救苦救难 (救苦救難) jiù kǔ jiù nán
jiù kǔ jiù nán
set phrase
to rescue people from suffering and disaster
Domain: Idiom 成语
Notes: (Guoyu '救苦救難')
Contained in
- 海峡两岸百庙千万救苦救难为印度洋海啸灾区祈福消灾万人大法会(海峽兩岸百廟千萬救苦救難為印度洋海嘯災區祈福消災萬人大法會) Relieving the Suffering of the Tsunami Victims: Grand Cross- Strait Blessing Dharma Service
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 3 Wang Sheng Ji 往生集 — count: 1