Glossary and Vocabulary for Shiwei Guo Wang Mengjian Shi Shi Jing 舍衛國王夢見十事經, Scroll 1

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 61 wáng Wang 王夢已即覺
2 61 wáng a king 王夢已即覺
3 61 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王夢已即覺
4 61 wàng to be king; to rule 王夢已即覺
5 61 wáng a prince; a duke 王夢已即覺
6 61 wáng grand; great 王夢已即覺
7 61 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王夢已即覺
8 61 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王夢已即覺
9 61 wáng the head of a group or gang 王夢已即覺
10 61 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王夢已即覺
11 61 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 王夢已即覺
12 49 zhě ca 三者見小樹生華
13 31 kǒng to fear; to be afraid 恐亡其國軀
14 31 kǒng to threaten 恐亡其國軀
15 31 kǒng fear; bhaya 恐亡其國軀
16 30 to go; to 六者見狐坐於好床
17 30 to rely on; to depend on 六者見狐坐於好床
18 30 Yu 六者見狐坐於好床
19 30 a crow 六者見狐坐於好床
20 25 Mo 若莫問
21 23 夢見 mèngjiàn to dream; to see in a dream 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
22 18 jiàn to see 一者見三瓶併
23 18 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 一者見三瓶併
24 18 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 一者見三瓶併
25 18 jiàn refer to; for details see 一者見三瓶併
26 18 jiàn to listen to 一者見三瓶併
27 18 jiàn to meet 一者見三瓶併
28 18 jiàn to receive (a guest) 一者見三瓶併
29 18 jiàn let me; kindly 一者見三瓶併
30 18 jiàn Jian 一者見三瓶併
31 18 xiàn to appear 一者見三瓶併
32 18 xiàn to introduce 一者見三瓶併
33 18 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 一者見三瓶併
34 18 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 一者見三瓶併
35 18 to be near by; to be close to 王夢已即覺
36 18 at that time 王夢已即覺
37 18 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 王夢已即覺
38 18 supposed; so-called 王夢已即覺
39 18 to arrive at; to ascend 王夢已即覺
40 17 Kangxi radical 71 此王身乃無他
41 17 to not have; without 此王身乃無他
42 17 mo 此王身乃無他
43 17 to not have 此王身乃無他
44 17 Wu 此王身乃無他
45 17 mo 此王身乃無他
46 16 wéi to act as; to serve 何謂為十事
47 16 wéi to change into; to become 何謂為十事
48 16 wéi to be; is 何謂為十事
49 16 wéi to do 何謂為十事
50 16 wèi to support; to help 何謂為十事
51 16 wéi to govern 何謂為十事
52 16 wèi to be; bhū 何謂為十事
53 16 to use; to grasp 食以金器
54 16 to rely on 食以金器
55 16 to regard 食以金器
56 16 to be able to 食以金器
57 16 to order; to command 食以金器
58 16 used after a verb 食以金器
59 16 a reason; a cause 食以金器
60 16 Israel 食以金器
61 16 Yi 食以金器
62 16 use; yogena 食以金器
63 15 zhèng upright; straight 十者見溪水流正赤
64 15 zhèng to straighten; to correct 十者見溪水流正赤
65 15 zhèng main; central; primary 十者見溪水流正赤
66 15 zhèng fundamental; original 十者見溪水流正赤
67 15 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 十者見溪水流正赤
68 15 zhèng at right angles 十者見溪水流正赤
69 15 zhèng unbiased; impartial 十者見溪水流正赤
70 15 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 十者見溪水流正赤
71 15 zhèng unmixed; pure 十者見溪水流正赤
72 15 zhèng positive (charge) 十者見溪水流正赤
73 15 zhèng positive (number) 十者見溪水流正赤
74 15 zhèng standard 十者見溪水流正赤
75 15 zhèng chief; principal; primary 十者見溪水流正赤
76 15 zhèng honest 十者見溪水流正赤
77 15 zhèng to execute; to carry out 十者見溪水流正赤
78 15 zhèng accepted; conventional 十者見溪水流正赤
79 15 zhèng to govern 十者見溪水流正赤
80 15 zhēng first month 十者見溪水流正赤
81 15 zhēng center of a target 十者見溪水流正赤
82 15 zhèng Righteous 十者見溪水流正赤
83 15 zhèng right manner; nyāya 十者見溪水流正赤
84 15 shí food; food and drink 二者見馬口亦食
85 15 shí Kangxi radical 184 二者見馬口亦食
86 15 shí to eat 二者見馬口亦食
87 15 to feed 二者見馬口亦食
88 15 shí meal; cooked cereals 二者見馬口亦食
89 15 to raise; to nourish 二者見馬口亦食
90 15 shí to receive; to accept 二者見馬口亦食
91 15 shí to receive an official salary 二者見馬口亦食
92 15 shí an eclipse 二者見馬口亦食
93 15 shí food; bhakṣa 二者見馬口亦食
94 15 rén person; people; a human being 五者見一人切繩
95 15 rén Kangxi radical 9 五者見一人切繩
96 15 rén a kind of person 五者見一人切繩
97 15 rén everybody 五者見一人切繩
98 15 rén adult 五者見一人切繩
99 15 rén somebody; others 五者見一人切繩
100 15 rén an upright person 五者見一人切繩
101 15 rén person; manuṣya 五者見一人切繩
102 15 guó a country; a nation 恐亡其國軀
103 15 guó the capital of a state 恐亡其國軀
104 15 guó a feud; a vassal state 恐亡其國軀
105 15 guó a state; a kingdom 恐亡其國軀
106 15 guó a place; a land 恐亡其國軀
107 15 guó domestic; Chinese 恐亡其國軀
108 15 guó national 恐亡其國軀
109 15 guó top in the nation 恐亡其國軀
110 15 guó Guo 恐亡其國軀
111 15 guó community; nation; janapada 恐亡其國軀
112 14 yán to speak; to say; said 諸能解夢者即言
113 14 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 諸能解夢者即言
114 14 yán Kangxi radical 149 諸能解夢者即言
115 14 yán phrase; sentence 諸能解夢者即言
116 14 yán a word; a syllable 諸能解夢者即言
117 14 yán a theory; a doctrine 諸能解夢者即言
118 14 yán to regard as 諸能解夢者即言
119 14 yán to act as 諸能解夢者即言
120 14 yán word; vacana 諸能解夢者即言
121 14 yán speak; vad 諸能解夢者即言
122 14 shēn human body; torso 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
123 14 shēn Kangxi radical 158 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
124 14 shēn self 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
125 14 shēn life 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
126 14 shēn an object 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
127 14 shēn a lifetime 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
128 14 shēn moral character 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
129 14 shēn status; identity; position 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
130 14 shēn pregnancy 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
131 14 juān India 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
132 14 shēn body; kāya 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
133 13 後世 hòushì later generations; posterity 皆為後世施耳
134 13 後世 hòushì later rebirths; subsequent births 皆為後世施耳
135 12 píng a bottle 一者見三瓶併
136 12 píng a jar; a pitcher; a vase 一者見三瓶併
137 12 píng Ping 一者見三瓶併
138 12 píng a jar; ghaṭa 一者見三瓶併
139 12 shì matter; thing; item 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
140 12 shì to serve 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
141 12 shì a government post 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
142 12 shì duty; post; work 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
143 12 shì occupation 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
144 12 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
145 12 shì an accident 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
146 12 shì to attend 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
147 12 shì an allusion 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
148 12 shì a condition; a state; a situation 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
149 12 shì to engage in 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
150 12 shì to enslave 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
151 12 shì to pursue 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
152 12 shì to administer 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
153 12 shì to appoint 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
154 12 shì thing; phenomena 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
155 12 shì actions; karma 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
156 12 other; another; some other 此王身乃無他
157 12 other 此王身乃無他
158 12 tha 此王身乃無他
159 12 ṭha 此王身乃無他
160 12 other; anya 此王身乃無他
161 11 ěr ear 皆為後世施耳
162 11 ěr Kangxi radical 128 皆為後世施耳
163 11 ěr an ear-shaped object 皆為後世施耳
164 11 ěr on both sides 皆為後世施耳
165 11 ěr a vessel handle 皆為後世施耳
166 11 ěr ear; śrotra 皆為後世施耳
167 11 Yi 二者見馬口亦食
168 11 niú an ox; a cow; a bull 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
169 11 niú Niu 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
170 11 niú Kangxi radical 93 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
171 11 niú Taurus 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
172 11 niú stubborn 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
173 11 niú cow; cattle; dhenu 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
174 11 niú Abhijit 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
175 10 mèng a dream 王夢已即覺
176 10 mèng to dream 王夢已即覺
177 10 mèng grassland 王夢已即覺
178 10 mèng a fantasy; a delusion; wishful thinking 王夢已即覺
179 10 mèng dream; svapna 王夢已即覺
180 10 self 我能解之
181 10 [my] dear 我能解之
182 10 Wo 我能解之
183 10 self; atman; attan 我能解之
184 10 ga 我能解之
185 10 shí ten 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
186 10 shí Kangxi radical 24 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
187 10 shí tenth 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
188 10 shí complete; perfect 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
189 10 shí ten; daśa 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
190 10 妻子 qīzi wife 於國於身妻子皆無他
191 10 妻子 qī zǐ wife and children 於國於身妻子皆無他
192 9 滿 mǎn full 兩邊滿中央空
193 9 滿 mǎn to be satisfied 兩邊滿中央空
194 9 滿 mǎn to fill 兩邊滿中央空
195 9 滿 mǎn conceited 兩邊滿中央空
196 9 滿 mǎn to reach (a time); to expire 兩邊滿中央空
197 9 滿 mǎn whole; entire 兩邊滿中央空
198 9 滿 mǎn Manchu 兩邊滿中央空
199 9 滿 mǎn Man 兩邊滿中央空
200 9 滿 mǎn Full 兩邊滿中央空
201 9 滿 mǎn to fulfill; to satisfy; paripurna 兩邊滿中央空
202 9 lái to come 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
203 9 lái please 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
204 9 lái used to substitute for another verb 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
205 9 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
206 9 lái wheat 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
207 9 lái next; future 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
208 9 lái a simple complement of direction 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
209 9 lái to occur; to arise 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
210 9 lái to earn 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
211 9 lái to come; āgata 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
212 9 shēng to be born; to give birth 三者見小樹生華
213 9 shēng to live 三者見小樹生華
214 9 shēng raw 三者見小樹生華
215 9 shēng a student 三者見小樹生華
216 9 shēng life 三者見小樹生華
217 9 shēng to produce; to give rise 三者見小樹生華
218 9 shēng alive 三者見小樹生華
219 9 shēng a lifetime 三者見小樹生華
220 9 shēng to initiate; to become 三者見小樹生華
221 9 shēng to grow 三者見小樹生華
222 9 shēng unfamiliar 三者見小樹生華
223 9 shēng not experienced 三者見小樹生華
224 9 shēng hard; stiff; strong 三者見小樹生華
225 9 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 三者見小樹生華
226 9 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 三者見小樹生華
227 9 shēng gender 三者見小樹生華
228 9 shēng to develop; to grow 三者見小樹生華
229 9 shēng to set up 三者見小樹生華
230 9 shēng a prostitute 三者見小樹生華
231 9 shēng a captive 三者見小樹生華
232 9 shēng a gentleman 三者見小樹生華
233 9 shēng Kangxi radical 100 三者見小樹生華
234 9 shēng unripe 三者見小樹生華
235 9 shēng nature 三者見小樹生華
236 9 shēng to inherit; to succeed 三者見小樹生華
237 9 shēng destiny 三者見小樹生華
238 9 shēng birth 三者見小樹生華
239 9 shēng arise; produce; utpad 三者見小樹生華
240 8 見大 jiàn dà the element of visibility 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
241 8 中央 zhōngyāng center 兩邊滿中央空
242 8 中央 zhōngyāng central authorities 兩邊滿中央空
243 8 one 五者見一人切繩
244 8 Kangxi radical 1 五者見一人切繩
245 8 pure; concentrated 五者見一人切繩
246 8 first 五者見一人切繩
247 8 the same 五者見一人切繩
248 8 sole; single 五者見一人切繩
249 8 a very small amount 五者見一人切繩
250 8 Yi 五者見一人切繩
251 8 other 五者見一人切繩
252 8 to unify 五者見一人切繩
253 8 accidentally; coincidentally 五者見一人切繩
254 8 abruptly; suddenly 五者見一人切繩
255 8 one; eka 五者見一人切繩
256 8 shéng rope; string; cord 五者見一人切繩
257 8 shéng to measure 五者見一人切繩
258 8 shéng to restrain; to confine 五者見一人切繩
259 8 shéng a carpenter's line marker 五者見一人切繩
260 8 shéng a gauge; a criterion; a rule; a standard 五者見一人切繩
261 8 shéng to continue 五者見一人切繩
262 8 shéng to commend; to praise 五者見一人切繩
263 8 shéng Sheng 五者見一人切繩
264 8 shéng to correct 五者見一人切繩
265 8 shéng rope; rajju 五者見一人切繩
266 8 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 當殺王太子以祠天王
267 8 shā to hurt 當殺王太子以祠天王
268 8 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 當殺王太子以祠天王
269 8 shā hurt; han 當殺王太子以祠天王
270 7 不知 bùzhī do not know 當合未合不知牛處
271 7 suǒ a few; various; some 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
272 7 suǒ a place; a location 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
273 7 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
274 7 suǒ an ordinal number 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
275 7 suǒ meaning 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
276 7 suǒ garrison 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
277 7 suǒ place; pradeśa 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
278 7 xiàng to observe; to assess 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
279 7 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
280 7 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
281 7 xiàng to aid; to help 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
282 7 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
283 7 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
284 7 xiāng alternately; in turn 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
285 7 xiāng Xiang 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
286 7 xiāng form substance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
287 7 xiāng to express 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
288 7 xiàng to choose 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
289 7 xiāng Xiang 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
290 7 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
291 7 xiāng the seventh lunar month 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
292 7 xiāng to compare 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
293 7 xiàng to divine 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
294 7 xiàng to administer 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
295 7 xiàng helper for a blind person 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
296 7 xiāng rhythm [music] 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
297 7 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
298 7 xiāng coralwood 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
299 7 xiàng ministry 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
300 7 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
301 7 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
302 7 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
303 7 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
304 7 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
305 7 sān three 一者見三瓶併
306 7 sān third 一者見三瓶併
307 7 sān more than two 一者見三瓶併
308 7 sān very few 一者見三瓶併
309 7 sān San 一者見三瓶併
310 7 sān three; tri 一者見三瓶併
311 7 sān sa 一者見三瓶併
312 7 sān three kinds; trividha 一者見三瓶併
313 7 an ancestral hall; a temple 當殺王太子以祠天王
314 7 Spring sacrifice 當殺王太子以祠天王
315 7 to sacrifice; to give an offering in a religious ceremony 當殺王太子以祠天王
316 7 to enshrine 當殺王太子以祠天王
317 7 sacrifice; yajña 當殺王太子以祠天王
318 7 zhī to go 我能解之
319 7 zhī to arrive; to go 我能解之
320 7 zhī is 我能解之
321 7 zhī to use 我能解之
322 7 zhī Zhi 我能解之
323 7 zhī winding 我能解之
324 7 wáng to die 恐亡其國軀
325 7 wáng to flee 恐亡其國軀
326 7 to not have 恐亡其國軀
327 7 wáng to lose 恐亡其國軀
328 7 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 恐亡其國軀
329 7 wáng to leave 恐亡其國軀
330 7 wáng to forget 恐亡其國軀
331 7 wáng dead 恐亡其國軀
332 7 wáng to be exhausted; paryādāna 恐亡其國軀
333 7 夫人 fūren wife 重夫人當殺以祠天王
334 7 夫人 fūren Mrs. 重夫人當殺以祠天王
335 7 夫人 fūren the wife of a feudal lord 重夫人當殺以祠天王
336 7 夫人 fūren a consort of the emperor 重夫人當殺以祠天王
337 7 夫人 fūren lady; madam 重夫人當殺以祠天王
338 6 jīn gold 食以金器
339 6 jīn money 食以金器
340 6 jīn Jin; Kim 食以金器
341 6 jīn Kangxi radical 167 食以金器
342 6 jīn Later Jin Dynasty; Jin Dynasty 食以金器
343 6 jīn metal 食以金器
344 6 jīn hard 食以金器
345 6 jīn a unit of money in China in historic times 食以金器
346 6 jīn golden; gold colored 食以金器
347 6 jīn a weapon 食以金器
348 6 jīn valuable 食以金器
349 6 jīn metal agent 食以金器
350 6 jīn cymbals 食以金器
351 6 jīn Venus 食以金器
352 6 jīn gold; hiranya 食以金器
353 6 jīn golden, bright in color; suvarna; hema; kanaka; kancana 食以金器
354 6 shù tree 三者見小樹生華
355 6 shù to plant 三者見小樹生華
356 6 shù to establish 三者見小樹生華
357 6 shù a door screen 三者見小樹生華
358 6 shù a door screen 三者見小樹生華
359 6 shù tree; vṛkṣa 三者見小樹生華
360 6 四面 sìmiàn all sides 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
361 6 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
362 6 relating to Buddhism 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
363 6 a statue or image of a Buddha 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
364 6 a Buddhist text 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
365 6 to touch; to stroke 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
366 6 Buddha 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
367 6 Buddha; Awakened One 佛在舍衛祇桓阿難邠坻阿藍
368 6 見小 jiàn xiǎo miserly 三者見小樹生華
369 6 見小 jiàn xiǎo paying attention to fine detail 三者見小樹生華
370 6 婆羅門 póluómén Brahmin; 明日王即召公卿大臣及明道知解夢者婆羅門
371 6 婆羅門 póluómén Brahmin; Brahman 明日王即召公卿大臣及明道知解夢者婆羅門
372 6 天王 tiānwáng an emperor 當殺王太子以祠天王
373 6 天王 tiānwáng a god 當殺王太子以祠天王
374 6 天王 tiānwáng Tianwang 當殺王太子以祠天王
375 6 天王 tiānwáng a deva king; a lokapala; a heavenly king; a guardian of the directions 當殺王太子以祠天王
376 6 infix potential marker 不入空瓶中
377 5 shuǐ water 九者見大陂水
378 5 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 九者見大陂水
379 5 shuǐ a river 九者見大陂水
380 5 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 九者見大陂水
381 5 shuǐ a flood 九者見大陂水
382 5 shuǐ to swim 九者見大陂水
383 5 shuǐ a body of water 九者見大陂水
384 5 shuǐ Shui 九者見大陂水
385 5 shuǐ water element 九者見大陂水
386 5 shuǐ water 九者見大陂水
387 5 horse 二者見馬口亦食
388 5 Kangxi radical 187 二者見馬口亦食
389 5 Ma 二者見馬口亦食
390 5 historic tool for tallying numbers 二者見馬口亦食
391 5 horse; haya 二者見馬口亦食
392 5 shuō to say; said; to speak; to talk; speaks 王即為說夜夢十事
393 5 yuè to relax; to enjoy; to be delighted 王即為說夜夢十事
394 5 shuì to persuade 王即為說夜夢十事
395 5 shuō to teach; to recite; to explain 王即為說夜夢十事
396 5 shuō a doctrine; a theory 王即為說夜夢十事
397 5 shuō to claim; to assert 王即為說夜夢十事
398 5 shuō allocution 王即為說夜夢十事
399 5 shuō to criticize; to scold 王即為說夜夢十事
400 5 shuō to indicate; to refer to 王即為說夜夢十事
401 5 shuō speach; vāda 王即為說夜夢十事
402 5 shuō to speak; bhāṣate 王即為說夜夢十事
403 5 shuō to instruct 王即為說夜夢十事
404 5 chù a place; location; a spot; a point 當合未合不知牛處
405 5 chǔ to reside; to live; to dwell 當合未合不知牛處
406 5 chù an office; a department; a bureau 當合未合不知牛處
407 5 chù a part; an aspect 當合未合不知牛處
408 5 chǔ to be in; to be in a position of 當合未合不知牛處
409 5 chǔ to get along with 當合未合不知牛處
410 5 chǔ to deal with; to manage 當合未合不知牛處
411 5 chǔ to punish; to sentence 當合未合不知牛處
412 5 chǔ to stop; to pause 當合未合不知牛處
413 5 chǔ to be associated with 當合未合不知牛處
414 5 chǔ to situate; to fix a place for 當合未合不知牛處
415 5 chǔ to occupy; to control 當合未合不知牛處
416 5 chù circumstances; situation 當合未合不知牛處
417 5 chù an occasion; a time 當合未合不知牛處
418 5 chù position; sthāna 當合未合不知牛處
419 5 hòu after; later 人後有羊主食繩
420 5 hòu empress; queen 人後有羊主食繩
421 5 hòu sovereign 人後有羊主食繩
422 5 hòu the god of the earth 人後有羊主食繩
423 5 hòu late; later 人後有羊主食繩
424 5 hòu offspring; descendents 人後有羊主食繩
425 5 hòu to fall behind; to lag 人後有羊主食繩
426 5 hòu behind; back 人後有羊主食繩
427 5 hòu mother of the designated heir; mother of the crown prince 人後有羊主食繩
428 5 hòu Hou 人後有羊主食繩
429 5 hòu after; behind 人後有羊主食繩
430 5 hòu following 人後有羊主食繩
431 5 hòu to be delayed 人後有羊主食繩
432 5 hòu to abandon; to discard 人後有羊主食繩
433 5 hòu feudal lords 人後有羊主食繩
434 5 hòu Hou 人後有羊主食繩
435 5 hòu woman of high rank; female deity; mahiṣī 人後有羊主食繩
436 5 hòu rear; paścāt 人後有羊主食繩
437 5 hòu later; paścima 人後有羊主食繩
438 5 chì red; scarlet 十者見溪水流正赤
439 5 chì bare; naked 十者見溪水流正赤
440 5 chì Kangxi radical 155 十者見溪水流正赤
441 5 chì sincere 十者見溪水流正赤
442 5 chì unrestrained 十者見溪水流正赤
443 5 chì to wipe out 十者見溪水流正赤
444 5 chì Chi 十者見溪水流正赤
445 5 chì red; lohita 十者見溪水流正赤
446 5 解夢 jiěmèng to analyze a dream 明日王即召公卿大臣及明道知解夢者婆羅門
447 5 人民 rénmín the people 帝王長吏人民皆當請雨
448 5 人民 rénmín common people 帝王長吏人民皆當請雨
449 5 人民 rénmín people; janā 帝王長吏人民皆當請雨
450 5 cóng to follow 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
451 5 cóng to comply; to submit; to defer 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
452 5 cóng to participate in something 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
453 5 cóng to use a certain method or principle 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
454 5 cóng something secondary 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
455 5 cóng remote relatives 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
456 5 cóng secondary 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
457 5 cóng to go on; to advance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
458 5 cōng at ease; informal 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
459 5 zòng a follower; a supporter 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
460 5 zòng to release 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
461 5 zòng perpendicular; longitudinal 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
462 5 huán to go back; to turn around; to return 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
463 5 huán to pay back; to give back 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
464 5 huán to do in return 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
465 5 huán Huan 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
466 5 huán to revert 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
467 5 huán to turn one's head; to look back 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
468 5 huán to encircle 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
469 5 xuán to rotate 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
470 5 huán since 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
471 5 hái to return; pratyāgam 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
472 5 hái again; further; punar 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
473 5 如是 rúshì of such a form; evaṃrūpa 王聞婆羅門解夢如是
474 5 dòu to fight; to struggle; to contend 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
475 5 dòu fight; kalaha 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
476 5 wèn to ask 就到王所齋室問
477 5 wèn to inquire after 就到王所齋室問
478 5 wèn to interrogate 就到王所齋室問
479 5 wèn to hold responsible 就到王所齋室問
480 5 wèn to request something 就到王所齋室問
481 5 wèn to rebuke 就到王所齋室問
482 5 wèn to send an official mission bearing gifts 就到王所齋室問
483 5 wèn news 就到王所齋室問
484 5 wèn to propose marriage 就到王所齋室問
485 5 wén to inform 就到王所齋室問
486 5 wèn to research 就到王所齋室問
487 5 wèn Wen 就到王所齋室問
488 5 wèn a question 就到王所齋室問
489 5 wèn ask; prccha 就到王所齋室問
490 5 zuò to sit 六者見狐坐於好床
491 5 zuò to ride 六者見狐坐於好床
492 5 zuò to visit 六者見狐坐於好床
493 5 zuò a seat 六者見狐坐於好床
494 5 zuò to hold fast to; to stick to 六者見狐坐於好床
495 5 zuò to be in a position 六者見狐坐於好床
496 5 zuò to convict; to try 六者見狐坐於好床
497 5 zuò to stay 六者見狐坐於好床
498 5 zuò to kneel 六者見狐坐於好床
499 5 zuò to violate 六者見狐坐於好床
500 5 zuò to sit; niṣad 六者見狐坐於好床

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1002

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 61 wáng Wang 王夢已即覺
2 61 wáng a king 王夢已即覺
3 61 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王夢已即覺
4 61 wàng to be king; to rule 王夢已即覺
5 61 wáng a prince; a duke 王夢已即覺
6 61 wáng grand; great 王夢已即覺
7 61 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王夢已即覺
8 61 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王夢已即覺
9 61 wáng the head of a group or gang 王夢已即覺
10 61 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王夢已即覺
11 61 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 王夢已即覺
12 49 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 三者見小樹生華
13 49 zhě that 三者見小樹生華
14 49 zhě nominalizing function word 三者見小樹生華
15 49 zhě used to mark a definition 三者見小樹生華
16 49 zhě used to mark a pause 三者見小樹生華
17 49 zhě topic marker; that; it 三者見小樹生華
18 49 zhuó according to 三者見小樹生華
19 49 zhě ca 三者見小樹生華
20 31 kǒng to fear; to be afraid 恐亡其國軀
21 31 kǒng maybe; perhaps 恐亡其國軀
22 31 kǒng to threaten 恐亡其國軀
23 31 kǒng fear; bhaya 恐亡其國軀
24 30 in; at 六者見狐坐於好床
25 30 in; at 六者見狐坐於好床
26 30 in; at; to; from 六者見狐坐於好床
27 30 to go; to 六者見狐坐於好床
28 30 to rely on; to depend on 六者見狐坐於好床
29 30 to go to; to arrive at 六者見狐坐於好床
30 30 from 六者見狐坐於好床
31 30 give 六者見狐坐於好床
32 30 oppposing 六者見狐坐於好床
33 30 and 六者見狐坐於好床
34 30 compared to 六者見狐坐於好床
35 30 by 六者見狐坐於好床
36 30 and; as well as 六者見狐坐於好床
37 30 for 六者見狐坐於好床
38 30 Yu 六者見狐坐於好床
39 30 a crow 六者見狐坐於好床
40 30 whew; wow 六者見狐坐於好床
41 30 near to; antike 六者見狐坐於好床
42 29 dāng to be; to act as; to serve as 當合未合不知牛處
43 29 dāng at or in the very same; be apposite 當合未合不知牛處
44 29 dāng dang (sound of a bell) 當合未合不知牛處
45 29 dāng to face 當合未合不知牛處
46 29 dāng to accept; to bear; to support; to inherit 當合未合不知牛處
47 29 dāng to manage; to host 當合未合不知牛處
48 29 dāng should 當合未合不知牛處
49 29 dāng to treat; to regard as 當合未合不知牛處
50 29 dǎng to think 當合未合不知牛處
51 29 dàng suitable; correspond to 當合未合不知牛處
52 29 dǎng to be equal 當合未合不知牛處
53 29 dàng that 當合未合不知牛處
54 29 dāng an end; top 當合未合不知牛處
55 29 dàng clang; jingle 當合未合不知牛處
56 29 dāng to judge 當合未合不知牛處
57 29 dǎng to bear on one's shoulder 當合未合不知牛處
58 29 dàng the same 當合未合不知牛處
59 29 dàng to pawn 當合未合不知牛處
60 29 dàng to fail [an exam] 當合未合不知牛處
61 29 dàng a trap 當合未合不知牛處
62 29 dàng a pawned item 當合未合不知牛處
63 29 dāng will be; bhaviṣyati 當合未合不知牛處
64 25 do not 若莫問
65 25 Mo 若莫問
66 25 there is none; neither 若莫問
67 25 cannot; unable to 若莫問
68 25 not; mā 若莫問
69 23 夢見 mèngjiàn to dream; to see in a dream 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
70 20 jiē all; each and every; in all cases 皆到王前
71 20 jiē same; equally 皆到王前
72 20 jiē all; sarva 皆到王前
73 18 jiàn to see 一者見三瓶併
74 18 jiàn opinion; view; understanding 一者見三瓶併
75 18 jiàn indicates seeing, hearing, meeting, etc 一者見三瓶併
76 18 jiàn refer to; for details see 一者見三瓶併
77 18 jiàn passive marker 一者見三瓶併
78 18 jiàn to listen to 一者見三瓶併
79 18 jiàn to meet 一者見三瓶併
80 18 jiàn to receive (a guest) 一者見三瓶併
81 18 jiàn let me; kindly 一者見三瓶併
82 18 jiàn Jian 一者見三瓶併
83 18 xiàn to appear 一者見三瓶併
84 18 xiàn to introduce 一者見三瓶併
85 18 jiàn view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi 一者見三瓶併
86 18 jiàn seeing; observing; darśana 一者見三瓶併
87 18 promptly; right away; immediately 王夢已即覺
88 18 to be near by; to be close to 王夢已即覺
89 18 at that time 王夢已即覺
90 18 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 王夢已即覺
91 18 supposed; so-called 王夢已即覺
92 18 if; but 王夢已即覺
93 18 to arrive at; to ascend 王夢已即覺
94 18 then; following 王夢已即覺
95 18 so; just so; eva 王夢已即覺
96 17 no 此王身乃無他
97 17 Kangxi radical 71 此王身乃無他
98 17 to not have; without 此王身乃無他
99 17 has not yet 此王身乃無他
100 17 mo 此王身乃無他
101 17 do not 此王身乃無他
102 17 not; -less; un- 此王身乃無他
103 17 regardless of 此王身乃無他
104 17 to not have 此王身乃無他
105 17 um 此王身乃無他
106 17 Wu 此王身乃無他
107 17 Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression. 此王身乃無他
108 17 not; non- 此王身乃無他
109 17 mo 此王身乃無他
110 16 wèi for; to 何謂為十事
111 16 wèi because of 何謂為十事
112 16 wéi to act as; to serve 何謂為十事
113 16 wéi to change into; to become 何謂為十事
114 16 wéi to be; is 何謂為十事
115 16 wéi to do 何謂為十事
116 16 wèi for 何謂為十事
117 16 wèi because of; for; to 何謂為十事
118 16 wèi to 何謂為十事
119 16 wéi in a passive construction 何謂為十事
120 16 wéi forming a rehetorical question 何謂為十事
121 16 wéi forming an adverb 何謂為十事
122 16 wéi to add emphasis 何謂為十事
123 16 wèi to support; to help 何謂為十事
124 16 wéi to govern 何謂為十事
125 16 wèi to be; bhū 何謂為十事
126 16 so as to; in order to 食以金器
127 16 to use; to regard as 食以金器
128 16 to use; to grasp 食以金器
129 16 according to 食以金器
130 16 because of 食以金器
131 16 on a certain date 食以金器
132 16 and; as well as 食以金器
133 16 to rely on 食以金器
134 16 to regard 食以金器
135 16 to be able to 食以金器
136 16 to order; to command 食以金器
137 16 further; moreover 食以金器
138 16 used after a verb 食以金器
139 16 very 食以金器
140 16 already 食以金器
141 16 increasingly 食以金器
142 16 a reason; a cause 食以金器
143 16 Israel 食以金器
144 16 Yi 食以金器
145 16 use; yogena 食以金器
146 15 zhèng upright; straight 十者見溪水流正赤
147 15 zhèng just doing something; just now 十者見溪水流正赤
148 15 zhèng to straighten; to correct 十者見溪水流正赤
149 15 zhèng main; central; primary 十者見溪水流正赤
150 15 zhèng fundamental; original 十者見溪水流正赤
151 15 zhèng precise; exact; accurate 十者見溪水流正赤
152 15 zhèng at right angles 十者見溪水流正赤
153 15 zhèng unbiased; impartial 十者見溪水流正赤
154 15 zhèng true; correct; orthodox 十者見溪水流正赤
155 15 zhèng unmixed; pure 十者見溪水流正赤
156 15 zhèng positive (charge) 十者見溪水流正赤
157 15 zhèng positive (number) 十者見溪水流正赤
158 15 zhèng standard 十者見溪水流正赤
159 15 zhèng chief; principal; primary 十者見溪水流正赤
160 15 zhèng honest 十者見溪水流正赤
161 15 zhèng to execute; to carry out 十者見溪水流正赤
162 15 zhèng precisely 十者見溪水流正赤
163 15 zhèng accepted; conventional 十者見溪水流正赤
164 15 zhèng to govern 十者見溪水流正赤
165 15 zhèng only; just 十者見溪水流正赤
166 15 zhēng first month 十者見溪水流正赤
167 15 zhēng center of a target 十者見溪水流正赤
168 15 zhèng Righteous 十者見溪水流正赤
169 15 zhèng right manner; nyāya 十者見溪水流正赤
170 15 shí food; food and drink 二者見馬口亦食
171 15 shí Kangxi radical 184 二者見馬口亦食
172 15 shí to eat 二者見馬口亦食
173 15 to feed 二者見馬口亦食
174 15 shí meal; cooked cereals 二者見馬口亦食
175 15 to raise; to nourish 二者見馬口亦食
176 15 shí to receive; to accept 二者見馬口亦食
177 15 shí to receive an official salary 二者見馬口亦食
178 15 shí an eclipse 二者見馬口亦食
179 15 shí food; bhakṣa 二者見馬口亦食
180 15 rén person; people; a human being 五者見一人切繩
181 15 rén Kangxi radical 9 五者見一人切繩
182 15 rén a kind of person 五者見一人切繩
183 15 rén everybody 五者見一人切繩
184 15 rén adult 五者見一人切繩
185 15 rén somebody; others 五者見一人切繩
186 15 rén an upright person 五者見一人切繩
187 15 rén person; manuṣya 五者見一人切繩
188 15 guó a country; a nation 恐亡其國軀
189 15 guó the capital of a state 恐亡其國軀
190 15 guó a feud; a vassal state 恐亡其國軀
191 15 guó a state; a kingdom 恐亡其國軀
192 15 guó a place; a land 恐亡其國軀
193 15 guó domestic; Chinese 恐亡其國軀
194 15 guó national 恐亡其國軀
195 15 guó top in the nation 恐亡其國軀
196 15 guó Guo 恐亡其國軀
197 15 guó community; nation; janapada 恐亡其國軀
198 14 shì is; are; am; to be 是王有一夫人名摩利
199 14 shì is exactly 是王有一夫人名摩利
200 14 shì is suitable; is in contrast 是王有一夫人名摩利
201 14 shì this; that; those 是王有一夫人名摩利
202 14 shì really; certainly 是王有一夫人名摩利
203 14 shì correct; yes; affirmative 是王有一夫人名摩利
204 14 shì true 是王有一夫人名摩利
205 14 shì is; has; exists 是王有一夫人名摩利
206 14 shì used between repetitions of a word 是王有一夫人名摩利
207 14 shì a matter; an affair 是王有一夫人名摩利
208 14 shì Shi 是王有一夫人名摩利
209 14 shì is; bhū 是王有一夫人名摩利
210 14 shì this; idam 是王有一夫人名摩利
211 14 yán to speak; to say; said 諸能解夢者即言
212 14 yán language; talk; words; utterance; speech 諸能解夢者即言
213 14 yán Kangxi radical 149 諸能解夢者即言
214 14 yán a particle with no meaning 諸能解夢者即言
215 14 yán phrase; sentence 諸能解夢者即言
216 14 yán a word; a syllable 諸能解夢者即言
217 14 yán a theory; a doctrine 諸能解夢者即言
218 14 yán to regard as 諸能解夢者即言
219 14 yán to act as 諸能解夢者即言
220 14 yán word; vacana 諸能解夢者即言
221 14 yán speak; vad 諸能解夢者即言
222 14 shēn human body; torso 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
223 14 shēn Kangxi radical 158 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
224 14 shēn measure word for clothes 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
225 14 shēn self 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
226 14 shēn life 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
227 14 shēn an object 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
228 14 shēn a lifetime 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
229 14 shēn personally 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
230 14 shēn moral character 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
231 14 shēn status; identity; position 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
232 14 shēn pregnancy 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
233 14 juān India 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
234 14 shēn body; kāya 所可臥具及著身珍寶好物
235 13 後世 hòushì later generations; posterity 皆為後世施耳
236 13 後世 hòushì later rebirths; subsequent births 皆為後世施耳
237 12 píng a bottle 一者見三瓶併
238 12 píng bottle 一者見三瓶併
239 12 píng a jar; a pitcher; a vase 一者見三瓶併
240 12 píng Ping 一者見三瓶併
241 12 píng a jar; ghaṭa 一者見三瓶併
242 12 shì matter; thing; item 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
243 12 shì to serve 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
244 12 shì a government post 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
245 12 shì duty; post; work 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
246 12 shì occupation 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
247 12 shì cause; undertaking; enterprise; achievment 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
248 12 shì an accident 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
249 12 shì to attend 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
250 12 shì an allusion 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
251 12 shì a condition; a state; a situation 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
252 12 shì to engage in 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
253 12 shì to enslave 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
254 12 shì to pursue 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
255 12 shì to administer 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
256 12 shì to appoint 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
257 12 shì a piece 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
258 12 shì thing; phenomena 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
259 12 shì actions; karma 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
260 12 he; him 此王身乃無他
261 12 another aspect 此王身乃無他
262 12 other; another; some other 此王身乃無他
263 12 everybody 此王身乃無他
264 12 other 此王身乃無他
265 12 tuō other; another; some other 此王身乃無他
266 12 tha 此王身乃無他
267 12 ṭha 此王身乃無他
268 12 other; anya 此王身乃無他
269 11 ěr ear 皆為後世施耳
270 11 ěr Kangxi radical 128 皆為後世施耳
271 11 ěr and that is all 皆為後世施耳
272 11 ěr an ear-shaped object 皆為後世施耳
273 11 ěr on both sides 皆為後世施耳
274 11 ěr a vessel handle 皆為後世施耳
275 11 ěr ear; śrotra 皆為後世施耳
276 11 also; too 二者見馬口亦食
277 11 but 二者見馬口亦食
278 11 this; he; she 二者見馬口亦食
279 11 although; even though 二者見馬口亦食
280 11 already 二者見馬口亦食
281 11 particle with no meaning 二者見馬口亦食
282 11 Yi 二者見馬口亦食
283 11 niú an ox; a cow; a bull 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
284 11 niú Niu 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
285 11 niú Kangxi radical 93 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
286 11 niú Taurus 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
287 11 niú stubborn 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
288 11 niú cow; cattle; dhenu 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
289 11 niú Abhijit 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
290 10 mèng a dream 王夢已即覺
291 10 mèng to dream 王夢已即覺
292 10 mèng grassland 王夢已即覺
293 10 mèng a fantasy; a delusion; wishful thinking 王夢已即覺
294 10 mèng dream; svapna 王夢已即覺
295 10 I; me; my 我能解之
296 10 self 我能解之
297 10 we; our 我能解之
298 10 [my] dear 我能解之
299 10 Wo 我能解之
300 10 self; atman; attan 我能解之
301 10 ga 我能解之
302 10 I; aham 我能解之
303 10 shí ten 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
304 10 shí Kangxi radical 24 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
305 10 shí tenth 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
306 10 shí complete; perfect 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
307 10 shí ten; daśa 國王波斯匿夜臥夢見十事
308 10 妻子 qīzi wife 於國於身妻子皆無他
309 10 妻子 qī zǐ wife and children 於國於身妻子皆無他
310 9 滿 mǎn full 兩邊滿中央空
311 9 滿 mǎn to be satisfied 兩邊滿中央空
312 9 滿 mǎn to fill 兩邊滿中央空
313 9 滿 mǎn conceited 兩邊滿中央空
314 9 滿 mǎn to reach (a time); to expire 兩邊滿中央空
315 9 滿 mǎn whole; entire 兩邊滿中央空
316 9 滿 mǎn completely 兩邊滿中央空
317 9 滿 mǎn Manchu 兩邊滿中央空
318 9 滿 mǎn very 兩邊滿中央空
319 9 滿 mǎn Man 兩邊滿中央空
320 9 滿 mǎn Full 兩邊滿中央空
321 9 滿 mǎn to fulfill; to satisfy; paripurna 兩邊滿中央空
322 9 yǒu is; are; to exist 人後有羊主食繩
323 9 yǒu to have; to possess 人後有羊主食繩
324 9 yǒu indicates an estimate 人後有羊主食繩
325 9 yǒu indicates a large quantity 人後有羊主食繩
326 9 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 人後有羊主食繩
327 9 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 人後有羊主食繩
328 9 yǒu used to compare two things 人後有羊主食繩
329 9 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 人後有羊主食繩
330 9 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 人後有羊主食繩
331 9 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 人後有羊主食繩
332 9 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 人後有羊主食繩
333 9 yǒu abundant 人後有羊主食繩
334 9 yǒu purposeful 人後有羊主食繩
335 9 yǒu You 人後有羊主食繩
336 9 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 人後有羊主食繩
337 9 yǒu becoming; bhava 人後有羊主食繩
338 9 lái to come 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
339 9 lái indicates an approximate quantity 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
340 9 lái please 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
341 9 lái used to substitute for another verb 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
342 9 lái used between two word groups to express purpose and effect 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
343 9 lái ever since 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
344 9 lái wheat 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
345 9 lái next; future 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
346 9 lái a simple complement of direction 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
347 9 lái to occur; to arise 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
348 9 lái to earn 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
349 9 lái to come; āgata 兩瓶滿沸氣交往來
350 9 shēng to be born; to give birth 三者見小樹生華
351 9 shēng to live 三者見小樹生華
352 9 shēng raw 三者見小樹生華
353 9 shēng a student 三者見小樹生華
354 9 shēng life 三者見小樹生華
355 9 shēng to produce; to give rise 三者見小樹生華
356 9 shēng alive 三者見小樹生華
357 9 shēng a lifetime 三者見小樹生華
358 9 shēng to initiate; to become 三者見小樹生華
359 9 shēng to grow 三者見小樹生華
360 9 shēng unfamiliar 三者見小樹生華
361 9 shēng not experienced 三者見小樹生華
362 9 shēng hard; stiff; strong 三者見小樹生華
363 9 shēng very; extremely 三者見小樹生華
364 9 shēng having academic or professional knowledge 三者見小樹生華
365 9 shēng a male role in traditional theatre 三者見小樹生華
366 9 shēng gender 三者見小樹生華
367 9 shēng to develop; to grow 三者見小樹生華
368 9 shēng to set up 三者見小樹生華
369 9 shēng a prostitute 三者見小樹生華
370 9 shēng a captive 三者見小樹生華
371 9 shēng a gentleman 三者見小樹生華
372 9 shēng Kangxi radical 100 三者見小樹生華
373 9 shēng unripe 三者見小樹生華
374 9 shēng nature 三者見小樹生華
375 9 shēng to inherit; to succeed 三者見小樹生華
376 9 shēng destiny 三者見小樹生華
377 9 shēng birth 三者見小樹生華
378 9 shēng arise; produce; utpad 三者見小樹生華
379 8 見大 jiàn dà the element of visibility 七者見大牛還從小犢子乳
380 8 中央 zhōngyāng center 兩邊滿中央空
381 8 中央 zhōngyāng central authorities 兩邊滿中央空
382 8 one 五者見一人切繩
383 8 Kangxi radical 1 五者見一人切繩
384 8 as soon as; all at once 五者見一人切繩
385 8 pure; concentrated 五者見一人切繩
386 8 whole; all 五者見一人切繩
387 8 first 五者見一人切繩
388 8 the same 五者見一人切繩
389 8 each 五者見一人切繩
390 8 certain 五者見一人切繩
391 8 throughout 五者見一人切繩
392 8 used in between a reduplicated verb 五者見一人切繩
393 8 sole; single 五者見一人切繩
394 8 a very small amount 五者見一人切繩
395 8 Yi 五者見一人切繩
396 8 other 五者見一人切繩
397 8 to unify 五者見一人切繩
398 8 accidentally; coincidentally 五者見一人切繩
399 8 abruptly; suddenly 五者見一人切繩
400 8 or 五者見一人切繩
401 8 one; eka 五者見一人切繩
402 8 shéng rope; string; cord 五者見一人切繩
403 8 shéng to measure 五者見一人切繩
404 8 shéng to restrain; to confine 五者見一人切繩
405 8 shéng a carpenter's line marker 五者見一人切繩
406 8 shéng a gauge; a criterion; a rule; a standard 五者見一人切繩
407 8 shéng to continue 五者見一人切繩
408 8 shéng to commend; to praise 五者見一人切繩
409 8 shéng Sheng 五者見一人切繩
410 8 shéng to correct 五者見一人切繩
411 8 shéng rope; rajju 五者見一人切繩
412 8 shā to kill; to murder; to slaughter 當殺王太子以祠天王
413 8 shā to hurt 當殺王太子以祠天王
414 8 shā to pare off; to reduce; to clip 當殺王太子以祠天王
415 8 shā hurt; han 當殺王太子以祠天王
416 7 不知 bùzhī do not know 當合未合不知牛處
417 7 不知 bùzhī unknowingly 當合未合不知牛處
418 7 suǒ measure word for houses, small buildings and institutions 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
419 7 suǒ an office; an institute 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
420 7 suǒ introduces a relative clause 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
421 7 suǒ it 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
422 7 suǒ if; supposing 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
423 7 suǒ a few; various; some 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
424 7 suǒ a place; a location 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
425 7 suǒ indicates a passive voice 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
426 7 suǒ that which 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
427 7 suǒ an ordinal number 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
428 7 suǒ meaning 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
429 7 suǒ garrison 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
430 7 suǒ place; pradeśa 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
431 7 suǒ that which; yad 所重好馬當殺以祠天王
432 7 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
433 7 xiàng to observe; to assess 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
434 7 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
435 7 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
436 7 xiàng to aid; to help 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
437 7 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
438 7 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
439 7 xiāng alternately; in turn 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
440 7 xiāng Xiang 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
441 7 xiāng form substance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
442 7 xiāng to express 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
443 7 xiàng to choose 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
444 7 xiāng Xiang 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
445 7 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
446 7 xiāng the seventh lunar month 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
447 7 xiāng to compare 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
448 7 xiàng to divine 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
449 7 xiàng to administer 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
450 7 xiàng helper for a blind person 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
451 7 xiāng rhythm [music] 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
452 7 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
453 7 xiāng coralwood 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
454 7 xiàng ministry 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
455 7 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
456 7 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
457 7 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
458 7 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
459 7 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 八者見四牛從四面鳴來相趣欲鬪
460 7 sān three 一者見三瓶併
461 7 sān third 一者見三瓶併
462 7 sān more than two 一者見三瓶併
463 7 sān very few 一者見三瓶併
464 7 sān repeatedly 一者見三瓶併
465 7 sān San 一者見三瓶併
466 7 sān three; tri 一者見三瓶併
467 7 sān sa 一者見三瓶併
468 7 sān three kinds; trividha 一者見三瓶併
469 7 an ancestral hall; a temple 當殺王太子以祠天王
470 7 Spring sacrifice 當殺王太子以祠天王
471 7 to sacrifice; to give an offering in a religious ceremony 當殺王太子以祠天王
472 7 to enshrine 當殺王太子以祠天王
473 7 sacrifice; yajña 當殺王太子以祠天王
474 7 zhī him; her; them; that 我能解之
475 7 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 我能解之
476 7 zhī to go 我能解之
477 7 zhī this; that 我能解之
478 7 zhī genetive marker 我能解之
479 7 zhī it 我能解之
480 7 zhī in; in regards to 我能解之
481 7 zhī all 我能解之
482 7 zhī and 我能解之
483 7 zhī however 我能解之
484 7 zhī if 我能解之
485 7 zhī then 我能解之
486 7 zhī to arrive; to go 我能解之
487 7 zhī is 我能解之
488 7 zhī to use 我能解之
489 7 zhī Zhi 我能解之
490 7 zhī winding 我能解之
491 7 wáng to die 恐亡其國軀
492 7 wáng to flee 恐亡其國軀
493 7 to not have 恐亡其國軀
494 7 wáng to lose 恐亡其國軀
495 7 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 恐亡其國軀
496 7 wáng to leave 恐亡其國軀
497 7 wáng to forget 恐亡其國軀
498 7 wáng dead 恐亡其國軀
499 7 wáng to be exhausted; paryādāna 恐亡其國軀
500 7 夫人 fūren wife 重夫人當殺以祠天王


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
wáng king; best of a kind; rāja
zhě ca
kǒng fear; bhaya
near to; antike
dāng will be; bhaviṣyati
not; mā
jiē all; sarva
  1. jiàn
  2. jiàn
  1. view; perception; dṛṣṭi; diṭṭhi
  2. seeing; observing; darśana
so; just so; eva
  1. Non-; ; *Prefix denoting negation or absence, e.g. non-regression.
  2. not; non-
  3. mo

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿蓝 阿藍 97 āḷāra Kālāma; Alara Kalama
阿难 阿難 196
  1. Ananda
  2. Ānanda; Ananda
波斯匿 98 King Prasenajit; Pasenadi
大爱道 大愛道 100
  1. Maha-prajapti
  2. Maha-prajapti
丹本 100 Khitan Canon
犊子 犢子 100 Vatsa
婆罗门 婆羅門 112
  1. Brahmin;
  2. Brahmin; Brahman
只桓 祇桓 113 Jetavana
人大 114 National Peoples Congress (in China); Great Hall of the People
召公 115 Duke Shao
舍卫 舍衛 115 Sravasti; Savatthi
舍卫国王梦见十事经 舍衛國王夢見十事經 115 Shiwei Guo Wang Mengjian Shi Shi Jing
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
阎浮利 閻浮利 121 Jambudvīpa
增一阿含经 增一阿含經 90 Ekottara āgama
长吏 長吏 122 Senior Functionary; Chief Official


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 19.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
安隐 安隱 196
  1. tranquil
  2. Kshama; Kṣama; Kṣema
白佛 98 to address the Buddha
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
不孝父母 98 unfilial to parents
不淫 98 Refrain from sexual conduct
不贪 不貪 98 non-attachment; alobha
慈心 99 compassion; a compassionate mind
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
佛语 佛語 102
  1. Buddha Talk
  2. buddhavacana; the words of the Buddha
佛足 102 buddhapāda; Buddha footprints
见大 見大 106 the element of visibility
见佛 見佛 106
  1. Seeing the Buddha
  2. to see the Buddha
摩利 109 jasmine; mallika
入空 114 to have an experiential understanding of the truth
四事 115 the four necessities
闻者 聞者 119 hearer; śrotṛ
我身 119 I; myself
五事 119 five dharmas; five categories
愿佛 願佛 121 Buddha of the vow