佛光山 fó Guāng Shān
fó Guāng Shān
proper noun
Fo Guang Shan
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: (Glossary of Humanistic Buddhism) -
fó Guāng shān
proper noun
Fo Guang Shan
Domain: Buddhism 佛教 , Subdomain: Fo Guang Shan
Notes: Chan Buddhisht School based in Taiwan, literally, the Buddha's Light Mountain (Wikipedia '佛光山')
Contained in
- 佛光山维摩书院(佛光山維摩書院) FGS Vimalakirti Institute
- 佛光山开山50周年纪念影像回顾图像展(佛光山開山50周年紀念影像回顧圖像展) Fo Guang Shan: A 50th Anniversary Retrospective Photo Exhibition
- 佛光山短期出家修道会(佛光山短期出家修道會) FGS Short-Term Monastic Retreat
- 佛光山开山三十週年(佛光山開山三十週年) 30th Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan
- 佛光山春节平安灯会(佛光山春節平安燈會) FGS Festival of Light And Peace
- 专家学者看佛光山 3:思想与信仰(專家學者看佛光山 3:思想與信仰) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars: Ideology and Faith
- 佛光山寺 Fo Guang Shan Monastery
- 佛光山大学校长论坛(佛光山大學校長論壇) Fo Guang Shan University Presidents Forum
- 佛光山万佛三坛大戒戒会(佛光山萬佛三壇大戒戒會) Fo Guang Shan Ten-thousand Buddha Triple Platform Full Ordination Ceremony
- 佛光山好苗子培养计画(佛光山好苗子培養計畫) Fo Guang Shan Seeds of Hope Project
- 佛光山藏经楼(佛光山藏經樓) Fo Guang Shan Sutra Repository
- 佛光山功德主会(佛光山功德主會) FGS Benefactor's Meeting
- 佛光山的性格 1.人间的喜乐性格 2.大众的融和性格 3.艺文的教化性格 4.菩萨的发心性格 5.慈悲的根本性格 6.方便的行事性格 7.国际的共尊性格 8.普世的平等性格(佛光山的性格 1.人間的喜樂性格 2.大眾的融和性格 3.藝文的教化性格 4.菩薩的發心性格 5.慈悲的根本性格 6.方便的行事性格 7.國際的共尊性格 8.普世的平等性格) The Characteristics of Fo Guang Shan 1. Humanistic characteristic of joy and happiness 2. Harmonious characteristic of fellowship 3. Transformative characteristic of literature and culture 4. Aspirational characteristic of the bodhisattvas 5. Fundamental characteristic of compassion 6. Practical characteristic of skillful means 7. Global characteristic of coexistence and respect 8. Universal characteristic of equality
- 佛光山丛林大学院(佛光山叢林大學院) (1973-1975); see 佛光山叢林學院
- 佛光山信徒香会(佛光山信徒香會) Fo Guang Shan Devotees' Gathering
- 佛光山教团(佛光山教團) Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Order
- 佛光山文教基金会(佛光山文教基金會) FGS Foundation for Buddhist Culture and Education
- 佛光山住持 Head Abbot of Fo Guang Shan Monastery
- 佛光山开山四十週年纪念特刊(佛光山開山四十週年紀念特刊) Fo Guang Shan 40th Anniversary Edition
- 佛光山电子大藏经(佛光山電子大藏經) FGS Buddhist Electronic Texts
- 佛光山云水书坊2014我爱阅读儿童征文(佛光山雲水書坊2014我愛閱讀兒童徵文) 2014 I Love Reading: Cloud And Water Mobile Library Children's Writing Competition Awards Ceremony
- 专家学者看佛光山 4:现代化与国际化(專家學者看佛光山 4:現代化與國際化) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars: Modernization and Internationalization
- 马到成功─佛光山迎春特展(馬到成功─佛光山迎春特展) FGS Year of the Horse Exhibition
- 佛光山丛林学院(佛光山叢林學院) FGS Tsung-Lin University
- 佛光山百万人兴学感恩茶话会(佛光山百萬人興學感恩茶話會) Fo Guang Shan Million-Member Fundraising Campaign—Thank You Tea Party
- 佛光山百万人兴学行脚托钵(佛光山百萬人興學行腳托缽) Fo Guang Shan Million-Member Fundraising Campaign—Alms Procession
- 佛光山重启山门(佛光山重啟山門) Fo Guang Shan Mountain Gate Re-opening Ceremony
- 佛光山大慈育幼院 FGS Da Ci Children’s Home
- 专家学者看佛光山 6:贡献与成就(專家學者看佛光山 6:貢獻與成就) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars: Contributions and Achievements
- 佛光山人间佛教本山徒众学术研讨会(佛光山人間佛教本山徒眾學術研討會) Academic Conference on Humanistic Buddhism for Members of the Fo Guang Shan Order
- 佛光山英语寺院生活体验营(佛光山英語寺院生活體驗營) FGS Weekend Temple Retreat
- 佛光山佛陀纪念馆(佛光山佛陀紀念館) FGS Buddha Museum
- 佛光山丛林大学(佛光山叢林大學) (1975-1977); see 佛光山叢林學院
- 话说佛光山 2:人事篇(話說佛光山 2:人事篇) Fo Guang Shan: Retrospection: People and Events
- 专家学者看佛光山 5:教育与艺文(專家學者看佛光山 5:教育與藝文) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars: Education and Arts
- 佛光山封山典礼(佛光山封山典禮) Fo Guang Shan Mountain Gate Sealing Ceremony
- 佛光山青年佛学夏令营(佛光山青年佛學夏令營) Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Youth Camp
- 佛光山国际书展(佛光山國際書展) Fo Guang Shan International Book Fair
- 佛光山平安灯会暨国际花艺特展(佛光山平安燈會暨國際花藝特展) FGS Festival of Light And Peace and International Flower Exibition
- 佛光山加尔各答育幼院(佛光山加爾各答育幼院) Buddha's Light Calcutta Children's Home
- 专家学者看佛光山(專家學者看佛光山) Fo Guang Shan in the Eyes of Experts and Scholars
- 佛光山开山的故事(佛光山開山的故事) Buddhism in Every Step: The Founding of Fo Guang Shan
- 佛光山文化院 FGS Culture Council
- 佛光山传授在家五戒菩萨戒(佛光山傳授在家五戒菩薩戒) Five Precepts And Bodhisattva Precepts Retreat
- 话说佛光山(話說佛光山) Fo Guang Shan: Retrospection
- 佛光山国际水果节(佛光山國際水果節) Fo Guang Shan International Fruit Festival
- 佛光山慈善院 FGS Charity Council
- 佛光山的宗风 1. 八宗兼弘,僧信共有 2. 集体创作,尊重包容 3. 学行弘修,民主行事 4. 六和教团,四众平等 5. 政教世法,和而不流 6. 传统现代,相互融和 7. 国际交流,同体共生 8. 人间佛教,佛光净土(佛光山的宗風 1. 八宗兼弘,僧信共有 2. 集體創作,尊重包容 3. 學行弘修,民主行事 4. 六和教團,四眾平等 5. 政教世法,和而不流 6. 傳統現代,相互融和 7. 國際交流,同體共生 8. 人間佛教,佛光淨土) The Focus of Fo Guang Shan 1. To propagate all eight schools of Buddhism, and promote the coexistence of monastics and laity. 2. To stress teamwork and promote respect and magnanimity. 3. To attend equally to cultivate teaching, learning, and practice, and conduct business democratically. 4. To have our monastery uphold the Six Harmonies and emphasize equality among the four groups (bhiksu, bhiksuni, upasaka, upasika). 5. To harmonize politics, religion, and worldly affairs without conflict. 6. To integrate tradition and modernism. 7. To communicate globally, being conscious of homogeneity and interdependence. 8. To cultivate Humanistic Buddhism to build a Buddha's Light Pure Land.
- 财团法人佛光山人间佛教研究院(財團法人佛光山人間佛教研究院) FGS Institute of Humanistic Buddhism
- 佛光山国际平安灯会(佛光山國際平安燈會) Fo Guang Shan International Festival of Light And Peace
Also contained in
Word is mentioned most frequently in
Truncated for common words
- Scroll 4 Huayan Jing Zhuanji 華嚴經傳記 — count: 2
- Scroll 14 Fa Yuan Zhu Lin 法苑珠林 — count: 1
- Scroll 1 Xu Qingliang Chuan 續清涼傳 — count: 1
- Scroll 2 Ji Shenzhou San Bao Gan Tong Lu 集神州三寶感通錄 — count: 1 , has English translation
- Scroll 1 Gu Qingliang Chuan 古清涼傳 — count: 1