Synopsis of the Yoga of Eighteen Assemblies of the Diamond Pinnacle Sutra 金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸

Translated by Amoghavajra


第 18 冊 No. 869 金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸 唐 不空譯 共 1 卷
Volume 18, No. 869, Jingang Ding Jing Yujia Shiba Hui Zhi Gui, Synopsis of the Yoga of Eighteen Assemblies of the Diamond Pinnacle Sutra, Translated by Amoghavajra in the Tang in 1 scroll

Other names

Japanese: Kongōchōgyō yuga jūhatte


Describes ritual aspects of the Sarvatathāgatatattvasaṃgraha (T 865). A text included within the 金剛頂經類 Vajraśekhara sūtra group of related texts.


Date 746-774 from Lancaster (2004, 'K 1289'). Presented to the imperial court in 771 by Amoghavajra (Goble 2019, p. 264).

English translation

Giebel, Rolf W. 1995, “The Chin-kang-ting ching yu-ch‘ieh shih-pa-hui chih-kuei: An Annotated Translation,” Naritasan Bukkyd Kenkyujo Kiyo (Journal of Naritasan Institute for Buddhist Studies), No. 18, Translation of Taisho No. 869.

Primary Source

Amoghavajra, 《金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸》 'Jingang Ding Jing Yujia Shiba Hui Zhi Gui,' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 18, No. 869, Accessed 2016-09-29,


  1. Abé, R 1999, p. 545.
  2. FGDB s.v. 金剛頂經瑜伽十八會指歸
  3. Goble 2019, pp. 50-54.
  4. Lancaster 2004, 'K 1289'.

Collection vocabulary analysis