和反奈太良爾
336 5 harmony; gentleness 果和反奈太良爾
337 5 venerable 果和反奈太良爾
338 5 zhǐ to stop; to halt 知益反止良加須
339 5 zhǐ to arrive; until; to end 知益反止良加須
340 5 zhǐ Kangxi radical 77 知益反止良加須
341 5 zhǐ only 知益反止良加須
342 5 zhǐ to prohibit; to prevent; to refrain; to detain 知益反止良加須
343 5 zhǐ to remain in one place; to stay; to dwell 知益反止良加須
344 5 zhǐ to rest; to settle; to be still 知益反止良加須
345 5 zhǐ deportment; bearing; demeanor; manner 知益反止良加須
346 5 zhǐ a particle at the end of a phrase 知益反止良加須
347 5 zhǐ foot 知益反止良加須
348 5 zhǐ a particle adding emphasis 知益反止良加須
349 5 zhǐ percussion mallet; drumstick 知益反止良加須
350 5 zhǐ calm abiding; cessation; samatha; śamatha 知益反止良加須
351 5 wèi to call 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
352 5 wèi to discuss; to comment on; to speak of; to tell about 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
353 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
354 5 wèi to treat as; to regard as 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
355 5 wèi introducing a condition situation 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
356 5 wèi to speak to; to address 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
357 5 wèi to think 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
358 5 wèi for; is to be 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
359 5 wèi to make; to cause 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
360 5 wèi and 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
361 5 wèi principle; reason 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
362 5 wèi Wei 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
363 5 wèi which; what; yad 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
364 5 wèi to say; iti 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
365 5 děng et cetera; and so on 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
366 5 děng to wait 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
367 5 děng degree; kind 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
368 5 děng plural 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
369 5 děng to be equal 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
370 5 děng degree; level 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
371 5 děng to compare 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
372 5 děng same; equal; sama 謂我身金剛薩埵等思之
373 5 chuān Sichuan 婆句反川萬太久
374 5 chuān a river 婆句反川萬太久
375 5 chuān Kangxi radical 47 婆句反川萬太久
376 5 chuān to cook in chuan style 婆句反川萬太久
377 5 chuān river; nadī 婆句反川萬太久
378 5 shàng top; a high position 上止加利下止志
379 5 shang top; the position on or above something 上止加利下止志
380 5 shàng to go up; to go forward 上止加利下止志
381 5 shàng shang 上止加利下止志
382 5 shàng previous; last 上止加利下止志
383 5 shàng high; higher 上止加利下止志
384 5 shàng advanced 上止加利下止志
385 5 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 上止加利下止志
386 5 shàng time 上止加利下止志
387 5 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 上止加利下止志
388 5 shàng far 上止加利下止志
389 5 shàng big; as big as 上止加利下止志
390 5 shàng abundant; plentiful 上止加利下止志
391 5 shàng to report 上止加利下止志
392 5 shàng to offer 上止加利下止志
393 5 shàng to go on stage 上止加利下止志
394 5 shàng to take office; to assume a post 上止加利下止志
395 5 shàng to install; to erect 上止加利下止志
396 5 shàng to suffer; to sustain 上止加利下止志
397 5 shàng to burn 上止加利下止志
398 5 shàng to remember 上止加利下止志
399 5 shang on; in 上止加利下止志
400 5 shàng upward 上止加利下止志
401 5 shàng to add 上止加利下止志
402 5 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 上止加利下止志
403 5 shàng to meet 上止加利下止志
404 5 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 上止加利下止志
405 5 shang used after a verb indicating a result 上止加利下止志
406 5 shàng a musical note 上止加利下止志
407 5 shàng higher, superior; uttara 上止加利下止志
408 4 guān to look at; to watch; to observe 四無量觀
409 4 guàn Taoist monastery; monastery 四無量觀
410 4 guān to display; to show; to make visible 四無量觀
411 4 guān Guan 四無量觀
412 4 guān appearance; looks 四無量觀
413 4 guān a sight; a view; a vista 四無量觀
414 4 guān a concept; a viewpoint; a perspective 四無量觀
415 4 guān to appreciate; to enjoy; to admire 四無量觀
416 4 guàn an announcement 四無量觀
417 4 guàn a high tower; a watchtower 四無量觀
418 4 guān Surview 四無量觀
419 4 guān Observe 四無量觀
420 4 guàn insight; vipasyana; vipassana 四無量觀
421 4 guān mindfulness; contemplation; smrti 四無量觀
422 4 guān recollection; anusmrti 四無量觀
423 4 guān viewing; avaloka 四無量觀
424 4 huò or; either; else 或分為二佛
425 4 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或分為二佛
426 4 huò some; someone 或分為二佛
427 4 míngnián suddenly 或分為二佛
428 4 huò or; vā 或分為二佛
429 4 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
430 4 zhě that 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
431 4 zhě nominalizing function word 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
432 4 zhě used to mark a definition 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
433 4 zhě used to mark a pause 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
434 4 zhě topic marker; that; it 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
435 4 zhuó according to 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
436 4 zhě ca 謂一於初句言普賢者是理也
437 4 zhì a sign; a mark; a flag; a banner 志憶反川波久
438 4 zhì to write down; to record 志憶反川波久
439 4 zhì Zhi 志憶反川波久
440 4 zhì a written record; a treatise 志憶反川波久
441 4 zhì to remember 志憶反川波久
442 4 zhì annals; a treatise; a gazetteer 志憶反川波久
443 4 zhì a birthmark; a mole 志憶反川波久
444 4 zhì determination; will 志憶反川波久
445 4 zhì a magazine 志憶反川波久
446 4 zhì to measure; to weigh 志憶反川波久
447 4 zhì aspiration 志憶反川波久
448 4 zhì Aspiration 志憶反川波久
449 4 zhì resolve; determination; adhyāśaya 志憶反川波久
450 4 yīn sound; noise 音釋河河也飢須留
451 4 yīn Kangxi radical 180 音釋河河也飢須留
452 4 yīn news 音釋河河也飢須留
453 4 yīn tone; timbre 音釋河河也飢須留
454 4 yīn music 音釋河河也飢須留
455 4 yīn material from which musical instruments are made 音釋河河也飢須留
456 4 yīn voice; words 音釋河河也飢須留
457 4 yīn tone of voice 音釋河河也飢須留
458 4 yīn rumour 音釋河河也飢須留
459 4 yīn shade 音釋河河也飢須留
460 4 yīn sound; ghoṣa 音釋河河也飢須留
461 4 promptly; right away; immediately 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
462 4 to be near by; to be close to 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
463 4 at that time 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
464 4 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
465 4 supposed; so-called 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
466 4 if; but 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
467 4 to arrive at; to ascend 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
468 4 then; following 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
469 4 so; just so; eva 謂普賢者是大圓鏡智即阿閦佛
470 4 心印 xīnyìn mind seal 次以佛部心印於頂三誦
471 4 歸命 guīmìng to devote one's life 文稽首至是故常歸命
472 4 歸命 guīmìng namo; to pay respect to; homage 文稽首至是故常歸命
473 4 biàn turn; one time 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
474 4 biàn all; complete 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
475 4 biàn everywhere; common 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
476 4 biàn to be covered with 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
477 4 biàn everywhere; sarva 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
478 4 biàn pervade; visva 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
479 4 biàn everywhere fragrant; paricitra 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
480 4 biàn everywhere; spharaṇa 字手三遍舌三遍心密三遍誦了
481 4 is exactly 妓伊反乃留
482 4 Yi 妓伊反乃留
483 4 he; she 妓伊反乃留
484 4 Yi River 妓伊反乃留
485 4 you 妓伊反乃留
486 4 particle with no meaning 妓伊反乃留
487 4 just now 妓伊反乃留
488 4 Iraq 妓伊反乃留
489 4 Iran 妓伊反乃留
490 4 i 妓伊反乃留
491 4 yòu right; right-hand 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
492 4 yòu to help; to assist 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
493 4 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
494 4 yòu to bless and protect 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
495 4 yòu an official building 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
496 4 yòu the west 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
497 4 yòu right wing; conservative 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
498 4 yòu super 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
499 4 yòu right 次以蓮華部心印上右大指
500 4 yòu right; dakṣiṇa 次以蓮華部心印上右大指


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
yìn mudra
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Awakened One
fǎn opposed; viruddha
secondary; next; tatas
  1. yán
  2. yán
  1. word; vacana
  2. speak; vad
  1. zuǒ
  2. zuǒ
  1. ca
  2. left; vāma
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
  1. jiā
  2. jiā
  1. to step over; adhiṣṭhā
  2. increasingly
liǎo to know; jñāta

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿閦佛 196 Akṣobhya; Aksobhya Buddha
宝生佛 寶生佛 66
  1. Jewel-Born Buddha
  2. Ratnasambhava Buddha
八月 98
  1. August; the Eighth Month
  2. eighth lunar month; kārttika
北方 98 The North
不空成就佛 98 Amoghasiddhi Buddha
大日 100 Vairocana; Mahavairocana; Buddha of supreme enlightenment
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
梵语 梵語 102
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Sanskrit
观本 觀本 103 Guan Ben
  1. a large river
  2. Yangtze River
  3. Jiang
  4. Jiangsu
  5. Jiang
  6. river; nadī
金刚顶经一字顶轮王仪轨音义 金剛頂經一字頂輪王儀軌音義 106 Vajra Crown Sutra One Word Wheel Crown Liturgy; Jingang Ding Jing Yizi Ding Lunwang Yi Gui Yin Yi
金刚萨埵 金剛薩埵 106 Vajrasattva
久保 106 Kubo
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  5. foolish
卢舍那佛 盧舍那佛 108 Rocana Buddha
妙观察 妙觀察 109 Vipaśyin; Vipaśyī Buddha
明王 109
  1. vidyaraja; lord of spells; wisdom king
  2. vidyaraja; great mantra
普贤 普賢 112 Samantabhadra
仁和寺 114 Ninna-ji
十月 115
  1. October; the Tenth Month
  2. tenth lunar month; pauṣa
享和 120 Kyōwa
伊川 121 Yichuan
印加 121 Inca Civilization
智积院 智積院 122 Chishaku-in


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 45.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
成佛 99
  1. Attaining Buddhahood
  2. to become a Buddha
成所作智 99 Wisdom of perfect conduct
大菩提 100 great enlightenment; supreme bodhi
大圆镜智 大圓鏡智 100
  1. Great Perfect Mirror Wisdom
  2. perfect mirrorlike wisdom; ādarśajñāna
定印 100 meditation seal; meditation mudra
阏伽 閼伽 195 scented water; argha
法鼓 102 a dharma drum; dharmadundubhi; dharmabheri
法界体性智 法界體性智 102 understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe
佛部 102 Buddha division
佛眼 102 Buddha eye
灌顶 灌頂 103
  1. consecration
  2. Anointment
  3. abhiseka; abhisecana; anointment; consecration
  4. Guanding
归命 歸命 103
  1. to devote one's life
  2. namo; to pay respect to; homage
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
结护 結護 106 protection of a boundary; protection of the body
结坐 結坐 106 sit with crossed legs; sit in the lotus position
金刚部 金剛部 106 vajra group; vajra division; vajrakula
莲华部 蓮華部 108 lotus division
轮王 輪王 108 wheel turning king
曼荼罗 曼荼羅 109 mandala; cicle of divinity
念珠 110
  1. Chanting Beads
  2. prayer beads; rosary
平等性智 112 wisdom of universal equality
普礼 普禮 112 Monastery-Wide Ceremony
菩提心 112
  1. bodhi mind
  2. bodhicitta; aspiration to enlightenment
三部 115 three divisions
三佛 115 Trikāya; the three bodies of the Buddha
三解脱 三解脫 115 the three doors of deliverance; the three gates of liberation
三密 115 three mysteries
三字 115 three characters
身密 115 mystery of the body
四无量 四無量 115 four immeasurables; four immeasurable minds; four immeasurable states of mind; brahmavihāra-niddesa
四姓 115 four castes
四智 115 the four forms of wisdom
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
我身 119 I; myself
五智 119 five kinds of wisdom
无能胜 無能勝 119 aparajita; unsurpassed
现证 現證 120 immediate realization
悉地 120 attainment; supernatural power; siddhi
心密 120 mystery of the mind
心印 120 mind seal
一句 121
  1. a sentence
  2. a single verse; a single word
一中 121
  1. a hall of spread tables
  2. a hall with one seat
诸佛 諸佛 122 Buddhas; all Buddhas
转轮王 轉輪王 122 a wheel turning king; cakravartin
总持 總持 122
  1. to hold to the good, total retention
  2. dharani; total retention