Glossary and Vocabulary for Offerings for the Twelve Devas (Shi Er Tian Gong Yi Gui) 十二天供儀軌

Corpus Vocabulary Analysis


  1. Frequencies of Lexical Words
  2. Frequencies of all Words
  3. Keywords
  4. Proper Nouns

Frequencies of Lexical Words

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Example Usage
1 44 èr two 二合
2 44 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
3 44 èr second 二合
4 44 èr twice; double; di- 二合
5 44 èr more than one kind 二合
6 44 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
7 44 èr both; dvaya 二合
8 29 to join; to combine 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
9 29 to close 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
10 29 to agree with; equal to 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
11 29 to gather 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
12 29 whole 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
13 29 to be suitable; to be up to standard 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
14 29 a musical note 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
15 29 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
16 29 to fight 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
17 29 to conclude 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
18 29 to be similar to 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
19 29 crowded 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
20 29 a box 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
21 29 to copulate 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
22 29 a partner; a spouse 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
23 29 harmonious 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
24 29 He 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
25 29 a container for grain measurement 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
26 29 Merge 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
27 29 unite; saṃyoga 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
28 22 zhōng middle 中布八方
29 22 zhōng medium; medium sized 中布八方
30 22 zhōng China 中布八方
31 22 zhòng to hit the mark 中布八方
32 22 zhōng midday 中布八方
33 22 zhōng inside 中布八方
34 22 zhōng during 中布八方
35 22 zhōng Zhong 中布八方
36 22 zhōng intermediary 中布八方
37 22 zhōng half 中布八方
38 22 zhòng to reach; to attain 中布八方
39 22 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中布八方
40 22 zhòng to obtain 中布八方
41 22 zhòng to pass an exam 中布八方
42 22 zhōng middle 中布八方
43 16 xiàng to observe; to assess 左手五指直竪相著
44 16 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 左手五指直竪相著
45 16 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 左手五指直竪相著
46 16 xiàng to aid; to help 左手五指直竪相著
47 16 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 左手五指直竪相著
48 16 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 左手五指直竪相著
49 16 xiāng alternately; in turn 左手五指直竪相著
50 16 xiāng Xiang 左手五指直竪相著
51 16 xiāng form substance 左手五指直竪相著
52 16 xiāng to express 左手五指直竪相著
53 16 xiàng to choose 左手五指直竪相著
54 16 xiāng Xiang 左手五指直竪相著
55 16 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 左手五指直竪相著
56 16 xiāng the seventh lunar month 左手五指直竪相著
57 16 xiāng to compare 左手五指直竪相著
58 16 xiàng to divine 左手五指直竪相著
59 16 xiàng to administer 左手五指直竪相著
60 16 xiàng helper for a blind person 左手五指直竪相著
61 16 xiāng rhythm [music] 左手五指直竪相著
62 16 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 左手五指直竪相著
63 16 xiāng coralwood 左手五指直竪相著
64 16 xiàng ministry 左手五指直竪相著
65 16 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 左手五指直竪相著
66 16 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 左手五指直竪相著
67 16 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 左手五指直竪相著
68 16 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 左手五指直竪相著
69 16 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 左手五指直竪相著
70 16 fu 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
71 16 va 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
72 15 真言 zhēnyán true words 各以本真言加持三遍
73 15 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 各以本真言加持三遍
74 15 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 各以本真言加持三遍
75 15 chí to grasp; to hold 右手持三股當心
76 15 chí to resist; to oppose 右手持三股當心
77 15 chí to uphold 右手持三股當心
78 15 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 右手持三股當心
79 15 chí to administer; to manage 右手持三股當心
80 15 chí to control 右手持三股當心
81 15 chí to be cautious 右手持三股當心
82 15 chí to remember 右手持三股當心
83 15 chí to assist 右手持三股當心
84 15 chí with; using 右手持三股當心
85 15 chí dhara 右手持三股當心
86 15 to use; to grasp 以施十方天
87 15 to rely on 以施十方天
88 15 to regard 以施十方天
89 15 to be able to 以施十方天
90 15 to order; to command 以施十方天
91 15 used after a verb 以施十方天
92 15 a reason; a cause 以施十方天
93 15 Israel 以施十方天
94 15 Yi 以施十方天
95 15 use; yogena 以施十方天
96 15 右手 yòu shǒu right hand 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
97 15 右手 yòu shǒu right side 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
98 14 zhě ca 印相者右手作拳安
99 14 yuē to speak; to say 真言曰
100 14 yuē Kangxi radical 73 真言曰
101 14 yuē to be called 真言曰
102 14 yuē said; ukta 真言曰
103 14 印相 yìnxiāng a mudra; a hand gesture 印相者右手作拳安
104 13 to scold loudly; to curse; to abuse; to denounce 每位於薩嚩訶上
105 13 ha 每位於薩嚩訶上
106 13 南莫 nánmò namo; to pay respect to 南莫三滿多沒馱南
107 13 zuǒ left 左手托左
108 13 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 左手托左
109 13 zuǒ east 左手托左
110 13 zuǒ to bring 左手托左
111 13 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 左手托左
112 13 zuǒ Zuo 左手托左
113 13 zuǒ extreme 左手托左
114 13 zuǒ ca 左手托左
115 13 zuǒ left; vāma 左手托左
116 12 suō to dance; to frolic 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
117 12 suō to lounge 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
118 12 suō to saunter 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
119 12 suō suo 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
120 12 suō sa 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
121 12 左手 zuǒ shǒu left hand 左手托左
122 12 左手 zuǒ shǒu left side 左手托左
123 12 to bend; to flex 地水二指屈中節
124 12 a grievance; unjust treatment 地水二指屈中節
125 12 to diminish 地水二指屈中節
126 12 a door latch 地水二指屈中節
127 12 to submit 地水二指屈中節
128 12 jué obstinate 地水二指屈中節
129 12 jué to exhaust 地水二指屈中節
130 12 Qu 地水二指屈中節
131 12 bent; crooked 地水二指屈中節
132 12 to crouch; to lower the head; to be subservient 地水二指屈中節
133 12 bowed; bent down; avanata 地水二指屈中節
134 11 yòu right; right-hand 右二手一持青
135 11 yòu to help; to assist 右二手一持青
136 11 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右二手一持青
137 11 yòu to bless and protect 右二手一持青
138 11 yòu an official building 右二手一持青
139 11 yòu the west 右二手一持青
140 11 yòu right wing; conservative 右二手一持青
141 11 yòu super 右二手一持青
142 11 yòu right 右二手一持青
143 11 yòu right; dakṣiṇa 右二手一持青
144 11 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 左手五指直竪相著
145 11 zhù outstanding 左手五指直竪相著
146 11 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 左手五指直竪相著
147 11 zhuó to wear (clothes) 左手五指直竪相著
148 11 zhe expresses a command 左手五指直竪相著
149 11 zháo to attach; to grasp 左手五指直竪相著
150 11 zhāo to add; to put 左手五指直竪相著
151 11 zhuó a chess move 左手五指直竪相著
152 11 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 左手五指直竪相著
153 11 zhāo OK 左手五指直竪相著
154 11 zháo to fall into [a trap] 左手五指直竪相著
155 11 zháo to ignite 左手五指直竪相著
156 11 zháo to fall asleep 左手五指直竪相著
157 11 zhuó whereabouts; end result 左手五指直竪相著
158 11 zhù to appear; to manifest 左手五指直竪相著
159 11 zhù to show 左手五指直竪相著
160 11 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 左手五指直竪相著
161 11 zhù to write 左手五指直竪相著
162 11 zhù to record 左手五指直竪相著
163 11 zhù a document; writings 左手五指直竪相著
164 11 zhù Zhu 左手五指直竪相著
165 11 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 左手五指直竪相著
166 11 zhuó to arrive 左手五指直竪相著
167 11 zhuó to result in 左手五指直竪相著
168 11 zhuó to command 左手五指直竪相著
169 11 zhuó a strategy 左手五指直竪相著
170 11 zhāo to happen; to occur 左手五指直竪相著
171 11 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 左手五指直竪相著
172 11 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 左手五指直竪相著
173 11 zhe attachment to 左手五指直竪相著
174 11 沒馱南 méiduònán buddhānām 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
175 11 shù vertical 左手五指直竪相著
176 11 shù upright; ucchrita 左手五指直竪相著
177 11 to be near by; to be close to 即於道
178 11 at that time 即於道
179 11 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即於道
180 11 supposed; so-called 即於道
181 11 to arrive at; to ascend 即於道
182 10 jié festival; a special day 地水二指屈中節
183 10 jié to economize; to save; to moderate 地水二指屈中節
184 10 jié a node 地水二指屈中節
185 10 jié to regulate; to restrain 地水二指屈中節
186 10 jié section; segment; piece 地水二指屈中節
187 10 jié a knot; a joint 地水二指屈中節
188 10 jié courtesy 地水二指屈中節
189 10 jié rate; pitch 地水二指屈中節
190 10 jié chastity; moral integrity; personal integrity 地水二指屈中節
191 10 jié an item 地水二指屈中節
192 10 jié credentials for an envoy 地水二指屈中節
193 10 jié to abridge 地水二指屈中節
194 10 jié Jie 地水二指屈中節
195 10 jié knot; nautical miles per hour 地水二指屈中節
196 10 jié season 地水二指屈中節
197 10 jié jie 地水二指屈中節
198 10 jié bamboo clappers 地水二指屈中節
199 10 jié rhythm 地水二指屈中節
200 10 jié towering 地水二指屈中節
201 10 jié capital of a column 地水二指屈中節
202 10 jié division; aṅga 地水二指屈中節
203 10 shàng top; a high position
204 10 shang top; the position on or above something
205 10 shàng to go up; to go forward
206 10 shàng shang
207 10 shàng previous; last
208 10 shàng high; higher
209 10 shàng advanced
210 10 shàng a monarch; a sovereign
211 10 shàng time
212 10 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to
213 10 shàng far
214 10 shàng big; as big as
215 10 shàng abundant; plentiful
216 10 shàng to report
217 10 shàng to offer
218 10 shàng to go on stage
219 10 shàng to take office; to assume a post
220 10 shàng to install; to erect
221 10 shàng to suffer; to sustain
222 10 shàng to burn
223 10 shàng to remember
224 10 shàng to add
225 10 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc)
226 10 shàng to meet
227 10 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone
228 10 shang used after a verb indicating a result
229 10 shàng a musical note
230 10 shàng higher, superior; uttara
231 10 fēng wind 以風著火背
232 10 fēng Kangxi radical 182 以風著火背
233 10 fēng demeanor; style; appearance 以風著火背
234 10 fēng prana 以風著火背
235 10 fēng a scene 以風著火背
236 10 fēng a custom; a tradition 以風著火背
237 10 fēng news 以風著火背
238 10 fēng a disturbance /an incident 以風著火背
239 10 fēng a fetish 以風著火背
240 10 fēng a popular folk song 以風著火背
241 10 fēng an illness; internal wind as the cause of illness 以風著火背
242 10 fēng Feng 以風著火背
243 10 fēng to blow away 以風著火背
244 10 fēng sexual interaction of animals 以風著火背
245 10 fēng from folklore without a basis 以風著火背
246 10 fèng fashion; vogue 以風著火背
247 10 fèng to tacfully admonish 以風著火背
248 10 fēng weather 以風著火背
249 10 fēng quick 以風著火背
250 10 fēng prevailing conditions; general sentiment 以風著火背
251 10 fēng wind element 以風著火背
252 10 fēng wind; vayu 以風著火背
253 9 shuǐ water 先以淨瓶盛水
254 9 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 先以淨瓶盛水
255 9 shuǐ a river 先以淨瓶盛水
256 9 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 先以淨瓶盛水
257 9 shuǐ a flood 先以淨瓶盛水
258 9 shuǐ to swim 先以淨瓶盛水
259 9 shuǐ a body of water 先以淨瓶盛水
260 9 shuǐ Shui 先以淨瓶盛水
261 9 shuǐ water element 先以淨瓶盛水
262 9 shuǐ water 先以淨瓶盛水
263 9 to go; to 於道場八方敷茅草
264 9 to rely on; to depend on 於道場八方敷茅草
265 9 Yu 於道場八方敷茅草
266 9 a crow 於道場八方敷茅草
267 9 one 每座先置一淨葉
268 9 Kangxi radical 1 每座先置一淨葉
269 9 pure; concentrated 每座先置一淨葉
270 9 first 每座先置一淨葉
271 9 the same 每座先置一淨葉
272 9 sole; single 每座先置一淨葉
273 9 a very small amount 每座先置一淨葉
274 9 Yi 每座先置一淨葉
275 9 other 每座先置一淨葉
276 9 to unify 每座先置一淨葉
277 9 accidentally; coincidentally 每座先置一淨葉
278 9 abruptly; suddenly 每座先置一淨葉
279 9 one; eka 每座先置一淨葉
280 9 zhī to go 置之於座次獻燒香
281 9 zhī to arrive; to go 置之於座次獻燒香
282 9 zhī is 置之於座次獻燒香
283 9 zhī to use 置之於座次獻燒香
284 9 zhī Zhi 置之於座次獻燒香
285 9 zhī winding 置之於座次獻燒香
286 9 zhì to place; to lay out 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
287 9 zhì to establish; to set up; to install 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
288 9 zhì to buy 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
289 9 zhì a relay station 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
290 9 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
291 9 zhì to discard; to abandon 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
292 9 zhì to set aside 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
293 9 zhì to place; nikṣepa 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
294 9 ka 各以本真言加持三遍
295 9 xiàn to offer; to present 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
296 9 xiàn to show; to display 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
297 9 xiàn to celebrate 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
298 9 xiàn a worthy person 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
299 9 xiàn a document 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
300 9 xiàn to perform 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
301 9 suō a technique for filtering wine 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
302 9 suō a container for sacrificial wine 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
303 9 xiàn offering; arpaṇa 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
304 9 second-rate 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
305 9 second; secondary 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
306 9 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
307 9 a sequence; an order 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
308 9 to arrive 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
309 9 to be next in sequence 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
310 9 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
311 9 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
312 9 stage of a journey 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
313 9 ranks 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
314 9 an official position 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
315 9 inside 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
316 9 to hesitate 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
317 9 secondary; next; tatas 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
318 8 zhǎng palm of the hand 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
319 8 zhǎng to manage; to be in charge of 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
320 8 zhǎng soles of the feet; paw of an animal 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
321 8 zhǎng Zhang 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
322 8 zhǎng sole of a shoe; heel of a shoe 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
323 8 zhǎng to add; to increase 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
324 8 zhǎng to slap; to smack 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
325 8 zhǎng to repair [shoes] 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
326 8 zhǎng to put in 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
327 8 zhǎng to hold 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
328 8 zhǎng a horseshoe 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
329 8 zhǎng palm; holding; kara 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
330 8 zuò to do 作兩位
331 8 zuò to act as; to serve as 作兩位
332 8 zuò to start 作兩位
333 8 zuò a writing; a work 作兩位
334 8 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作兩位
335 8 zuō to create; to make 作兩位
336 8 zuō a workshop 作兩位
337 8 zuō to write; to compose 作兩位
338 8 zuò to rise 作兩位
339 8 zuò to be aroused 作兩位
340 8 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作兩位
341 8 zuò to regard as 作兩位
342 8 zuò action; kāraṇa 作兩位
343 8 三滿多 sānmǎnduō together with; samanta 南莫三滿多沒馱南
344 8 kōng empty; void; hollow 空屈中節
345 8 kòng free time 空屈中節
346 8 kòng to empty; to clean out 空屈中節
347 8 kōng the sky; the air 空屈中節
348 8 kōng in vain; for nothing 空屈中節
349 8 kòng vacant; unoccupied 空屈中節
350 8 kòng empty space 空屈中節
351 8 kōng without substance 空屈中節
352 8 kōng to not have 空屈中節
353 8 kòng opportunity; chance 空屈中節
354 8 kōng vast and high 空屈中節
355 8 kōng impractical; ficticious 空屈中節
356 8 kòng blank 空屈中節
357 8 kòng expansive 空屈中節
358 8 kòng lacking 空屈中節
359 8 kōng plain; nothing else 空屈中節
360 8 kōng Emptiness 空屈中節
361 8 kōng emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence; sunyata 空屈中節
362 7 wèi position; location; place
363 7 wèi bit
364 7 wèi a seat
365 7 wèi a post
366 7 wèi a rank; status
367 7 wèi a throne
368 7 wèi Wei
369 7 wèi the standard form of an object
370 7 wèi a polite form of address
371 7 wèi at; located at
372 7 wèi to arrange
373 7 wèi to remain standing; avasthā
374 7 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 大指各押風中節即成
375 7 chéng to become; to turn into 大指各押風中節即成
376 7 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 大指各押風中節即成
377 7 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 大指各押風中節即成
378 7 chéng a full measure of 大指各押風中節即成
379 7 chéng whole 大指各押風中節即成
380 7 chéng set; established 大指各押風中節即成
381 7 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 大指各押風中節即成
382 7 chéng to reconcile 大指各押風中節即成
383 7 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 大指各押風中節即成
384 7 chéng composed of 大指各押風中節即成
385 7 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 大指各押風中節即成
386 7 chéng capable; able; accomplished 大指各押風中節即成
387 7 chéng to help somebody achieve something 大指各押風中節即成
388 7 chéng Cheng 大指各押風中節即成
389 7 chéng Become 大指各押風中節即成
390 7 chéng becoming; bhāva 大指各押風中節即成
391 7 sān three 各以本真言加持三遍
392 7 sān third 各以本真言加持三遍
393 7 sān more than two 各以本真言加持三遍
394 7 sān very few 各以本真言加持三遍
395 7 sān San 各以本真言加持三遍
396 7 sān three; tri 各以本真言加持三遍
397 7 sān sa 各以本真言加持三遍
398 7 sān three kinds; trividha 各以本真言加持三遍
399 7 xiān first 每座先置一淨葉
400 7 xiān early; prior; former 每座先置一淨葉
401 7 xiān to go forward; to advance 每座先置一淨葉
402 7 xiān to attach importance to; to value 每座先置一淨葉
403 7 xiān to start 每座先置一淨葉
404 7 xiān ancestors; forebears 每座先置一淨葉
405 7 xiān before; in front 每座先置一淨葉
406 7 xiān fundamental; basic 每座先置一淨葉
407 7 xiān Xian 每座先置一淨葉
408 7 xiān ancient; archaic 每座先置一淨葉
409 7 xiān super 每座先置一淨葉
410 7 xiān deceased 每座先置一淨葉
411 7 xiān first; former; pūrva 每座先置一淨葉
412 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令極清淨
413 6 lìng to issue a command 令極清淨
414 6 lìng rules of behavior; customs 令極清淨
415 6 lìng an order; a command; an edict; a decree; a statute 令極清淨
416 6 lìng a season 令極清淨
417 6 lìng respected; good reputation 令極清淨
418 6 lìng good 令極清淨
419 6 lìng pretentious 令極清淨
420 6 lìng a transcending state of existence 令極清淨
421 6 lìng a commander 令極清淨
422 6 lìng a commanding quality; an impressive character 令極清淨
423 6 lìng lyrics 令極清淨
424 6 lìng Ling 令極清淨
425 6 lìng instruction by a teacher; adhīṣṭa 令極清淨
426 6 soil; ground; land 地水二指屈中節
427 6 floor 地水二指屈中節
428 6 the earth 地水二指屈中節
429 6 fields 地水二指屈中節
430 6 a place 地水二指屈中節
431 6 a situation; a position 地水二指屈中節
432 6 background 地水二指屈中節
433 6 terrain 地水二指屈中節
434 6 a territory; a region 地水二指屈中節
435 6 used after a distance measure 地水二指屈中節
436 6 coming from the same clan 地水二指屈中節
437 6 earth; pṛthivī 地水二指屈中節
438 6 stage; ground; level; bhumi 地水二指屈中節
439 6 zhǐ to point 手大指押中小二指
440 6 zhǐ finger 手大指押中小二指
441 6 zhǐ to indicate 手大指押中小二指
442 6 zhǐ to make one's hair stand on end 手大指押中小二指
443 6 zhǐ to refer to 手大指押中小二指
444 6 zhǐ to rely on; to depend on 手大指押中小二指
445 6 zhǐ toe 手大指押中小二指
446 6 zhǐ to face towards 手大指押中小二指
447 6 zhǐ to face upwards; to be upright 手大指押中小二指
448 6 zhǐ to take responsibility for 手大指押中小二指
449 6 zhǐ meaning; purpose 手大指押中小二指
450 6 zhǐ to denounce 手大指押中小二指
451 6 zhǐ finger; aṅguli 手大指押中小二指
452 6 huā Hua 次獻一花
453 6 huā flower 次獻一花
454 6 huā to spend (money, time) 次獻一花
455 6 huā a flower shaped object 次獻一花
456 6 huā a beautiful female 次獻一花
457 6 huā having flowers 次獻一花
458 6 huā having a decorative pattern 次獻一花
459 6 huā having a a variety 次獻一花
460 6 huā false; empty 次獻一花
461 6 huā indistinct; fuzzy 次獻一花
462 6 huā excited 次獻一花
463 6 huā to flower 次獻一花
464 6 huā flower; puṣpa 次獻一花
465 6 ān calm; still; quiet; peaceful 印相者右手作拳安
466 6 ān to calm; to pacify 印相者右手作拳安
467 6 ān safe; secure 印相者右手作拳安
468 6 ān comfortable; happy 印相者右手作拳安
469 6 ān to find a place for 印相者右手作拳安
470 6 ān to install; to fix; to fit 印相者右手作拳安
471 6 ān to be content 印相者右手作拳安
472 6 ān to cherish 印相者右手作拳安
473 6 ān to bestow; to confer 印相者右手作拳安
474 6 ān amphetamine 印相者右手作拳安
475 6 ān ampere 印相者右手作拳安
476 6 ān to add; to submit 印相者右手作拳安
477 6 ān to reside; to live at 印相者右手作拳安
478 6 ān to be used to; to be familiar with 印相者右手作拳安
479 6 ān an 印相者右手作拳安
480 6 ān Ease 印相者右手作拳安
481 6 ān e 印相者右手作拳安
482 6 ān an 印相者右手作拳安
483 6 ān peace 印相者右手作拳安
484 6 天女 tiānnǚ a goddess 天女持天花
485 6 天女 tiānnǚ emperor's daugther 天女持天花
486 6 天女 tiānnǚ Vega 天女持天花
487 6 天女 tiānnǚ a swallow 天女持天花
488 6 qián front 場前用淨處別為方界
489 6 qián former; the past 場前用淨處別為方界
490 6 qián to go forward 場前用淨處別為方界
491 6 qián preceding 場前用淨處別為方界
492 6 qián before; earlier; prior 場前用淨處別為方界
493 6 qián to appear before 場前用淨處別為方界
494 6 qián future 場前用淨處別為方界
495 6 qián top; first 場前用淨處別為方界
496 6 qián battlefront 場前用淨處別為方界
497 6 qián before; former; pūrva 場前用淨處別為方界
498 6 qián facing; mukha 場前用淨處別為方界
499 6 to mortgage; to pawn 大指各押風中節即成
500 6 to arrest; to detain; to guard 大指各押風中節即成

Frequencies of all Words

Top 1091

Rank Frequency Chinese Pinyin English Usage
1 44 èr two 二合
2 44 èr Kangxi radical 7 二合
3 44 èr second 二合
4 44 èr twice; double; di- 二合
5 44 èr another; the other 二合
6 44 èr more than one kind 二合
7 44 èr two; dvā; dvi 二合
8 44 èr both; dvaya 二合
9 29 to join; to combine 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
10 29 a time; a trip 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
11 29 to close 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
12 29 to agree with; equal to 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
13 29 to gather 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
14 29 whole 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
15 29 to be suitable; to be up to standard 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
16 29 a musical note 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
17 29 the conjunction of two astronomical objects 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
18 29 to fight 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
19 29 to conclude 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
20 29 to be similar to 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
21 29 and; also 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
22 29 crowded 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
23 29 a box 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
24 29 to copulate 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
25 29 a partner; a spouse 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
26 29 harmonious 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
27 29 should 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
28 29 He 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
29 29 a unit of measure for grain 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
30 29 a container for grain measurement 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
31 29 Merge 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
32 29 unite; saṃyoga 合兩所文為軌已出護摩軌
33 22 zhōng middle 中布八方
34 22 zhōng medium; medium sized 中布八方
35 22 zhōng China 中布八方
36 22 zhòng to hit the mark 中布八方
37 22 zhōng in; amongst 中布八方
38 22 zhōng midday 中布八方
39 22 zhōng inside 中布八方
40 22 zhōng during 中布八方
41 22 zhōng Zhong 中布八方
42 22 zhōng intermediary 中布八方
43 22 zhōng half 中布八方
44 22 zhōng just right; suitably 中布八方
45 22 zhōng while 中布八方
46 22 zhòng to reach; to attain 中布八方
47 22 zhòng to suffer; to infect 中布八方
48 22 zhòng to obtain 中布八方
49 22 zhòng to pass an exam 中布八方
50 22 zhōng middle 中布八方
51 16 xiāng each other; one another; mutually 左手五指直竪相著
52 16 xiàng to observe; to assess 左手五指直竪相著
53 16 xiàng appearance; portrait; picture 左手五指直竪相著
54 16 xiàng countenance; personage; character; disposition 左手五指直竪相著
55 16 xiàng to aid; to help 左手五指直竪相著
56 16 xiāng a chancellor; a prime minister; a high minister 左手五指直竪相著
57 16 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance 左手五指直竪相著
58 16 xiāng alternately; in turn 左手五指直竪相著
59 16 xiāng Xiang 左手五指直竪相著
60 16 xiāng form substance 左手五指直竪相著
61 16 xiāng to express 左手五指直竪相著
62 16 xiàng to choose 左手五指直竪相著
63 16 xiāng Xiang 左手五指直竪相著
64 16 xiāng an ancient musical instrument 左手五指直竪相著
65 16 xiāng the seventh lunar month 左手五指直竪相著
66 16 xiāng to compare 左手五指直竪相著
67 16 xiàng to divine 左手五指直竪相著
68 16 xiàng to administer 左手五指直竪相著
69 16 xiàng helper for a blind person 左手五指直竪相著
70 16 xiāng rhythm [music] 左手五指直竪相著
71 16 xiāng the upper frets of a pipa 左手五指直竪相著
72 16 xiāng coralwood 左手五指直竪相著
73 16 xiàng ministry 左手五指直竪相著
74 16 xiàng to supplement; to enhance 左手五指直竪相著
75 16 xiàng lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic 左手五指直竪相著
76 16 xiàng a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa 左手五指直竪相著
77 16 xiàng sign; mark; liṅga 左手五指直竪相著
78 16 xiàng a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion 左手五指直竪相著
79 16 fu 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
80 16 va 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
81 15 真言 zhēnyán true words 各以本真言加持三遍
82 15 真言 zhēnyán an incantation 各以本真言加持三遍
83 15 真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani 各以本真言加持三遍
84 15 chí to grasp; to hold 右手持三股當心
85 15 chí to resist; to oppose 右手持三股當心
86 15 chí to uphold 右手持三股當心
87 15 chí to sustain; to keep; to uphold 右手持三股當心
88 15 chí to administer; to manage 右手持三股當心
89 15 chí to control 右手持三股當心
90 15 chí to be cautious 右手持三股當心
91 15 chí to remember 右手持三股當心
92 15 chí to assist 右手持三股當心
93 15 chí with; using 右手持三股當心
94 15 chí dhara 右手持三股當心
95 15 so as to; in order to 以施十方天
96 15 to use; to regard as 以施十方天
97 15 to use; to grasp 以施十方天
98 15 according to 以施十方天
99 15 because of 以施十方天
100 15 on a certain date 以施十方天
101 15 and; as well as 以施十方天
102 15 to rely on 以施十方天
103 15 to regard 以施十方天
104 15 to be able to 以施十方天
105 15 to order; to command 以施十方天
106 15 further; moreover 以施十方天
107 15 used after a verb 以施十方天
108 15 very 以施十方天
109 15 already 以施十方天
110 15 increasingly 以施十方天
111 15 a reason; a cause 以施十方天
112 15 Israel 以施十方天
113 15 Yi 以施十方天
114 15 use; yogena 以施十方天
115 15 右手 yòu shǒu right hand 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
116 15 右手 yòu shǒu right side 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
117 14 zhě used after a verb to indicate a person who does the action 印相者右手作拳安
118 14 zhě that 印相者右手作拳安
119 14 zhě nominalizing function word 印相者右手作拳安
120 14 zhě used to mark a definition 印相者右手作拳安
121 14 zhě used to mark a pause 印相者右手作拳安
122 14 zhě topic marker; that; it 印相者右手作拳安
123 14 zhuó according to 印相者右手作拳安
124 14 zhě ca 印相者右手作拳安
125 14 yuē to speak; to say 真言曰
126 14 yuē Kangxi radical 73 真言曰
127 14 yuē to be called 真言曰
128 14 yuē particle without meaning 真言曰
129 14 yuē said; ukta 真言曰
130 14 印相 yìnxiāng a mudra; a hand gesture 印相者右手作拳安
131 13 to scold loudly; to curse; to abuse; to denounce 每位於薩嚩訶上
132 13 ha 每位於薩嚩訶上
133 13 南莫 nánmò namo; to pay respect to 南莫三滿多沒馱南
134 13 zuǒ left 左手托左
135 13 zuǒ unorthodox; improper 左手托左
136 13 zuǒ east 左手托左
137 13 zuǒ to bring 左手托左
138 13 zuǒ to violate; to be contrary to 左手托左
139 13 zuǒ Zuo 左手托左
140 13 zuǒ extreme 左手托左
141 13 zuǒ ca 左手托左
142 13 zuǒ left; vāma 左手托左
143 12 suō to dance; to frolic 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
144 12 suō to lounge 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
145 12 suō to saunter 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
146 12 suō suo 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
147 12 suō sa 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
148 12 左手 zuǒ shǒu left hand 左手托左
149 12 左手 zuǒ shǒu left side 左手托左
150 12 to bend; to flex 地水二指屈中節
151 12 a grievance; unjust treatment 地水二指屈中節
152 12 to diminish 地水二指屈中節
153 12 a door latch 地水二指屈中節
154 12 to submit 地水二指屈中節
155 12 temporarily 地水二指屈中節
156 12 to solicit 地水二指屈中節
157 12 jué obstinate 地水二指屈中節
158 12 jué to exhaust 地水二指屈中節
159 12 Qu 地水二指屈中節
160 12 to subdue 地水二指屈中節
161 12 bent; crooked 地水二指屈中節
162 12 to crouch; to lower the head; to be subservient 地水二指屈中節
163 12 bowed; bent down; avanata 地水二指屈中節
164 11 yòu right; right-hand 右二手一持青
165 11 yòu to help; to assist 右二手一持青
166 11 yòu to; respect; to revere; to admire; to honor; to venerate 右二手一持青
167 11 yòu to bless and protect 右二手一持青
168 11 yòu an official building 右二手一持青
169 11 yòu the west 右二手一持青
170 11 yòu right wing; conservative 右二手一持青
171 11 yòu super 右二手一持青
172 11 yòu right 右二手一持青
173 11 yòu right; dakṣiṇa 右二手一持青
174 11 zhe indicates that an action is continuing 左手五指直竪相著
175 11 zháo to catch; to receive; to suffer; to touch; to contact 左手五指直竪相著
176 11 zhù outstanding 左手五指直竪相著
177 11 zhuó to contact; to use; to apply; to attach to 左手五指直竪相著
178 11 zhuó to wear (clothes) 左手五指直竪相著
179 11 zhe expresses a command 左手五指直竪相著
180 11 zháo to attach; to grasp 左手五指直竪相著
181 11 zhe indicates an accompanying action 左手五指直竪相著
182 11 zhāo to add; to put 左手五指直竪相著
183 11 zhuó a chess move 左手五指直竪相著
184 11 zhāo a trick; a move; a method 左手五指直竪相著
185 11 zhāo OK 左手五指直竪相著
186 11 zháo to fall into [a trap] 左手五指直竪相著
187 11 zháo to ignite 左手五指直竪相著
188 11 zháo to fall asleep 左手五指直竪相著
189 11 zhuó whereabouts; end result 左手五指直竪相著
190 11 zhù to appear; to manifest 左手五指直竪相著
191 11 zhù to show 左手五指直竪相著
192 11 zhù to indicate; to be distinguished by 左手五指直竪相著
193 11 zhù to write 左手五指直竪相著
194 11 zhù to record 左手五指直竪相著
195 11 zhù a document; writings 左手五指直竪相著
196 11 zhù Zhu 左手五指直竪相著
197 11 zháo expresses that a continuing process has a result 左手五指直竪相著
198 11 zháo as it turns out; coincidentally 左手五指直竪相著
199 11 zhuó to arrive 左手五指直竪相著
200 11 zhuó to result in 左手五指直竪相著
201 11 zhuó to command 左手五指直竪相著
202 11 zhuó a strategy 左手五指直竪相著
203 11 zhāo to happen; to occur 左手五指直竪相著
204 11 zhù space between main doorwary and a screen 左手五指直竪相著
205 11 zhuó somebody attached to a place; a local 左手五指直竪相著
206 11 zhe attachment to 左手五指直竪相著
207 11 沒馱南 méiduònán buddhānām 多沒馱南因捺羅耶娑嚩
208 11 shù vertical 左手五指直竪相著
209 11 shù upright; ucchrita 左手五指直竪相著
210 11 promptly; right away; immediately 即於道
211 11 to be near by; to be close to 即於道
212 11 at that time 即於道
213 11 to be exactly the same as; to be thus 即於道
214 11 supposed; so-called 即於道
215 11 if; but 即於道
216 11 to arrive at; to ascend 即於道
217 11 then; following 即於道
218 11 so; just so; eva 即於道
219 10 jié festival; a special day 地水二指屈中節
220 10 jié section; segment; piece 地水二指屈中節
221 10 jié to economize; to save; to moderate 地水二指屈中節
222 10 jié a node 地水二指屈中節
223 10 jié to regulate; to restrain 地水二指屈中節
224 10 jié section; segment; piece 地水二指屈中節
225 10 jié a knot; a joint 地水二指屈中節
226 10 jié courtesy 地水二指屈中節
227 10 jié rate; pitch 地水二指屈中節
228 10 jié chastity; moral integrity; personal integrity 地水二指屈中節
229 10 jié an item 地水二指屈中節
230 10 jié credentials for an envoy 地水二指屈中節
231 10 jié to abridge 地水二指屈中節
232 10 jié Jie 地水二指屈中節
233 10 jié knot; nautical miles per hour 地水二指屈中節
234 10 jié season 地水二指屈中節
235 10 jié jie 地水二指屈中節
236 10 jié bamboo clappers 地水二指屈中節
237 10 jié rhythm 地水二指屈中節
238 10 jié towering 地水二指屈中節
239 10 jié capital of a column 地水二指屈中節
240 10 jié division; aṅga 地水二指屈中節
241 10 shàng top; a high position
242 10 shang top; the position on or above something
243 10 shàng to go up; to go forward
244 10 shàng shang
245 10 shàng previous; last
246 10 shàng high; higher
247 10 shàng advanced
248 10 shàng a monarch; a sovereign
249 10 shàng time
250 10 shàng to do something; to do something at a set time; to go to
251 10 shàng far
252 10 shàng big; as big as
253 10 shàng abundant; plentiful
254 10 shàng to report
255 10 shàng to offer
256 10 shàng to go on stage
257 10 shàng to take office; to assume a post
258 10 shàng to install; to erect
259 10 shàng to suffer; to sustain
260 10 shàng to burn
261 10 shàng to remember
262 10 shang on; in
263 10 shàng upward
264 10 shàng to add
265 10 shàng to fix; to install; to apply (powder, makeup, etc)
266 10 shàng to meet
267 10 shàng falling then rising (4th) tone
268 10 shang used after a verb indicating a result
269 10 shàng a musical note
270 10 shàng higher, superior; uttara
271 10 fēng wind 以風著火背
272 10 fēng Kangxi radical 182 以風著火背
273 10 fēng demeanor; style; appearance 以風著火背
274 10 fēng prana 以風著火背
275 10 fēng a scene 以風著火背
276 10 fēng a custom; a tradition 以風著火背
277 10 fēng news 以風著火背
278 10 fēng a disturbance /an incident 以風著火背
279 10 fēng a fetish 以風著火背
280 10 fēng a popular folk song 以風著火背
281 10 fēng an illness; internal wind as the cause of illness 以風著火背
282 10 fēng Feng 以風著火背
283 10 fēng to blow away 以風著火背
284 10 fēng sexual interaction of animals 以風著火背
285 10 fēng from folklore without a basis 以風著火背
286 10 fèng fashion; vogue 以風著火背
287 10 fèng to tacfully admonish 以風著火背
288 10 fēng weather 以風著火背
289 10 fēng quick 以風著火背
290 10 fēng prevailing conditions; general sentiment 以風著火背
291 10 fēng wind element 以風著火背
292 10 fēng wind; vayu 以風著火背
293 9 shuǐ water 先以淨瓶盛水
294 9 shuǐ Kangxi radical 85 先以淨瓶盛水
295 9 shuǐ a river 先以淨瓶盛水
296 9 shuǐ liquid; lotion; juice 先以淨瓶盛水
297 9 shuǐ a flood 先以淨瓶盛水
298 9 shuǐ to swim 先以淨瓶盛水
299 9 shuǐ a body of water 先以淨瓶盛水
300 9 shuǐ Shui 先以淨瓶盛水
301 9 shuǐ water element 先以淨瓶盛水
302 9 shuǐ water 先以淨瓶盛水
303 9 in; at 於道場八方敷茅草
304 9 in; at 於道場八方敷茅草
305 9 in; at; to; from 於道場八方敷茅草
306 9 to go; to 於道場八方敷茅草
307 9 to rely on; to depend on 於道場八方敷茅草
308 9 to go to; to arrive at 於道場八方敷茅草
309 9 from 於道場八方敷茅草
310 9 give 於道場八方敷茅草
311 9 oppposing 於道場八方敷茅草
312 9 and 於道場八方敷茅草
313 9 compared to 於道場八方敷茅草
314 9 by 於道場八方敷茅草
315 9 and; as well as 於道場八方敷茅草
316 9 for 於道場八方敷茅草
317 9 Yu 於道場八方敷茅草
318 9 a crow 於道場八方敷茅草
319 9 whew; wow 於道場八方敷茅草
320 9 near to; antike 於道場八方敷茅草
321 9 one 每座先置一淨葉
322 9 Kangxi radical 1 每座先置一淨葉
323 9 as soon as; all at once 每座先置一淨葉
324 9 pure; concentrated 每座先置一淨葉
325 9 whole; all 每座先置一淨葉
326 9 first 每座先置一淨葉
327 9 the same 每座先置一淨葉
328 9 each 每座先置一淨葉
329 9 certain 每座先置一淨葉
330 9 throughout 每座先置一淨葉
331 9 used in between a reduplicated verb 每座先置一淨葉
332 9 sole; single 每座先置一淨葉
333 9 a very small amount 每座先置一淨葉
334 9 Yi 每座先置一淨葉
335 9 other 每座先置一淨葉
336 9 to unify 每座先置一淨葉
337 9 accidentally; coincidentally 每座先置一淨葉
338 9 abruptly; suddenly 每座先置一淨葉
339 9 or 每座先置一淨葉
340 9 one; eka 每座先置一淨葉
341 9 zhī him; her; them; that 置之於座次獻燒香
342 9 zhī used between a modifier and a word to form a word group 置之於座次獻燒香
343 9 zhī to go 置之於座次獻燒香
344 9 zhī this; that 置之於座次獻燒香
345 9 zhī genetive marker 置之於座次獻燒香
346 9 zhī it 置之於座次獻燒香
347 9 zhī in; in regards to 置之於座次獻燒香
348 9 zhī all 置之於座次獻燒香
349 9 zhī and 置之於座次獻燒香
350 9 zhī however 置之於座次獻燒香
351 9 zhī if 置之於座次獻燒香
352 9 zhī then 置之於座次獻燒香
353 9 zhī to arrive; to go 置之於座次獻燒香
354 9 zhī is 置之於座次獻燒香
355 9 zhī to use 置之於座次獻燒香
356 9 zhī Zhi 置之於座次獻燒香
357 9 zhī winding 置之於座次獻燒香
358 9 zhì to place; to lay out 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
359 9 zhì to establish; to set up; to install 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
360 9 zhì to buy 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
361 9 zhì a relay station 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
362 9 zhì to release; to set free; to pardon 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
363 9 zhì to discard; to abandon 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
364 9 zhì to set aside 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
365 9 zhì to place; nikṣepa 於帝釋左右置梵天地天
366 9 each 各以本真言加持三遍
367 9 all; every 各以本真言加持三遍
368 9 ka 各以本真言加持三遍
369 9 every; pṛthak 各以本真言加持三遍
370 9 xiàn to offer; to present 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
371 9 xiàn to show; to display 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
372 9 xiàn to celebrate 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
373 9 xiàn a worthy person 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
374 9 xiàn a document 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
375 9 xiàn to perform 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
376 9 suō a technique for filtering wine 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
377 9 suō a container for sacrificial wine 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
378 9 xiàn offering; arpaṇa 即寫少香水於葉上以獻
379 9 a time 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
380 9 second-rate 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
381 9 second; secondary 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
382 9 temporary stopover; temporary lodging 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
383 9 a sequence; an order 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
384 9 to arrive 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
385 9 to be next in sequence 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
386 9 positions of the 12 Jupiter stations 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
387 9 positions of the sun and moon on the ecliptic 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
388 9 stage of a journey 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
389 9 ranks 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
390 9 an official position 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
391 9 inside 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
392 9 to hesitate 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
393 9 secondary; next; tatas 次以右手中無名二指彈少塗香
394 8 zhǎng palm of the hand 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
395 8 zhǎng to manage; to be in charge of 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
396 8 zhǎng soles of the feet; paw of an animal 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
397 8 zhǎng a move 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
398 8 zhǎng Zhang 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
399 8 zhǎng sole of a shoe; heel of a shoe 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
400 8 zhǎng to add; to increase 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
401 8 zhǎng to slap; to smack 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
402 8 zhǎng to repair [shoes] 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
403 8 zhǎng to put in 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
404 8 zhǎng to hold 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
405 8 zhǎng a horseshoe 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
406 8 zhǎng palm; holding; kara 左二手一楊掌一持念珠
407 8 zuò to do 作兩位
408 8 zuò to act as; to serve as 作兩位
409 8 zuò to start 作兩位
410 8 zuò a writing; a work 作兩位
411 8 zuò to dress as; to be disguised as 作兩位
412 8 zuō to create; to make 作兩位
413 8 zuō a workshop 作兩位
414 8 zuō to write; to compose 作兩位
415 8 zuò to rise 作兩位
416 8 zuò to be aroused 作兩位
417 8 zuò activity; action; undertaking 作兩位
418 8 zuò to regard as 作兩位
419 8 zuò action; kāraṇa 作兩位
420 8 三滿多 sānmǎnduō together with; samanta 南莫三滿多沒馱南
421 8 kōng empty; void; hollow 空屈中節
422 8 kòng free time 空屈中節
423 8 kòng to empty; to clean out 空屈中節
424 8 kōng the sky; the air 空屈中節
425 8 kōng in vain; for nothing 空屈中節
426 8 kòng vacant; unoccupied 空屈中節
427 8 kòng empty space 空屈中節
428 8 kōng without substance 空屈中節
429 8 kōng to not have 空屈中節
430 8 kòng opportunity; chance 空屈中節
431 8 kōng vast and high 空屈中節
432 8 kōng impractical; ficticious 空屈中節
433 8 kòng blank 空屈中節
434 8 kòng expansive 空屈中節
435 8 kòng lacking 空屈中節
436 8 kōng plain; nothing else 空屈中節
437 8 kōng Emptiness 空屈中節
438 8 kōng emptiness; emptiness of inherent existence; sunyata 空屈中節
439 7 wèi position; location; place
440 7 wèi measure word for people
441 7 wèi bit
442 7 wèi a seat
443 7 wèi a post
444 7 wèi a rank; status
445 7 wèi a throne
446 7 wèi Wei
447 7 wèi the standard form of an object
448 7 wèi a polite form of address
449 7 wèi at; located at
450 7 wèi to arrange
451 7 wèi to remain standing; avasthā
452 7 chéng to finish; to complete; to accomplish; to succeed; to perfect 大指各押風中節即成
453 7 chéng one tenth 大指各押風中節即成
454 7 chéng to become; to turn into 大指各押風中節即成
455 7 chéng to grow up; to ripen; to mature 大指各押風中節即成
456 7 chéng to set up; to establish; to develop; to form 大指各押風中節即成
457 7 chéng a full measure of 大指各押風中節即成
458 7 chéng whole 大指各押風中節即成
459 7 chéng set; established 大指各押風中節即成
460 7 chéng to reache a certain degree; to amount to 大指各押風中節即成
461 7 chéng to reconcile 大指各押風中節即成
462 7 chéng alright; OK 大指各押風中節即成
463 7 chéng an area of ten square miles 大指各押風中節即成
464 7 chéng to resmble; to be similar to 大指各押風中節即成
465 7 chéng composed of 大指各押風中節即成
466 7 chéng a result; a harvest; an achievement 大指各押風中節即成
467 7 chéng capable; able; accomplished 大指各押風中節即成
468 7 chéng to help somebody achieve something 大指各押風中節即成
469 7 chéng Cheng 大指各押風中節即成
470 7 chéng Become 大指各押風中節即成
471 7 chéng becoming; bhāva 大指各押風中節即成
472 7 huò or; either; else 或蓮荷葉或餘青草
473 7 huò maybe; perhaps; might; possibly 或蓮荷葉或餘青草
474 7 huò some; someone 或蓮荷葉或餘青草
475 7 míngnián suddenly 或蓮荷葉或餘青草
476 7 huò or; vā 或蓮荷葉或餘青草
477 7 sān three 各以本真言加持三遍
478 7 sān third 各以本真言加持三遍
479 7 sān more than two 各以本真言加持三遍
480 7 sān very few 各以本真言加持三遍
481 7 sān repeatedly 各以本真言加持三遍
482 7 sān San 各以本真言加持三遍
483 7 sān three; tri 各以本真言加持三遍
484 7 sān sa 各以本真言加持三遍
485 7 sān three kinds; trividha 各以本真言加持三遍
486 7 xiān first 每座先置一淨葉
487 7 xiān early; prior; former 每座先置一淨葉
488 7 xiān to go forward; to advance 每座先置一淨葉
489 7 xiān to attach importance to; to value 每座先置一淨葉
490 7 xiān to start 每座先置一淨葉
491 7 xiān ancestors; forebears 每座先置一淨葉
492 7 xiān earlier 每座先置一淨葉
493 7 xiān before; in front 每座先置一淨葉
494 7 xiān fundamental; basic 每座先置一淨葉
495 7 xiān Xian 每座先置一淨葉
496 7 xiān ancient; archaic 每座先置一淨葉
497 7 xiān super 每座先置一淨葉
498 7 xiān deceased 每座先置一淨葉
499 7 xiān first; former; pūrva 每座先置一淨葉
500 6 lìng to make; to cause to be; to lead 令極清淨


Top keywords ordered by frequency in comparison to occurrence across the entire corpus

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
  1. èr
  2. èr
  1. two; dvā; dvi
  2. both; dvaya
  1. Merge
  2. unite; saṃyoga
zhōng middle
  1. xiàng
  2. xiàng
  3. xiàng
  4. xiàng
  1. lakṣaṇa; quality; characteristic
  2. a sign; a mark; appearance; nimitta; rūpa
  3. sign; mark; liṅga
  4. a perception; cognition; conceptualization; a notion
真言 zhēnyán a mantra; a dharani
chí dhara
use; yogena
zhě ca
yuē said; ukta

People, places

and other proper nouns

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
阿哦那 97 Agni
八月 98
  1. August; the Eighth Month
  2. eighth lunar month; kārttika
北方 98 The North
不动尊 不動尊 98
  1. Acala
  2. Acalanatha
乘黄 乘黃 99 Chenghuang; Feihuang
大自在天 100 Mahesvara; Mahesvara Deva; Mahissara
地天 100 Prthivi; Earth Deva
帝释 帝釋 100 Sakra; Kausika; Lord of Devas
东方 東方 100
  1. Asia; the Orient
  2. the eastern direction
  3. Dongfang
二水 195 Erhshui
  1. Sanskrit
  2. Brahma
  3. India
  4. pure; sacred
  5. Fan
  6. Buddhist
  7. Brahman
梵天 102
  1. Heavenly Realm
  2. Brahma
风天 風天 102 Vayu; Wind Deva
金宝 金寶 106
  1. Campbell
  2. Kampar
  1. Luo
  2. Luo River
  3. Luoyang
  4. ra
罗摩 羅摩 108 Rāma
没驮 沒馱 109 Buddha
明王 109
  1. vidyaraja; lord of spells; wisdom king
  2. vidyaraja; great mantra
魔醯首罗 魔醯首羅 109 Mahesvara
摩耶 109 Maya
毘沙门天 毘沙門天 112 Vaisravana; Vessavana; Jambhala
青羊 113 Qingyang
日天 114 Surya; Aditya
十二天供仪轨 十二天供儀軌 115 Offerings for the Twelve Devas; Shi Er Tian Gong Yi Gui
水天 115 Varuna
数人 數人 115 Sarvāstivāda
天乘 116 deva vehicle
享和 120 Kyōwa
相如 120 Xiangru
西北方 120 northwest; northwestern
焰摩天 121 Yamadevaloka
伊舍那 121 Īśāna
月天 121 Candra
长谷寺 長谷寺 122 Hase-dera
战捺罗 戰捺羅 122 Candra
智积院 智積院 122 Chishaku-in


Buddhist terminology, except the proper nouns listed above. Number of terms: 32.

Simplified Traditional Pinyin English
白象王 98 white elephant king
半跏 98 to sit with one leg crossed; ardhaparyanka
不异 不異 98 not different
二空 195 two types of emptiness
护摩 護摩 104 homa
加持 106
  1. to bless
  2. to empower; to confer strength on; to aid
劫波杯 106 kapala; skull cup
金刚拳 金剛拳 106 vajra fist
苦行 107
  1. austerity
  2. ascetism; tapas
罗刹 羅剎 108
  1. raksasa
  2. raksasa
没驮南 沒馱南 109 buddhānām
曩莫 110 namo; to pay respect to; homage
南莫 110 namo; to pay respect to
念珠 110
  1. Chanting Beads
  2. prayer beads; rosary
萨嚩 薩嚩 115 sarva; all
三股戟 115 trident
三满多 三滿多 115 together with; samanta
三漫多 115 samanta; universal
三曼多 115 samanta; universal; whole
僧正 115 sōjō
十二天 115 twelve devas
十方 115
  1. The Ten Directions
  2. the ten directions
四天 115 four kinds of heaven
娑嚩诃 娑嚩訶 115 svaha; hail
娑婆诃 娑婆訶 115
  1. svaha; hail
  2. svaha; hail
涂香 塗香 116 to annoint
五大 119 the five elements
药叉 藥叉 121 yaksa
印相 121 a mudra; a hand gesture
圆坛 圓壇 121 round ritual area; mandala
中有 122 an intermediate existence between death and rebirth
诸天 諸天 122 devas