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Translation Memory Search

The Translation Memory Search page helps to find English for hard-to-translate terms or phrases, perhaps with unusual word combinations or transliterations of person or place names. Enter Chinese text into the input field below to search.


The concept of Translation Memory Search is to find the closest matching term based on several criteria, including how many characters match, similarity of the character order, Pinyin match, and inclusion of the query in the notes. The potential matching terms to be indexed the translated phrases, named entity database (people, places, etc), or dictionary. For example, it may help find difficulty Korean, Japanese, and Tibetan names.

How to Use Translation Memory Search

Enter a phrase or the name of an entity in the text area and click Find. The closest matching term will be ranked at the top. Click on the Chinese text of the term or the [Details] link to find out more about the term. The matching characters for each result are shown in red. An example for the phrase is shown in the screenshot below. The top result is 留惑潤生 'to conserve defilements to benefit beings' (from the Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism), which has three characters in common.


Pinyin   English
