Divisions and Ceremony for the Diamond Sutra 金剛經科儀
By 建基 Jianji in the Qing dynasty
金剛經科儀 清 建基錄 共 1 卷 Divisions and Ceremony for the Diamond Sutra Recorded by 建基 Jianji in the Qing dynastyNotes
Includes Zhaoming's titles for the 32 chapters of the Diamond SutraEnglish translations
NonePrimary Source
Jianji, 金剛經科儀 'Divisions and Ceremony for the Diamond Sutra,' in Manji Shinsan Dainihon Zokuzōkyō 《卍新纂大日本續藏經》, in 河村照孝 編集 / 東京:株式會社國書刊行會, 1975-1989, Vol. 74, No. 1494, Accessed 2021-01-27, http://tripitaka.cbeta.org/X74n1494.Discussion
- Red Pine 2009, The Diamond Sutra: Text and Commentaries Translated from Sanskrit and Chinese, Kindle ed. United Kingdom: Counterpoint.