Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānahṛdayaguhyadhātukaraṇḍamudrādhāraṇī (Yiqie Rulai Xin Mimi Quanshen Sheli Bao Qie Yin Tuoluoni Jing) 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經

Translated by Amoghavajra


第 19 冊 No. 1022B 一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經 唐 不空譯 共 1 卷
Volume 19, No. 1022B; Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānahṛdayaguhyadhātukaraṇḍamudrādhāraṇī (Yiqie Rulai Xin Mimi Quanshen Sheli Bao Qie Yin Tuoluoni Jing); Translated by Amoghavajra in the Tang in 1 scroll

Other names

The Scripture of the Mudrās and Dhāraṇīs of the Precious Repository of the Secret Whole-body Śarīra of all the Tathāgata; Sūtra of the Whole-body Relic Treasure Chest Seal Dhāraṇī


See 1022A.


This text does not appear in the Korean canon. A Taishō footnote for this text reads: <原>享和元年刊長谷寺藏本, 此經與麗本大異故別載之 Source: Hase-dera Canon, published in the first year of the Kyōwa era [1801-1804]; there are large differences between this text and the Korean Canon.

English translation

Rulu 2012, >Teachings of the Buddha, Bloomington: Author House, pp.59-65.

Primary Source

Amoghavajra, 《一切如來心祕密全身舍利寶篋印陀羅尼經》 'Sarvatathāgatādhiṣṭhānahṛdayaguhyadhātukaraṇḍamudrādhāraṇī (Yiqie Rulai Xin Mimi Quanshen Sheli Bao Qie Yin Tuoluoni Jing),' in Taishō shinshū Daizōkyō 《大正新脩大藏經》, in Takakusu Junjiro, ed., (Tokyo: Taishō Shinshū Daizōkyō Kankōkai, 1988), Vol. 19, No. 1022B, Accessed 2016-10-05,


  1. Giebel 2011, pp. 27-36.
  2. Orzech and Sørensen 2011a, p. 150.

Collection vocabulary analysis