Glossary and Vocabulary for A Chronicle of Buddhism in China 佛祖統紀, Scroll 54

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 92 zhī to go 歷代會要志第十九之四
2 92 zhī to arrive; to go 歷代會要志第十九之四
3 92 zhī is 歷代會要志第十九之四
4 92 zhī to use 歷代會要志第十九之四
5 92 zhī Zhi 歷代會要志第十九之四
6 92 zhī winding 歷代會要志第十九之四
7 83 nián year 周昭王二十六年
8 83 nián New Year festival 周昭王二十六年
9 83 nián age 周昭王二十六年
10 83 nián life span; life expectancy 周昭王二十六年
11 83 nián an era; a period 周昭王二十六年
12 83 nián a date 周昭王二十六年
13 83 nián time; years 周昭王二十六年
14 83 nián harvest 周昭王二十六年
15 83 nián annual; every year 周昭王二十六年
16 83 nián year; varṣa 周昭王二十六年
17 53 chì imperial decree 仁宗勅賜兗州先聖廟飛帛御書
18 53 chì Daoist magic 仁宗勅賜兗州先聖廟飛帛御書
19 51 wéi to act as; to serve 老子為周守藏吏
20 51 wéi to change into; to become 老子為周守藏吏
21 51 wéi to be; is 老子為周守藏吏
22 51 wéi to do 老子為周守藏吏
23 51 wèi to support; to help 老子為周守藏吏
24 51 wéi to govern 老子為周守藏吏
25 51 wèi to be; bhū 老子為周守藏吏
26 49 to use; to grasp 載以白馬
27 49 to rely on 載以白馬
28 49 to regard 載以白馬
29 49 to be able to 載以白馬
30 49 to order; to command 載以白馬
31 49 used after a verb 載以白馬
32 49 a reason; a cause 載以白馬
33 49 Israel 載以白馬
34 49 Yi 載以白馬
35 49 use; yogena 載以白馬
36 40 zhào an imperial decree 詔諸郡立
37 40 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔諸郡立
38 40 yuē to speak; to say 舉右手而言曰
39 40 yuē Kangxi radical 73 舉右手而言曰
40 40 yuē to be called 舉右手而言曰
41 40 yuē said; ukta 舉右手而言曰
42 38 shàng top; a high position 已上釋教出興
43 38 shang top; the position on or above something 已上釋教出興
44 38 shàng to go up; to go forward 已上釋教出興
45 38 shàng shang 已上釋教出興
46 38 shàng previous; last 已上釋教出興
47 38 shàng high; higher 已上釋教出興
48 38 shàng advanced 已上釋教出興
49 38 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 已上釋教出興
50 38 shàng time 已上釋教出興
51 38 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 已上釋教出興
52 38 shàng far 已上釋教出興
53 38 shàng big; as big as 已上釋教出興
54 38 shàng abundant; plentiful 已上釋教出興
55 38 shàng to report 已上釋教出興
56 38 shàng to offer 已上釋教出興
57 38 shàng to go on stage 已上釋教出興
58 38 shàng to take office; to assume a post 已上釋教出興
59 38 shàng to install; to erect 已上釋教出興
60 38 shàng to suffer; to sustain 已上釋教出興
61 38 shàng to burn 已上釋教出興
62 38 shàng to remember 已上釋教出興
63 38 shàng to add 已上釋教出興
64 38 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 已上釋教出興
65 38 shàng to meet 已上釋教出興
66 38 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 已上釋教出興
67 38 shang used after a verb indicating a result 已上釋教出興
68 38 shàng a musical note 已上釋教出興
69 38 shàng higher, superior; uttara 已上釋教出興
70 38 zhě ca 身通六藝者七十二人
71 36 wáng to die 褒恤終亡
72 36 wáng to flee 褒恤終亡
73 36 to not have 褒恤終亡
74 36 wáng to lose 褒恤終亡
75 36 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 褒恤終亡
76 36 wáng to leave 褒恤終亡
77 36 wáng to forget 褒恤終亡
78 36 wáng dead 褒恤終亡
79 36 wáng to be exhausted; paryādāna 褒恤終亡
80 35 Buddha; Awakened One 韓歐排佛
81 35 relating to Buddhism 韓歐排佛
82 35 a statue or image of a Buddha 韓歐排佛
83 35 a Buddhist text 韓歐排佛
84 35 to touch; to stroke 韓歐排佛
85 35 Buddha 韓歐排佛
86 35 Buddha; Awakened One 韓歐排佛
87 33 dào way; road; path
88 33 dào principle; a moral; morality
89 33 dào Tao; the Way
90 33 dào to say; to speak; to talk
91 33 dào to think
92 33 dào circuit; a province
93 33 dào a course; a channel
94 33 dào a method; a way of doing something
95 33 dào a doctrine
96 33 dào Taoism; Daoism
97 33 dào a skill
98 33 dào a sect
99 33 dào a line
100 33 dào Way
101 33 dào way; path; marga
102 33 ér Kangxi radical 126 右脇而出
103 33 ér as if; to seem like 右脇而出
104 33 néng can; able 右脇而出
105 33 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 右脇而出
106 33 ér to arrive; up to 右脇而出
107 31 shì funerary name; posthumous name or title
108 31 shì to give a funerary name
109 31 rén person; people; a human being 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
110 31 rén Kangxi radical 9 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
111 31 rén a kind of person 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
112 31 rén everybody 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
113 31 rén adult 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
114 31 rén somebody; others 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
115 31 rén an upright person 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
116 31 rén person; manuṣya 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
117 31 道士 dàoshì a devotee; a practioner; a follower; a monk; a Confucian scholar 山道士寇謙之遇太上老君
118 31 道士 dàoshì a Taoist scholar 山道士寇謙之遇太上老君
119 30 zōng school; sect 僖宗
120 30 zōng ancestor 僖宗
121 30 zōng to take as one's model as 僖宗
122 30 zōng purpose 僖宗
123 30 zōng an ancestral temple 僖宗
124 30 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 僖宗
125 30 zōng clan; family 僖宗
126 30 zōng a model 僖宗
127 30 zōng a county 僖宗
128 30 zōng religion 僖宗
129 30 zōng essential; necessary 僖宗
130 30 zōng summation 僖宗
131 30 zōng a visit by feudal lords 僖宗
132 30 zōng Zong 僖宗
133 30 zōng thesis; conclusion; tenet; siddhānta 僖宗
134 30 zōng sect; thought; mata 僖宗
135 29 禪師 chánshī Chan Master; Zen Master; Seon Master 智禪師即停搜簡
136 29 禪師 Chán Shī Chan master 智禪師即停搜簡
137 28 to go; to 有大聖人生於西方
138 28 to rely on; to depend on 有大聖人生於西方
139 28 Yu 有大聖人生於西方
140 28 a crow 有大聖人生於西方
141 28 sān three 於終南山造三
142 28 sān third 於終南山造三
143 28 sān more than two 於終南山造三
144 28 sān very few 於終南山造三
145 28 sān San 於終南山造三
146 28 sān three; tri 於終南山造三
147 28 sān sa 於終南山造三
148 28 sān three kinds; trividha 於終南山造三
149 25 Qi 其名曰佛
150 25 法師 fǎshī Dharma Master; Venerable; a Buddhist monk or nun 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
151 25 法師 fǎshī a Taoist priest 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
152 25 法師 fǎshī Venerable 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
153 25 法師 fǎshī Dharma Teacher 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
154 25 法師 fǎshī Dharma master 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
155 24 method; way 僧道角法
156 24 France 僧道角法
157 24 the law; rules; regulations 僧道角法
158 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 僧道角法
159 24 a standard; a norm 僧道角法
160 24 an institution 僧道角法
161 24 to emulate 僧道角法
162 24 magic; a magic trick 僧道角法
163 24 punishment 僧道角法
164 24 Fa 僧道角法
165 24 a precedent 僧道角法
166 24 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 僧道角法
167 24 relating to a ceremony or rite 僧道角法
168 24 Dharma 僧道角法
169 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 僧道角法
170 24 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 僧道角法
171 24 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 僧道角法
172 24 quality; characteristic 僧道角法
173 24 big; huge; large 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
174 24 Kangxi radical 37 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
175 24 great; major; important 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
176 24 size 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
177 24 old 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
178 24 oldest; earliest 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
179 24 adult 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
180 24 dài an important person 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
181 24 senior 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
182 24 an element 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
183 24 great; mahā 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
184 23 sēng a Buddhist monk 僧制治罰
185 23 sēng a person with dark skin 僧制治罰
186 23 sēng Seng 僧制治罰
187 23 sēng Sangha; monastic community 僧制治罰
188 23 僧尼 sēngní a Buddhist nun 詔沙汰僧尼
189 23 僧尼 sēngní monks and nuns 詔沙汰僧尼
190 22 ya 佛神也
191 22 to give; to bestow favors
192 22 grace; favor; a gift
193 22 to award; to appoint
194 22 to do in full
195 22 to bestow an honorific title
196 22 offer; anuprayam
197 21 infix potential marker 不治而不亂
198 20 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 尹令著道德經
199 20 lìng to issue a command 尹令著道德經
200 20 lìng rules of behavior; customs 尹令著道德經
201 20 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 尹令著道德經
202 20 lìng a season 尹令著道德經
203 20 lìng respected; good reputation 尹令著道德經
204 20 lìng good 尹令著道德經
205 20 lìng pretentious 尹令著道德經
206 20 lìng a transcending state of existence 尹令著道德經
207 20 lìng a commander 尹令著道德經
208 20 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 尹令著道德經
209 20 lìng lyrics 尹令著道德經
210 20 lìng Ling 尹令著道德經
211 20 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 尹令著道德經
212 19 emperor; supreme ruler 帝囚之
213 19 the ruler of Heaven 帝囚之
214 19 a god 帝囚之
215 19 imperialism 帝囚之
216 19 lord; pārthiva 帝囚之
217 19 Indra 帝囚之
218 19 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 並令出家
219 19 bìng to combine 並令出家
220 19 bìng to resemble; to be like 並令出家
221 19 bìng to stand side-by-side 並令出家
222 19 bīng Taiyuan 並令出家
223 19 bìng equally; both; together 並令出家
224 18 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 宋咸淳四明福泉沙門志磐撰
225 18 沙門 shāmén sramana 宋咸淳四明福泉沙門志磐撰
226 18 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 宋咸淳四明福泉沙門志磐撰
227 18 yuán Yuan Dynasty 哀帝元壽元年
228 18 yuán first 哀帝元壽元年
229 18 yuán origin; head 哀帝元壽元年
230 18 yuán Yuan 哀帝元壽元年
231 18 yuán large 哀帝元壽元年
232 18 yuán good 哀帝元壽元年
233 18 yuán fundamental 哀帝元壽元年
234 18 yuán beginning; ādi 哀帝元壽元年
235 18 yuán first; preceding; pūrvam 哀帝元壽元年
236 17 èr two
237 17 èr Kangxi radical 7
238 17 èr second
239 17 èr twice; double; di-
240 17 èr more than one kind
241 17 èr two; dvā; dvi
242 17 èr both; dvaya
243 17 to enter 五色光氣入貫
244 17 Kangxi radical 11 五色光氣入貫
245 17 radical 五色光氣入貫
246 17 income 五色光氣入貫
247 17 to conform with 五色光氣入貫
248 17 to descend 五色光氣入貫
249 17 the entering tone 五色光氣入貫
250 17 to pay 五色光氣入貫
251 17 to join 五色光氣入貫
252 17 entering; praveśa 五色光氣入貫
253 17 entered; attained; āpanna 五色光氣入貫
254 17 to give 請與西
255 17 to accompany 請與西
256 17 to particate in 請與西
257 17 of the same kind 請與西
258 17 to help 請與西
259 17 for 請與西
260 17 元年 yuánnián the first year of Emperor's reign; 0 CE 哀帝元壽元年
261 16 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 天下唯我獨尊
262 16 天下 tiānxià authority over China 天下唯我獨尊
263 16 天下 tiānxià the world 天下唯我獨尊
264 16 lùn to comment; to discuss 牒被論而出
265 16 lùn a theory; a doctrine 牒被論而出
266 16 lùn to evaluate 牒被論而出
267 16 lùn opinion; speech; statement 牒被論而出
268 16 lùn to convict 牒被論而出
269 16 lùn to edit; to compile 牒被論而出
270 16 lùn a treatise; sastra 牒被論而出
271 16 lùn discussion 牒被論而出
272 16 day of the month; a certain day 四月八日
273 16 Kangxi radical 72 四月八日
274 16 a day 四月八日
275 16 Japan 四月八日
276 16 sun 四月八日
277 16 daytime 四月八日
278 16 sunlight 四月八日
279 16 everyday 四月八日
280 16 season 四月八日
281 16 available time 四月八日
282 16 in the past 四月八日
283 16 mi 四月八日
284 16 sun; sūrya 四月八日
285 16 a day; divasa 四月八日
286 15 三教 sān jiāo the three doctrines; the three religions 三教出興
287 15 三教 sān jiāo the three teachings 三教出興
288 15 děng et cetera; and so on 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
289 15 děng to wait 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
290 15 děng to be equal 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
291 15 děng degree; level 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
292 15 děng to compare 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
293 15 děng same; equal; sama 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
294 15 shū book 刪詩定書繫周
295 15 shū document; manuscript 刪詩定書繫周
296 15 shū letter 刪詩定書繫周
297 15 shū the Cannon of Documents 刪詩定書繫周
298 15 shū to write 刪詩定書繫周
299 15 shū writing 刪詩定書繫周
300 15 shū calligraphy; writing style 刪詩定書繫周
301 15 shū Shu 刪詩定書繫周
302 15 shū to record 刪詩定書繫周
303 15 shū book; pustaka 刪詩定書繫周
304 15 shū write; copy; likh 刪詩定書繫周
305 15 shū manuscript; lekha 刪詩定書繫周
306 15 shū book; pustaka 刪詩定書繫周
307 15 shū document; lekha 刪詩定書繫周
308 15 zhōu a state; a province 州泥黎
309 15 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 州泥黎
310 15 zhōu a prefecture 州泥黎
311 15 zhōu a country 州泥黎
312 15 zhōu an island 州泥黎
313 15 zhōu Zhou 州泥黎
314 15 zhōu autonomous prefecture 州泥黎
315 15 zhōu a country 州泥黎
316 14 to beg; to request 然臂乞興
317 14 to hope for; look forward to 然臂乞興
318 14 a beggar 然臂乞興
319 14 Qi 然臂乞興
320 14 to give 然臂乞興
321 14 destitute; needy 然臂乞興
322 14 to beg; yācñā 然臂乞興
323 14 huì favor; benefit; blessing; kindness 呂惠通
324 14 huì Hui 呂惠通
325 14 huì to confer 呂惠通
326 14 huì to spoil; to dote on 呂惠通
327 14 huì gentle; amiable 呂惠通
328 14 huì would you be so kind 呂惠通
329 14 huì Kindness 呂惠通
330 14 huì devotion; mati 呂惠通
331 14 Buddhist temple; monastery; mosque 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
332 14 a government office 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
333 14 a eunuch 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
334 14 Buddhist temple; vihāra 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
335 14 huǐ to destroy 毀王安石陪饗
336 14 huǐ to destroy 毀王安石陪饗
337 14 huǐ to defame; to slander 毀王安石陪饗
338 14 huǐ to harm one's health through excessive mourning 毀王安石陪饗
339 14 huǐ to destroy; kṣip 毀王安石陪饗
340 14 huǐ defamation; nindā 毀王安石陪饗
341 14 Li 遇老子玄孫李普文
342 14 plum 遇老子玄孫李普文
343 14 envoy; judge 遇老子玄孫李普文
344 14 a kind of plant; vīrasena 遇老子玄孫李普文
345 13 jīng to go through; to experience 經至
346 13 jīng a sutra; a scripture 經至
347 13 jīng warp 經至
348 13 jīng longitude 經至
349 13 jīng to administer; to engage in business; to run; to operate; to manage 經至
350 13 jīng a woman's period 經至
351 13 jīng to bear; to endure 經至
352 13 jīng to hang; to die by hanging 經至
353 13 jīng classics 經至
354 13 jīng to be frugal; to save 經至
355 13 jīng a classic; a scripture; canon 經至
356 13 jīng a standard; a norm 經至
357 13 jīng a section of a Confucian work 經至
358 13 jīng to measure 經至
359 13 jīng human pulse 經至
360 13 jīng menstruation; a woman's period 經至
361 13 jīng sutra; discourse 經至
362 13 hán Korea; South Korea 韓歐排佛
363 13 hán State of Han 韓歐排佛
364 13 hán fence; low wall 韓歐排佛
365 13 hán Han 韓歐排佛
366 13 jiāo to teach; to educate; to instruct 其教如何
367 13 jiào a school of thought; a sect 其教如何
368 13 jiào to make; to cause 其教如何
369 13 jiào religion 其教如何
370 13 jiào instruction; a teaching 其教如何
371 13 jiào Jiao 其教如何
372 13 jiào a directive; an order 其教如何
373 13 jiào to urge; to incite 其教如何
374 13 jiào to pass on; to convey 其教如何
375 13 jiào etiquette 其教如何
376 13 jiāo teaching; śāsana 其教如何
377 13 wáng Wang 王時
378 13 wáng a king 王時
379 13 wáng Kangxi radical 96 王時
380 13 wàng to be king; to rule 王時
381 13 wáng a prince; a duke 王時
382 13 wáng grand; great 王時
383 13 wáng to treat with the ceremony due to a king 王時
384 13 wáng a respectufl form of address for a grandfather or grandmother 王時
385 13 wáng the head of a group or gang 王時
386 13 wáng the biggest or best of a group 王時
387 13 wáng king; best of a kind; rāja 王時
388 13 xuán profound; mysterious; subtle 玄元皇帝
389 13 xuán black 玄元皇帝
390 13 xuán Kangxi radical 95 玄元皇帝
391 13 xuán incredible; unreliable 玄元皇帝
392 13 xuán occult; mystical 玄元皇帝
393 13 xuán meditative and silent 玄元皇帝
394 13 xuán pretending 玄元皇帝
395 13 xuán Xuan 玄元皇帝
396 13 xuán mysterious; subtle 玄元皇帝
397 13 zài in; at 佛生在老子前三百四十五年
398 13 zài to exist; to be living 佛生在老子前三百四十五年
399 13 zài to consist of 佛生在老子前三百四十五年
400 13 zài to be at a post 佛生在老子前三百四十五年
401 13 zài in; bhū 佛生在老子前三百四十五年
402 13 huà to make into; to change into; to transform 化胡偽經
403 13 huà to convert; to persuade 化胡偽經
404 13 huà to manifest 化胡偽經
405 13 huà to collect alms 化胡偽經
406 13 huà [of Nature] to create 化胡偽經
407 13 huà to die 化胡偽經
408 13 huà to dissolve; to melt 化胡偽經
409 13 huà to revert to a previous custom 化胡偽經
410 13 huà chemistry 化胡偽經
411 13 huà to burn 化胡偽經
412 13 huā to spend 化胡偽經
413 13 huà to manifest 化胡偽經
414 13 huà to convert 化胡偽經
415 13 liú to flow; to spread; to circulate 流道州
416 13 liú a class 流道州
417 13 liú water 流道州
418 13 liú a current 流道州
419 13 liú a group 流道州
420 13 liú to move 流道州
421 13 liú to trend; to incline 流道州
422 13 liú to banish; to deport; to send into exile 流道州
423 13 liú to indulge; to pamper 流道州
424 13 liú passing quickly; turning continuously 流道州
425 13 liú accidental 流道州
426 13 liú with no basis 流道州
427 13 liú to flow; sru 流道州
428 13 liú continuation; prabandha 流道州
429 13 孔子 kǒngzi Confucius 孔子答商太宰曰
430 12 qǐng to ask; to inquire 請以
431 12 qíng circumstances; state of affairs; situation 請以
432 12 qǐng to beg; to entreat 請以
433 12 qǐng please 請以
434 12 qǐng to request 請以
435 12 qǐng to hire; to employ; to engage 請以
436 12 qǐng to make an appointment 請以
437 12 qǐng to greet 請以
438 12 qǐng to invite 請以
439 12 qǐng asking for instruction; adhyeṣaṇa 請以
440 12 僧道 sēng dào Buddhist and Taoist monks 僧道角法
441 12 to die 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
442 12 to sever; to break off 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
443 12 dead 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
444 12 death 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
445 12 to sacrifice one's life 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
446 12 lost; severed 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
447 12 lifeless; not moving 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
448 12 stiff; inflexible 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
449 12 already fixed; set; established 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
450 12 damned 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
451 12 to die; maraṇa 天下儒學有行死徙廢禁
452 12 xíng to walk 行殿庭
453 12 xíng capable; competent 行殿庭
454 12 háng profession 行殿庭
455 12 xíng Kangxi radical 144 行殿庭
456 12 xíng to travel 行殿庭
457 12 xìng actions; conduct 行殿庭
458 12 xíng to do; to act; to practice 行殿庭
459 12 xíng all right; OK; okay 行殿庭
460 12 háng horizontal line 行殿庭
461 12 héng virtuous deeds 行殿庭
462 12 hàng a line of trees 行殿庭
463 12 hàng bold; steadfast 行殿庭
464 12 xíng to move 行殿庭
465 12 xíng to put into effect; to implement 行殿庭
466 12 xíng travel 行殿庭
467 12 xíng to circulate 行殿庭
468 12 xíng running script; running script 行殿庭
469 12 xíng temporary 行殿庭
470 12 háng rank; order 行殿庭
471 12 háng a business; a shop 行殿庭
472 12 xíng to depart; to leave 行殿庭
473 12 xíng to experience 行殿庭
474 12 xíng path; way 行殿庭
475 12 xíng xing; ballad 行殿庭
476 12 xíng Xing 行殿庭
477 12 xíng Practice 行殿庭
478 12 xìng mental formations; samskara; sankhara; volition; habitual actions 行殿庭
479 12 xíng practice; carita; carya; conduct; behavior 行殿庭
480 12 云云 yúnyún and so on; so and so; many and confused 云云
481 11 Kangxi radical 49 已上釋教出興
482 11 to bring to an end; to stop 已上釋教出興
483 11 to complete 已上釋教出興
484 11 to demote; to dismiss 已上釋教出興
485 11 to recover from an illness 已上釋教出興
486 11 former; pūrvaka 已上釋教出興
487 11 wén writing; text 遇老子玄孫李普文
488 11 wén Kangxi radical 67 遇老子玄孫李普文
489 11 wén Wen 遇老子玄孫李普文
490 11 wén lines or grain on an object 遇老子玄孫李普文
491 11 wén culture 遇老子玄孫李普文
492 11 wén refined writings 遇老子玄孫李普文
493 11 wén civil; non-military 遇老子玄孫李普文
494 11 wén to conceal a fault; gloss over 遇老子玄孫李普文
495 11 wén wen 遇老子玄孫李普文
496 11 wén ornamentation; adornment 遇老子玄孫李普文
497 11 wén to ornament; to adorn 遇老子玄孫李普文
498 11 wén beautiful 遇老子玄孫李普文
499 11 wén a text; a manuscript 遇老子玄孫李普文
500 11 wén a group responsible for ritual and music 遇老子玄孫李普文

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1022

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 92 zhī him; her; them; that 歷代會要志第十九之四
2 92 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 歷代會要志第十九之四
3 92 zhī to go 歷代會要志第十九之四
4 92 zhī this; that 歷代會要志第十九之四
5 92 zhī genetive marker 歷代會要志第十九之四
6 92 zhī it 歷代會要志第十九之四
7 92 zhī in; in regards to 歷代會要志第十九之四
8 92 zhī all 歷代會要志第十九之四
9 92 zhī and 歷代會要志第十九之四
10 92 zhī however 歷代會要志第十九之四
11 92 zhī if 歷代會要志第十九之四
12 92 zhī then 歷代會要志第十九之四
13 92 zhī to arrive; to go 歷代會要志第十九之四
14 92 zhī is 歷代會要志第十九之四
15 92 zhī to use 歷代會要志第十九之四
16 92 zhī Zhi 歷代會要志第十九之四
17 92 zhī winding 歷代會要志第十九之四
18 83 nián year 周昭王二十六年
19 83 nián New Year festival 周昭王二十六年
20 83 nián age 周昭王二十六年
21 83 nián life span; life expectancy 周昭王二十六年
22 83 nián an era; a period 周昭王二十六年
23 83 nián a date 周昭王二十六年
24 83 nián time; years 周昭王二十六年
25 83 nián harvest 周昭王二十六年
26 83 nián annual; every year 周昭王二十六年
27 83 nián year; varṣa 周昭王二十六年
28 53 chì imperial decree 仁宗勅賜兗州先聖廟飛帛御書
29 53 chì Daoist magic 仁宗勅賜兗州先聖廟飛帛御書
30 51 wèi for; to 老子為周守藏吏
31 51 wèi because of 老子為周守藏吏
32 51 wéi to act as; to serve 老子為周守藏吏
33 51 wéi to change into; to become 老子為周守藏吏
34 51 wéi to be; is 老子為周守藏吏
35 51 wéi to do 老子為周守藏吏
36 51 wèi for 老子為周守藏吏
37 51 wèi because of; for; to 老子為周守藏吏
38 51 wèi to 老子為周守藏吏
39 51 wéi in a passive construction 老子為周守藏吏
40 51 wéi forming a rehetorical question 老子為周守藏吏
41 51 wéi forming an adverb 老子為周守藏吏
42 51 wéi to add emphasis 老子為周守藏吏
43 51 wèi to support; to help 老子為周守藏吏
44 51 wéi to govern 老子為周守藏吏
45 51 wèi to be; bhū 老子為周守藏吏
46 49 so as to; in order to 載以白馬
47 49 to use; to regard as 載以白馬
48 49 to use; to grasp 載以白馬
49 49 according to 載以白馬
50 49 because of 載以白馬
51 49 on a certain date 載以白馬
52 49 and; as well as 載以白馬
53 49 to rely on 載以白馬
54 49 to regard 載以白馬
55 49 to be able to 載以白馬
56 49 to order; to command 載以白馬
57 49 further; moreover 載以白馬
58 49 used after a verb 載以白馬
59 49 very 載以白馬
60 49 already 載以白馬
61 49 increasingly 載以白馬
62 49 a reason; a cause 載以白馬
63 49 Israel 載以白馬
64 49 Yi 載以白馬
65 49 use; yogena 載以白馬
66 40 zhào an imperial decree 詔諸郡立
67 40 zhào to decree; to proclaim; to tell 詔諸郡立
68 40 yuē to speak; to say 舉右手而言曰
69 40 yuē Kangxi radical 73 舉右手而言曰
70 40 yuē to be called 舉右手而言曰
71 40 yuē particle without meaning 舉右手而言曰
72 40 yuē said; ukta 舉右手而言曰
73 38 shàng top; a high position 已上釋教出興
74 38 shang top; the position on or above something 已上釋教出興
75 38 shàng to go up; to go forward 已上釋教出興
76 38 shàng shang 已上釋教出興
77 38 shàng previous; last 已上釋教出興
78 38 shàng high; higher 已上釋教出興
79 38 shàng advanced 已上釋教出興
80 38 shàng a monarch; a sovereign 已上釋教出興
81 38 shàng time 已上釋教出興
82 38 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to 已上釋教出興
83 38 shàng far 已上釋教出興
84 38 shàng big; as big as 已上釋教出興
85 38 shàng abundant; plentiful 已上釋教出興
86 38 shàng to report 已上釋教出興
87 38 shàng to offer 已上釋教出興
88 38 shàng to go on stage 已上釋教出興
89 38 shàng to take office; to assume a post 已上釋教出興
90 38 shàng to install; to erect 已上釋教出興
91 38 shàng to suffer; to sustain 已上釋教出興
92 38 shàng to burn 已上釋教出興
93 38 shàng to remember 已上釋教出興
94 38 shang on; in 已上釋教出興
95 38 shàng upward 已上釋教出興
96 38 shàng to add 已上釋教出興
97 38 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc) 已上釋教出興
98 38 shàng to meet 已上釋教出興
99 38 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone 已上釋教出興
100 38 shang used after a verb indicating a result 已上釋教出興
101 38 shàng a musical note 已上釋教出興
102 38 shàng higher, superior; uttara 已上釋教出興
103 38 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 身通六藝者七十二人
104 38 zhě that 身通六藝者七十二人
105 38 zhě nominalizing function word 身通六藝者七十二人
106 38 zhě used to mark a definition 身通六藝者七十二人
107 38 zhě used to mark a pause 身通六藝者七十二人
108 38 zhě topic marker; that; it 身通六藝者七十二人
109 38 zhuó according to 身通六藝者七十二人
110 38 zhě ca 身通六藝者七十二人
111 36 wáng to die 褒恤終亡
112 36 wáng to flee 褒恤終亡
113 36 to not have 褒恤終亡
114 36 wáng to lose 褒恤終亡
115 36 wáng to perish; to be destroyed 褒恤終亡
116 36 wáng to leave 褒恤終亡
117 36 wáng to forget 褒恤終亡
118 36 wáng dead 褒恤終亡
119 36 wáng to be exhausted; paryādāna 褒恤終亡
120 35 Buddha; Awakened One 韓歐排佛
121 35 relating to Buddhism 韓歐排佛
122 35 a statue or image of a Buddha 韓歐排佛
123 35 a Buddhist text 韓歐排佛
124 35 to touch; to stroke 韓歐排佛
125 35 Buddha 韓歐排佛
126 35 Buddha; Awakened One 韓歐排佛
127 33 dào way; road; path
128 33 dào principle; a moral; morality
129 33 dào Tao; the Way
130 33 dào measure word for long things
131 33 dào to say; to speak; to talk
132 33 dào to think
133 33 dào times
134 33 dào circuit; a province
135 33 dào a course; a channel
136 33 dào a method; a way of doing something
137 33 dào measure word for doors and walls
138 33 dào measure word for courses of a meal
139 33 dào a centimeter
140 33 dào a doctrine
141 33 dào Taoism; Daoism
142 33 dào a skill
143 33 dào a sect
144 33 dào a line
145 33 dào Way
146 33 dào way; path; marga
147 33 ér and; as well as; but (not); yet (not) 右脇而出
148 33 ér Kangxi radical 126 右脇而出
149 33 ér you 右脇而出
150 33 ér not only ... but also ....; ... as well as ...; moreover; in addition; furthermore 右脇而出
151 33 ér right away; then 右脇而出
152 33 ér but; yet; however; while; nevertheless 右脇而出
153 33 ér if; in case; in the event that 右脇而出
154 33 ér therefore; as a result; thus 右脇而出
155 33 ér how can it be that? 右脇而出
156 33 ér so as to 右脇而出
157 33 ér only then 右脇而出
158 33 ér as if; to seem like 右脇而出
159 33 néng can; able 右脇而出
160 33 ér whiskers on the cheeks; sideburns 右脇而出
161 33 ér me 右脇而出
162 33 ér to arrive; up to 右脇而出
163 33 ér possessive 右脇而出
164 33 ér and; ca 右脇而出
165 31 shì funerary name; posthumous name or title
166 31 shì to give a funerary name
167 31 rén person; people; a human being 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
168 31 rén Kangxi radical 9 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
169 31 rén a kind of person 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
170 31 rén everybody 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
171 31 rén adult 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
172 31 rén somebody; others 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
173 31 rén an upright person 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
174 31 rén person; manuṣya 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
175 31 道士 dàoshì a devotee; a practioner; a follower; a monk; a Confucian scholar 山道士寇謙之遇太上老君
176 31 道士 dàoshì a Taoist scholar 山道士寇謙之遇太上老君
177 30 zōng school; sect 僖宗
178 30 zōng ancestor 僖宗
179 30 zōng a measure word for transaction or business related things 僖宗
180 30 zōng to take as one's model as 僖宗
181 30 zōng purpose 僖宗
182 30 zōng an ancestral temple 僖宗
183 30 zōng to respect; to revere; to admire; to honor 僖宗
184 30 zōng clan; family 僖宗
185 30 zōng a model 僖宗
186 30 zōng a county 僖宗
187 30 zōng religion 僖宗
188 30 zōng essential; necessary 僖宗
189 30 zōng summation 僖宗
190 30 zōng a visit by feudal lords 僖宗
191 30 zōng Zong 僖宗
192 30 zōng thesis; conclusion; tenet; siddhānta 僖宗
193 30 zōng sect; thought; mata 僖宗
194 29 禪師 chánshī Chan Master; Zen Master; Seon Master 智禪師即停搜簡
195 29 禪師 Chán Shī Chan master 智禪師即停搜簡
196 28 yǒu is; are; to exist 有大聖人生於西方
197 28 yǒu to have; to possess 有大聖人生於西方
198 28 yǒu indicates an estimate 有大聖人生於西方
199 28 yǒu indicates a large quantity 有大聖人生於西方
200 28 yǒu indicates an affirmative response 有大聖人生於西方
201 28 yǒu a certain; used before a person, time, or place 有大聖人生於西方
202 28 yǒu used to compare two things 有大聖人生於西方
203 28 yǒu used in a polite formula before certain verbs 有大聖人生於西方
204 28 yǒu used before the names of dynasties 有大聖人生於西方
205 28 yǒu a certain thing; what exists 有大聖人生於西方
206 28 yǒu multiple of ten and ... 有大聖人生於西方
207 28 yǒu abundant 有大聖人生於西方
208 28 yǒu purposeful 有大聖人生於西方
209 28 yǒu You 有大聖人生於西方
210 28 yǒu 1. existence; 2. becoming 有大聖人生於西方
211 28 yǒu becoming; bhava 有大聖人生於西方
212 28 in; at 有大聖人生於西方
213 28 in; at 有大聖人生於西方
214 28 in; at; to; from 有大聖人生於西方
215 28 to go; to 有大聖人生於西方
216 28 to rely on; to depend on 有大聖人生於西方
217 28 to go to; to arrive at 有大聖人生於西方
218 28 from 有大聖人生於西方
219 28 give 有大聖人生於西方
220 28 oppposing 有大聖人生於西方
221 28 and 有大聖人生於西方
222 28 compared to 有大聖人生於西方
223 28 by 有大聖人生於西方
224 28 and; as well as 有大聖人生於西方
225 28 for 有大聖人生於西方
226 28 Yu 有大聖人生於西方
227 28 a crow 有大聖人生於西方
228 28 whew; wow 有大聖人生於西方
229 28 near to; antike 有大聖人生於西方
230 28 sān three 於終南山造三
231 28 sān third 於終南山造三
232 28 sān more than two 於終南山造三
233 28 sān very few 於終南山造三
234 28 sān repeatedly 於終南山造三
235 28 sān San 於終南山造三
236 28 sān three; tri 於終南山造三
237 28 sān sa 於終南山造三
238 28 sān three kinds; trividha 於終南山造三
239 25 his; hers; its; theirs 其名曰佛
240 25 to add emphasis 其名曰佛
241 25 used when asking a question in reply to a question 其名曰佛
242 25 used when making a request or giving an order 其名曰佛
243 25 he; her; it; them 其名曰佛
244 25 probably; likely 其名曰佛
245 25 will 其名曰佛
246 25 may 其名曰佛
247 25 if 其名曰佛
248 25 or 其名曰佛
249 25 Qi 其名曰佛
250 25 he; her; it; saḥ; sā; tad 其名曰佛
251 25 法師 fǎshī Dharma Master; Venerable; a Buddhist monk or nun 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
252 25 法師 fǎshī a Taoist priest 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
253 25 法師 fǎshī Venerable 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
254 25 法師 fǎshī Dharma Teacher 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
255 25 法師 fǎshī Dharma master 山遠法師上書力辨遂寢
256 24 method; way 僧道角法
257 24 France 僧道角法
258 24 the law; rules; regulations 僧道角法
259 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma 僧道角法
260 24 a standard; a norm 僧道角法
261 24 an institution 僧道角法
262 24 to emulate 僧道角法
263 24 magic; a magic trick 僧道角法
264 24 punishment 僧道角法
265 24 Fa 僧道角法
266 24 a precedent 僧道角法
267 24 a classification of some kinds of Han texts 僧道角法
268 24 relating to a ceremony or rite 僧道角法
269 24 Dharma 僧道角法
270 24 the teachings of the Buddha; Dharma; Dhárma 僧道角法
271 24 a dharma; a dhárma; a natural law; teachings 僧道角法
272 24 a mental object; a phenomenon; dharma; a thought 僧道角法
273 24 quality; characteristic 僧道角法
274 24 big; huge; large 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
275 24 Kangxi radical 37 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
276 24 great; major; important 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
277 24 size 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
278 24 old 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
279 24 greatly; very 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
280 24 oldest; earliest 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
281 24 adult 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
282 24 tài greatest; grand 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
283 24 dài an important person 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
284 24 senior 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
285 24 approximately 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
286 24 tài greatest; grand 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
287 24 an element 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
288 24 great; mahā 以大洞靈寶經并三籙感
289 23 sēng a Buddhist monk 僧制治罰
290 23 sēng a person with dark skin 僧制治罰
291 23 sēng Seng 僧制治罰
292 23 sēng Sangha; monastic community 僧制治罰
293 23 僧尼 sēngní a Buddhist nun 詔沙汰僧尼
294 23 僧尼 sēngní monks and nuns 詔沙汰僧尼
295 22 also; too 佛神也
296 22 a final modal particle indicating certainy or decision 佛神也
297 22 either 佛神也
298 22 even 佛神也
299 22 used to soften the tone 佛神也
300 22 used for emphasis 佛神也
301 22 used to mark contrast 佛神也
302 22 used to mark compromise 佛神也
303 22 ya 佛神也
304 22 to give; to bestow favors
305 22 grace; favor; a gift
306 22 to award; to appoint
307 22 to do in full
308 22 to bestow an honorific title
309 22 offer; anuprayam
310 21 not; no 不治而不亂
311 21 expresses that a certain condition cannot be acheived 不治而不亂
312 21 as a correlative 不治而不亂
313 21 no (answering a question) 不治而不亂
314 21 forms a negative adjective from a noun 不治而不亂
315 21 at the end of a sentence to form a question 不治而不亂
316 21 to form a yes or no question 不治而不亂
317 21 infix potential marker 不治而不亂
318 21 no; na 不治而不亂
319 20 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 尹令著道德經
320 20 lìng to issue a command 尹令著道德經
321 20 lìng rules of behavior; customs 尹令著道德經
322 20 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 尹令著道德經
323 20 lìng a season 尹令著道德經
324 20 lìng respected; good reputation 尹令著道德經
325 20 lìng good 尹令著道德經
326 20 lìng pretentious 尹令著道德經
327 20 lìng a transcending state of existence 尹令著道德經
328 20 lìng a commander 尹令著道德經
329 20 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 尹令著道德經
330 20 lìng lyrics 尹令著道德經
331 20 lìng Ling 尹令著道德經
332 20 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 尹令著道德經
333 19 emperor; supreme ruler 帝囚之
334 19 the ruler of Heaven 帝囚之
335 19 a god 帝囚之
336 19 imperialism 帝囚之
337 19 lord; pārthiva 帝囚之
338 19 Indra 帝囚之
339 19 bìng and; furthermore; also 並令出家
340 19 bìng completely; entirely 並令出家
341 19 bìng to combine; to amalgamate 並令出家
342 19 bìng to combine 並令出家
343 19 bìng to resemble; to be like 並令出家
344 19 bìng both; equally 並令出家
345 19 bìng both; side-by-side; equally 並令出家
346 19 bìng completely; entirely 並令出家
347 19 bìng to stand side-by-side 並令出家
348 19 bìng definitely; absolutely; actually 並令出家
349 19 bīng Taiyuan 並令出家
350 19 bìng equally; both; together 並令出家
351 19 bìng together; saha 並令出家
352 18 沙門 shāmén the Shramana movement; wandering ascetic; monk 宋咸淳四明福泉沙門志磐撰
353 18 沙門 shāmén sramana 宋咸淳四明福泉沙門志磐撰
354 18 沙門 shāmén a Buddhist monk; a wandering ascetic; a shramana; a sramana; renunciant; mendicant 宋咸淳四明福泉沙門志磐撰
355 18 yuán monetary unit; dollar 哀帝元壽元年
356 18 yuán Yuan Dynasty 哀帝元壽元年
357 18 yuán first 哀帝元壽元年
358 18 yuán origin; head 哀帝元壽元年
359 18 yuán a variable representing an unknown quantity 哀帝元壽元年
360 18 yuán Yuan 哀帝元壽元年
361 18 yuán large 哀帝元壽元年
362 18 yuán good 哀帝元壽元年
363 18 yuán fundamental 哀帝元壽元年
364 18 yuán beginning; ādi 哀帝元壽元年
365 18 yuán first; preceding; pūrvam 哀帝元壽元年
366 17 èr two
367 17 èr Kangxi radical 7
368 17 èr second
369 17 èr twice; double; di-
370 17 èr another; the other
371 17 èr more than one kind
372 17 èr two; dvā; dvi
373 17 èr both; dvaya
374 17 to enter 五色光氣入貫
375 17 Kangxi radical 11 五色光氣入貫
376 17 radical 五色光氣入貫
377 17 income 五色光氣入貫
378 17 to conform with 五色光氣入貫
379 17 to descend 五色光氣入貫
380 17 the entering tone 五色光氣入貫
381 17 to pay 五色光氣入貫
382 17 to join 五色光氣入貫
383 17 entering; praveśa 五色光氣入貫
384 17 entered; attained; āpanna 五色光氣入貫
385 17 and 請與西
386 17 to give 請與西
387 17 together with 請與西
388 17 interrogative particle 請與西
389 17 to accompany 請與西
390 17 to particate in 請與西
391 17 of the same kind 請與西
392 17 to help 請與西
393 17 for 請與西
394 17 and; ca 請與西
395 17 元年 yuánnián the first year of Emperor's reign; 0 CE 哀帝元壽元年
396 16 天下 tiānxià the territory ruled by the emperor; China 天下唯我獨尊
397 16 天下 tiānxià authority over China 天下唯我獨尊
398 16 天下 tiānxià the world 天下唯我獨尊
399 16 lùn to comment; to discuss 牒被論而出
400 16 lùn a theory; a doctrine 牒被論而出
401 16 lùn by the; per 牒被論而出
402 16 lùn to evaluate 牒被論而出
403 16 lùn opinion; speech; statement 牒被論而出
404 16 lùn to convict 牒被論而出
405 16 lùn to edit; to compile 牒被論而出
406 16 lùn a treatise; sastra 牒被論而出
407 16 lùn discussion 牒被論而出
408 16 day of the month; a certain day 四月八日
409 16 Kangxi radical 72 四月八日
410 16 a day 四月八日
411 16 Japan 四月八日
412 16 sun 四月八日
413 16 daytime 四月八日
414 16 sunlight 四月八日
415 16 everyday 四月八日
416 16 season 四月八日
417 16 available time 四月八日
418 16 a day 四月八日
419 16 in the past 四月八日
420 16 mi 四月八日
421 16 sun; sūrya 四月八日
422 16 a day; divasa 四月八日
423 15 三教 sān jiāo the three doctrines; the three religions 三教出興
424 15 三教 sān jiāo the three teachings 三教出興
425 15 děng et cetera; and so on 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
426 15 děng to wait 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
427 15 děng degree; kind 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
428 15 děng plural 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
429 15 děng to be equal 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
430 15 děng degree; level 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
431 15 děng to compare 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
432 15 děng same; equal; sama 西域沙門室利房等十八人持
433 15 shū book 刪詩定書繫周
434 15 shū document; manuscript 刪詩定書繫周
435 15 shū letter 刪詩定書繫周
436 15 shū the Cannon of Documents 刪詩定書繫周
437 15 shū to write 刪詩定書繫周
438 15 shū writing 刪詩定書繫周
439 15 shū calligraphy; writing style 刪詩定書繫周
440 15 shū Shu 刪詩定書繫周
441 15 shū to record 刪詩定書繫周
442 15 shū book; pustaka 刪詩定書繫周
443 15 shū write; copy; likh 刪詩定書繫周
444 15 shū manuscript; lekha 刪詩定書繫周
445 15 shū book; pustaka 刪詩定書繫周
446 15 shū document; lekha 刪詩定書繫周
447 15 zhōu a state; a province 州泥黎
448 15 zhōu a unit of 2,500 households 州泥黎
449 15 zhōu a prefecture 州泥黎
450 15 zhōu a country 州泥黎
451 15 zhōu an island 州泥黎
452 15 zhōu Zhou 州泥黎
453 15 zhōu autonomous prefecture 州泥黎
454 15 zhōu a country 州泥黎
455 15 chū to go out; to leave 三教出興
456 15 chū measure word for dramas, plays, operas, etc 三教出興
457 15 chū to produce; to put forth; to issue; to grow up 三教出興
458 15 chū to extend; to spread 三教出興
459 15 chū to appear 三教出興
460 15 chū to exceed 三教出興
461 15 chū to publish; to post 三教出興
462 15 chū to take up an official post 三教出興
463 15 chū to give birth 三教出興
464 15 chū a verb complement 三教出興
465 15 chū to occur; to happen 三教出興
466 15 chū to divorce 三教出興
467 15 chū to chase away 三教出興
468 15 chū to escape; to leave 三教出興
469 15 chū to give 三教出興
470 15 chū to emit 三教出興
471 15 chū quoted from 三教出興
472 15 chū to go out; to leave 三教出興
473 14 to beg; to request 然臂乞興
474 14 to hope for; look forward to 然臂乞興
475 14 a beggar 然臂乞興
476 14 Qi 然臂乞興
477 14 to give 然臂乞興
478 14 destitute; needy 然臂乞興
479 14 to beg; yācñā 然臂乞興
480 14 huì favor; benefit; blessing; kindness 呂惠通
481 14 huì Hui 呂惠通
482 14 huì to confer 呂惠通
483 14 huì to spoil; to dote on 呂惠通
484 14 huì gentle; amiable 呂惠通
485 14 huì would you be so kind 呂惠通
486 14 huì Kindness 呂惠通
487 14 huì devotion; mati 呂惠通
488 14 Buddhist temple; monastery; mosque 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
489 14 a government office 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
490 14 a eunuch 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
491 14 Buddhist temple; vihāra 詔周朝廢寺咸與修營
492 14 huǐ to destroy 毀王安石陪饗
493 14 huǐ to destroy 毀王安石陪饗
494 14 huǐ to defame; to slander 毀王安石陪饗
495 14 huǐ to harm one's health through excessive mourning 毀王安石陪饗
496 14 huǐ to destroy; kṣip 毀王安石陪饗
497 14 huǐ defamation; nindā 毀王安石陪饗
498 14 Li 遇老子玄孫李普文
499 14 plum 遇老子玄孫李普文
500 14 envoy; judge 遇老子玄孫李普文


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
nián year; varṣa
wèi to be; bhū
use; yogena
yuē said; ukta
shàng higher, superior; uttara
zhě ca
wáng to be exhausted; paryādāna
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Awakened One
  1. dào
  2. dào
  1. Way
  2. way; path; marga
ér and; ca

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
哀公 哀公 196 Ai
白居易 98 Bai Juyi
百胜 百勝 98 Baisheng; Paksing
半山 98 Banshan
宝光 寶光 98 Ratnaprabha; Jewel Light
宝应 寶應 66
  1. Baoying
  2. Baoying
  3. Baoying
北齐 北齊 98 Northern Qi Dynasty; Qi of the Northern Dynasties
北魏 98 Northern Wei Dynasty; Wei of the Northern Dynasties
北周武帝 98 Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou
本论 本論 98
  1. this book; main part of this book
  2. On Principles
  3. On Principles
渤海 98 Bohai Sea
波斯 98 Persia
蔡愔 67 Cai Yin
曹溪 99
  1. Caoqi
  2. Caoqi
曹山 67
  1. Chaoshan
  2. Chaoshan Benji; Benji
长安 長安 99
  1. Chang'an
  2. Chang'an
  3. Chang'an reign
  4. Chang'an
潮州 99
  1. Chaozhou
  2. Chaochou
陈蕃 陳蕃 99 Chen Fan
澄观 澄觀 99 Cheng Guan
成都 99 Chengdu
崇宁 崇寧 99 Chongning
春秋 99
  1. Spring and Autumn Period
  2. a person's age
  3. Chunqiu; Annals of Spring and Autumn
  4. spring and autumn
滁州 99 Chuzhou
刺史 99 Regional Inspector
大内 大內 100 Main Imperial Palace
大秦 100 the Roman Empire
大通 100 Da Tong reign
大安 100
  1. great peace
  2. Ta'an
  3. Da'an
  4. Da'an; Ta'an
  5. Da'an; Ta'an
大观 大觀 100 Daguan
大慧禅师 大慧禪師 100 Chan Master Dahui; Nanyue Huairang
代宗 100 Emperor Daizong of Tang
道德经 道德經 100 Daode Jing; Tao Te Ching
道家 100 Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
道元 100 Dōgen
道教 100 Taosim
德宗 100 Emperor De Zong
德山 100 Cuifeng Deshan; Deshan
定王 100 King Ding of Zhou
东湖 東湖 100 Donghu
东昏侯 東昏侯 100 Marquess of Donghun
东林寺 東林寺 100 Donglin Temple; Donglinsi; Eastern Grove Monastery
洞山 100 Dongshan
端午 100 Dragon Boat Festival
二月 195
  1. February; the Second Month
  2. second lunar month; vaiśākha
法海 102
  1. Dharma sea
  2. Fa Hai
  3. Fa Hai
房玄龄 房玄齡 102 Fang Xuanling
法贤 法賢 102 Faxian
法献 法獻 102 Faxian
凤翔 鳳翔 102 Fengxiang
汾阳 汾陽 70 Fenyang
佛祖统纪 佛祖統紀 102 Chronicle of Buddhas and Patriarchs; A Chronicle of Buddhism in China
佛法 102
  1. Dharma; Dhamma; Buddha-Dhárma; Buddhist doctrine
  2. the power of the Buddha
  3. Buddha's Teaching
  4. Dharma; Buddha-Dhárma
傅大士 102 Venerable Master Fu; Great Adept Fu
拂多诞 拂多誕 102 Fu Duo Dan
傅毅 102 Fu Yi
福泉 102 Fuquan
甘泉 103 Ganquan
高贵乡公 高貴鄉公 103 Cao Mao
高丽 高麗 103 Korean Goryeo Dynasty
高宗 103
  1. Emperor Gaozong of Song
  2. Emperor Gaozong of Tang
  3. Gaozong
葛玄 103 Go Xuan
给事 給事 103 official (imperial) position
顾欢 顧歡 103 Gu Huan
观察使 觀察使 103 Surveillence Commissioner
光和 103 Guanghe
沩山 溈山 103
  1. Guishan
  2. Guishan
国子监 國子監 103 Imperial Academy
国忌 國忌 103 National observance
国学 國學 103
  1. national studies; studies of Confucian classics
  2. the Imperial College
  3. Kokugaku
  1. Korea; South Korea
  2. State of Han
  3. fence; low wall
  4. Han
  1. Han Chinese
  2. Han Dynasty
  3. Milky Way
  4. Later Han Dynasty
  5. a man; a chap
  6. Chinese language
  7. Han River
  8. Chinese; cīna
汉桓帝 漢桓帝 104 Emperor Huan of Han
汉灵帝 漢靈帝 104 Emperor Ling of Han
汉明帝 漢明帝 104 Emperor Ming of Han
汉武帝 漢武帝 104 Emperor Wu of Han
翰林 104 Hanlin
韩文 韓文 104 hangul; Korean written language
弘福寺 104 Hongfu Temple
鸿胪寺 鴻臚寺 104 State Ceremonial Bureau; Hong Lu Si
宏智 104 Hongzhi
化胡经 化胡經 104 Huahu Jing; Book of Conversion of the Barbarians
皇太子 104 Crown Prince
黄檗 黃檗 104
  1. Amur cork tree
  2. Huangbo
  3. Huangbo
皇甫嵩 104 Huangfu Song
黄巾 黃巾 104 Yellow Turbans
黄老 黃老 104 Huanglao; Daoism; Taoism; Taoist philosophy
黄门 黃門 104 Huangmen
桓玄 104 Huan Xuan
华严 華嚴 104 Avataṃsaka sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
华严经 華嚴經 72
  1. Avatamsaka Sutra
  2. Avatamsaka Sutra; Avataṃsaka Sūtra; Flower Garland Sutra; Flower Adornment Sutra
会昌 會昌 104 Huichang
回纥 回紇 104 Huihe
户口 戶口 104 Hukou; registered residence
霍去病 72 Huo Qubing
简王 簡王 106 King Jian of Zhou
建炎 106 Jian Yan reign
建德 106 Jiande
江宁 江寧 106 Jiangning
建宁 建寧 106 Jianning
建元 106
  1. Jian Yuan reign
  2. Jian Yuan reign
  3. Jian Yuan reign
建中 106 Jianzhong
迦叶佛 迦葉佛 106 Kasyapa Buddha; Kassapa Buddha
罽賓国 罽賓國 106 Kashmir
  1. shanxi
  2. jin [dynasty]
  3. to move forward; to promote; to advance
  4. to raise
  5. Jin [state]
  6. Jin
晋安帝 晉安帝 106 Emperor An of Jin
晋成帝 晉成帝 106 Emperor Cheng of Jin
晋孝武 晉孝武 106 Emperor Xiaowu of Jin
靖康 106 Reign of Emperor Qinzong of Song
景王 106 King Jing of Zhou
敬王 106 King Jing of Zhou
金刚智 金剛智 106
  1. Vajra Wisdom
  2. Vajrabodhi
径山 徑山 106 Jingshan Temple
敬宗 106 Jingzong
九章 106 Jiu Zhang; Nine Pieces
九月 106
  1. September; the Ninth Month
  2. ninth lunar month; mārga-śīrṣa
觉海 覺海 106 Kakukai
巨鹿 鉅鹿 106 Julu
郡守 106 Commandery Governor
俱尸那 106 Kuśinagara; Kusināra; Kushinagar; Kusinagar; Kusinara
开元 開元 107 Kai Yuan
开封 開封 107 Kaifeng
开平 107
  1. Kaiping; Kemenfu; Kaipingfu
  2. Kaiping
康僧会 康僧會 107 Kang Senghui
孔子 107 Confucius
孔子庙 孔子廟 107 Confucius Temple
老君 108 Laozi; Lao-tze
老子化胡经 老子化胡經 108 Conversion of the Barbarians
李百药 李百藥 108 Li Baiyao
礼忏 禮懺 108 liturgy for confession
李德裕 李德裕 108 Li Deyu
李斯 108 Li Si
梁武帝 108
  1. Emperor Wu of Liang
  2. Emperor Wu of Liang
列子 108
  1. Liezi
  2. Liezi; Lie Yukou
临安府 臨安府 108 Lin'an Prefecture
灵帝 靈帝 108 Emperor Ling [of Han]
灵王 靈王 108 King Ling of Zhou
灵宝 靈寶 108 Lingbao
临济 臨濟 108 Linji School
刘向 劉向 108 Liu Xiang
六艺 六藝 108 the Six Arts
柳宗元 108 Liu Zongyuan
隆安 108 Long'an
  1. Shandong
  2. Lu
  3. foolish; stupid; rash; vulgar
  4. the State of Lu
  5. foolish
鲁定公 魯定公 108 Lord Ding of Lu
陆修静 陸修靜 108 Lu Xiujing
洛阳 洛陽 108 Luoyang
庐山 廬山 108
  1. Mount Lu; Lushan
  2. Mount Lu; Lushan
马邑 馬邑 109 Mayi
孟子 109
  1. Mencius; Mengzi
  2. Mencius; Mengzi
明教 109
  1. Manicheanism; Manicheism
  2. a branch of Manicheanism combining influences from Taoism and Buddhism
  3. outstanding advice
秘书监 秘書監 109
  1. Director of the Palace Library
  2. Records Supervisor; Secretary
摩腾 摩騰 109 Kasyapamatanga
穆王 109 King Mu of Zhou
目连 目連 109 Moggallāna; Maudgalyāyana
穆宗 109 Muzong
南岳思 南嶽思 110 Hui Si; Nan Yue Hui Si
南山 110 Nanshan; Daoxuan
南岳 南嶽 110
  1. Mount Heng
  2. Nanyue
  3. Hui Si; Nan Yue Hui Si
欧阳 歐陽 197 Ouyang
欧阳修 歐陽修 197 Ouyang Xiu
欧阳询 歐陽詢 197 Ouyang Xun
  1. water in which rice has been rinsed
  2. Pan River
  3. Pan
裴休 112 Pei Xiu
毘陵 112 Piling
齐武帝 齊武帝 113 Emperor Wu of Southern Qi
乾封 113 Qianfeng
  1. Shaanxi
  2. Qin Dynasty
  3. State of Qin
  4. Qin
  5. the Chinese; cīna
秦桧 秦檜 113 Qin Hui
秦始皇 113 Qin Shi Huang
青羊 113 Qingyang
清源 淸源 113 Quanyuan
钦宗 欽宗 113 Emperor Qinzong of Song
七月 113
  1. July; the Seventh Month
  2. seventh lunar month; āśvayuja
曲阜 113 Qufu
仁宗 114 Emperor Renzong of Yuan
儒教 114
  1. Confucianism
  2. Confucianism
儒学 儒學 82 Confucianism; Confucian school
三藏 115
  1. San Zang
  2. Buddhist Canon
  3. Tripitaka; Tripiṭaka; Tipitaka
僧先 115 Seng Xian
僧远 僧遠 115 Seng Yuan
沙门岛 沙門島 115 Shamen Island; Chang Island
善观 善觀 115 Sudrsa; Sudassa
上元 115
  1. Shangyuan
  2. Shangyuan
  3. Shangyuan festival; Lantern festival
绍兴 紹興 115 Shaoxing
神秀 115 Shen Xiu
圣母 聖母 115
  1. Holy Mother; goddess; the Virgin Mary
  2. Sacred Mother
圣祖 聖祖 115 Shengzu
神宗 115 [Emperor] Shenzong
释氏 釋氏 115 Sakya clan
十二月 115
  1. December; the Twelfth Month
  2. twelfth lunar month; phālguna
释迦 釋迦 115 Sakya
释教 釋教 115 Buddhism
十一月 115
  1. November; the Eleventh Month
  2. eleventh lunar month; māgha
世宗 115
  1. King Sejong the Great; Sejong Daewang
  2. Sejong
  3. Shizong
  1. Sichuan
  2. Shu Kingdom
书经 書經 115 Book of History
水陆道场 水陸道場 115 Water and Land Service
四明 115 Si Ming
司马 司馬 115
  1. Minister of War
  2. Sima [star]
  3. Sima [surname]
  4. Aide to Commander; Leader of Cavalry
司马光 司馬光 115 Sima Guang
泗水 115 Si River
四月 115
  1. April; the Fourth Month
  2. fourth lunar month; āṣāḍha
  1. Song dynasty
  2. Song
  3. Liu Song Dynasty
宋徽宗 115 Emperor Huizong of Song
宋明帝 115 Emperor Ming of Liu Song
宋仁宗 115 Emperor Renzong of Song
宋太祖 115 Emperor Taizu of Song
宋文帝 115 Emperor Wen of Liu Song
宋孝武 115 Emperor Xiaowu of Liu Song
宋哲宗 115 Emperor Zhezong of Song
宋真宗 115 Emperor Zhenzong of Song
苏轼 蘇軾 115 Su Shi
肃宗 肅宗 115
  1. Emperor Suzong of Tang
  2. Suzong
115 Sui Dynasty
隋文帝 115 Emperor Wen of Sui
太后 116
  1. Empress Dowager
  2. Consort Dowager
太武 116 Emperor Taiwu of Northern Wei
太常寺 116 Court of Imperial Sacrifices
太傅 116 Grand Tutor; Grand Mentor
太和 116
  1. Taihe reign
  2. Taihe reign
太平兴国寺 太平興國寺 116 Taiping Xingguo Temple
太平真君 116 Taiping Zhenjun reign
太师 太師 116 Grand Preceptor; Grand Master; Imperial Tutor
太史 116
  1. Grand Scribe
  2. Grand Astrologer
太原 116 Taiyuan
太宗 116
  1. Emperor Taizong
  2. Tai Zong; Minister of Rites
唐德宗 116
  1. Emperor Tang De Zong
  2. Emperor Dezong of Tang
唐高宗 116 Emperor Gaozong of Tang
唐高祖 116 Emperor Gaozu of Tang
唐太宗 116 Emperor Taizong of Tang
唐宪宗 唐憲宗 116 Emperor Xianzong of Tang
唐玄宗 116 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
唐庄宗 唐莊宗 116 Emperor Zhuangzong of Later Tang
昙无谶 曇無讖 116 Dharmaksema; Dharmakṣema
昙延 曇延 116 Tanyan
天帝 116 Heavenly Emperor; God
天息灾 天息災 116 Devasantika; Tian Xi Zai
天宝 天寶 116 Tianbao
天皇 116 Japanese Emperor
天台 116 Tiantai; T'ien-tai
天台山 116 Mount Tiantai
外传 外傳 119 waizhuan; unofficial biography
王安石 119 Wang Anshi
王符 119 Wang Fu
魏收 119 Wei Shou
魏书 魏書 119 Book of Wei
文成 119 Princess Wen Cheng; Princess Wencheng
文德 119 Wende
文殊 87
  1. Manjusri
  2. Manjusri
文宣王 119 Xiao Zi Liang; Wenxuan Wang
文中 119 Bunchū
温州 溫州 87 Wenzhou
文宗 119 Emperor Wenzong of Tang
  1. Wu
  2. Jiangsu
  3. Wu
  4. Wu dialect
  5. Eastern Wu
  6. to speak loudly
无德 無德 119 Shan Zhao; Fenyang Wude
武后 119 Wu Zetian; Empress Wu; Wu Hou; Wu Zhao
五岳 五嶽 119 Five Sacred Mountains
吴子 吳子 119 Wu Zi
武宗 119
  1. Emperor Zhengde; Wu Zong
  2. Emperor Wuzong of Tang
武成 119 Successful Completion of the War
武德 119 Wude
吴国 吳國 119
  1. Wu state
  2. Wu state
吴郡 吳郡 119 Wu Commandery
西京 120
  1. Western Capital
  2. Kyoto
西域 120 Western Regions
120 Ormazda; Sun God
咸淳 88 Xianchun reign
显德 顯德 120 Xiande
襄王 120 King Xiang of Zhou
咸阳 咸陽 120
  1. Xianyang
  2. Xianyang
孝经 孝经 120
  1. Xiao Jing; Classic of Filial Piety
  2. Classic of Filial Piety; Xiaojing
孝文 120 Emperor Xiaowen of Wei
孝昭 120 Xiaozhao
孝庄 孝莊 120 Xiaozhuang; Emperor Xiaozhuang of Northern Wei
悉达 悉達 120 Siddhartha
西林 120
  1. Xilin
  2. Xilin
新唐书 新唐書 120 New Book of Tang
刑部 120 Ministry of Justice
新乐 新樂 120 Xinle
  1. xu
  2. slowly; gently
  3. Xu
  4. Xuzhou
  5. slowly; mandam
宣和 120 Xuan He reign
宣王 120 King Xuan of Zhou
玄奘 120
  1. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
  2. Xuanzang; Hsuan-Tsang
玄宗 120 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang
玄觉 玄覺 120 Xuanjue
宣宗 120
  1. Xuanzong
  2. Seonjong of Goryeo
荀卿 120 Xun Qing
炀帝 煬帝 121 Emperor Yang of Sui
扬州 揚州 121 Yangzhou
延和 121
  1. Yanhe reign
  2. Yanhe reign
兖州 兗州 89
  1. Yanzhou
  2. Yanzhou
颜子 顏子 121 Yanzi
崖州 121 Yazhou
遗教经 遺教經 121 Sutra of Bequeathed Teachings
颍上 潁上 121 Yingshan
121 Yong; Nanning
永明 121 Yongming
永平 89
  1. Yong Ping reign
  2. Yong Ping reign
袁粲 121 Yuan Can
原道 121 Yuandao
元和 121 Yuanhe
元狩 121 Yuanshou
元长 元長 121 Yuanchang
月氏 121 Yuezhi; Rouzhi; Tokhara; Tokharian
云居 雲居 121
  1. Yunju
  2. Yunju
筠州 121 Yunzhou
宰相 122 chancellor; prime minister
曾参 曾參 122 Zeng Shen
张商英 張商英 122 Zhang Shangying
张角 張角 122 Zhang Jue
  1. Zhao
  2. Zhao Dynasty
  3. State of Zhao
  4. to rush
  5. to visit
  6. Zhao
  7. to dig
赵归真 趙歸真 122 Zhao Guizhen
昭王 122 King Zhao of Zhou
赵州 趙州 122
  1. Zhouzhou
  2. Zhouzhou; Zhouzhou Congshen
  1. Zhejiang
  2. Zhe River
正祖 122 Jeongjo of Joseon
郑国 鄭國 122 Zhengguo
政和 122 Zhenghe
镇国 鎮國 122 Zhenguo
志磐 122 Zhi Pan
至德 122 Zhide reign
中观 中觀 90
  1. Madhyamaka
  2. Madhyamaka
中都 122 Zhongdu; Dadu; Khanbaliq; Beijing
终南山 終南山 122 Zhongnan Mountains
中平 122 Zhongping
周朝 122 Zhou Dynasty
周公 122 Duke Zhou
周世宗 122 Emperor Shizong
周襄王 122 King Xiang of Zhou
竺摩腾 竺摩騰 122 Kasyapa-Matanga
朱全忠 122 Taizu of Later Liang
庄子 莊子 90 Zhuang Zi
庄严寺 莊嚴寺 122 Zhangyan Temple
竺法兰 竺法蘭 122 Dharmaratna; Gobharana
诸生 諸生 122 Imperial scholar from the Ming Dynasty onwards
紫微 122 Purple Subtlety
邹国 鄒國 90 state of Zou
坐佛 122 a seated Buddha


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 90.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
白癞病 白癩病 98 leprosy
般涅槃 98 parinirvana
不妄语 不妄語 98
  1. not lying
  2. refrain from lying
臭秽 臭穢 99 foul
道法 100
  1. the method to attain nirvāṇa
  2. Dao Fa
道后 道後 100 having completed the path to enlightenment
得佛 100 to become a Buddha
地水火风 地水火風 100 Earth, Water, Fire and Wind
度僧 100 to lead to become a monastic
度牒 100 ordination license
恶报 惡報 195 retribution for wrongdoing
二教 195 two teachings
法道 102
  1. the way of the Dharma
  2. Fadao
法海 102
  1. Dharma sea
  2. Fa Hai
  3. Fa Hai
发菩提心 發菩提心 102 bodhicittotpāda; initiate the bodhi mind
法眷 102 Dharma friend
法门 法門 102
  1. Dharma gate
  2. dharmaparyāya; dharma gate; a way of teaching the Dharma; a Buddhist teaching; a Dharma door
梵经 梵經 102 Brahma Sutra
废佛 廢佛 102 persecution of Buddhism
焚香 102
  1. Burning Incense
  2. to burn incense
佛道 102
  1. Buddhahood
  2. the Buddha Way
  3. Way of the Buddha
  4. Buddhist practice
  5. bodhi; enlightenment
  6. the path leading to enlightenment
福田 102
  1. field of merit
  2. field of blessing
浮图 浮圖 102
  1. Buddha
  2. Buddha; Buddhist stupa
高僧 103 an eminent monk; a senior monk
归俗 歸俗 103 to return to secular life; to leave monastic life
归真 歸真 103 to return to Tathata
化度 104 convert and liberate; teach and save
还俗 還俗 104 to return to secular life; to leave monastic life
毁法 毀法 104 persecution of Buddhism
毁辱 毀辱 104 to slander and humiliate
见性 見性 106
  1. Seeing One's Nature
  2. to see one's true nature; to realize one's Buddha nature
戒行 106 to abide by precepts
金人 106 golden person; Buddha statue
金神 106 golden diety; Buddha statue
净业 淨業 106
  1. Pure Karma
  2. pure karma; good karma
卷第五 106 scroll 5
具足 106
  1. Completeness
  2. complete; accomplished
  3. Purāṇa
空门 空門 107
  1. Gate of Emptiness
  2. the teaching that everything is emptiness
礼敬 禮敬 108 namo; to pay respect to; to revere
名曰 109 to be named; to be called
魔女 109 Māra's daughters
末尼 109 mani; jewel
摩尼 109 mani; jewel
念佛 110
  1. to chant Buddha's name
  2. to recollect the Buddha; to chant the name of the Buddha
泥黎 110 hell; niraya
入灭 入滅 114
  1. to enter into nirvana
  2. to enter Nirvāṇa; to pass away
入藏 114
  1. to be included in the canon
  2. to enter Tibet
三千 115 three thousand-fold
僧徒 115 master and disciples
僧寺 115 temple; monastery
僧正 115 sōjō
僧众 僧眾 115 the monastic community; the sangha
善恶 善惡 115
  1. good and evil
  2. good and evil
沙汰 115 elimination of defilements through ascetic practice
圣节 聖節 115 emperor's birthday
身通 115 teleportation; ṛddy-abhijña
十地 115 Ten Grounds of Bodhisattva Path; Ten Grounds; the ten grounds of the bodhisattva path; daśabhūmi
实相 實相 115
  1. reality
  2. dharmata; true appearance; the nature of things; the ultimate essence of things
受戒 115
  1. Take the Precepts
  2. to take precepts
数珠 數珠 115 prayer beads; rosary
四句 115 four verses; four phrases
四土 115 four kinds of realm
四果 115 four fruits
寺僧 115 Saṅgha; Saṃgha; Sangha; Buddhist monastic community
娑罗双树 娑羅雙樹 115 twin sala trees
昙谟 曇謨 116 dharma
天童 116 a divine youth
天尊 116 most honoured among devas
唯我独尊 唯我獨尊 119 I alone am the honored one
卧佛 臥佛 119 reclining Buddha
显教 顯教 120 exoteric teachings
写经 寫經 120 to copy sutras
邪正 120 heterodox and orthodox
西方圣人 西方聖人 120 the sage from the west
心要 120 the core; the essence
业行 業行 121
  1. actions; deeds
  2. kṛtya; ill usage or treatment
译经 譯經 121 to translate the scriptures
因明 121 Buddhist logic; hetuvidya
有法 121 something that exists
圆悟 圓悟 121 perfectly apprehending the truth
圆融 圓融 121
  1. Perfect Harmony
  2. yuanrong; interdependence; consumate interfusion; interpenetration
藏经 藏經 122 Buddhist canon
造论 造論 122 wrote the treatise
正观 正觀 122 right observation
真际 真際 122 ultimate truth
众会 眾會 122 an assembly of monastics
诸处 諸處 122 everywhere; sarvatra
总持 總持 122
  1. to hold to the good, total retention
  2. dharani; total retention
最胜 最勝 122
  1. jina; conqueror
  2. supreme; uttara
  3. Uttara
作佛 122 to become a Buddha