Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing) 長阿含經

Translated by Buddhayaśas and Fo Nian in the Later Qin in 22 scrolls.


長阿含經 後秦 佛陀耶舍共竺佛念譯 共 22 卷
Long Discourses (Chang Ahan Jing); Translated by Buddhayaśas and Fo Nian in the Later Qin in 22 scrolls.

Other Titles



Translated in Chang'an in 413 (Lancaster, 2004, 'K 647')

English Translations

  1. Anālayo 2009, “Views and the Tathāgata – A Comparative Study and Translation of the Brahmajāla in the Chinese Dīrgha-āgama,” In: K.L. Dhammajoti et al. ed. Buddhist and Pali Studies in Honour of the Venerable Professor Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, pp. 183-234. Partial.
  2. Anālayo 2015, “Brahmavihāra and Awakening, A Study of the Dīrgha-āgama Parallel to the Tevijja-Sutta,” Asian Literature and Translation, 3(4). Partial.
  3. Anālayo, 2017, Dīrgha-āgama Studies, Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing, at https://buddhistuniversity.net/content/monographs/da-studies_analayo. Partial.
  4. DiSimone, Charles 2016, “Intertextuality, Contradiction, and Confusion in the Prasādanīya-sūtra, Sampasādanīya-sutta, and 自歡喜經 (Zì huānxǐ jīng),” Buddhist Studies Review, Vol.33-2: 141-162. Partial.
  5. Howard, A. F. 1986, “The Sutra of Cosmology Constituting the Fourth Part of the Dīrghāgama, Translated by Buddhayaśas during the Later Ch'in Dynasty (384-417),” In: The Imagery of the Cosmological Buddha. Netherlands: E.J. Brill, pp. 115-156. Partial (Sutra 30).
  6. Ichimura, Shohei 2015, The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses, Volume I, (Taishō Volume 1, Number 1), translated from the Chinese, BDK English Tripiṭaka Series, Moraga, California: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, at https://bdkamerica.org/product/the-canonical-book-of-the-buddhas-lengthy-discourses-vol-i. Partial (sutras 1-10).
  7. Ichimura, Shohei 2016, The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses, Volume II, (Taishō Volume 1, Number 1), translated from the Chinese, BDK English Tripiṭaka Series, Moraga, California: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, at https://bdkamerica.org/product/the-canonical-book-of-the-buddhas-lengthy-discourses-vol-ii. Partial (sutras 11-20).
  8. Ichimura, Shohei 2018, The Canonical Book of the Buddha’s Lengthy Discourses, Volume III, (Taishō Volume 1, Number 1), translated from the Chinese, BDK English Tripiṭaka Series, Moraga, California: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai, at https://bdkamerica.org/product/the-canonical-book-of-the-buddhas-lengthy-discourses-vol-iii. Partial (sutras 21-30).
  9. Kieschnick, John and Simon Wiles 2017, A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings, Volume One: Foundations, Stanford, California: Stanford University, https://religiousstudies.stanford.edu/people/john-kieschnick/primer-chinese-buddhist-writings. Partial.
  10. Meisig, K 2011, Beginnings of Buddhist Ethics: the Chinese Parallel to the Kūṭadantasutta, Germany: Harrassowitz. Partial.


  1. “Digha Nikaya: The Long Discourses,” edited by Access to Insight, Access to Insight (Legacy Edition), 15 November 2013, http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/index.html.
  2. Walshe, Maurice 2005, The Long Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Digha Nikaya, Simon and Schuster.


Adapted from Lancaster, (Lancaster 2004) reproduced with permission. Korean variants have been replaced with the variants in the Taishō

Primary Source

Buddhayaśas, trans., 《長阿含經》 'Dīrghāgama,' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 1, No. 1, Accessed 2016-07-09, http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/T01n0001.


  1. Lancaster, 2004, 'K 647'.

Collection vocabulary analysis